#-​the art room and see tf2 fanart
moochio7 · 5 months
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“Do we really gotta wear these stupid suits for this mission?”
“Stop asking that; you know we do.”
“Ugh we look like spy. I hate this. I hate him”
“…me too, now shut up and stay focused”
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myxineye · 24 days
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getting a bit silly with the spies!
was loosely inspired by "meet the spy" and in particular that one frame of blu spy near the end :P
also some closeups!
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okaydiscount · 8 months
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blu buddies :D
cuz i watched the new episode and to say it was absopositvely adorable is an understatement
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mel0nsit0 · 11 months
Hiii, i met you for your tf2 fanart and saw you were already on uni. By any chance are you studying art or something like that? if so, what are your tips for people who want to study art and live by it
Yup! This year I started studying to be a visual arts teacher, something kinda more rough bc I'm studying some psychology and education stuff (really it's kinda fucked up how the human brain can be so stupid lol) so (sorry if i say stupid stuff, im in the middle of my first uni year and i'm with insomnia rn lol)
Be ready mental and economically. At the second week of the uni my teachers already sent lots of projects and books for read (even i must finish some for the next week) and, ofc, i waste mental-physical energy AND MONEY. Be ready, ask to other olds students how much will you waste and what you'll use in the career.
Now about the living by art... In my case, i'll be a teacher, here i can choose which level I can give classes (y'know; primary, secondary, even university if i got good experience later) so... For future teachers, do a fast search about how to get the job, is kinda stupid but is more stupid not double-check it before you finish the uni. Idk nothing about freelance art stuff, I heard some artists goes to small events and sells stickers, posters, etc. or just does simple and cheap commissions
Not everything is ''ooh ho ho hoooo im drawing drawing and drawing 24/7 hereee'' DANG NO. There is art history, phychology (in the teacher's career) and other stuff more than just paint a fucking acromatic plant (even you must read and learn about which kind of composition is the painting you're doing, obv.)
Personal tip: if you can add references of stuff you like to your works, do it, it's more enjoyable. I added some tf2 props I had in my room for some still life studies and was funny how there was a Engi wrench with some tea cups and knifes in a table
Get a plan B. Don't find a job of art? See other job until you find it, it's heartbreaking and even horrible but sadly without money we're doomed
Collect contacts, really, they can help you in the future. Y'know, a old teacher, a friend who works in a school, even the son of someone important (yeah it's... weird? but go on)
Teachers got a good montly salary (at least here), if you want to be a art teacher go on for that career, it's cool if you got the passion for learn and making others learn
Say goodbye to your sleep 7-8hrs schedule and say hello to 3 daily coffee big cups, darl' I hope this stuff helps in someway, i know it's really simple but any help is good right?? uhhhhh
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cyanidas · 3 years
decided to make a list of fandoms i'm a (small) part of that i have experience w posting in and follow artists in, and the types of things i see get the most notes or responses to
Yogscast: The fandom is intensely large, and the ratio of old fan to lore fan to true fan is incredibly unbalanced. I’d say 80% old fans who enjoy fanart or fan news and nothing more, 11% true fans who actively produce said fanart or generate active fan discussion and keep up to date with things, and 9% lore fans who are mostly off to one side roleplaying and having fun with headcanons.
Invader Zim: Given it’s my oldest one it’s the one I have the most experience with but most of that experience is old and outdated. The fandom is very old by now, so there’s not much room for hype art. I’d say it’s split pretty evenly between old fans and new fans, given that a lot of old fans permanently fell out of touch w it. The only things i think will ever get any traction are contributing to well-recognized fanlore, popular ships, or popular fanfics.
Portal: fucking anything and everything bc most of the fanart or fanfics are one-shot-wonders and are only done bc the person making it played the games once and liked them - hardcore fans are so hard to come by, we’re all feral and wanting more, permanently unstated.
TF2: cute, thirst, angst, shitposts, or cool edgy shit - the fandom’s excited for pretty much anything bc fanartists are common but canon material is so rare. Old and new fans have very little distinction between them, except in-game, where the distinction between fans matters most. You either play it actively, or you played it a few times in gimmick servers with friends when you were 16 and haven’t let go of the characters since. No in-between.
Steven Universe: Pretty loud and proud fans, but not much for commentary on fanart posts. They love pretty much anything, and seem to have a preference for artists who mimic the style perfectly over artists who use their own style. Hard to say much when the source material says it all. Fancomics and fanfics get quite a bit of vocal reception, so AUs and fancharacters and headcanons are the most popular, it seems.
Pokemon: Honestly plain ol fanart is the most popular with fanfics, fanlore, and headcanons getting a hard second. Fans are pretty split between the games, the anime, and the manga, with some significant overlap. I don’t rly see a whole lot of people who are into all 3? This is another immensely huge fandom, bigger than Yogs, so really ur better off making your own little niche corner and seeing who sticks. Plain fanart is most popular bc headcanons and fanlore vary so intensely between fans, that just drawing a cool pic is enough to please most anyone looking for more. Also fancomics are pretty popular too.
thats all i got rn i think, if u actually read this post then thank u so much i did not expect u to actually read my ramblings
also pls keep in mind this is from my perspective so it’s biased to my dash and my mutuals and ppl i follow across different platforms
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Headcanon prompt: How do the TF2 mercs react to finding shipping art of themselves with another merc?
Hello!! Sorry about the lack of answers. With Mass Effect Andromeda being released I’ve gone back and started to play the original Mass Effect. Any way I’m gonna go NSFW with the fanart they are seeing.
Scout: What the fuck is this shit!? He ain’t gay. Why ain’t people drawing him with his massive dick? Why is he always taking it up the ass?? WHY IS HE BEING SHIPPED WITH SNIPER?? Hides in his room for a few days, can’t look Sniper in the eyes. Every time he does he thinks about the Aussies dick.
Pyro: Low-key draws the shipping art of the rest of the mercs. Tries to avoid seeing it at all costs. But when they do see it gets really uncomfortable, they see the mercs as friends. They also dislike the way people draw them sometimes, that’s not what they look like. However they admire the art, thinking about all the effort would have put into the art.
Solider: It depends, if it’s with one of his comrades he freaks out. Solly doesn’t fully understand how men have sex with each other. If it’s with Zhanna he’s more incline to look at it. He enjoys looking at her naked body seeing people’s ideas of what she looks like with out her clothes. Has jacked off to the images of him and Zhanna.
Demoman: Blushes, people think his dick is that big?? Doesn’t mind being shipped with any of the mercs. Enjoys seeing art involving Sniper, Solly or Engineer more then the others. But after seeing something really kinky has to drown himself drinking.
Heavy: All the shipping art he sees is of him and Medic. Doesn’t mind, finds it quite funny. But tries to avoid it, looking at this type of thing isn’t up his alley.
Medic: Has a stash of the fanart. Loves looking at fan art involving Heavy and Sniper. On lonely night he jerks off to it.
Sniper: With seeing all the artwork he feels violated, he’s shipped with nearly everyone. Scout, Demoman, Engineer, Medic and Spy. Can deal with being shipped with the team except Spy. He would never touch that French bastard, that back stabbing snake. Has to pitch himself when he thinks about Spy’s lean body.
Spy: Of course he is shipped with the mercs, he is the most handsome man on the team. But holy hell, do people think he is that kinky?? Like he has his kinks, but they ain’t that strange. He’s pleased that people draw him correctly, but can’t believe people draw him having sex with the mask on. It was one time.
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