eherealcreations · 7 months
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𝕎𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕔𝕒𝕟 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕣𝕖𝕢𝕦𝕖𝕤𝕥?
☼ IDs Ids are NPT's suggestions (names + pronouns + titles)! You can also specify if you just want name, just want pronouns or just want titles -> Tag: #💅┆ids
☼ About Me's Templates for About Me's! Please specify if the website/App has a character limit -> Tag: #🍡┆about me's
☼ Activity Suggestions I suggest some activities around a theme, a kin, etc! These can be great for kin euphoria ^^ -> Tag: #🪄┆funsies
☼ Nommies Suggestions Snack & recipes suggestions! Please state any allergies (ex: lactose intolerant, allergic to nuts) and diets (ex: vegan) as well as hhings you'd like me to avoid/if you don't like something. Feel free to add some favourite foods/tastes! You can also specify in case you'd like only snacks or only recipes! -> Tag: #🫕┆nommies
☼ Care Kits Self-care kit! Specify if there is anything you don't want (example: no cloudy texture) or you especially like -> Tag: #🍵┆me day
☼ Outfit & Fashion Boards I can either make you an outfit, or a board around a style/fashion -> Tag: #🧵┆fashion
☼ Room/House Boards I can make you a moodboard/decor board for a room or house -> Tag: #🏡┆homey
☼ Stim Boards Stim boards!! Similar to the care kit, please specify if there is anything you don't want (example: no cloudy texture) or you especially like -> Tag: #🫧┆stimmies
☼ Mood Boards A moodboard on any theme! -> Tag: #⛅️┆moods
☼ Vibing Playlist A music playlist! Please specify if you'd like a simple list of song or if you'd like the playlist on Youtube -> Tag: #🎵┆just vibing
☼ Watching Playlist A video playlist! It can contain ambiance videos, animals videos, stimmy videos,... It will be hosted on Youtube -> Tag: #🎬┆just watching 
☼ Timeline Questions Questions about your source etc! -> Tag: #🌌┆timelines
☼ Blinkies Custom blinkies! -> Tag: #💡┆blinkies
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transdid · 3 months
local transDID girlie found an old savefile with a name it never went by, which could mean nothing 👁
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fakecats · 3 months
just finished eternal punishment worst day of my life actually
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bon-bons-kindiner · 6 months
ello I am back again :D
Could I have some timeline questions for a shadow bonnie fictkin? Uhhh potentially stuff focusing on my relations to the fnaf 2 crew + spring bonnie if that's okay! - 🌌🐰
Hello, Hello again 🌌🐰! Please let me know if you want anything changed and have a faz-tastic day! And do tell me your answers if you feel so inclined!
More general questions:
I’d you don’t mind answering, what were you? A ghost, some kind of agony or remnant creature, or something else?
How long were you around for?
Specifically about your relationships:
What were your relationships with all the toys? How about the withereds? (Big question I know!)
Were you (friendly or not) rivals with anyone?
Were you friends with Spring Bonnie?
Did you ever have big hangouts with all your friends? If so, what did you do together?
What activities did you do with everyone?
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blood--king · 10 months
Kauze had found some paper and pens, so he decided to draw something for Hell, as soon as he finished, the little boy left the drawing on top of the King's paperwork and left the place.
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When you're in neuroanatomy class and you end up getting bored lol my drawings you can tell I was dying lol 🫣🫣🫣
It was a tough day for the king, the kingdom had problems and tension with a neighboring kingdom, the sworn enemy of the vampire nation, the Lycans. Hell sat down in front of his meeting table with all his paperwork, and there he found the drawing.
—Hmm, he likes to draw —Thought the king as he saw it. It was cute and reminded him of his father who apparently loved drawing. The vampire king showed a smile and felt a bit of calm before continuing with all that work.
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ethereal-hollow · 1 year
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All my main fursonas up until now!
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asheanon · 3 months
☕🐌 Started off today with what I like to call a "divine story revelation," where, seemingly out of the blue, some puzzle pieces for one of my personal stories suddenly click together. 🧩 And it was Anthology of Anon related, which tends to be more on the rare side, nowadays, to boot!
It's something I could get a little tangential with, I think. So...! Tangent below the cut.~
This revelation references the whole ascendant memories thing. (Yes, I decided to roll with "ascendant" vs. ancestral - it sounds cooler, haha!)
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To summarize, it suddenly dawned on me why it is that Sal ends up getting involved with a program known as "Violet." (It's a long story... I can explain it in another tangential post at a later date, if people want to know more.) In short, it's a program dedicated to the study of various forms of cognitive visualization, including dreams. I realized she wanted to finally understand (to the best of her ability, anyway) what was up with all those funky recurring dreams she'd been having for most of her life. It was via acquaintances made in that department that she was eventually introduced to the concept of ascendant memories in Ethereals.
✨ End revelation. ✨ However, this is a tangent, so I must get carried away...
I then proceeded to think about how many years she likely poured into putting the accuracy of those "dreams" to the test - which is to say: thinking about all the time that was taken to not only record those "dreams" to the best of her ability, but to also eventually track down/happen upon the supposed locations of some of them to discover whether or not they were really memories vs. dreams.
Sal has quite a few years under her belt... it's cool to think about how so many of them were actually rather active, even in the background, pursuing that kind of "research." AND it lends itself to the wayfaring lifestyle too. She has... so many reasons why she wanders... and that's one of them. I imagine even though she was able to discover that some of those dreams were, in fact, memories, that there are many she has yet to find too (excusing that particular one that is very much a heavy story beat, tied to Vance and whatnot, of course.)
All of that said, I don't talk about it much as it's something that is likely highly inaccessible to other characters, but it's always been an interesting tidbit to note about her: Sal has a journal (or many, by now) dedicated to recording dreams - full of notes and scribbles that will just come off as nonsensical and/or mysterious to any who may, by some ghost of a chance, get their hands on it/them. She may divulge information on ascendant memories with others who may somehow find a way to ask about them, but I'm not entirely sure she'd be all that open to sharing her ascendant memories, specifically, so... just a little something special for others to come across/hear about one day, should they ever come up or - the absolute rarity: she actually shows one of those journals!
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princehen · 11 months
then lets just hope that they're alright, hen!
Me too! I'll update you if I find anything, friend!
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thinking about a different ending to w.km …. we don’t go to the poker night and everyone is okay ….. we get to continue our lives and be happy together and everyone else is there and maybe we were even able to pull mark out of the manor …. and everyone is OKAY and ALIVE and HAPPY and we’re rid of that stupid entity and we get to live long and happy lives
damien and i get to be together and be happy together. he serves amazing terms as mayor that he gets to serve all the way through. we get to live together in a pretty little house. we dance together all the time. all our friends come and visit us and we have game nights and it’s like old times again but better because we fought through something but we all did it together !!!
anyways i’m emotional 😭😭
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corruptimles · 1 month
Crossroads Emmet Masterpost 🚸🌌
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no set au story or timeline really, just the "Emmet looking for Ingo" prerequisite and my love for Ultra Beasts and road signs
Crossroads Emmet Tag
Concept art/Alternate Outfit Art / Outfit details / Hood detail
Batteries for Stowaway part 1 / Batteries for Stowaway part 2 / Poke Stowaway / Miserable Joltik icons / Shamrock Shake for Emmet / hhhhbhbhbhbfjhbhgbhb animation
Emmet asks for your Fishing License
Stowaway learned Rain Dance 
Gaster Escape Attempt #17
Road Sign Weaponry
Look Both Ways / Watchog Lore
this is just art of Emmet blushing
A whole lot of detours (commission)
Crossing the Ultra Jungle Stowaway Again
Crossing the Ultra Plant Cover Art / Part 1 / Part 2 / Part 3 / Part 4 / Part 5 / Part 6 soon Height Chart / Happy Holidays!
Gasturday Cameo
Catboy Wednesday Cameo
(updated march 8)
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simp4konig · 9 months
König mistakenly shoots you on the battlefield
König x Gender-neutral Reader
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Word count: ~4500
*SLOW burn but when my writing finally has that spark this fic catches FIRE and FAST so be prepared!! 🔥🔥
*⚠️Angst Angst! ANGST!⚠️
TWs: König is in love with you. König's sanity slowly deteriorates as the fanfiction progresses. Mentions of attempted suicide, graphic depictions of gore, potentially triggering depictions of depression. König has suicidal thoughts after shooting you. König experiences intense trauma after shooting you and has survivor's guilt.
*Reader's callsign is "King". Implied age gap. One-sided pining from König... but the ending is purposefully kept ambigous (as you, the reader, can interpret the final interaction however you like)! Can be read as a standalone if you have never read any of my works before. <3
*To clarify to those that have already read my works before, this is *NOT* a direct continuation to 1.my fluffy 2.series! This is a separate imagine, but DOES take place in the same KönigxKing microchosm. Whether the following events take place in an alternate timeline or happen at some point in the future/past is for you to decide. Idk man i just write the fics I don't do the world buidling 🗿I write sotires without thingign about the greater picture u honestly think my one shots will tie to a greater plot?☹️No 💔
Right from the beginning, König had a gut feeling that this mission was going to go wrong.
It was a deep sense of foreboding in the pit of his stomach, making him feel queasy on the helicopter ride as the both of you with an additional three others were scheduled for contact in a few minutes' time.
You were just a recruit, and this mission was far too intense for someone with next to no experience in an active warzone for it to be their first. He knew the dangers of missions like this, knew how things could go horribly wrong in an instant.
It wasn't that he doubted your ability. Not at all. From the corner of the room he would silently supervise as you sparred another person, monitoring your movements incase your opponent had the upperhand and you needed guidance.
However, he had never needed to intervene, as he was impressed with your quick reactions and your controlled steps as you'd move on the balls of your feet, arms held up in front of your face. Ambition was in your eyes, your face scrunched up in concentration as you calculated your next move.
You'd defend yourself up until the moment you'd pounce and in a blink of an eye be on top of your opponent, your entire weight pressed on their theirs on the ground. Whether it was another woman, another man, or even a person with bigger bulk you were clearly disadvantaged by, you'd never give up, and took on any challenge with an impressionable passion of a young recruit.
Once they'd be the one to tap out, you'd immediately push yourself off them and offer them a hand, asking them "Are you alright?" in a concerned tone as you were pulling them up. "Sorry for getting aggressive there, sir/miss! I hope I didn't hurt you!"
To which they'd respond with boisterous laughter and a strong clap on your back, you doubled over as they were congratulating you for knocking them off their two feet and telling you to keep up the good work. König couldn't wipe the triumphant smile from his face, filled with pride at your personal victory.
Once you'd be the one to tap out, you'd part ways honourably, never disrespecting the person that came out on top. If anything, your loss only added fuel to the fire burning in your eyes, driven to work harder. He still admired you, and would be the one to pull you up as he dusted you off, telling you that you did a great job regardless.
"Thank you, sir!" You'd reply bashfully, face red from effort and embarassment. "Though, I'm sure I made a fool of myself with how I was flailing my arms just then..."
"Nein. Not at all," he'd say, eyes glinting with something that you couldn't quite recognize. "You did very well."
Target practice displayed your accurate aim, wool seeping out from the heads of dummies and the targets regularly replaced as the wood would cling in pieces, the center blasted into smithereens by repeated bullseyes from you.
Always lingering nearby to assist, you would gratefully accept König's help and allow him to demonstrate how to operate another gun with an appreciative smile on your face, your genuine eagerness to learn making König's chest tighten. You seemingly never knew the effect you had on him.
You were a naturally skilled soldier, he had observed, and he knew that you'd make an incredible addition to the team, he couldn't deny that.
Yet, he couldn't shake off this feeling as something more grave.
All personel debriefed and the plan disclosed a week prior, the superior went over the plan once more back at base. A large blueprint spilling over the table with weak spots and areas to beware were annotated, his forefinger pointing at different areas of interest. Sketches, photographs, and jottings were displayed from a projector for all to see as you listened closely.
König's jaws were grinding against each other in agitation, having doubts about you being deployed on this mission.
Despite this operation being portayed as an in and out extraction, König knew better. He knew what the stakes were. Intuition urged him to warn you, to confide in you about his doubts and even considered crossing your name off the list and assigning you elsewhere last minute without anyone knowing.
But the thought that he could be controlling you — a young, innocent recruit — and even considered doing something so foul didn't sit right with him.
You were your own person, and he couldn't be your shadow, couldn't act as a human shield against all that was cruel and gruesome in life. You had chosen this job, and therefore must have had at least some idea of what your responsibilities would entail, some knowledge of what soldiers go through in pursuit of glory.
Instead of being so pertubed, he should keep it together, he thought, should maintain a stoic façade. He was your superior — your colonel, for God's sake — he was someone you aspired to be, someone that should be an inspiration, a role model, someone that could have your back and be a reliable body to fall back on.
Not someone that couldn't keep it together when you around.
Especially when he shouldn't have been having feelings for you.
You, a young person vulnerable and easily influenced by people older than you, by the likes of him.
It wasn't right. He wasn't right for what he was feeling, for what he had been thinking. It wasn't right for his feelings to cloud his judgement, wasn't right that abusing his power had even crossed his mind, let alone been tempted to act upon it.
Your voice pulled him from his thoughts. "König? Are you alright, sir?"
Turning his head to face you, he nodded with false certainty, containing his worry in an attempt to appear confident for you.
"Ja, King, it's okay. Just thinking, that's all."
You quirked a brow, not convinced. "Hey."
Placing a firm hand on his shoulder, a serious expression was on your face, which caught König off guard and made his eyes widen. "If you're thinking that I'm going to get myself killed then you've got another thing coming, because I will NOT get shot by the enemy."
His back slumped over a little, averting his gaze for a moment. "Nein, sie haben recht."
"Ich sollte nicht zulassen, dass meine Gefühle mein Urteilsvermögen trüben." König mumbled something else under his breath in German, then quickly shook his head and laughed, looking into your eyes again.
Tension in his body was eased a little. "No, you're right."
A little. Because he wasn't going to dismiss the thoughts gnawing at the back of his head as mere paranoia.
You perked up. "Good, glad we've got that cleared up, sir! I want you to know that I won't disappoint!"
His heart skipped a beat at your smile, so eager to please and make him proud, that he shuffled uncomfortably, trying to get the butterflies in his stomach to calm down. Now wasn't the time.
Idly fidgeting with his combat knife as the helicopter blades hummed above, he went back to thinking over all the possibilities and different ways this mission could go awry:
...What if these were the wrong coordinates, or the helicopter would be attacked the minute they landed? The thought of an ambush wasn't an irrational one — it had happened before, he reminded himself — so he had brought a few more weapon crates than necessary for safekeeping.
...What if the helicopter's signal was intercepted and everyone including the pilot were destined for a fatal crash? Counting the number of parachutes and noting the fire exit, he could rest a little easier if an emergency like that was to arise, yet it still did little to soothe his nerves.
...What if you really did get shot? In case that happened, he had alerted some operators beforehand to serve as re-enforcements, one of those on board including a skilled army medic, under the guise of needing more manpower in case things went south. After all, this extraction could not have go wrong. It shouldn't have gone wrong.
But... what if you died? König wouldn't know how to deal with the feelings associated with your death, knowing that he had loved you from afar yet never acted on it. At least he'd be able to keep his shameful secret a secret, and you'd pass away never knowing what he truly saw you as, truly thought of you.
He had little time to figure out what was causing the trepidation to stiffen his muscles as the helicopter suddenly swerved and lowered, landing kilometres away from the designated building yet on unstable ground nonetheless. Any moment soldiers could attack it if they had known the group's location, so the blades kept spinning and the engine kept running for an immediate getaway.
König assumed authority. "Everyone remember the plan?"
Four heads nodded in sync.
"Gut. Then you all know what to do. I will enter from the side with my Lieutenant—" he said, gesturing with his head at a masked operator beside you, "—while you three—" referring to you and two others you were only vaguely aquainted with, "—storm from the back. Ja?"
König's eyes stalled on you for a moment longer than necessary. You were going to be alright, he told himself. He'd keep you in his field of vision and could provide you with cover once you regrouped when you'd really need it.
"A quick extraction," he reminded, eyes stern yet heart disbelieving. "Simply go in, get the data, and go out."
A final nod of the head from König as he and his associate separated from your group. You headed towards the back of the building, fully alert, aiming behind corner incase there had been someone waiting to assassinate you.
Doors creaking as one of the men pushed, the three of you filtered in noiselessly, attempting to be as discreet as possible and wincing when the door slammed not so quietly. Guns cocked and silencers attached, you advanced in a line, blending in to the shadows.
As you walked, there were no signs of life, and the storehouse seemed abandoned. No machinery was being operate. No voices could be heard.
All was still and quiet.
Eerily quiet.
Feeling the hairs on your arms and neck stand on end, you shuddered. You made eye contact with one of the men in front of you who had more expertise, and he looked on edge, eyebrows creased in focus under his balaclava. None of this felt right.
Suddenly, something small rolled over towards you all. Blinking once, twice, you let out a panicked scream and dived for cover.
All hell broke loose.
Bullets ricocheted over your head, guns blasting from so many directions you couldn't pinpoint their source.
Slowly recovering from your momentary shock, you gripped your rifle tight and started shooting back, hidden behind a load of wooden crates. When you saw your hooded colonel crouching in a corner, you relaxed. With an encouraging nod from him, that was all you needed to go change positions, and you lunged forward. All was going smoothly at that point.
So engrossed in eliminating the threats in front of him, however, König only came to the realisation that you weren't there when he didn't see your figure in his peripheral vision.
Panic consumed his senses and circulated through his veins. All at once, he was frantically scanning the immediate area, searching for any trace of you.
You were thrashing and kicking as you were being pulled by rough hands, your fingers reaching for your holster through gritted teeth, yet it was just out of grasp. You were thrown harshly against the wall, and the enemy towered over you, feeling high from his power trip and excited to exert authority he had never had up to now.
Just as a knife made its way to your throat, your hand finally found your side arm and shot a bullet between his eyes, body falling on top of you like a sack of potatoes.
You convulsed involuntarily, hyperventilating under his weight and the sudden situation. Noting your surroundings, your heart sank.
You were in no man's land, full view of soldiers shooting at your team. The extraction point was just in sight, exactly how and where it was illustrated on the blueprint.
So far, no one had noticed you, too preoccupied aiming down their sights to see you shuffling under a corpse. You could enter those headquarters right now, could be proclaimed a hero of this story, and make your colonel proud and finish before schedule.
The risk was too big. You were bound to get shot.
Yet, against all better judgement, you dashed for the entrance, taking advantage of the element of surprise as three men turned towards you with wide eyes, not expecting to see you enter. Two were haphazardly shoving papers into a half-open folder thrown on the table.
Three shots fired before they could scramble for a gun, you rushed towards the desk. Scanning the material, your eyes widened in shock. This was it.
Now, your only choice was to crawl back into the line of fire. Soldiers still kept shooting with their backs turned, endless ammunition right at their disposal.
You were totally helpless on your own. Just one pair of wandering eyes from the enemy and just one shot in the back of the head would be all that would take to end your life at that moment and make all of your efforts go to waste.
Although an atheist, you mouthed a silent prayer, before taking a deep breath, and sprinted.
Seeing sudden movement headed towards him, König acted on instinct, and pulled the trigger on you.
His heart stopped.
Time slowed as your body fell in slow motion, more bullets piercing through your gear.
Realising his mistake immediately, he almost vomited his own stomach out at seeing you fall lifelessly on the ground, eyes wide and body dropping on impact.
"Scheisse, cover me, verdammt!" He yelled over his shoulder, all rational thought ceasing.
Breathing rapid and strained, he rushed towards you, gently wrapping his arms around your body — growing weaker by the minute — and headed straight for the first sign of cover he could see. Behind unstable and temporary refuge that could be blown to pieces, König was at a loss at what to do.
He had expected everything, evaluated every possible scenario, every possible outcome, even prepared a lifeline for you on the off-chance that you'd be injured in action.
Yet he hadn't anticipated that he would be the one to shoot you. Never.
Shaking violently, König could barely get any words out. "—S-schatz, please please please—"
Hesistant hands hovered over your wounds, conflicted, as blood was staining your uniform, wrenching König's heart. His mind kept repeating you did this. You did this. You did this.
You needed urgent aid, and you needed it right now, yet he didn't deserve to touch you, his hands clenched into fists as he didn't want to break you further, treating you like fragile glass that could shatter into pieces under his touch if he so held you.
He was the one that did this to you. You, the young recruit he was so hopelessly infatuated with, a person who he had cherished and loved from afar, the person who made him feel good things for the first time ever in his life.
He did this to you.
He was the monster in your closet, the threat that König had desperately attempted protect you from all this time, the threat that you were told to eliminate on this mission. The enemy.
The enemy that had mistakenly shot you.
"Es tut mir so leid, I'm so sorry—" König's mind couldn't function properly, speaking in broken mix of English and German. He couldn't gather his thoughts, couldn't think.
"—I'm so so so sorry. Please don't die, bitte vergib mir, forgive me, forgive me, schatz. Forgive me. Ich liebe dich, schatz, do you hear me? I love you."
Bullets whizzed past you both relentlessly, both of you still caught in crossfire. König's lips were moving yet you couldn't hear what he was saying to you, couldn't feel anything as you slowly lost consciousness, slowly closed your eyes.
A calloused hand tapped your face in desperation, your vision blurred.
"—Nein, nein, King! Stay awake! I'm calling for the re-enforcements now! Please, don't die on me— I'm so sorry..."
Shaky yelling through the walkie-talkie, voice cracking. "This is your colonel, König! We're retreating right now! One of ours is wounded! Send the re-enforcements right now to this location! I repeat, we are retreating! I am calling this mission off!"
"What? Are you crazy, König?!" A break in character from the commander, before immediately assuming professionalism once more. "Proceed with the mission! You are on the verge of breaking their defenses! You will enter their headquarters and be able to—"
"Nein. That was an order, commander," he hissed through gritted teeth, nearly crushing the device in his death-grip. "We are retreating. I am calling this mission off."
A pause. Then: "Copy that, colonel. We are sending your re-enforcements to cover you as you exit. Your helicopter is waiting. Hold out for thirty seconds longer."
Sighing with relief, he suddenly thought his heart stopped beating when he saw you laying there motionlessly, eyes closed. Desperately tapping at your cheek did nothing to awaken you. He prayed that you'd survive, willing time to go faster.
At last, loud whirring from above gave him the only comfort. Not waiting a second longer, König picked up your limp body and dashed outside, the helicopter lifting off as the rest of the crew threw themselves inside.
Opening your vest to inspect your wounds, he saw a blood-soakes folder secured tightly to your chest.
It was the data. You risked your life for the mission. You risked everything to accomplish the task and he had shot you anyways.
"—This is your colonel, König. We have the data. Mission accomplished, I repeat, mission accomplished. King has the data."
The radio crackled with an indistinguishable response, yet König heard nothing, blood rushing to his head and ringing persisting. Medics wasted no time to wheel you into an operating room, tearing your limp body away from his arms. He avoided the celebrations and cheers for their colonel, leaving everyone dumbfounded at his reaction. Shouldn't have he been proud? The mission was a success!
Yet the mission wasn't a success, and if anything, he felt shame. No one knew why their colonel holed himself up in his room aside from himself.
The news of you in critical condition in the hospital broke König.
As much as he wanted to see you, to check on your health and be the one to see your first signs of recovery, he couldn't. He couldn't bear to witness the colour drained from your face as you laid unmoving on the bed, the slow beeping from the heart rate monitor machine the only indication that you were alive.
He just couldn't. Not when he caused this. Not when he fucked up this much.
Using the gym as a coping mechanism for a while, he trained harder and more often than ever before, only wishing to make the pain go away. When he wasn't at the gym all throughout the day or at odd hours of the night, he'd toss and turn in his bed, having nightmares about your body bleeding out below him as the shot relentlessly echoed in his head. Or worse, he'd imagine himself shooting you again, only this time he'd find the barrel of his gun was aimed at your forehead execution-style, your unassuming face suddenly exploding into bloody pieces and what was left of your bewildered expression still remained even after he had pulled the trigger.
At those, König would spring upright, screaming "No!" in anguish.
He'd be panting heavily, bedsheets drenched in his own sweat and feeling like he was suffocating with each rise and fall of his chest. When the situation sunk in, he'd clench his fists so tightly his knuckles went white, shaken to his very core. On those nights, König wanted nothing more than to hurt himself, to compensate for the injury he inflicted upon you and how he had completely disgraced you.
At one point, when he had finally had enough, in his blind craze snatched the pistol laying by his bed, flicked the safety off and aimed it at the same place he had shot you, just to break down in despair when no bullet came out, the clip hidden in his bedside drawer.
Hand tightly squeezing his heart through his soaked t-shirt, he was repulsed by the fact that he was completely healthy and could walk freely while you lay injured and dying.
Under his watch, you had been injured. Under him, your body had crumpled. And it was his fault.
In emotional turmoil, he soon lost all ability to function. He couldn't eat, couldn't sleep, and could hardly find the motivation to get out of bed most of the time, convinced that he had killed you, convinced that he was a monster. Responsibilities were kept on hold, the next best person taking his place. No one questioned the new arrangement, despite the shared confusion from everyone on base.
He couldn't take this. He couldn't take this any longer. He would have rather died, sacrificed himself in any way possible if it meant that you could live another day, as you could make a greater impact on the world than he ever could. Could be a better person than he ever could.
It was his fault. He shot you. He had shot you. He had shot the recruit that he had hopelessly fallen in love with, yet only he himself was to blame for it for his lack of control, for his inability to be unaffected by his feelings.
One day, a knock on his door pulled him out from his trance.
Prior to the interruption, König was staring at the cement wall, his eyes unfocused, completely still and barely breathing. He wasn't himself.
Immediately straightening his legs and nearly tearing a tendon from how fast he got up despite having been so inactive for the last few days, he stomped quickly towards the door, his face glum yet eyes glinting with the merest hint of hope.
Hand reaching for the handle, he had readied himself, expecting bad news coming from a surgeon wearing a medical mask and a blue uniform, a solemn expression as they devasted him with your passing.
All but the latter was true.
"Colonel König, sir. The patient is awake. You may now visit them if you so wish."
Blinking a couple of times, König thought he had heard incorrectly.
Repeated were the words that König was shocked to hear.
"King is awake, sir. Their condition is a stable one. Our team thought to notify you first since you were on the mission with them."
Gasping, König could barely breathe. He felt like he was drowning, drowning despite his head breaking out from the water. "What... I... where?"
"Ground floor, room twelve. They're on medication as of this moment yet are fully awake."
König nearly fell to his knees. You were alive!
You were alive! He hadn't killed you! He thanked the Gods, and could barely keep composed, barely able to stop himself from dashing to the center of base and yelling into the sky in pure joy.
"I— thank you... so much."
Running faster than he had ever ran in his whole life, he was at your door in minutes.
Yet, as his fingers reached for the door knob, he suddenly stopped in his tracks, hand poised mid-air.
What if you didn't want to see him after the whole ordeal?
What if you resented him, and would spit in his face the moment he walked in?
What if you hated him, and wanted nothing to do with him ever again?
Hesistantly knocking twice, he nearly had a heart attack when your voice broke through the door:
"Come in," you called simply; your voice was hoarse, but it was clearly still you.
Taking a deep breath, König pushed the door open.
There you were. He was having heart palpitations at seeing you awake and looking at him.
The light coming through the open curtains made your skin glow despite how pale you were, eyes sparkling and crinkling in happiness despite the dark circles and heavy bags under your eyes, hair splayed out behind on your pillow, resembling a halo, despite how greasy it was.
He had missed you. So much.
Then his heart sunk as he reminded himself that he was the reason for why you were here, why you were in in this state to begin with.
Seeing König, You shot him a daring smirk despite how numb your face felt. "Hey, König, sir. Did you visit me at all? I'm sure you missed me."
Waiting in anticipation, you kept looking at him excitedly. At the lack of response and his refusal to meet your gaze, it faded completely. "—Wh—what? You—"
"Not— not even once? Not—"
Tears were welling up in your eyes. "—you didn't come see me even one time?"
Maybe you shouldn't have gotten your hopes up. Maybe you should have thought that König would not have time to spare in his busy schedule.
Yet you couldn't not get your hopes up when as soon as you woke, your first thought was of König. Although the grim reality hit you hard like a bucket of cold water dumped over your head, you still wished to see him.
And yet, he hadn't wished to see you at all. He had avoided you like the plague.
König started pacing the room, head hung low as he weighed the pros and cons. Indecision.
"—Do you really... do you really want to know why I didn't visit you, King?"
You nodded meekly, lip quivering.
He finally made up his mind.
If you rejected him, at least he'd rest easier knowing that you'd live, and continue to be happy for you from afar. He'd still support you, still be your colonel, still love you even when you found someone else.
"I... I put you in this position, King... It was all my fault," he begun, his voice barely above a whisper.
Tone softed as he finally stopped, as still as a statue, a metre away. From this angle, you saw how bloodshot his eyes were, how they sagged in sadness, how dark circles had formed from lack of sleep. His pale blue eyes were dull, glued to the ground.
"Not only did I lose sight of you on the battlefield, I also shot you. Shot my own—" Pausing, not knowing how to refer to you.
He carried on. "I couldn't live with myself. I still can't live with myself. I'm walking, uninjured, as you are laying in bed, recovering from an injury that I am the reason for. From bullet wounds that were the result of me."
Voice hitching slightly, he tried to keep his breathing under control. But he couldn't.
"How could the monster that shot you enter your room and dare to look at you? How could I watch you cling to life, while I walk freely despite causing you this— this agony? What right do I have looking at you after putting you here?"
You allowed the tears to spill down your cheeks.
He stopped, eyelids drooping, finally meeting your eyes.
"I have feelings for you, King, I—" Trembling "—I do. But... I shouldn't be feeling this way. You have your whole life ahead of you and I—"
"—I've... aged... I'm not the same man I was before. I've witnessed things far too disturbing to ever share with you. I... I know that you should be with someone better and I—"
Although still in a daze and sedated by the drugs, your thought process was still clear enough where you could be sure about this.
Reaching with a tentative hand for König's larger and rougher one, you squeezed it weakly, looking up at him with a heartfelt expression.
König smiled for the first time in ages.
Through that gesture alone, König knew that you forgave him.
He allowed his breathing to stabilise, wanting nothing more than to start over with you.
Edit next day: how tmdid this fet 100+ notes im sobbing 😭😭. thabk you everyone for readijg this angst fest!!!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
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eherealcreations · 7 months
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#🍹┆gremztalks - About me, about this blog, etc
#🥰┆self-indulgent - Creating stuff for myself
#💅┆ids - For npt's (name/pronouns/titles) suggestions
#🍡┆about me's - For "about me" templates
#🪄┆funsies - For activitiy suggestions
#🫕┆nommies - For snack & recipe suggestions
#🫧┆stimmies - For stim boards
#⛅️┆moods - For moodboards
#🧵┆fashion - For outfit and fashion boards
#🏡┆homey - For room/living space boards
#🍵┆me day - For care kits
#🎵┆just vibing - For music playlists
#🎬┆just watching - For video playlists (stims, silly animals, ambiance,...)
#🌌┆timelines - For questions about your kin/your source/...
#💡┆blinkies - For blinkies
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transdid · 3 months
Welcome to transDID central!
This blog is for everything and everyone transDID! Transplurals, Transsinglets, TransOSDDs are also covered on occasion, but the focus here lies on transDID.
Call us Jester (it/ae), we'll mostly be infodumping about our own transition and any transDID related resources we can find, feel free to send us asks about your own transition and resources!
Collected resources:
TransDID carrd, made by us!
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rpdepartment · 7 months
send an emoji and i'll tell you my opinion on...
✒️ the muse's canon
📝 the muse's fanon
📖 a popular headcanon regarding my muse
🎉 the fan favorite character of my muse's canon
🧫 IC / "IRL" blogs
📲 doubles
🌌 canon divergencies
👽 AUs
🌓 crossovers
👬 shipping
💏 the fandom's most popular ship
💟 the fandom's most popular ship that involves my muse
✏️ fandomless OCs
🤸‍♀️ OCs
🤹‍♀️ OCs related to canon characters
💞 OC x canon
📶 crossover ships
💙 crack ships
👨‍👨‍👧‍👧 fankids
💌 multishipping
⛓ RP timelines
🖼 dash events
👀 dash commentary
🗝 selectiveness in the RPC
🩹 reblog karma
🎲 ask memes and sentence starters
🎆 magic anons
📌 my favorite character in the fandom
✂️ my least favorite character in the fandom
💝 my favorite ship in the fandom
🧊 my least favorite ship in the fandom
🥂 my favorite part of the canon
🧂 my least favorite part of the canon
🦴 NSFW threads
💋 sexy sunday / "sinday"
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bon-bons-kindiner · 6 months
hehe timeline answers!!
-It didn't take a super long time, but in fairness, I was never a physical being so that might've just been me lol
-Mostly upkeep just meant keeping Afton from trying to escape. There were little holes he could sneak through if I wasn't careful. I wasn't such a monster that I'd keep everybody in that small building!!
-Hmm. I think Cass mostly just visited to hang out for fun reasons! Charlie and Kensley were the ones who helped!
-I lived there lol. or at least in the weird space between where everybody gathered when they weren't on duty. Mostly I just came in the building to personally torment William or to chat with my friends!!!
-There's a theory that if a non-living being is loved enough it gains a personality, it gains a soul. I think in a way that's what happened, so I was able to bring them back to life. It was really really nice. I took requests on who to bring and who to leave forgotten, and overall it became a very nice environment!
-It was nice. I'd rather still be 'alive' again but I suppose it was better the nothing. I'd change it to not be as easy to break out of. I'd rather just make it bigger and more secure with that knowledge now - 🌌🐰
Hello, Hello 🌌🐰! What an interesting timeline! I hope you had fun!
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captainwans · 3 months
AM ERA PT. II (smau)
arabella series!
pairing: alex turner x fem! actress! reader
summary: the fans can’t get enough of their relationship and share their thoughts and feelings on the arabella mv, including a “new” discovery on y/n’s side from the comments.
timeline: 2014
note: layout / format by the beautiful @ithinkimokeei <3
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Liked by zendaya, yourbestfriend and others
yourinstagram 🤍🖤
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username babe yourinstagram just posted
username SHES A GODESS
username live love laugh y/n
breanahelders the woman you are 😩😍
yourinstagram you’re my woman 😙
matthelders didn’t know we shared her
breanahelders matthelders babe not now
username matt is so funny i love him
username oh no 🧎🏾‍♀️ what’s happening to me
mileskane looking beautiful love ❤️
yourinstagram ❤️😙
username i was waiting for miles to roast her
username no bc me too 😭😭
yourbestfriend holy mama i’m so gay 😳
officialelizabetholsen so real 😩
username the women in the comments ✨😌💅🏼
username alex doesn’t even have ig and if he had i know he be barking at how hot his gf is 😫
matthelders trust me he is barking
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Liked by imsebastianstan, elsapataky and others
yourinstagram a little bts ✨ (📷: wife breana)
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username my parents looks so hot
username i’m loving this new theme of hers!
username same!! i love how it matches the am
username the mv was so sexy idk if i wanted to look at alex or y/n
yourbestfriend nah i was looking at y/n the whole time who tf is alex?!! 🤨
username and you’re so iconic for that sis
username the content we’re getting lately is just immaculate keep going queen
username literally two of my worlds colliding
username y/n & arctic monkeys fans 🤝
username oh to be arabella
username *to be y/n
username what i also loved about the mv was that they put some clips from the arabella movie
username y/n am era > alex am era
matthelders who said she was YOUR wife?
yourinstagram me, myself & i 😌
breanahelders what she said 🤩 matthelders go get the divorce papers
username LMAO
username this is so gold i love this trio
matthelders i’m telling alex 😡
username um hello is no one gonna talk about them KISSING in the mv??!
username i was literally waiting for that comment!!!
username their kiss is living in my head rent free ✨✨✨🤩🤩🤩🤩
username i still haven’t recovered from that
username forever jealous
username he was kissing me y’all
username sorry boo but that was me
username if alex had ig i would’ve asked him if her lips tasted like the galaxy’s edge
username and if he kissed the color of a constellation falling into place
username and asking him if his days end best when this sunset gets itself
mileskane username he’s sitting beside me and he confirmed that her lips did taste like the galaxy’s edge 😳 🌌
username gripping my hair, sliding against the wall, sobbing, crying, throwing fits—ALEX
username i love this comment section sm
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Liked by officialelizabetholsen, madisonbeer and others
yourinstagram vogue ✨🤍
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vogue: always a pleasure to have you 💋
username: y/n y/l/n is such an icon.
username: new era new y/n
breanahelders: those LEGS 😫
yourinstagram: open for you ;)
matthelders: can you two take this somewhere else pls 😒
mileskane: dang matthelders you just lost your girl
yourbestfriend: don’t blame him
matthelders: 💀💀 yourbestfriend
matthelders: just signed the divorce papers 😞 i can never win
breanahelders: matthelders babe don’t take this personally it’s not you
yourbestfriend: matthelders it is actually you
matthelders: yourbestfriend you can eat my foot
username: lmao y/bsf/n
username: i can’t with them
username: poor matt 😭😭
username: y/n’s comment section is a comedy show 😭😂
username: i love how breana and y/n are so gay for each other
username: i mean look at them i want them both
username: literally need her so bad 😫
username: ugh she’s everything
rosiehw: remind me why you’re not a model? 🤤
yourinstagram: i could never 😫
yourbestfriend: *you could i mean vs 👀
username: lmao yourbestfriend
username: no but seriously
username idk if i wanna be her or be with her
username: ok alex i get it now 😫
username: since no one has mentioned it is anyone else forgetting that i bet you look good on the dance floor was also about y/n
username: context pls
username: wait REALLY? EXPLAIN
username: that’s not true—is it??
username: he confirmed it during an interview years ago why are y’all so clueless
username: but he didn’t mention her name tho?? only that it was a “popular actress”
yourbestfriend: username put two and two together sis 😭
username: lmao do you think y/n knows
yourbestfriend: knowing her dumb ass i don’t think so
username: did y’all forget that y/n filmed a movie back in 2005 in sheffield 👀 yeah
username: there you have it
username: it all makes sense
username: i thought we all knew that 😭
username: in conclusion they were meant to be sorry i don’t make the rules
pinned comment 📌 yourinstagram: how come when i look for any information my only source is you guys (not that i’m complaining tho)
yourbestfriend: bc you’re so so fucking clueless that’s why babe
yourfriend: 😭😭😭
mileskane: how did we go from y/n’s legs to i bet you look good on the dance floor?
username: wtf is going on???
katiee_cook_: i’ve given up at this point
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