#(skyrim modding talk)
feykrorovaan · 5 months
Every time I see an oversexualized/air brush shiny Serana mod:
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leavingautumn13 · 10 months
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more of my dragonborn oc, kyrena, and the slippery slope that is working with daedra
[i have commissions open now!]
bonus miraak:
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dawns-beauty · 2 months
hey! what would you say are your favorite small, atmospheric mods (like immersion-category stuff)?
This post might interest you: it has a lot of atmospheric mods, though some are big. I especially recommend Ghosts of the Deathbells, Windmills of Skyrim, and Scarecrows of Skyrim :)
This is kind of basic, but I really like animation variants/addons for NPCs. Stuff like EVG Animation Variance and all of CHIMgarden's mods just really add that extra little bit of personality Skyrim's NPCs desperately need
FrankBlack has been doing some cool work with Base Object Swapper to introduce more variety into the game.
Clofas' sound mods are really cool and immersive
Flying Crows
Evil Dead Trees - Dying Trees in Evil Places
Supreme Fog for Morthal Region
Skyrim Battle Aftermath
Dark Anchors Ruins and Dolmens
Oblivion Gates
While not a small mod by ANY means... Oh my gosh, I just installed Seasons of Skyrim and man does that do it for immersion over a longer playthrough!
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kreinvulon · 2 months
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plug a lil weird but he’s alright
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Dangerously close to plotting a real Skyrim/Lord of the Rings crossover for after Keeping Count because my secret desire for Leara/Glorfindel has reared its head again
Shhh Don't question it.
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Redbelly Mine
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RATING: 2/10
This is a mine and not a dungeon, first and foremost- the inclusion of spiders doesn’t make it a dungeon. Secondly, the layout of this mine struck me as familiar, as did the inclusion of spiders. Which is when I remembered- somewhere, in a spot I forgot the name of, there’s an entire cave that is just the concept of “one big spiral full of spiders” taken to an extreme. And that is why I have bothered to rate it at all. It’s just.. sad that this neat little side quest in Shor’s Stone isn’t even unique.
I genuinely wish, with my whole heart, that there was more to it. There could’ve been. The blacksmith even says the spiders moved in overnight once they dug too deep. They couldn’t have just put a wall leading to a hotspring cave with a giant spider in it or something? Regardless of my thoughts on the matter, Redbelly Mine is a strange little spot.
It does feel very nice to help the outpost get back on its feet though.
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foxgirltail · 3 months
Much like the idea that fanfiction makes a piece of fiction good, the idea that modding makes a game good is just as flawed, because any given modding scene wouldn't be nearly as active if the game could stand on its own legs
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icicleteeth · 8 months
Went on a tangent a bit about this on twt but the useless hill I'm ready and willing to die on is wanting these rpg worlds to have a more fleshed out (from a lore perspective) explanation to how the currency system works, because so many just use single gold pieces, which makes sense in a gameplay way but how does this work in terms of commerce... Are we just carrying around sacks of several hundreds of thousands of coins...
Just think about how much of a pain in the ass it would be to buy an enchanted weapon from an enchanter for, even just 1k gold, okay maybe we can assume there's like some standardized 500 gold sleeves (like how there are coin rolls irl) well what if that weapon is a weirder number like 1439 gold, okay well now you gotta get more specific, and the vendor's counting all the coins to make sure you got the right amount (assuming we're talking purchasing rather than bartering, but at least in TES, bartering has long stopped being a thing) And don't even get me started on large quantity sales like purchasing estates... I know we're never going to get an actual banking system like Daggerfall again, but at least...idk have a bank or mention of that stuff somewhere, even if it's just flavor text or decorative and has no gameplay function to it... I am begging....
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countyouriuckystars · 6 months
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me when i see the first sign of my game about to crash
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molagbalapologist · 4 months
Saw a post bemoaning the fact that we can't actually be a bard in skyrim. And like, yes, exactly! I was so disappointed when I did the bard college quest for the first time 😭😭 Every wandering bard tells you about the college...and then you don't even get to be a bard? 🥺
Would've loved a quest where you're tasked with infiltrating a party and being a member of the college meant you could pretend to be the party's bard or something.
I know the mechanics of it might've been difficult with the skyrim engine but hear me out: the bard training at the college would've been a perfect moment for a dragonborn joke/fast track bard initiation - they ask you to sing some ancient nord thing, and it turns out to be a dragon shout (don't ask me about the logistics of that I just think it'd be funny). And the teacher could be like "holy shit?? You're dragonborn? Ok... well for everyone's safety let's just pronounce you a bard right now, congratulations 🎊 now please leave before you shout apart our library"
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hellafluff · 8 months
It's really funny to me the random NPCs in skyrim who I'll suddenly just, fall in love with for no reason? And half of them are Dunmer???
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shitty-miraak · 10 months
Where are you? 🥺
Btw miraak, a lot has happened this year! Life is going better :D i wonder if you would cheer up for your cultists (or last dragonborn!)
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So Much happened this year on my end too honesly. So Much. I'm glad life is going better for you ! I can only hope it keeps doing so !
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powdermelonkeg · 1 year
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Look at him, following me around like I'm his justiciar.
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dawns-beauty · 1 month
Do you have any recommendations for npc appearance mods to go with yours? For, like, humans and elves. Thanks! ❤️
Ohh so this is the Thing that I am kind of insanely picky about. I don't like super-realistic looking NPCs, and hate seeing a lot of perfectly coifed hairdos and dirt/scar free people, so uhhh... it's a short list.
Nordic Faces - a solid base, it offers a nice polish while keeping the basic Vanilla looks
Tragedian's alliterative addons - I ADORE TRAGE'S WORK!! they are a big inspo for my own mods. A ton of thought was clearly put into each NPC, and they add a lot of diversity
DylanJame's Refine series - offers some lore-fitting looks, keeps a lot of dirt and grit and unique accessories
Hope you like something here you like!
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kreinvulon · 4 months
gore companion mod, “blood ties” / “to free a raven” spoilers
any other trans people collectively hear the “who has the luxury of choosing their own name anyways?” line and laugh to themselves? even better if you’re playing as a trans / nb LDB or character who chose their own name. like buddy, i have something to tell you
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I love the word doom. I love how it actually denotes fate but when people hear it, they freak out. Mount Doom isn't named because it's evil or because bad things happen there, but because it's where fateful things occured. It's why I like using the "doom drum" to describe Leara's heartbeat when something is about to happen. She's the Prisoner: With every step forward, her actions determine the fate of everyone else. Will she stop Alduin? Will she let him consume the world? Who knows.
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