#💀 never again will i write that kind of stuff though. maybe when i'm of age but god no never again until then
noxtivagus · 2 years
reconnected w some irls after v long time not rlly talking 🥹🫶🏼
#🌙.rambles#i've always been an introvert n more on the quiet side but typically w friends i end up being more. IDK THE WORD but YEAH#i genuinely hope these irls i'm talking about do not see this....#that said though it genuinely. i genuinely got so surprised i wasn't expecting a notif from a new gc#w my old friend group from gr 6 no less oh god 😭😭#THEY REMEMBER THE. NOOOO MY CRINGE GR 6 SELF....#i nearly forgot i wrote THOSE kind of things n on fucking paper too .#dark dark days fr oh dear#these friends r. genuinely rlly special to me though even tho i haven't talked to them in so so long#i'd consider them childhood friends honestly . gr 6 was the peak of my cringe but free days in school#thinking abt dynamics n i typically am more on the observant quiet side at times but dear god i am chaotic#i'm still rather shy bcs it's been a while since we talked after all but#it's certainly comforting ig being in an environment i think where. i'm familiar with it. these people were once my closest friends#n esp since they've known me for a while they know how Weird i am n they're on a similar level of weird too so. 🥺🤍#i'm embarrassed tho oh that brings back memories i used to write so much#💀 never again will i write that kind of stuff though. maybe when i'm of age but god no never again until then#honestly they weren't the best influences in that regard bcs i probably know too much about that aspect for my age BUT#yh i still consider them my friends honestly they mean a lot to me c:#i wna get closer again or at least. yk really keep this contact this time around#omg back then i used to be like. i was v chaotic yes in our friend grp but like. 'mom friend' i Think yh >.>#hehe remembering i've always loved teasing my friends. thinking as well abt all the times i've made others happy or helped them or#thinking abt what i mean to others rlly make me happy. the times where i can really i assess myself the same way i do others#really remind me that i'm human too. real. yeah.#that was like. the biggest friend grp i had bcs now most of my close friends r like. most of them don't really know each other#n i don't keep contact w a lot of ppl in general hfjldskdl save for ppl solely on social media i'd say i rlly only keep contact w.#typically. 3 irls.#WAIT WAIT 🥺 i got a notif from messenger my best friend from gr 4 saw the gc aaaaaa#she was always like a big sis to me n. it's crazy actually that we're like 3rd cousins or smth. dad's side#she's so smart i always looked up to her! she kept up w sm of my weird antics as a kid n uwahh my writer friend back then c:#i miss those days so much 🥹🫶🏼
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wawamouse · 5 months
2023 AO3 stats/reflections
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Hmmm well I took the leap and finally calculated my 2023 stats, and I'm a little shocked at the word count I reached, mostly because I don't remember writing that much. It's certainly a step up from my dazzling (1) 2.5k fic output from 2022 😂
Fandom breakdown
1 狂飙 fic ("Bolt from the Blue" - I think I have my friend who's not even in the fandom to thank for the hit count because most of the fandom is Chinese speaking, I wrote for one of the more minor ships, and I wrote it in English 💀 But my friend tells me they revisit it whenever they need vibe inspo... the highest honor tbh)
6 成化十四年/TSOMD fics, including wrapping up "Like a Magpie", which I hilariously started posting when it was 12/14 chapters finished in 2020... then posted ch.13 in 2021... and then... yeah)
9 Oz fics!
Well! Here's to more fic writing in 2024. I have a couple of TSOMD wips I'm hoping to pare down and post as oneshots, but it's not really a huge priority. I'm really proud of how "In the Gloaming" turned out in terms of tone and story and whatnot, and it was super fun to experiment with writing a near-stream of conscious style, although I suppose my readership already sort of dispersed by the time I posted it. I was the most prolific writer for the ship, which was sort of a secondary/rare ship to begin with. I hope that readers revisiting the fandom in the future will find it and like it though. In a similar (?) vein, I'm pleased with how "Surpassing Corridors" turned out, and it absolutely delights me that I wrote a 25k fic for basically no one but myself (rarepair absolutely no one but me is writing for), and yet some people came along and read it anyway. It even has 1 comment, with an emoji combination I shall treasure forever:
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Anyway, I've got two Oz wips right now that are both a little on the lengthier side, so as far as posting them goes, it'll probably be a little bit longer for that. There's also a movie I want to rewatch soon to maybe write a quick Oz AU for... And I'm not really an AU fic guy tbh (in terms of writing them). But I guess Oz is such a small fandom and I'm sort of just doing god knows what out here at this point that even AUs seem appealing. Maybe the experimental aspect of the show inspired me to experiment more LOL. I kind of cringe at some of the stuff I've written so far (mainly "Holding Up the Sky" characterisation woes and stupid pacing/plot points.... ugh.... Kill me...) but that's the nature of the beast, I suppose. In any case, I'm glad I played with form and style and stretched my creative muscles;
I've never written a 2nd person POV fic, which I did for "In the Blink of an Eye";
I've never written anything quite as nonlinear as "At Rise", so I'm proud of how that turned out;
and I've always wanted to write an epistolary fic but never really felt a motivation to do so until "In The Matter Of Carmen Guerra, #96G522".
Hopefully I will get more confident in my characterisations and whatnot going forward. There are so many great fic writers for Oz who are able to capture such a voice/style that feels so close to the show and then I feel like there's me, puttering around in the kiddie pool, inexplicably wearing giant clown shoes that squeak with every step. LOL. Oh well! I'll get there.
Misc Other
Not AO3 related, but I have had fun writing up reflections on each episode of Oz during my rewatch with my sister. I've never really just written long form posts like that, outside of pointless rambling in the Livejournal days. It's been a bit of an effort to do, but fun, and it's helped me get my thoughts organised about some things and really think about what I watch (as much as my memory problems allow!). My only concern is that I probably sound like I'm bitching about everything the way I comment on it. I'm really not! I wouldn't be rewatching Oz again and again if I didn't like it 😅 I just express my passion by being a hater, I guess.
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annbourbon · 4 months
I decided to give this a try because I love writing on my diary (I stopped a while ago but maybe I'll start again, tho I'm not going to post it here ofc.) but... I definitely feel too exposed by doing this so it's not going to happen again. I have no filter.
These weeks have been hectic to put it kindly lol
I've been sick. I made a quick recovery. Went to the hospital like, three times. Will be back to the hospital tomorrow. Another check up and study. I'm so glad it's free because otherwise idk how I would be paying for all those things.
Last week - From January 7th to January 14th
I'm so angry... and embarrassed too because I actually bought a $5 bucks green tea but it tasted like cheap boiled water or smth 😭😂
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Most expensive crap ever bought. Emphasis on crap. Yeah that's the most relevant thing 🤣 ahh and...
I'm writing.
Highlights: I'm now on Ko-fi! >< so excited!! Plus, I started selling soaps and I'm definitely starting strong this year.
This week - From January 15th to 21
I'm back to my ballet classes though, and I lost some weight~ *happy dance* and I'm selling my soaps ✨😌✨ I feel like I'm achieving some kind of superpower. I'm definitely becoming the person I want to be.
... ..........
Uh... almost lol
I'm reading the Bible. I swore to never touch that book again once I went out of school (went to catholic schools during a long time) but I'm back and I'm reading it. Literature skills and all that. I was advised several times that I should read it. So I'm back to it. My parents though... 💀 they're looking at me like I grew out two heads or smth... which is funny AF. Understandable though, considering how much I'm against it.
Genesis it's kind of heavy. I have had to put it down several times to not get bored and sleep on it. Probably for the best because I would end up drooling and the Bible is too pretty for that....
I'm not used to take that long reading a book. I went through the Catholic version first because it's the one I have at my disposal but downloaded a couple of apps. One NIV skipped several things through the Genesis. So many things it pissed me off because I thought Genesis was all about people being born and living way too long like if they were vampires or something. Turns out it's because of the version I'm reading. I tried the CBS but it was insufferable. I'm sorry. Finally I went through the KJV and found myself enjoying it so much I could spend the whole day reading it.
That's when I realize I need a physical copy of it. So I'm buying one. Went through Amazon and found a pinkish Bible. I can't wait to receive it and fill it with my studies~ meanwhile I find myself... bewildered because I'm actually enjoying something I thought I would never (?) Watching it as mythological stuff is different. Even my notes are really random and funny. But I don't want to offend anyone beliefs here so I won't be posting them. I am a firm believer in the good messages that the Bible has, just not, into it as religion.
Anyways~ one of my doctors is such a hottie... I feel like I'm in middle of a KDrama around him... even my mom likes him and calls him "handsome" lol
And there's a good reason for that... he's such a sweetheart around me. 🥺 I know he's only doing his job but I can't stop liking him. He's so touchy it makes me nervous but not in a bad way... it's just new... hope he never reads this lol
Highlights: The yellow dress I asked for has arrived. Finally.
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Week from 22 to 28
I'm skipping ballet classes this entire week 😭🥺 I'm back with hospital appointments. I probably won't be here long enough and won't have enough energy to write. These appointments make sure my energy is drained. Like, completely.
I'm also on a sprint to create as much soaps as possible 😉 Valentine Day here we go!!!
Highlights: The transporter for my cats has arrived!
/^♡^/ I have spent all week training them to go on walks together. Soon I'm updating with pictures ^^
Week from 29 to 4th February
I was going to take bus routes... part of me refuses to feel like it's a downgrade. I'm feeling like taking buses will enhance the feeling of an MC on a kdrama or a Ghibli character (depending on how I'm dressing up) but instead I downloaded Uber lol because I'm spoiled and I would say lazy but nope! I have time to read or study while I'm in the car. That's why I haven't learned how to ride yet.
I finished with the soaps and I'm selling them at my school. I'm already making some money with this but expecting to make some money with my stories too. Which is why I've been working so hard on this. To go back to write again while the soaps are selling themselves. And before you ever think about me making a promo on my stories, mmmm yeah i'm not sure because I'm too busy. But maaaybe?
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Anyways one of my teachers stand me up this week without notice. I got really pissed because I lost money and time because of that. I never felt so bothered by something like that but now I understand what my nom was talking about being punctual and responsible. Guess I'm an adult now since I'm the one paying for the uber *sighs* my mom also got stand up by one of my classmates. And it was raining. A lot. I don't hate rain. It made me feel nostalgic, but my annoyance was huge so I didn't get to enjoy.
Highlights: Nothing really. Ohh~ we're finally buying a treadmill.
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straykits · 11 months
KAT!! i finally had the time to read evening star and let me just say i knew it!!!!!!! me and y/n are in the same wavelength when it comes to suspects and speaking of her, poor little thing. i like that you kept it realistic that she doesn't have a clue how to actually fight and do all those running away things on her on bc let's be honest is very very unlikely that any princess would and it's fun to watch her learn stuff as she goes, i would even go as far as saying it makes it more relatable (? no really the word but you know what i mean). now changing topics completely i have to say idk who i ship more 😭😭😭😭 i'm a bit biased (literally lol) with minho but THE SCENE WHERE CHAN IS ABOVE Y/N:&7;7;7;78; i literally had to hold my breath like!!! are they gonna kiss??? are we even supposed to WATCH THIS!???
and idk why but i was hoping minho would be much more inviting?? like from the beginning and all, but i think it make much more sense the way you did it, especially bc minho himself has that cold prince vibe to him. also it makes the scene with him and y/n on his garden very cute to me, like he's keeping that cold façade but it's like 2s alone with her and he becomes soft spoken KDKDKJDJ and also 2.0: i would be mad too if someone got to my house and insulted me like ?? bangchan gets a pass bc oh my the man has gone though it (and lets be honest he's quiet jealous lol) but in the words of the very wise taylor swift 'you need to come down' babe!
anyway you were great as always and i be honest reading it kinda makes me wanna write again 🫣 other than that i hope you doing well and thank you for writing it <3 can wait for whats next!!
*inhales* rIIIIINNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA omgomgkgkgkskxjisjdnd i woke up and saw the notif and i read it as 'soulseungmin' and i was like :0 wonder who that is, their un reminds me of rina BUT IM JUST CURRENTLY EYE-GLASS DEPRIVED AND IT WAS YOU !!
ahh yes! with the fighting thing !!! like YES she enjoys lesrning hoe to throw knives (is she good at it? we'll never know 🥴🥴) and YES she wants to be a hero but at the end of the day, she isnt trained in combat. one of the things that sometimes irks me (especially in anime, but i always let it slide) is how the protagonist suddenly knows how to fight when the time comes,,, but like. throw your average citizen into a fight and.. well.. do they really know how to /properly/ fight? like, beyond throwing a punch (which a lot of people dont actually know how to do effectively) and extending a leg to kick? BUT anyways thats me going off track.
re: chan scene. "are we even supposed to watch this" CACKLING IN BED SJNDSJNDND
YESS MINHOOOKDNDKSNXKSKXKSNDKDND i had a few reasons for writing minho the way i did at the beginning/when yn ans chan first meet him but i dont wanna say too much even if its not too spoilery HAHA but yeah afterwards, a lot of the interactions between chan and minho are kinda like. 'well he started it!!' so they just back and forth w their rude shit 💀💀 absolute CHILDREN smh but im!! glad u mentioned the garden scene hehe i really liked writing that scene but im not sure how i feel about it. like on one hand it feels forced/out of character (???? its literally your character kat how is it ooc) but on the other, like you mentioned, it reveals another side of him???
hm kind of side note bit o think of all the characters, minho is definitely the one that i have the best understanding of/is the most developed 💀💀 which maybe isnt smth i should admit as a writer but aaaaanywaaaays HAHHAHA hes a fun one to write, yet ive been struggling w him in part 3 RIP LMAO
anyways hehe i was hoping to get part 3 our before end of my break but its end of my break already 💀💀 but i'll try not to make it a year long wait again HSJSNDKSMSMSMD
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lonelywhalien22 · 1 year
I'm so excited for D-DAY! Yoongi is my bias-wrecker in BTS LOL and I'm forever in love with his mindset/lyricism. He has a way of writing things straightforward, but still being comforting (versus Namjoon's very poetic and wise writing style). That's my favorite part too!!! I also liked the reference to IU's 'Eight':
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I loved this softer side of 'People Pt 2' and how it reflects Yoongi's growth as an artist and a person! Aaaggghh he's just one of those people that you wish a little extra success for, ya know? Idk - he makes me soft! LOL. All the references to past AUGST D and BTS songs (and maybe even IU's 'Love Poem'???) was tastefully done 🤌🤌🤌 I also really loved seeing him harmonize with IU 😍😍😍 they sounded really good together?! To be frank though . . . I don't quite understand the connection between the original 'People' and 'People Pt 2' yet, but I could also just be thinking too much into it (if you know, help a slow-brained friend out? 😅😂).
OMG OMG OMG NCT Dream concert 😭😭😭 if I had more money I would definitely go again HAHAHA. I think I'm still going through post-concert depression LOL because I woke up kind of down and tired today for no reason 😓
My favorite performance was 'Trigger the Fever' and (surprisingly) 'Saturday Drip'!!! Mark did a little bit of 'Golden Hour' as well so that was fun!!! (Thoughts on this solo song too???) NGL, I had a little bit of Renjun tunnel vision, so I only remember him and bits of Haechan/Mark during 'Trigger the Fever' 😭😂 They looked like they were having so much fun and just feeling themselves, it made me so happy! I'm always a little biased towards rap line performances in Kpop LOL because I just like the hyped vibes. I actually don't listen to 'Saturday Drip' all that much, but the NCT Dream rap line did a really good job with performing it!!!
I'm so sorry with how long this is LOL, but it feels like catching up with an old friend after a minute and I do just really like talking music with you hahaha. Are you going to any other concerts this year other than Ed Sheeran? Happy Tuesday 🤗
@twogyuu don't be sorry about the length of your post because mine is disgustingly long as well. like i'm actually deeply sorry for my word vomit:
Wow that’s a fantastic line from the song you shared as well! Love the sandcastle analogy. And omg the way I missed all the IU song refs…like Love Poem is my fave song from her 💀 (is it obvious i don’t speak korean??? lol 🤣). I love songs where you pick up on something new in the lyrics the more you listen to it! And at the ending when he shared he wrote it during covid like ahhhh I really felt that - It’s been so interesting to me as a music listener to hear works by artists that were made during covid/about covid…I just think it’s fascinating and like this little time capsule/archive of a very specific moment in time where we can see all the different emotions that came from that period and how they were expressed in so many different ways.
Also that is literally such a perfect way to differentiate between Namjoon and Yoongi’s lyrical styles - like you took the feelings right out of my brain and worded them perfectly. Yoongi has always been my favorite of the rap line for that reason. And then jhope is one of those rappers who’s like the vibey rapper if that makes sense??? It’s like his stuff always has this groovy flow to it that’s so distinctly him - I like to think it’s because he’s a dancer too but idk lol.
And girl lol we both need help bc idk what Pt. 2 is referring to either 😭 i’m not one of the kpop lore people, even for the groups I really follow, so I’m always in the comments section learning new things too lol. Heck I barely understand why Set Me Free is a Pt. 2😅 ik bts likes referencing their old music a lot in song titles so I’m just blindly used to that now and don’t question it lol (fellow armys help us with the receipts pls bc I’m useless for this sort of thing lol)
Wow just checked out Trigger the Fever - never heard it since it looks like it was on the very first mini album before I really followed them but omg I love it - it's right up my alley and I love the optimistic vibes and the harmonies they hit are just really pretty to me. Saved on Spotify hehe. idk when they performed it but it sounds like it would be perfect towards the end of the concert when they wanna make the fans all emotional and crap as they start to say goodbye 🥺
Saturday drip is such a great concert choice, I bet the crowd went wild. The super hype songs are always my fav during a concert bc everyone goes crazy and shouts out the iconic parts and it's such a good time!!!
Golden hour wasn’t my vibe BUT i did really like the concept and the mv for some reason. Like it was one of those songs where the mv actually made me vibe with the song more than i would have if i just heard it with no visual. That’s actually one of the things i really love abt kpop in particular - the way they build whole concepts and visual narratives around songs and seeing how it all comes together in the mv…it has definitely opened my ears a lot more if that makes sense and there are so many kpop songs that upon a second listen or bc of something in the mv/choreo/etc. i have come to absolutely love. NCT especially always challenges tf outta me. For ref I am a Sticker enthusiast and I still get crap for that lol but what can I say??? NCT is experimental so i’m always surprised by the songs from them that I wind up liking, and golden hour was memorable if nothing else lol
dont feel bad about reaching out to gush about music!!! normally i don't have any other way to let out my feelings besides watching reaction vids or reading social media comments on my own during comebacks so it's great to have someone to chat with stuff about directly! I really wish I could have seen NCT Dream but the date for my closest city just wasn't the best and I already saw NCT 127 a few months ago with their The Link tour. I was like - I saw Mark recently I don't need to see him again for awhile (LIES) 😭 but Haechan was sick at the time so I didn't get to see him then and I really like him and Renjun ahhh!!! Next time!
You asked about other concerts and BRUH. I can't feel too bad abt missing Dream bc I'm still seeing/have seen so much! Everyone's got that one thing they splurge on and for me it's concerts. Back in 2020, my very first concert was gonna be Map of the Soul with BTS and then…well we all know how that story went 😭😭😭I’m still incredibly sad that I never got to see them all together live before the military service so after that and 2 years of lockdown I was like I have to see as many of my fave acts as I can because you never know when this might be an artist’s last tour for whatever reason. Once i could afford it I started going to as many concerts as I could and haven't looked back. There’s just something about experiencing music live with the artists and other fans around you that just gives me a rush idk i love it!!! Besides Ed (saw ur post and you should totally see him if you can make it work money-wise btw hehe. his tickets are some of the most affordable i've EVER purchased in terms of comparable seats at other concerts <3) I'm also seeing TXT in may WHOOP! And then i managed to get beyonce tickets even though my wallet hated me for awhile after that one ngl. I’m seeing her this one time and that IS IT lol. I heard SM said baekhyun and wayv are gonna have tours so if that’s true i’m gonna try getting tickets for those. I would love to see Ten perform live, he’s one of my faves in all of NCT, and then Baekhyun - I just REALLY need to hear his vocals live lol. Like he could just come out on stage, sing Bambi and then leave, and I’d feel like I’d gotten my money’s worth from that alone 🤣 Hoping to see The Boyz again on tour as well now that Eric is back and doing better but they haven’t announced anything rn. Saw them once but the seats were sooooo bad omg…gotta see them again with a better view because their performances and stage presence are phenomenalllll. I found out about them during Kingdom!
Unfortunately no yoongi for me bc the locations were more limited and I knew it would be a bloodbath lol. Also I still haven't recovered from taylor swift (i truly was one of those peeps in the queue for 8+ hours and still did not get tickets 😭😭😭). next time she tours (please please please let there be a next time istg) i've gotta go.
Not that you asked but since I'm on a roll and can’t shut up - I've seen some other groups in the last year and and hands down, without a doubt, the best for me was Ateez. They are my ult group besides BTS and cannot stress enough omg their stage presence is freaking insaneeeeee. Saw them two nights in a row and have literally no regrets. Best two nights of my life. Came back to my place with voice gone after that second night, ate a post concert meal and passed out in my bed. Was on a high for like a week after and I still miss them lol. Will always try and see them when they’re in my area.
Also recently saw SZA and that was a literal dream. she was amazing and i still have random concert flashbacks every few days.
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the art teacher is so cool
the art teacher just turned on a video of Taylor Swift performing How You Get the Girl which has got to be one of my favorite Taylor songs.
now that most of my classes are over, i have a ton of free time now. what have i been doing with this free time? making a powerpoint explaining the entirety of the fnaf lore. my mom and i have been trying to heal our relationship. since she doesn't understand me (cliche ik, but true), i didn't share myself. she hates horror, i love it. but she said she was sad that she didn't even know what my interests are so that's why i'm making the powerpoint explaining the fnaf lore, so she can know me better even though i know she's going to hate all every part of fnaf. i was sick yesterday and my sister forgot to pick up one of our friends on the way to school because i wasn't there to remind her and now he has detention for being late to class lmao. Taylor Swift released her version of This Love last night and I'm in love with it it's SO GOOD.
today a friend texted me and asked me about people who have made impacts on me, real or fictional,. friends or strangers. some people have simply impacted me by making me feel less alone, making me feel seen. I didn't really include those people and my friend said i wasn't allowed to say Michael Afton smh. but i can't seem to stfu about him ever so i understand why she said that lmao. I'm totally not working on my third--wait maybe fourth--fanfic about him rn.... anyways here's a copy of what i told her about people who have impacted me:
tyler joseph and his band (twenty one pilots) convinced me not to 💀myself and gave me hope and showed me the importance of art, two of my teachers are like father figures to me so that's a huge impact on my personal growth, my middle school english teacher was the sweetest woman with the best roasts ever who i credit as making me into the writer i am today, lily sigh (iisuperwomanii) is a youtuber i grew up watching who made me laugh, feel safe, taught me important life lessons-through the years i watched her she basically raised me, when i was a little kid i loved ariel the little mermaid and she's the reason i'm a competitive swimmer today, gerard way is the lead singer of a band i used to be obsessed with and he encouraged me to be myself and showed me that i can survive hard times just like him, my favorite asmr creator, Gibi, comforted me and gave me rest when i was anxious and showed me it's okay to be into nerdy geek stuff no matter how old you are (she's like late 20s rn i think and her bedroom looks like a teen girl gamer room) my favorite twitch streamer nick smithyman never fails to make me laugh and interacts with his fans and makes a ton of your mom jokes. taylor swift taught me how to recover from breakups when i thought i never could and helped me express my feelings in a healthy way that no one else could and taught me that i can find happiness in myself, without needing anyone else.
i don't know if you can tell but i am most impacted through art more than anything else. i believe art is what makes us human. i could talk about the beauty of art and stories and storytelling forever. maybe i've already talked about here but idc. all of those things are what make us human. and when i say art i don't just mean visual art. music, poetry, filmmaking, video games, writing, architecture, speaking, dancing, anything that humans create is art and it tells a story. maybe it literally tells a story but even a story tells a story of the artist. whether the artist intended there to be a story or not, art tells a little story about who we are. art tells the story of an individual and tells a piece of a story of humanity. storytelling through art connects us all and that is why art of all kinds impacts people so strongly. this is why i want to work in a library, surrounded by my favorite kind of art that i can indulge in and best of all, share it with others.
maybe i just repeat myself over and over again but i'm okay with that.
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If it's too much I apologize. I was wondering what made you start writing. I have been working up the nerve to get back into writing, but to no sucess. I guess I have been out of touch for so long.
Oh! It’s not too much, no need to apologize! I’m sorry if I don’t make any sense though I have a fever and I’m like, rambling lmao
So basically I’ve always liked writing but I wasn’t very good at it. I mostly wrote fiction or journal entries. I only wrote fanfiction for a game called My Candy Love when I was like 14 lol Then I moved on to other games that had a bigger fanbase and kind of stopped writing fanfiction. I kept writing personal things for a while but eventually I stopped? Like I would write ideas for a story or stuff like that but nothing beyond that. I do love creating new OCs so in a way I kept writing by coming up with character backgrounds or headcanons for them.
Then I started playing QB and idk, this game has a fanbase way smaller than the other games I play and Poppy wasn’t an official LI so despite seeing a lot of incredible fanfiction and fanart, I still wanted more LMFAO
It was the first time that I had to write the content I wanted to see and that made me SICK to my stomach because I hadn’t written anything in over five years and also I had never tried writing fanfiction in english before. So the simple answer is that I had a very specific AU in mind, I hadn’t found any other fanfiction with a similar premise and decided to write my own (even though I’d much rather have someone else write it for me lol) it was basically a “I'm gonna throw up why do I have to be the one to create the content I wish to see in the world 💔💔💔” moment for me LMFAO
There was a point in my life where I wanted to become a published author, but like I’ve said, I’ve never been that good at writing so I kinda gave up on that idea. I think I could be a good editor or pretty decent at brainstorming ideas, but that’s it lol
I also dealt with depression and things like that for a long time so I can totally understand the feeling of wanting to start writing again but finding it hard. I wish I had a better answer but for me it was just. an hyper fixation that got out of control. I probably wouldn’t have started writing again if this fandom was bigger and had more fanfic authors. (Side note: the authors that are in this fandom, though, are top notch. Literally. So so talented, its insane.)
What I did notice though is that when you stop thinking about it and just start writing whatever comes to mind, it’s easier. Like most of my fanfics started with a specific dialogue/scene I had in mind and then I made a story that revolved around that idea. Even Ground started with the closet scene, In Spite Of Me started with Poppy’s realization moment and Baby It’s Cold Outside started with the vague concept of Poppy being stood up by someone important to her. I know it’s not great advice but… idk, if you have a dialogue in mind just write it down and see where it takes you. Maybe the rest of the plot will come to you right away, or maybe it will take a few days. But writing anything at all is progress, I think. In a way it’s kind of like riding a bike lol you’ll know what to do, even if it’s been a while! Good luck, I’m excited to read whatever you end up writing if you ever want to share! ❤️❤️
I wish I had better advice but I don’t even consider myself a writer jskdkdkf im just. picking words and arranging them in a way that kinda makes sense but not really 💀😂 BUT YOU’VE GOT THIS ANON!! I BELIEVE IN YOU
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baekhvuns · 2 years
Me and Hwa are in the same time zone yet I missed his messages cause he texted between 2-4am again. Boy, go to sleep instead of acting romantic 🤚🏻
Btw I had an embarrassing dream about Seonghwa, full delulu mode and I can't stand this WHYYYYY I prefer when my dreams are messed up and nonsensical, that one was too realistic I need to bury myself six feet under, goodbye. It's probably my uterus, hate this bitch so bad it drives me craaaaazyyyyy
"kind of strange that ik exo since debut yet have two albums from them and ik ateez for more than half their time and have their entire discography 😀" - I heard it from so many people bestie, tbh despite me collecting Shinee for +10 years if we exclude the solo stuff I probably have more Ateez things, Stray Kids not sure because surprisingly JYPE is less into releasing things every 2 months hahsjqhdhahsgs. But my Ateez shelf is BUUUUSYYYY
Oh no should've thrown tomatoes at the kids, I'm so sorry you had to experience that 🔫
The only time I cared about people stealing was during inventory cause suddenly things didn't add up 😬 and it's true they don't pay enough so why should we care lol, also it's not like we can actually intervene it's security's job
I remember those Shrek figurines but I didn't have them cause I probably stopped eating McDonald's at that time, but my flatmate had the Puss in Boots one!
I had this doll I think I definitely had a Barbie with a dog so maybe it was her, but I remember her knee broke and I taped and bandaged it aldishusshhsja. I did that highlighter thing too 💀... but I also had a Barbie with hair accessories and you could change her hair colour. Something like this https://www.v2mshop.com/?product_id=129579710_46
The only dolls I have right now are two colour reveal Barbs I got from my friend who collects them. And I still own my Monster High babies, even though they're in a box 😭😅 Monster Monster High come on, don't be shy Monster High the party never dies!!! This song slaps so hard I sang it at a karaoke once 😂
Exactly, I think nowadays there are so many dramas a lot of characters are bland af especially the young ones. I love that we have more and more stories about people aged +25! When it comes to romance the stories are MUCH better, I have pretty low romance tolerance (depends on my mood) so I'm picky.
Three quizzes for you miss:
I got this lmaooo, bitch I'm not saving anyone please... I mean maybe I would it depends 🤔
the hunter: these guys might be the ones to come in and save the day, give the final girl a chance to escape or fight back, or they just might be outmatched by the killer and end up a victim themselves. Still, it's usually an interesting match. Arguably the strongest sane character in the movie.
I have Pirate King but the description WHAT DOES IT MEAN lmao that ain't me for sure https://imgur.com/a/iXFaV8d 🤡
I got open ending 👀 I actually really like those if I were to choose between an unfinished ending and SAD ending I'm definitely team open, it may be frustrating but I like making up my own theories. - DV 💖
Me and Hwa are in the same time zone yet I missed his messages cause he texted between 2-4am again. Boy, go to sleep instead of acting romantic 🤚🏻
LMFAOOOO 😭😭😭 he’s the sneaky link the type to text “you up?” YES BRO I AM 😭😭
Btw I had an embarrassing dream about Seonghwa, full delulu mode and I can't stand this WHYYYYY I prefer when my dreams are messed up and nonsensical, that one was too realistic I need to bury myself six feet under, goodbye. It's probably my uterus, hate this bitch so bad it drives me craaaaazyyyyy
FBMWBDKWHDKW PLS IM ABT TO GO SLEEP I JIST HOPE NO DELULU COMES bdb never dreamt abt hwa but bc im writing bodyguard rn yOu bet I WILL,,, WHAT EVEN WAS IT DBDB WHAT DELULU 👁👁
"kind of strange that ik exo since debut yet have two albums from them and ik ateez for more than half their time and have their entire discography 😀" - I heard it from so many people bestie, tbh despite me collecting Shinee for +10 years if we exclude the solo stuff I probably have more Ateez things, Stray Kids not sure because surprisingly JYPE is less into releasing things every 2 months hahsjqhdhahsgs. But my Ateez shelf is BUUUUSYYYY
LMFAOOOO FBWNHD NO BC ITS SO TRUE??? i wanna rob ur shinee shelf so bad, i want the view albums so terribly bad u have no idea and sm 🔫 never 🔫 stocks 🔫 BFKWHDKS ATEEZ SHELF ALWAYS BUSY FR FR
Oh no should've thrown tomatoes at the kids, I'm so sorry you had to experience that 🔫
someone yelled at them to stop ☺️���️
The only time I cared about people stealing was during inventory cause suddenly things didn't add up 😬 and it's true they don't pay enough so why should we care lol, also it's not like we can actually intervene it's security's job
OH??? LMAOOO FBNSHDSJ PPL AT UR WORK LIKE COLLEAGUES ????? 👁 sussy👁 no, so true and then they fire u for not mentioning it as if ur job isn’t a stocker but a security guard 🔫
I remember those Shrek figurines but I didn't have them cause I probably stopped eating McDonald's at that time, but my flatmate had the Puss in Boots one!
I had this doll I think I definitely had a Barbie with a dog so maybe it was her, but I remember her knee broke and I taped and bandaged it aldishusshhsja. I did that highlighter thing too 💀... but I also had a Barbie with hair accessories and you could change her hair colour. Something like this https://www.v2mshop.com/?product_id=129579710_46
NAURRRR NOT THE TAPES 😭😭😭😭 i had this hannah montana doll and my brother cut her feet off 🔫 FBMWDJKW DID U SHAMPOO THE HAIR TOO 😭😭😭
The only dolls I have right now are two colour reveal Barbs I got from my friend who collects them. And I still own my Monster High babies, even though they're in a box 😭😅 Monster Monster High come on, don't be shy Monster High the party never dies!!! This song slaps so hard I sang it at a karaoke once 😂
omg monster high STOP DO U HAVE A CLEO DOLL???! ROBBING U RN omg ROBBING U 🔫 i have a strawberry shortcake doll 😭😭 and they smell like strawberries and lemons and blueberries too 😭😭
Exactly, I think nowadays there are so many dramas a lot of characters are bland af especially the young ones. I love that we have more and more stories about people aged +25! When it comes to romance the stories are MUCH better, I have pretty low romance tolerance (depends on my mood) so I'm picky.
YEAH! def the romance and the writing has improved so much + the way they film now like the quality is truly 🤌🏼🤌🏼 FBWNBDEK no bc some romance just be straight cringe and ur ruins the entire thing even if they fit ur favourite actors 😭😭 omg have u watched w two worlds???
https://uquiz.com/quiz/Otxmw0?p=2837828 I got this lmaooo, bitch I'm not saving anyone please... I mean maybe I would it depends 🤔 the hunter: these guys might be the ones to come in and save the day, give the final girl a chance to escape or fight back, or they just might be outmatched by the killer and end up a victim themselves. Still, it's usually an interesting match. Arguably the strongest sane character in the movie.
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i do not claim this energy, id be the third one to die i promise
https://uquiz.com/quiz/PLmZn9?p=564924 I have Pirate King but the description WHAT DOES IT MEAN lmao that ain't me for sure https://imgur.com/a/iXFaV8d 🤡
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https://uquiz.com/quiz/ZICOep?p=2838767 I got open ending 👀 I actually really like those if I were to choose between an unfinished ending and SAD ending I'm definitely team open, it may be frustrating but I like making up my own theories. - DV 💖
actually whej i first did this quiz a while back! i got open endings too! i didnt get it back then but now i got
the happy ending :
there's a lot you've had to struggle through. sometimes it even felt like a constant stream of negativity and pain, being swept up into a raging body of water. when you extended your arm to the people on the shore, they thought you were waving. you're such a good swimmer, after all, and you're so nice. even when coughing up saltwater you didn't lash out. you kept smiling and kept pulling others onto the riverbank, kept handing out pieces of advice and pieces of your heart, doing your ultimate best. i wish you'd known that even anger is something to be expressed. that your hurt is something to be pronounced out loud. that your pain is something to be acknowledged and softened. that absolutely nothing about you, not your flailing arms nor your saltwater tears nor your buried anger, is a mistake.
here’s a few for you !!! while i go sleep fbdhdh
1. https://uquiz.com/quiz/tCLOai/how-do-strangers-perceive-you
2. https://uquiz.com/quiz/nKO1Ls/what-do-you-smell-like
3. https://uquiz.com/quiz/rXB8JS/which-shinee-era-are-you?p=1388273
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