erisxdrifter · 22 hours
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Here guys, have something really stupid I started drawing at like 12 AM last night 😳🙈
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Come on guys, you can’t let her kill you twice, that’s embarrassing
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benechillax · 6 months
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comhaontas · 9 months
not to be the most annoying indecisive person in the world but i don't think i can handle two separate blogs. would y'all hate me if i put everyone back on unfogged
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peachypiee · 2 years
Bought new black combat boots and all my inner domme sadist can think about is a very good boy (who knows exactly who he is) letting me step on him
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lace-chocolate · 2 years
#okay this might be a little umm.. okay lmao#so firstly lemme start off with#shut up lc#because I need to preface that I don’t have an imagination (I have? experience? aphantasia) so already this is WILD FOR ME okay so#I masturbated to the literal thought of M last night and I came so fuckijg hard I literally blacked out and woke up this morning not knowing#where I was or how I got there lmao#it started in the shower. I just kept thinking about how he looks at me and touches me and those fucking lips and his hands and hair and#chest and body and I just 🤤#like he is just so fucking effortlessly sexy and I started to get to fucking wet in the shower I had to calm down#so I finished off with a bit of a cold shower but the moment I was out I kept thinking just how fuckijg sexy he was and how he HAS to know#(he doesn’t???? somehow??????? but he mUST HES SO FUCKING HOT????)#and as I did my skin care I kept thinking about him and our effortless intimacy and how he’ll graze his fingers lightly on my shoulder and#it lights my whole fuckijg body on fire and lands right in my pussy lmao 🙈#and then I thought about how he touches me everywhere#touches feather light when he wants them to be and so firm other times and gOD I’m getting wet again just thinking about it now#I thought about his hands on my things.. stroking.. his lips on mine and travelling down my skin#his mouth on my#😳🙈#and that’s literally as fucking far as I got before I blacked out#literally just thinking about him touching me. holding my hips down and my legs open and kissing my thighs and looking up at me with those#deep brown eyes and that little smirk and those soft pink lips that I love to kiss and bite I#fucking hell dude like I’m so fucked up over him I’m literally entranced#M
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softasapetal · 2 years
I—I literally just got off of work and y’all are making me soft n stuff wth
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pollyna · 1 year
Husband reveals but in the most normal way ever: Mav forgets his lunch home twice, and Tom drops by because he can't have a starving husband, even less for such an important mission. The first time he's wearing civvies and the daggers are far away to not notice him at all, the second one Ice is still in full uniform when he strolls in the cafeteria, drops Mav's lunch on the table, kisses his lips and "I'm not your errand boy, next time you forgot your lunch it's on you" to which Mav smiles dopey "whatever you say, Iceman. Eat with me?". How could Tom say no?
All around them, nobody moves because the Commander of the fucking Pacific Fleet is sharing a sandwich with their captain. And they kissed.
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sluttygallavich · 2 months
Ian spits on mickeys hole and they both enjoy it 🤝
The first time it happens, it’s out of pure necessity.
They’ve just chased each other across half of South Side and up six flights of crumbling stairs, blood pumping and hearts racing. By the time they get to the mattress they have set up behind a half-collapsed wall near Ian’s makeshift training course they’re both practically out of their minds and completely desperate for it.
“Get the shit, Gallagher.”
Mickey already has his jeans pulled down to his knees and is looking back over his shoulder at him expectantly when the crushing realization hits.
Mickey’s eyebrows furrow at Ian’s stricken expression. “The fuck, Gallagher. You didn’t come prepared?”
And no, actually, he hadn’t come prepared for Mickey to materialize in the middle of a busy street and crash his…whatever with Ned, and he sure as fuck hadn’t been planning on letting things with Ned go any further than a couple of drinks and maybe a hurried hand job if the old guy was really insistent. So no, he is in no way prepared for the situation he finds himself in now—ass naked but for his socks and rock hard, with his sorta boyfr– with Mickey’s perfect pale cheeks just begging to be spread.
He huffs, cheeks pinkening under Mickey’s accusatory stare.
“Get on your back, I’ll blow you instead.” Ian tries not to let on how disappointed he is, even as he suggests it, but it doesn’t seem to matter because Mickey makes no move to roll over. Instead, he bites at his bottom lip, considering.
“You gonna keep sticking it in that geriatric pedo?” he asks finally, voice gruff but eyes darting around, betraying his nerves.
And Ian’s first instinct is to roll his eyes and protest at that, but, well… yeah, okay.
His second instinct is to turn the question around and ask if Mickey’s going to keep sticking it in Angie Zago or whatever other neighbourhood slut is willing, but, well…
This is Mickey sort of trying, isn’t it? This is missed ya under the bleachers, and this is helping Ian train for West Point nearly every day since he’s been back, and this is the mattress that “fell off the back of a truck” after Ian complained about the concrete floor fucking up his knees. This is following him today and beating the shit out of that geriatric pedo in the middle of the street because he was jealous but couldn’t just say it.
This is Mickey staking a claim, maybe.
“No,” Ian answers, heart racing at what he thinks might be happening—what he thinks Mickey might be proposing. And he wasn’t going to ask, but as he shuffles closer on the mattress, he finds that he just needs to know. He needs to hear it too. “Are you?”
Mickey snorts, turning his head back around so Ian can no longer see his face.
“Am I gonna stick my dick in that grandpa’s wrinkly old ass? Nah man, you don’t gotta worry about that.”
Ian reaches out then, just a single hand brushing lightly at Mickey’s hip, and he realizes it’s the first time they’ve touched since rushing up here, too frantic earlier to do anything but tear at their own clothes.
And he must hear something in Ian’s voice then, because when Mickey speaks again the derisiveness of a moment before is gone. He just sounds desperate again. Pleading, even.
“C’mon, Ian, just get in me.”
And it’s not exactly an answer, is it? But it’s Ian instead of Gallagher, and it’s the vulnerability he can feel rolling off Mickey in this moment, and it’s trust, really. And Ian finds that’s good enough for now.
He grips Mickey’s ass with both hands and relishes in the heavy exhale it pulls from him, almost like Mickey had been holding his breath. Like relief. And Ian feels it too. So strongly he’s almost faint with it. He spreads Mickey wide and pets at his hole with his thumb, mouth falling open as he watches it flutter and try to pull him in.
“Fuck, Mick,” he groans. He feels even more wild than he did a few minutes ago. “Still don’t have any lube though.”
Mickey’s head drops down between his shoulders as Ian presses just the tip of his thumb inside him, dry.
“Just spit on it, Gallagher, Jesus.”
And Ian feels like he’s been kicked in the back, all the air rushing out of his lungs at once.
“Are– are you sure?”
“Holy fuck, yes, yes, I’m sure,” Mickey huffs. “You need to see it in fuckin’ writing or what?”
Ian doesn’t react to that, too used to Mickey’s impatience and bluster for it to faze him anymore and still far too preoccupied with Mickey’s clenching hole and the prospect of covering it in his spit, which suddenly seems like the hottest thing he’s ever considered.
Mickey’s spit-slicked hole and Ian’s bare cock sinking into it. Fuck. He prays he lasts longer than two sad pumps.
He knees at Mickey’s legs and gets him to spread them wider, running his nails up Mickey’s back before forcing his upper body down to the mattress, leaving just Mickey’s ass sticking up in the air for Ian to do with as he pleases. He gathers as much saliva in his mouth as he can and leans closer, spreading Mickey’s cheeks again and spitting directly on his puckered rim, the sound loud and obscene in the quiet of the abandoned rubble.
“Oh fuck…” Ian whispers, immediately dragging his thumb through the warm spit and pushing into Mickey’s hole. “Oh fuck, Mick.”
Mickey just groans, pushing back against Ian’s hands, encouraging more.
Ian spits again, this time slowly pushing two fingers into Mickey’s heat, just to the first knuckles, just to see, but Mickey’s demand for more has him quickly pushing in the rest of the way, stretching and fucking him open until his hole is gaping, just a little, and fuck, what if he spit right inside of him?
He chokes off a moan at the thought and continues getting Mickey prepped, but once the idea has been raised in his mind it latches on and he can’t let it go.
Mickey’s pushing back against his fingers, three buried instead him now. “C’mon, Gallagher, while we’re still young,” he grouses, though the effect is somewhat lessened by how fucked out he sounds.
Ian reaches a hand around Mickey’s compact body and presents it palm up and slightly cupped in front of Mickey’s face.
“You too,” Ian manages to get out. “Spit.”
Mickey attempts a laugh, but now that Ian’s nailing his prostate with every other thrust of his fingers it sounds more like it’s been punched out him.
“You’re a freak, Gallagher.” But he doesn’t hesitate to do as he’s told, and now Ian’s using Mickey’s spit to slick up his own cock and shit, maybe he won’t even make it to two sad pumps.
He squeezes at the head of his cock, clear beads gathering at the tip, and Ian’s usually pretty impressive self-control immediately snaps. He pulls his fingers out of Mickey’s ass and spits directly into his empty hole. Mickey lets out a breathy “Fuck,”and it’s all somehow even hotter than Ian was just imagining.
“Ready?” he can’t help but ask, dragging his throbbing cock through the mess he’s made, his own precum only adding to the wet slick. He half expects another snarky response, and when he doesn’t get one, he knows Mickey is just as a far gone as he is.
“Yeah, ready, yes,” Mickey babbles. “Fuck yes…”
Ian keeps a steady grip on Mickey’s hip, his other hand slowly guiding himself inside, and shit it’s tight. And hot. It’s hot and tight and so, so much that Ian swears his vision darkens at the edges a little bit. He remembers then to breathe at the same time that Mickey moans—moans! Mickey never moans!—and tries to press back against him. There’s more resistance than Ian’s used to, but the feeling of being inside Mickey with nothing between them more than makes up for the lack of lube.
Ian can’t look away from where they’re connected, skin to skin. He’s practically panting like a dog, his tongue feeling parched and dry, but he gathers as much saliva as he can and spits one last time, watching it pool around where his shaft disappears into the tight ring of Mickey’s hole before pressing the rest of the way in.
“Shit, Gallagher, need you to move.”
Ian’s let himself slump forward across Mickey’s back, his forehead pressing between his shoulder blades.
“Need…a minute,” he breathes into Mickey’s skin, eyes squeezed shut. “Jesus Mick, you feel so fucking tight. Not gonna last.”
Never one to be kept waiting, Mickey starts up a slow roll of his hips. “Don’t worry, Firecrotch,” he says, rocking back and forth on Ian’s cock. “Ain’t gonna last either. Better make the next thirty seconds count.”
Ian huffs out a laugh and pushes himself up off Mickey’s back so he can piston into the older boy the way he knows he likes. His belly swoops at the way his bare cock looks drilling into Mickey, and truthfully, it’s not much more than a minute or two later when he feels that familiar tingling in his balls that lets him know he’s about to bust. And shit, he hasn’t really thought this far ahead. Should he pull out? Is Mickey going to let him—
“Oh fuck. Mick, I’m gonna– Shit, I’m–” He’s the one babbling now. He feels panicked, knowing the clock is quickly running down. Finally, he manages a complete thought. “Mickey, where should I come?”
Mickey is working his own cock furiously in his fist, his breathing labored around his moans. Ian’s never heard him be this vocal. His balls are drawing up at the sound of Mickey’s pleasure, but still Mickey hasn’t given him an answer.
“Mick, please…oh god, oh fuck…where should I–”
“Come inside me.”
“Oh god…”
Ian only hears a ringing in his ears after that. Without thinking he wraps his arms around Mickey’s torso and hauls him up so that his back is pressed firm against Ian’s chest. He holds him tight and buries his face in Mickey’s neck as his release crashes through him, lighting up every inch of his skin that’s connected to Mickey’s, that’s in Mickey.
Dimly he’s aware of Mickey crying out and shuddering around him, his head tipping back to rest against Ian’s, and he’s struck, suddenly, by the intimacy of it all—they’ve never been closer, he thinks—before they’re both pitching forward and collapsing together, Ian slipping from Mickey’s body as they come to settle next to each other on their sides.
They’re both quiet, save for their ragged breathing, as they slowly come down from their highs. Mickey’s shirt is still on, but Ian watches his back rise and fall, admires the faint freckles on his exposed shoulder, follows a bead of sweat meandering down Mickey’s neck from his hairline and has to restrain himself from licking the rivulet it leaves in its wake.
Eventually his gaze drifts lower, and despite coming harder than he ever has in his life less than two minutes ago, he’s hit with an intense wave of emotion—arousal, definitely, but something else too—that has his dick twitching and his pulse kicking right back up. It’s a mess of cum and sweat and spit, and it should be gross, maybe, but all Ian can think is that it’s them. He closes his eyes and smiles.
The first time it happens, it’s the start of something new.
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bitfruity · 4 months
sometimes we discover things about ourselves when we watch a finnish rapper in a dress lick his leather glove at the finnish grammys
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kybelles · 9 months
laurent’s damianos vs damen dilemma is so fascinating… re his first pov in kings rising, he refers to damen as the akielon slave instead of damen or damianos. even internally, he refuses to say his name (damen or damianos) because to even name damen inside his head is to acknowledge him as his brother’s killer. he’s so deep in willful delusion that he tries his best to see damen as two separate people: one is the akielon slave he’s in love with, and the other is a coldblooded brother killer. the akielon slave is the honorable, hardworking and extraordinary man who was the only person who genuinely helped laurent after auguste’s death. the akielon prince is the barbarian who slayed auguste and caused the collapse of laurent’s entire world. the akielon slave is safe to love, the brother killer is not.
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starleska · 25 days
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pal and i are both down bad horrendous for Maestro but she's preferential towards femme-leaning presentation and i'm preferential towards masc...so we are both absolutely WINNING 🙈💖💖💖
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igura · 7 months
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cold hands
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daffi-990 · 25 days
✨ Inspiration Saturday ✨
Tagged by @hippolotamus @inell @tizniz @dangerpronebuddie
Sooooo today’s inspo is a little bit different than why I normally do … I’ve had this itch to attempt to create art for my Buddie Fantasy AU and well, I’m giving it a go!
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This is just rough stuff I fiddled around with for a bit, I haven’t actually opened the Procreate app to properly get started. Tbh I’m kind of procrastinating doing that cos I’m scared I’m gonna suck so bad 🙈
But anyway .. the creative itch is itching, just not really for writing atm, which is okay (even though I do miss it).
No pressure tagging: @spotsandsocks @diazsdimples @wikiangela @wildlife4life @watchyourbuck @exhuastedpigeon @elvensorceress @eddiebabygirldiaz @rainbow-nerdss @thewolvesof1998 @theotherbuckley @steadfastsaturnsrings @shitouttabuck @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @madneywedding @devirnis @bidisasterevankinard @fiona-fififi @fortheloveofbuddie @giddyupbuck @honestlydarkprincess @homerforsure @hoodie-buck @jeeyuns @jesuisici33 @lover-of-mine @loserdiaz @bekkachaos @monsterrae1 @missmagooglie and as always, anyone else who has something they want to share, consider this your official tag 🏷
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zevrans · 9 months
you are so normal about them, perfectly normal! not me tho.🤚 i'm reloading and clicking and tapping on them for the fifty third time in a row just to hear all of their possible dialogue options and then another ten simply to listen to their voice. as a treat
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lesbianhughie · 1 month
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not to be obscene but the way that i would literally [uncomfortably long censorship beep]
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