briefenthusiastlight · 8 months
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darktimetravelllama · 9 months
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bontebok0 · 2 years
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【サンヨー食品 ファミマル 金澤味噌ラーメン 神仙監修 濃厚味噌ラーメン】を食べました😋 加賀みそを30%使用した濃厚でコクのあるスープです。食べごたえのあるちぢれた油揚げ太麺&具材は味付豚肉、メンマ、もやし、ねぎ。〔税抜き221円〕 ⭐️⭐️星ふたつでした🎉 ※私の独断と偏見で3段階評価させていただきました。 #カップ麺 #カップラーメン #ラーメン 動画はこちら https://youtu.be/VQhW_Oivc2w #サンヨー食品 #ファミマル #金澤味噌ラーメン #神仙 #濃厚味噌ラーメン #加賀みそ #もやし #ファミリーマート限定 https://www.instagram.com/p/Cji85jEvtaB/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ulftorio · 2 years
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【神仙の教え】 天仙を求めんと欲する者は、 当に一千三百の善を立つべし。 地仙を求めんと欲する者は、 当に三百の善を立つべし。 ......或いは心に悪を起さば、 悪、未だ為さずと雖も、 而も凶神すでに之に随ふ...... 謂わゆる禍を転じて福と為すなり。 故に吉人は善を語り、善を視、善を行ふ。 一日に三善あらば、 三年にして天必ず之に福を降さん。 凶人は悪を語り、 悪を視、悪を行ふ。 一日に三悪あらば、 三年にして天必ず之に禍を降さん。 なんぞ勉めて 之を行はざらんや。 ==== 先祖供養で神仙の祝詞を再びあげているこの頃ですが、至極まともなことがつらつらと述べられている。 悪いことは例え為さなくても 心に思っただけで禍を招くが、 善いことをすれば必ず 禍は福へ転ずると。 どろどろの政治にはいちばん 縁がない教えよ... ※写真は八海山の六合目にて。 [2022.07.02@八海山] #神仙 #神仙感応経 #神道 #神 #先祖 #儒教 #道教 #修験道 #tao #confucianism #shinto #shrine (Minamiuonuma-shi, Niigata, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/CgJ80QcpFLM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ruanbaijie · 2 months
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THE SPIREALM 致命游戏 (2024) 1.64 adapted from the danmei novel Kaleidoscope of Death 死亡万花筒 by Xi Zi Xu 西子绪
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madcat-world · 4 months
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【式神祖先】系列|蛇仙 (1 of 12) - Bigball Gao
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turtlespancakeart · 7 months
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the narzissenkreuz quartet is sooooo normal you guys trust me
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tsubameyado · 1 month
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そして、今回何かお買い上げの方にこちらの「紺珠伝迷路」と鈴仙ポストカードをセットでお渡しいたします! ……実は本当はこんな感じの紺珠伝迷路本が作りたかったのですが、思っていたより(ある意味で、思っていた通り)迷路やパズルというのは色々なところに気を配らなくてはならず難しく、分量として間に合いませんでした……。いつか(秋例大祭くらい?)に出せたらいいなと思います。なぜなら、私自身がこうした迷路やパズルの本の雰囲気が大好きなので!!!
そんな感じで、あともう少しだけ何かをお知らせできるといいのですが……。(←やっぱりだめでしたすみません 色紙がんばります) 時間と体力の許す限り、当日まで頑張ります!
2024年5月3日 第21回博麗神社例大祭@東京ビッグサイト 東5ホール け17ab Tsubameyado
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nagaino · 11 months
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indatsukasa · 1 year
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A Mother of Abominations
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dkniade · 9 months
English localization of Zhongli’s and Nahida’s Archon titles, Genshin Impact Character Title Localization in General, and Zhongli’s title of Yanwang Dijun
I was reading the wiki page for the current Archons (and their names & titles) and the more I think about their titles the more I feel the English localization of Zhongli’s title is strange.
Here (just the ones from the five released regions):
Venti/Barbatos, Lord Barbatos, God of Freedom, Anemo Archon, of Mondstadt
Zhongli/Morax, Rex Lapis, God of Contracts, Geo Archon, of Liyue
Raiden Ei/Beelzebul, Raiden Shogun, God of Eternity, Electro Archon, of Inazuma
Nahida/Buer, Lesser Lord Kusanali, God of Wisdom, Dendro Archon, of Sumeru
Furina/Focalors, Lady Furina, God of Justice, Hydro Archon, of Fontaine
….face in hands. Why is Zhongli’s Archon title 岩王帝君 (Yanwang Dijun / Yan3wang3 Di4jun1) officially localized in Latin (with the meaning of King of Stone). Of course I’m used to seeing it because he’s consistently referred to as Rex Lapis in English, but if you really think about it:
“Hello, I’m a god in what’s basically a Chinese xianxia setting. I’m the god of stone and contracts, and I know a lot about the traditions of my nation, which is based on Chinese culture. For some time, I was seen as the leader or even emperor of my nation. I’m worshipped with a Latin title by my own people”
(I’ll explain the Chinese title’s meaning further below.)
Some time ago, I watched the first few minutes of the Sumeru Archon Quest in Japanese. Paimon mentions the Dendro Archon by title: クラクサナリデビ.
In romaji, this is Kura Kusanari Debi. (According to her wiki page, literally speaking, this title means Little Kusanali Devi.)
I can’t confirm its accuracy, but the etymology section of her page says this:
The name Kusanali likely refers to the Kusanāḷi-Jātaka, one of the poems within the Jātaka, a series of 547 Buddhist poems detailing the previous births of Buddha. The Kusanāḷi-Jātaka specifically details the encounter with a tree sprite.
"Kusanāḷi" itself is derived from the Pali words kusa ("kusa-grass," a sacred plant used in Hindu ceremonies) and nāḷi ("a hollow stalk or tube").
In Korean, the name is 쿠사나리 데비 Kusanari Debi. The word 데비 Debi derived from the Sanskrit or Pali word devī ("goddess" or "queen").
In Japanese, the name is クラクサナリデビ Kura Kusanari Debi, where デビ Debi may be of the same derivation as above, and クラ Kura may be derived from the Pali word khudda ("small", "inferior" or "low"). Kura may also be derived from the Persian word خدا Khuda ("Lord" or "God").
Genshin Impact doesn’t have Sanskrit as an available subtitle language but I wonder what would her title be in Sanskrit…? And if any of the official subtitle languages are similar to a theoretical Sanskrit title…
Oh, also, a note on character titles in Genshin Impact:
Since the original language is in Chinese, it seems most of the time a (non-Liyue) character’s Chinese title will not be a phonetic transcription. Instead, the Chinese title will be based on meaning, and the English localization will likely take that meaning and either localize it into English, or into the language “native” to the in-game region (and real-life culture).
For example, a Fontainian title, a Mondstadtian title, and a Liyue title would all have Chinese meaning in the Chinese version, but they’ll probably be localized into either English for all three, or French, German, and Chinese pinyin respectively (….or Latin. It’s not very consistent in Liyue) in the English version.
Lyney’s Chinese title (from his key visual) 惑光幻戏 (Magic of Puzzling Lights) is localized as “Spectacle of Phantasmagoria” in the English version, but theoretically they could also localize it into French as “Spectacle de fantasmagorie” (as it is in the official French version)
Albedo’s Chinese title 白垩之子 (Son of Chalk) is localized as the German “Kreideprinz” (Chalk Prince) but theoretically they could also could localize it into English as “Chalk Prince”
(What’s a good example for a Liyue character that doesn’t need extensive explanation on Daoism… Ah whatever. I’ll explain Zhongli’s own Archon title.)
Zhongli’s title as an Archon is 岩王帝君 (Yanwang Dijun, roughly meaning God of King of Stone). The first two hanzi characters mean stone and king (hence the English localization of Rex Lapis, Latin for King of Stone). But that lacks the nuance and cultural significance in the Chinese title.
帝君 (dijun) is (I believe…) a Daoist title of reverence added to a god’s name. So putting it together, 岩王帝君 can either be localized into pinyin as Yanwang Dijun (in a similar way that MDZS’s 夷陵老祖 Yiling Laozu is known as the Yiling Patriarch)… Or Lord Stone King if you really want but that has different religious connotations…
帝君 is similar to 真君 (zhenjun, another Daoist title for gods) which is often used for the Liyue 仙 (xian, localized as Adepti) characters. (In English, an adept, plural form adepts, refers to someone who’s very skilled at something. It seems in the game 仙 includes both Adepti with animal forms and Adepti with human forms, and 仙人 xianren specifically refers to Adepti who appear human, like Xiao.)
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文: 大陆大法弟子  
白衣仙子说:“以往,谁把人看重啊!我们静观人世沉沦,自诩超脱。转轮圣王慈悲众生,慈悲世人,救度他们。我们现在知道了,世人有其可贵之处。世人的选择,和我们的选择,在一个起点上了啊,众生平等到了一个前所未有的新时期, 真是旷古未闻啊!”
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cpopjukebox · 8 months
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npt2910 · 2 years
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ruanbaijie · 2 months
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我从来没有见过阮哥为谁拼过命。他自己还一直跟我们说,说想要在游戏里活下去,就不能让自己处于险境。结果他,倒为你奋不顾身。不过你在最后时刻,也不顾自己安危,把钥匙丢出来,跟阮哥也一样。你俩不愧是最佳拍档。 I've never ever seen Ruan-ge fight so hard for someone, as if his life depended on it, before. He himself always tells us that if you want to survive in the games, you can't put yourself in dangerous situations. Yet, in the end, he... didn't care about his own safety for you. But in that final moment, you, too, without caring about your own safety, threw the key out, just like Ruan-ge. Both of you truly make the best partners.
THE SPIREALM 致命游戏 (2024) 1.45 adapted from the danmei novel Kaleidoscope of Death 死亡万花筒 by Xi Zi Xu 西子绪
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