#(‘she boobed breastily down the stairs’)
rosesradio · 1 year
#actually i am really sick of my family for making me feel like ‘being liberal’ Or Whatever is my only personal trait#because like i used to voice opinions on things until they made me feel bad/crazy for it#but now when they whip out the most batshit insane take on something & i’m just like ‘um i dunno…but to each their own’#& they still act like i’m crazy i’m so 💀#like my only cousin who’s into p/j/o was talking about how the new book (& while he ‘doesn’t care’ that Nico’s gay it—#‘came out of nowhere’ 🙄) the new book is written by two authors—one of them being a gay man because Richard wanted the input—#because he didn’t feel qualified to write it as a straight man or something idk#but my cousin. said. that if a straight man ‘can’t’ write a gay story then a woman can’t write a man’s story & vice versa#which. oh my god no#for one thing i do think anyone can write any story even/especially if it’s out of their depth but they should absolutely reach out—#if they want firsthand accounts of experiences like what it’s like to be gay etc#but also. of course a woman can write a man & vice versa what kind of take even is that? like yeah some people do it really weird—#(‘she boobed breastily down the stairs’)#but that doesn’t mean people shouldn’t be allowed if anything people should learn about the experiences of others#in general his takes of ‘i don’t Care i just wish it wasn’t Every Character that’s not how it Used To Be’#like 1.) if richard wrote lgbtq/poc main characters in 2005 he probably wouldn’t have sold many books#and 2.) it’s Greek mythology. you get what you sign up for#anyways yeah i’m really quiet at family functions but even when i just quietly disagree i’m made to feel really bad about it#& the next function is literally my grad party like next week ://#but after that there shouldn’t be anything for a while#rose.txt#tw vent
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oneslimybastard · 8 days
I don't really have any problems with the "she boobed down the stairs breastily" type of writing. I actually think its a good thing to be unashamed about your aesthetic fixations when you write, granted it aligns with the kind of art that you're trying to make. a lot of passages that get dropped on r/menwritingwomen to me are genuinely interesting pieces of descriptions that I wouldn't change. i have no notes on the "like zorro" snippet, it's completely unhinged and conjures the image of a woman wrestling with a penis as if it were a slithering viper while the man is just completely at the mercy of it, at a loss for what to do, helpless as his dick just wont stop splooging and jumping around. it's like a slapstick skit but a written sex scene.
probably wasn't the intention but it's glorious and i am so happy it exists, 10/10, never stop never change write every sex scene like that forever king. i see ur vision.
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robins-den · 1 year
hi hellow i've been planning this post for two months anniversary today so
HERE ARE MY OPINIONS ON THE RELEASED CHARACTERS OF ENGAGE but i might not do all of them and this is only their blurb and physical appearance unless i know more ty
Something I’ve noticed while doing this is the sheer amount of siblings there are?? Is there going to be a plot reason (I hope not honestly) or did a writer go ‘wait, it was pretty rare for royals to only have one kid because of the high chances of childhood death and stuff’ or did a twincest writer win the kink lottery or ? Why are there so many siblings… It makes me wonder if the Alear you don’t pick is going to be evil or something.
Why are there so many mount users in the desert? Can horses traverse sand now?? I always hated that mechanic but it was because it made you work around it. Except that you never had enough fliers or mages to actually work around it. Why are there wolves in the desert?
everything taken from serenes forest because its convenient godbless
image and text formatting is to make it not godawful on mobile
CHARACTERS IN THIS: Firene / Firenese characters, the three dragon guardians + Anna
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Céline (VA: Akari Kitō) is the first princess of the Firenese Kingdom and Alfred’s younger sister. She’s a kind and innocent philanthropist who always strives to solve things peacefully. However, she won’t hesitate to fight for peace if necessary.
I hate the weird lace stuff and the fact that she just ... does not have a shirt. She looks too young for that to be interesting instead of 'girl what the fuck' and the sheer lace texture would be a genuine nightmare. she's another 'kind and innocent younger sister princess' which like, i feel like we've had at least one in every game, but whatever, the people like what they like.
Alfred (VA: Ryōhei Kimura) is the first prince of the Firenese Kingdom, a brisk young man who battles alongside the Divine Dragon. He’s a kind, disciplined and flower-loving pursuer of happiness.
I like that he has lace as well, it ties him and his sister together. I like his little leafy crown and that he has a love of flowers strong enough to be mentioned in his mini blurb. I don’t like that he’s Dimitri’s little brother, basically. Having one of the first companions look so similar to a protagonist from the last mainline game feels annoying. Also, the yellow white clothes, pale skin, blond hair, and black lines of lace make him look like a bee to me.
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Chloé (VA: Saori Hayami) is a palace knight from the Kingdom of Firene. She’s easy-going and adores her liege, Princess Céline. Loves fairy tales and pretty scenery and is always seeking a picturesque combination of the two.
i dont like the boobed breastily down the stairs vibe of her armor (which really isn't armor) but if she's one of the few like it then i can accept it as a character trait. i don't like the armor period, though, it has a lackluster feel to it. I'm really hoping for an s rank between her and Celine. Chloe likes Fairy Tail Aesthetic because she likes Celine, who has a Fairy Tail Aesthetic. This is my most beloved and sapphic headcanon.
Etie (VA: Tomomi Mineuchi) is a palace knight from the Kingdom of Firene. She’s a noble lady who exudes elegance. Has a positive and active personality; devotes all her time to body-building
I like her facial expression, and I think her hair is cute without being overbearing. I like that she's stated to be noble and extremely elegant while also doing bodybuilding. I like how it's a 'yes and,', not an 'even though'. I don’t like that what I thought was a dress is a crop top, though. I think it’s better as a dress.
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Louis (VA: Haruki Ishiya) is a palace knight from the Kingdom of Firene. He’s a gentle servant wearing massive armour. He always pays attention to how his friends are faring and seems happy whenever he sees them at peace.
Hello Kellam with curly hair. His arms remind me of Ruin Guards from genshin impact, actually. I don’t like armor knights much (i really value mobility and the sheer defense of armor knights has never been necessary for me to beat maps, even in the GBA games), but maybe his personality will convince me to use or reclass him. From what I’ve seen, I doubt it. I like the pointer clicker on his armor.
Boucheron (VA: Toru Sakurai) is a palace knight from the Kingdom of Firene. He’s a polite and kind young man. Born with a good physique and highly tolerant of others.
Logically the green accents on orange shirt is fucking hideous, but they manage to make it work with his armor, which keeps the orange from being extremely loud and the green from looking horrendous. He’s not that striking physically but for some reason I want to sit on his stomach and stare at his face for an hour. Also touch his face ??? I like that his tolerance of others is important enough to be mentioned here; I hope he has supports with people from other nations and when they do something not commonly done in his nation he’s like ‘oh, that’s pretty neat’ or the like. Maybe they did western market research and he’ll be a himbo lol.
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Framme (Sayaka Senbongi) is a 33rd generation Dragon Guardian, protecting the Divine Dragon at the Land of Lythos. She’s Cramme’s younger twin sister and more determined and lively compared to her brother.
I like her shirt and gloves. I think they're fun. her hat nd scarf don't feel battlefieldy but y'know what, sure, go styling. Honestly I think she looks really cute with the soft bob cut so I wish she didn’t have that braid of hair(?), but the ribbon braided in makes it interesting. I like lively kid characters as long as they aren’t annoying about it, and twins / siblings can be fun if the writers aren’t annoying about it. The contrast between simple sleeveless shirt+skinny arms, and the huge thick gloves, scarf and hat gives her an energy that I really love. All the colors pair together extremely well.
Cramme (Kōhei Amasaki) is a 33rd generation Dragon Guardian, protecting the Divine Dragon at the Land of Lythos, alongside Vander. He is Framme’s older twin brother and was by Alear’s side when they awoke. A gentle priest who serves–and is also a fan of–Alear.
The fact that he’s outright a fan is…. Odd? I’m not going to say bad but we’ll have to wait and see. I love his braid and that it pairs with his sisters. I think his colors pair together less well than his sisters do, but I’m always a slut for arm cuffs. I like that he’s green, black, and beige to his sister’s white, pink, and beige. It’s a fun way to contrast and compare them. I wish the outfits themselves matched a bit more.
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Vander (VA Yōji Ueda) is a 32nd generation “Dragon Guardian”, protectors of the Divine Dragon at the Land of Lythos. Cared for Alear who was asleep for ages and a reliable ally who’s sworn loyalty to Alear. Very serious and strict; the guardians’ mission is at the forefront of his mind.
Our jagen!! I really like his beard and hair. How many families got conscripted into staring at my bedroom? I wonder if the care was anything more intensive than standing guard at the doors of wherever it was and running off bandits and treasure hoarders. I’m curious if they entered the building on a daily basis [ for cleaning and making sure everything is okay, or maybe they live there? ], only on special occasions [ deep cleaning every few months or year or for festivals ] or fuckin never and only patrolled the perimeter. We’ll get the answer I’m sure, but I’m curious regardless. Relatedly, I’m curious if there were any signs of Alear waking up? If they knew it was beginning to happen or if it was completely out of the blue. 30 generations of your family getting paid to do nothing, and now you have to fight a cross continental war for the planet or some shit. 
Anna (VA: Saori Seto) is a merchant-in-training. It seems she’s traveling around each country, in search of treasures that can be sold for a high price.
She’s a lot cuter than her FE3H incarnation, thats for sure. It’s probably the posing but she’s actually super cute. Nice outfit that is visually solid without being overly complex and puff sleeves. I dig it. I’m interested to find out what merchant means as a class. We likely aren’t getting a separate convoy again, but (bold take) I actually found it fun. In training is fun; I wonder if we’ll see the endless amount of Anna’s again. I hope so. I hope she has supports again, and it’ll be great if it’s with people other than Alear. It’s interesting that her job / class is first and her name is below it, unlike all of the other character cards.
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fictionz · 4 years
New Fiction 2020 - January
"Evolution Never Sleeps" by Elisabeth Malartre (1999)
This is dumb but I’ll just mention it here because the next two sci-fi stories also do it: ya don’t gotta throw sex into your story. Of course, yes, it is an important aspect of relationships, and it can absolutely play a role if you want it to, but the sex scenes are almost like, “she breasted boobily down the stairs.” This is in the middle of otherwise fine short stories. That said, this first one by Malartre has that non-ending that I love about so much modern short fiction. Like, nothing is resolved. There’s just an introduction of characters, a possibility of some freaky critter behavior, and that’s it.
"Sexual Dimorphism" by Kim Stanley Robinson (1999)
The writing in this one gets a lot better, and weirder, with some breastily boobing along the way, and I was sure there’d be some aquatic bestiality but the author chose to leave that to the imagination.
"Game of the Century" by Robert Reed (1999)
Maybe this is fucked up, but remember Mutant League Football? God, what a stupid game with stupid gore and stupid fun violence. This story explores stuff about gene manipulation and mutants, and now I wonder if those players in the Mutant League had a choice in the matter. It’s possible they didn’t want to lunge headfirst into their opponents and cause them to explode, or decapitate the referee, but you as the player gave them no choice. Oh and this story definitely featured some bestiality.
"In a Tub" by Amy Hempel (1985)
I... barely remember it. Some short fiction is like poetry and requires multiple passes to absorb its intent, but I failed to do that. A woman’s in a tub, that I know for sure.
"Tonight Is a Favor to Holly" by Amy Hempel (1985)
You can catch a shuttle bus that’ll take you from the airport in San Jose to the Monterey Regional Airport. It has a nice little bar and restaurant, and a great view around sunset. On the way there, you’ll pass through a sandy little community with a name I can’t remember. This story took me right to that place. What’s it like, living in the lazy sand towns? I bet it’s gritty all the time.
"Celia Is Back" by Amy Hempel (1985)
A father and his children travel through conceptual time in the span of a few pages. They grow up and distant, he grows older and wanders.
"The Glitch" by Rebekah Frumkin (2013)
Fuck, two forgotten two stories in a month? I’m pathetic. Oh! This is the one about the guy who goes by EDJ... I promise I’ll re-read it. (I will not.)
"John Starks" by Salvatore Pane (2012)
This one stuck because it’s so bizarre that I had to tell a friend who’s into basketball about it, then send him a link to the story. It’s about getting old and obsessive, two things way in my thought corral.
"The Jon Lennin Xperience" by Rachel B. Glaser (2010)
Here we are, my first Black Mirror callout of the year. This is definitely the same vibe as that “Fighting Vipers” episode. I’m starting to look forward to that good VR, honestly. Just that visceral, damn this-is-too-real virtual experience. It was some science fiction magazine in the 90s and its comic strip about lame adults masturbating to virtual nudes with stimulation attachments that planted the idea in my head. As a young man I would’ve balked, but now it’s clear as crystal.
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order dev. Respawn Entertainment (2019)
I blazed through this in 2 weekends, and with 100% completion to boot. The corridors they use for worlds feel nice and dense, and the production values are hecka high. The Second Sister is definitely my favorite villain, even though I hate liking these damn Star Wars murderers. (You, as the player, murder so many people across half a dozen planets.) It’s good and quite fun, though I tire of the Jedi. Maybe Kylo Ren was right. (Fuck no, glad that guy’s outta here.)
Michael Clayton dir. Tony Gilroy (2007)
This movie meanders at just the right pace. I wish I could figure out the course of a good mystery. I might read a mystery novel or seven, really get a sense for it. The mystery here is also the kind where you think, oh yeah, this kinda shit is happening all the time but I’d never notice.
Little Women dir. Greta Gerwig (2019)
I like the ambiguity around the course of events. I mean, you know the story, I know the story, we’re all here for Jo. But right at the end, after you’re good with the journey, Gerwig pulls a rug out from under you. Just a small one, nothing catastrophic against the source material, but just enough to plant a seed of doubt.
Gargoyles - Seasons 2 & 3 (1995-1997)
Okay, this bestiality thing may be something I have to contend with in my brain, but this show is basically Beauty and the Beast plus Batman so there’s no way around it. And I’m talking about that CBS Beauty and the Beast that takes place in New York City. You know, Linda Hamilton and Ron Perlman. Anyway, Disney did a great job with this show. The characters and their histories are deftly and intricately woven into Shakespearean magical nonsense that reminds me of that good Neil Gaiman from those first sets of Sandman trade paperbacks. It’s an enjoyable show in the first two seasons, and the second season is so long that it may as well have been split into a second and third season. The actual third season drops the ball and leans more into content for kids, but it doesn’t mar the experience of the rest of the series. There are comics that continue the story as if season 3 never existed, and the story’s apparently much better, but those comics are also hundreds and hundreds of dollars each, so... I’m content to read the wiki.
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