latestdreamgirl · 11 days
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umm. these freaks. (x)
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outofthiisworld · 3 months
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. ✦ ݁ ˖ @5mind sent in:
[ ping ] it's a reply to that text Ophelia had sent earlier
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[💜] “EEEEE HEHEEE—!!!”
Oh! Oh!! Oh!!! Ophelia’s eyes lit up the moment her screen had, and even more so when she opened her messages— my oh my: she kicked her feet and giggled so soo sooo much, too!
That is, until Arlo (The Nowhere troublemaker and best bud of Ophelia) snatched her phone right out of her hands and held it high over his head, far faar faaar away from Ophelia’s grubby lil’ mitts.
“HEY! No fair, give it back!”
No fair indeed! Too bad Ophelia kept her paranormal powers and spectral self a secret from dear Arlo— she could have gotten her phone back without wrestling him.
“Nah, naaah! Don’t text your boytoy RIGHT away— c’mon dude, that’s like: flirting 101!” Arlo laughed while Ophelia struggled to reach out for her phone, which Arlo now scrolled through the messages. “Sooo~ when am I gonna meet this ‘Terry Bear🧸’ guy, huh?”
Now, thankfully for everyone currently in the workshop, Doc had grown accustomed to these sudden bursts of antics. Especially while handling delicate machinery and blowtorches (you had to be if one lived with Ophelia. and you really, really had to be when Arlo stopped by).
Still, as he peaked over his shoulder and away from his work for just a moment— a warm smile pinched his cheeks. They really knew how to keep this old geezer young.
[fo alLF ALAmm91 ;&/. ‘. ]
Oops. A text was sent out during the wrestling match.
[ sorry! dropped my phone! ] [ ITS US !!! 💕🐶🐶💕 ]
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weyounbathwater · 11 months
A donkey with a man's name was found playing poker call that a card ass ian lmaoo wait whats happ
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🪱 trillcore Follow
Guys, that same admirer left me another bouquet of Kilmarian daisies in my quarters <3
#personal #dax rambles #wishing for her
32 notes
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⚜️ kaiwinning Follow
Gentle reminder that your pagh femininity can be damaged by engaging in unclean behaviors, such as violence, contact sports, rectal copulation, and real person shipping. Please stay vigilant and protect your pagh in the name of the Prophets!
#kai speaks #religion #the prophets #pagh #pagh hacks
98 notes
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⚾ captainsiskoofficial Follow
So, was anyone going to inform me that someone installed this ancient program onto the station's computer, or did everyone assume that I would eventually learn from Jake?
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🛸 nogging5 🔁 jakeykeykey Follow
📰 jakeykeykey Follow
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🛸 nogging5 Follow
Jake, I'm starting to worry about your obsession with "ancient" humor....
544 notes
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🛠️ chiefengineer1 🔁 moremorn Follow
🍺 moremorn Follow
🛠️ chiefengineer1 Follow
How are you doing that?
1.3k notes
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💲 sponsored
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→ Learn More ←
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🍞 bababariel Follow
It seems as though I have returned, but as an entity inside the station computer.
#there are a lot of us in here
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🐊 cardassianpride Follow
Vent. Don't reblog.
#How long has my ex wife been sleeping with my guls?! #I just caught her doing it with the new recruit #and she tried to tell me this shit about how since I do it all the #time then she can do it too? #and I tried to explain but she just said that we aren't #married anymore so I can't tell her what to do #the state of the cardassian family is in fucking pieces #cardassia is doomed in the hands of women like these #ugh I need to call *** ***** to feel better #vent
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💴 finance-advice Follow
To the last anon: no, the Grand Nagus will not give personal advice to anyone who makes under four million slips of latinum per fiscal year. This was outlined in the Nagus' own rulebook in volume 3, section 387, paragraph 910. You would know this if you had done your own research. Stop asking for more clarification or you will be audited.
#finance #commerce #cw audit #mod b
3.2k notes
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🍾 kanar-gul Follow
Repair station pussy really hit different
0 notes
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🐊 cardassianpride 🔁 cardassianpride Follow
All of these beautiful bajoran women ready to serve the state make me fit to burst 😍😍😍
🐊 cardassianpride Follow
11 notes
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🍞 bababariel 🔁 quarkeyyy Follow
🧝 yourfriendlyvorta Follow
Hello, friends! What a wonderful opportunity for me to introduce myself using this, delightful, quaint social media experience! Let me, as the first Dominion representative on this platform, extend my warm welcome to the citizens of the Alpha Quadrant!
🛠️ chiefengineer1 Follow
🪱 trillcore Follow
🧑‍🦰 neryspersonalblog Follow
📰 jakeykeykey Follow
🛸 nogging5 Follow
🧪 tennis-doctor Follow
🧢 baseballqueen45 Follow
🍯 station-security-official Follow
🍹 quarkeyyy Follow
🧑‍🦰 neryspersonalblog Follow
🍞 bababariel Follow
⚜️ kaiwinning Follow
⚾ captainsiskoofficial Follow
🍹 quarkeyyy Follow
🍞 bababariel Follow
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2K notes · View notes
Kdrama couples with great chemistry 🧪❤
Suspicious Partner
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Alchemy Of Souls
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Goblin The Lonely And Great God
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Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok Joo
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Hometown Cha Cha Cha
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W Two Worlds
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Flower Of Evil
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A Business Proposal
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Doom At Your Service
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627 notes · View notes
wizard-laundry · 1 year
He's tall.🦒He's mysterious. 👽 He's got a penchant for using leitmotifs. 🎹 He's IBS coded. 🚽 He's the smartest dumbass you know. 🥼🧪🧬🔬He's doomed by the narrative. 🕳️ I didn't say his name, but he popped into your head didn't he? 🤔🥴
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collabwithmyself · 10 months
ive been following you for a while and i was wondering what are your oc stories about? cause theres like alot of them and i want to know about them lol
The Star-Crossed Threshold refers to a series of stories taking place in the fictional town of Threshold, Northern California, in a universe that's almost like our own, but not quite. The Artisan of this little realm has shattered due to grief over its doomed creations, but perhaps the power it's imbued a handful with can offer a happy ending to those that need it most.
The main stories of this town are as follows:
Devil's Advocate, following a starry-eyed amnesiac, an exhausted ex-servant, and their neurotic lawyer that they need to rescue from his self-appointed guardian angel.
⚖️ Seth Wingstrom (he/him)
💫 "Verity" (star/stars)
🍀 Friday Adett (she/her)
💠 Raphael Wingstrom (he/him)
🧪 Clover Fielding (he/him)
🔍 Paetra Ironmonger (she/her)
❣️ Kirstynne Vainglory (she/her)
♊ Pandora Spinelli (she/her)
Work in Progress, following three reunited childhood friends embittered and traumatized by real life and the internet alike, as they struggle to escape a world of fantasy headed by a cartoon that's more than it seems.
🔆 Seraphina Bright (she/her)
👻 Vendetta ver Captionem (they/them)
🗡️ Joshua O'Reilly (he/him)
🔏 Cadell Lockhart (he/she/they)
Giving Up the Ghost, following an absolute train wreck of a family and its past secrets clawing out of the grave, and the importance of revealing those secrets in order to finally put them to rest and begin to heal.
🌱 Akiko Sasaki (they/them)
💌 Hitoshi Hidaka (he/him)
❄️ Aoi Sasaki (she/her)
🍎 Jackson McIntosh (she/her)
🎨 Emi Uchiyama (she/her)
👁‍🗨 Ayaka Uchiyama (she/they)
♠️ Ko Uchiyama (he/it)
Check the tags for more on each!
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anti-endo-haven · 2 months
Do go on about xenomorphs! That's the fictional aliens right? The black ones?
I remembered a scientific fact. Back in the 50s-60s when we sent the Viking rover to Mars, we conducted experiments to see if there were traces of life. As you may know the results were negative at worst, inconclusive at best. They were all over the place.
Later on, with advanced technology, we tested again with I believe the Curiosity and ... oh I forget the name of it ... Well, two rovers in particularly airid parts of Mars.
What we found was traces of life that use hydrogen peroxide as a substaining element. We know this isn't impossible because of microbes we find in salt rocks in deserts on Earth, plus the example of the exploding beetle (it sprays hydrogen peroxide at anything that agitates it), so hydrogen peroxide isn't incompatible with life. Far from it.
Well, the differences between these tests, is that the Viking rover conducted these experiments by pouring water over the sites of dirt. Which if you know anything about the integrity of hydrogen peroxide, you'll know that this likely would have killed any microbes it was attempting to detect.
It is the equivalent of aliens seeing humans dying of thirst and then planting them in the middle of the ocean.
Class act for humanity right there!
-🧪 of 🪽🪻
Ooh! Interesting fact!!
I was going to type up a lot more than what I did, which is the meaning behind xenomorphs and what they represent. Which there are TWs, which will be below. I can type up a book on xenomorphs and their castes, what they do, how they act, the differences. So that’s a very long post that I don’t think would be a here thing. :)
But the TWs for this is a quick mention of sa and rape. There is no detail, just the implication and the quickness of it.
The creator of the xenomorph wanted men to feel the same fear a woman would with sa. The xenomorphs are meant to pounce, they walk around you, pierce you with a tail. This fact gets even more interesting with the Hive Mother (also known as Queen Mother). The hive mother can speak to humans telepathically, using that to lead them to their doom by making an emotional attachment while promising love and affection. All as a jab at men to feel the same fear a woman would.
The sexual imagery is on purpose. The screen writer, Brannon, saying “I'm going to attack the men in the audience sexually. I am going to put in every image I can think of to make them cross their legs. Homosexual oral rape, birth. The thing lays its eggs down your throat."
It’s interesting to me because it’s a serve thing and trauma inducing thing that’s on a screen that people can say “that’s similar to what happened to me.” Men can also say “that’s similar to what happened to me.” It doesn’t excuse any negativity that’s there, but it does show that this happens in real life and it’s also empowering.
The main character is a woman, Ripley, who doesn’t take any shit, who has the Queen as both a mix of her and the xenomorph, something she adores but gets rid of because it hurts her in the end. Does she cry? Yes. That’s normal. It’s understandable.
And it’s just nice to see that, hey, this is something that people experience, this alien is showing a fear that many people have. And it’s supposed to make you uncomfortable. I find it as a form of comfort because there is something out there that shows that you can survive and it’s enjoyed and it does it well.
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random-mailbox · 11 months
Random-Mailbox's Favorite Sailor Moon Fics - Week 44 - First Kiss
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This post is all about marking the stories focused on the First Kiss!
Also, don't forget to check out the prompts for @usamamoweek2023! We are 2 weeks away! Are you excited? Because I am very excited
@smquickies2023 prompts came out last week too - that event is taking place August 6-12 (and is open to any SM pairings).
As always, my apologies in advance for spoiling some of these for you (Fic Titles are linked to either FFN or AO3 entries).
The Dare - Marronett
To kill time, girls decide to play truth or dare - with Rei suggesting Usagi kiss Mamoru. 
Four Times Usagi Has Her First Kiss (And One Time Thereafter) - muffin_song
This one-shot is actually a combination of moments in time, shining light on various kisses throughout Usagi’s / Serenity’s life - giving us a glimpse of the thoughts she had in the first arc of the manga
Third Time's the Charm - @lyraterra
Usagi makes a bet with Mamoru that she will get her first kiss by Monday night, kicking off a series of events that lead to reveal of secret identities in a very adorable way.
Mamoru's Realization - Sailor Amaranth
In this anime-characterization story, it takes someone else talking about asking Usagi out to a dance for Mamoru to realize that he is in love with her.
Little Moments: Chapter 2: Speechless - @floraone
We get a bit of a missing scene with this one-shot, where Usagi and Mamoru actually have a discussion about where they stand post events of the Doom-tree arc. 
UsaxMamo Writing Diet: Chapter 4: Children - @billyjbradshaw
Having been friends since they were little, Mamoru offers to teach Usagi how to kiss.
Twenty Kisses: Chapter 1: Bunny Among Wolves - @angelmoongirl
To prove Mamoru wrong, in the heat of an argument, Usagi declares that she will set up a kissing booth to prove her worth. The entire series is actually awesome, so you should read all 20 of them!
Next Monday's post will cover Reviving Shitennou as the main focus of stories.
Here are the links to the previous Tumblr posts in these series to explore more amazing works based on different themes - make sure to check them out if you haven't had a chance! (Click on title name to go to the post) - I will keep updating the list every week as new posts come up:
Week 1 - Groundhog Day
Week 2 - Established Relationships
Week 3 - Sex Positivity
Week 4 - Unfinished Stories
Week 5 - Darker Stories
Week 6 - Potions 🧪
Week 7 - Reveals
Week 8 - 👻Halloween🎃
Week 9 - Wrong Perceptions
Week 10 - Non-Senshi AU
Week 11 - In-Progress Fics
Week 12 - Mutual Pining
Week 13 - Enemies to Lovers
Week 14 - Slow Burn
Week 15 - Christmas Part 1 - Ugly Christmas Sweaters and Santa!
Week 16 - Christmas Part 2
Week 17 - New Years
Week 18 - High School AU
Week 19 - Slice of Life
Week 20 - Coffee shop AU
Week 21 - Huddle for Warmth
Week 22 - Friends to Lovers
Week 23 - ❤️Valentines Day❤️
Week 24 - Do a Grouch a Favour Day (or Cheer Up Fics)
Week 25 - Soulmate AU
Week 26 - Amnesia Fics (and resources)
Week 27 - 🍀St Patrick's Day🍀
Week 28 - Fix it Fics
Week 29 - Prompt: Mug
Week 30 - Flowers
Week 31 - Traditions
Week 32 - Dreams
Week 33 - Friends
Week 34 - Body-Swap
Week 35 - Medical Assistance
Week 36 - Sex Pollen
Week 37 - Psychometry
Week 38 - What If
Week 39 - Missing Scenes Part I
Week 40 - Green Jacket
Week 41 - Dr Chiba
Week 42 - Birthdays
Week 43 - Fluff
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biribaa · 8 months
Humanity is doomed, Everyone accept your fates and write your wills!!! Also I just take your whole stock and I feel like the plushies would be glow in the dark :0
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We should bring this chat to my non fanfiction blog i dont like to fill this one with stuff that arent fanfiction all the tome-
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boonsmoon · 2 months
To Grow Old With You
Request: Can I make another request? Well, I had in mind a scenario where Crimson and the reader have a son and what kind of father Crimson would be, I imagine that at first it is very difficult for him because of his personality of the but in reality his baby is very calm and sweet, which makes him happy since his baby looks more like the reader despite being the spitting image of him, although from time to time he brings out some of Crimson's personality. @ladymoon210
Kind of confused on the wording But this will be a father Crimson/raising a son with Crimson oneshot Decided to add this onto the Traitors Love saga lol
Request Masterlist Series ML father!Crimson x mother!reader Genres:🎉🌸💞🧪
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It was hard on both of you at first, really. As far as Crimson and you were concerned, dragons couldn't procreate. At least not from scratch like humans.
So for several months, and to his dismay, Crimson had to put aside any plans regarding dragons. This was completely new, something he's never heard of, and Crimson needed to get everything figured out before it was too late.
Too late eventually did come, and you had a son. When he came out looking human, Crimson came to the conclusion that due to being superior dragons, your past as humans must've caused this. Your son looked more like yourself, which Crimson happy about.
As the more open and caring one, you naturally were able to understand your sons needs. Crimson; however, lacked this skill, and as the mother you do so much of the work already, so a part of him did feel guilty when unable to tell if the kid wanted to sleep or eat.
The first couple months were the worst, full of sleepless nights and no progress in bonding. Things got better around a year later, though.
Your son calmed down and became much easier for Crimson to handle in some aspects. Such as noticing gestures for certain wants, grabby hands mean to hold or food. Rubbing the eyes meant tired or upset.
What didn't change was the lack of sleep, and how Crimson desperately wanted to let you rest for at least one night. One night, his genius mind came up with a great plan.
You went to get out of bed and quiet the baby before Crimson grabbed your wrist, "let me handle it this time."
You were almost shocked awake, "are you sure? I'm used to it so you can rest-"
"You can trust me on this," and Crimson went to get your son.
What he did wasn't try to rock the kid or sing, but rather make some plans with him, "it's been too long since I've been thorough with our attacks."
It turned out the idea was a win-win. Crimson got some future planning done, and the whole thing was SO boring your son fell asleep instantly.
"Crimson... Did you have him watch you all night?" You questioned, seeing the baby sleeping like never before.
"Haha, as if! He fell asleep before I finished Act 1 of the plan for next week," Crimson smirked, proud of what he did.
You looked shocked and then laughed, "you bored him to sleep then! How could you torture our baby boy like that?"
Crimson turned away from what he was working on to face you, "it is only torture for idiots like you who don't understand the process."
In the middle of your bickering your son woke up, you don't know when, but it seems he heard your conversation. And it looked like he wanted to be apart of it.
"Now look, your foolishness woke him up," Crimson said, turning back.
"That's fine, I'm sure he needs the stimulation after what you put him through," you spoke back. You went to pick him up but got denied.
Crimson say this and laughed, "it seems even he knows it is wiser to be here with me!" Crimson picked up your son and showed him the plans.
"And he's been such a nice boy, you tainted him, I know it!" You faked cried. After the silly bantering you left the two alone so they can bond.
Crimson turned the boy around to look at him, "yes, you are quite sweet; however, it seems you were doomed to a life of intelligence with me."
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should i turn Traitors Love into its own little series?
obv not a full fic, but short scenarios here, and silly headcanons there
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latestdreamgirl · 2 days
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i just realised i never posted my doom furby . . . everybody look at this cutie patootie . this little beast
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z1pz4pped · 1 year
[sparklecare emoji combos!!]
barry ill = 🧪🐱
uni cornelius = 🎮🦄
caroline coughs = 🖍️😼
jay fortune = 🍀🐱
hemera philly = 🌻🐇
dr. funfetti = 🧁😺 dr. puppy = ❤️🐾 rem = ✨🦇
nurse doom = 🖤🐁
nurse mood = 🌈🐁
barruni = 🧪🎮
carruni = 🖍️🎮
carroomi = 🖤🎨✨
doomi = 🖤✨
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Love What You Love, Including Yourself.
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Under the Break:
My Sorting Tags
My Selfship Reblog Games
My F/Os
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•Blog Sorting Tags•
#Mental Health = Posts for keeping mental health.
#Self Love = Posts about loving yourself and allowing yourself to be loved.
#past reblog games = F/O reblog games made by others that I've played.
#my reblog games = F/O reblog games of my own.
#FO Positive = Selfshipping Positivity Posts.
#F/O Imagines = F/O Imagines.
#F/O AU = relating to one of my alternate universes where a selfship lives.
#F/O Convos = Goofing around with the Tupperbox bot in Discord
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•My Reblog Games•
The Wedding Cake Bakery
Reblog with up to 2 F/Os and I'll find wedding cakes based on their visual vibe!
Status: OPEN!
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•My Various F/Os•
Most of these blogs are Misc/RP/Aesthetic/Fandom blogs.
You can send asks to any of these characters via my Anomalous Polyverse Blog, simply say who you want to talk to before your message!
🔮🌜Anomalous Polyverse🌛🔮
A mega-crossover purely-for-fun alternate universe involving my personal character living and interacting with all of my F/Os.
Polyverse Blog: @theanomalouspolyverse
(All tags lack spaces between the name and the emoji. I blame my OCD for that.)
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Romantic F/Os
Audrey Two (Little Shop of Horrors 1986)
-> Tag: Audrey🌱 Blog: @mean-n-green
The Warden (Superjail!)
-> Tag: Warden🌈 Blog: @splenderific-skittles
The Spine (Steam Powered Giraffe)
-> Tag: Spine⚙ Blog: @starlightsoliton
Angeldust (Hazbin Hotel)
-> Tag: Angel🕸 Blog: @glamspiderfluff
Jack O'Lantern (Billy and Mandy)
-> Tag: Jack🎃 Blog: @its-the-great-pun-kin
Beetlejuice (a composite version)
-> Tag: BJ🪳 Blog: @trashygeistinlove
Joker (The Batman series, The Dark Knight, and Tim Burton's Batman)
-> Tag: Joker🃏 Blog: @the-jokester
Patches the Clown (An OC)
-> Tag: Patches🤡 Blog: @patches-the-clown
Enoch (Over The Garden Wall)
-> Tag: Enoch🎃 Blog: @autumn-belle
Captain Michael Quinn (Project Blue Book)
-> Tag: Quinn✈ Blog: @lets-touch-the-stars
Hexxus (Ferngully: The Last Rainforest)
-> Tag: Hexxus☣ Blog: @toxic-mud
Invader Zim (Invader Zim)
-> Tag: Zim👽 Blog: @i-am-zim-2001
Mr. TopHat/Marcus Cochran (Are You Afraid of The Dark: Carnival of Doom)
-> Tag: TopHat🦂 Blog: @circus-scorpion
Yeshua (Fennah/Satellite City)
-> Tag: AlleyCat🎰 Blog: @eldritch-casino-cat
Lord Black Hat (Villainous)
-> Tag: Lord&Master🎩 Blog: @oh-dark-lord
Oogie Boogie (The Nightmare Before Christmas)
-> Tag: Boogie🎲 Blog: @nightmaregamblinman
Mammon (Helluva Boss)
-> Tag: Mammon💰 Blog: @greedy-evergreen
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Platonic F/Os
Vince Noir (The Mighty Boosh)
-> Tag: Vince👑 Blog: @sunshinesparkle-child
Hawkeye Pierce (M*A*S*H)
-> Tag: Hawk👁 Blog: @swampyflowers
Harry Vanderspiegle (Resident Alien)
-> Tag: Harry👽 Blog: @h-vanderspiegle
-- My Pet Regression Blog with Harry as my caretaker F/O: @an-aliens-pet
Rick Sanchez (Rick and Morty)
-> Tag: Rick🧪 Blog: @rickin-and-a-rollin
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls)
-> Tag: IsocelesMonster👁 Blog: Coming Soon!
Bezel (Chikn Nuggit)
-> Tag: BezelTime🕰 Blog: Coming Soon!
Nandor The Relentless (What We Do In The Shadows)
-> Tag: Relentless🦇 Blog: @thevampirefam
Collin Robinson (What We Do In The Shadows)
-> Tag: Collin🦇 Blog: @thevampirefam
Guillermo De La Cruz (What We Do In The Shadows)
-> Tag: Not Guillermo🦇 Blog: @thevampirefam
Baron Alfanas (What We Do In The Shadows)
-> Tag: Baron Alfanas🦇 Blog: @thevampirefam
Barnaby (Billie Bust-Up)
-> Tag: Owly🦉 Blog: @spooky-noodle-bird
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Familial F/Os
Loki (Son of the Mask) (Father)
-> Tag: Loki🎭 Blog: @candy-coated-chaos
Fenrir (OC Version) (Brother)
-> Tag: Fenrir🐺 Blog: @fluffy-fenrir
Skoll and Hati (OC version) (Nephews)
-> Tags: Skoll☀️, Hati🌒 Blog: @puppypicnicofplanets
Hades (Hercules 1997) (Uncle)
-> Tag: Hades🏛 Blog: @plutos-blue-flames
Nadja (What We Do In The Shadows) (Big Sister)
-> Tag: Nadja🦇 Blog: @thevampirefam
Laszlo Cravensworth (What We Do In The Shadows) (Brother-In-Law)
-> Tag: Laszlo🦇 Blog: @thevampirefam
Crow T. Robot and Tom Servo (MST3K circa 1990s) (Adopted Sons)
-> Tags: Servo🎞 , Crow🎞 Blog: @robo-bros
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Misc F/Os
The Hitcher (The Mighty Boosh) (Antagonist)
-> Tag: Hitcher🪱 Blog: Coming Soon!
Early Cuyler (Squidbillies) (On and Off Antagonist/Frenemy)
-> Tag: Early🐙 Blog: Coming Soon!
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•●• Blog Owner Main Hub: @very-anomalous
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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So i wanted to do an emoji ask game, but with prompts/ideas!
I've seen some writing and art blogs do this and i thought it would be a good way to start putting more content on my blog!
Asks can be for art, oneshots, or headcannons! But please dont break my blog's rules.
Basically, just pick a character or characters from any tmnt version i write for (2007, 2012, bayverse, and rottmnt) and a prompt for me to use! you can also ask for reader inserts, i dont mind :)
✨ overwhelmed
👀 observant
🦷 bite me!
😤 i dont need you.
😶 how did you get there??
🕸️ im stuck
🌳 cant catch me if you cant reach me!
💐 i got you flowers
🥞 pancake
🎰 take a gamble
🎣 its a big one!
🎀 you cant make me wear this.
⛈️ it cant get any worse.
🌊 flooding
⚰️ doomed
🧪 experimental
🗡️ stabbed in the back
👗 all dolled up
🚯 discarded
🏴‍☠️ stowaways
🤲 hold me
😈 up to no good
🐍 coils
🌲 a walk on the wild side
⚡seeing sparks
🐦 ruffled feathers
🔦 i see you
Thats all! Feel free to drop an ask!
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shefatalesarch · 2 years
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FANDOM: MCU / Marvel Comics CROSSOVERS: very welcome PRE ESTABLISHED CONNECTIONS: unlikely MOST WANTED CONNECTIONS: fantastic four, victor von doom, doctor strange and anything involving MOM. *starters vary in length / if you’re a multi specify who for!    
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lcveblind · 1 year
Repost, don’t reblog. List a Pokémon move (or 2) for each type that applies to your muse(s).
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🍞 [ NORMAL ] Facade/Chip Away
🥊 [ FIGHTING ] Detect/Revenge
🦢 [ FLYING ] Dragon Ascent
🧪 [ POISON ]  Acid/Toxic
⛰️ [ GROUND ]  Spikes
💎 [ ROCK ]  Stealth Rock
🐞 [ BUG ] Fell Stinger/Rage Powder
👻 [ GHOST ] Bitter Malice/Shadow Sneak
🔪 [ STEEL ]  Doom Desire
🔥 [ FIRE ]  Bitter Blade
🌊 [ WATER ]  Snipe Shot/Soak
🌿 [ GRASS ] Snap Trap/Strength Sap
⚡ [ ELECTRIC ]  Eerie Impulse
🔮 [ PSYCHIC ]  Role Play/Trick
🧊 [ ICE ] Haze
🐉 [ DRAGON ] Dragon Rage
💀 [ DARK ]  False Surrender/Torment
🌸 [ FAIRY ]  Spirit Break
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