#even if.. things have certainly been happening that I am not in agreement with on tumblr
nalyra-dreaming · 13 hours
There's something about how we are collectively digesting the supposedly Armand messing with Louis and Daniel's memories reveal/confirmation that rubs me the wrong way. It's not that I'm not convinced that he was responsible for (at least) part of the tinkering (although I have the feeling that there was *someone else* who did it). It is that most of the discourse I see makes it sound as something kind of forced from Armand when imo the key to all of it it is precisely the fact that it is all a barter between Louis and Armand.
From Armand's traumatic past as a sex slave and his life with Marius to Armand letting Daniel live in exchange for Louis's companionship. Armand says to Daniel "Bartering with desire. Is that what makes you fascinating?" And that's exactly what his relationship with Louis is about cause this is the only way Armand understands love, as a transaction. And Louis happens to be an art dealer who's very good at running things.
Among all the relationships in the show, I think Loumand is probably the least wholesome (sorry Naomi but you were so wrong). And that's what makes it the most fascinating imo. Loumand is the most messed up relationship in the show not because of power imbalance like Armand Marius or Devil's Minion but because there is an agreement between them. I think that robbing Louis of his agency in the deal would be missing the point of both the novel and the show
Mhhhh. I know what you're getting at. I mean, you probably know I am of the opinion that Louis did invite Armand to secure Claudia's and his own safety (at first at least), and he certainly behaves as if this relationship protects him from the pressures of the rules (and coven).
So there is a certain level of... assumed control. But... There was this post a few days back, comparing Armand to a willingly leashed tiger, and I think that fits very well.
Because even though you know that I still think that there might be more to it all (especially wrt Daniel's memories if the 12 years DM truly happened), and though I do think that Louis might even have asked Armand for a reprieve... I do not think Louis would consent to an intrusion like this. Armand is still very much in control, and Assad put it very precisely I think, when he said that he just cannot relax with the truth... Armand is the only one who knows the truth, and who... has Louis under "maintenance". He "protects Louis from himself".
In fact I think this, and the missing pages, and a lot of other little things will come to a head now in Dubai. Probably will facilitate that "cataclysmic event" that I've been talking about...
I... do think there was a lot more to the relationship before San Francisco than there is after SF. Because Armand literally controls Louis after. He says that the name "Lestat" had not been uttered in their relationship for 23 years, but it's still a trigger for them both, leading to catastrophic results in a single session. Oh, the other "tri-annual" events and kills were bad enough, but this... this was new. And Armand went and made sure it wouldn't happen again.
You are right that Loumand is among the least healthy relationships... I would argue even canonically so, though of course the show has dialed it up to 99. (And god, I wished Naomi/her guest had never said that, the drama this statement caused, seriously). But I... I mean, it is more interesting in Paris and up to San Francisco, definitely. Or, at least in Paris. Because I think... I think whatever happens after the trial will already shift their relationship. Because why would Louis, this Louis stay with Armand? Why does he? What exactly makes him stay with Armand. (I think that will be a really interesting aspect in the show!)
For ME((!!!!))... that is why Loumand is not fascinating (Though I get it if it is for you^^💕). Because Louis is not well... and Armand... Armand tags along, they foreshadowed that on the walk along the Seine - and then Louis tags along, later. Or exists.
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(*by a companion.)
Armand tries to salvage what he can while groveling for what he did in Paris. And that is precisely where their "agreement" stops, for me. Because if your mind is tinkered with... you cannot consent.
It's like being under drugs - you cannot consent.
And Armand has never been much about consent... unfortunately.
So yeah, that's ... my two cents on this^^.
It definitely is one of the most difficult relationships at this point.
We'll see in the next episodes where Louis' "agreement" with Armand stops, I think. Because if I'm right and Louis did not see this as part of the "agreement"? Then this will hit the fan in Dubai - and personally I expect it to (and I think, going by Jacob's statement - it will).
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tiny-cloud-of-flowers · 4 months
Part of me was considering redesigning Adriana (my Pokémon Reborn self-insert)’s outfit fairly recently, but I wasn’t really sure where I wanted to go with the redesign. Then today’s Pokémon Presents happened, and - since Adri is supposed to have started her journey in Kalos - suffice it to say I was very excited, and also inspired to change it once again! But, I’m still at a bit of a crossroads about whether or not I actually want to go through with doing it since I don’t have any super concrete ideas, so.. maybe we shall see?
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kikiyoomis · 10 months
kissed me breathless
how many drinks has it been? seven? eight? maybe nine?
it may be even more, you've certainly stopped counting after a couple of drinking games that had you too competitive to focus on anything else. everything's a blur, you don't remember who you came here with nor remember the reason why you're here at this house party.
it's early in the morning, possibly 3 or 4 am. the moon is high in the sky and the number of people at the party has significantly decreased since you've arrived. you feel like it's also time for you to leave, to finally go home and reduce the pains of an oncoming hangover but you're unable to bring yourself to.
you're instead threading your fingers through dark, messy curls, tugging it ever so slightly as he continues to kiss you like it was his last time. it probably will be his last time. and so you kiss the stranger back.
he's tall, handsome, and a good kisser on top of that. he's doing everything right. kissing with the right amount of pressure, holding your face tenderly while pulling you in for another round. the kisses are slow, sensual and despite the fact that the both of you are drunk, it was the most romantic make out session of your life. it's clear that he doesn't want to let you go, and you don't wanna go either.
you're not quite sure how you got into this situation. was it the countless shots of liquid courage? this was something sober you wouldn't have ever done. but after hours of doing nothing but make out with this stranger, it has been the most enchanting thing you've done tonight and you don't regret it at all.
"i can't get enough of you," he says, breaking away slightly to catch his breath. you take this chance to really take a look at his face. it's slightly sweaty from kissing you but you find him extremely attractive. the two moles above his eyebrow steals your attention, preventing you from looking away. and his voice was deep and quiet, saying things only for you to hear.
he leans in for another kiss, this one lighter and more cautious than the previous ones. it makes you yearn for more.
and so you kiss him back with more intensity.
i want you, your kisses seem to say.
and he understands it completely, matching your speed and pressure as his other hand slides towards the small of your back to pull you in closer for a deeper kiss.
with your heart pounding, you gather the courage to finally ask the stranger for his name. you don't want to leave this night without knowing the stranger that left you so breathless.
"sakusa," he says, and after a brief pause he adds on, "kiyoomi."
with a smile, you whisper his name back to him. repeatedly saying it between each peck you leave on his lips. it was like the more you said it, the less likely you were to forget it.
"hey, you have to tell me your name too," he says, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. and so you tell him your name.
by now the party is nearly at a standstill, the only people left were those passed out drunk, those waiting for a ride home and the small group of friends still talking and laughing about something that had happened.
sakusa takes a step back, leaving you afraid of him leaving. you knew it would happen soon but "soon" didn't actually prepare you enough for when it was actually going to happen.
"the party is pretty much over," he says to you. you nod in agreement, looking around at your surroundings.
"i don't want you to go," you blurt out honestly. an instance of regret washes over you for saying something so bold and blunt without thinking. but if he leaves, what if this was truly the last time you see him?
"well, i dont plan on sleeping here. it's a one way ticket for various illnesses to enter my body since the end state of this party is so disgusting. i already shouldn't have come here to begin with, my head hurts from all the alcohol miya had me drink," sakusa says in a matter of fact tone, different from the tone he used when he was kissing you.
your heart drops, thinking that this was his moment of clarity and that he regrets the time he has spent with you. you wish it wasn't this way.
he pulls a mask from out of his pocket, looping one end around an ear. "however, my place has a bed fit for two. this party might be done for the night but if you want, ours can end a little later," he says with a grin before covering it with the mask.
you smile at the opportunity, and happily accept it. this was not going to be your last time seeing sakusa.
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rose-pearls · 1 year
The deal
Summary: when your mother keeps trying to get you to date someone you find the most unlikely candidate to help you out.
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Next Part
It hadn’t been an easy year; your parents were on your back telling you to find someone and you were just trying to finish your studies and find a place for yourself to escape them. Escape the large manor that you had always lived in, with dark hallways lacking warmth and formal pictures hanging at strategic places for guests. Your parents had never been the warmest persons, they were just too busy to really be there for their kids.  
They hadn’t known what to do when you were sorted into Hufflepuff, breaking a long line of Slytherins to enter a house were loyalty and kindness were key. You loved your house; it had become your second family and you always looked forward to going back to Hogwarts and to your common room. You supposed that the fact that there was still hope for your younger brother to end up in Slytherin made your parents more open to the idea, even if they avoided talking about the topic. At least you weren’t in Gryffindor. 
“Why don’t you give that Nott boy a chance? He seems, nice.”, your mother says with a grimace, and you know that she is trying not to say that the boy isn’t something special.
“For the last time mom, I am not looking for someone and certainly not these men.”, you whisper while stabbing one of the poor pieces of chicken on your plate. A sigh leaves your mothers lips, and she probably tries to convince your father to say something, but you keep looking at your plate.
“You should listen to your mother and find someone.”, the strong voice of your father says, in that condensing tone that he always used, like you were still that five-year-old girl.
“I will, but right now my studies are a priority.”, your mother lets out a sigh at your words and you try not to roll your eyes at her actions. 
“It doesn’t matter who it is,”, your mother starts to say but your father quickly cuts in.
“He should be from a pure blood family.”, you try to stop yourself from scoffing and barley manage it by eating a piece of broccoli. 
“Right, otherwise it doesn’t really matter sweetheart.”, the silence that follows is long and you hum in agreement to appease your mother.
“Maybe you could find someone for Christmas? After all we always have a Christmas party and it would be lovely for you to find someone to take with you.”, the headache that had started this morning starts coming back at full force and you try to calm yourself down, knowing that there wouldn’t be an escape from your meddling mother.
“I’ll try, alright?”, you say while looking up and your mother looks at you with a bright smile.
“That is all I ask.”, she then turns to talk to your little brother, and you try not to feel stressed at the thought of having to find someone for the Christmas dinner.
“So, you need to find someone for your parents Christmas party so that your mother leaves you alone.”, you let out a sigh and nod at Susan’s words. The train ride to Hogwarts had been filled with talks about vacation and other things that had happened but now the focus was on the fact that you needed to find someone.
“Well, you don’t really need to date the person, do you? Just bring the guy to the party act like a couple and then break up.”, Christie says, and Susan nods her head quickly.
“That is a great solution if you don’t really want to find someone.”, she says happily, and you let out a sigh.
“Problem is my parents are going to be asking around about us probably and if they know that we weren’t really a thing at Hogwarts it’s going to be hell.”, you groan and close your eyes, trying not to despair at the problem.
“If you start one month before the party it’s alright, and then you can break up after the party. That way you don’t have to be with that person to long but still be convincing.”, Christie answers and Susan agrees while looking at you with a small smile.
“It could be a solution, now I just need to find a pure blood who wants to fake date me.”, you say while trying not to lose hope but the only pure bloods you can think of are the children of your parent’s friends and you don’t really see yourself dating them even if it’s fake.
“Imagine if you arrived with Sirius Black.”, Susan snorts at Christie’s words and you can’t help but laugh at the face’s your parents would make.
“They would be furious.”, you say while laughing and the three of you continue talking while trying to figure out what you could do.
A sudden knock makes the three of you turn around to see the man you were talking about, Sirius Black smirking behind the glass of the door.
“Hello ladies, how are you today?”, he says with a flirty tone while looking at Christie. Susan and you look at each other and roll your eyes at the act.
“Better when you weren’t there, what do you want Black?”, Christie says, and the boy looks taken aback for a second before his charming smile reappears. 
“Well, Remus told me that one of you has to go to the prefect meeting and I thought I would take some time to come by and tell you myself.”, he says while smiling innocently.
“How charming.”, Christi says sarcastically, and you decide to intervene before Black can say anything else.
“Well, that means I have to go, I’ll see you guys later. Thank you, Sirius, for telling me.”, you say quickly while taking your stuff and leaving towards the prefect’s cabin at the front of the train. 
When you arrive, there is only Remus there and you can’t help but feel relieved that no Slytherin has yet arrived. 
“Remus, how are you?”, the boy looks at you surprised, and you can’t help but feel butterflies at his wide smile that appears. He quickly gets up and greets you, telling you about his summer while you listen to his stories.
“And we ended the summer at James’s house.”, he finishes and before you can say anything the door opens violently, letting a furious Lily Evans in.
“For the last time Potter, I will never date you. I am not interested in you and never will be so get that through your thick head.”, she yells, and James is looking at her with wide frantic eyes.
“If you just gave me a chance, I could show you how good we would be together.”, he tries to plead and you feel sorry for the man, you could clearly see he had true feelings for the girl, but it had been two years of non-stop rejections. 
“I don’t care just leave me alone and find someone else to bother!”, James looks a bit hurt at her words, but the red head doesn’t seem to care as she starts to list all the reasons why she wouldn’t date him.
“Alright, why don’t we calm down and relax.”, you say loudly and the two of them turn towards you.
“I think we all need to take a deep breath and relax.”, you repeat but Lily still seems to be looking furious. While she turns to go sit next to Remus who is looking like a deer caught in headlights. 
“I need to go and get the rest of the prefects, so why don’t you come with me James?”, you say and the boy in question turns to look at you surprised before nodding his head and following you in the hallway. 
The two of you walk down towards the end of the train were the Slytherin’s and Ravenclaw’s could often be found, a silence taking over. 
“You know you didn’t have to intervene right?”, you hear suddenly, and you stop to look at James for a moment.
“I didn’t really want to have to listen to another one of her speeches plus she seemed to have already said the most important parts.”, you say while looking at the boy.
“I don’t understand why she doesn’t want to give me a chance.”, he whispers with a sad frown, and you can’t help but feel sorry for him.
“Sometimes people don’t feel the same way we do and that is normal, you just need to accept that.”, you try to say softly, and James shakes his head at your words.
“I know she is interested; she just doesn’t want to admit it.”, he says, and you can’t help but sigh at his words.
“Maybe she is, maybe she isn’t. But clearly your way of trying to convince her isn’t working.”, he grumbles at your words, and you can’t help the small smile that appears.
“Then I guess I need to find another way.”, he says while looking around, like he is trying to find a solution before looking at you and a bright smile appears.
“I know!”, you suddenly feel scared at the boy’s wide hopeful eyes and try to slowly leave the hallway, but James stops you before you can.
“I can try to make her jealous, make her realize that she likes me and boom we end up together.”, you try not to laugh at his plan, while he looks at you like he is the greatest genius of his time.
“And how exactly are you going to be making her jealous?”, you say with a smile trying not to laugh.
“With you!”, he says like it’s the most logical thing in the world and you can’t help but scoff at his words.
“Not happening Potter!”, the boy whines and takes your arm as you try to leave.
“Please!! I’ll do anything!”, he pleads and then continues to try and convince you while you start thinking. James comes from a pure blood family and has a relatively good reputation plus he isn’t really interested in you. He could be the perfect candidate for the Christmas party and then you two can just ‘break up’.
“I’ll agree but on one condition.”, James smiles widely and you are barely able to stop him from hugging you.
“My parents want me to bring someone at their Christmas party, if I do agree to do this you will have to come to that party and act all lovey dovely before breaking up after the break.”, James looks at you surprised before thinking for a moment.
“No problem! We fake date until Christmas break and after that we break up.”, he says with a bright grin before coming closer to you.
“So, do we have a deal?”, he says quietly, and you look at his familiar brown eyes before sighing and nod.
“We have a deal.”
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Dear Elanor
I have a question about hair. I know you are the foremost expert on not being an expert about hair and so I'm choosing to speak to you instead of people who have studied this subject far more in depth than you and most certainly me. You see I have Celtic ancestors on one side and the Germanic ones on the other and for a very brief period in secondry school I had lovely, wavy auburn in the right light hair. And then everything went odd??? I believe there to have been a war somewhere in my genes and barring all evidence to the contrary have settled on this as the only possible reason. My hair has gone straight. I've tried all the CGM things and stolen my wife's bristle brush and my hair resolutely refuses to be anything but thick and occasionally poofy (when the brush is involved I end up looking quite like a tribble held up to a balloon) and even more confusingly settled itself on a sandy blonde that had I not already worked on my toxic masculinity issues would lead me to a life of a very successful Dean Winchester cosplayer. But there were three delightful years when I had Anakin hair a la revenge of the sith. Minus the grease. And I can't for the life of me figured out what happened or how to get the fun wibbles back. Even when I tried growing it out again recently it was just like 'ah, no, you see, we shall be the only straight thing about you and you shall suffer under the weight of it and force yourself to do an even more confusing gender thing and buy hair clips because we as the collective on your scalp have come to a common agreement without you,' and I'm just wondering, if you maybe know something in the deep magic not at all rooted in any kind of science because if I go to Actual Hair People they will tell me science things and I am not interested in their science that comes seriously and with no hint of long suffering or tangents and also products that I'm sure cost a great deal of money. Do you know, Elanor? Do you know what witch or ghost or ancestor I have somehow upset/wronged/accidentally pleased somehow? Things I have attempted: - going outside, turning around three times and spitting - asking the cats to intercede on my behalf - not washing my hair at all for a month and seeing if that shocks it into behaving (look, isolation got weird and my hair only got straighter,) - writing a letter to my dear departed irish gaelic professor in hopes that he might know something only to feel terrible about writing the letter in english because i never actually learned how to be literate in class - observing a oujia board from a distance and nodding solemnly - staring at the bottom of a quarry like the vast abyss of stone might somehow do A Thing. It did not. It did, however, unlock many thoughts. - the bristle brush - a return to asking the cats who were less amused this time than they were the first and gave me a great deal of their hair as though I should somehow be pleased and honoured with this gift. it got up my nose and I was neither so I'm beginning to suspect their involvement My sympathies to you upon your receipt of this message.
Hmm. Okay.
You need to buy some good cheese, probably three wheels, and maybe some good white bread to be on the safe side (bonus points if home-baked, but don't go trying to make it super soft or super hard). Then you need to find a faerie-infested Welsh lake. I'd recommend Llyn y Fan Fach, probably, because it has a pretty good hit-rate with water fey, so the odds are pretty good. Go at dusk, when the light plays tricks on you. Bring no iron or salt. If you see a faerie ring, DO NOT STEP IN WITH BOTH FEET.
Drop a cheese into the water - and the bread if you brought that - and ask for your curls back. For bonus points you should probably do it in Welsh? Maybe demonstrate at the water by curling a lock around your fingers for good measure. Tell them the cheese is a gift.
Return on the second night and do it again. Drop a cheese in, ask for the curls, tell them it's a gift. NO IRON.
On the third night, do it again. If it's worked, this is the night they'll reply. Most likely they'll give you a comb, or an oaken rod about which to wind your curls, or a faerie ointment, or some other thing. Listen carefully to the instructions, though, and don't deviate from them. Also Welsh faeries almost always add that you shouldn't reveal where you got their gifts from, and if you tell ANYONE they will take them back and fuck you up, so that's pretty likely. Whether it works or not, tell everyone it didn't.
If it doesn't happen on the third night, then it's Request Denied, I'm afraid. The origin of your curse is likely not Welsh (that or you bollocksed up one or more steps; it's easily done.) I wish you luck, friend.
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What We Deserve - ao3
“I hope you know that you deserve better,” Lan Qiren said mildly when he found himself walking side-by-side with Su She in a hallway of Jilin Tower. Su She only scoffed, of course. “Do not misunderstand me, Sect Leader Su. I am not giving you advice, nor am I telling you that you need to change anything about your present situation. I know that is not my place.”
“Damn right it isn’t,” Su She mumbled, though Lan Qiren though, with some satisfaction, that the complaint was half-hearted.
“Nevertheless, it’s true. You do deserve better.”
Su She scoffed a second time, then turned his head away. “You’re in no position to say that.”
Lan Qiren arched an eyebrow. “Aren’t I?”
Su She faltered, as Lan Qiren knew he would.
Of course, the victory turned tasteless at once: Lan Qiren was in a position to say something, and indeed he might be the only one who was, but he had no ability to do more than that. In truth he was helpless here, unable to change anything.
Just as he’d always been.
“You spent your entire childhood resenting those who treated you as an inferior version of Wangji,” Lan Qiren said with a sigh, because he had to still try, even if he knew it to be pointless. “Why remain with a lover who treats you as an inferior version of Xichen?”
Su She’s laugh rang low and hollow.
“Some things you don’t choose,” he said, voice dark, and Lan Qiren reluctantly nodded in agreement. It was only too true, as both of them knew. “Besides, I don’t necessarily agree that that’s what it is. And…and anyway, even if is, I don’t – it’s enough. In its way.”
Lan Qiren inclined his head. In the end, it was Su She’s business, not his; Su She was a man full grown, a sect leader in his own right – he could make his own decisions, and his own mistakes, and there was nothing Lan Qiren could do but stand by and watch it happen.
And yet…
“Do you wish to know –”
“No.” Su She’s voice was sharp, and there was no hesitation. “I don’t. I don’t want to know anything. Let it be.” He struggled briefly, then spat out. “Please.”
Lan Qiren let it be.
They reached the end of the hallway, and parted ways naturally, mere strangers with nothing to say with each other.
Just as it had always been.
For some reason, that was the interaction that lingered in Lan Qiren’s mind far later, when the whole rotten business of the Guanyin Temple was over and done with, when those who were dead were dead and those who lived, lived. It was strange, he thought, that it should be that moment, a quiet and unremarkable one, and not any of the others – not the multitude of others, a lifetime full of them, starting from when Su She was about seven years old and Lan Qiren had first learned the full magnitude of the injustice that had been done to him.
When Lan Qiren had first failed him, the same way the Lan sect had failed Su She all his life.
From the beginning – to the end.
Lan Qiren sighed to himself and shook his head. As always, there was nothing he could do. Even now, walking through the ruined temple, helping pick up the pieces in the wake of Lan Xichen’s devastation and Lan Wangji’s distraction, it all felt meaningless – too little, too late…
Lan Qiren was startled out of his thoughts when, upon turning a corner, he was nearly mowed down by a group of impetuous youths, every single one of whom should have known better.
“Oh no –” “It’s Teacher!” “Teacher Lan! We’re so sorry!”
Lan Qiren itched to say No running allowed and impose punishment, but of course that rule was only strictly imposed in the Cloud Recesses, which this horrible ruined temple was not. He didn’t think Jiang Cheng would particularly appreciate Lan Qiren imposing discipline in his own backyard.
Accordingly, Lan Qiren contented himself to merely stare them all down with his best I’m disappointed in you teacher glare, which was, if he did say so himself, quite good. Certainly it seemed to work very well on his audience: Lan Sizhui, of course, and Lan Jingyi, Ouyang Zizhen, Jin Ling…
“Didn’t you have time to get changed, Jin-gongzi?” he asked Jin Ling with a frown, abruptly distracted. “I would have thought there was enough time for someone to go to Jinlin Tower and back by now…?”
Jin Ling blinked at him owlishly. “Uh, I did?” he said, reaching up to rub his neck, where there was still a red mark, slowly fading now. “No, I definitely did! I changed!”
“You’re still wearing yellow,” Lan Qiren pointed out, then frowned even more deeply when Jin Ling looked confused. “Did you not want to change into mourning? Lianfang-zun was your uncle, and I thought you were close.”
“…he tried to murder me,” Jin Ling said blankly. “And all my friends. And the entire cultivation world.”
“Naturally if you do not wish to wear mourning for him, you don’t have to,” Lan Qiren said. “I had only thought that you might want to, even if only in mourning for the illusion that was lost.”
All of a sudden Jin Ling’s expression changed: lips pressed together tightly, eyes brimming with tears. “I…it wouldn’t be improper?”
Lan Qiren arched his eyebrows. “If anyone objects to you on the grounds of propriety, you may refer them to me, and I will correct them.”
That got smiles on most of their faces, and Lan Jingyi actually snorted out loud.
“See, I told you it’d be fine,” he said, nudging Jin Ling with his elbow. “And now it’s doubly fine! You know no one will dare to get in your face about it if Teacher’s backing you. Not even your jiujiu, who’s not afraid of anything…well, anything else.”
Jin Ling smiled, but a moment later it faded. “I didn’t ask the servants to bring any mourning clothes.”
“It’s fine,” Lan Jingyi said. “Just borrow some of mine – I have to go change anyway, we can go together.”
“You have mourning clothes, Lan Jingyi?” Wei Wuxian asked, turning in from the same hallway Lan Qiren had been in; he’d clearly been listening and was, as ever, utterly shameless about it. “That’s rather well-prepared of you!”
Lan Jingyi rolled his eyes in that full-body way that only adolescents could manage. “Obviously I didn’t bring them myself! Teacher would’ve had a couple of sets brought over for me…uh, right?”
“Yes,” Lan Qiren said, long-suffering. “I sent a request once I learned what had happened, and they would have likely arrived at the inn our sect is using by now. Go and assist them in unpacking, and don’t forget to set out a set for me – I trust you don’t mind if I wear morning as well, Jingyi?”
“Not at all,” Lan Jingyi said with a shrug. “You knew him better than I did.”
“I must admit I’m a bit surprised, Teacher Lan,” Wei Wuxian remarked. “Now if it were Zewu-jun, I’d understand, but I didn’t know you and Jin Guangyao were close.”
Wei Wuxian was a brilliant genius in many ways. He was also, even after all these years, a colossal idiot.
“Jin-gongzi is the one mourning for Lianfang-zun,” Lan Qiren explained, utilizing a slow and deeply condescending tone he would never adopt with his own students - much to Lan Jingyi and Lan Sizhui’s immediate and obvious delight. “On account of their close familial relationship. As you may recall from your time memorizing cultivator lineages, I lack any such relationship with Lianfang-zun.”
Wei Wuxian only looked amused by Lan Qiren’s tone, unsurprisingly. “I know that! But then why would you put on mourning clothes?”
“For Su Minshan, of course,” Lan Jingyi said, and dipped his head apologetically when Lan Qiren glared at him for his impropriety. “Uh, Sect Leader Su, I mean.”
“Uh, all right,” Wei Wuxian said, blinking. “Su She, huh? You’re – mourning Su She. That’s…uh…no, actually, there’s no explanation I can think of for that, that’s just weird. Why are you going to be in mourning for Su She?”
“Yeah, I thought the Gusu Lan sect had a thing against the Moling Su sect?” Ouyang Zizhen asked, looking between them, and Jin Ling nodded, an equally mystified expression on his face. “Why would you mourn their sect leader?”
“The same reason as Jin Ling,” Lan Qiren said shortly, not inclined to explain his family’s business further. “Jingyi, Jin Ling, you can both come back to the inn with me. Sizhui, you go assist Xichen in the meantime.”
Otherwise he’d get peppered with questions, and if it were Wei Wuxian doing the peppering, Lan Sizhui might find himself sharing information he shouldn’t even have – Lan Qiren had no doubt that Lan Jingyi had shared the details with his friend, and he’d never once thought about punishing him for it, even if it was technically a breach of confidentiality.
Of course, if Lan Qiren had hoped that simply leaving would be enough to get Wei Wuxian off their back, he was sorely mistaken.
“I know Su She was a Lan sect disciple once,” Wei Wuxian said, following along despite the implicit dismissal, which had at least gotten rid of Ouyang Zizhen and the other junior disciples. Completely shameless! “I didn’t know that sort of thing still counted once someone left the sect. Seems like a bit of an odd practice.”
Wei Wuxian was probably going to marry into the Lan sect, Lan Qiren reminded himself, then reminded himself yet again that it wasn’t a ‘probably’ so much as a ‘certainly’; the only question was how quickly Lan Wangji could get everything set up. If one looked at it in the light of soon-to-be family, Wei Wuxian’s questions weren’t that intrusive…or, rather, they were, and they were obnoxious to boot. But it wasn’t as if Wei Wuxian wouldn’t be able to get all the answers out of Lan Wangji later on if he wanted.
“It is not our general practice,” Lan Qiren informed Wei Wuxian stiffly as they entered the inn reserved by the Lan sect. “The circumstances relating to Sect Leader Su are outside the ordinary.”
“Am I allowed to know?” Jin Ling asked, glancing between all of them. He at least knew some manners, or at least had a sense of how much sects preferred to keep the knowledge of their dirty laundry limited to insiders. “If you need me to go…”
“It’s fine,” Lan Jingyi said, and Lan Qiren inclined his head in consent a moment later: it was more Lan Jingyi’s secret than his own, though he was certainly not unconnected to it. “It’s actually quite straightforward.”
It was not.
“You see,” Lan Jingyi said. “I’m Sect Leader Su’s son.”
Jin Ling’s jaw dropped, and Wei Wuxian’s eyebrows nearly hit his hairline.
“You’re joking,” Jin Ling said, and upon determining from their expressions that they were not, “But, but…how? Your surname is Lan!”
“Through your mother?” Wei Wuxian asked.
“Nope! Or, well, I guess technically –”
“Su She was a bastard child of a sect leader, in the same manner as Mo Xuanyu,” Lan Qiren said flatly, interrupting rather than let Lan Jingyi mess up the explanation any further. It was already shameful enough without adding mockery to it, though he didn’t hold it against Lan Jingyi. “And, again in the same manner as Mo Xuanyu, he was brought back to be raised in his father’s sect without being granted formal recognition.”
Now it was Wei Wuxian who was the one staring blankly. “But he was – it’s the Lan sect.”
“We are still only human, capable of fault,” Lan Qiren said, thinking to himself that he had said that too many times in his life, and also that he was so very sick and tired of cleaning up his brother’s messes. “And before you ask, yes, that means that Su Minshan was my nephew, just as Xichen and Wangji are.”
Su She’s mother had been a servant, one of the ones assigned to He Kexin’s house full of gentians, and if there was one small iota of comfort Lan Qiren could try to take out of the whole wretched disaster, it had been her persistent insistence that she had been wholly willing. His sister-in-law had apparently invited her to join in the marital bed, perhaps in an attempt to ensure her husband get someone else with child rather than her - if so, it had been a colossal failure, a fact borne out by the nearness of the two boys’ birthdays, Su She born only a few weeks after Lan Wangji.
“According to our sect rules, only the father or the sect leader can grant recognition,” he added, still bitter about the fact that his brother, who was both, hadn’t – and that the sect had colluded to keep the information away from Lan Qiren. He’d been away on sect business when the information had first come to light, and the elders had decided that he didn’t need to know. He had only become aware of it all when Su She was already seven years old, and by then it was far too late to do anything about it.
Well, anything useful, anyway. Lan Qiren had recklessly indulged himself in anger: he had broken his brother’s seclusion just long enough to punch him in the face, breaking his nose, and of course the only result of that had been getting sentenced to a full year of kneeling in repentance for violating Do not succumb to rage; he’d been careful to carry it out at night, when his nephews wouldn’t notice his absence. And all that might have been worth it if it had actually changed anything, but it hadn’t.
No: Su She continued not to be recognized, and the other teachers in the sect, the ones who had known and said nothing, continued to denigrate him with comparisons to Lan Wangji, a malicious contest in which Su She’s loss was predetermined. Lan Qiren had tried to stop it as much as he could, but he couldn’t be everywhere.
“There was nothing I could do,” he said, and hated himself for his helplessness, as always.
“Then…Lan Jingyi…?”
“He couldn’t keep me, so he gave me back to the Lan sect,” Lan Jingyi explained, casual and heartless – Lan Qiren knew it was better that Lan Jingyi didn’t take his father’s abandonment to heart, but it still made him wince. “Teacher insisted that I be given the Lan surname and included in the family genealogy.”
It had been the least Lan Qiren could do. Su She had already left the Lan sect by the time Lan Xichen had officially taken the position of sect leader, long past the point where Lan Qiren could have done anything for him, but what he couldn’t do for the father, he could do for Su She’s unwanted son – the son he wouldn’t or couldn’t acknowledge, because of what that child meant.
Because of the child’s other parent.
“Are you sure it’s all right for me to know this?” Jin Ling wanted to know, worrying his lower lip. “I mean, Senior Wei will probably marry in to the Lan sect, everyone knows that –”
“Hey, what?!”
“But that’s not true for me,” Jin Ling continued, ignoring Wei Wuxian’s pointless exclamation, “I’m from another Great Sect…”
“I don’t mind,” Lan Jingyi said.
“I know you don’t, you’re an idiot! But – Teacher Lan…”
“I allowed you to hear it because it is relevant to you. To both of you,” Lan Qiren said, and his time even Lan Jingyi seemed surprised – as well he should, as this would be new information to him. Su She had entrusted Lan Qiren with his child on the condition that this particular information not be shared with him for as long as it could be used to damage the other person involved, but that condition had now passed. “Your uncle, Jin Guangyao, was the other parent.”
A long moment of silence.
“Wait,” Lan Jingyi said. “Wait, wait, wait…that means I’m the little mistress’ cousin? That’s great! Now you’ve got to listen to me, tang-di! I’m your family elder!”
Lan Qiren managed not to roll his eyes, but just barely. Sometimes, he genuinely wondered what side of the family Lan Jingyi got his exuberant personality from – neither Lan nor Jin seemed likely. Perhaps Su She’s mother? It seemed unlikely, from everything he’d heard about her, but one never knew…surely not Jin Guangyao’s mother, that seemed unlikelier still, but then again he supposed he’d never met her…
“Why did Su She give him up?” Wei Wuxian asked. Unlike Jin Ling, who was still flapping his mouth like a fish out of water, it was clear that he’d already started piecing things together; he was dreadfully clever that way. He’d probably even figured out that it was due to Su She’s misalignment, having been raised initially as a little girl, that the Lan sect had managed to keep the secret of his existence from Lan Qiren, and that it had only been once he was old enough to identify himself as a man that the truth had come out. “It doesn’t seem like something Jin Guangyao would insist on.”
“That was precisely the issue, to my understanding,” Lan Qiren explained. “Su Minshan knew that Lianfang-zun would insist on recognizing any child of his, even though the revelation of an illegitimate child would have greatly damaged his reputation and future prospects – not to mention his marriage, which was then in progress.”
The unlucky Jin Rusong had been conceived right around the same time, and it was probable that Qin Su had identified her pregnancy earlier even if the conception was later. Lan Qiren had always believed in his heart that that had been another motivation for Su She to give up his child, that Su She, having lived his own life in the shadow of a legitimate heir, always compared and always found wanting, would have wanted something better for his own son.
(Lan Qiren wondered in retrospect if things would have been different for Su She if Jin Guangyao had found out about Qin Su’s heritage a little earlier – or if things would have been different for Jin Rusong, for that matter, if Su She had been honest. But there was no point in thinking things like that.)
Either way, in the end, Su She had known exactly what having Jin Guangyao’s child would have involved, what it would have resulted in for Jin Guangyao, and he’d refused to do it. Whether it was selfish or selfless, whether he worried for his son’s future or feared Jin Guangyao’s resentment at destroying his, he’d made his choice.
“We’re cousins,” Jin Ling said, still sounding stunned, but starting to smile a little. “Cousins…”
“Don’t look so cheerful,” Wei Wuxian told Lan Jingyi, who’d started bouncing on his toes and grinning like a loon. “If you’re cousins, does that mean you get Jiang Cheng in the bargain?”
Lan Jingyi abruptly looked horrified, causing Lan Qiren to sigh and Jin Ling to burst out laughing.
“Enough,” Lan Qiren finally intervened. “Go put on your mourning clothes. There’s no memorial tablet made yet, but you can still light some incense. Go!”
They went, the two boys already starting to bicker with each other in low voices.
“That helped, I think,” Wei Wuxian said, watching them go. “Jin Ling, I mean. He’s been taking it – very hard.”
He glanced at Lan Qiren sidelong.
“You did that on purpose.”
Lan Qiren said nothing.
There wasn’t anything to say, really. He would do as he had always done: as much as he could, though not as much as was needed. And he would simply have to hope that it would be enough.
“Teacher…would it be easier for you if I stayed away?”
Lan Qiren glanced at Wei Wuxian, startled by the question, and by the unusually thoughtful tone it was asked in. “What do you mean?”
“From the Cloud Recesses,” Wei Wuxian clarified. “Lan Zhan wants to go back at once, and to bring me, but I wanted to know what you thought, Teacher Lan.”
“I would certainly rather you marry in than Wangji leave,” Lan Qiren said, not sure he was understanding the question correctly, and Wei Wuxian’s abrupt smile, somewhat embarrassed, suggested he hadn’t. Did he think that he and Lan Wangji were being subtle or something..? “Provided you try not to corrupt too many juniors, I expect we will learn to tolerate each other in time.”
Possibly a great deal of time.
“…it isn’t as though any other alternative wouldn’t be worse.”
“That’s not quite what I meant,” Wei Wuxian said, outright grinning now. “But I suppose it’s the best answer I’ll get.”
Lan Qiren supposed so. Although, he wondered… “Why did you even ask?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Wei Wuxian said. “Something about hearing about yet another family tragedy your brother left you to have to handle made me think about how bad a hand you got dealt, that’s all.”
He laughed a little as Lan Qiren stared at him in shock.
“I’m just saying,” he said with a smile. “You deserve better. I hope you know that.”
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hyenahunt · 2 months
Obbligato: The Punishment of Kaname Tojo - 11
Writer: Akira
Season: Spring, two years ago
Characters: ???, Ibara
Proofreading: Remi + 310mc (JP) & Skyress (ENG)
Translation: Peace & hyenahunt
Ibara: Oh, are you ignoring me? Well, no matter. I'll continue to talk nonetheless.
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[Read on my blog for the best viewing experience with Oi~ssu ♪]
???: ( — What are you doing, Kaname?)
(What on Earth are you thinking...?)
(Who told you to say any of that?! You're to do exactly as we ordered you to do! That was the agreement, don't just do as you'd like!)
(When you lost your esteemed title of Special Student, who was it that saved you?)
(Was it Tatsumi Kazehaya, the man you’re standing side-by-side with right now who has such a saintly smile on his face?)
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???: (It wasn't! I did! I'm the one who helped you! No one else but me!)
(And yet here you are! Have you forgotten the debt you owe me...?!)
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Ibara: Hmm~? My, what's this, whoever could this be~?
???: ...?!
Ibara: How strange! No matter how I look at you, you appear to be the renowned top idol of Reimei Academy — Mr. HiMERU, correct?
But right now, isn't Mr. HiMERU standing on the stage and making a speech? In that case, who is this observer over here?
???: ......
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Ibara: Oh, are you ignoring me? Well, no matter. I'll continue to talk nonetheless.
My apologies if it grates on your ears! But you see, running my mouth like this is precisely how I conduct my business!
???: Who are you?
Ibara: That would be my line, but here, my card — this is who I am.
???: Ibara Saegusa, is it? You seem to be a manager affiliated with CosPro's company and institutions such as Reimei Academy and the like.
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Ibara: Indeed. I'm very pleased to make your acquaintance, nameless stranger.
It's been you all along, hasn't it? You're the mysterious stranger who's been providing Mr. HiMERU with support from the shadows.
At first, I thought it was that person — the man who dwells within Reimei Academy, a monstrous existence who must not even be named.
The man whose very name is taboo within this industry...
That man has taken to residing on the school grounds, living and doing as he pleases. He's been fending for himself and doing things such as starting bonfires and grilling meat, it seems.
But it must be known that this man is no ordinary vagrant who has made the school into his home. The truth is that he's a legend of the industry — a lingering reminder of the original Super Idols.
He's a monster who built up the idol world on his own.
Well, that monster bore children left and right, and that is nothing unusual about him if that’s truly all he had to him. For the record, I, Ibara Saegusa, am one of that man's descendants as well.
But unlike me, that vagrant of Reimei Academy is a most untouchable existence.
Of course, I don't need to explain any of this to you, do I? Tojo —
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???: I discarded that name.
I had no intention of ever being involved with the likes of you.
Afterwards, I left everything behind and sought a place abroad.
Ibara: Certainly, you have. I gathered similarly from the investigations I've conducted.
You discarded both your name and your face, becoming a disciple of a certain someone and mastering the art of disguise. In that way, you've lived on wearing many different faces, taking the place of others and acting on their behalf.
???: I only bought the technique to do so off of that man.
He approached me simply because I happened to have a slight blood relation to the original Super Idol.
He more forced the technique onto me than anything, though. While it's convenient, I don't feel any debt towards him for it.
I cast everything away. My name, my heart. My connections to others.
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???: (Or I was supposed to, at least.)
(I received a letter from my father, who I hadn't heard from for the longest time.)
(Even now I haven't a clue of how he obtained my address, but I have a hunch that that man — the Priest — was involved.)
(Naturally, I immediately crumpled that letter into a ball and tossed it away without reading a word. He and I are strangers now, and it's annoying to be contacted out of the blue.)
(That's what I thought. But I found myself unsettled by my lack of knowledge of what it said, and so I read it.)
(Within, he wrote of a younger brother I had. And it just so happened that my brother was in a difficult situation, asking to be helped out.)
(Until that moment, I hadn't known I had a brother at all.)
(Without knowing anything at all, my younger sibling — Kaname Tojo — thoughtlessly became an idol.)
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???: (What an idiot. A descendent from such a sinful family, tainted to the core by taboo—)
(Who, without knowing anything at all, became an idol.)
[ ☆ ]
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anons-has-hlvrai-aus · 2 months
The Metamorphosis of Gordon Freeman [Chapter 1]
An Aftermath
Next Chapter
Summary: Gordon finds out four years too late that not wearing your helmet into a chamber filled with otherworldly radiation is going to have some strange effects on the human body. Luckily for him, there’s somebody that can help him accommodate to his new alien powers…unluckily for him, that somebody happens to be a certain former security guard that can’t seem to stay dead.
Chapter Summary: Gordon receives an unwanted visit from somebody he hasn’t seen in a long time.
Word Count: 4,406
Notes: So originally this chapter was much longer, and included Movie Night, but I realized it was getting REALLY long and I thought the initial conversation between Gordon and Benrey acted as a good introduction of things to come. The start of things getting jostled up in Gordon’s life.
Black Mesa had been busy for a while when it came to Xen. The details were of a need-to-know basis, and not everybody in Black Mesa had those qualifications, but that didn’t change the fact that the survey team’s most recent yield of specimens came with an unexpected addition.
Could they call it a man?
It looked like a man.
Correction, it almost looked like a man: average height, a slightly notable stomach, some dark and greasy hair…perfectly normal from a glance.
This wasn’t a normal man.
Normal men don’t bare razor sharp teeth.
Normal men didn’t tank loads of bullets with anything less than a few bruises.
Normal men didn’t come back from the dead.
Normal men don’t spew orbs of color from their snarling mouth.
Normal men don’t have scleras the color of honey and irises that were some sort of horrible color out of space.
Normal men don’t scale walls and ceilings completely nude, their eyes, fingertips, feet mysteriously concealed by shadows with no discernible source.
This wasn’t a normal man.
This wasn’t even a human, masculine or otherwise.
This was something else.
This was something unworldly.
This was something familiar to Black Mesa, despite the shape it currently took.
This was something Black Mesa’s scientists hadn’t seen for a long, long time, and they were going to take advantage of that.
SUBJECT: Gordon Freeman, PhD.
Random County Middle School
Poastgame, New Mexico
TIME: Containment Failure + 1491 days, 5 hours
EMPLOYMENT STATUS: It’s complicated
Gordon sat in front of a desk, a stern, withered figure staring back at him from the opposite side. Both were obnoxiously business casual, although his interviewer clearly had something a bit out of date. He grinned at the older gentleman, who simply maintained his analytical glare.
“You say you want to be a… science teacher… Dr. Freeman?”
“Yeah, yeah, that’s why I’m uh… that’s why I applied for the job here, yeah.” He nodded.
“It says here you graduated from MIT, very impressive.”
“Thank you” spills from Gordon’s lips without a second thought, his scrutinizing assessor briefly redirects his gaze from the paper back to him. It feels like an eternity before he switches focus once more.
“I am very curious about your previous employment, as well as the noticeable gap in your resume.”
Shit. Fuck. Damnit.
What could he even bring up as an excuse that didn’t break his confidentiality agreement?
There was so much shit that went on in Black Mesa: the shady business practices were just the start, the blatant coverup of alien lifeforms wasn’t exactly a reasonable excuse either, nor the multitudes of identical human men that were apparently illegal and wanted by the state of New Mexico, and he was pretty sure so much as whispering about the experiment that destroyed his workplace would paint a target on his back. Again. And he really didn’t need a repeat of last year’s ‘Ed Balls Day Celebration’.
That wasn’t even mentioning the complete disregard for OSHA safety regulations (he didn’t care if Tommy said it had been up to code, it most certainly was NOT in his eyes), the medical malpractice (he was pretty sure what happened in the mixology department counted as this, but he really didn’t want to throw Darnold under the bus considering how nice and genuinely helpful the guy was), the clear disregard of human decency that was the accursed laundry room and it’s wretched coin-guzzling dryers, the-
“Doctor Freeman, I am waiting for you to answer my question.”
Gordon stuttered, suddenly his train of thought failed to provide any sort of plausible answer. He deployed his most reliable excuse. “I’m uh, I’m kinda not supposed to say anything? Kinda supposed to keep quiet about what happened to the place. As for the gap… well…” Most people don’t like it when you tell them the reason you have a gap in your employment is because you spent two years attempting to mentally recover from the trauma of your last workplace, and even more people dislike when you tell them the rest of your gap has been from you trying to get a job and then failing, because the idea of anybody having such a long gap in employment is an enigma to anybody trying to hire, at least as far as Poastgame, New Mexico was concerned. Still, he couldn’t exactly lie about what he’d been doing for the past four years, so he told them exactly what was up with the gap in his resume.
As expected, it did not please the other man in the slightest.
Gordon looked deflated by the end of the interview, looking much like one of the numerous tweens currently outside the office, waiting to hear about their grade-school criminal records.
“Doctor Freeman,” the interviewer started, “this is a middle school, as you are clearly aware. You, good Doctor, are an MIT graduate. As far as I’m concerned, this job is way below your paygrade, and even if it weren’t-“
Gordon zoned out, replaying the interview in his head. He was doing everything right: the right clothes, a nice resume, being totally honest with the guy, didn’t accidentally swear like he did at his previous interview…What sort of arbitrary rules could he have been forgetting?
For a guy that had once ragged on his former co-workers, both living and deceased, about not being able to act like normal people, he was starting to feel like maybe he was a hypocrite with how much he struggled to follow basic etiquette.
Surely, the Resonance Cascade hadn’t ruined his social skills that much in just a week, but who was he to judge? This was the same guy that got nervous about making phone calls (It’s not even that hard! It’s talking to people! You love to talk to people!). Even then, he probably shouldn’t judge, Tommy got nervous about phone calls too, but Tommy seemed a bit more justified given his tendency to change his words mid-sentence.
If there was any factor of justification for Gordon’s awkwardness (and this was a pretty big one that even HE forgot about sometimes), then it was the additional matter that he was a video game character, one whose entire personality and backstory had been sculpted together by some person bumbling around their room in a VR headset for several hours. Now that the video game was over, Gordon had to rely on what was “taught” to him by the player, and that was more than enough to make him feel like a badly rolled DND character. He couldn’t even air his grievances to the Player, they had left not long after exporting their save file to whatever server was housing the Post Game. He did have an opportunity to talk to them, once, but trying to remember too many details of the conversation hurt his head; if he had any chance to tweak or change himself, it was that conversation, and clearly he had wasted it.
So, yeah, Gordon didn’t have an excuse. He was kinda stuck being the prime antithesis of a normal person, it seemed.
He nodded at the interviewer when he seemed to finish his speal, shook the man’s sweaty hand, and gave his empty thanks for the “opportunity” to speak to the man at all before making the drive back home. He couldn’t recall the details between when he left the school and when he got home, his memories always got fuzzy when he was driving by himself. He had enough video game knowledge to suspect it was Fast Travel. For a moment, he wondered if it was possible to turn off, but knowing his luck his attempt to do so would just end up turning his prosthetic arm back into a mini-gun, and then he’d have to figure out how to switch it back to normal.
He should have just asked the rest of the Science Team about the car thing years ago, but he had been putting it off after he decided it was preferable to being left to stew in his thoughts for the entire drive. And now he was suffering the consequences of his inaction, wondering only now if he could toggle Fast Travel and Mini-Gun Hand. Hell, maybe he had the power to toggle game difficulty this entire time and he wasn’t utilizing it, he would really like to switch Job Hunting to “easy mode.”
Whatever. Too late to find out now.
Gordon didn’t really need a job, anyways, given the hush money and all, he just needed some form of normalcy to keep himself from focusing on the events that got him here, thinking about that stuff for too long got him stressed, and bad things tended to happen when Gordon got stressed.
Needless to say, he was pretty sure the horrid little man sitting in the middle of his lawn was not a good omen of things to come, both for his stress levels and his attempts at normalcy.
He let out a long, irritated sound, similar to when one needed to be vocal about an upset stomach, and stepped out of the car. Benrey didn’t seem to notice Gordon quite yet, but he knew better than to let the smaller man be left unattended outside. He could call the police but… he’d really rather not on principle alone. He and the Science Team had all agreed that in case of emergencies, they would call each other first (against Gordon’s better judgment), and then either an ambulance or the fire department second.
Benrey… technically wasn’t an emergency right now. He was just a minor annoyance at best, and if for some reason the man did escalate into a greater problem, Gordon had the benefit of it being movie night at his place tonight. If something went wrong, and he couldn’t contact the Science Team for whatever reason, they would know, and they would raise hell at whatever was causing the problem, because at this point not even a second Resonance Cascade (god hope no such a thing occurs) would be able to stop those people from executing their weekly plans after four years of proper bonding time.
Gordon moved between his house and Benrey, keeping a good distance as he did so before engaging in any sort of conversation. He wanted to be as close to the front door as possible in case the non-human gave chase…not that it meant much since Benrey could noclip, but the idea of safety gave him comfort, even if it wasn’t ensured.
“What are you doing here?” He asked a bit too casually. He was sure his voice would better convey the confusion and dread he was feeling once his brain snapped out of what he could only best describe as a new stage of grief dedicated solely for rediscovering somebody who really should have stayed dead.
Bafflement, he was pretty sure what he was experiencing was bafflement. He wasn’t sure why, though. He’d seen Benrey come back from the dead quite a few times, but that all been four years and 31 days ago (and still counting). At that point you can’t help but reasonably assume somebody like that is going to stay dead this time, but apparently that was not the case for Benrey. That also wasn’t surprising, when he thought about it; the cheapest way to create a threat in a sequel is to just bring back the final boss from the first game.
Oh god, was Benrey going to be his Dr. Wily? Was Gordon going to be stuck defeating the same creep over and over and over again for the next 30-something years? He couldn’t do that, his body still hadn’t recovered from the first time he fought Benrey.
The other man tilted his head slightly to Gordon, as if wanting to acknowledge him but not quite processing he was there. “mm…ding dong…” He poked at Gordon’s thrift store garden gnome, its cheeky smile and unbroken gaze were something Gordon had looked deeply into a few times too many since he got it. He wanted to think the longing it exuded wasn’t just his imagination, but he had accepted by now that it was probably his lonely mind playing tricks on him. He was more willing to accept this as imaginary compared to the skeletons.
“Hey,” Gordon spoke up, “Hey man, I asked you a question.”
“…what?” Benrey looked around again, less sluggish than before, this time locking eyes with Gordon. The smaller man’s face was almost an inverse of the gnome’s, they shared the same vacant stare, but the rest of his expression gave him a more pensive look.
Unlike the gnome, however, Benrey’s face could actually change, albeit subtly, such was the case when it morphed into a small smile upon recognizing Gordon. “Yooo! What’s up! Been a while, man. Been like…” He stared directly at the sun, or at least appeared to do so, his eyes squinting not from the glare but from his trying to process something. “…four years, and a month! That one month is pretty, uh, important.”
Gordon exhaled slowly. It sounded like one of those terrible, pig-shaped noise makers Tommy and Dr. Coomer had bought at the Dollar Store last week. “Whyyyyyy? Why now? Why are you-?” He felt a familiar anger boil over, and suddenly his tone and body language had gone from exhausted to brimming with rage. The edges of his vision went slightly red. “Okay! Okay, I’m going to disregard the fact that you can apparently tell how long it’s been since you last harassed me simply by looking at the position of the stars in broad-fucking-daylight, WHY, OF ALL TIMES, ARE YOU BACK? RIGHT FUCKING NOW?!?!”
He could swear he saw Benrey flinch slightly at his outburst, but he wasn’t sure. The man almost immediately responded with his usual calm.
“I told you man, that one month was important. I got, uh, my PS+ renewed. Played the whole time.”
Okay, that…sorta explained where he’d been for the past month, at least.
“Let me guess, Heavenly Sword?”
Gordon had the displeasure of witnessing the familiar sight of Sweet Voice spewing from Benrey’s lips. The man’s joy seemed to overflow at him remembering such a basic detail from his nonsensical monologue.
“It was so fun!” Benrey continued. “I got to play on a full server, throwing frags and shit at other people, really great cool stuff.”
The red faded from his vision. Despite wanting to so badly…Gordon simply could not stay mad at him. He was just sitting there, in the grass, blabbering on about Heavenly Sword like an excited child. Damnit, the man was even fidgeting with the hem of his shirt while he talked. Was Benrey even a threat, now? Did four years of whatever he was doing mellow him out?
Gordon’s brows furrowed, he should have been focused on the how and why of Benrey being in his front lawn like a sad dog, but for some reason his mind was derailed to the point of fascination by Benrey’s Adventures in Free PlayStation Plus.
“So you got PS Plus, were you, were you just doing that for four years? Were you just gaming the entire time?”
“Nah man, I was…sleep.”
“For four years? You slept for four entire years?”
“Yeah I got really tired after the uh, the heist. So I had a big sleep. I woke up though. That was kinda sucks.” That checked out, considering what happened after they had their heist in another world, but now Gordon was concerned about how Benrey remembered the heist; nobody was supposed to remember the heist except for Gordon, he vaguely recalls that he and the Player agreed to the Science Team forgetting the heist. Tommy kinda remembered, but only the parts where he had asbestos poisoning. Well, he supposed since Benrey didn’t count as a member of the Science Team, maybe him remembering wasn’t a problem, for now.
“They gave me one month of PS Plus after I woke up and came back. I like video games…can’t play video games in the other place though, so I agreed to the free month.” Benrey continued. He nodded and shook his head while explaining his story, always at the appropriate times where a head movement seemed necessary, almost like it was practiced.
“So you…” Gordon continued the conversation, trying to feel out if maybe he was being led into a false sense of security. “You played Heavenly Sword for a whole month without eating or sleeping?”
“Yea-no?? I ate…pigeons and…” He looked directly at Gordon, he was processing something again, “…tree rats.”
“Yeah those.” His scrunched face changed to a neutral-looking smile.
He had seen Benrey eat pigeons back in Black Mesa, so he wasn’t too surprised the man had eaten squirrels; it seemed like a logical next step. It made sense, Gordon was pretty sure a diet consisting solely of cheese puffs and 7Up (he was pretty sure that’s what gamers ate) could kill even the hardiest of immortals.
Actually, Benrey didn’t mention eating any sort of fruit just now, did he just leave them out on purpose or, was he some sort of obligate carnivore? He probably should have focused on that more than on what he asked next.
“You cooked those before you ate them, right?”
“No. Sorry, I don’t have uh…microbe-wave.”
Gordon just stared at him. He shouldn’t have been surprised, but he was.
“Tastes better with the hair on ‘em anyways.”
“I’m not a medical doctor, but I’m pretty sure…that you’re gonna get a disease…” Gordon tried to choose his next words carefully. He really, really tried. But his brain was fried from the interview and the exhaustion was starting to catch up. “…Salmonella. You’re gonna get salmonella if you keep eating raw meat like that.”
It was Benrey’s turn to stare again.
“Oh, who am I fucking kidding?” Gordon threw his hands in the air, “You’re some sort of thing from another world, the bacteria probably just goes right through you!”
“There are…” Benrey paused, his face morphed into a mischievous, shark-toothed grin. “…yo there’s Bakugan in my meat?”
He laughed. Gordon laughed and laughed and laughed until he fell over drunk from the shock of Benrey’s statement, and then laughed until the tap ran dry and he was sober enough to wheeze a response. “No! That’s not-Benrey that’s not what I said at all. I expect that kind of joke from Tommy! Oh my god…”
All of the neighbors peaked over or around to see the commotion at this point. Gordon didn’t feel any need to acknowledge them any as he shakily pushed himself upright, they were used to the bullshit that followed him around by this point, they were just really nosy. They were gone as quickly as they arrived, by which point he was now sitting on the opposite side of his gnome. “Do…Do you wanna like…come inside or something, man?”
“No, I don’t like the color beige.”
In his hysterical drunkenness, Gordon had almost been willing to invite Benrey into his refuge, but the hospitality had now been lost.
He was seeing red again. “How did you know my walls were-? Did you noclip into my house?!” He took his glasses off and rubbed at the bridge of his nose. “Fucking-! I keep getting fucking distracted! Dude!!!!”
Benrey watched Gordon gesture wildly with the hand not carrying his glasses around, directing every movement towards him.
“Why are you HERE?!” He screamed.
Benrey looked at the ground. “That’s uh, private information.” Slowly his head drifted towards Gordon again, he could faintly see the man’s creepy eyes follow the seams of his suit. “…Yo, we dressing up for movie night tonight?”
Gordon stiffened, standing back up. “How do you know about movie night?”
If Benrey knew about movie night, then either somebody told him, or…
“Tommy told me.” Benrey answered quickly, “Well, uh…he told his dad, and his dad told me. Mister Coolguy, Mister Govern-Mant, he got me the free month of PS Plus.”
Benrey fidgeted with the hem of his shirt again, sort of messing with it like he was messing around with a game controller while his mouth bubbled Sweet Voice and word salad.
“Like…he said he was going to buy more when it ran out, and now it’s been a month and my PS Plus ran out…twenty minutes ago.”
“We’ve been talking for about five minutes or something,” Gordon looked at his wrists. There wasn’t a watch on either of them, but it felt important to visually convey the flow of time. “So you’re telling me that your PS Plus ran out fifteen minutes before you got here, and you couldn’t wait another five or so for Mister Coolatta, for Tommy’s dad to renew it again? The PlayStation has games that aren’t multiplayer, you couldn’t play any of those for a while?”
Benrey averted his gaze. “I could but…”
He waited, but Benrey didn’t continue his statement. He was starting to consider the possibility that Benrey was lying out of his ass right now and that he had simply stolen enough information from the Science Team to keep Gordon preoccupied while they all died a slow, painful and permanent death before killing Gordon himself. He waited another two minutes before breaking the silence, hoping maybe that Benrey didn’t know that Gordon knew what he was planning. “But what? Why won’t you play single player games?”
Benrey looked at the ground again. “…I’d like to go inside the house now please?”
“WAIT! Can we go to my house instead? Pretty please?” He asked in earnest, pulling off a fucked-up alien version of ‘sad anime eyes’.
Well, if Benrey really was distracting Gordon to leave the Science Team dying somewhere, he did a scarily good job at hiding that fact. He must have been trying to get him into a secondary location to finish the job.
Hastily, Gordon tried to come up with an excuse while he put his glasses back on.
“Uh, sorry man. I wish I could, but uh, the guys are gonna be here in about…an hour, and I still need to change into some normal clothes and figure out what we’re eating for movie night. So-“ He twisted away from Benrey pulling something out and trying to force it into his line of sight, reminding Gordon of his various intrusive thoughts of being kidnapped in the past few years.
Benrey frowned. “Bro it’s paper.” He shook the parchment around for demonstration.
Through a partially-covered mouth, Gordon asked “Can you please not shove paper in my face?”
Benrey responded by wobbling the paper more until Gordon finally accepted it.
“Fine, what is this?”
“Mm…list. Food list.”
“Food list?”
“Food list.”
The paper that the list was written on had been improperly torn from a spiral notebook; you could easily see where the lower half of the page was simply ripped instead of following the tear-away lines. The handwriting on it, by contrast, looked incredibly clean, almost like it was typed out aside from a few blemishes of human error like scribbles over spelling mistakes or a long line from where somebody had made an order and then at the last minute asked for something completely different, much to the chagrin of the transcriber.
“…This is really nice handwriting.” Gordon admitted.
He felt his phone buzz in his pocket, prompting him to look over his messages.
One of them was an unflattering picture of him from a few minutes ago, dying of laughter in his front yard, sent by his neighbors from across the street to the neighborhood group chat.
‘This idiot can’t even comprehend the true form of Gnome Chompski’s attack. XD Ignore the guy in the back dunno who he is.’
Thanks Gina and Colette, very cool.
The other message was from Bubby, so maybe the rest of the Science Team wasn’t dead after all. At the very least, Bubby wasn’t dead.
‘You’d better be goddamn home by now. I’m changing my order again. I want a Sausage Melt, and I want my hash browns smothered and diced. Also, Harold wanted to make sure you added pecans to his chocolate chip waffles. If you forget those nuts again and he cries, I WILL make it your problem.’
“Did Bubby change his order again?” Benrey asked, his expression dead serious. He didn’t wait for an answer, apparently he could just tell from Gordon’s expression and considered that enough to snatch the paper from his hands and scratch out one of the orders with a pen he pulled out from hammerspace. “This fuckin’ guy, I can’t believe it. This is the THIRD time man.”
“I think I can handle the orders from here.” Gordon said. He got the list back without much of a fight, which was preferable to getting into a tug-of-war over a piece of paper.
“I will…see you later?” He slowly backed away from Benrey to get inside his house, tripping as the terrain switched from grass to concrete beneath his feet. “I’m going to go inside now and…do the stuff I said I needed to do!” His hand clutched the door knob, and immediately Gordon turned around to wiggle it open. His face paled with realization that his initial plans to bolt at the first sign of a threat would not have worked anyways, not solely because Benrey could noclip through objects, but also because Gordon would not have had the time to unlock his front door before Benrey did…whatever the fuck he had planned.
Just like in the horror movies.
Gordon was a fucking horror movie protagonist and he wasn’t even one of the long-lasting ones. He was the final girl from the first movie that they kill off at the start of the second to make a point.
“Hey man, you dropped this.”
A key ring appeared in his peripheral vision. Gordon strained his eyes to meet Benrey’s line of sight, the man had that deceptively innocent smile from before as he held the keys out like a joy-buzzer.
He took his keys back with the speed and grace of a claw machine, unlocked the door, and just stared longingly at the interior for a minute.
“Inside? Inside for Benrey?”
“Yeah, sure thing man…” Gordon sighed and walked inside, letting Benrey follow behind. If he was going to die, might as well get comfortable first.
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an-aroaces-harem · 3 months
Ivy Melty Chapter 21
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DISCLAIMER: I just deepl and google translated my way through this because I wanted to know what’s going on, so there are definitely mistakes but I believe I managed the general gist of the story. Anyway, it’s just a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes. Morganatic Idol belongs to Cybird and ABC Frontier, Inc.
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In the end, my contract with Aegis came to an end without anything being done since then.
(I worked so hard and longed for it so much. The time to quit went by so fast ...)
(How did this happen?)
Ivy: From now on, we will be together forever. I will protect you. You don’t have to worry about anything.
Ivy: I will protect you from everything that tries to take you away from me …
--flashback end--
(It's true that I was subjected to unreasonable treatment at the company, and I was also talked behind my back. And on top of that, there was that incident with Yamauchi-san ...)
(Is Ivy-san right, was Aegis not right for me? Was this really the right choice?)
... I don't know. I can't think straight. My head has been in turmoil ever since that night.
And then.
Ivy: Rina-chan, I'm coming in.*
When Ivy-san came into the room, he smiled happily.
Ivy: Your contract with Aegis has finally ended. I'm so glad you're free.
He sat down next to me and hugged me gently.
Ivy: I am very proud of you. That's great.
Ivy: I'll protect you from now on. You don't have to worry about anything anymore.
("Protect." That word again ...)
He says he will protect me, but put his arms around me so tightly as if restraining me.
I can't help but feel a certain discomfort in his words and demeanor ...
(But ... Ivy-san is really worried about me.)
Because I knew this, I couldn't refuse his gentle hand that had supported me all this time.
Rina: ...
Ivy: What's wrong? I'm right here with you, so there's nothing to be worried about.
Rina: Ivy-san ...
Ivy: Ah, that's right. I have to tell you what's going to happen next.
In a cheerful voice, Ivy-san begins to talk about his future plans.
... I couldn't believe what I was hearing.
Ivy: Corsa has been contracted to produce the CM.
Rina: Is Corsa the Corsa Agency?
It's the largest advertising agency in Japan, even larger than Aegis.
(I believe they were a strong candidate for this competition as well. I remember they were talking with exe at the Essence show before.)
(But I never thought I'd see Corsa's name mentioned here ...)
I couldn't hide my surprise, but Ivy-san continued his explanation.
Ivy: In choosing Corsa, I had three conditions.
Ivy: First, we need to use the project that you have created. Second, I want you to be the director of the project.
Rina: !? W-wait a minute.
(I was only a staff member, so it would be absurd for me to be a director. No, it's more than that ...!)
Rina: That's not going to happen. The plan has certainly been rethought for re-presentation.
Rina: But the main idea was created when I was at Aegis. I believe the rights to the project still belong to Aegis.
... He seemed to calm down and consented to my words.
Ivy: Of course, I've already thought of that.
Ivy: The third condition is that Corsa has to settle the rights for the project with Aegis.
To my surprise, Corsa seemed to have met these conditions.
Ivy: Corsa was eager to talk to Aegis because they wanted to get this deal.
Ivy: It may take a little longer, but I think they'll make sure they give up their rights.
(Certainly, Corsa, the largest company in Japan, may be able to take advantage in discussions with Aegis ...)
Ivy: The production of the CM will begin as soon as we reach an agreement in this discussion.
Ivy: Until then, we'll be on standby for a while, so let's get ready for what's to come.
(Corsa is the producer of the CM? I'm the director? I'm not even sure what I'm supposed to be doing ...)
The situation was so unexpected that my mind couldn't catch up with it.
Ivy: There are a few things we need to do regarding your new contract.
Rina: New contract ...?
His words confused me even more.
Ivy: You and I will make a direct contract.
Rina: !?
Ivy-san proposed that he be contracted as my employer and I work for him, including the CM.
Ivy: From now on, your job will be mainly to assist me.
Ivy: I'm going to need your help with a lot of things, including preliminary research for exe offers.
Ivy: But don't think too hard. It's not that different from before, and I won't force you to do anything you don't want to do.
Rina: ... Is that what you meant when you said before that "I would be working for you"?
Ivy: Yeah, it's a good idea, right? I can always protect you with this.
(It's not a suggestion ... it's already decided in Ivy-san's mind.)
The proof was in the smile on his face as he looked at me. He probably had no idea that I'd reject him.
Something was rising up from deep within my chest.
Rina: ...
Ivy: Rina-chan, what's wrong? You think it's a good idea, don't you?
Rina: ... I'm glad to be by your side from now on.
Rina: But aren't you being too pushy? At least consult with me first ...
Ivy: Rina-chan ...
Ivy: I'm sorry. But I couldn't help myself when I thought of what I was doing for you ...
Although smiling kindly, there was something off about Ivy-san's words. ... The sense of discomfort was growing.
A personal contract with him. Not so long ago, that would've made my heart flutter. But now ...
(Why do you decide everything on your own? You could have consulted me a little ...)
A hazy feeling spread thorugh my chest. Ivy-san held my hand firmly.
Ivy: I know you may feel uncomfortable in your new environment, but I'll be there for you.
Ivy: I will make sure that you're protected and that you can work in a relaxed environment. You can rest assured.
Rina: Ivy-san, but I'm ...
Ivy: I know, Rina-chan. I love you. ... I don't want anyone to hurt you.
When he stared at me wistfully, I was a at a loss for words.
(I can tell by the look in his eyes that Ivy-san is really thinking of me.)
(All for me ... Then, is that right?)
Is it enough if I just follow his lead, pulled by his gentle hand?
Ivy: You love me, too, don't you? You told me you'd be there for me.
Rina: ... Yes. I love you. But ...*
Ivy: Then you'll understand, won't you?
Rina: Ah ...
He hugged me gently again. As soon as I was enveloped in the marine scent, my heart pounded and my chest heaved.
(... I'm sure this feeling isn't a lie. I'm sincerely thinking of Ivy-san.)
(But ... something feels different.)
Even when he hugged me like this, I didn't feel as happy as I did that night when we confessed our feelings for each other.
I like him, but I can't get rid of my anxiety ...
(Why do I feel so insecure? You take such good care of me ...)
It's as if my thoughts are covered in moss. I don't know my own mind.
(What am I supposed to do ...?)
He gently wrapped my body, which was trembling with confusion and anxiety.
Ivy: There's nothing to be afraid of. It's all right, everything's all right.
He clung to me lovingly, but kept his distance.
Ivy: And ... Rina-chan, I think you should move out of here.
Rina: What? Why ...
Ivy: It's too noisy here. You can't live peacefully with the other members, can you?
Ivy: And I need you to focus on supporting me.
Ivy: Because it makes me a little jealous to see you taking care of the others ...
Rina: Really?
Ivy: Yeah ... I guess I'm more jealous than I thought.
Rina: Ivy-san ...
Ivy: But I don't want to leave you, so I think it would be better if we moved into the same apartment.*
Ivy: That way, I can see you whenever I want.
Ivy: As soon as a room becomes available, we will make arrangements to move in. Of course, I'll pay the rent.
I couldn't think straight and couldn't respond to his suggestions.
Still, Ivy-san's eyes sparkled as he talked about our future life together.
Ivy: I will wake you up every morning. If I come home early, we'll have dinner together.
Ivy: It would be nice to do some walking together at night, like we did before. ... Oh, I'm looking forward to it.
He laughed, looking really happy.
Ivy: ... I can't wait. I want you all to myself..
Ivy: I'll try to find a new apartment as soon as I can. ... The truth is, I don't want anyone else anywhere near you, not even a little bit.
Rina: Eh, that's a bit ...
Ivy: I told you, didn't I? I'm a jealous man.
Ivy: The members of exe, or Gem, nor the guys at the office. I don't want anyone to see you.
Ivy: I can't bear it to think of you smiling at someone other than me while I'm gone ...
Rina: Ivy-san ...
I looked up at his face, aghast, as he expressed his thoughts and feelings in anguish.
Ivy: ... Hey, Rina-chan. Please don't see other men.
Ivy: Don't leave this room until I get back from work.
Rina: !? I-I can't do that ... no matter how much Ivy-san asks me.
(Because then it's like ...)
He stared at me in amazement ... and chuckled.
Ivy: I'm kidding. That's just like being locked up.
Rina: ... Right.
But there was danger in his eyes now that couldn't be called a joke.
Ivy: Don't be so anxious. I won't do anything you won't like. But ...
Ivy: I can't lock you in, but I'll put a foot shackle or something on you.
Rina: Huh ... ah!
... With a low guttural sound, I was pushed down on the sofa.
It was so sudden it caught me by surprise, and caused my body to stiffen.
He opened my collar and brought his lips to my now exposed skin ... and sucked hard.
Rina: Nng ...!
Ivy: ... You're sensitive. And your skin is so white, so you've got a nice mark on you.*
Rina: W-what are you doing?
Ivy: It's a hickey. Over here.
After the soft sensation of his lips, they sucked hard.
Rina: Ah.
When I wept, his arms held me around my waist and restrained me from moving.
Rina: Ivy-san, please don't do this ...
Ivy: No, stay still.
While sweetly chastising me, he carved his marks without mercy.
Hickeys were repeatedly and obsessively place on my neck, collarbone ... and anywhere else my skin was visible.
My body shook with tears in my eyes at the painful stimulation.
Ivy: Fufu, I guess you can't go out in public anymore.
Rina: ... Why are you doing this?
Ivy: Because I love you.
Rina: !
Ivy: You love me too, right? Then you'll accept me, won't you?
Rina: That's ...
I couldn't deny it, because even after this treatment, my heart was beating wildly.
Every time he touched me, my body and mind trembled uncontrollably.
(This is crazy. It's probably not a good thing ... but I can't let it go.)
Ivy: I'm glad you accepted me. We're going to be together forever. I'll do anything for you ...
Ivy: I love you, Rina.*
I couldn't respond to his smile, which seemed to be utterly happy.
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Note 1: Wow, he isn't even asking anymore.
Note 2: I just want to note here that Ivy actually used 'tsuki' which I translate as 'like', but 'love' fits him better, while Rina uses 'daitsuki' here, which basically means 'big like' aka love, so she really says love.
Note 3: ... You've been together for ... about a week? That's ... just wow, I'm completely at a loss for words here.
Note 4: Dead eyes Ivy unlocked.
Note 5: Three things. First, thanks Ivy for destroying my Note 2. Second, he skipped honofirics completely now, which is the most personal you can get in Japanese. Third, he used 'aishiteruyo' here, which is the most meaningful use of love. I'd normally use 'adore' in that case, but that's too gentle for the situation.
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halfetirosie · 5 days
(Elysium 04-05 React-os!)
1) Eiden making an excellent point here--
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Even in our own world, there's still a lot of stigma around "red light districts" and/or the industries they involve (sex work, alcohol, recreational drug use, etc). While you should always be careful and responsible with these activities, they are not inherently bad!
(I feel like some people might have gotten the wrong idea about my thoughts on these things--specifically, on drug use--from my last post. But please don't misunderstand; I am NOT against any of these things. What I AM against is people deliberately exploiting others using these things, fueling addiction for their own profit. ♡)
2) Dude, of course Kuya put his own essence-infused bracelet into the mix!
Why don't you just properly PROPOSE to him already, you foxy bastard??? (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
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It's cute, but also funny that he did this. Like, I imagine that when Kuya saw this bracelet event was happening he knew Eiden would be interested in participating too; and since he's jealous and possessive, he specially added his essence to the bracelet so Eiden would be sure to choose his---thus, not being paired with anyone else!
Kuya is certainly back on his Tsundere Bullshit™!
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....And also his Yandere Bullshit™ I guess??? (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
3) Oh no.... Well, SHIT....
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Look, I assumed Kuya had to have been involved in starting the Elysium club, but to be involved with the creation of that whack-ass addictive drug????? Bruh.....
Like, that alone wouldn't have bothered me that much, but since we've seen how Reverie addiction is becoming a serious problem [in the Water Territory], I ain't gonna lie, I am not very pleased with the fox right now...
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*Hisses in this bitch's general direction*
What is it with Kuya attracting so many freaks? First the stalker tanuki, and now THIS creature????
5) Hm... I'm guessing Kuya got into this who agreement with Vampire Bitch for the sake of sufficient entertainment---a.k.a sufficient distraction from his long-ass life....
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I'm guessing Kuya has gotten tired of the activities that take place here---which might be a good sign, showing that he's more "entertained" by the daily life with the clan? Maybe?
6) Oh? Could it be? A Responsible Kuya™???
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I am now a bit less upset with Foxy Grandpa! I'm impressed he had the foresight to tell Vampire Bitch not to force the drug onto people.
...Although, the fact that Kuya felt the need to bring this up in conversation could have worrying implications. Like, does that mean he found out that people were being forced to take the drug? 🤔
Either way, I'm glad Kuya is going to cut ties with this shady place.
7) Huh, it seems like Vampire Bitch is REALLy REALLY officially being cut off.
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(◔_◔) Dawg, that superficial answer will NOT impress the fox...
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I think the answer Kuya was looking for has to do with my theory of what Kuya himself was looking for in Elysium---and also why the word "Dream" is plastered all across this event. He probably wanted to hear something along the lines of, "To escape from reality," "To live in a dream," or hell, "To be happy."
But Vampire Bitch must never have been in this business for these reasons---or maybe he forgot it over the years. Now, he's just corrupt.
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,; (ง 🔥 ロ 🔥 )ง ;,
Gang. Think about this for a second. He never says he's going to "introduce" Olivine to Kuya. He refers to Olivine as a form of "entertainment" and a "gift."
And why might he think he can do that? What methods do you think this DRUG DEALER might have used to achieve that, hm?????
HOW DARE HE?!?!?!?!?!
🔥 End of report! 🔥
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kapapi-o · 1 year
Heaven Sent pt. 3
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Previous parts: Part 1 and part 2.
Not proofread, oop [1.8k words]
des: A third addition to my ongoing FemReader x Cyno brothel series.
warnings: light drug usage, brief violence, and choking (#notkinky ofc).
Don't worry y'all! it's not as heavy as it looks. This series will have a good ending :))
Before he could stand up and blast his friend for being tardy, the general had already entered, and the air around him was far from pleasant. So, he decided to cast aside his previous words of banter in favor of the matter at hand.
"You're later than our scheduled time, did something come up? How is she?" He queried and was glad to have assessed him earlier. There was certainly malice, with an aura that only matched the one that led the Mahamatra.
An aggression to unjust acts. 
"Nari,” he spoke, voice laced in apprehension. “I feel sick to my core."  
He says, clearly upset as he sat himself at a round table in the room, folding his arms as he did. Upon hearing that bit from him, Tighnari's ears knowingly laid flat on his head —there was no medicine he could concoct that would remedy this. A simple hearing’s out would usually suffice, but this was no ordinary occasion as a friend needing to vent. 
He sat across him, ready for a debriefing of the operation and more importantly, the root of his friend’s anguish. 
"Today, I gave her the orbs that you made for me."
"She will do it, the task. But I can't shake the feeling that if…if only I…" Cyno halts, ashamed to say the next chain of his thoughts. Luckily, there was a botanist that could, and it made him cringe to see the general at a loss in his convictions. He grumbled at the sight,
"If only what? You could do better?" Without meaning to, he tsk' at the poor fellow in front of him. This was no time for self pity.
The fennec man sighs, rubbing his temple with his fingers before glancing back at his friend. It’s been a long day for the both of them, and so, he advises the obvious to him,
"Stop being harsh on yourself, Cy." Tighnari leans into the table, trying to beckon the man in front of him to reason.
 "Now that you know what you have to do, it makes no sense to mope about it."
"I understand that much.” Cyno replies, though his expression suggested his feelings remained. “It’s just that I can't help thinking that this could have been prevented…"
Tighnari raises his brow, "What could've been prevented?"
"Any of this." 
For once he remains silent because it’s true. There were obviously variables that were within the Mahamatra’s control, but sometimes, just sometimes, it so happens to slip past them at a blink of a moment. In the end, there’s just some things that can’t be prevented, even if he tried. That’s just the truth. 
Now how could he convey that to someone as upright as Cyno?
Perhaps not…
 Even so—There is still hope to right what’s been wronged.
Tighnari recalls the times Cyno had mentioned her, the woman in the brothel. The fennec man figured that she's the hope in this equation, well, more so in his equation with how the general openly fretted.
"Are you worried about her?"
"I am but…not as much as I was expecting to be.” Very slightly, Tighnari notices the change in the air from the way he spoke of her just as he always has from previous rendezvous.
“She's strong." 
Cyno’s body finally relaxed after relentlessly sitting firm and uptight in his seat. Allowing his back to lay on the backrest, his gaze expressed that his mind was somewhere else, far away. As eager as the botanist is, he chose to withhold his own curious observations of him for another time. 
For now, it'd be best to just let themselves ease up after an eventful day. Tomorrow brings a new set of challenges.
 “Let’s believe in her then, for all our sakes.” Cyno hummed in agreement and sighed at the moon.
The following evening, everything had been set in motion. You had personally asked the women working tonight’s shift to leave the target be, so that he could be locked on you alone, –and sure enough, he came by. 
He bore a seemingly plain looking face. A smile from him would be as inviting and hospitable as any vendor on main street, no one would be the wiser to know that he comes to a place like this when night falls, or that he would be the culprit to many heinous things in the deep underground of the desert. Not that you needed Cyno’s information to know that he’s scum. But if you were still somehow not sold, then that smug grin and cockish air to him would’ve done it for you. For now, that attitude is welcomed. You knew right away how to get this type of person under your will.
“A drink, my lord?” You kneeled to his side, offering the drugged chalice with lidded eyes that looked through your lashes. The man above you snickered, enjoying your ignorance. 
“I’m no lord, my dear.” He passed a dark chuckle that made your skin crawl. “Just a man with heavy pockets.” 
At plenty of others’ disposal. You wanted to say, regret becoming you for not spitting in his drink.
Fortunately, that did not last long because with all guard down, this gullish man took it and chugged it in a gulp. 
With his average body, the drug was taking effect by how his eyes started to daze. 
Here’s my cue.
Instantaneously, you feigned being flustered by glancing away. Tucking the strands of hair that escaped behind your ear, showing off your prettily blushed cheeks as you do. 
“Ah…I’m sorry, sire…I noticed the quality of your clothes and assumed so,” you lean in, pressing a gentle hand on his thigh and your warm perfumed breath hits his neck,
“H-how could you know…the wi..ser? Hah..a..sit with me.” His words slurred as he struggled to stay awake.
“Of course, sire.”
A few teasing touches later and he was dragging you to a room, but not just any room, though. It was a room furthest from the main hall so noise wouldn’t be heard, and a wide window showcasing the waste land. Perfect for anyone to just climb into and abduct someone. Honestly, you had to pat yourself on the back for getting this room all to yourself at short notice.
The job wasn’t done just yet though. You still had a bumbling bastard to deal with. He was almost out of it, so you coaxed him to rest his head on your lap. Once you heard heavy snoring rolling in, you pinched his cheek just a bit to check if he was truly asleep. When all you got in response was an increased volume of snoring, you dropped your infatuated facade and shoved his head off your lap. 
You grabbed a wet cloth from the corner of the room and wiped the areas he made contact with, then threw it at his face. You then hang up the green colored shawl, signaling to Cyno’s aids hiding nearby that the target is ripe for the taking.
As you waited for minutes but it felt like hours, a shrill scream broke from the quiet ambiance and echoed down to your room. It startled you to say the least, but your uneasiness didn't subside because the scream had evolved to shouting.
Carefully, you moved to the locked door and pressed an ear to it. From what you've gathered of muffled voices, it seems to be a one-sided argument between the Madam and a client.
You sigh, there was nothing to worry about after all.
"Y-you…ungrateful wench...!" Your breath got caught in your throat as the horror of the man's hand on your ankle gripped you to the point of pain. Out of instinct, you kicked his nose with all your might, a small crack and pained groan emitted from him, and momentarily released you to hold the injured area. 
You dash to the corner of the room where you tucked your things as the man crawled to you on his forearms, his lower body likely still numb from the drug.
"Y-you did something, didn't you?!" He manages to lunge for your leg and knock you down to the ground with him. 
You can't scream for help. Whether that be the fact that if you did, you'd be as good as dead once the man tells her what you did, or the fact that it would be fruitless to cause no one would be able to hear you. Not when you purposefully picked the furthest room, and especially not when there was loud arguing going on. 
So, you had to fight for your own. Continuously kicking your other leg to his face. Hoping to buy you time. 
But for what? 
How long will it take for them to show up? 
Like always, and for many times more, no one will help you. 
You were doomed from the start.  
 Your mind spared a moment of clarity in the midst of all the negativity clouding it, and in that split second, a chance was thought of.
Your hand dived for something tucked in your things. Your hand searched and searched while your heart beat fights with panic. The man is up to your waist now, clawing at you until finally, your fingers brush against that familiar material. You grasp the orbs and pull it out from the sack. 
I'm not helpless now.
With the orbs in the tight of your hand, you reach for the green cloth that hangs at the window and wrap it at the man's neck, tightening it in a chokehold. The man instinctively places his hands at the cloth, trying to pull away from the sudden loss of air. 
Taking advantage of the moment, you knee him at his stomach, weakening him enough to roll yourself atop of him. 
You then release the cloth briefly for him to gasp for air, –and only for your hand to shove the orbs in his mouth. You clasp onto his mouth with every bit of adrenaline strength granted you.
He, however, fought to swallow them so you quickly knee him in the middle where it's little. He winces and tries to gasp at the pain contracting his abdomen, but he ultimately intakes the drug. You release his mouth from your grip and he urgently coughs in between his gasps for air. He knocked on the floor harshly as his body once again tingled into numbness.
 He tries to get up again, but with the lingering numbness from earlier still in effect, and the fresh dosage he just had, he succumbed to another slumber.
You push him away from you and back yourself to the corner, trying for the life of you to calm down your own adrenaline. No matter the method, you failed to compose as your breaths were still coming in like waves. While you did, your mind was replaying the moments fresh of passing.
Your eyes solely on the unconscious man in front of you. 
In fact, you were so focused on him that you hadn't noticed the hooded figure sitting at your window, who also witnessed the last minute of your ordeal.
"You handled that pretty well." Another voice spoke suddenly into the room.
A/N- To the folks that come back to this, thank you for your patience :)) (u guys help me fight my commitment issues <3).
There was def a lack of cyno w/ reader here but fret not, it'll all be made up for in the next part.
With loves, Kapi<33
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paalove · 8 months
If you are still taking prompts could i interest you in some Alan Gaipa? Alan wanting to take the next step with Gaipa. Desperately. But he is scared. Scared of proposing. Scared of the same thing happening as it did with Wen. Because he can't lose gaipa. He loves him.
i am using this for my HAPPY BIRTHDAY KHAOTUNG fic bc gaipa is his very most kitty-character. xoxo
Head in his hands, elbows braced on the table, and tie carefully folded on the windowsill, Alan breathes fast and sharp.
All the what ifs, all the memories, all the torn-off parts of who he used to be and doesn’t want to be again and all the ones he does want back, they race past. Grabbing them would be impossible and counterproductive, so he just lets the feelings past as they make his heart race and his head pound and his breathing grow ever-more-shallow-
Ding-ding-ding, ding-ding-ding, ding-ding-
He opens his eyes and swipes the timer stop button on his phone.
Pushes back his chair.
Walks to the window and opens the blinds.
Does his top button, ties his tie, checks his appearance in his phone camera.
Out to meet the next client; their meeting is scheduled to start in ten minutes, but this one likes to get here approximately seven minutes early and is lucrative enough that Alan won’t leave him waiting.
As he opens the door, it catches his eye, and he pauses.
The post-it note that started that… situation is bright yellow and says, in his own handwriting, Follow up on Gaipa conversation.
He’s got a meeting and he’s done panicking about it.
Alan folds the post-it note neatly into quarters and slips it into his pocket – now it’s time for the client.
No panicking is allowed during – he is professional.
Okay, he’s had a couple of slips.
But this meeting goes well, and agreements are made, and Alan in general proves himself to be completely capable of conducting a negotiation with someone who wants a similar outcome to him. Which is good.
It means the panic was an aberration.
But the post-it note continues to burn a hole in his pocket and the conversation continues to pop up in his mind at odd moments.
Gaipa had sounded – had seemed, entirely, in how he spoke and sat and looked – completely casual when he’d said, “Yeah, I’ve always wanted to get married,” over his plate. Less casual but certainly not particularly intense had been his addition of, “I’ve never really cared about it being legally binding, but it’s romantic, I just want the meaning.”
Everything about the tone was casual, so Alan hadn’t taken it as a hint until he woke up this morning.
Because yes, Gaipa had been sitting and speaking casually, but Alan is pretty sure he planned it that way – might have even been practicing.
They had been, after all, speaking over a meal – a date, really, because they make Tuesday nights theirs deliberately – which Gaipa had insisted on cooking entirely by himself.
Normally they make it together.
Alan likes making it together with Gaipa, who always ends up in his space or under his shoulder but somehow is never even slightly in the way, and the way Gaipa doesn’t stop smiling even when he’s focused, and the light in Gaipa’s kitchen always makes him look so soft and delicate even though he has those hard biceps and abs that-
He likes cooking for their dates together; Gaipa had insisted on cooking by himself, this time.
So, Alan had been a little disappointed.
Not focused on what it all meant, with the candles and all the foods Gaipa likes best to either feed Alan with a fork or be fed. And the marriage conversation.
He can’t remember what, exactly, he said in reply, but it wasn’t-
Well, it wasn’t an I do or a Will you or even an I’m so sorry I can’t believe I dropped the ring that many times like he’d once said to Wen.
Wen isn’t-
He isn’t a part of the issue, not exactly, because it’s not like Alan’s still hung up on him – it’s been years, and they see each other from time to time, and he’s even stopped the spiteful voice at the back of his mind that wonders, when he sees Jim, how long until Wen gets bored again.
(The petty voice in the front of his mind that points out how much more of a catch Gaipa is than Jim is still there, but he thinks that’s fine. Gaipa’s amazing.)
The issue, though, is there, and it’s not that Alan definitely failed to pick up on a probing question. Gaipa’s extremely understanding, and if Alan had woken up, realised, and called him – if he called him right now, even! – to explain that he completely missed it, Gaipa would have softly laughed and then fondly asked him what he thought now that he knew. Because Gaipa wasn't actually asking him to propose, Alan knows, he was trying to open the conversation. The proposal wouldn't even be soon.
No, the issue is that Alan doesn’t know what he thinks.
And, yes, Wen isn’t a present-day factor in that, but he is a historical factor in it – because Alan agrees with Gaipa that it’s romantic, that it’s meaningful, it’s something he always wanted too.
Alan hasn’t been married, but he has been engaged, and he doesn’t know that it did anything for him-
He does, though, is the thing, it did a lot for him. It made him so happy and it made Wen so happy too, they wanted to be married and they planned for it, in a future kind of way, and it didn’t matter anyway.
It did matter.
Alan’s workday ends and he hasn’t been able to complete the thought.
He won’t be able to complete the thought.
It’s a jigsaw piece, but an old one – one from a puzzle there’s no call for him to ever look at again.
The only way to finish thinking it through is together.
Of course.
Gaipa’s a romantic and Alan has remembered how to be one too, so he sometimes sends him flowers – usually to the stall, in the middle of the day, where Gaipa can blush and laugh loudly and bear up under the teasing of the aunties and uncles with unconcealed pride and return their ribald jokes with worse ones.
He has a relationship with the florist, is the point, so when he stops in on the way out, she’s nice to Alan and gives him a good deal on a couple of sky blue… orchids? Alan is not great with flower names, they definitely aren’t orchids, but Gaipa likes light blue.
And he gets home-
Alan gets to Gaipa’s place and doesn’t let himself in, even though the key sits next to his own on the keyring, because it feels like the wrong way to start-
Okay, he doesn’t let himself in because he’s nervous.
Knocking gives him time to count his breaths and practice making his face not look terrified before-
Gaipa looks surprised – it might be the flowers, but it’s probably the failure to use his key – but it turns into one of his sweetest smiles, the slow-building ones that always make Alan think of sunset over the field he used to walk home along, after school as a kid.
It makes him slow, but he manages to say, “Hi, Gaipa,” before Gaipa is putting his arms around him.
He hugs back with one arm, holding the flowers aside, and breathes in Gaipa’s hair – he must have just showered, because it’s damp and smells of his mint shampoo.
“Oh,” Gaipa says, twisting briefly to look at the arm held awkwardly out by his back, “Wait, are those flowers?”
He doesn’t pull out of the hug, so it’s into the mint-scented hair that Alan admits, “I didn’t notice what Tuesday was about. Then I noticed and got scared.”
“Hm,” Gaipa hums, warm and amused but nowhere near mocking, “Are you still scared?”
Alan nods silently and suggests, “You can fix that, right?”
Laughing, Gaipa squeezes him, and Alan really hopes the flowers are still okay.
He’s already getting there.
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slaymitchabernathy · 2 months
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| this story was inspired by the song ‘Sunlight’ by Hoizer |
The Moon doesn’t like the Sun.
Sunlight. Nothing but trouble if you ask him.
Everyone else loves Sunlight. Wind and Rain adore her, everyone adores her. How she manages to light up the room, even the darkest corners with her smile. How her golden hair flows so elegantly as she lights up the universe.
He tries to remind them of how careless she can be. “Remember Icraus?” He’d ask, “fell to his death the poor boy! All because he got too close to the Sun. Would’ve never happened if he got to close to the Moon.”
They’d all grumble and lower their heads until Sunlight would give him that blinding, dazzling smile. “I meant the boy no harm,” she’d say, “I couldn’t hurt anyone even if I tried, and I certainly didn’t know of the wax on his wings.”
Everyone would nods their heads in agreement. “She meant no harm,” they’d tell him, “what’s one more dead boy anyways?”
He hates how people smile when she peeks through the clouds, her rays warming their faces. People lay out in the grass just to be in her presence, open up their windows, decide right then and there that it’ll be a good day since Sunlight is here.
When Moonlight comes out, they close their windows, light a candle as if trying to recreate what Sunlight did hours ago as they decide that their day is done with and go to sleep.
He can’t stand her.
He watches the plants lean towards her, eager for a taste of the Sun, how the animals in the ocean go to the shallowest parts so she can warm the water for them, how the planets orbit her, and the humans who celebrate all things during the day.
Weddings, birthdays, parades. Why not at night?
He knows he doesn’t have it that bad. He could be Rain. That phrase, “Don’t rain on my parade,” has been a running joke between all of them since the humans came up with it. But Sunlight always manages to brighten up the situation. When she comes out you can see a Rainbow.
Everything seems to have a silver lining with her.
So he’ll grumble and pout and glare at her and act like he can’t stand her but when the two of them are alone and she takes his hand, it all melts away.
“You’re too cold my love,” she tells him, leaning her head on his shoulder. He sighs, wondering if she thinks his hands are too cold as well. He tries to keep them warm, just for her.
“You have it easy,” he says, “they all love you Sunlight. What do I get? Nothing. I get nothing.” Sunlight shakes her head and holds his face in her warm hands, her eyes filled with warmth and happiness. “That’s not true my Moon,” she says softly. “You light up the night sky. You are the master of the tides. The wolves look for you every night, I’ve seen it.”
He frowns. She must be lying. “I need you my love,” she insists, “I can’t imagine doing this without you. Don’t you want a life with me? Am I not good for you?”
He shakes his head and gently grabs her wrists, “No, no. You’re too good for me. And I yearn for a future with you. I long for children, for you to be mine. To be my Amaluna. Your love is sunlight.”
She smiles and rests her forehead against his, “Then we’ll marry at the next eclipse. When you pass by me and the humans will see you for all that you are.”
He chuckles at her romantic words, “The next eclipse isn’t for thousands of years my love. And how will they know that we’re seeing each other for the first time again?”
Sunlight presses a kiss to his lips and he can taste how sweet she is.
“They’ll know,” she whispers.
“Everyone knows that the Sun and the Moon are in love.”
| tumblr oneshot/drabble |
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saintsenara · 2 months
for the ask game 19, 22, 26
thank you very much for the ask from the i'm not from the states ask game, anon!
now... i'm not sure if you did this intentionally or not... but these are the bag of worms questions...
19. do you like your country’s flag and/or emblem? what about the national anthem?
there are four flags [flegs] at play here [clockwise]: the union flag; the ulster banner; the st patrick's saltire; the irish tricolour flag.
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in terms of aesthetics, i am sorry to say that the union flag slaps. great colour scheme. jazzy design.
but in terms of what these flags mean... well. this is northern ireland. so they all mean something sectarian. and so i would certainly say that i like the irish flag - in that i know i'm unlikely to be attacked if i'm in an area where it's flying. that is very much not the case in areas where the union flag or the ulster banner are knocking about.
do i like that this is the case? no. and while my national sympathies are considerably more irish than british, i find our flag culture both insufferable and one of the main contributors to the continuation of the sectarian divide. it's obviously a bit kumbaya to suggest that a neutral flag might make any difference... but it couldn't hurt...
in terms of the national anthems, i never have any real cause to sing any [and the sectarian context is the same] so we're going purely on which slaps the hardest:
amhrán na bhfiann [a fucking banger!!]
ireland's call [slightly cringeworthy in its earnestness, but it does bang]
god save the king [the tune is unforgivably dull, but the lyrics genuinely go really hard - especially the discontinued ones about crushing the scottish and confounding popery.]
the londonderry air [this is what we're going with? the welsh have land of my fathers and this is what we're going with?]
22. what makes you proud about your country? what makes you ashamed?
the peace process.
because my answer to the second half of this question would be enduring sectarianism - and, specifically, enduring casual sectarianism. but i am also well aware that the flippancy younger people [especially those born after 2000] speak about the sectarian divide with is something which has only been made possible by the security of peace. it's easy for the irish women's football team to sing "up the ra" when the only thing that'll happen to them is some pearl-clutching from the press and a slap-on-the-wrist fine. thirty years ago, things would have been really quite different...
the peace is imperfect. it is fragile. it has been treated with utter disregard by the british state. the extraordinary work - especially that of the british politician mo mowlam - to bring it about has faded into an easy linear story, whose stars are tony blair and bill clinton. it has not caused complete justice to be done. it has not caused sectarian violence to vanish overnight - there are stories which emerge weekly from the city in which i live about some sort of sectarian crime.
but these stories make it into the papers because they are proportionally uncommon now. and i don't think we need to lose sight of that.
i was born in the early 1990s. i was at primary school when the good friday agreement was signed. and yet, despite the relatively few years i spent in a northern ireland at war, i can still remember roadblocks and police dogs and my dad checking under the car and bomb drills and being heckled as i walked to school and having to have your bags searched before you could enter shops and my mam crying on the day the omagh bombing happened. my siblings, born in the 80s, remember these things even more viscerally. my father, born in the 1950s, remembers having guns pointed at him by british soldiers while walking down the street, or being stopped and searched on spurious grounds by the royal ulster constabulary, or a call coming in to evacuate a place before a bomb went off.
my nieces and nephews, all born after 2000, have never experienced any of this. if they are naive about the true horrors of sectarianism... then we should reflect on how lucky that makes us.
26. does your nationality get portrayed in hollywood/american media? what do you think about the portrayal?
answered here.
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hesperioae · 10 months
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To Agni On His Birthday
Agni x reader, Agni x oc. Female s/o. Mostly head-canons and reader-insert.
The butterfly counts not months but moments, and has time enough.
Rabindranath Tagore
You certainly spend some time thinking and wondering about Agni’s birthday before making up your mind. You observe him, ask some questions here and there… You clearly do not wish to pressure him, to look imposing in any way. You know there are cultural differences, and you must respect his customs… You also have the strong feeling he welcomes you in his life, and he is happy to experience different things with you.
It has been almost a year since you found him in the library that evening, at the Phantomhive’s manor. He was alone checking up some books before Soma’s lesson the next morning, and you had been ruminating a work problem, a letter that Ciel had entrusted you to write.
The circumstances in which you two interacted for the first time and how long it took you to feel attracted to each other do not matter now. But that night in the library, Agni gave you an idea for your letter without realizing it, and you decided to reward him with an experience, a walk to the gardens to witness something special in the middle of the night. He considered consulting first with the prince whether to exit the manor into the gardens that late at night, alone with you, but after seeing prince Soma sleeping soundly, Agni decided not to disturb him and accompany you.
You gently and mysteriously escorted him through. After a while, he asked with his calmed deep voice: “It is good that you know the way, my Lady. I have never been to the gardens at night. Do you come here often, after dark?” As the night breeze played with your hair, and the moon light produced a rather refreshing effect on your skin, you replied: "I do. The gardens at night give me a comfort I can hardly find elsewhere. This way, please." You said entering a small greenery tunnel and accessing the forest.
Agni was curious as to why the gardens at night brought you comfort, since he enjoyed so much the explosion of colors in daylight. He asked, so that he could better appreciate the same sights. Agni followed you carefully, matching your pace despite his very long legs, so that he would not be ahead or behind you. "I guess... It is the quietness? It is quiet to all my senses. I am a bit oversensitive and... daytime, though endearing, sometimes overwhelms me." You said thoughtfully as you two passed by a creek.
Agni understood how the quietness could allow us to appreciate the many other senses that were not usually focused on due to the noise of the day. And he could see how daytime could be overwhelming for someone who was sensitive.
You then accessed a clearing and a group of bushes with tiny tubular flowers that looked almost like small stars and had a fresh sweet perfume. The Night Blooming Jasmine or Lady of the Night were open in the evening and would close the next morning. “Tonight, they flourish for you, Agni. Thank you for joining me and indulging me." You said taking a sit on a rock as stylishly as you could.
Agni sits down next to you, and looks at the beautiful flowers, admiring their color and shape and thinking about how wonderful they were. “We call them Raat Rani in India, Queen of the Night. I had not seen this happen since I was a kid. It would have been a shame to miss them. It is a very special gift. Thank you so much.” He said in a low voice.
"I thank you also for trusting me." You replied. "This manor is beautiful and dangerous. Thank you for not thinking I was trying to lure you into a trap or something. We first met rather recently, after all."
“Trust is a mutual agreement.” He said with a smile. “You have been kind to me and my prince. It is true that the manor can be dangerous, especially at night, and I hope that we are not attacked. But no, I feel I can trust your favor. It is beautiful here.”
"Beauty can be dangerous, but not necessarily." You said protecting yourself from the mild night cold. "You and your master are lucky to have each other."
“I do feel very blessed to be my prince's trusted khansama and friend. I was very lucky to have met him, and it still does not feel quite real to me. You are correct, we are indeed very lucky.”
The night was still blissful, but darker. A firefly took refuge on your shoulder. The sky turned into a sea of black and blue with shining sparks.
Agni felt truly fortunate to have been able to come out and see all this with you, and the night only grew more peaceful for him. He hoped the firefly would stay there for a long time, it was very beautiful and fitting to him that it had chosen to land where it had.
“Did you find your partner, Agni? Or you feel you are still looking for them?” You asked looking at the firefly.
He looked saddened for a moment, and it took him some time to answer “It… it appears I still want some forgotten things. Some very old dreams still haunt me, for better and for worse.”
You took Agni's left hand and placed the firefly in it softly. You caressed his hand carefully.
“You are so kind to me. I do not deserve these things. You are giving me too much. There are many better people you could be giving all this kindness and care, but... I must say it is quite nice to be so cared for. There is something so very calming about you…” He said a bit shakily with his rich voice.
You made sure to thank him as well for his compassion and kindness. And then you came closer to him and kissed his lips.
He was slightly taken aback at your gesture and did not immediately return it, though he did not pull back his head or try to repel it. You could almost feel the tension and the struggle in him.
After a moment, he gently placed his hand against your face, slowly bringing you closer as the kiss grew more passionate.
He suddenly woke up some hours later. A firefly glinted by his window and a soft perfume of minty jasmine was lingering... He had a joyful demeanor, but the kind of happiness you had brought to him scared him. That was the night of his birthday.
The next day, your silky high-pitched voice made him turn around in the middle of a corridor. You approached him radiantly and as you walked next to him, you told him Ciel needed to come to France with you for a while, to La Province, where you currently live.  You extended the invitation to Agni and Prince Soma, to stay there for a season or two with you. You spoke gently but clearly, your eyes showing an inner glow.
Agni's eyes widened slightly as you spoke, and he stared at you for a moment, looking quite shocked by your proposition. After a moment, he cleared his throat and spoke.
"This is a surprise. To think such an offer would be extended to us... well, we are humbled by it, that's for sure."
He smiled at you warmly. "I shall speak to my prince, and we shall see what he thinks. If he agrees to it, then I shall gladly come with him."
Many aspects of his destiny were connected to that of his prince. You knew that. You had planned to snatch both Agni and his prince away from the dangers of the underworld, to provide Agni with help and support in the task of assuring the achievement of Soma’s best potential.
You came closer to him and promised to make them feel as comfortable and safe as possible. You also asked him playfully and enticingly if he or the prince spoke a bit of French.
Agni flushed somewhat as you came closer and spoke like this. But he tried his best to stay composed and maintain his professionalism, and he replied without losing his warm and kind attitude.
"I do know some basic words and phrases of French, but my knowledge is a bit lacking, I must admit. I shall try to improve and learn more before we come - if we come," He added, looking at you with a grin. "And my prince is a very quick learner, he will no doubt pick up the language in no time."
You smiled visibly pleased and told him you lived in a small castle near a medieval city, that there was much nature around, but people had cosmopolitan tastes as well. You could possibly find some of his spices in the big market, and some others you could import, to a certain extent. You knew cooking was a huge topic for him. You raised your hand softly to his cheek and dared to caress him.
After some hesitation, Agni leaned into your touch, allowing himself to relax and take it all in. He looked at you with a fond expression.
"Your home sounds beautiful. My prince is quite a lucky person to have a lady who is so kind, and thoughtful on his side... Not to mention so charming," He added, slightly blushing as he spoke the last part. "And, yes, I do love to cook for my prince. I take it that you also enjoy good cuisine and fine food?"
You smiled affectionately to him and explained you did. However, some experiences in your life had made your meals more and more plant based with time. You added a bit sheepishly that you were not actually used to hot-spicy food.
He smiled at you, and his expression remained warm and genuine. He explained there were many plant-based options in Indian cuisine, that Brahmins in Bengal were mostly vegetarian and sometimes ate fish, that there was a wide variety of flavors, and many dishes could easily be made for those who preferred a softer seasoning. “We are very adaptable, and we can always adjust to suit your tastes," He replied in a friendly and knowledgeable fashion. "Now, is there anything else I could be helpful to you, my lady? I am always happy to be of service.”
That was a little too tempting to hear. You looked around and subtly stretched up all you could to reach his ear and graze it with your lips. "I much look forward to being of service to you," You whispered, and then looked at him intently.
Agni blushed and blinked a bit nervously, but he remained calm and composed, and he spoke with a warm and kind demeanor as always.
"As do I. There is no doubt that it will be a wonderful experience to come to France with you. I shall be forever grateful for this opportunity."
He looked at you and smiled. "I look forward to showing you around Bengal someday and introducing you to our culture as well."
Your eyes sparked genuinely since you could not be more excited. You found his culture very interesting and had already started to learn Hindi.
"I shall be sure to tell my prince of your beautiful invitation. And I do not doubt that he shall take it seriously, as we both very much appreciate kindness and generosity.” He smiled at you warmly. "Now, is there anything else I can help you with, my lady?"
"There is much you can help me with, dear Agni. But that will have to wait." You replied gently while you walked away towards Ciel, who was requesting your attention at that moment.
Agni watched you with an adoring expression as you walked away, and he could not help but feel a bit of sadness as you left. But at the same time, he knew he had to behave professionally, and so he bowed his head respectfully and gave you a friendly smile, before turning to return to work.
You had first addressed him as Monsieur Agni. He had politely and swiftly insisted on dispensing with the title, since he preferred you called him simply Agni. He had insisted, however, on always calling you “my lady”, despite your friendly disposition to be treated less formally. It would be a long time before he finally whispered your name some months later between the sheets and at a rather heated moment.
It has been a year since that, and it was Agni’s birthday again.
Even when Prince Soma could change his mind any time soon, the Black Perigord forests had watched him grow fond of the colors, the light, the people, the subjects he was studying… You did your best to surround him every now and then with artists, scientists, and philosophers from different countries who visited your place. He even made good friends with your son, who was a bit older than the prince. You thought they could be a good influence on each other.
Of course, sometimes people talked about the solitary widow who looked far too young for her age, who often locked herself away in her forest where hunting was banned, and had now the company of a foreigner from the far East. Those things did not disturb your mind if Agni and your family had not been disturbed. He was thriving, though. He had made everybody in your small castle like him and be pleased to work with him. And despite his past, his life was growing a bit more and more balanced now.
The morning of his birthday, among the quiet stony walls of your chateau, Agni accepts -despite those many years when his birthday was just another day of work- and lights some lamps. He prays and meditates early. He thanks Kali, his star Dhanishtha, and his mother. He then goes along with you and Soma distributing food and presents in Sarlat-la-Canéda. You accept enjoying daylight with him this time. You two go alone and visit the forest in the afternoon. Your hand in his larger one, you walk calmly taking in the splendor. In the evening, you feast with him, Soma and your other loved ones.
A quiet simple life you hope will last for many years to come.
I apologize for any mistake because English is not my first language and I had not written fanfiction in a very long time.
Everything for this lovely fictional man on his birthday. August 24th 2023.
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luzzeagain · 8 months
Fei Liu AU, please :)
The premise on this one is - what if Qi Meng*did* get through to the Emperor with the message about Consort Jing being in trouble? And it got through because Fei Liu interrupted the 'bandits'; hence the title.
"The white jade seal carved with the personal sigil of the head of the Jiangzuo Alliance had opened the gate so quickly that it was a wonder the guards didn’t drop their keys, and Fei Liu was riding fast and silent for the south. He wasn’t entirely sure where the Royal Tombs were, but he’d seen the road the Grand Empress’s cortege had taken and somewhere so important must be fairly easy to find.
By daybreak, he could see tiny figures on the road ahead of him, and as he drew closer, he recognised the man who had nearly hurt Su-gege, riding with someone who was dressed like one of the palace maids. Now he knew he was on the right road, and he urged the horse faster. They were going to visit the Emperor, and the Emperor was with Nihuang-jiejie, and Su-gege had called out for Nihuang in his sleep.
The road fell into a slight dip, and he lost sight of them for a few minutes. When he came over the rise, the man was lying flat on the road, and the girl nowhere to be seen." It's in five parts - or will be, if I ever write the other two - with a different PoV for each part, but my favourite is still the opening, where I am attempting to explain to myself exactly *why* Qi Meng is in a role for which he is so eminently ill-suited:
There were dozens, if not hundreds, of men in Prince Jing's army who would gladly have taken an arrow for their commander. There was, to the best of Zhanying's knowledge, only one man who had actually done so, and Zhanying sometimes rather wished he hadn't.
Not that he wanted any harm to come to Prince Jing - Zhanying hastily made the sign against ill-fortune. But it would certainly have saved a great deal of trouble if only someone else had done it. 
The whole thing had taken place about three years ago, out on the Eastern border. Zhanying himself had been commanding the south wing on the other side of the battlefield at the time, but he knew what had happened - everybody did. The general's party had been too far in advance, too fast, and had been cut off from the main force. Prince Jing's horse had stumbled, and an enemy spear had gone clear through his thigh. His standard bearer had flung himself in front of the arrow that would have finished the job, taking it full in the chest, then fought his way back to the main lines, wielding that ridiculous sabre of his one-handed, with the general over his other shoulder. He'd delivered the prince into the hands of the physicians, and then collapsed at his feet. 
To Qi Meng’s credit, he had never sought reward. "No need, no need, this tough old skin must be good for something." But that hadn't prevented the general, rightly, from granting it. Neither Prince Jing nor General Zhanying were under any illusions about the man’s tactical abilities, but saving the prince’s life guaranteed the man a promotion, so a promotion he must have. By tacit agreement, they’d managed to put him in places where he could do no harm, and might even be an asset.  
It had not been so bad when they were in the field, but in Jinling, finding somewhere in the duty roster was hard enough at the best of times. Sending him out to hunt for the monster had been a stroke of genius, if Zhanying did say so himself. He didn’t have much faith that Qi Meng would actually find the monster, if indeed it existed, but having Qi Meng and his squad crashing around at least made people feel safe, and might perhaps scare off a fox or two. Now, with Jing himself out of town, all troops in the city had been pulled back to Jing Manor, and even so, Zhanying had no-one of equivalent rank to spare when Consort Jing’s maid had arrived in the middle of the night, demanding an escort to the Emperor as a matter of urgency.
He was​ a capable bodyguard, though, and surely any maid brought up in the Inner Palace - let alone one who had managed to get out of it - would be familiar enough with the ways of intrigue that she could cope on her own once he had got her to the Emperor in one piece. Probably. 
Zhanying realised he had been staring sightlessly into the lamp flame for the last five minutes and dragged his attention back to the stack of provisioning reports in front of him. Prince Jing could be back any day, and would expect a full accounting. 
Unconsciously, his fingers curled again into the sign against bad luck.
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