kisssuger · 1 year
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當你的小豹貓套裝❤️ 可愛又壞壞✨ ☁️穿搭分享☁️ ☁️外套資訊私訊小盒子☁️ 🔥配戴KISSSUGER 解鎖妳的靈魂引力🔥 @kisssuger 天然水晶飾品 @kisssuger.nail 美甲店+穿戴甲訂製 @kisssuger.makeup 妝髮造型+美睫 @kisssukisssu 精品服飾品牌 @kisssuger.art 繪畫作品 @kisssukirakira 魔女學園社團 #wear #女裝 #穿搭日常 #穿搭日記 #kisssuger等待邀請 #聖誕節 #貓 #禮物 #粉紅 #豹貓 #粉紅色 #粉紅控 #蝴蝶結 #🎀 #豹紋 #套裝 #選物店 #精品 #精品代購 #精品服飾 #kisssuger #y2kfashion #barbiedoll #芭比 #y2k #y2kstyle #barbie #barbiestyle #y2kaesthetic #💖 https://www.instagram.com/p/Clza-0-yL1x/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ariessheep9 · 3 months
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レデボウリア ソシアリス ビオラセア
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willieshop · 1 year
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V領豹紋繫帶短版雪紡襯衣 $359 商品貨號: ws001716 材質:雪紡 #襯衣 #襯衫 #V領 #短版 #雪紡衫 #法式 #豹紋 #繫帶 #威力商店 https://www.instagram.com/p/Ckb-02fSAa-/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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mayatara · 2 years
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中央山脈及大片土石覆蓋的紅葉溪 雖然小時候的美麗家園變了樣, 但仍是我們的家鄉,希望您會如我們愛您一樣愛它。 古老的裝飾工藝,Pietra Dura(硬石拼貼),源自西元前的馬賽克工藝,在義大利文藝復興時期發展成熟。 之後Pietra dura傳至藝術和建築蓬勃發展的印度莫臥兒王朝 ;印度稱為parchin lari或parchinkari,是使用切割的鑲嵌技術,高度拋光的彩色寶石來創造圖像。切割所需形狀的原石會耗損石材,目前在台灣較為少見。 #馬賽克拼貼 #寶石馬賽克 #深山裡的挖山公司 #不能農耕可以挖礦 #MayaTara #瑪雅塔拉 #花蓮紅葉村 #鉻透輝石 #純銀別針 #pietradrura #石英內含雲母 #藍線石 #碧玉 #砂金石 #豹紋瑪瑙 #白玉髓 #純銀 https://www.instagram.com/p/CjPxWS3vvdR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ccathurine · 2 years
手作成就解鎖。punch needle
上個月開始了新手作,Punch needle! Punch needle是戳針/戳繡,在台灣翻譯 俄羅斯刺繡(punch needle embroidery),這是一種不會刺繡的人,在短時間也能輕易上手的,快速完成刺繡作品。 在選擇這項手藝時,其實是先看上簇絨地毯(tufting),電動戳槍、地毯刺槍,在台灣已開始流行,一些手作教室也開課,但一堂課成品地毯一件,價格也要2000多元,不便宜,google簇絨槍也不便宜678千都有,上萬也有,但是它可以做出大幅作品,視覺效果很棒;退而求其次,我還是自己用手戳、戳、戳吧~做點小而美的精緻小物! 這次直接買了材料包,包含了工具與材料,不用各別去買回,拿到材料包就可以直接製作。 豹紋。杯墊…
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jiunmaylin-blog · 1 month
第六部 曹家寶藏 楚王墓玲瓏塔 14靈獸
………奇幻盜墓探險小說之第六部 14
《第六部 曹家寶藏 楚王墓玲瓏塔14靈獸 》
FB: tombrobber2021
希望神獸人間 奇幻盜墓小說系列故事能讓您在紛擾繁忙的日常之外忘憂的進入一個奇幻、神秘且美好的世界... 》
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mytimchang · 4 months
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泳褲們NO384  這是國外SHEINE購物網站出的粉紅色豹紋丁字褲,本身材質就很像泳褲,所以當然就當作泳褲來穿囉!
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kisssuger · 1 year
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兔兔外套套💗❤️❤️❤️❤️ ☁️穿搭分享☁️ ☁️外套資訊私訊小盒子☁️ 🔥配戴KISSSUGER 解鎖妳的靈魂引力🔥 @kisssuger 天然水晶飾品 @kisssuger.nail 美甲店+穿戴甲訂製 @kisssuger.makeup 妝髮造型+美睫 @kisssukisssu 精品服飾品牌 @kisssuger.art 繪畫作品 @kisssukirakira 魔女學園社團 #wear #女裝 #穿搭日常 #穿搭日記 #kisssuger等待邀請 #聖誕節 #貓 #禮物 #粉紅 #豹貓 #粉紅色 #粉紅控 #蝴蝶結 #🎀 #豹紋 #套裝 #選物店 #精品 #精品代購 #精品服飾 #kisssuger #y2kfashion #barbiedoll #芭比 #y2k #y2kstyle #barbie #barbiestyle #y2kaesthetic #💖 https://www.instagram.com/p/CmGl8gYyriz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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kenghaokang · 5 months
平行與斜率 – 耿晧剛的第三自然
第三自然 耿晧剛個展
The Third Nature / Daily Pattern Keng Hao Kang
9.9 – 10.8 2017
月臨畫廊 台中
Moon Gallery Taichung
1969年出生的耿晧剛,已經是屬於玩著機器戰警、打著電動玩具長大的一代;在東海大學美術系畢業之後,便前往歐洲古老卻也時尚的城市米蘭,進入布雷拉藝術學院就讀,主修繪畫與裝置,指導教授Prof.Diego Esposito更是一位強調觀念與思考的前衛藝術家。這樣的背景,讓初至異國的這位東方少年,學會了用心眼去觀看、認識、掌握、紀錄那個既古老又時尚的歷史名城;那曾經是歐洲文藝復興的故鄉,也是達文西、米開朗基羅這些偉大的曠世奇才生活、創作的地方……。
蕭瓊瑞 《國立成功大學歷史系所教授》 台灣美術史學者
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Parallel and Slope – The New Works of the Third Nature by Keng Hao-Kang
Of the abstract painters in the new generation, Keng Hao-Kang, born in a family of artists, is one of the best who combines the rational constructivism of his father and the lyric style of his mother. When Keng studied abroad in Italy between the late 1990s and the early 2000s, he had gradually revealed his personal unique taste of art creation whose works show strong and young colors of the new generation to express the curiosity towards the world to explore, absorb, reflect, and collage.
Born in 1969, Keng grew up with robot police toys and video games. After he graduated from the department of fine arts in Tunghai University, he left for Milan, an ancient and fashionable city in Europe, and studied in the Art Academy of Brera with is major in painting and installation art. His thesis advisor, Prof. Diego Esposito, is an avant-garde artist, who taught him to observe, understand, explore and record the historical city through his mind because Milan used to be the origin place of the European Renaissance and also the place where Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo lived and created the master pieces.
However, compared to the ancient history of the city, the deployment of store windows, various colorful products, geometric patterns and textures of ancient mosaic walls, and the arrangement pattern of paving stones were more attractive to him. And these visual elements have naturally blended into his art pieces, forming a part of the paintings.
In traditional western landscape paintings, the rolling hills used to the theme for the painting artists in low-lying countries such as the Netherlands, and this is also the reason why the landscape paintings are named as “landscape.” Then, with the rise of impressionism and citizen class, the urban landscape forming in the beginning of the industrial society had become the new topic concerned by the artists. Therefore, the Mother Nature is called “the First Nature,” and the urban landscape is called “the Second Nature.”
When the industrial civilization became mature, the man-made objects, products, printings, digital images…etc. have replaced the streets and buildings of urban landscape, forming “the Third Nature.”
Furthermore, for the new generation like Keng who played robot police toys and video games in their childhood, “the Third Nature” is obviously a closed, familiar, interactive and integrated theme in their lives.
In the beginning, Keng neither fully grasped nor concluded the ways to absorb and use the visual aesthetics of the Third Nature, nor he expressed the entire emotions. It is rather to describe him as a troubadour who presented colors, formats and words with open, flowing and enjoyable minds of their own warmth and personality on the paintings. When he first arrived in Milan during 1998-2000, he made some colorful ink paintings that used simple strokes to capture the ideas or images emerged suddenly, or some repetitive parallel lines, overlapping symbols and strokes, and outlines of human figures… These early manuscripts were served as reference for his creation in a later date but also recorded his ideas; moreover, these also revealed his thinking trace and focus in his early creation stage.
We can see his efforts on his acrylic paintings, where he overlapped colors to create imprinted texture of color lumps. He also painted light bright color on the lower layer, where actually covered multiple layers of dark colors. This articulating-paper effect not only increases the texture of the paintings, but also presents the layers and echo of history and memories.
In addition, colors also bear the mission to express warmth. As in some of his art pieces, such as “Tropical” (2014) and “24 Degrees,” we can see his sensitivity and management on the environment. Of which, sometimes you see the ancient mosaic patters of buildings, colorful square glass windows, and even cartoon figures like Mickey Mouse and Minnie Mouse, Sponge Bob, Superman, and Bat Man, while there are animal furs like zebras and leopards appeared in the geometric patterns in his art pieces in 2013 to fully reflect the nature of an enthusiastic artist who cares a lot of everything.
Obviously, Keng is inspired by various topics from both cities such as walls, shop windows, sign-boards, and paving stones and living objects such as envelopes and papers. Some of the named pieces like “Joyce” (2012-2015), “Stairs” (2014), “Camouflage” (2014) also showed the fragment that the artist’s life.
To be a successful artist, the key is to arrange and deploy these things and objects in a limited frame to present certain meanings or aesthetics, instead of the sentiment and capture of the external world. It is very obvious that the success of Keng is that he detaches the independent fragments and terms from his language context and collages and combines with another context to form new meanings and contexts, creating a space for audience’s viewing and understanding and even different interpretation. This kind of method is very similar to the construction of installation art.
The art piece “Navigation” in 2015 is a new beginning which is very different from the self-explanatory or symbolic half-image construction. The painting is comprised of completely horizontal and vertical images with the two-thirds of the left half painting by lower brightness including pink, greyish yellow, black, blue, blackish green, and purplish blue and with one-third of the right half separating by smaller parallel cutting and some high brightness blocks near the middle including pure white, grey, and citrus red (especially setting by one purplish blue in the middle and a big black block on the left side), serving as the visual focus of the full frame painting. The “Navigation” effect is like a spot light that navigates boats on the black sea.
Since “Navigation,” he further created a series of art pieces named “Moving Forward” in 2016. Although the size of “Moving Forward” is comparatively small compared to “Navigation” (2015), the parallel and slop splits of dark color blocks bring people elegant and introverted feelings.
Through the changes in parallel and slope construction, he developed another series of “Abstract 1,” “Abstract 2,” “Dynamics 1,” “Dynamics 2,” “Dynamics 3,” “Dynamics 4,” “Tangled 1,” “Tangled 2,” “Anchoring,” “Working Day 1,” “Working Day 2,” and “Stairs.” By parallel and slope intertwining, the changes in color field size with different color hue, the genius comparison between colors and achromatic colors produce various visual and spiritual feelings. Of which, the series of “Dynamics” have a strong comparison in brightness with the space sense created by linear and plane slope changes, leaving strong impression for the viewers on the pink lines.
The curved spatial changes constructed in “Dynamics 4” and “Stairs” in 2016 are served as the trailer for the development in 2017, including “Growth,” “The World in the Eyes 1,” “The World in the Eyes 2” and “Reaching the Summit.” These art pieces show a new appearance of the artist and they are also the most mature development of the geometric construction of parallel and slope development as seen from the comparatively complicated changes in color fields and short color lines.
The most challenging geometric challenge is to maintain the thinking characteristics of art creation without trapping by pure designing. The new series by Keng have expressed his ability to manage colors and spatial depth perception. The crossing parallel lines and regular slope changes is the most expressive presentation of buildings under the sun shining; however, the color painted by the artist gave the art pieces more musical and spatial senses.
We can also observed the calligraphy lines that the artist intentionally added into the art pieces from 2015 to 2017, including “Peach Blossoms” (2015), “Lemon Tree” (2015), “Coastline” (2015), “Sunbathing” (2015), “It is Cloud 1” (2016), “It is Cloud 2” (2016), and “Working Day 2.” These art pieces are another possible trial for the artist under his chief focus on parallel and slope.
As the abstract artist of the new generation, Keng uses his strong creativity and diligence to prove his existence and efforts to the art field, which is worthy of recognition and expectation.
Hsiao Chong-Ray, Taiwanese art historical scholar
Professor of the Department of History, NCKU,
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willieshop · 2 years
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寬鬆短版豹紋長袖t恤 $359 商品貨號: ws001694 材質:聚酯纖維+棉 #短版 #t恤 #長袖t恤 #豹紋 #威力商店 https://www.instagram.com/p/CkEyUAehPuJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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may-justyna · 7 months
キバナコスモス+ #ツマグロヒョウモン!
#K3II #秋桜 #蝶 #褄黒豹紋
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char-x3 · 7 months
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金毛: 我件豹紋背心熄唔熄匙?😂熄匙=Sexy😝
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youqihou · 7 months
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香港海洋公園🇭🇰尋鯊探秘 Hong Kong Ocean Park Shark Mystique
Shatter the myths and fears surrounding the ocean’s top predators at Shark Mystique, a unique exhibit showcasing over a hundred sharks and rays! Get 360 degree views of incredible sea life, such as the sawfish with its saw-like rostrum and the zebra shark with leopard-like spots all over its body! As you uncover more fun facts about these beautiful animals, test your newfound knowledge at interactive games and join your favourite celebrities in saying no to shark fin!
香港海洋公園,尋鯊探秘, Hong Kong Ocean Park, Shark Mystique,
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kimtaku · 7 months
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황순원의 단편 소설 ‘소나기’에 등장하는 마타리를 찾아 온 암끝검은표범나비
마타리 = 오미나에시 / オミナエシ(女郎花)
네발나비과(タテハチョウ科) 암끝검은표범나비
일어 : 츠마구로 효몬 ツマグロヒョウモン(褄黒豹紋/처흑표문)
영어 : Indian Fritillary (인디안 프리틸러리)
마타리는 일본의 가을 일곱가지 풀 (秋の七草) 중의 하나이다.
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jiunmaylin-blog · 1 month
第六部 曹家寶藏 楚王墓玲瓏塔 12香篆密語
………奇幻盜墓探險小說之第六部 12
《第六部 曹家寶藏 楚王墓玲瓏塔12香篆密語》
或搜尋 神獸人間
FB: tombrobber2021
希望神獸人間 奇幻盜墓小說系列故事能讓您在紛擾繁忙的日常之外忘憂的進入一個奇幻、神秘且美好的世界... 》
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