#🫧 iad0ru
iad0ru · 1 year
Sweet Secret
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Pairing - Princess!Wonyoung x princess!reader
W.C: 1.4k
Warnings: the smallest implication of homophobia
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This ball was not the place for you. Your feet ached from your heels, you ribs strained against the corset, your skull pounded with a headache at the bright lights and loud chattering. It was a celebration of the illustrious princess' 18th birthday.
Of course, as with any royal family, this was something to be celebrated with no expense spared. Everything was decked in white, pink, and diamonds. Her parents had invited every royal family in the kingdom, including a few from outside of the kingdom, but only those with eligible bachelors for sons.
Being of noble blood, your family was invited, and your father was delighted at the prospect. You had a brother, just a year older than you, and thus, only a year older than the princess. You however, were not so excited. 
No one had ever seen this princess, with only rumors of her beauty and politeness to go off of. Why would someone be so excited to meet and marry someone they had never met?
Stepping away from the wall, you dragged your feet on the way to the food table, grabbing a glass of wine and sipping lightly at it. Cringing at the taste, you just hoped that you'd be able to ignore it long enough to numb the pain in feet, ribs, and head. 
From behind you, there was a lull in the music, and quiet feel over the previously booming ballroom. Turning around in confusion, you looked up at the balcony, where everyone else was staring. Standing there was the King and Queen of the land, proud smiles on their faces, and with a loving look to each other, they stepped to the side.
Stepping between them was a figure dressed in mainly white, with the long ballgown fading into pink at the end. A stunning diamond tiara was placed securly on her head, matching with the diamong necklace resting on her sharp collarbones. 
Smiling down at the crowd, she picked a long, dainty hand to wave and performed a small curtsy. The crowd erupted into cheers and after she walked down the flight of stairs to the ground floor, the music and dancing started back up again. 
The princess weaved through the crowd, an effortless dance as the reflective lights made her glow. She seemed to be headed towards the food table, which made you panic at the thought of conversation and turn away, busying yourself with your wine.
A gentle hand made its way onto your shoulder and you had to stop yourself from screaming. Whipping around, your wide eyes locked with the princess' gentle ones. She gave you a deep curtsy, and when she rose back up, she introduced herself,
"My name is Jang Wonyoung, it's very nice to meet you...", she trailed off, waiting for you to finish her sentence by introducing yourself. Scrambling to remember your manners, you curtseyed back, telling her your name,
"I'm ___, it's nice to meet you, too. Happy birthday, by the way!", you said, motioning to the bustling room in her honor. She smiled, but her smile didn't reach her eyes,
"Thank you, truly. But if you don't mine me telling you, I personally think that this is too much. It's just a birthday, I don't see why I should be dressed like I'm meeting the Pope for a passage into adulthood.", she said, words spilling out her mouth faster than she could control. 
Slapping a hand over her mouth, she bowed her head in apology,
"I'm sorry, I've said too much!", she said, averting her deep brown eyes, eyebrows pulling up in the middle. You smiled at her, understanding where she was coming from, seeing as your family did something similar when you had turned 18. 
"It's alright, Princess. You haven't offended me, and there isn't anyone listening to get offended, either.", you said, smiling up at the taller girl, "Besides, you look beautiful. And that is certainly deserving of some flaunting."
Wonyoung's cheeks bloomed with pink, the color standing out greatly against her pale complexion. She stuttered for a second but managed out a squeak of a 'thank you'.
Refilling your glass, you lifted it toward her, sending her a coy wink as you drank from the glass, the blood red liquid staining your lips. Wonyoung almost choked on her spit, but she didn't because she wanted to look good in front of you.
You were like a breath of fresh air. You treated her like a normal person and not someone to treat like glass, avoiding certain words or phrases, avoiding her eyes. You didn't care about her position, you were just here to have fun.
"Hey, do you-", you were cut off by your father walking up to you, fixing you with a look that told you quite clearly to leave. So, bowing your head towards Wonyoung, you go to make your leave.
But, her hand holding on to your flared sleeve cuff stops you in your tracks. Wonyoung's doe-eyed gaze meets your curious one. You father gives you another scathing look, but he allows it, not wanting to seem rude in front of the party's host. 
"Princess Jang, I'd like too introduce you to my son, Seobin", he said, his fake charming grin on his face. Seobin, your older brother, bowed deeply, a smile on is face, but a bored look in his eyes. Your brother wasn't one to settle down, or stick with one girl for long. He often went around, sleeping with random girls and coming home late at night. Something you doubt Wonyoung would appreciate.
Locking eyes with your brother, you shook your head 'no' subtly. He only blinked in your direction, but there was understanding in his gaze. He may not have been the best older brother, or person in general, but he cared about you. More than anything.
Stepping closer to Wonyoung, you brushed your hand over the back of hers, making her look at you from the corner of her eye. You motioned towards the garden outside with a tilt of your head, and she smildd nodding, allowing you to step away from the conversation and out of the back doors.
The garden was lit up with lanterns, silk streamers strung through the trees. There were a few people milling about, but the further you ventured into the garden, the less people there were. Settling down on a bench, you smoothed your pale pink dress down, adjusting your satin choker to make sure the pearl situated in the center was visible.
A fair few moments later, you hear your name being called. Wonyoung's soft voice echoes throughout the empty garden, making you stand up and walk to greet her.
Her face lights up at the sight of you, her almost tripping over herself to grab your hands.
"Oh, my fair maiden! It has only been a few hours, and I already can not bare to be parted from you for long! Promise me that even after this is over, you'll still come see me? Even just think about me?", she said, hands moving from yours to your upper arms. 
You were taken aback, not expecting the sudden confession, but you smiled anyways,
"Princess Jang Wonyoung, I'll be the happiest maiden in all the lands to see your heavenly face even just once more after this night.", you replied, pulling her arms off your shoulders and pulling her into your arms. Her lengthy arms wrapped around your midsection. 
Pulling away slightly, the tall girl placed her forehead on yours, eyes opening to look at you,
"My sweet secret, indulge me in this shared deception, and grant me your lips on mine.", she whispered, making you smile again, closing your eyes and pressing your lips to hers. 
The night ended with tender kisses and teary goodbyes, as well as a secret promise to remain by each other's side, no matter the man they were with. 
On the carriage ride home, you could only look out the window and wish you were back in your lover's arms, turning your pretty faces away from the 'high society'  you lived in, and live in peace with her for the rest of your days.
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iad0ru · 1 year
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wc - 559
🎧 - Huh Yunjin
   There was always a girl on this bus. It was the bus you took every morning to get to and from college. She sat in the nearest seat to the back, large grey headphones always on her ears. If you looked close enough, which you did, you'd notice the stickers that decorated the ear coverings. 
   She never looked at anyone on the bus, only ever looking out the window at the passing scenery. You got on the bus after her, and off the bus before her, so you didn't know how long she rode on the bus each day. 
   You sat nearer to the middle of the bus, normally scrolling through your Twitter feed or your Tiktok "For You" page. Occasionally you would bring a book with you, normally when you knew it'd be a lazy day in class. 
   Today, when you got on the bus, you immediately sought out the lone figure sitting in the back, smiling to yourself at the familiar sight. This morning, you decided to not fall into the recesses of your introverted mind and sit somewhere else today, a mildly uncomfortable break in your routine.  
   The girl made no acknowledgment of your presence as you sat in the row opposite her. You found yourself staring at her side-profile, the gentle slope of her nose and the slight pout of her lips. Her long lashes brushed against her thick-rimmed glasses softly when she blinked. 
Sidling a little closer, you leaned forwards, choking words out,
"Listening to anything good?"
   She jumped a little in her seat at the sudden voice talking to her, her headphones falling slightly off her ears. She peered over at you, surprise and curiousity in her gaze. She removed her headphones completely after pressing a button on her phone screen,
You swallowed, anxious about repeating yourself,
   "I asked if you were listening to anything good. You're always listening to music in the mornings," you explained your question, watching as her curiosity turned to happiness,
   "Depends. What genres do you like?" She responded, her sweet, melodious voice filling your ears. You unconsciously smiled at the sound of it, leaning forward more to hear her better of the soft chit-chat of the other bus passengers.
   You talked with her about your music tastes for the entirety of the bus ride. When the bus stopped in front of your college, you almost frowned at the interruption of the very pleasant conversation you'd been having. But instead, you just turned back to the girl, who you'd along the way learned was named Yunjin,
   "Could I have your number, so we can chat more?" You felt nervousness clog your throat as she paused for a moment. Yunjin grinned at you, her wavy black hair falling in her face as she quickly pulled her phone out, typing as you relayed your number to her. 
   Getting up from your seat, you waved goodbye before stepping off the bus, looking down at your phone as you recieved a ping from your messages,
Hi 🤍
   You turned around and waved at a smiling Yunjin who waved her phone before slipping her headphones back on and you recieved another ping,
Moonlight - Twice (Spotify link)
You grinned, walking to class with a stupid smile on your face the whole time. 
See you tomorrow morning, Yunjin 🖤
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iad0ru · 8 months
Trying to Hate You — let's break up
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In Which yn and heeseung break up after a few years of dating, and yn is heartbroken. but you'll never guess who comes along to mend the hole in her heart: his best friend!
Pairing taehyun x reader
w.c.: 475
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"you look beautiful," heeseung greeted as y/n stepped out of her house, pressing a quick kiss to her cheek and handing her a small bouquet of flowers. y/n giggled,
"thank you, seung."
heeseung nodded, grabbing her hand and leading her to his car, letting go when they got in their seperate seats. 
"hee, why haven't you told me where we're going yet?" y/n asked, eyebrows furrowed strongly, folding her arms across her chest. hee gave her a tight-lipped smile,
"you'll see. you'll know before we even get there, promise," he said, laying a reassuring hand on her thigh. y/n just nodded, deciding not to pry anymore, and reached over, turning the dial up on the radio so she could hear the music playing better, softly singing along as she looked out the window at their surroundings, trying to garner where heeseung was taking her. 
the streets were illuminated with low light from streetlights and lit windows, some neon signs casting an eerie-ish glow across the slightly wet pavement from last night's rain.
when the car finally stopped, y/n felt a grin grow on her face. stepping out, she did a small skip to the already set up picnic area. this was where heeseung had first asked her out, where their first date was, and now, where their first anniversary will be held. 
sitting down on the blanket, y/n smoothed down her clothes and waited for heeseung to sit down next to her, which he did after a moment. 
"y/n we need to talk," heeseung interrupted, catching you totally off-guard. y/n titled her head, a nervous smile plastered on her face and she nodded for heeseung to continue.
"let's break up."
"what?! why?!" 
"it's just.... i feel like we don't click anymore. i feel like we've fallen out of love," he explained, flicking his bangs out of his face, a grimace set upon it, eyes set on hers. 
y/n had no words. she could only gape at him like a fish out of water. it took her a good 30 seconds to gather any semblance of words,
"on our anniversary???" 
heeseung nodded, standing up, wiping any dirt or dust off his pants and extending a hand to her,
"i'll drive you back home. i'm sorry, y/n, i hope we can move on from this to better things," he gently led her to the passenger seat, where y/n sat down, staring blankly at the dashboard, absolutely nothing going through her head except for the repeating phrase of "what the fuck."
heeseung dropped her off at her house and waited until she got inside to drive off. so, what is the reasonable thing to do after getting broken up with on your first anniversary? cry!
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a/n hi, sorry for being gone so long. life got me swept up, don't expect regular updates, i'm still really busy.
taglist — @haknom @belovedxiao @yoonslefttoe @bunnystrm @fatoompie @bailies-me @jayoonology @captivq
open! please send an ask to be tagged! bolded means untaggable!
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iad0ru · 1 year
Trying to Hate You — Masterlist
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In Which yn and heeseung break up after a few years of dating, and yn is heartbroken. but you'll never guess who comes along to mend the hole in her heart: his best friend!
Pairing taehyun x reader
Feat. txt, enha (mainly hee, sun, niki. other members in mention), hiyyih (kep1er), stayc
Warning (s) none yet
Update Schedule none!
Status upcoming!
A/N chaewon of lesserafim is a faceclaim for yn for aesthetic purposes, but feel free to imagine her however you want!
slayc gorls 🤪 lo$er = l0ver also featuring!
let's break up (written + smau)
taglist — open! send an ask to be added!
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iad0ru · 1 year
propostition: kaz brekker and finnick odair content?
please say yes
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iad0ru · 11 months
Fic Recs June 2023
I have a ton for this month. I've been reading a lot, and I've been trying to keep up with this list lol.
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Cupid's Conflict by @amakumos | Jungwon x reader smau |
Fairy of Shampoo by @02chois | Idol!Soobin x idol! reader smau |
Better Than The Movies by @faelyncore | Enha o2z x reader |
1 4 3 Pointer by @jennaissantes | Basketball player!Riki x basketball player!reader |
Heart to Heart by @cupidsheqrts | Demon!Riki x reader smau |
Kiss, Don't Tell by @fairybinie | Beomgyu x actor!reader smau |
Like the Moon by @sunmoonjune | Ateez x reader fantasy au | note: the most scrumptious ateez fic in existence. (this author also makes nsfw content, so if you are a minor, please dni with that!)
ACGTDADNL by @haknom | Dancer!Riki x dancer!reader |
Sangshine by @hwaightme | Sun God!Yeosang x baker!reader |
20 cm by @kangminjissi | Wonyoung x reader |
The Ways They Say "I Love You" by @lovinhyo | Twice x reader |
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iad0ru · 1 year
Switched — first concert ever
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Pairing Popstar!Bahiyyih x Princess!reader
Summary In which the popstar is tired of her stressful life, and the princess is tired of her boring life, so what do they do when they meet at a concert? Switch lives of course!
w.c.: 675
warnings: none!
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sliding on her shoes, y/n looked in the mirror at her concert outfit. deeming it acceptable, she grabbed her small bag, slipping her basic concert necessities in it, as well as her small pen-looking wand in the bag. Who knows what she might need it for, having never been to a concert (other than an opera) before. 
stepping onto the heart-shaped concrete walkway, y/n called for her driver, to which he quickly arrived and y/n slipped in the back of the car. looking out the window, she could see yuna, her assistant, running down the long entrance hallway before skidding to a stop outside, waving excitedly at y/n as she drove away. 
after a little while a nervous fretting at the thought of being around so many people, she arrived at the venue. large groups of people were milling about in different areas, some at concession stands, others getting lightsticks or other merchandise, others just simply talking.
"wow... it's like a press conference meeting but for teenagers," the awestruck princess muttered, remembering the insane amount of people with caneras and mics that she and her parents would have to entertain for over 3 hours. 
walking into the semi-empty venue space, y/n looked out over the sea of chairs and lights. there were only staff on the stage at the moment, but y/n knew the opening duo would go on soon. kep1ve was a new japanese duo that took the internet by storm. reportedly, they were also really good friends with hiyyih, the main artist performing tonight. 
looking at her ticket, y/n found her seat, making herself comfortable before watching people start to run in for their seats before the music started.
a few notes start up and kep1ve, rei and hikaru, walked out, yelling out greetings to the crowd in english, korean, and japanese. even though they weren't who most people were here to see, they knew how to hype a crowd, and as they finished their short set the crowd was going wild. 
"now, i'm going to need you all to do us a favor! are you listening?" rei asked, her sweet toned voice echoing over the screaming sea of lightsticks. the crowd responded cheerily, which made rei giggle before letting hikaru talk,
"we need you to start chanting, like this," she motioned over to rei and they both spoke gently into their mics at first "hiyyih, hiyyih, hiyyih, hiyyih" before climbing into a shout, motioning for the crowd to do so as well, "HIYYIH, HIYYIH, HIYYIH"
"like that! perfect!" and that was all they said as they walked off stage. 
As the shouting became louder and louder, a tall figure finally stepped onto the stage, and roses, hiyyih's fandom name, lost it. if you were close enough, which y/n was, you'd be able to see hiyyih take a shaky breath before looking up with a bright grin on her face.
"hello roses! oh, i'm so happy to see you all! thank you so much for being here and giving me the opportunity to be here with you!" she said, repeatedly bowing and waving, occasionally blowing kisses. 
letting out a cheer, y/n clapped and hopped on her feet. hiyyih turned to y/n's section and started waving and blowing kisses. deciding to be bold, y/n decided to call out,
"hiyyih, we love you!" she said, grinning as hiyyih turned to her, locking eyes with her and giving the brightest grin yet, 
"i love you, too!" she giggled through her words before moving more center-stage and making a motion to the band behind her.
"are you ready to hear frozen petals? yea? alright!" and with that she started singing, her candy-toned voice sending smooth notes across the crowd, the pumped up song making the still-sitting people rise from their seats and jump to the beat, the flashing rose lightstick glowing colors pink and white with each beat.
hiyyih paused between lyrics to shout once more,
"let's go!"
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Taglist — open!
a/n i want to go to a concert so bad...
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iad0ru · 1 year
Switched! — Masterlist
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Pairing Popstar!Bahiyyih x Princess!reader
Summary In which the popstar is tired of her stressful life, and the princess is tired of her boring life, so what do they do when they meet at a concert? Switch lives of course!
Barbie's Princess and the Popstar
Feat. hikaru - kep1er, yuna - itzy, rei - ive, minji - new jeans, taehyun + kai - txt, and more!
Warning (s) kys jokes, my bad humor, cursing, mention of panic attacks
Update Schedule there isn't one
Status ongoing
Acknowledgements @catubatu (for the set up!) @haknom (for the name!)
A/N this is a chaptered fic with smau parts! also, y/n has a faceclaim, wonyoung, for aesthetic purposes, but you can imagine her however you want!
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princess squad popstars (by kda) private acc.
shaking in my boots
first concert ever
parent trap who?
more tba!!
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iad0ru · 1 year
Trying to Hate You — also featuring!
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In Which yn and heeseung break up after a few years of dating, and yn is heartbroken. but you'll never guess who comes along to mend the hole in her heart: his best friend!
Pairing taehyun x reader
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Taglist! — @haknom @belovedxiao @yoonslefttoe @bunnystrm @fatoompie @bailies-me @jayoonology open! send an ask to be added! bolded means untaggable!
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iad0ru · 1 year
Fic Recs Mar. 2023
in love and lore by @shadowynn
the paradigm complex by @/shadowynn
very late ik
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iad0ru · 1 year
Trying to Hate You — slayc gorls 🤪
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In Which yn and heeseung break up after a few years of dating, and yn is heartbroken. but you'll never guess who comes along to mend the hole in her heart: his best friend!
Pairing taehyun x reader
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a/n i'm making these while watching the lorax in science class and doing science work, also i really wanted them to all have black and white themes
taglist — @belovedxiao open! send an ask to be added
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iad0ru · 1 year
Trying to Hate You — lo$er = l0ver
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In Which yn and heeseung break up after a few years of dating, and yn is heartbroken. but you'll never guess who comes along to mend the hole in her heart: his best friend!
Pairing taehyun x reader
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Taglist — @haknom @belovedxiao @yoonslefttoe @bunnystrm @fatoompie @bailies-me @jayoonology open! send an ask to be added! bolded means untaggable!
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iad0ru · 8 months
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Lia's TBR!!!!
power up! — @h00nerz
hype boy — @hanniluvi
popstar gf — @urszn
i'll be whatever you want — @jakeshands
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iad0ru · 1 year
Switched! — parent trap who?
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Pairing Popstar!Bahiyyih x Princess!reader
Summary In which the popstar is tired of her stressful life, and the princess is tired of her boring life, so what do they do when they meet at a concert? Switch lives of course!
Warnings cursing
w.c 1.1k
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sitting down on the cool metal steps of the stage, hiyyih placed her head in her hands, keeping her head between her knees to calm down the nausea building up from the adrenaline loss. it was during the concert’s break period so people could get drinks, mingle with crowd-goers, and go to the bathroom. 
unfortunately, for hiyyih, this was time for those with backstage passes to come around and meet her. as much as she loved her fans and performing, she was tired, and wished she could have a break that was longer than a week of alone time.
there was a small commotion down the hall leading to where hiyyih was and she straightened up, putting a bright grin on her face.
“oh! no, sir, um, i didn’t buy backstage tickets! i'm not supposed to be back here!” were the words that reached hiyyih's ears first, making the pinkette tilt her head in confusion. a heeled foot finally stepped into view, then a pink-cheeked and nervous face peered around the corner before fully stepping into view,
"um, hi, so, i didn't but backstage tickets, but the security guard brought me here. i'm sorry for the inconvenience," the girl said, bowing slightly, a sheepish look on her face. hiyyih chuckled, shaking her head, her two small pink braids falling away from her ponytail,
"don't worry about it, princess jang. anything for you, i suppose," hiyyih said, only meaning part of it, unable to keep the bitterness from her tone at the end of her words. y/n's jaw clenched a little, understanding the other girl's feelings, but not appreciating the words,
"i really don't like having people fall head over heels for me at any moment. i didn't ask for royalty," y/n said after a moment of wondering if she should say it. hiyyih's head shot up, deep brown eyes wide,
"i'm sorry, i didn't mean to be rude! it's just... i'm kind of tired of working all the time and then looking at twitter and seeing you get praise for doing nothing," she said, then drawing in a sharp breath as she realized she probably shouldn't tell her secrets to someone who could easily make it seem more like a spill of oil into the ocean rather than a spill of hushed words.
"it's fine, hiyyih. anyways, now that i have the opportunity, i suppose, i can tell you something i've always wanted to!" y/n started, looking around nervously to see if the guard was still there, "okay, 1. i'm a huge fan and i love all your music so much! 2. we have similar problems, no? just switched (🤭). so, how about we, ya know, switch places? pull a parent trap type scheme."
hiyyih chuckled, waving off the praise before she registered the 2nd part, "i'm sorry, what? switch placrs? how? we look nothing alike?" 
y/n grinned, her eyes glinting with mischief, reaching into her concert essentials bag, "well, i'm certainly glad i brought this now!" she exclaimed, brandishing the pure white, covered in stickers, sceptre that was her wand. she gave it a little shake and glitter that wasn't there before fell to the floor, a soft twinkling sound coming from it.
"o-oh, okay. that's certainly a wand! but, what am i going to do with that? how would that plastic thing help us?" hiyyih asked, geniunely perplexed. she never would have guessed the literal princess would ever believe, let alone partake in, magic.
"ah, yes. so! it's simple, i wave this little wand around, and then you turn into me, and i turn into you! of course, the wand will be kept with me and it'll turn into a sparkly mic instead, far less conspicuous," y/n explained, haphazardly shaking the sceptre around, making hiyyih wince with every drop of glitter and every small twinkling chime.
mulling over her options and how, if this was true, hiyyih would have everything she wanted, and apparently so would the princess. hiyyih looked up through her lashes, giving a half-smile to the girl in front of her, before nodding,
"yea, sure, what the hell," she conceded, standing up, watching as the princess in front of her grinned and bounced a little on her heels. 
y/n waved her sceptre over hiyyih's body, and hiyyih felt all tingly, looking to down to see pastel pink sparkles covering her from head to toe. 
after the sparkles went away, hiyyih rusher over to the nearest mirror, before frowning as her own reflection stared back at her,
"what the fuck? i look the same?" she asked, poking her own cheek in the mirror. y/n giggled, and a flash was all hiyyih could see from the corner of her eye before y/n's phone was being shoved in her face. sure enough, there was y/n standing in front of the mirror.
hiyyih took a shocked step back, bewildered and amazed,
"this... this is incredible! i... i can't believe this is actually happening!" she exclaimed, patting down her body frantically.
y/n laughed, "just wait until you see it from an outsider's perspective," she said before waving the wand over her own body, and, quicker than it felt, her features morphed into those of hiyyih for a second until y/n's original form flickered through and the princess remained standing in front of her. 
"so, do we sound like each other, too?" hiyyih asked, worried she'd have to fake a voice all day and night. y/n nodded while doing a so-so motion,
"we sound like ourselves to each other, but not to others. don't ask me how it works, because even i don't know. this wand is olde rthan me by, like, 10 generations," she said, shrugging. hiyyih just nodded, slightly dazed from the sudden turn the night had taken. 
"so! i'll go up and perform the rest of the setlist, and you can find yourself your new chauffer in the front of the stadium in parking lot b," y/n said, fake curtsying to the girl that now had her face, before stepping onto the steps leading to the stage.
she turned to look at hiyyih, casting her a quick wink and the blow of a kiss, a born entertainer, "au revior, and good luck!" 
Taglist — @remiee send an ask to be added!!
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iad0ru · 1 year
Switched! — shaking in my boots
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Pairing Popstar!Bahiyyih x Princess!reader
Summary In which the popstar is tired of her stressful life, and the princess is tired of her boring life, so what do they do when they meet at a concert? Switch lives of course!
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Taglist — open!
a/n first chapter!!
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iad0ru · 1 year
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sometimes i wish i could hang the stars in the sky for you. hang them so when you look up at it, i can see them reflecting in the pools of color that are your eyes. sometimes, i don't fasten the stars tight enough, so sometimes they fall, but it's okay, because they make a new home on your cheeks, creating a new constellation.
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