#😬 yikes mama
tojikai · 10 months
I just finished reading the new update to the Gojo one, like I screamed when I saw that there was a second part now and I ran to read it.
Also like how dare he ask her that? How dare he ask if Yui can call Naomi "mama" is he insane?? is he mental?? I feel so bad for YN, like I may not have a kid but my maternal heart hurts for her bc that would hurt so bad
AND SUCK IT GOJO! HOW DOES IT FEEL TO GET A TASTE OF YOUR OWN MEDICINE HUH??? HOW'S IT FUCKING FEEL PRICK?! Sorry, I just have strong emotions towards him and I cackled when he was adjusting his clothes at your door unannounced like what tf did you expect to happen?? did he expect her to still pine over him after he said the most hurtful things ever??
Side note. idk if you've heard that one tik tok audio abt this wife and husband. He basically cheated on her and she was asking him what the girl had that she didn't. and it went smth like this: (bold is the girl, italics is the guy)
"Is she prettier than me?"
"You're about the same."
"Is she younger than me?"
"You're similiar."
"Is she skinner?"
"You have a lot in common."
"So if she's not prettier than me, she's not skinner than me, and she's not younger than me. Than why couldn't it just be me??!"
"CUZ SHE'S SOFTER THAN YOU! And she's kinder. She doesn't yell at me and call me stupid-" (the audio continues I just don't remmeber it lol)
and I feel like Gojo would say that. I feel like he'd tell her that. Tell her that Naomi is kinder and sweeter, and softer, better. And then he'd be confused on why YN is mad or hurt bc he's a dumb fuck and he wouldn't understand until she says the same thing to him but about our handsome new guy and then in that moment he'd be like "Oh. Oh."
ANYWAYS! I can't wait for pt 3!! I'm so excited to see where you take the story!!
ohhh the scene from the little death AAAAAA it's painful 😭 but the guy has problems and it didn't end well, yikes 😬 satoru was definitely slapped in the face with the appearance of the hunk 👀 HDJSKSKSK thank u so much for your support <33
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nimata-beroya · 1 year
Right now, I have the mighty need to pay Jon Favreau a visit. One which would be not beneficial for his overall health. I heard vague rumors that this episode was going to be a rough one to watch, but I avoided catching any details. I don't know if knowing what was going to happen would've made it easier to bear, but dang! It hit me hard.
Loosing yet another of my beloved characters in a short time has me reeling. How dare you, Favreau? HOW.DARE.YOU?! It started very funny, but that ending destroyed me.
This is going to be a long one (testament to how great the episode was). So read at your risk.
Hmm, this imperial chick again. What are you up to now? who are you meeting with? I don't think Gideon is bold enough to be on Coruscant, but… Oh, a probe droid! ok, through a holo, yeah that makes sense. And there he is! Ugh! Poodoo is going to hit the fan now.
Woah! where are you hiding, Gideon? This is cool and terrifying.
A meeting! Do I know anyone there?
Oof! Imperial using the same tactic that the rebellion used at the beginning of appearing nothing more than an unorganized group of remnants is like YIKES! 😬😬 Dare I say whose idea that was? Perhaps from a blue grand admiral well-known for studying his enemy and using their tactics against them?
LOL Shadow Council? Couldn't you find something more original. Just sayin'
Of course, Gideon is trying to take power from Thrawn while he's not around. Gideon, let me tell you right now that you'll lose, my friend, and you won't know what hit you once Thrawn put you in your place. You think you're a step ahead of everyone, but he's 10 steps ahead of you!
Ok, here we go! will Mandos behave?
Nicely done, Armorer. Big mama reminding younglings to be in their best behavior 😆
From Coruscant? How did you get that Karga, hmm? (Side note: this seemed sus to me since the first time I was watching the episode, but even more after I was done)
Oh, poor Grogu 🙁 he got scared as soon as saw the droid. Not that I blame him because of how things went last time.
IG-12? lol A mecha, nice solution.
Now, Grogu is happy!
🤣🤣🤣 bad baby! no squeezie! 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Greef Karga is grandpa ™ spoiling Grogu rotten and Din can already see that this will bring more chaos to his life. He can feel it! 😂
OMG!!! Grogu can communicate now. His first word!! Sorta… and it's so appropriate that it's "No". Grogu officially entered the terrible twos! Din is doomed now 🤣🤣🤣 This is so hilarious!!
🤣🤣 Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Din makes the example, of course! and he volunteers Grogu too?! Are you insane? Actively taking your son into dangerous situations is not good parenting, Din. JFYTK! But I love that Grogu stands immediately.
Koska and Axe, too. I guess that was obvious. YES!! Good for you, Paz! (Side note: After watching the episode, I no longer think it was a good decision, Paz. You should've stayed 😭😭)
Ooh! The armorer is going too? With the vague rumors I heard that this episode will end not in the happiest terms, I have the feeling she might die 😩 I don't want that! (SN: yeah, my spidey senses weren't that off, after all. Somebody died 😭😭😭)
Ooh! the heartbreak of everyone watching Mandalore's surface from the Gauntlet 😖
What's that? Oh! More Mandalorians? On the planet? Why do I think this is sus? I mean, they could be working with Gideon to lead them to a trap (UGH! sometimes I hate being right! or maybe not, but it's really sus that these guys appeared and let the party just to where Gideon's base is? like 👀)
OH!!! Bo-Katan is telling what happened finally!!! (I've admitted before that I was never her biggest fan, but I feel for her. Obviously, Gideon didn't give her much of a choice and took advantage of that. And she has changed a lot since then and even before that. Her wise words come from painful experiences)
I like that Bo is admitting her mistakes out loud. Not spelled them out entirely, but enough for me to be appeased. One of my criticisms about her arc is the vague mention of her past mistakes. I don't mean it as to forever punish her for them, but to show how far she's come all these years. Because casual fans who haven't watched TCW or Rebels don't know she was Death Watch. And to me, that's an important thing.
And I ADORED Din's speech!!! And it's the confirmation of what I thought Bo's arc was about. It's about showing others and herself that what has value in a leader is not the blood or ancestry, nor possessing a magic weapon, but who you are as a person. Like Din says: honor, loyalty, character. And his vow brought tears to my eyes 🥹
So the Armorer is not going? 🤔 So maybe she doesn't die, but if she doesn't, who will? 😣
and these guys know exactly what they're going 🤨 Yeah, definitely sus. Something is going to happen and I'll hate it!
🤣 Paz and Axe playing together? Danger! Danger stranger! This is going to end badly… see what I mean! I'm not even surprised that Paz is the one issuing the challenge. And of course, Axe won't back down.
it should be embarrassing for both Paz and Axe that a child has to intervene and stop them. But I'm wheezing! it's so funny.
What do you mean, Din?! You've taught him that too!! from the top of my head, I can remember not less than 6 times that you've tried (at least) to deescalate, if not stop altogether, a fight. I mean, you just were going to do exactly that!!!
Oh my gaaaaawwwddddd! Din and Grogu nodding to each other!!! OMG that's so cuuuuuuute!!! 🥺🥺🥰🥰
Ok, I'm getting nervous, because I know something big is going to happen and I don't know what!
Wait! What the hell is that?!! Is that the Mythosaur?! (On the second viewing, I paused it to check carefully, and no, it's not the mythosaur. I don't see the tusks, so it has to be another nameless monster)
awww uncle Paz and Axe saving Grogu together 🥰
🥰🥰 Din "the galaxy's best dad" Djarin checking on his kid (But my dear, this is exactly why you shouldn't have brought him!)
Oh, dank ferrik! Imperial commandos?! Ugh! Stormtroopers, lots of them 😖
oh fuck! no no no no!!! That looks too imperial!!! There's a post there!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! I knew it!!! It's a trap!
Nooooo!!! stop it!!! Turn around!!!! TURN AROUND!!!!
I KNEW IT!!!!! I've been saying since episode 2 that dark troopers were made of beskar alloy!! Somebody listened to me? probably not many.
Oh fuck fuck fuck fuck!!! No, DIIIIIIIIIIIN!!!!
yeah, that would've been nice, Bo. Problems for many people would've gone poof if Gideon were dead!
yeah, like that trick would work twice! Pfft! Please Gideon, come up with something better
omg omg omg!!!! nooooooo Paz!!!!! NOOOO!!!!!! NO that's NOT the way!!! noooooooo!!!😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I'm devastated because Paz is my second favorite mandalorian after Din, and I can believe that I've lost 2 characters very dear to me in as many weeks! Why they want to ruin my comfort shows with this level of angst?!! Gosh, it hurts!! All I can think about is in the poor Ragnar that's now fatherless 😭😭😭😭💔💔💔 (Does he have a mom, or he just turned into a foundling for a second time in his short life?)
There's something else that was left without a clear answer. Who the spies are? Because, yeah, Elia Kane is A spy, but the title is in plural, so who is or are the other(s)? I have several suspects.
The first ones, of course, are the "survivors" in Mandalore. They seemed to be in the right place and right time and knew exactly how to go where the others needed to go. Suspiciously convenient, too convenient.
But maybe, they're not the spies, if Jon Favreau chose to be a little less obvious. If not them, then it could be the armorer. I mean, everyone is suspecting her. She has always been pretty sketchy and super mysterious and manipulative, and this season she has had all of us going back and forth with her inconsistencies. And the fact that she went back to the ship in orbit instead of going to the main forge, a place she spoke with such a fondness just before they were led to a trap? Sus, very sus!
However, after thinking all day, there's one thing that makes a case in her favor. If she is the other spy and is working with Gideon, why was he so surprised, like genuinely shocked, that the children of the watch and the nite owls were teaming up? Why she didn't tell him? It could be that she's playing both sides; it's a big possibility, but maybe she's not the spy. She's just the distraction from the real thing.
(Also, there's like a sort of plot armor with her, I think. Someone really big badass needs to be in the fleet when the bombers attack to lead the counterattack, since everyone else (known BAMFs, I mean, not extras) is on the planet's surface, Jon F gave her the job. Maybe?)
My third suspect, and I can't believe I'm going to say this, but what if Greef Karga is the spy? I know he has changed a lot since season 1, and he's a good friend to Din and a sorta grandpa to Grogu, but that thing with the bottle from Coruscant raised all my red flags instantly. At first, I didn't know why, but once I watched the whole episode, it went from a silly thing to a big red flag! I hope I'm dead wrong and this is just my hyperactive imagination playing tricks on me. But now under this light, even the gesture of welcoming all the Mandalorians on Nevarro could take a new nefarious meaning.
If you think my list of suspects is done, you're mistaken. I have 2 more. Axe Woves and Koska Reeves. Him, because his ego might be still wounded that Bo kicked his ass last week. I mean, it's a lame excuse, but he wouldn't be the first to do something like this for that reason. And she because there's nothing suspicious about her. It's crazy, I know, but the best traitor/spy/etc. in any story is who no one expects to be. Even if she had a nice moment with Bo sharing a silent conversation before Bo said how she surrendered to Gideon, and Koska was the first of the nite owls to volunteer to go to Mandalore, she still could be the spy. And it'd hurt Bo greatly that either of them betrays her to Gideon.
In conclusion, I suspect of everyone except for Din, Grogu, Paz (RIP), and Bo. Everybody else is a person of interest in my book. And there's a whole week of waiting to know the answer to this and to the fate of Din! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! How will I stay sane till then?
I warned you that this one would be long, and I think I've spoken enough, so I'll shut up now. See you next week!
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trevuorzegras · 3 months
⏜ˑ 🐇 actress au part one 𓋜 ⋆ ࣪
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౨ৎ . . all works for this series will be under the #his greatest mistake au tag. for any random thoughts, or asks it will be under the #cassidy morgan au tag!
fem actress!oc x quinn hughes
mentions of fem actress!oc x jacob elordi
faceclaim: beabadoobee
series masterlist can be found, here!
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cas_morgan: life as of lately 🎀
liked by avery.walker, trevorzegras, and others
user1: am i the only one who noticed that jacob no longer likes her posts, AND they unfollowed each other?
↳ user2: well after THAT post i wouldn’t wanna be with his cheating ass either 🤷‍♀️
↳ user3: wait who’s jacob?
↳ user4: jacob elordi. her boyfriend user3
trevorzegras: i miss you superstar
↳ yourusername: i miss you more trev 🫶🏼
↳ trevorzegras: lemme fly you out to a game soon?? cas_morgan
↳ cas_morgan: i’ll think about it trevorzegras
user5: i hope you’re alright cas ):
↳ user6: why wouldn’t she be okay??
↳ user7: a gossip page posted leaked pictures of jacob and some mystery girl. my guess is he’s been cheating for awhile cause cas and jacob haven’t interacted, nor followed each other in almost a week user6
avery.walker: need to get you out to a race soon!
↳ cas_morgan: tell me a time & place and i’ll be there av!!
user8: avery and cas’s friendship is so dear to me you guys don’t get it 😭😭
user9: you guys need to get out these comments talking about jacob 🙅‍♀️
liked by cas_morgan
lhughes_06: mom says you need to visit soon
↳ cas_morgan: awe i miss mama hughes 🥹
dominicfike: how's my favorite girl been?
↳ cas_morgan: i’ve been good d! i miss you we need a reunion real soon 🫶🏼
user10: collab with sturniolo.triplets when?
liked by cas_morgan, sturniolo.triplets, and others
user11: beautiful girl omggg
zendaya: pretty girl
↳ cas_morgan: says the absolute goddess herself
user12: you never deserved jacob whore
↳ user13: saying this as if he wasn’t caught cheating bffr 😭
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thelastest: Recent photos of Jacob Elordi seen with a mystery girl last week. When question about him, and ex co star Cassidy Morgan he says “Me, and Cassidy have been over. I didn’t cheat. She cheated on me with her so called bestfriend, Thomas? Some wannabe hockey player.” So far nothing has been confirmed.
Comment your thoughts!
tagged: cas_morgan, jacobelordi
liked by jacobelordi, gossipdaily, and others
user14: YIKES
user15: so SHE’S the cheater?
↳ user16: if you actually think cassidy is a cheater, you’re mental. a day before the pictures of jacob and the mystery girl were released, jacob & cassidy were literally seen ON A DATE. i’m not a fan of cassidy, in fact i’m a huge jacob supporter, but if you believe jacob you’re actually stupid 🤷‍♀️
user17: funny how he finds a way to blame others
cas_morgan: oh sure let’s point the cheating finger at me when he’s the one with a record of cheating!
↳ user18: exactly.. bros KNOWN for cheating on gorgeous women. like come on now
cas_morgan: trevorzegras i think you’re supposed to be thomas??
↳ trevorzegras: the laugh i just let out FUCK
user19: her and trevor are so unbothered 😭
user20: knew she was a whore
user21: slut!
↳ _quinnhughes: funny how you can sit behind an anonymous account calling someone a slut when she’s the one who got cheated on, fucking weirdo
↳ user22: YOU TELL EM QUINN _quinnhughes
user23: these uneducated children in the comments coming at cas is actually insane 🙅‍♀️
dominicfike: blaming cas when bros got a history of cheating. you think you know a man smh 🤦‍♂️
liked by zendaya, sydney_sweeney, and others
user24: the way their co stars unfollowed jacob?? i think they know smth we don’t, just saying
user25: at least if cas WAS with a hockey player they wouldn’t treat her as shitty as jacob did 🙅‍♀️
user26: i don’t think jacob was expecting these comments when bro liked this post 😬
↳ user27: would lowkey deactivate if i was him
user28: notice everyone who is on cassidy’s side is hot, can’t be a coincidence just saying
↳ cas_morgan: okay this made me laugh i won’t even lie to you
user29: cas is so unbothered by the jacob stans & i fucking love it
↳ user30: as she should
anddddd it has begun! make sure to check out my masterlist, here! as well as the series masterlist, here!
taglist | @wnderify @bunbunbl0gs @alwaysclassyeagle @bunting58 @callsignwidow @crazycat-ladys-blog
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baekhvuns · 1 year
That El Clasico.... I didn't watch it and I'm glad. Benzema saved our asses again, sigh...
Yep it kinda makes sense for older players to go the easier way, lots of money, not so many wins ajhdhsishusshusgeshw cause let's face it, what are they going to achieve in non-European clubs 😬Lmao when Kaka the church boy divorced?!
I don't have my football cards anymore, unless they're at my grandparents house 👀
Wow, Argentina really went full in, huh? Masterminds, Cristiano destroyed. Zidane is only 50 and already a granddaddy, it's so weird 😭
Harry is clearly traumatised which I understand, however there's no need to trauma dump on the whole world and reveal TMI??? Perhaps you're right, maybe the Diana x Sausage Fingers marriage wouldn't go downhill (at least not in that way) if they had a daughter
Okay SuJu members need to attend the Wrestlemania, I hope that LSM is going to be a contestant as well 🔫 yes EXO makes the most sense. It's tricky since they're in their military era, but hopefully once Baek comes back they'll get some more schedules together, because the group deserves better :/ I was afraid SM would ditch Shinee or do things in a half-assed way, but so far I'm pretty content with the pro-military content (they suck at promos, but it's not just Shinee)
The webtoon is gonna kill me, who knew a little high school romance is going to be the death of me?! I'm still team black hair Eunhyuk, but Dohwa is fun, if he was the lead in a different work I'd be 100% into him! But alas...... it's unclear whether he has any romantic intentions, but it's highly likely. Spoiler: they both took photobooth photos with the FL (individually) and last chapter ended with both of them staring at the photos fondly, while FL pinned both on her wall 😭
Alright but THIS man too 😍
So the kid is Sonnaught's 💀 but Tasir was crowned as the Royal Consort 👑 so I'd say he's winning, got the title, got no child to look after <3
Yep, obviously Draco's spoilt ass deserved some whooping, cause kid was delulu, however the pressure his father and Voldy put on him?! And the scene when Harry uses the torture spell on him, I cried in the cinema 💀 Narcissa was an icon!
A CHAT NOIR HWA FIC 😳 do not tease me!!!
Jude is a great actor, I can't believe he played Dumbledore AND the Pope too 😭 him in The Holiday <3 but also in Talented Mr Ripley he looked like a European actor from the 70s-80s
Atinys can't decide whether Ateez members have positions or not, it's so annoying
Park Seonghwa literally serving a whole ass photoshoot at the fan sign, at this point maybe fansites should hire him for a shoot 😭 the masked photos 😳
I wanted the cool patterns to be visible, so I didn't get the 🐍 coloured. The work is so detailed, spend quite a lot of time on them, plus the red ink hurt a bit more, but it was worth it. Okay you dislike snakes, but serpent Seonghwa...
Okay if it was a small spider then it's fine, especially since they deserved it!
Ponytail Mingiiiiiiiiiii that was an experience for sure. Please why is Hwa so endearing, everything he does is so cute especially when he's being clueless 🥰 Absolutely, Seonghwa needs to write, songs, poems, fiction, an instruction manual idc
Oh Pique thinks he did something... clown worthy behaviour. A whole ass witch mannequin, what kind of timeline is this 😭😭😭😭 Pique's a mama's boy in the worst possible way, yikes, they both can fuck off
Guess some people notice the serial fan callers, but they don't care cause they provide cute videos 🙃 Awww so much SeongSang moment.
If he worked at my cafe I'd be on caffeine and sugar rush 24/7
I'm sure Mark has a lot of girlfriends and boyfriends he just doesn't know 😭
😌 he - DV 💖
That El Clasico.... I didn't watch it and I'm glad. Benzema saved our asses again, sigh... //// Yep it kinda makes sense for older players to go the easier way, lots of money, not so many wins ajhdhsishusshusgeshw cause let's face it, what are they going to achieve in non-European clubs 😬Lmao when Kaka the church boy divorced?!
everyone maybe afraid of rm, but rm’s afraid of barca 🤚🏻HUMILIATING I TELL U idk what went wrong with the team, they had beasts yet it felt bland,, barca’s youngest were playing like THAT in front of modric???? benzema??? kroos??? VINI??? bro wasn’t even ALIVE,, waiting for a psg v alnassr friendly that’s about to be anything but friendly and i have no hope for the teams bc they all did wack <3 DID U SEE THE ALNASSR RIVAL CLUB OFFERING 350$ MILLION TO MESSI???? WHAT TYPE OF WEALTH IS HAPPENING THERE??? the ultimate religious church boy’s divorce <3 i thought he was against it bfdbbddb
I don't have my football cards anymore, unless they're at my grandparents house 👀 /// Wow, Argentina really went full in, huh? Masterminds, Cristiano destroyed. Zidane is only 50 and already a granddaddy, it's so weird 😭
on my way actually, gimme all the iconic ones <3 argentina used ronaldo’s weakness and it worked! ITS SO WEIRD IT IS !!!! and the way it’s a girlie in a house of 6 boys??? better be rotten spoiled 🔫 imagine having the privilege of saying zidane’s my grandfather 😭😭😭
Harry is clearly traumatised which I understand, however there's no need to trauma dump on the whole world and reveal TMI??? Perhaps you're right, maybe the Diana x Sausage Fingers marriage wouldn't go downhill (at least not in that way) if they had a daughter
yeah! it’s the dismissal of not agreeing you’re traumatized and then monetizing on the very thing that seemingly made you traumatized and then saying you’ve got another book ready 😭😭😭 the diana tmi was too much for me,, did not want to picture her in that way,,, SAUSAGE FINGERS BRKQHDKWHDKSHDLWJCLWUDOWNCMSKH UR RIGHT 😭😭😭😭
Okay SuJu members need to attend the Wrestlemania, I hope that LSM is going to be a contestant as well 🔫 yes EXO makes the most sense. It's tricky since they're in their military era, but hopefully once Baek comes back they'll get some more schedules together, because the group deserves better :/ I was afraid SM would ditch Shinee or do things in a half-assed way, but so far I'm pretty content with the pro-military content (they suck at promos, but it's not just Shinee)
lsm fighting a suju member, waiting for this <3 it’s confirmed they are making a cb after baek comes back! it’s said to be around spring! BAEK IS BACK IN A MONTH, ANON WE ARE OUT OF THE DROUGHT ITS HAPPENING !!!!! BAEK COMIMG AND NEXT IS TAEMIN !!!!!! lots of solo stuff too! exo idoling would bring back kpop i tell u, but if it’s that noise music id cry,,,, shinee world tour also!!! i think onew and key confirmed AND KEY REPACKAGE ALBUM !!!!! sm really sucks at promos, if they promoted their group OUTSIDE of asia rightly we would’ve seen a kpop break thru quite quickly!
The webtoon is gonna kill me, who knew a little high school romance is going to be the death of me?! I'm still team black hair Eunhyuk, but Dohwa is fun, if he was the lead in a different work I'd be 100% into him! But alas...... it's unclear whether he has any romantic intentions, but it's highly likely. Spoiler: they both took photobooth photos with the FL (individually) and last chapter ended with both of them staring at the photos fondly, while FL pinned both on her wall 😭 //// Alright but THIS man too 😍
So the kid is Sonnaught's 💀 but Tasir was crowned as the Royal Consort 👑 so I'd say he's winning, got the title, got no child to look after <3 //// Yep, obviously Draco's spoilt ass deserved some whooping, cause kid was delulu, however the pressure his father and Voldy put on him?! And the scene when Harry uses the torture spell on him, I cried in the cinema 💀 Narcissa was an icon!
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did sonnaught’s red hair gene kick in- TASIR HAD IT EASY
STOP WHEN HARRY WALKED IN SAYING “I KNOW WHAT U DID” WHILE DRACO WAS AT HIS PEAK ANGST HAVING A BREAKDOWN, THE CRY I CREWED 😭😭😭😭 half blood prince, i wanted to physically jump in the movie and protect him,,,,,, the way he acted 🤌🏻😮‍💨 SHE REALLY WAS !!!!! so nice too 😭 the only one who was actually nice to draco
A CHAT NOIR HWA FIC 😳 do not tease me!!! /// Jude is a great actor, I can't believe he played Dumbledore AND the Pope too 😭 him in The Holiday <3 but also in Talented Mr Ripley he looked like a European actor from the 70s-80s
superhero hwa fic, on the way 🫡 the diversity of this man is so good, his projects that he chooses too!!! in mr riply, that man omg, he was like if alain delon went young again 🤚🏻
Atinys can't decide whether Ateez members have positions or not, it's so annoying //// Park Seonghwa literally serving a whole ass photoshoot at the fan sign, at this point maybe fansites should hire him for a shoot 😭 the masked photos 😳
atiny’s can’t decide anything, esp the twt ones 😭😭😭😭 they should be the last ones to decide anything bc it will always be unhinged,,, WAIT UR ONTO SOMETHING FANSITES ASKING HIM FOR A SHOOT 👀👀👀 need a pshbar so they can professionally shoot photos for him 🤚🏻 need him in a white button up, sleeves rolled up, buttons unbuttoned (first 4), in a italian summer, on a boat, with raybans one??? a must. need gucci to hire him. or me. i will make it happen.
I wanted the cool patterns to be visible, so I didn't get the 🐍 coloured. The work is so detailed, spend quite a lot of time on them, plus the red ink hurt a bit more, but it was worth it. Okay you dislike snakes, but serpent Seonghwa... /// Okay if it was a small spider then it's fine, especially since they deserved it!
AHHHHH omg but anon ur so cool for that !!!! 🫡 but did not know red ink hurted differently! i wouldn’t say i dislike them but i just get body chills whenever i see their skin, it’s so leathery and slimey and mAKES ME CRINGE but serpent hwa 😯😯
Ponytail Mingiiiiiiiiiii that was an experience for sure. Please why is Hwa so endearing, everything he does is so cute especially when he's being clueless 🥰 Absolutely, Seonghwa needs to write, songs, poems, fiction, an instruction manual idc
ponytail mingi was out of hand and if he pulls that at concerts again, i am officially resigning from life <33 seonghwa, everytime, how can someone be so endearing 24/7 😭😭😭 he can right hello and id buy it ONLY IF THE SHIPPING ISNT OVER 100$
Oh Pique thinks he did something... clown worthy behaviour. A whole ass witch mannequin, what kind of timeline is this 😭😭😭😭 Pique's a mama's boy in the worst possible way, yikes, they both can fuck off /// Guess some people notice the serial fan callers, but they don't care cause they provide cute videos 🙃 Awww so much SeongSang moment.
HE KEEPS TAKING AN L AND ITS SO EMBARRASSING BC HE ACTUALLY THINKS HES DONE SOMETHING RIGHT 😭😭😭 omf ur right, pique’s the ultimate mama’s boy in the most sickly but shakira a whole detective, found out he was cheating thru a jam??? ur right, if that many ppl do it, imagine the amount of ppl we have no idea about 😭😭
If he worked at my cafe I'd be on caffeine and sugar rush 24/7 //// I'm sure Mark has a lot of girlfriends and boyfriends he just doesn't know 😭 //// 😌 he - DV 💖
FBWMFBWMJCKCJ SUDDENLY WILL BECOME A COFFEE LIKER 😭😭😭 see anon he knows u haven’t read model hwa again, or given him the chance, he’s back at it again b-but what about him it’s me, im mark’s gf actually 🥰🥰
it should be illegal to have gifs this clear
i also want to ask since i recently stumbled upon a few podcasts and stories about this, when u mentioned u went to varanasi, did u perhaps see or sense the immense spiritual ness about that place? bc i believe there’s an insane amount of people there who worship the death, did u perhaps have any experience seeing something like that? like something strange or a shift in vibes bc there’s just so much religious stuff there?
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suchahautemess · 5 years
This is the reason why i used to get my ass beat after getting caught for staying up past my bedtime as a kid
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just-antithings · 2 years
Anon here that submitted abt the 40 yr old anti. It got worse... She declared herself fandom mom, told the "children" to "all play nice", refers to herself as Mama, saying things like "Mama doesn't approve", and worst of all, belittling people on the internet for using problematic art to cope with trauma, all while she apparently works as an abuse counselor. (Got into the profession because one of her daughters was groomed and abused) Can I just say... YIKES
oh my god an anti as an abuse counselor 😬 those poor, poor people who have to see her
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it again: antis and their rhetoric have no place in the mental health profession
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plaidbooks · 2 years
Okay but Rafael having to take his toddler to work one day as the nanny is ill, his wife at work and his mami at work too and Carmen happily keeps an eye on his daughter… but one day she innocently asks Carmen when her Papi was there, why her Mama calls her Papi, Papi too… 🤣😳🤭
yikes 😬
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crimsonblackrose · 3 years
I don’t think I can eat any more Italian food. No one so much as recommend a noodle of any kind to me for at least a week. Or pizza. (and a lesser extent Asian food because my uncle and cousin kept wanting to get Asian food, which was still good but it was like the second most eaten food type.)
Getting home was an ordeal. We had to get a pass for our layover that was less than a half hour and my uncle just stood there cursing like a sailor because it kept booting him out. Then he kept setting his bags down and forgetting them, and then him and my aunt got stuck at our second round of security and then my cousin started getting grumpy because the nicotine gum we got him he didn’t like so by the time we landed he nearly started a fight with TSA because he didn’t show the TSA agent his pass because he thought my uncle had it, then thought my aunt had it because he’d gone with my aunt and she didn’t have it and even though I asked if he had it he said he didn’t but then when we had to go through a separate line he did have it. 😬 
Highlights from the trip:
The guy at our BnB in Naples running down the hallway after me asking me if I wanted an espresso. (answer was yes, it was the first one of the trip) And the fact that once again I played translator on like a weird small level between him and my aunt and uncle which they didn’t notice, but he’d turn to me when he didn’t understand something.
The woman at our hotel in Florence who offered me an espresso at 8pm and then was disappointed when I said I wanted to sleep that night. 
The waiter in Naples who gave us some of the best food of our trip, pizza and spaghetti with tomatoes grown from Mt. Vesuvius and he was super helpful and friendly. 
The taxi driver who was given the wrong information on where we were going from the place we were staying and zoomed through traffic and leapfrogged lines and through tollbooths and said “oh mama mia!” several times and got us there on time. (He took us to the airport when we were supposed to go to the train station on the other end of the city)
The hotel in Milan that happily told us about the birds outside. 
Several fabulous tour guides. One of who did a “nature is healing” meme: “October the Americans returned and our tour group cheered when we got our first booking. We missed you.” 
Pesto pasta at a Chinese restaurant in Genoa that was amazing. 
The couple on one of our tours that was celebrating their wedding anniversary and talked about how important it was for their children to follow their dreams, because they’d worked hard to make sure they could as immigrants and then telling me my job is my side job and my art is my job. They were just very sweet. And were telling my aunt and uncle how jealous they were that their kids were still willing to travel with them. (I was momentarily adopted lol)
A winery with the very sweet black cat
A tour where afterwards we all were heading in the same direction and all started chatting and it was just a nice comradery making sure we all got back to where we were staying.  
The fact that there was a store near the Vatican where everything is blessed which I guess includes postcards and random tourist stuff as well as all the Catholic stuff. So my aunt bought pens and now I have a blessed pen. (They sold a lot of holy water too which I contemplated but if it broke yikes)
Gelato- best flavor I tried was white chocolate cinnamon.
A gelato shop run by an elderly man who was very enthusiastic and delighted that we all had so many flavors we wanted to try. My aunt nearly bounced like a little kid when she got two flavors in a small cup. 
The guy at Pompeii who gave me lucky peppers after explaining the unique things I was looking at. (Did not buy the old school traditional lucky charm)
Dogs, so many well behaved dogs everywhere.
All the plants growing everywhere. The cracks in the cobblestones, along the Vatican walls, grass in the train tracks, succulents growing through grated windows. Fruit trees, cacti, all sorts of things still flowering. 
One of our flight attendants when I asked “wait, a bun?” laughing and saying “I have no clue, it’s what it says on the box” when he passed out our before landing snack. 
A train view of the ocean
A train view of mountains with a low snaking cloud
A guy playing violin very beautifully
The guy where we had dinner our last night who I overheard speaking French and I got tripped up and said thank you in French and he just lit up (I think he was French) and then made a fancy non alcoholic local drink I’d asked about to see if they had it. (It ended up being a fancy mocha)
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