#-do the eyebrow plucking prank on him i need to give him a massage with chili oil i need to curl up in his lap like a kitty i need
1o1percentmilk · 6 months
i think that i should have a government-assigned boyfriend or girlfriend of some sort to chew on when i get really agitated like this
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The Brothers (+Undateables)
MC who’s joints crack randomly OR has Joint Hypermobility Syndrome
For @offbrandmilk and The Simp Club 😂✌️
The Brothers ~
Lucifer 🔥
Y’all are chillin in his study as he finishes up his work when *CRONCH*
He snaps his gaze up, that disgusted surprise on his face at the noise
“MC... did you- did you just make that noise?”
“Ah yea, sometimes my back cracks randomly when I get up lol.”
*Disgust intensifies*
“Do you... need assistance of some kind, perhaps?”
Would relax and sigh with relief when you say no
“You humans never cease to amaze me.” “Thanks!” “... That wasn’t a compliment.” “:(“
Would Glare TM each time it happens, making you feel increasingly self conscious
Until he’ll inexplicably soften - “MC...” “Yes?” “When -“ he’ll huff, “Doesn’t that hurt you? To do that...?”
His brows downturned, blush upon his cheeks as he attempts to examine the latest CRONCH
If yes, will personally see to it that you are looked after during those times - “it’s not that bad Lucifer! Really!” Does not register lol
If no, will revert back to being vexed or ‘disgusted’ by it, especially in public
Clicks his knuckles, on purpose, with a sickening crack
“You hypocrite!”
Mammon 💵
You’re messing with the Levi, having taken a treasured figurine to ‘sell’ when you drop it
“Hurry up would ya? He’ll catch up!”
You squat to pick it up when *CRONCH*
In the heat of the chase, silence falls dead
A solid minuet of Mammon frowning between you and your knees before anyone speaks
The Most Expressive Derp TM
“Wha- what the heck was that?!”
You rise, brushing it off with an exasperated sigh “It’s nothing, happens a lot.”
“We don’t even make that noise when Lucifer punishes us.”
Would occasionally steal glances thinking he’s being surreptitious about it when you finally ask “What is it?” Would fiercely deny it
“Pfft Me? THE GREAT MAMMON? Starin’? Ha - in your DREAMS Human.” Blush
*Spongebob narrator voice* 5 Seconds Later
“Ok so what if i was starin’, huh? It was weird!”
... “You’re fine though, right? It didn’t hurt ya doin that to get the toy of his, right?”
... “Mammon! Would you stop looking at me like i’m going to snap in half if you breathe?!” Blush
Levi 👾
You’re doing a co-op match of a horror game you’re trying with him - things get jumpy when *CRONCH*
You’d bent your arms ‘inhumanly’ at a jump scare, accompanied by a CRONCH
Levi thought it was the game that made that sickening crack
You wish you could frame the horror stricken expression that turns to face you after a dumb moment
His face unmoving, his eyes flit to your bent back arms and your casual smile
Error 404, Levi does not compute
You break the silence with a laugh, “Oh yea i’ve got hypermobility -“ bends arms further
He snaps out of it with a “Wooooaaaaaaaahhhhh!!” “Eek!” As you tease him a bit further
“The game’s scary enough!” “LOLOLOL”
Actually finds it really cool
Quickly gets you two to cosplay and roleplay usuing your ‘Special Ability’ as he’d call it
Would 100% roleplay kinky and try to do it himself, too
Satan 📚
He’d be teaching you how to play chess in the library. Silent focus, from jovial to tense... until *CRONCH*
Raised brows as he meets your blushing features. You scratch your head, nervous for disturbing the silence
He frowns, a smirk tugging his lips, “Did you just make that sound?”
“I didn’t do it on purpose to put you off or anything -“ “Good. Or else i’d have to punish you.”
You try not to combust at the unintentional insinuation
Otherwise lets it slide, finding it ‘odd’ or ‘quirky’, even endearing...
Likes that he’s the first and only brother to know about this ‘quirk’ of yours
Barely notices it/doesn’t mind at all
That is until, you CRONCH in the silence he requires in order to read dense text
He eyes you darkly as you CRONCH for the fourth time in a row - you wince
“Sorry!” A harsh whisper before you creep out to CRONCH your back elsewhere
Smirks as you leave, shaking his head before calling you back in - as though it were an ‘inconvenience’ to do so
Asmodeus 💋
He’d drawn you a bath in his own king sized tub, ready to spoil you rotten for your spa day
You’d sunk into the tub with an appreciative hum as he began rubbing massage oil in your wrists
He’d set the mood PERFECTLY as usual
“How am I supposed to control myself when you sing so sweetly?” Wiggly brows
There wasn’t a crick, nor a crack... BUT A *CRONCH*
He freezes, you peel your eyes open with a suppressed smile. He makes a choked noise, the mood having been shot dead
“Honey... what the hell was that noise?”
Knowing full well it was your wrists that made such a deafening crack
You giggle at his tense expression, as he asks “So are you secretly an eighty year old, or?”
You explain you have joint hypermobility syndrome, which is sometimes painful
After getting over his initial freak out, he pampers you EVEN MORE
“You come to me if it hurts honey, ok?”
Your pain is his pain, though he may not show it, he actually gets intensely upset if something truly hurts you
Beelzebub 🍔
You’re chilling in your room together, with take out from a new chain beside Hell’s Kitchen, both making happy yummy noises as you eat
Beel pauses mid bite, but shrugs and keeps eating. Maybe there was lettuce in his burger after all?
You remember - sauce! Can’t eat with Beel without the full experience!
“Hey there’s some Hellfire sauce in the kitchen lemme grab it real quick -“ “:)”
You get up to get it when - *CRONCH* there go your ankles again. Welp.
His eyebrows raise a second, “MC... are you ok?”
You smile, laughing off how that happens sometimes
He frowns in thought before shrugging with a laugh alongside you, “Fair enough.” Seems legit lmao
He’s seen weirder shit and is still unfazed by it so he does not give a flying fuck lol
“As long as it doesnt hurt.” “:)”
If your joints/limbs were particularly sore or even dislocated that day, he would gently scoop you up and carry you anywhere <3
Belphegor 😴
Your napping in his arms as the little spoon, just between wake and sleep as he snuggles into you. You shift to get comfy when *CRONCH*
He freezes, you freeze too, trying not to laugh
“MC...” he begins groggily “What the fuck was that noise you just made?”
You explain sometimes you just CRONCH. It be like that sometimes Belphie, it do
He doesnt believe you, especially since you’re laughing as you explain it
“No really! I’m serious!” “Then why are you laughing?” “Because it’s funny! You’re reaction pfft” “>:(“
“If your weird human body wakes me up i’m not gonna nap with you again.”
He doesnt mean it
*Goes to leave because you CRONCHED* “Well, where do you think you’re going?”
*Visible Confusion* He flashes a cocky grin, “You’re not skipping out on being my Pillow.”
Grabs your CRONCHY wrist and tugs you back under the covers for more snuggles
“But you said -“ “Shut up and sleep”
*Kisses your forehead* “:)” <3
The Undateables ~
Luke 👼
He’s baking treats for you, Beel and Simeon when you offer a hand when you see him sturggle with the tray and *CRONCH*
The Most Disgusted Face TM
Almost drops the tray on your feet
“What in this disgraceful Devildom was that noise, MC?!”
“My joints do that sometimes” with a shrug and laugh as you #Take 2 with the baking
Turns his nose up “That was a horrible noise no wonder the demons love you so much.”
Tries and fails to act prim and proper as he carries the tray from your grasp, only for Beel to tackle the tray and eat the first batch
This ’Chihuahua’ is all bark and no bite, doesnt mean a word
After a silence, he’ll ask quietly, “Are you... hurt by it?” Little blushy face
If no, he’ll smile and turn his attention back to the sweet treats. If yes, he’ll be a sad puppy
“I’m alright, Luke! Don’t worry.” “Ok :)”
Will fight any demon anyone who may question or mock you over it, even though it doesnt bother you
“ChOtTo MaTtE! >:(“ #NotSoSilentProtector
Simeon 😇
Your walking to class together at RAD when he drops his books. You insist on plucking them from the ground for him when *CRONCH*
Surprised Pikachu Face TM
Breaks into That Smile TM and laughs with you at your cronchie knees
“That was... certainly an interesting noise.”
You don’t need to explain, but you do for the record so to speak
He gets weirdly curious about it, Is it all humans? Do you enforce cronchie joints upon your young? Mandatory or compulsory to be a human with cronchie joints? “:’)”
Will try to CRONCH too out of curiosity
It doesn’t go badly per se, but it doesn’t go well either
“Simeon, stop before you hurt yourself.”
Similarly to Beel, is hardly fazed by it at all when considering some shit this boi has seen
“Oooh like what?! *~*” He smiles all Innocent TM “You don’t want to know.”
Innocent my ass
“Now I wanna know more!”
Solomon 🧙‍♂️
He’s showing you some magic to prank the brothers in a sneak attack when *CRONCH*
He eyes you with That Smirk TM and bursts out laughing with you
“Hey! Me too!” *CRONCH* his knuckles
You two start CRONCH Wars
You act out lines of Star Wars to each other ever since and CRONCH, terrifying the Demon Brothers and Purgatory Hall
“MC, I AM your father.” *CRONCH*
Somewhere nearby, Lucifer holds the bridge of his nose with a deep *sigh*
You both sneak attack the others with CRONCHES, scaring the shit out of them
apart from Beel or Satan. They don’t notice or see it coming, respectively
You did it once to Lucifer. You did not want to do it again ... *~*
You start to slowly recruit others to the CRONCH wars, starting with Levi and Mammon
“When will this nonsense end?” “THE CRONCH WARS NEVER END, LUCIFER. NEVEEER.”
Would CRONCH next to you when you’re asleep to freak you out
*CRONCH* “Solomon... why are you in my bedroom?”
Barbatos 🕰
He’s showing you how to prepare the Hellfire cigar rolled cookies so that you can teach Lucifer, when *SPLAT*
Jk, it’s ofc a *CRONCH* - but i nearly got ya! haha ok sorry i’ll stop
Anyway, *CRONCH* go your shoulders as you bend over a simmering tray to get a whiff
Your eyes pop open as you hear the sickening crack and Barbatos makes a small surprised choking noise
You lift your gaze with a nervous smile only to see him smirk
“That was a... curious noise, MC.” That small chuckle behind his gloved hand, “Is that a regular occurrence?”
Laughs it off, shrugs. Surprised he didn’t see it coming when he quite literally knows all
Ignores it from then on
However will chuckle behind that glove if the timing is particularly humourous
Will seem unfazed if it hurt you, but his actions would speak for him.
Making you tea and checking on you more frequently, even if you’re not at the palace
Would snark anyone who comments on your CRONCHINESS like the diva he secretly is
Diavolo 👑
You’re visiting the palace on your best behaviour, taking a stroll with Diavolo when *CRONCH*
He’s smiling through a frown as he tries to work out where the noise came from
“Was - was that you, MC?” That Laugh TM head tipped back, tears in his eyes laughing
“Hahah such fun!” *CRONCH*
He CRONCHED his arms to CRONCH with you, only he CRONCHED too far
His arms are stuck in their newfound ‘unsightly’ position
Puppy eyes as he can’t seem to UN-CRONCH
Your turn to burst out laughing, he quickly joins you
Lucifer’s hand flies to his chest when he sees you two return - “MC... did you have something to do with this?” Glare
You flush, about to fight your case when Diavolo steps in with That Smile TM
“I wanted to joint in!” “...” “;)” *FacePalm*
“It was fun, you should try it Lucifer!”
Satan snickers at the double meaning - “Fun? Lucifer doesn’t know how to have fun.”
Diavolo pulls those Sad Puppy Eyes TM
By the end of the night Lucifer literally bent over backwards to make Diavolo happy lolololol
Don’t take these too seriously! Mostly a shit post for the simp club lolol - hope they made you smile! ✨
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wesofmaldonia · 5 years
Not Getting Married Today | Weslie
Who: @charlielabouff and @wesofmaldonia
When: Saturday, June 22nd
Where: A New Orleans police station
What: After a bachelorette party gone awry, Wes has to bail his fiance out of jail the morning of their would-be wedding. 
Charlie felt terrible. Not only was she more hungover than she had ever felt in her entire life, she completely screwed up their wedding. She knew her name was gonna be all over the news about how she was drinking and that there was a fight -- and she'd ended up locked up for a few hours. For Serenity it was easy, she was okay with that. She was a princess. People would forgive her. Charlie? She had stuff that she had to prove. Maybe that was why she let go so hard for her bachelorette party. They were sitting in the car, her eyes were closed as she leaned against the tinted window. She puffed out her cheeks, her arms folded across her chest. She sunk her teeth into her cheek and she kept quiet. She dropped her hands onto her lap and fiddled with the ring on her finger, letting out a soft sigh.
Wes was still trying to figure out exactly how they got...here. He’d just gotten back from a pre-wedding spa day with Tia (turns out having her as best man was the best idea he’d ever had), and had been enjoying a relaxing post-professional-massage sleep when his phone started ringing incessantly. Thank God he’d woken up right away, or he might have missed Charlie’s one phone call. At first he thought it may have been a prank, but he knew Charlie we’ll enough to know when she was being completely serious. And now they sat in the backseat of his driver’s car, and he knew she was tired but so was he, so he wasn’t thinking clearly when he simply sputtered: “Charlie, what the fuck[/I]?!” It had a laugh behind it, so it couldn’t have sounded too angry, because he wasn’t, he was just....perplexed. “I spent my bachelor party at a spa, getting a clear coat on my nails. You...got into a bar fight?” Just saying it out loud sounded so dumb, he had to laugh.
Charlie ‘s face wrinkled up when he spoke, unsure if it was because of the laugh behind it or the pounding she in her head. She was so tired, and all she wanted to do was sleep. She dragged her hands down her face and she let out a soft breath of air. “I don’t know! He was being a dick and deserved it,” she mumbled, rubbing off the make up that was still leftover from the night before. She sighed when he laughed, dropping her hands into her lap and she shrugged. “He was a dick and he fuckin’ — he deserved it! You shoulda heard some of the things that he said.” She puffed out her cheeks and she wrinkled her nose, looking over at him. She let her eyes flick over his obviously tired face and she puffed out her cheeks. “M’sorry. I can only imagine[/] what everyone’s gonna say.”
Wes gave what could only be described as the 'white guy blinking gif' face upon discovering that the person Charlie punched in the face had been a man. Not that he would ever put it past her, but the mental image of his finace in full bachelorette party mode going off on a guy in a bar...it was bizarre, to say the least. "...About me? Were you defending my honor?" Wes teased with a smirk, before reaching his hand out and taking hers, sighing. The gesture wasn't grand, mostly he just wanted to hold her hand as he leaned his head back against the headrest of the car. "That I'm marrying a badass? Maybe," Wes mumbled with his eyes closed. When he opened them, he noticed the sky was turning an orange-y pink color. The sun was coming up soon. "We can't get married today," he sighed. "Can we?" He turned to her, his mouth pursing up into a straight line while he waited for her response.
Charlie let out a sigh, glancing over at him and she shook her head, wrinkling her nose. "He was just being gross and rude and he needed to be put into his place." She let out another soft sigh when he took her hand, gripping onto it tightly and she looked over at him. Her tired eyes flicked over his face, desperately wishing that she had her glasses so that way maybe her eyes wouldn't hurt so much. A laugh fell past her lips and she shook her head. "Or you're marrying a crazy person," she mumbled, letting her head fall back against the headrest. She inhaled sharply at his question, feeling her chest tighten slightly and she swallowed. She opened her eyes, looking over at him and sinking her teeth into her cheek. "We can. I can -- I dunno, get a banana bag or something," she stated, wrinkling her nose and she puffed out her cheeks. She gently pulled her hand away from him, rubbing at her face and she let out a soft sigh. "We spent so much time on this. It'd really suck if we didn't."
Wes wrinkled his nose, getting her drift and didn't pry any further. "Well sounds like he deserved it. You did good," he reassured her with a smirk. He probably shouldn't have been encouraging this behavior, since it is what got her kicked out of her soccer program, but he was too tired to be a good influence right now. "I already knew I was marrying a crazy person, though!" he teased with a laugh before letting it dissolve into the seriousness of the conversation that he knew was to follow. He shook his head, laughing at her suggestion. "A what?! Isn't that like...a speedo?" he chuckled. "It would suck but like...It was so fast. Did we make half of these decisions cause we really wanted them or because those were the fastest options? I know my tux is for sure way too lame for my liking. And not gonna lie....I don't love the venue." If it were up to him, they'd have gotten married right on the bayou. But they had been thrust into this wedding so fast that he said yes to things just because they'd be ready by June 22nd, and that wasn't fair to his extremely unique and expensive taste, in his opinion. Obviously if he thought everything was what Charlie wanted, too, he'd bite the bullet and do it, but he had a feeling neither of them were content with their decisions.
Charlie ‘s eyebrows pressed together at his support of her actions. Then again, they were both exhausted, so it was to be expected. She licked her lips, giving him a shove and a wrinkle of her nose. “You’re lucky I’m hungover as shit right now, or I’d kick your ass for callin’ me crazy,” she mumbled as she rubbed at her eyes, attempting to wake herself up once more. She laughed and she shook her head. “No! It’s a thing that helps people sober up,” she stated, wrinkling her nose, “I think what you’re thinking of is a banana hammock.” She let out a sigh at his words, resting her head on his shoulder and letting her eyes flutter closed. Her grip on his hand tightened. She knew that he was right. That this wasn’t the wedding that they wanted. It wasn’t the wedding that they deserved, but she knew it would be letting so many people down. She opened an eye, looking up at him once more. “Since when did you become the smart one?” she teased, giving him a gentle nudge with her shoulder. Another sigh fell past her lips, her eyes closing once more and she shrugged. “What are we gonna tell them?”
Wes chuckled. “Hey, I was just agreeing with your sentiment,” he defended before feeling her head on his shoulder. He raised a hand to stroke her hair with a sigh as she explained what a banana bag was. Whatever it was sounded grosser than a hangover. He shrugged, thinking of their guests — friends and family, people who loved them. “We’re gonna tell them...that things got complicated, but there will still be a wedding eventually. And for now, we can still party...?” He shrugged, hoping his suggestion of keeping the reception wasn’t stupid. But it would be a waste of a venue and food if they didn’t. And while his tux wasn’t what he wanted for his wedding, he’d so wear it for a summer bash.
Charlie felt herself relax when he stroked her hair, letting out a soft breath of air and she wrinkled her nose. "That's definitely better than the bride decided to get too drunk and kick someone's ass," she mumbled, letting her eyes flutter closed. She wrapped her arms around him, nodding at his suggestion at keeping the reception. "But that's definitely gonna require some Tylenol and more time to get ready, because I look like a disaster," she breathed, gesturing to her smudged makeup and messy clothes. She relaxed against him, tipping her head back slightly to look up at him and opening up her eyes -- her nose wrinkling at how dry her eyes were from her contacts. "Maybe we should -- y'know, live together before we actually get married. I need to make sure I'll be able to handle your snoring for the rest of our lives."
Wes nodded, laughing. "I know," he agreed, squeezing her closer. Wes looked out of the car window, at the rising New Orleans sun in the distance. "You've got plenty of time. Reception wasn't supposed to start til 6 anyway," he smirked. "Tylenol, though, I can do." He reached into the pocket behind the passenger seat of the car -- where his driver kept all of the essentials -- and plucked out two brands of painkillers for her to take her pick. He listened to her suggestion, then, and his brows quirked up. He hadn't even thought of that. "...That...Is a brilliant idea. Challenge accepted." He grinned, and placed a kiss on Charlie's forehead. Taking things at a #Weslie pace was definitely the right way to go. 
Charlie let out a relieved sigh. “Means I can get in a nap. After we make our announcement,” she stated, wrinkling her nose. That backlash was something that she wasn’t looking forward to, but at least they had more time to make their wedding even more perfect. She hummed when he produced Tylenol, sitting up and taking a bottle from him and opening it. “My hero,” she mumbled, giving him a gentle nudge before she popped two of the pills into her mouth and swallowed. She put the bottle back where he had pulled it out from before she settled back against him once more. The blonde smiled when he kissed her forehead, looking back up at him once more and she hummed. “Your aim is way off,” she stated, quirking an eyebrow at him, “Unless my lips moved and I didn’t realize it.”
Wes chuckled at the idea of them announcing their very small step toward happily ever after at what was supposed to be their giant step. "Sounds like a great idea. I'll even join you on that nap, I think." He started to lean back in his seat and catch some Zs on the rest of the ride home, but heard her quip and chuckled. He leaned over and placed a kiss on the correct spot this time, grinning the whole of the way. "Better?" Wes smirked.
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ddaddsprompts · 7 years
Hi there! You probs have a bajillion prompts, and thanks so much for working so hard on all of them! When ya get the time, how about what it would be like showering with all of the dads? ;) Thanks~
Thank you so much for your prompt! Please beware that some of the scenes hint at sexual acts, but nothing actually NSFW happens. Also, Damien’s scene deals with body image and gender dysphoria, but again, it is only hinted at. Please enjoy!
🥃 There’s dirt and mud in placesit most certainly doesn’t belong. You pluck a branch out of Robert’s hair andthrow it aside. The two of you had been out hunting the Dover Ghost in thewoods, when your foot suddenly didn’t meet solid ground but air, and youtumbled down a small slide into the thicket. You’re not sure how Robert fell,but he accused you of pulling him down with you, which sounds about right butyou’ve learnt not to trust Robert’s words without solid proof. Now you’re bothcovered in dirt and in desperate need of a shower. He parks his truck in frontof his house and immediately makes a beeline for the front door. You hesitateand turn to walk to your own home, but Robert takes your hand and tugs youalong, and that’s that. Robert cocks his head and raises his eyebrow and younod your consent. After kicking open the door and shrugging off his jacket,Robert pushes you into the shower. Without a warning, he turns on the water. “Fuck!”You jerk away from the cold water and glare. “Payback,” Robert says with aferal grin. “That’s my favourite shirt, you dick.” Robert hums, clearly not giving a fuck,and pulls down the zipper of your jeans. “It’s ruined anyway. Stop crying aboutit. I’ll buy you a new one.” He gets to his knees and you decide there are moreimportant things than your shirt right now.
 🍸 The moment Joseph slips through the gapbetween the door and the frame, you throw it closed. Just in time; a secondlater and Christian and Christie would have got you. You sink down against thedoor and look up. The moment Joseph’s eyes meet your own, you’re laughing sohard, you press a hand to your side where it’s starting to hurt. Both of youare covered in batter, sprinkles and chocolate sauce. There even was some flourand butter on Joseph’s chin. Would you step closer, you could probably see thetwins’ fingerprints. “We need a shower,” Joseph declares once he calms downenough to speak. Still giggling, you nod and start to get undressed, but Josephstops you. He pulls you close against him and reaches down to wipe some batterof your face. He sucks his finger into his mouth, making your breath hitch inyour throat. Joseph winks and you decide to take revenge; you lean in and lickalong his neck following a trail of sauce. The next moment, Joseph has youpressed against the wall and his tongue invades your mouth. You groan into thekiss and wrap your legs around his waist as he lifts you up. Somehow, hemanages to get you two into the shower and to turn on the water. Your clothesget soaked, but you don’t care, not when Joseph reaches for your belt and getsto undressing you.
☕ You sniff on the bottle of shampoo in Mat’s shower and laugh. “Babe,you work at a coffee shop, why would you use vanilla-scented shampoo?” Matchuckles and shrugs, then takes off his shirt and haphazardly throws it asideonto the pile of your clothes. “I like the smell.”“Never would have guessed. I have no idea how you do it. If I had to smellcoffee all day, I would never drink any ever again.” Even after the concert,where some drunks had bumped into you and covered you in beer, Mat still smellslike baked goods and coffee beans. By now, you’re half-convinced those smellshad become part of his body odour and he’d never get rid of it. Mat stepscloser and gently crowds you against the shower wall; you bury your face in hisneck and inhale, just to wrinkle your nose in distaste. “You reek of beer.” Matsnorts and turns on the water. “Pot meets kettle, baby. You don’t smell anybetter yourself.” You hear him uncap the shampoo bottle before he starts tomassage the liquid into your hair, occasionally scratching your scalp. “Hey,know what, babe?” Mat pauses and you lean back to look up at him. “What, Y/N?”“Now I’ll smell like you.” He fondly rolls his eyes and pinches your side. Witha noise of protest, you try to move out of his grasp, but he tightens his armsaround you and starts to tickle you.
🌹 After a hard day of gardening work, you’recovered in sweat and dirt, and you can practically hear the shower call yourname. You pull your dirty shirt over your head and aim for the washing basket,missing it by a good mile. Damien chuckles and bends down to retrieve it. “Thereare towels in the cabinet there. Feel free to use my shampoo, dear, and—““You know, if you wanted we could…” You make a gesture and blush. “Share.Shower together. You know?” Damien’s eyes go wide. He blushes and averts hiseyes. “Oh. I wouldn’t want to intrude, showers are a very private and intimatething. Besides, the cabin is barely wide enough for the two of us to fit insidethe cabin and—“ You reach out to take his hand and squeeze it, whichimmediately shuts him up. “Damien,” you softly say. “It was just a suggestion.If you don’t want to, just say so, I won’t be angry or disappointed.” He lacesyour fingers together, his blush deepening. “It’s not…” Damien takes a deepbreath. “I’d love to. But…” He gestures down his body and understanding dawnson you. You pull him close and wrap your arms around his waist. “Dear, Iunderstand. If it makes you feel better, I’ll stand behind you?” He thinksabout it, then nods. You turn around as he undresses and wait until he givesyou the ‘go’ before you join him. You wrap your arms around his waist frombehind and nuzzle his nape. When it becomes time to wash yourself, Damiensurprises you by turning around and taking the soap from your hands.
🎣 “Like it?” You can only nod numbly, still rendered speechless by thesight in front of you. You should have known a constructor like him wouldn’tleave the bathroom as it was when he moved in. The shower isn’t as much a cabinas it is a room in itself, complete with a bench-like construction that wouldallow you to lie comfortably while the water ran down your body. You’re itchingto try it out and tell Brian as much. He laughs and motions you forward. “Goahead, Y/N. There are even different shower heads. One of them feels like a hottub massage.” You nearly groan. A massage is just what you need, your dad bodisn’t getting any younger. You start stripping, aware of Brian’s eyes watchingyour every move. “Hey, Y/N?” You hum to show you’re listening. “Would you mindme joining you?” He sounds unsure, even though there’s no reason to. Tore-assure him, you tiptoe and kiss his cheek, giving him a bright smile. “Ofcourse, Brian! I really want to try out that massage spray while cuddling mybig bear boyfriend.” Brian chuckles and strips, too. You lie down on the benchand wait for him to join you, which Brian does after turning on the water. Hepulls you into his arms and trails kisses down your jaw.
👟 You sink against the tiled wall of the shower cabin with a groan. Yourwhole body hurts; hell, you can even feel muscles you didn’t know existed untilnow and your first meeting with those parts of your body isn’t all thatpositive. “Was that last suicide sprint really necessary?” Craig throws hisshirt into the washing basket, showing off his muscled chest and his abs, whichare glistening with sweat. You try not to stare, but that battle was lostbefore it even began. Bastard fully knows the effect he has on you, too, andpurposely stretches his arms over his head, making his muscles flex. You gulp.While your legs still are pudding and you’re pretty sure they will give insoon, the rest of your body seems to have forgotten how much pain you were injust a second ago. “Bro, it wasn’t that bad. And you did it!” Craig steps intothe cabin with you and slides it shut behind him. The shower is a lot biggerthan the one at your house, but still not meant to accommodate two grown men.Craig’s pressed against you, chest-to-chest, and he leans down to kiss you. “I’llmake it up to you,” he says against your lips. “You earned yourself a reward.”
📖 Just as you started to think Ernest got overhis prank phase, he installed a bucket over the bedroom door and filled it withsome green goo. Which is why you and Hugo are standing in the bathroom, coveredhead to toe in the stuff. You’re glad Hugo hadn’t been wearing his favouriteshirt, the one the Eastern Dragon had signed, or all hell would be loose now. “Wantto share?��� You ask and gesture to the shower cabin. “Saves water. I doubt wecan get everything off by ourselves—“ You pluck some of the goo off yourshoulder and blanch. It’s sticky, which makes you think it won’t be washed offeasily. Hugo must have come to the same conclusion, as he nods and gets intothe shower. The cabin is too small for the two of you. Awkwardly, you try toposition yourself in a way that would allow you to turn around, but you end upwith your back against the tiles, Hugo’s leg between your own. He blushes andreaches up to turn on the water. It runs down his head, flattens his long hair againsthis head, making him look even hotter than he normally does. He leans down,probably to kiss you, but you stop him and wipe some goo off his lips beforemeeting them halfway.
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