#*sigh in satisfaction*
galesdevoteewife · 3 months
Some DnD bathroom lore for whoever is interested (for any reason)
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Ehem, so, a brief of where this madness started. I was forming a story for my Tav giving a bath to her dearest wizard after the final battle and of course this lovely corner in Elfsong Tavern was a good spot for this plot. But then the big question struck me:
WAIT how does the plumbing works in DnD......??????
As a humble bard who can't summon water (preferably warm too), where am I suppose to get water and how do I get rid of a full bathtub after I am done??? Don't tell me I'll have to scoop it out of the window with my twigly str 8 arms… ✨Well here's a very informative article, thanks to the lovely writer, that I really want to share!✨ Okay, no wonder Gale likes to stay home. Another benefit from dating a wizard is you are likely to have magical bathrooms, something to think about when you are considering his proposal? XDDD
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yashley · 19 days
yussa really is the character to be though like. the world's most formidable teams are in your contact list! they haven't heard from you in a while. they think you fell in a hole somewhere and they're right. you really didn't think that caution sign was serious.
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ltcolonelcarter · 1 year
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He really liked you, Lieutenant. That's what killed him. ↳ Sixty shoots Connor - the androids stay dormant
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sketchy-tour · 6 months
Oh I can't seem to get a grasp on my art right now and it is not helping my mood. I'm sure it'll pass and I'll be drawing back like I was before but I always get so worried in moments like these that I may never get a hang of it again.
Ah not meant to be a vent vent, more of just silly ramblings into the void.
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bylertruther · 1 year
personally idc what people would think abt byIer if mike cheated on el with will bc this is stranger things so ppl are gonna be mad no matter what but i would support mike cheating ONLY bc it'd be so funny to see el stans mald even harder on twitter LMAOOOOOOOOO
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wonderful-bellies · 2 years
-taps mic- When... Uhm...
When the pred gets their prey all the way down and they lean back a bit and give a happy little relieved/satisfied sigh
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asukiess · 8 months
I also think the difference between Ladrien and Ladywalker is that like.... the repression goes from implicit to explicit (but still unspoken). Adrien is repressed, yes, but he stops with the repression and he still goes by the same name, he still wears the same face. Catwalker stops and he no longer is. He must cling to that repression for the sake of the relationship.
There's something about the stunted state of growth for Ladybug and Catwalker - Catwalker can't change for the better because if he does, he no longer exists. And maybe that traps Ladybug a little bit, too. Maybe she can't be pushed in the right direction by a partner who can't step a toe out of line in fear of changing the status quo. Maybe they'd both be so afraid of the way they can't seem to break the pattern that they both realize something has to give.
anon you have my whole heart. you GET it.
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mikeru-funzies · 9 hours
would have rebloghed this if I could find it but
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(rant in the tags)
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o5-blackbird · 18 days
You're both terrible women that we love a lot! Sorry!
M!A Green will suffer a similarly sudden death within the next few minutes, after which she will appear as a ghost. She will be returned to her body, which will be restored to full health, at some point tomorrow
[if the mod wants!]
I would prefer if you didn't do that.
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I have no more routine anymore and I am YEARNING ON A THURSDAY
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13eyond13 · 1 year
that "actually The favourite (shhh)" space on the Blorbo Bingo card was made especially for Light Yagami
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elegyofthemoon · 3 months
im staying up a bit longer but ill just do this now or else ill forget (as usual plus the internets being compliant so post this asap)
Got confirmation about when I get to go home!! negative is!! i have to be here for another two weeks after my rotation ends :/
Positive for THAT! also means theres a chanve i can just use the time to go explore cities a bit more before i finally say goodbye
They are FINALLY sending someone to fix the internet tomorrow morning 😭😭
I got so bored I started playing the random games on my computer, which eventually led me into replaying parts 😒 of ff13-2. AND ITS NOT BAD its just my predictability is so annoying tbh lmaooo Regardless of how much time has passed, that game (the series not just that game) will always have such a special place in my heart, and being able to replay parts of the game made me remember how much it meant to me. so it made me smile a lot that I had a chance to come back to it!! Even if it was just because I was bored out of my mind 🤧🤧 And not to ramble any longer about FF13 judt bc it makes me happy, but idk. whenever i play that game, it always fills me with a sense of hope (no pun intended) for the future, and maybe thats a nice thing for me right now -- that time doesnt stop for me here, now that ive stopped at one end. It's nice :)
Started redrawing some old drawings i did like 4 years ago???? idk but it's been kinda cool to see the little improvements but I cant tell if thats just bc i moved from doing traditional to digital haha either way!! i really like how the redraws coming out at least so im happy about that 🥰🥰
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unnerving-presence · 1 year
thinking of touch starved wesker and giggling. i want to hold his face eheheh
the only touch he receives is from excella and he barely puts up w that 😭 i think he’d be a sucker for his s/o’s touch though
holding his face while you tell him you love him and he just melts 🧎‍♂️ it probably gradually turns into him laying his head on your chest with his arms around your waist.
wesker hasn’t experienced many loving touches. when he’s with that person he cares about, i think he’d genuinely appreciate any type of affection and would definitely just be so eager for more of your caring touches. it’s like an addiction for him at this point
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reginrokkr · 6 months
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Apologies for the lack of activity this weekend too after an entire week of not being productive IC. I had to recover hours of sleep and besides that I felt like I needed a bit of a break to rest, which did wonders to me. Just four days more to go and I'll be on Christmas break which is of two weeks, enough to get back in full swing!
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thebirdandhersong · 2 years
I'm picking my battles--one CANNOT read 800 pages in a week
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eileenleahy · 7 months
disappointing how people refuse to accept that sexism existed in precolonial societies. they overwhelmingly had sexual divisions of labor that consequentially resulted in gender roles and sex-based power systems, just as in europe. and it's like... fine. refusing to accept that precolonial societies were highly flawed is still essentialism, just an inversion of colonial manichaeism. it's a romanticization that anti-colonial thinkers have long criticized idk how it's still so pervasive??
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