#(since she does that when she goes to visit hoenn some time after reborn’s postgame ends - it’s a needed holiday for her and Luna)
tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 4 months
Part of me was considering redesigning Adriana (my Pokémon Reborn self-insert)’s outfit fairly recently, but I wasn’t really sure where I wanted to go with the redesign. Then today’s Pokémon Presents happened, and - since Adri is supposed to have started her journey in Kalos - suffice it to say I was very excited, and also inspired to change it once again! But, I’m still at a bit of a crossroads about whether or not I actually want to go through with doing it since I don’t have any super concrete ideas, so.. maybe we shall see?
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flowering-darkness · 1 month
How about, for Luna and/or Clio: ☁️ - does your f/o like to travel? where are some faraway places they'd like to go with you someday? (Dragonsmooch)
Dragon, I’m going to be honest, I completely forgot that I had reblogged an ask game. So, thank you so much for sending this to me - it really means a lot!!
(source: “⭐ assorted selfship ask game! ⭐” by yuzuru-p)
☁️ - does your F/O like to travel? where are some faraway places they’d like to go with you someday? - I think this is a really fun question to compare Luna and Clio’s perspectives, so I will answer it for both of them, if that’s alright!
Luna is agoraphobic, as was stated by her game’s creator. As such, I don’t feel that she would like travelling very much, especially not by herself. She has been shown to travel around Reborn itself a bit - I think the furthest she goes from the castle is the Glass Workstation in maingame and the Citae Prisma (which I think you get to through the Beryl Ward?) in postgame - but the journeys she has made have largely been only out of necessity to go home, or are due to her following Shade’s guidance. With that said, what I have read about agoraphobia seems to indicate that those with it can feel more able to go places if with someone they trust, and so I like to think that my/Adriana’s presence can help ease her fears a bit.
The main far-flung place I envision us going together is the Hoenn region, because it’s safe to say we both need a nice holiday after everything that happens in Reborn is finally resolved. We would spend quite a bit of time there after the grand finale, because of Adriana wanting to try her hand at Contests while she’s visiting, and I think that Luna would enjoy watching those even if she didn’t want to participate. I also think Luna would enjoy visiting Ballonlea in Galar, as well as cities like Laverre in Kalos (which is where Adriana was born!), but these would probably be briefer visits!
Clio, on the other hand, enjoys travelling a lot more! As a Keyblade wielder, she’s used to going to other worlds to help those residing there, and try to combat threats from rising villains. She likes getting to experience what all these different worlds are like and what sorts of things can be found in them - and she can also adapt to new situations on her travels fairly well! (This trait is also one that ported well to Final Fantasy XIV when I made her in that game - to the point that her in-game guardian deity is Oschon, the Wanderer!)
As a result of all this, I think it would be quite common for her to want to explore lots of different places with me/Aria, especially given the wide variety of worlds that were explorable in the age of fairytales (as seen in KHUX). Some are quite similar to each other, such as the Castle of Dreams versus the Enchanted Dominion, but others are very different, such as Olympus Colosseum or Game Central Station - so, there’s always something to see and do! Especially since, when left to her own devices, Aria will have a tendency to spend a lot of time in other worlds anyway, instead of hanging around Daybreak Town. So, with Clio there alongside her, it becomes more of an exploration than a concealment.
I hope that these answers were alright for you, friend! Thank you so much again for sending in this question!!
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