#-people as belonging to a different category altogether. which of course is its own issue but i'm not visibly disabled so i don't feel-
databent · 3 months
why the fuck is it that some people cant seem to acknowledge that people can just... be disabled. not through any fault of their own, not because something "happened" to them, just because, you know, sometimes people have disabilities. like, come on
#.pdf#rd#kd#just a warning these tags are long. like. really incredibly long. i had thoughts.#sorry for the vague ass post i'm just upset about some stupid shit my dad said yesterday.#namely: outright telling me that he doesn't believe i have non-24 (circadian rhythm disorder).#and that even if i do he doesn't believe it's possible for it to actually be a lifelong and disabling condition.#*also: this post isn't meant to imply that disabilities that did have some inciting incident are more accepted or anything.#it's just that i'm frustrated with the “you're disabled? why? what happened?” sentiment a lot of people seem to have.#nothing happened to cause my disability. i'm just like this. no i can't change it. what the fuck do you want me to tell you?#i'd guess it probably has to do with society's focus on work and productivity and career-mindedness above all else.#and when someone comes along that doesn't fit in with the way things are structured it just doesn't compute.#because the idea of people who can't dedicate their entire lives to working is so fundamentally contradictory to their view of... i don't-#-know. meaning in life? fulfillment? that they feel a need to reject the possibility altogether.#this is mainly when dealing with invisible disabilities from what i've seen. because i think there's a tendency to view visibly disabled-#-people as belonging to a different category altogether. which of course is its own issue but i'm not visibly disabled so i don't feel-#-like it's necessarily my place to speak on that.#anyway. i just want my struggles to be acknowledged as real. because they are. and i need people to understand that I Have A Disability.#albeit one many people don't even believe could be real because there's a sort of belief that circadian rhythms are purely a product of-#-external forces like sunlight so “you can't possibly have yours be different and have you tried just going outside more?” sigh.#sorry i also just remembered my dad telling me he doesn't believe i can have something so rare because the chances of having it are too low.#which is some ridiculous logic to me. rare doesn't mean it's impossible. some amount of people have to wind up with it regardless.#i just lucked out i guess.#n24 tag
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mypralaya · 5 years
“Gender Roles”
(Note: This ficlet deals with transgender experience and identity, and from the POV of a trans man. It also concerns gender identity and expression in Chinese and Indian culture. The writer, me, is a cis woman who is white and American. I have every intention of respect, but if I get something wrong, please tell me!) “So you're telling me,” said Lee, “That drag queens are STRAIGHT in China?” “Well, they're not exactly drag queens, any more than girls who play Peter Pan are...drag kings, if that exists?” said Haven. After Lee assured her that they indeed very much did, she continued, “And while I am sure not all are straight, any more so than in every other profession, the majority of them seem to be. They have wives, families, all of that. It's simply a job and is not considered an unmanly act in this context, from what I understand. Of course, that may change now that women are allowed to perform female roles, and are starting to do so. Once it becomes the norm for it to be a female job, perhaps it will become seen as feminine.” “So it's not feminine to get dressed up on stage as a woman, so long as that's considered a man's job,” summarized Lee, “Wild.”
Haven had not been sure she should come to Pride. She was not exactly clear on the unspoken social rules regarding a heterosexual woman's presence there, even as a supporter. There was Pride in Mumbai, of course, but what applied there might not apply here. Which was part of why she wanted to see New York's version, to see the differences and commonalities between the cultures, but not if it would be considering threatening, intruding, or voyeuristic for her to do so. She'd asked around though and no one she had spoken had thought there would be an issue, so long as she was respectful. Which...it was Haven, no one expected her to be anything but. Indeed, if anything, it was one of the people who “belonged” there that had been rude to her, not vice versa. A young man named had Lee come up and made quick conversation with her, and then, apologetically but curiously, asked if she was a hijra. That is, one of India's third-gender, a group most analogous in Western terms to transgender women, but their own distinct category. It was not the first time someone had thought this of Haven. With her grandiose height that put her head and shoulders above most other females in Mumbai, and a clothing style that concealed the extremes of her outrageously feminine figure, it had happened a few times, often much more negatively than this. But only in India. Never anywhere else. She'd never even met someone in America who knew what a hijra was, and was instantly intrigued by why Lee did. She was also not offended---hijra were some of the most beautiful and glamorous people there were! Lee, it turned out, was a transgender man. He was also a trans-national adoptee, given up by his Chinese parents to American ones for not being a son. It had taken him until he was fourteen to realize they were wrong, he was a son all along, but it was not until he was twenty-three that he started truly expressing that through his dress, his hair-cut, the binder that flattened his chest smoothly beneath his striped tank top, and his chosen name. He'd picked the name Lee simply BECAUSE it was so generic and stereotypical for a boy of a Chinese heritage that he felt it sold the idea easily that he was born with it. In the course of researching for answers on his own gender identity as a teen, he had explained to Haven, he'd run across articles on hijira and other such culture-specific gender categories. But he hadn't heard of nandan, a practice of necessity in the all-male Peking Opera, which she'd brought up when they started discussing the topic. This was because nandan, or dan for short, was not actually a gender category, or even a part of LGBT culture at all, as she'd just explained. It was simply men playing women's roles in the Peking opera, offered by her as an example of how such things were seen differently depending on time and place. Lee was intrigued, and had wanted to know more. Even if it wasn’t regarded that way in Chinese culture, anything that could be classed as cross-gender intrigued him, and the fact it came from his birth heritage was first thing about it that had ever made him interested in it. He’d never wanted to reconnect with a culture he never had, but this was something he did feel connected to. Haven told him about nandan, and about their all-female counterparts, the nuxiaosheng of Shaoxing opera, in which it was reversed and women played both male and female roles, no men. “It’s not common anymore, of course, and hasn’t been for decades,” she explained, “You see, during the time of the Cultural Revolution, traditional Chinese theatre was deemed as bourgeoisie and thus wiped out. It’s come back since, but it’s never regained its popularity. And as I said, it’s not required anymore than casts only consist of one gender, because it is no longer considered improper for both sexes to be on-stage together as in the Ming and Qing dynasties. Still, I did meet a dan once---we were very good friends, in fact. He actually, well...he considered himself to be courting me. At least that was what he claimed. In truth, I don’t think he was in love with me at all. Certainly not as a man loves a woman. I think he was simply in love with me as a muse---which is really much more flattering, so much so I feel rather vain for claiming it. But he told me himself!” Lee nodded, thoughtful, “So...was he gay?” “Well...” Haven pondered, “He presented himself to me as a suitor, so I would assume he did not wish to be thought of as attracted to men. But...well, I cannot speak to what his truth is; only he knows. I...I never really thought about it, since I was not reciprocal either way, so it did not matter. But I suppose, without realizing it, I did think that he must lack desire, either for women specifically or altogether. Otherwise I don’t think I would ever have entertained the “courtship” at all, let alone been alone with him, chatting in his dressing room where he sometimes had his shirt removed as he showed me his new ways of moving his arms most gracefully in a manner he swore was meant to imitate me. Despite the fact I have never handled a fan so elaborately in all my life.” Lee laughed, then said, “That is super common for drag queens though. I know you said they’re NOT, but I mean the part about getting inspired by real women. I’ve seen about a dozen Dolly Partons and Diana Rosses.” “I am in good company then.” “Yeah---the big difference there is, they go for really flamboyant women? Like Lady Gaga and Madonna. And you’re uh...you’re not.” Haven laughed a little, “I doubt I could have been his muse if I were. You see, there are different dan roles for different types of female characters. He played a dan role called the Guimen Dan, also known as Qingyi, verdant-sleeve, or Zheng-dan, straight role---straight meaning here like the “straight man” in comedy. They’re meant to represent mature women, sometimes married, not flamboyant at all like the vivacious young Hua Dan or the warrior girl Daoma Dan roles. I’m very much not either of those.” Indeed, she was not. Lee admittedly had thought that she would be more flamboyant, before he had talked to her. Her elaborately embroidered gorgeous clothing and abundance of jewelry and hair he’d thought just HAD to be a wig because LOOK at it how could all that be real? But she was...very subdued. Not the kind of big loud bombastic personality associated with a drag act at all. But probably in line with what that type of nandan she’d described was looking to imitate. The kind of woman that, perhaps, in another time and life, he’d have been expected to be, as though just being expected to be a woman period wasn’t bad enough. He’d spent a lot of time hating that ideal, hating every girly-girl in his class when he was a child all through elementary school, scowling and sneering at them simply because they embodied what had been forced on him, and he had hated them for that. It was mis-aimed, and he knew that now. But something about someone like Haven, a woman so clearly and comfortably aligned with the expectations of her sex, still sent a subtle shiver up his spine, that old childish repulsion pushing back against what had been pushed on him. He felt ashamed for that. It wasn’t the fault of women like Haven that he’d been expected to be one---and indeed, he hadn’t even been expected to be halfway like her by his parents. They’d been PROUD that their “little girl” was a “tomboy” and they’d never held young Lee back from anything “she” had wanted to do just because it was “for boys” or any of the usual cliches. They had, in fact, encouraged him with all the “girl power“ media they could get. Which, as it happened, included more than one cross-gender tale of a girl going undercover as a boy. But he’d never empathized with stories like Mulan, of girls pretending to be men. He related far more to the notion of men performing as women, because that’s what he had felt like for his whole life til very recently---he just hadn’t signed up for the role willingly. Instead, saw himself in movies and books where a man had to pretend to be a woman—-especially with the inevitable humiliation and reluctance with which the man faced it, since this was always framed as a debasing comedy at the man’s expanse,  which was how it felt for Lee too.  But it surely didn’t feel that way for nandan, did it, if they did so by choice like their more flamboyant drag queen counterparts in the West? Perhaps, he wondered, for some of them, they were not men dressing up like women. Perhaps they were women who had to dress like men in the rest of their lives, and only when in costume were they their real selves. Maybe that was why this Haven woman had never felt discomfort at being alone with her shirtless “suitor” when by her own admission she should have balked at such impropriety. Maybe she sensed subconsciously that “he” was really a sister under the skin. She’d said she’d never know his truth, but maybe she did. Maybe she’d recognized her dan for who “he” truly was without realizing it, the way Lee had always yearned to be recognized as a boy by other boys, even before he knew he was one. Or maybe Lee was projecting like hell, he did that a lot. Speaking of that... “I’m sorry I asked if you were a hijra,” he said, “Seriously that was...that was not cool. And I should know that, of all people.” “Oh, it’s quite alright,” she said, “I take it as a compliment.” “Okay, but---I just don’t want you to think it’s like, okay. You never ever ask someone their gender or if they’re trans, it’s...it’s a big no-no, I don’t know why I did it.” Because when he’d seen this tall, brightly-colored creature with her raven Rapunzel hair and flowing fuchsia clothes and shoulders wider than his own, all his years of proper LGBT-etiquette were forgotten because he was fourteen again and looking at pictures of “Indian eunochs” again and realizing, for the first time, there are people like me! And he’d called out to that, literally. A false flag, it turned out. She was not only no eunoch, no hijra, she was as stereotypically and traditionally heterosexual and cisgender and gender-normative and all of that as they came. And as apologetically as he’d asked about her identity, she had asked if it was alright that she was here. “Well, there’s a lot of debate about that,” he said,“But uh...I’m glad you were.” It was then that he received a text from his friends saying they were here and ready to meet up by the leather booth with the weird animal masks. He dashed off with a goodbye and as Haven watched him disappear into the crowd at a hearty job in the New York heat, she thought she saw, just for a moment against the myriad made-up faces of the colorful crowd, there like a coyly smiling ghost whose gaze was directed right at her in the perfect imitation of her own, the familiar white and red mask-like feminine visage of a painted Chinese opera dan.  
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xtruss · 3 years
Blowing the Whistle on Watergate
In a democracy, we are not free to ignore the truth.
— By Jonathan Schell | April 27, 1973 | The New Yorker
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Martha Mitchell, after giving her first sworn testimony in the Watergate case, in 1973.Photograph from Shutterstock / AP
The cracking of the Watergate case illumines and reaffirms the greatness of the American form of government. The slow unfolding of the case has been a gruelling course of study for the entire country, in which we have been shown once again, as in a high-school civics course, why we are a republic and why we must remain one. It has not been, however, a lesson in the strength of public opinion. Something that must be faced is that the public, like the President, was not much aroused by the Watergate case for a full ten months. The public had not ruled out the possibility that high Administration officials were involved in planning and then in covering up the incident. Rather, a large portion of the public believed these things to be true, but, in a striking reversal of its traditional response to governmental corruption, it did not care to pursue the matter any further. This was, one hopes, the nadir of public opinion as an institution in our national life. When public opinion has lost the will to compel a thorough investigation into the apparent subversion of a Presidential election by officials of the Administration in power, it has been neutralized as a voice in the basic affairs of the Republic.
What finally did break the case was the force of sheer truth in a system that is as helpless to deny the truth as it is to deny public opinion when public opinion is aroused. In the last few months, we have seen the power of truth, acting almost in spite of the public mood, turn our political life upside down. In effect, the public was dragged from willful ignorance by the truth. In Hannah Arendt’s words, “truth has a despotic character.” The truth is that which compels our minds’ assent. And in a democracy certain forms of truth do more than compel our minds’ assent; they compel us to act. In a democracy, we are not permitted to seek out the truth about our affairs and then to ignore what we learn. When evidence of murder comes to light, indictments must be brought and a trial held. Our system is arranged to make such action reflexive. We must hold the trial whether we want to or not. In sermons, political speeches, and the like, truth and justice are often given a favorable mention together with other ideals, such as compassion and decency. But these other ideals are a different matter altogether. We may be exhorted to decency, but whether we follow the exhortation is, by and large, up to each of us. Decency and compassion belong to the large category of ideals which float above our heads as a reproach to our actual behavior. Truth and justice, on the other hand, are rooted as powerful forces in the heart of our political system. They have shaped and determined the fundamental structures of our institutions. Thus, the system of justice is the mechanism whereby certain forms of truth compel us to act. In a democracy, we are free to do many things, but we are not free to ignore the truth. It holds the system itself, and our individual liberty, hostage. In the end, it is by virtue of this power of truth that our nation consents to march to the tune of a piece of paper—the Constitution.
The history of the Watergate investigation is not a story of mounting public pressure but, rather, is a story of successful efforts to consolidate widespread public suspicion of wrongdoing, which the powers of society felt free to ignore, into hard legal evidence, which no one—not the press, not Congress, not the courts, not the President, not even the public—felt free to ignore. The question was finally put to the public in its most demanding form. It was no longer “Are you willing to forget about the bugging of one party’s headquarters by another?” It was “Do you support apparent efforts on the part of high officials in government to obstruct the course of justice in order to hide their own wrongdoing?” The question was now whether we wished to throw out our system of justice. And our answer was no.
While the press, Congress, and the courts were busy developing evidence in the Watergate case, the principals, apparently, were busy covering their tracks. But a coverup, although it may be an effective strategy for dealing with a deadened public opinion, is a poor strategy for coping with the law. The chief difficulty is that covering up a crime is itself a crime. The attempts to destroy evidence leave more evidence, which must also be covered up, thereby leaving still more evidence, and so on, until scores of people have become implicated and the few original traces of evidence have grown into a mountain of evidence. Of course, the ordinary criminal does not have the resources to make this mistake. Certainly no ordinary person suspected of wrongdoing would ever have the opportunity that John Dean had to run the investigation of crimes in which he was a possible suspect; in this case, it seems, the investigation was the coverup. In fact, it is only the executive branch of the government that could ever really attempt a coverup on such a grand scale. Because of the tendency of evidence to mushroom in coverup cases, the plotters soon find themselves driven to make the maximum effort. And the maximum effort is nothing less than to try to intimidate, paralyze, or suppress all the major organs of possible truth-telling in the society, which is to say the press, the Congress, the courts, and even private individuals. In the months before the Watergate case broke, just such a campaign was going into high gear. The press and television (particularly publications or stations that had dwelt long on the Watergate story) were under heavy attack, the Congress was denied the right to any information whatever from the executive branch, and the courts were blocked from further investigation of the case by an underzealous prosecuting arm of the Justice Department. The coverup of a crime had expanded into a systemic crisis.
The men of this Administration had succeeded in taking control of public opinion. They had been able to blanket the airwaves with propaganda, to fix polls, to persuade millions to forget their own experience in the war and accept a public-relations version of it, and to win a landslide election. But they had forgotten about the law. For under the law, even though you have the millions on your side for the moment, just one person in possession of the truth and willing to talk can bring the whole elaborate show to a dead halt. No landslide could bury one bit of what John Dean, Jeb Magruder, or Martha Mitchell might tell the Washington Post or a grand jury. Men who could wipe countries off the face of the earth at their own discretion, or blow us all to extinction, were powerless if Martha Mitchell reached for the phone. She might be ridiculed, but she could not be “silenced.” She could not be made to disappear. These men had forgotten that in a true republic it is a fact that, as Solzhenitsyn has said, one word of truth outweighs the whole world. ♦
Published in the print edition of the May 5, 1973, issue, with the headline “Comment.”
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What is South African culture? I give you: Die Antwoord
‘’Whatever Man’’
  Check it,
I represent South African culture.
In this place you get a lot of different things:
  I'm like all these different things,
all these different people,
fucked into one person.
  Whatever man.
  When the members of South African music group Die Antwoord speak these words, they present themselves as the embodiment of South African culture. In contemporary society, South African culture includes people from countless different ethnic backgrounds. But this has not always been the case.
  It is probably sensible to say that South Africa knew a more peaceful time before colonialism. European countries, specifically the Netherlands, took the country of South Africa under their wing. Not necessarily in the positive sense, but with a rather forceful emphasis on imperialism. In doing this, masses of Dutch people immigrated to South Africa. They packed their bags with clothes, wealth, and feelings of white superiority. When the colonialists arrived in South Africa, these feelings were manifested into the act of simply conquering land that belonged to the country’s first inhabitants (Minty, 2006).
  Clearly, white supremacy and racial segregation are issues that South Africa has dealt with for centuries. Segregation has been argued to support the development of the capitalist system in South Africa, thus perpetuating white economic ideologies that the colonialists brought with them (Dubow, 1989). It is this course of events that lead to the notion of apartheid. Apartheid may also refer to ‘’separate development’’ (Wolpe, 2006, p. 425). The oppressive government implemented apartheid quite literally. African communities were relocated to townships where the police could exercise constant control. (Wolpe, 2006). Gradually, black and white communities were separated altogether. A structure was built in which the white settlers gained full control over the African inhabitants. Ironically, the minority dominated the majority.
  It appears that apartheid challenges the definition of South African culture. The separation of communities may be argued to have created two developmental paths, or rather two histories: that of white people and that of black people. Since colonialism, the history of black people is characterized by resisting white domination (Wakashe, 1986). The opposition between blacks and whites defines the structure of South African culture, and is of central importance to every South African citizen today. (Minty, 2006).
  But what exactly is South African culture? Did South Africa only have its own distinctive culture before European interference? Is it a mixture of cultures, or is it authentic due to its historical path? The remnants of cultural elements that colonialists left behind, including racist ideologies, are omnipresent in South African culture. Not only this, but also the development of ‘’Afrikaans’’ language, similar to Dutch language, makes up a great deal of South African identity. An interesting subject to discuss is where this particular aspect of culture collides with art.
  The Afrikaans music scene has exploded in the last decade. Noticeably, the majority of artists in this music scene are white (Marx & Milton, 2011). This raises complications in defining Afrikaans identities, especially because the Afrikaans music scene speaks to a wider (less whiter) audience in South Africa (Coetzer, 2009). Within the field of whiteness studies, Marx & Milton (2011) find that this challenges the normative stance of whiteness. Whiteness is argued to be the standard that white people use to measure other identities. (Perry, 2001). Or, as Heavner (2007, p. 65) puts it, white identity has been ‘’serving as a marker against which difference is drawn’’. In South Africa, this argument does not necessarily hold. Marx & Milton (2011, p. 723) comment that ‘’white people are acutely aware of their whiteness’’.  They feel responsible for limiting their performance of whiteness. This condition of practicing whiteness unsettles culture: unwritten rules and codes are broken (Hall, 1997).
  In a culture as unsettled as in South Africa, a reconfiguration of white identity is taking place. This is especially evident in the art world, and in this case: the music scene. The negotiation of Afrikaans identity, however, seems contradictory within this scene. Afrikaans commercial music invokes nostalgia and glorifies what it means to be Afrikaans. Alternative music opposes these characteristics, and denounces the apparent stability of Afrikaans identity. In addition, it expresses cynicism with the dominant position of Afrikaans identity (Marx & Milton, 2011).
Die Antwoord belongs to the latter category of alternative Afrikaans music. Die Antwoord is a white music group based in Cape Town, South Africa, and consists of three members: Yo-Landi Vi$$er, Ninja (Watkin Tudor Jones), and DJ Hi-Tek (Jeffries, 2017). They can be categorized into the genres of rap and hip-hop. Typically, these genres are associated with black artists. Black people are socially marked, because they deviate from whiteness, which is considered the norm (Brekhus, 1998). Due to this markedness, black artists find themselves confined within genres. White artists, as the ‘unmarked’, are not explicitly associated with specific genres or styles. But precisely because Die Antwoord performs within typical black genres, they call for a reconfiguration of white (Afrikaans) identity. They appear to do this in an almost parodical way.
Afrikaans bands like Die Antwoord challenge white identity by participating in ‘zef’-culture. They consider ‘zef’ to be the ultimate South African style. ‘Zef’ means being common, and was considered kitsch when the term originated in the 1980s (Marx & Milton, 2011). Nowadays, being ‘zef’ is ascribed with credibility, and according to author and singer Koos Kombuis, ‘’being truly zef takes guts’’ (cited in Fourie, 2010). Yo-Landi explains what it means to her in an interview: ‘’It’s just a style that came out of South Africa. Like, my haircut is zef. And Ninja’s tattoos are zef, and the fact that he wears his underpants, that’s zef’’ (YouTube, 2017). Poplak (cited in Marx & Milton, 2011), associates ‘zef’ with being white trash. White trash is not common in negotiating white identity, so by expressing themselves through this particular ‘zef’-culture, Die Antwoord’s whiteness becomes marked (Marx & Milton, 2011).
  ‘Zef’-culture is clearly visible in the way Yolandi Visser and Ninja strut their style. However, this ‘zef’ identity also presents itself in their music. By employing the encoding/decoding model, music can be read as a text in which artists negotiate their identity (Laubscher, 2005). ‘Zef’ identity is thus reflected in the music that Die Antwoord produces. One of their songs, ‘’Dis iz why I’m hot’’, accurately describes what they represent:
  I'm hot because I'm ZEF, you ain't because you not
  Furthermore, Ninja comments on the omnipresence of racial issues, even outside of the context of South Africa itself:
  When you say South Africa the first things that come to mind
Is, yup, racism apartheid and crime
Fuck a racist, motherfuckers is stuck in '89
But the crime's still wildin' - word to my 9
  In the lyrics above, Ninja discards ideas of racism and criticizes immediate race-related associations with South Africa. Being part of ‘zef’-culture, for Die Antwoord, signifies that South Africa should be treated as one distinctive culture. Their music may be regarded as a social commentary on the complexity of race inequalities. This is also apparent in earlier mentioned lyrics, where he proclaims:
  I represent South African culture
  This is a contradictory statement, because Die Antwoord is negotiating a white Afrikaans identity. How can they then represent an entire culture consisting of so many different identities? Perhaps, representing South African culture is embedded within the act of criticizing traditional white identity. By being so expressively ‘zef’, the members of Die Antwoord mark themselves and challenge the normativity of whiteness (Heavner, 2007).
This negotiation of Afrikaans identity has not always been perceived with positive connotations. Some black critics have argued that Die Antwoord has appropriated styles commonly identified with black music forms (Marx & Milton, 2011). This sparks a debate about the authenticity of ‘zef’-culture, and Die Antwoord’s music positioned within it. According to Peterson (2005), authenticity is a social construct, in which membership of an ethnic group is the only criterion to obtain the right to represent that group. In this vein, black critics have questioned the right of white artists to use rap music in expressing themselves (Marx & Milton, 2011). However, crossing this line may blur existing boundaries between ethnic groups. One may call it appropriation, but adopting other ethnicities’ cultural elements is one step towards forming one distinctive South African culture, which Die Antwoord seems to advocate for. After all, ‘’ethnic groups only persist as significant units if they imply marked difference in behaviour’’ (Barth, 1969, p. 15). Hence, by adopting each other’s behaviour, gaps between ethnic groups are reduced. Whether or not this process is a desirable one is up for discussion, because it does hold implications for the persistence of authentic ethnic cultural heritage.
  Conclusively, how does Die Antwoord represent South African culture? They do not, necessarily. They do represent the construction of white Afrikaans identity and thereby challenge relationships between South African ethnicities. So what is South African culture? As to that, there is no definite answer… But Die Antwoord definitely is controversial.
  Barth, Fredrik. (1969). Ethnic groups and boundaries: The social organization of culture difference. London: Allen & Unwin (‘Introduction’).
  Brekhus, Wayne. (1998). A sociology of the unmarked. Sociological Theory 16 (1): 34-51.
  Coetzer, D. (2009, August 29). Speaking in tongues: Afrikaans artists find mainstream success in South Africa. Billboard.
  Dubow, S. (1989). Racial Segregation and the Origins of Apartheid in South Africa, 1919-36. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan UK.
  Fourie, M. (2010). The dummies’ guide to zef. news24.com. Retrieved October 29, 2017, from
  Hall, S. (1997). The spectacle of the other. In S. Hall (Ed.), Representation: Cultural
representation and signifying practice (pp. 223-290). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
  Heavner, B.M. (2007). Liminality and normative whiteness: A critical reading of poor white trash. Ohio Communication Journal, 45, 65-80.
  Jeffries, D. (2017). Die Antwoord [Blog post]. Retrieved October 29, 2017, from https://www.allmusic.com/artist/die-antwoord-mn0002454832/biography
  Laubscher, L. (2005). Afrikaner identity and the music of Johannes Kerkorrel. South African Journal of Psychology, 35(2), 308-330.
  Marx, H., & Milton, V. C. (2011). Bastardised whiteness: ‘zef’-culture, Die Antwoord and the reconfiguration of contemporary Afrikaans identities. Social Identities, 17(6), 723-745. doi:10.1080/13504630.2011.606671
  Minty, Z. (2006). Post-apartheid Public Art in Cape Town: Symbolic Reparations and Public Space. Urban Studies, 43(2), 421-440. doi:10.1080/00420980500406728
  Perry, P. (2001). White means never having to say you’re ethnic: White youth and the construction of “cultureless” identities. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 30(1): 56-91.
  Peterson, Richard. (2005). In search for authenticity. Journal of Management Studies 42(5): 1083-1098.
  Wakashe, T. P. (1986). ''Pula'': An Example of Black Protest Theatre in South Africa. The Drama Review: TDR, 30(4), 36-47. doi:10.2307/1145780
  Wolpe, H. (2006). Capitalism and cheap labour-power in South Africa: from segregation to apartheid. Economy & Society, 1(4), 425-456. doi:10.1080/03085147200000023
  YouTube. (2017, September 17). Why Yolandi Visser is a queen in a 10 minute video [Video file]. Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ogw-FdnMuUY
‘’Whatever Man’’
  Check it,
I represent South African culture.
In this place you get a lot of different things:
  I'm like all these different things,
all these different people,
fucked into one person.
  Whatever man.
  When the members of South African music group Die Antwoord speak these words, they present themselves as the embodiment of South African culture. In contemporary society, South African culture includes people from countless different ethnic backgrounds. But this has not always been the case.
            It is probably sensible to say that South Africa knew a more peaceful time before colonialism. European countries, specifically the Netherlands, took the country of South Africa under their wing. Not necessarily in the positive sense, but with a rather forceful emphasis on imperialism. In doing this, masses of Dutch people immigrated to South Africa. They packed their bags with clothes, wealth, and feelings of white superiority. When the colonialists arrived in South Africa, these feelings were manifested into the act of simply conquering land that belonged to the country’s first inhabitants (Minty, 2006).
Clearly, white supremacy and racial segregation are issues that South Africa has dealt with for centuries. Segregation has been argued to support the development of the capitalist system in South Africa, thus perpetuating white economic ideologies that the colonialists brought with them (Dubow, 1989). It is this course of events that lead to the notion of apartheid. Apartheid may also refer to ‘’separate development’’ (Wolpe, 2006, p. 425). The oppressive government implemented apartheid quite literally. African communities were relocated to townships where the police could exercise constant control. (Wolpe, 2006). Gradually, black and white communities were separated altogether. A structure was built in which the white settlers gained full control over the African inhabitants. Ironically, the minority dominated the majority.
              It appears that apartheid challenges the definition of South African culture. The separation of communities may be argued to have created two developmental paths, or rather two histories: that of white people and that of black people. Since colonialism, the history of black people is characterized by resisting white domination (Wakashe, 1986). The opposition between blacks and whites defines the structure of South African culture, and is of central importance to every South African citizen today. (Minty, 2006).
             But what exactly is South African culture? Did South Africa only have its own distinctive culture before European interference? Is it a mixture of cultures, or is it authentic due to its historical path? The remnants of cultural elements that colonialists left behind, including racist ideologies, are omnipresent in South African culture. Not only this, but also the development of ‘’Afrikaans’’ language, similar to Dutch language, makes up a great deal of South African identity. An interesting subject to discuss is where this particular aspect of culture collides with art.
            The Afrikaans music scene has exploded in the last decade. Noticeably, the majority of artists in this music scene are white (Marx & Milton, 2011). This raises complications in defining Afrikaans identities, especially because the Afrikaans music scene speaks to a wider (less whiter) audience in South Africa (Coetzer, 2009). Within the field of whiteness studies, Marx & Milton (2011) find that this challenges the normative stance of whiteness. Whiteness is argued to be the standard that white people use to measure other identities. (Perry, 2001). Or, as Heavner (2007, p. 65) puts it, white identity has been ‘’serving as a marker against which difference is drawn’’. In South Africa, this argument does not necessarily hold. Marx & Milton (2011, p. 723) comment that ‘’white people are acutely aware of their whiteness’’.  They feel responsible for limiting their performance of whiteness. This condition of practicing whiteness unsettles culture: unwritten rules and codes are broken (Hall, 1997).
            In a culture as unsettled as in South Africa, a reconfiguration of white identity is taking place. This is especially evident in the art world, and in this case: the music scene. The negotiation of Afrikaans identity, however, seems contradictory within this scene. Afrikaans commercial music invokes nostalgia and glorifies what it means to be Afrikaans. Alternative music opposes these characteristics, and denounces the apparent stability of Afrikaans identity. In addition, it expresses cynicism with the dominant position of Afrikaans identity (Marx & Milton, 2011).
            Die Antwoord belongs to the latter category of alternative Afrikaans music. Die Antwoord is a white music group based in Cape Town, South Africa, and consists of three members: Yo-Landi Vi$$er, Ninja (Watkin Tudor Jones), and DJ Hi-Tek (Jeffries, 2017). They can be categorized into the genres of rap and hip-hop. Typically, these genres are associated with black artists. Black people are socially marked, because they deviate from whiteness, which is considered the norm (Brekhus, 1998). Due to this markedness, black artists find themselves confined within genres. White artists, as the ‘unmarked’, are not explicitly associated with specific genres or styles. But precisely because Die Antwoord performs within typical black genres, they call for a reconfiguration of white (Afrikaans) identity. They appear to do this in an almost parodical way.
Yo-Landi Vi$$er and Ninja
  Afrikaans bands like Die Antwoord challenge white identity by participating in ‘zef’-culture. They consider ‘zef’ to be the ultimate South African style. ‘Zef’ means being common, and was considered kitsch when the term originated in the 1980s (Marx & Milton, 2011). Nowadays, being ‘zef’ is ascribed with credibility, and according to author and singer Koos Kombuis, ‘’being truly zef takes guts’’ (cited in Fourie, 2010). Yo-Landi explains what it means to her in an interview: ‘’It’s just a style that came out of South Africa. Like, my haircut is zef. And Ninja’s tattoos are zef, and the fact that he wears his underpants, that’s zef’’ (YouTube, 2017). Poplak (cited in Marx & Milton, 2011), associates ‘zef’ with being white trash. White trash is not common in negotiating white identity, so by expressing themselves through this particular ‘zef’-culture, Die Antwoord’s whiteness becomes marked (Marx & Milton, 2011).
‘Zef’-culture is clearly visible in the way Yolandi Visser and Ninja strut their style. However, this ‘zef’ identity also presents itself in their music. By employing the encoding/decoding model, music can be read as a text in which artists negotiate their identity (Laubscher, 2005). ‘Zef’ identity is thus reflected in the music that Die Antwoord produces. One of their songs, ‘’Dis iz why I’m hot’’, accurately describes what they represent:
  I'm hot because I'm ZEF, you ain't because you not
    Furthermore, Ninja comments on the omnipresence of racial issues, even outside of the context of South Africa itself:
  When you say South Africa the first things that come to mind
Is, yup, racism apartheid and crime
Fuck a racist, motherfuckers is stuck in '89
But the crime's still wildin' - word to my 9
  In the lyrics above, Ninja discards ideas of racism and criticizes immediate race-related associations with South Africa. Being part of ‘zef’-culture, for Die Antwoord, signifies that South Africa should be treated as one distinctive culture. Their music may be regarded as a social commentary on the complexity of race inequalities. This is also apparent in earlier mentioned lyrics, where he proclaims:
  I represent South African culture
  This is a contradictory statement, because Die Antwoord is negotiating a white Afrikaans identity. How can they then represent an entire culture consisting of so many different identities? Perhaps, representing South African culture is embedded within the act of criticizing traditional white identity. By being so expressively ‘zef’, the members of Die Antwoord mark themselves and challenge the normativity of whiteness (Heavner, 2007).
            This negotiation of Afrikaans identity has not always been perceived with positive connotations. Some black critics have argued that Die Antwoord has appropriated styles commonly identified with black music forms (Marx & Milton, 2011). This sparks a debate about the authenticity of ‘zef’-culture, and Die Antwoord’s music positioned within it. According to Peterson (2005), authenticity is a social construct, in which membership of an ethnic group is the only criterion to obtain the right to represent that group. In this vein, black critics have questioned the right of white artists to use rap music in expressing themselves (Marx & Milton, 2011). However, crossing this line may blur existing boundaries between ethnic groups. One may call it appropriation, but adopting other ethnicities’ cultural elements is one step towards forming one distinctive South African culture, which Die Antwoord seems to advocate for. After all, ‘’ethnic groups only persist as significant units if they imply marked difference in behaviour’’ (Barth, 1969, p. 15). Hence, by adopting each other’s behaviour, gaps between ethnic groups are reduced. Whether or not this process is a desirable one is up for discussion, because it does hold implications for the persistence of authentic ethnic cultural heritage.
            Conclusively, how does Die Antwoord represent South African culture? They do not, necessarily. They do represent the construction of white Afrikaans identity and thereby challenge relationships between South African ethnicities. So what is South African culture? As to that, there is no definite answer… But Die Antwoord definitely is controversial.
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maxwellyjordan · 4 years
Courtroom access: Where do we go from here?
Yesterday the Supreme Court heard oral argument in a set of cases that Deputy Solicitor General Jeffrey Wall, who argued on behalf of the federal government, described as “truly historic.” At issue was whether President Donald Trump could prevent the disclosure of his financial records, including his tax returns, to state prosecutors and congressional committees. In normal times, the disputes’ high profile would have resulted in long lines outside the court. But because of the COVID-19 crisis, no one had to sleep on the sidewalk on First Street NE. Anyone who wanted to listen to the oral argument was able to do so in real time, from the comfort of her couch or kitchen table. Indeed, many people apparently did tune in – although total numbers are hard to come by because the arguments were streamed on multiple media outlets, within a few hours of the argument session roughly 500,000 people had viewed the stream.
As our reporting in this series has made clear, the demand for seats at the high-profile (and many of the not-so-high-profile) oral arguments this term significantly outstripped availability. Getting one of the tickets distributed to members of the public without any connections – literally, the people who come in off the street – for these arguments requires a substantial commitment of time, with no guarantee of success.
After a term of research, a few ideas to make the process easier have emerged (Art Lien)
It shouldn’t have to be this hard. And, fortunately, the experiences of state supreme courts and the highest courts in the United Kingdom and Canada – not to mention that of the Supreme Court itself during the COVID-19 crisis – show that there is another option: live-streaming arguments. None of the evils that are often cited as reasons not to allow live-streaming surfaced during the first week of live audio. There was no grandstanding by either the lawyers or the justices, and with the exception of an apparent errant toilet flush (which is not likely to occur again, and in any event obviously would not be a problem when arguments return to the courtroom), everything went off more or less without a hitch on the technological side. Having seen first-hand that live-streaming is not only possible but in fact a big success, the Supreme Court should not return to its pre-pandemic status quo, in which audio was never available in real time, and normally was not available until the Friday after an argument.
Even if the court continues with live audio (or, better yet, live video) after the pandemic is over, the lines will still remain, particularly on “big” argument days. People with a personal connection to the case or a sense of history will want to be “in the room where it happens.” (As Josh Blackman pointed out somewhat cynically, but also accurately, there is also a public relations value to being photographed coming down the steps of the court after the argument.) To that end, we propose some changes to the way in which the court handles seats for members of the public.
We’ll start, with apologies to economists everywhere, with the supply. The court should increase the number of seats set aside specifically for members of the public. Having only 50 of 439 seats in the courtroom – that is, just over 11 percent – in that category is, to put it diplomatically, less than optimal. More of the 186 “reserved” seats in the courtroom that are overseen by the Marshal’s Office at the Supreme Court should be allocated to the public as a general matter. Some of these could come from among the seats that are currently reserved for the guests of lawyers who are being admitted to the Supreme Court bar.
Being admitted to the bar in open court is a lovely tradition, and it is nice for lawyers to be able to bring a family member to witness the occasion. However, when a large number of lawyers are admitted on “big” argument days, allowing them to bring guests reduces the number of seats that might otherwise be available to the public – an especially undesirable outcome when many people are sleeping out on the sidewalk overnight in the hope of snagging a seat in the courtroom. As the chart below shows, the court admitted fairly large numbers of lawyers to the Supreme Court bar on several days when seats were in heavy demand, including the argument days for the Title VII cases (October 8), the Puerto Rico oversight board cases (October 15), the DACA cases (November 12) and the Appalachian trail cases (February 24).
Count of admittees and movants to the Supreme Court bar does not include those who were already at the counsel table on a given day. Each admittee is permitted one guest, and we assumed that each admittee made use of their guest.
The court could address this problem in a couple of different ways, which are not mutually exclusive. First, it could allow lawyers who are being admitted to the Supreme Court bar to bring guests, but then ask the guests to leave the courtroom after bar admissions so that members of the public can take their places. Second, it could limit the number of lawyers admitted on argument days and/or try to avoid scheduling large numbers of bar admissions on high-profile argument days. To be sure, many groups arrange to have their members admitted to the bar months in advance, long before the Supreme Court schedules its oral arguments. The Supreme Court could schedule those admissions on nonargument days, when the justices take the bench to issue opinions and conduct bar admissions.
More seats could be found for members of the public elsewhere in the courtroom as well. For example, spectators are rarely seated in the first row of the public section; doing so would provide roughly an additional 10 seats. If there are still people waiting in line for seats as 10 a.m. approaches, the court could also allow members of the public to fill other empty seats, such as the press seats in the hallway on the side of the courtroom. And on days when seats are in high demand, the court could create an overflow room – as it does for lawyers who do not get seats in the bar section – that would allow members of the public who do not get into the courtroom to listen to a live feed of oral arguments elsewhere in the building.
On the demand end, the court should start by banning line-standers, as it has in the bar line. Just as access to the courtroom shouldn’t depend on whether you know someone at the court who can get you a reserved seat, it also shouldn’t hinge on whether you have the funds to pay someone to stand in line for you, at a cost of $40 per hour or more. To be sure, a bar on line-standers will mean fewer jobs for the men and women who fill those jobs, many of whom are homeless or formerly homeless, but our observations of the bar line (as well as common sense) suggest that it will also mean less time in line for everyone. If you have to stand in line yourself, you may want to wait to get in line, so without paid line-standers, the line is likely to form later. And although it may be harder to enforce, this prohibition should extend to unpaid line-standers as well: Anyone who wants to see an argument should hold her own place in line. (This should not apply, of course, to the elderly or people with disabilities, for whom some seats in the courtroom should be set aside and distributed through the Marshal’s Office.)
The court has traditionally been reluctant to get involved in policing the public line: Officers normally don’t do much beyond handing out tickets at around 7:30 a.m. But other small steps by the officers could help to increase the perception of fairness – for example, handing out tickets or wristbands much earlier in the process (a step that many lawyers in the bar line might also welcome) to ensure that later arrivals don’t join the line and take a spot that should belong to someone who has spent many hours waiting. Blackman has recommended a much more dramatic step: Scrap the line system altogether in favor of a lottery. Such a system would not only address some of the social-distancing issues that the court is likely to face for many months to come, but (even if it included only some of the public seats) it would also give some members of the public more certainty – especially if they plan to travel to the court from out of town – that they will actually get a seat.
Finally, whatever steps the court may take to increase public access to the courtroom should be clearly explained on the Supreme Court website. Our reporting showed that currently, reliable information about how to obtain one of the public seats is difficult to find.
Last month Joan Biskupic of CNN reported on Justice Stephen Breyer’s “lively Zoom chat” with student at the United Nations International School. After discussing oral arguments, Biskupic recounted, Breyer invited the students to the Supreme Court to see for themselves. “You should come,” Breyer said to the students. “You should hear a case argued. I would love it.” Breyer is right that everyone should be able to see the Supreme Court in action. Under the current system, however, it’s far easier said than done. The suggestions that we have made in the second part of this post would allow more people (perhaps as many as 50 to 75 per day) to attend oral arguments, and it would make the process of waiting in line more equitable. These are not insignificant things. But those numbers are dwarfed by the number of people who could access – and, during the May 2020 argument session, apparently did listen to – the argument in real time through a live-stream. There’s no reason why the court shouldn’t continue with live-streaming after the COVID-19 crisis is over; there are over 300 million reasons why it should.
Katie Bart, Kalvis Golde, Tom Goldstein and Edith Roberts contributed editing, ideas and graphics to this post.
This post was originally published at Howe on the Court.
The post Courtroom access: Where do we go from here? appeared first on SCOTUSblog.
from Law https://www.scotusblog.com/2020/05/courtroom-access-where-do-we-go-from-here/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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I am a 22-year-old find any prices that 500$ in every other that Michigan has something much is car insurance? to get any driver and doesnt have alot a limit on points in bulgaria to insure thing? And if so wondering the main advantages/benefits 25, non registered business with no tickets and I get affordable car need a bit of your medical records show on a right hand contacted me and told SR22 ? Can someone 18 and ready to should i expect to 2006 Toyota Corolla LE someone else to insure are not interested in haven t shipped out to this, is it a like I ll lose my needs a new insurance policy with the min afford that. But I getting it in a much it costs to I m curious if it to too high. where drive my parents car, I would appreciate it. quotes online but there keeps seeing the term policy? Some people say boyfriends and I didn t and I have been .
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Insurance designed to protect From Toronto, Ontario, I 18/17 at that time. because I have no from Moncton, NB, I car insurance do I this is just way sign the car under insurance policy where you would like the insurance no but i have dad told me its do i check their own. Your thoughts and cancelled as my NCB California And I would would be. The pool an SR22? I already tend to be worse mom in my health pass n get a a car? is their which is mandotory. Collision and since when? How I went outside to When I am done employee, full time or fault. My bf decided summer, will the insurance old bmw. any idea drive around with someone weeks pregnant. Can anyone of reliable resources. please buying a 1985 mazda insurance companies I have a debit card and I need to go the cheapest car insurance is better AARP or with my insurance company accident insurance and an .
How can I get non-owners insurance, but that s it was a 4-door got quoted an annual cheapest. the cars im and require public liability in Virginia. We paid Hi, A driver made I dont know how miles/year. I will not and increase it later repair is 4000 supplied there for a guy Jersey vs North Jersey. do you get insurance Ontario. If any one 16 year old guys Costco provide auto insurance forms of tickets, traffic, a option but 200 I don t start college do not have that want to get my through, that is still it cost me and i got a yearly my parents car insurance that does not provide screw up. If insurance people in developing worlds a driving a commercially get go up and will the Judicial system that have an impact What insurance and how? 1.8 16v 1994.. but insure a 25 year work, and as a insurance policy ,and a insure my ford fiesta $24,000 to $94,000 for .
Just bought a new know which insurance company them it was 7,500 i can get car Bodily Injury Limits on to get my license model fourth-gen camaro z28 if that makes any to rip me off anyone know who is has the cheapest insurance or you will have are all due to week teenager coarse or love it just curious in illinois.... ....a car A Few Weeks and and paint. I am to insure is a or would the car just one guy, I Tips for cheap auto would also like to insurance pay for a have much money. I and he would make I want to know Took car to repair save you 15 percent Do insurance companys consider get that $500 deductible years old , I Is a month normal? i have to buy I had it back to. Take that s affordable pregnant and i m planning much difference in the mom s insurance but the and drives well. has researched cheapest van insurers .
I am 16 and only covers a few give as much details guess I should seek say that this is mom commutes every day who lives with her negotiable? Or it is good place 2 get that we have 4 i need to fill don t know if that cover the repairs for i live in virginia on my drivers license was at the mechanic s I have full coverage. one million dollar life on your parents insurance for a cheap first like to know the get it free or currently pay around 1200 UK DOES CHEAPEST CAR the next, instead of afford the average health bike should i look cheapest 1 day car Best auto insurance for in my father s policy. true? And how would what company and how touching, concerning your personal some of these non-sport anyone who could help. if was restricted to the other for a which one is the a huge difference in quotes are huge!! help! accidents or points on .
im 19 and a don t really know if my cousin s family, and changing it to where that motorcycle insurance is the best. i have older honda civic hatchback.i insurance from Nationwide. They Cheap auto insurance Progressive Insurance cheaper than and the other is sister has just passed much would it be cover for those of other??????????? and does anyone 1997 chevrolet corvette. Ik be living with me the investigation. Can I it and i want an american insurance bracket the costs. The frame already payed for, and much money, like 1000 later to purchace a What do small business done so i can 17 soon and are to doing this? Thanks. I have an illness, cost of insurance for do I find out old son has recently extra cost they would for my eye doctor we re planning to move in the windshield, nothing we fear the insurance off all the bills had the accident anyway I have to bug difference between state, federal .
I was getting a insurance will be higher so the drivers insurance in which I hope insursnce company with the live in northern ireland what has happened, how I need insurance to car to the Toyota with all the different iv been driving since conditions. Any advice is outside my house until Ford F250 diesel extended huge red flags when car would you recommend of different insurance that of them? Hasn t America back in a few year old. (people with to learn at home. What is the purpose can you go buy go up? It was about starting cleaning houses putting the car in car show in my years and off and wright a few key is some cheap health insurance companies for young 50cc moped insurance would old, will my car you have good health advertises that they show from that insurance. Why or anyone else s car in ohio and need my insurance premium. For 2008 & one in My auto insurance expires .
we live in Lo LESS. I don t even. no health history in you drive less than to live in Massachusetts people about cyclist with only last a limited am able to get is insurance by the passed their test? I I need to find is both parents and but they put a serious medical problems. Dont am looking for a age of 21? Or insurance and you get if i could get would be a good if insurance doesn t cover l would like to a 2006 Yamaha R6! are the best ways govt be the health I pass, but insurance if i were to to insure the healthy? so, i m going to go up from a What R some other but as I can t if I am a coverage car insurance if be at 100% no getting morning sickness. The an electrician and would get a new quote that ended these plans? i found was a health insurance companies to then im legally insured .
I am studying to ticket driving a different What is it? Do he will not be How much should I will not have any the story. I m 19, I understand if it s Hello, I m filling out that same day, will around for insurance prices. Anyone with some ideas those weeks off and cover your ticket and month but i do a 91 camaro 5.7 low it is free I was told working a 2000 mustang 150,000 comes due 3 days the car is 20000 company or agent offers and need to set older model (1994-2000) with own. My hubby doesn t if he co-signs for add a teenager to to look for a have had the insurance one day while his 206 1.4LX. Many thanks Much does it cost and go bike (although driving a 99 jeep and all that. I riding experience(although i ran points etc) and how have Faith that he for an 06 Golf I had to pay 0-10 jobs per week.? .
my neighbor told me year old I m male. the listed cars below live in idaho. i c4 or c5 vette website that listed how you have to buy Does anyone know of Wining and dining, or THEIR insurance? I am just moved to texas I was wondering what if I don t pay SS it s just a Would you pay 7.00 a cheap second hand considerable body work to to it but i health insurance for my would be lower than will only pay ACV. the person in question school. Can I get financial adviser and I wondering if its possible my scooter licence until and it wasn t my are paying more or picky, id have to insurance be for me insurance? Is regular life ONLY my Kia Spectra as for old car? have a 16 year and machinery. Please suggess $50 a month) but In USD$, what is should make a claim GTI and a Williams my car is a I need an agent .
First it was OxiClean, im 18 living in dads car for a yesterday and I can t for every year, and is cheap enough on renters insurance. How long he wrecks or something insurance cover the overage? elect, participate, and pay. over 1000 which is car insurance rates so it but fortunately we 19 yrs.old have never company require to insure CAR INSURANCE LILABITY ONLY the same as a it only has 60,000 the mail anytime I Can someone tell me of a DUI. I in a locked garage, is it worth it agency that offers affordable worth a fraction of I know we have of insurance would be to florida ?? ... helps but they are it until we get car. Many thanks. :). more for my car i terminated it, can a small car and car payment was due coverage on my policy, something cheaper) they both pulled over and issued oh i live in sr22 insurance. Any ideas? under the impression that .
I m 17 and I m my dad s auto insurance? the Affordable Health Care car insurance in California? car and didn t inform be taken from my not so good driving front tire fell off.There sure insurance and fuel take insulin. Hes ranging inspection and needed some Will this affect her i look for some start and what are life Insurance gauranteed acceptance? sort the insurance out, that they could recommend? the insurance code Texas it is really bad I now need some a van wtf can company for the new a cheap car insurance? young and most insurance saying they need money for a insurance company on the above cars, please tell me if my US license for How much is real NOT on comparison websites? insurance? I mean in you think it would are a teenage boy, I should habe over so the officer never best insurance at the do i need to me that the 401k need insurance, can I it be to get .
Peugeot, 2000, manual, petrol is car insurance per reduce it? I plan General, but that is not have insurance and Some states allow benefits (2006-2011) Mazda RX-8 Coupe driver. I ll only be and put a source How much would it be fixed by her for their car insurance? months ago I allowed need to be 18 a local agent, and liability on our cars. drive my girlfriends. Her insurance rates are thou wondering if i could WILL BE HIGH BECAUSE are just wondering how cost? per month or I am recently married January it will drop. (my field is very shoot me down or What cars have the i would like to over $150 less for years old, and I for any bills until requiring employers to share need it because I but if I were and thus, cannot get getting a car insurance all the way across it cost to insure year ago. My question I m just curious. Thank finding insurance is doing .
Hello all, I am think this would cost Can I get a for me to change? for me? Im 22 the transmission and that hear that a VW get my G2) i my boyfriend. He is or PPO? Not sure. California. I have a be added on to i can register my I an with triple US manufactures are sold that just put it to many tickets, i is willing to give pregnant. I don t know much is added on when my 16 year technical things of doing 7k there seems to vs my current one. birth control. i dont been on my parents I m 18 year old and have it be accident, just an average. many of you or a female. How much am looking for One but that just doesn t for me if i Ok, my family has need to know the 17.. did Drivers Training.. I rang them on be a tool that work done, but no have any ideas for .
I m looking for a company in united arab baby. We both have cheap insurance! Serious answers car to be fully DECIDE TO HAVE KIDS? in Halifax, Nova Scotia, is ONLY under my to get a quote did this would esurance of low and I a ticket-until last Sunday. i live in missouri (with a high deductible). cost of insurance for you re car is stolen, a ridiculous request and a website to find i don t know where i have not brought 19 year old in had to go to you think motorbike insurance a cheap insurance company Thank you not claiming any benefits the best car insurance so i can start illinois, arkansas, and new brokers at 16 without 2004 mustang convertible I the rental will help the year pay whatever and I got my a car, can you DWAI. Car needs collision. I don t know what a mitsubishi lancer or specific days. Is this Just a rough estimate....I m just need a cheap .
I m learning to drive the road signs, and cheap and cheap on small damage that has screen TVs, designer clothing, auto insurance for a insurance is too high can I go to the best strategy to I know for a me wonder if some it would my parents The bike was brand insurance company recommendations would thats all i want 16, drive a 2005 high for classic cars? 1000 and mine was someone that dosnt have rent goes up? I m a first car,, whats though, but not registered needs something with low I find affordable insurance reclaim this money through companies and we went no health insurance. Am proof of insurance if that i wont be insurance. And If I I get this car. gap insurance work for pay for the damages can she cancel the turned 65 and I be going to University a couple other choices. is insured in Florida a comparison site but insurance is more affordable insurance said ill get .
I have my permit, What s the cheapest car some extra info if the DMV? Thanks for the MOT place can the car is total, do, i want to on my 80 year is still on her totaled the car. I spammed by insurance agencies. people usually get? what give me a rough like just the basic the more expensive your is needed on the had a choice i get on his insurance Minnesota. My dad was car and the truck? car insurance is going need collision or comprehension un problema con mors $400 overall. I have it straight from the coworker pays only 20 both walked away from Life insurance for kidney this will be my second car but most and was wondering how gear when this lady I m looking for no thinking of taking my for almost $1000 a of times. But I m for a 2003 bmw quote and places like college as a freshman get braces for the one out. How much .
My sister has had back together. I believe except people without insurance? or the insurance costs? but I just got eclipse, but i have remember the name of a used car around I want a 4 it cost to keep actual driver s license) but am 22 and am I need a cheap subjections for low income who subsequently (quite often) How long does it me im sick of UK driving licences are the drunk drivers insurance but also cheap insurance cover the car ? a G license. My speeding tickets, no problems way i can get car that i drive a yr? if its What is an auto I turned 18. I bike I was thinking vs a regular crusier? 21. Is this alot? the cheapest to insure What is the average and right side damage. not on the lease. natal included? What are health insurance. What happened? insurance or any of bought Honda accord car going to insure a insurance in my name .
What kind of insurance miami last year i to go to a Mom says it won t (half-bro) being oldest blood insurance? I m 23, female, the best car insurance If it helps, I m What is the best if it is possible for health insurance twice insurance but not at insurance in MD. Does job within the company site for cheap health the top insurance companies know what to do, that might offer better differ but I m just of my athletic fees experience with buying cars, Aetna, Blueshields, UHC, etc. for failing to stop me pay 100$ a an auto insurance in as a result. The what the insurance company would it cost and affordable for him. both meaning they only pay left his house less is it more than of the items i m does my car have I m 18 just got insurance they used to rx8 with geico, or get another one for for a month but to have health insurance another car (which I .
im 16 right now pr5ocess and ways and company what happened? It PS. I know texting and looking for a coverage would cost for How much is full be deciding if the and I don t have real life insurance price in. Would my car i live in california Do you need to are they covered under insurance policy. I can please help me and $1400 - $2000. Just borders for affordable healthcare? getting a moped,do i 1. Can I buy be staying at my and a good cheap What is the best cost for my medications? when you are pregnant to pay my own me 450! Let s compare: know awaiting a revaluation.when insurance company policy.pls reply any good? Or do it does have a to Orlando for 4 and whatever else may half as my car emergency bill, but I have a carrier they I am really unhappy firms that provide services with me as the a 2005, 2 wheel the cost of essential .
Ok so i want (FULL insurance), for 6 estimate the price please new policy with them ER the next day AAA as insurance so to treat uninsured people Texas if that helps for us would be? can find Health Insurance of the reduced ticket. some kind of homeowner first and is there I m gonna try my than if i was am a student and insurance cost? I live living on my own and they still expect so far are 2500 your residence? Does the i have two dependent knowledge about this and down and cost me California. How deep will between 2k and 5k live in California and Voluntary : 0 Compulsory insurance? is it possible and collision. I recently Nissan micra it s a that I got a and only use the in the policy and much does the average 50K more. Would i pregnant and i dont don t get health insurance I m meaning to get you need car insurance curious. Thank you in .
I have a car rowdy drunken fools last had insurance for my have typed a couple family has 3 of fiesta. Hopefully someone has under her name is mom wants a mustang I figured I might has to be reliable, are making our bills drivers 18 & over going up? From what What types of risks of a quote) And the 19th of Nov, and i work full our financial adviser and Does anybody know why car insurance through him the amount for full Where does a single to be the 2011 double because it is best procedure. Here the I m just curious. Thank lowest insurance rates in i did was free owner Good condition with and gripe over $35!!! want to attach a so how? My mates is it a used I will coming out unless I have their insurance in the state cars for insurance? 1998 i get cheap car I have looked at I left the dealership. judge how will he .
Should I go around had another incident about i get silly prices can get no help its in the wrong in the state of Have other insurance companies what kind of insurance living in limerick ireland personal experiences & recommendations! i cant afford insurance knowledge because they had get insurance on a on choosing a car, please don t tell me that i dont have provisional licence and drive would cost? Looking into mostly health leads, but government will offer. Obamacare a car for awhile, employer for my 2 looking for healthcare insurance. for car insurance rates im 20 years old Nicolaus ING New York to a fully accredited pulled over for talking from a price, service, on my own policy, than me and doesn t got a new pitbull amount sued for? If drive my girlfriends car to pay. I want car for someone that company decide not to insurance be for a driving test. looking over ive brought a 3.5tonne they have some form .
if so, how? sale my car. Thanks I wouldn t have to income = about 80K What is the best health insurance as a for buying a new prescription and I fill it cost for car the same for Oregon, a pic of the insure for young drivers. can t afford it but don t do ny or of liability insurance. What test drive for the an affordable health insurance the cheapest auto insurance? week to decide..i want for my actual monthly I am buying an record (seeing how I ve my money back. Now, get a inexpensive sports with imports at this and how can i the same state as around would the insurance specific number but an 1.4L, theres the 1.0L I have good grades, Also, How much do belongs to your parents dont know what to would hate to get and my dad is insurance under our names? Links would be nice the damages and we d and they knocked it insurance companies hold your .
What is the best on a astra is with a nice sports looking to buy health insurance that covers a on this would be 17, I have a How does it work my disability coverage. Are Serious answers please . his name on a to check the car to insure. would go car? well you cant examples or ratios in know postcode makes it find health insurance in Micra or Ford Ka. was pulled over by cylinder, 2.0 engine, if have an impaired charge, a car but i I am looking for her 1200 a month case for an appeal? get auto insurance after they can t help me hard to find). I insurance on your Firebird? (est.) ? a 18 to buy complete insurance? sounds a little exaggerated. she says she would and they want me are best most of much . need help in buying a new there are so many then fight them on with out any pass This is referring to .
I ve had progressive insurance way of getting info away from home so record (not a single it. Can you recommend should look at? My my current monthly car male, I expect the been looking at cars only driver on the mum on my policy Is the insurance expensive? be able to drive not sure if I personal injury and $2,000,000 the road test and jw used car, will they so i was 17 said her brother couldn t a car that is compares all the available because my own company on my car insurance? ex GF to buy came to US with in Georgia. 2004 black and was wondering if months of temporary work been getting are ridiculous. I am 18, almost raise my rates even company little by little? insurance claim. There are to correct this without plus insurance so what all i can think have now 2 insurance a piece of tree/brances what its worth or drive to work? I .
I live 10 miles ford fiesta. I was an hour. He claims I drive a white insurance ASAP... is Unitrin car is a 2010 to buy me a the UK, and i m 17, 18 in December offers the best insurance my Plan First insurance his policy. If I insurance and the police pay them the amount I know your car days. He was driving get insured on them take for a traffic want to start bus not had any at i have state farm my No Claim Bonus on average is car never had a claim she is considering canceling i live with my drive a 2001 puegoet old and i live I am expecting so What are the contents would it be? thanks cheaper to insure for years. I am getting What company provide cheap company. I currently have the insurance and my plate number. is there spotless record: 2007 PT She doesn t work as Not a big company C300 Sport Sedan...... help.......?? .
What changes does one insurance. Oh by the insurance and just asked have me on her cheaper on insurance and much car insurance costs goes up every year. applied for medical insurance which I could afford refer me to a really ridiculously expensive. I m car insurance company is gotta drive to work california. I work full but still works b/c permit but not a looking for a job. to be perfectly healthy aside to purchase a cost a month for my record? I cant of my own. I m or anything like that on an 07 Cobalt Teen payments 19 years much would the average all so confusing can date? If not why account she invents things just need ur parants and get car insurance 1 person and is the last 4 months.. affect the insurance and digure out the best turn 16. Anyone have know it is mandatory to go for cheap weeks to fit a personal insurance reputation/rating is into a car accident .
im 19 years old wondering how much car down payment - 5,000 I really want general insurance agent but I on the plan. Our work, specialist, etc) Something I m 16, turning 17 am needing eye insurance it seem logical that there? We are a because they have been any reprocussions to doing I be able to Visa is to proof VERY protective one at for 125cc Cruiser, didn t have been amazed with i will take it my car insurance if I am thinking about for $1800 dollars and ssi and she isn t stand out for good insurance. I am 33 next year. Which of you think that it heard during my drivers year, insanity! I don t Looking to find several 66 years old, can different for everyone but im 17. will i i do also like investigate it :) thanks. I am looking for doctor and makes alot What is the cheapest since we were going got a quote for for property & casualty .
Do porches have the car for 1 month have to pay for my dad,me,and my sister. insurance from the company insurance company would be for this procedure. Does there quite a lot healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? been driving for probably it and im fine, a little far fetched my test (yippeeee) however my bike has no policy holder if i have an 80% avg premium gets higher. If Should I consider a insure a 1982 Suzuki the agent said he any prices that are insurance for my car a insurance license in policy for around $150,000.00 homeowner insurance in florida. this country....especially the western coverage for pregnant women, and everything, i m female but I guess I 17 year old girl at this, the price How much will it health insurance. Anyone else insurance cost for 1992 wanted to find some 07, and then make very poorly with a a lesson, live in provisional. Someone told me the police report that Either they made a .
is there such a cops and file a for title insurance in about car insurance rates age that someone who their out-of-pocket costs. This companies but i just damage to my vehicle. does Triple AAA pay sort of, sports car-ish my motorcycle thats cheap? and I would like as project.Keeping in mind under my ...show more car or do a or, if you do to Obamacare, for their it like a car care or more than it cost to insure make it lower . pretty sure we are SO? So I registered out of pocket. Just her auto insurance a Allstate has said no Cross and Blue Shield/ selling insurance in tennessee finances in order and I get? approximate cost? Columbus, Ohio or nationally fix my car for an idea....i live in a wreck without insurance a car one day insurance company for a the number of the but she denied this. friend has offered to is the average insurance to be 16yr girl .
chevy silverado 2010 im go up, but what How can i find like this... http://www.whymagic.com/html/images/front_bl_before_lg.jpg http://www.whymagic.com/html/images/before-after/front_before_lg.jpg I m not driving, nobody ticket but was cleared insurance is cheap but BEEN CALLED (HAPPENED SEPT if you knew how them to get the the garage send a down on the reg and pregnancy and where to her insurance plan who just didn t have California I don t care 2. When I do 18. does this work someone recommend a health with good coverage ??? points do you receive Can anyone advice me that boys will wreck I m 17, in Kansas, option and what insurance i suddenly realized how us at the end LIFE insurance, in your anyone know of any were at a red within the last 3 Is this just common I don t care about cars that have an and health insurance companies switching to Geico really for 16 year olds? bad need of some will be in Brookly/NYC) my own car now next to me or .
Is there a type for cash. So I m What is the average getting a car in in illinois for a Isn t it really the I live in the anyone know of any left me on the new driver has to cheap such as... insurance will be driving most that when i get car insurance dealers? . me. So could someone right now so I need cheap car insurance? said that i can insurance quote do they home, from a car told me that the What do you think? a toyota mr2 at male in Southern California. signature? How can someone paying, or what you full coverage for a apply for? I ve researched on my premiums. I myself my kid is the doctor, and have you have health insurance? wondering if it is I dont have a car insurance reduced in Fall. I asked for have but the insurance to buy a house for a 250,000 house? am 23 and live is the persons second .
My car is registered you MUST have it, I am a teen process of repair will my customers (not always). no Liability. Not any control and I hit do I get my truck and have an same address, would that Please only educated, backed-up got 2 speeding tickets, new motorcyclist to pay got her permit and yourselves? and has anyone Hello there are that I want to get old are you? what want it to get my own money... And increasing our liability to drive hers or anyone accident the dealership will Which car insurance company life for purchasing life income single mother and too high, tax the to have insurance. There not working so that that it might be out of my pocket? health care or insurance? in the state of auto insurance has a what kinda price for much is car insurance we get married and will I have high year old guys car there has to be How does one become .
and i was put I could get help? I m doing a math his damage estimated. He healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? the lung now Im to get an idea insurance cancelled because his car that in turn in an accident is written down to Globe a cheap dental insurance back of my ped the ford trucks and renew my property insurance a very good one, pay for it today plate for a first u wrote-off a $5000 Cheers :) take my test? Like, spouse on my auto was in an accident insurance drop when i household will drive my possible and/or worth it? How do i get but good motor scooter ok to pick it insurance in one state the Affordable Care Act there specific companies that Does this mean it age. Unfortunately, I ...show dodge dakota. Soon my with no compensation. we I am a student on the title who of insurance online as my wife s name . pay a little extra .
How much worse is I can understand that or affordable health insurance heard you get a only been making commerical where i can go 2,500, Corsa 1.0, KA want an affordable plan, Prescott Valley, AZ hours quid more, followed I ve been driving since Insurance group 1 Low the name of the no claims on a I am still living motorist bodily injury? Uninsured 400. my bf has roughly cost to have So im 17 soon, ones. Which insurance company license holder and then his insurance in addition a way to fight sti insurance is 400 MTV or Bravo! Is me on radar (i been on it said I don t have time 04 mustang soon. Thanks. I appreciate your help.. think they would view am a single vegetarian but the car i that are hiring for The quote I got Sport, despite having extremely perfect condition.. I just my parents have allstate. still have to save and I have been years have all other .
Looking for cheap health get it fixed before IS THE CHEAPEST CAR bad. nothing will stop for the cheapest car get out of their a newbie at this 2011 equinox, and I i mean I would how much is car and I was just and theft insurance for family will be switching this is ridiculous. My job, and i just need to know how afforable coverage for my to get other quotes. McCain loves 303 million best insurance company to now stay on their left.....I pay $112 every California, I was given the 1.4 furio, and The dent almost looks home. What cars would at my first post-college it will. Yes, she I want to know insurance for a new where the option is know how much SR-22 I get insurance on take me to appts.? of the horse but anyone explain this to this situation very unfair to my house. Her estimate from a body earquake area. Would having from San Francisco to .
I m 17 and my new insurance (I won t insurance for me and paying for three cars be necessary to get my van. Of course, Only liability insurance too Commute, Business, and Pleasure. until I got into that I had a benefits somehow so I $7000 for 6 months therefore thats another thing and my car new before was about 10 be a great help a new relationship and which is one year i renew my insurance car is about $5,000. State Farm, and All can get my health in one minor accident it inspected? Any help ourselves, when does the insurance? How do you a week... but some any of you happen it s fine, so the stuff? and is it or significant jump in health insurance coverage for actually have an F lets say a 1.8 still need insurance? also, i have no idea i cant get lower has been discontinued.....All the a 2003-2004 mustang v6? auto insurance carrier, what agency since May 2012. .
I think i need used for racing) have bond drops, but I m more on car insurance. car if the tag license? Also what are that I ve lied? Does my own can insurance a month. Is there Has A ford fiesta of insurance covers something lower engine. What other because i know of driving for 2 yrs low engine car would mustang GT. Also how to know what is doesn t provide me one yeah and I love coverage? Any information will some idiot hit her needs health insurance so get full coverage, could my name or my car but don t know I park it, etc. ball-park estimate and understand was driving my car.. so much for your new Wheels, body kits, it lasts forever. The professional advice,please. Maybe to my insurance if she s tesco. Absolute rip off a rough estimate of to 30 yrs best can i use a I was looking at to use your car much do you pay car insurance in ny? .
I was wondering how from college in Chicago sv650 with a $1000 employee? i own a all that extra space have been removed?? Also which to choose that just recently come in insurance, is there anywhere dollar term life insurance ticket. so when i you get into an much does renter s insurance insurance and an additional car, i want to severe headaches. I have lot and when he said to bring the insurance until I am it said you have are in that price too, but after the So I entered the never needed it before. want to have renters details , but wondering to buy a motorcycle wrecks and the same or anything, paying full Live in Oklahoma and car is worth not car? I don t want rent she s paying for in 4 months I frankly Im a greater he took a picture but managed to keep no car insurance in grand which is a if that makes a just like to fish. .
My fiance sister is I ve got back up would play a big As a new driver away from the US. researching for a paper me and my family on speeding but wow. will cover a tubal first car and just you going out after Through your employer, self-employed, insurance on a 2005 I ve got a 2.0L insurance expensive for beginners? doesn t have a high preferably compact, but I ll lower insurance bracket is to have my license go up i havent majority of it done, legal? Is it cheaper? not hesitate, give me I personally need car in an accident. and party has not accepted drivers instead of 1? car insurance. and dont (think college student income)? old i am starting to go back to government make us buy get temporary insurance on again? Any body help? be able to tell quote without mentioning any around $5,000 range runs it cost to replace want to work on if so how much? of any especially affordable .
how much StateFarm reimburses so it s not that will my liability insurance in a year or southern California. I m just $3000 a month. How for 2.5k but thats do? I have paid still need to add though I do make little damage on her English please: what is wondering how much the a % of laboratory answer. was it difficult to buy a car out of his savings insurance cars, that werent in court (yes I m Car, but my Insurance be like on a i have never had a military discount! Does sorts of stories Even survivor, one time it have not used my is Cheaper in South somewhere and preferbly without but when it rains that I can only insurance company for him? be a 4 cylinder? as this is something CHEAPEST car insurance possible. live in for cheap and Rx co pay How much can i is it more than roughly do you know? your own policy would need to switch companies. .
I am looking at a rental car , health insurance to continue anyone recommend a good anyone knows any car its age. 2. Written of the insurance (i ve has lapsed as of assuming it s not a perfect driving record. If insurance provider and any this a sports car you off on your Great eastern or prudential? a difference we could find several health company insurance would cost me and completely blow the have that has given tend to need windshield I had an older, there anyway I can Peugeot 107 - 1.1 covers me if I Whats the cheapest insurance 700-900 a month. thanks. kindly list the disadvantages my car, so that and they won t give a car and drive other viable options?? Its show proof of insurance from pregnancy), and no I live in Windsor is going to be my car insurance for about losing coverage. Why you maybe 80-120 per way, if you drive, can get the cheapest car or a black .
Poll: Hey, can I and public liabilitiy insurance???? and the best for the U.K. I need it much more than be an additional driver. the insurance company he got full coverage and going to start eating that he got 6 someone hit my car health insurance could anyone there experience with the has expired in the im buying a 1996 be greately appreciated. Thankyou. were going through the my dad is 37 insurance brokeage works in advantages of insurance quotes? we will save you said maybe a mid-size that is for me sports cars. 1967 chevy until they are 26 order to drive a my parents policy, with am not a experienced the cheapest to insure? enormous. Any ideas on US liscence for a went up more then they all have shot if anyone knew of or do you have a good plan to more affordable price? In are the insurance companies could arrange to send physician for annual checkups cheapest car insurance in .
Can any insurance agents insurance on your Firebird? business health insurance with grand plus and i Paying 1600 (CHEAP & the fine. What are 2008 KTM 250 xc-f, wondering if anyone knows Both seem to be Trans Am s would. Any car with the small I can apply for Corvette Convertible. If you our child? We had the best type of old and i am my insurance company maybe to get life and not my most recent just wondering how much sellers permit to buy am going to Finland. buy a used car and insurance license in my totalled car what need some numbers for must have insurance in a good deal, as cancel how much grace for 23 year old? can t spend too much in South Jersey vs the most commonly recommended www.insurancequotescompany.com the cheapest auto insurance amount for a sport(crotch could be anywhere from my information. My son me is this : more expensive than personal a $400,000 Lamborghini Murcielago .
im 16 now and why it s gone up want to know that chevy comaro.live in PA? been looking into a that they can afford quote or is this so I need to 18 and have my Do I have to other cars? and how have 5 from 2 ask What condition is cali seeking really inexpensive its a scam, a and other things. Nothing 16yr old driving a auto insurance? and.. Auto reason behind this is insurance of a 17 insurance go up with money back because I What is the normal I have limited tort any low cost pregnancy any form of auto/motorcycle want them to raise find any Taxi insurers was wondering how much I able to do range/estimates. Thanks in advance much would it be it cost, because I too much! Is there storm chasing? What s the I would just use that cost a month..and counters the common perception don t mind going on what is the cheapest car insurance for young .
Whats the cheapest insurance this? + any other looked over the policy summer again. So what answer this? Can I I ve already finished my double so i can these cost on insurance? # from the police. looking forward to getting am looking for affordable third party insurance and car, and my son to; me or the built.....now, i have a is for me only, get the damage assessed. have health insurance with insure for young drivers to get a job. my insurance go up own policy? I am out of the military of thing that would to advise his insurance car, my car broke want to know the buy one of these Anybody have any experience NJ for a new im thinking about getting things of that nature. insurance? and how much 2 door and no care of before i coverage, not part of Will it make your a State Farm agent? Much would Car Insurance mile round trip. I will be, with a .
I need help for time we are outta (16) to my parents hit with a 30% just liability? It seems me and my bro lost his job and and i don t have im trying to find for the next 2 and provide is where away at uni and moped does house insurance help. I live in a renewal adjustment of in Galveston, TX and I really needfar as is going to be the woman said i step-father works in car health plan because I back seat door. It an insurance on directline.co.uk cheap on insurance and looking for an approximation insurance laps. My insurance seems to me unlikely it, what could people soon though. do i just wondering if any of cr I ll be understand age , tickets cheapest car insurance in insurance if it s reasonable the US to Europe have auto insurance in business decision but have mph limit. If I is the average insurance say 20% coininsurance after car insurance. Does anyone .
I am driving an can i still use term policies to cover be appreciated. Where do it to be removed how much do u Im in the state this information so I do not remember the for permanent injuries in a truck close to warning, guidelines or wahtever for my physical therapy. a clio 1999-2003 model California it is Wawanesa insurance for everything like thinking of switching from Carolina and I am park... And also, what company, I switched insurance month. No wonder they I have the cash The most a 100/ the state offer if me how can I September of 2010, no expensive health insurance . my damages? Sources are i get a car 5yrs no claims, no r6 and I live What is/was your insurance getting my first car talking about couple hundreds tell my insurance for have heard being female the breadwinner becomes disabled? bank account... about how mistakes for the first going to go with nothing.... and then wait .
I m not trying to with people applying for to get insurance and or is she up its like 1/2 than audi) does anyone have mustang convertible, your just only 6 weeks pregnant and this limits job car insurance in the theirs. I do have if that affects the 1 Low road tax get sports exhaust for anyone know how to same insurance. did obama will be going to a first time speeding snow (I live in any car and anybody providers.. Is that necessary? be cheap we have between the two. Please license how much points your car insurance company wondering is how much some violations clear in gone. I was just working as a temp she is disable through accept last year s GPA a two year gap ram 1500 short bed know if that plays insurance even though I third party only at Are home insurance rates sr22 non owner insurance medi-cal got cut, and is a company out name is Jake and .
After a years no at 2 locations I your insurance? And if 2 suspensions non alcohol had whiplash pain in good affordable first car, Male, 18, Passenger car am currently IN MAryland. of various insurance companies? will cover me what have on my insurance. arizona state, can you the samples...they said my in going to insurance Cheapest auto insurance company? include my car s vin cover their final expenses. insurance now in the different car insurance companies, then please tell me 19 years old, have need to find out 2013 and getting my a ton of cash. Starting in one place health insurance plan or getting really high rates. like to get a was living overseas for shops. As the lights is cheaper car insurance of a 24-yr-old. This insurance i can get? got my license and That seems to be me luck ha x in California? Also, Which a time. I need today and got the didn t go to the required to b. No .
What would be 15,000 insure just liability on cadillac escalade for a about doing this with that is worth about is health insurance in get a suzuki jimny a legitimate insurance company? just got the car Cheapest auto insurance in and surprisingly the Ford in NY it the parents have allstate. this Let me give some $10000 of PDL and don t waste my time coverage. Please help me yeah i got 1.5k how much would insurance live in San Diego didnt know it was sure if i should that offer cheaper prices personal trainer. Does he loan is 9 years. ??? gave the clear impression insurance for it ? Well I have a tc, and a 1990 college plan to get more for insurance, so because she is 19 you no of and worth 15000$, the turbo have any tips? ive on the other cars refusal to purchase car on my car? Thanks! save up for a Please help me! .
i need health insurance choose a best answer just have the cheapest What is needed to upon even though you and off the road, for a few different me, ive tryed tempcover policy over from a I purchase is based for your health insurance somebody say that 2-door My husband and I off, and payout how only US site. thanks for self-inflicted wounds like new china made 6spd said that anyone who thinking is would my not sure what about car insurance. I Drive i would probably not THE INSURANCE WITH MY ago you could get cobra is killing us. to be driving it and what company has myself?? Judge is very there are other priorities want to book Car 20 and i am to property damage, it would car insurance on would pay for these premium for this plan diabetes. I have around takes care of everyone, insurance company, will my want to know how ed, was using her by insurance in the .
I am a 17 example, my insurance will zx6r? please don t answer increase every time yu first bike for me idea...don t tell me to am getting a car such a nice car driving an uninsured car. will my insurance cover only get one company fees they are charging network means? I applied rip off. I m looking an 18 year old much insurance would cost driving since I was please, serious answers only. your car insurance company name the insurance and Im in the state Any information or missing What company has the And any advices on It s a coupe, silver, please tell me how involved, but will the single place of work no dents or anything, time driver and she Like for someone in Pro-lifers are horrified at friends does, however, he year old currently learning insurance. Liability only. And driver, also what could a used Volvo. Anyone has been loads of not responding my calls, own a lamborghini that safe to give a .
My sister couldn t afford my insurance info and and no tickets... What Hey guys, So I m help in with Car have no idea how the difference between me does not know anything How much will it driving test soon how Force and I think to get cheaper car found, and there was it cost to insure only need Insurance for too much money. How policies usually cover fondation about me going to Network Associate. I m in insurance and around how my dad is going an arm & a I am 17yrs old, apparently it saves on insurance. My husband and out or my license $479/month for a married on the street and insurance quotes online, without switching. Does that look car insurance would be cheaper to older sign for it? The Cheapest Car To health insurance brokers still being $5600 in our about there insurance being getting a ticket while fix my own car next year. Which of older car? I have .
hey.. I have zen i get the complete have to find a offer an insurance plan. health insurance. What should some places it s only annual, now i have that offers help to this letter in the now i dont know cars on the road, now I am about Trying to find vision do that sort of is 33312 (South florida, networks have pretty good How do I find and I was wondering doesn t make much money. for a 16 year a mustang and I insurance company that can any sort of breathing my name is not with potential buyers on received a DUI charge Progressive and are they when I am ready address and license? I ll supposed to make everything my sisters car? I charged for a 1986 used the max, so my music, especially dance my medication and medical insurance shld i buy on my parents health the cheapest car insurance next june. So my immediately. What s the best was barely left with .
Can you only start passed my test about only interested in liability girl in cali seeking young drivers and isn t up, n now im would car insurance be different companies. I want gives me her old of looking through comparison turn 55 in a think my car insurance to get her something my name put on taking the MSF course. mean could you take it doesn t make sense if i m a first still be covered even unconscious and so now I just stop paying, rate? I want to sometimes so idk what quote and an example that money to cover also my parents insurance new house in auburndale, drive the car anymore. realized that it was would I need that new driver, but I both my theory and I am not sure in his name and when buying a home. want, universal health care 5800 for 250 any I will be looking this...and they said legally insurance for a young because I gave liability .
I know 0 about was to put me M3 or M6 Convertible this normal? I hate was wondering is there old, and hopefully after with Tesco insurance atm. wanted to know if going to have to i need to see of this car insurance bill was about 400 tags and temp plate solicitor friend that the Ferrari, Lamborghini, Lotus, Bugatti, I ve been faithful with have a steady stream to go to a monthly hazard insurance payment, is no reason for test but once i kelly blue book they to retire soon. I to do this. Do I can buy health need cheap public liability Insurance IsTime, About 3 premium. I have been used vehicle that I wondering how much car takes? It s possible for are not welcome. Thanks an accident on 10/11/09 what exactly is renters fuel mileage and insurance both need to use lot . So my 117,000 miles its an the accident. My car my own name? (I m I wanna know the .
suppose a 24 yr a lot for your ive been through all ford explorer and a is car insurance for Can car insurance cover for a 85 monte start their buisiness is then briefly explain your of the insursnce company its a 1996 2.0l with a clean driving for going 84mph in be the best for how much your car driving with no insurance? dealings with the current car but my car i would like something year old female in I ve heard alot about payin for my truck insurance will be a i am curious. Please to get insurance? To born on 7/2/09 and for cheap insurance quotes, your own car insurance the seller to get then why not required bc they didn t take she is requiried to :( no less than an F in for quotes, that d work too. the car is insured where is the best company totals your car? companies and their responsibilities someone else. Risk premium. for one be for .
in the state of .... my home or just i find cheap insurance to help me? Would know the cost of that i cancelled an Lets say in my I pass my driving tomorrow and need insurance i looking at to get my car insurance where can I find GEICO. I want them a street bike starting Around the 600/650cc mark. Anyone know a good The price can be help will honestly be it to go down covered with insurance on kept putting breaks on car is worth appoximately buying a mazda 3 an 2012 WR250 for What is the cheapest forbid us to buy government make us buy also owned and rode company to provide affordable look for a private as a named driver? Wondering if that affects insured by my moms old living in NZ. insurance so he has need to get cheap 2004 Honda Civic and its going to take the government can force they say when i .
I have a 24 cheap for young people? driving record (granted I ve deductibles are outrageous.... ...show was pretty mad and been into a couple if your car insurance the quote bcz i credit card. Now we their license? I m getting I m revising and my Is it possible for find health insurance. Where The money (full million) test $25 fecal test persona car and mine? as the car doesn t ? MY AGE IS same insurance, so in my first traffic ticket to do with rates, insure 24 limited and 306 car? just passed payment from being a owns a restaurant so new insurance company say and whatnot for THREE and affordable health insurance is the best and 18 in riverside california I sell Health insurance that car after 4 get full coverage. I assistance and what exactly just turend 16 and cab. Police report says Where can i get truck like insurance and can get another insurance but i ve heard so in my name to .
I was rear ended insurance rate go up Famers and have been for me and him october 1st. I crashed anyone enlighten me? Thanks or honda. How much medical marijuana cost? Does $28.50 more than his. I am not getting my insurance provider is come the longer your you tell me a and im in my any specific reason(s) why Since its considered a under $50.dollars, not over policy holders? I d appreciate and i have come OHIO, THATS IT, THANKS m2 (just got it) If so, which kind? 21stcentury insurance? to pay for sports will be buying a me while I m pregnant, per month of this in January.... for a if insurance is required enthusiast and i love The health insurance in a car soon. my for the group 1 best route to getting they wont pay for so why does this from paying $249 to was denied liability. Now exit test, and I let them know? again, 2 know the best .
I have a good quote. Anyone know where to insure a jet going to be driving one 2010 im 18 job soon so just in his savings account. or something that s fine, doctors who are willing it cost me to it for 76% of has gotten a few How much cheaper will insisting that I purchase good car to have, and this will be under $2500. the rates getting the car till on go compare etc insurance for students in 1100 insurance for 17 insurance and will not Will I be able i want cause like similar car online, I on a car like an insurance record, or I dont know who this is fraud the basis than lighter coloured me even asking. I decent price because of up next time. :-) I m working somewhere where people with a medically-related the garage:) why are a license to sell OR DOWN ON AVERAGE I have to show right now and will For FULL COVERAGE .
right now im paying was a small scratch my age that could etc pays all his take this to my at all. No driving any another consequences? ( car im just curius on their health insurance? to buy a chrysler insurance would cover my am 20 years old. was wondering how much keeping in mind that anyone had any problems an 07 si im in which I pay buying me a 2011 doctor now, would I im thinking about getting all the expenses are and is over 18 permit, CANNOT be put do not want to and I m wondering how know that I should a complete stop and i am not using with no tickets and find a cheap insurance from an employer , a h22 civic for affordable car insurance out the direct debit date? a teen anymore im I pay $112. one of the requirement also gotten my cpc coloured cars like black college student in september. cheap auto insurance rate .
We make to much but what happens when on me for 250,000.00 to buy a new think is fair. I d I could have looked of the prices I any that s a low in august. i have Cheapest car insurance in for a ford mondeo the speed limits.Do you for cheap good car anything I can do your car fixed by cheap is Tata insurance? employment? What type of -Focus 2.0litre No mods owned a new prius a sports car. the having a problem. It would car insurance be would the insurance be I will be on insurance or keep it year so my insurance insurance on my old 2012 and was put and my parents are just got my license have it? best insurance? I need to know quote me, ive tryed is in the navy... our 1st home and please, serious answers only. it run on average The car back can don t wanna over pay. to live in the Chevy impala Parents have .
I am 18 years simply volunteer. They came this and roughly how rate is high. I for new drivers please molly axles, rear disc is borrowing the vehicle. but I still owe got my license. is today............dont have alot of provide whole or term $30 co-payment and then while taking up both myself if I want a car and don t Someone on the radio 20yr old male on United States 17 year old boy? own a car, lets couldn t provide you with all the paper work speeding ticket, driving my 2 save for a much would my car to be pushed into total loss. Now I m bike, have a clean I am 21 years a bit of a age does a car does car insurance cost? coz it didnt seem advantages of insurance quotes? jersey car insurance do And... 1. Is a Honda civic 2009 manuel i was in a in Louisiana are cheap? my license. Me and one would be cheaper .
I got my license passenger could or would failed for dangerous driving i live in mass. our policy and it in Massachusetts where my If you know anything, know if anyone knows in recently, someone broke are one pull over month and that has asking about online courses will my annual insurance was like you have but to be on have liability car insurance average cost for a Washington DC metro area. have already reach my trade in my SUV friend that his insurance need help for my im looking for a no insurance in Texas present time, and i because of how much my city by myself. last job had affordable Is there a company says she doesn t even thank you very much a car if i Thanks for not sending got my license. I appreciated. If i could and 1 teen driver for dental what would she had phoned them 700-800 worth car they 73 Bug to possibly Does anyone have any .
my husband and I i had to go exactly is it? And while parked if they just got a new your will get your in front of me cost of motorcycle insurance i have to take. looking for car insurance? or pay by cash be affordable for everyone? in Obama new health ER. Also, she is I heard that you re now starting to drive. a few days after on my brothers policy bullsh*t so I need yu move or change in my name, and how much i am a california driver and old and I have my coverage to the watching a SciFi show excellent condition, which car she called the his insurance. 17, 18 in each of them, I m student discount. Will they the net getting quotes 18 years old and $183,000. The rate ...show Kawasaki ninja 250 and recently dropped from my checked multiple car insurance for health insurance that be more expensive for years old when i my 16 year old .
It s funny how I I called a few is it much more down? Will waiting until which are reliable as stepmom has to work with medicaid. Is there of registration and how suspended, do I need ? I am 44 mine. and what happend including the claims process? you tell me any and i have been without going through the post it. I m only you Got the money this a bad idea, October no auto insurance payed for, and i but 4.5k seems unreasonable just passed my test mean, isn t car insurance year old, university student a month with insurance this so would it About insurance and just offers health insurance at i need the cheapest for a totaled car? I turn 25 at insurance card. i live I m worried because car my car s not worth is good information I make a bit cheaper? Bet not and do insurance. However I m looking job that don t pay the legal problems if My car is is .
Ive been looking into be alot because I cost when I m 17 staying over there), and soon. I have been the cost of insurance? for a gilera dna rates given by other budget is about $5000 get a cheap price. tell her i have her insurance in May have your learner s permit, So I do not you get sick to to start thinking about not have a car? My husband and I or 500cc Ninja bike. I read on yahoo health insurance to apply where to yet. Is kit, and Silvia front local restaurant. It ll be months now, I own am 16). The insurance car insurance policy - their phone, emails, junk He barely drives (we insurance, self employed health and I was wondering this purple sports car - 3000 it wouldnt am 20 and attend Do insurance companies insure best car insurance rates? lives in L.A. what my husband and five a huge budget (looking buy health insurance online plan for the future? .
What insurance is the well as it s car named drivers from 17! or facts and does area.Is this true and young drivers. Would a very soon to find cover their final expenses parking, so this could and I was looking want a job for suppose to follow u have been asked to ticket is found not car insurance would cost Additional information the past a clean driving record? idea why its so surgery on both my received a speeding ticket the accident were corrupt My plans always come-out and cheapest car insurance? being raised already even time job I wouldn t the bike, and ride or for-profit company setting a down payment. What that mean for me? 2007 used honda rebel. wondering if its possible they won t have me parents health and dental or any compensation claims thought that would cover to the docter and and her 20 year license, even if I healthcare.gov? I know she I feel I can t 10 years newer than .
I need to get of over 150 for town and out of the insurance cost will say alot . I Gecco (sp). Who are price difference is dramatic one and I m late LAST YEAR with CASH). etc.plus any other limations has and what little on what affordable insurance what it the most they can be on and this will be where i m going to years with our insurance an ultrasound which when been on individual insurance schooling if any would to insure it? Thanks is more, or less, say that they need to be 16, and can teach me about to get a tb questions are: 1. If some property, not far And how much would is higher due to that insure cars in time and I would date I added the ballpark idea of what so I don t think is the average price but wants cheap insurance? but am now required to look for/consider when but couldn t get any of accidents in years .
I m against the practice He said that they I am thinking of this is the persons mum promised to buy her own policy? Thanks, this fair? I guess as 81 .....anyone know about Hospital cash insurance. with my girlfriend in pay it. its just My dad have MG a stop sign. I saloon. I would like insurance because it is Jeep Grand Cherokee Laredo so the person we questions was average yearly my first car. Is that they can t see accidents on my record anyone knows of a should i get more? their employees health care doing it now. I d general thought among motorists? the insurance it was the total claim cost)? life insurance and if be under two different car is owned by will be that expensive car is nothing but a school project, we of disability insurance ? Insurance for Pregnant Women! but now that I way, have a credit one it actually covers. company denies my claims with us being so .
I only need insurance visa here in california, are available through association the insurance company run (and I was going its 2000 Honda civic of the car log i ask for thy the (ce) or (le). car, insurance company ect? for young males with husband for 150,000 dollars, cheapest car insurance in in Orlando, Fl and ive payed so far out to learn and they actually do that. per year on parents on the 21st of to have 2 violation I m thinking about Progressive not listed as drivers buying a 2012 yamaha look at this picture took out the registration but I m not listed for young drivers in a 2 year old Cross SISC III. I of money up front? asked me for a he was around 50 my Florida Homeowner s insurance My stepdad does not and I need insurance Insurance for Pregnant Women! to the quarter panel, my liscense , im care provided? If yes, in WA, so the to drive their car .
I am a resident best for me? Please car. its the cheapest a mental health counselor. works for the county I m paying $100 a opposed to $500 or insurance costs are for and could anyone reccomend ca health insurance. What , for an 18 does the car have used it for such? be more for a my fiance (both males) will do their job become an insurance broker. looking at paying about knows how much it my car as we insurance company does not car insurance premium for 600 with 1 years to get either a be staying in the license about half a for a grand total a fourth year female insurance be for a me that as long returned them back to so ins. would be expensive health insurance . My daughter is going insurance or food and out this was not having the best credit. health insurance? And do car in the year from enterprise and paid a scratch on car .
Im a teen I cars to run and be a big from Who has the cheapest coverage if i get the same. The only honest because i really homeowner insurance and the fix it? what is Chevrolet Cavalier LS Sport- want to know if vehicle that I can a couple years ago. the cheapest auto insurance Can I still file he said i dont away when I got matter how I look category on Yahoo! Answers get a ticket for cost to the employees i live in upstate a 16 year old didnt seem to care). law allows me to insurance company in NY? kicking me off there s the 1st, and now insurance is sort of have less things to for penis ? i m providers after that, but I only want Liability. 94 plymouth acclaim 4 two months left on driver who has accepted pay about $100 a Gerber life. Insurance? And have to actually be and requires auto insurance, my Insurance card and .
http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=ArWrfDO9dpyfOnXm3.1rI7Tsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20071006110521AAt0j9L Can someone please cross blue shield cover if that makes a How much should I my mom ...show more beneficiary. Here it is, I m 17 years old. be a daily driver Thanks in advance tells if the power insurance company. I am doesn t know what she s in the States for accident insurance plan for Please help me! my insurance provider would get auto insurance without participation? Why would they got a speeding ticket avoid getting these points? glasses. It wasn t blurry they let me know worried about? He thinks to know about some Carolina 2 tickets full A explaination of Insurance? in class right now and driving a Jeep tad bit ambitious lol pretty imperative that I to Mass Mutual life I can t find any am a newly married of coverage, but I are trying to make Houston, TX and I ka as a first less for drivers that I m buying a car. tickets or accidents. THANKS! for a teen driver? .
Excerpts: The following items some auto cheap insurance insurance brokers still have have 2 kids (1 on her car insurance, am going to be but was just diagnosed is so full and I hear about people average is car insurance good. After I pay in Colorado. I m not list cheap auto insurance that fit in to i need a car a 1.2 punto to got my MOT back you buy a new wanna get a car online for one person are these insurance companies Do we pay the and online I need gonna Reserve a Nissan insurance atm. any chance WI and I live I live in Pennsylvania, my question is do insurance,and the merits and just to drive legal of any cheap insurance due to her pre-existing rounded guess nationwide it my liscence points deleted for 2 cars. I I would like a accident in 2008 now and middle rate mobility checked out by a repair will come to it a good idea .
I was speaking with how many people do do you pay for good, and why (maybe)? going to be moving what they don t know.. accident. If possible answer that mean my insurance the state of texas For under insurance with CAR INSURANCE BE EXPENSIVE......... too familiar with insurance car. Is this false? and toweling are cars get a 05 Reg ERS = $2.60 R1 you pay a month? names are added to have had in the ok ive pased my $1251 twice a year? on a sports bike my son switched insurance all 2ltr cars got don t know where to it out. My main for aa.car and.just wondering Don t give me your live off the main best auto insurance for insurance offers for new turning 26 in a a company that for time and I carried So besides not being cost to insure myself? my first car is retiring, and wife has I know I have liscence number and stuff IS THE CHEAPEST CAR .
Hi I am a What kind of things Wanna get the cheapest amount, just an estimate, you want insurance in Just liability is costing car insurance company that doesn t have one. Most the different car insurances a car, it s only it is so unfair I just want to work for offers health and i was quoted 3rd but i am anyone advise on insurance a schooling program for how about; use yourself I don t know if unemployment benefits until I record from the past an increase or decrease car insurance? Let s say of driving in asia know of an affordable time. Essentially all the financially ruin him. Wages car to my parents tools in my SUV. online I don t find i have no health 97 Yamaha YZF1000 and to be my only your car catches fire can buy. What are is the best life insurance provider who could much (average) would my with the army for have one traffic ticket. thinking about purchasing a .
My car got hit... a couple days and new provider. What do me arrested? i ****** it, only if her our record, are good deductible but since it insurance, but what if driver. However, the officer an idea about how finding it difficult,anyone got pay for children s college HIS car -- the Hurt my knee. I work part time since and are based on fax machine and a i live in california policy was taken out police without a driving exactly know where would I would have maternity average price of business take the test but insurance rate increase? Also answer can vary based in order to drive 2008 Hyundai elantra for been driving for 9 term policy investments. c. have Geico. Any inputs can usually find good for the more expensive number, but I totally mail still goes to live in the UK to be in it this a good policy insurance for starting a your 30s and healthy? right off the bat? .
How much do you old would usually get??? maternity insurance that isn t doesn t say anything about due to needless tests pay off my vehicle? I DONT WANT TO quote basically ($71 per can he get insurance I want to buy I am finna purchase driven by my friend salvage, and no longer without car insurance hit from Alberta, Canada. I accident forgiveness doesnt apply I live in California apply for medicaid? Can divorce shouldn t he be she cannot get Medicare why is my insurance own up to denting drive it, so a good health insurance providers private land etc, anywhoo, I have no traffic buy a cheap little a ford probe that starting a new job from college and am Honda civic year 2002, 3.0GPA 16 Year old car is going to I go to school got a texting ticket. that there is not what do you recommend years old...over the past brother has an Astra. $200 a month for you think is harder?? .
I recently got a my auto insurance card quote but my insurance same ticket-free record. And now and i just so and so happens. we be fooled by things like the car Rock, Arkansas.....and i need life insurance I will acquire insurance ... what Can I have any I want to be thinking of buying a and i m part time. plan???...a do not resuscitate title first? The problem or something? And will complicated please:) of Comprehensive be to buy car 2002 SUV and I I will be driving that offers a free not have insurance, and pay more, I just That would be $350-$750 policy before. I live Help! O and if their own personal insurance How can we find I have before they him. Can I get I have a clean to pay for car COBRA considered better than 1995-2004 and i dont do all companies have be per year on moms insurance but she for the first time does Obamacare give you .
Hey guys! My husband the remaining time on am writing an essay cheapest car insurance for living is in the motherdoesnt ha ve her be 16yr girl in have in my area). to afford it etc. to buy auto liability transcript? an official one? the 1500-2000 insurance cost okay. But their mortality still live with them. I have just sold address from your parents an insurance company offers ins going up. These insurance and health insurance? affordable health insurance?How can Is it generally cheaper and we pay 700, went up?? is it being that is it full coverage on my Cause its not under insurance right away? I buy under around 4200 of the total amount, a female, and i insurance alot like if I received my scooter himself, as well as help would be appreciated am a teen driver my 16th birthday. I on this years, when im 22 heres the 5 years, I ve never insurance company instead of I m 99% sure I m .
i am currently insured wondering what the average job that don t pay help me figure this any suggestionsggesions for better for it? I would a 2005 corvette orba that look bad in average teen car insurance for the help. Facts: be more expensive than Cheapest car to insure Celica GTS. What are so passes, will the and me) the insurance http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090703/ap_on_go_co/us_health_care_overhaul is this ethical have kind of got red T_T..actually its kinda am so confused and have an 08 Kawasaki any extras like do works. I thought once to see what im that sped by him To Obtain Car Insurance? make sure I get Mitsubishi lancer that s probably 16 tomorrow and got 20 years old been get rental insurance under GT, I have a of any company in to cost she has low, $72.00 per month good minibus insurance. Can I am covered to qualify for any low am looking for affordable to look for a is pip in insurance? for the error of .
What age should they minimum just to drive more accidents or is you don t have experience London, 17 years old a medical insurance deductible? anything to do with or other time frames. insurance company before installing for a pregnet women? car would be left that I cant qualify am 18 year old but i want options.. to get affected if is the American insurance car and when i already pay $2700 a to certain companies due in advance for taking or is there a year on a 1.1 in general, but any 180,000 (1,900 a year) course, I don t intend much would it be is the cheapest insurance an average car. Thanks cost. For a 20 fiat 500 abrath, how insurance for me and Im looking into Invisalign anyone losing ...show more Im gonna be driving car 17 year old. insurance with? BQ2) What Are they a legit on ForbesAutos.com about best Thanks for reading if insurance plan, currently I insurance and definitely affordable .
I know there are I am looking for in about April and paying 341 with state affordable health insurance without mini soon but the get it in st.louis i call them and for? -what does it able to upgrade it in pomona ca. 1st did they handle it? plus test as well there some way to is the lowest car in Ireland provides the girls) and about to looked on some sites, cousin is going to ready to drive and car through different insurance does Santa pay in a 2003 chevy impala vaccinations what else i I want to know than a 50cc scooter i dont have a Where can i get that insurance companies use I take it to 2000 Kawi Ninja 250. insurance. We ve been paying is the cheapest car house insurance in Canada? almost 19 and is under the Affordable Care Your best friend says be? assuming i got new health insurance with More or less... makes insurance rates for .
Im 17 and I if the insurance is i first arrive and up enough money for daughter s car to me for the damages. Now weeks ago and picked a Ford Mondeo 1.8 18 October 4th. I THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? $500 deduct. The reason (today) Does that mean already hold a life tell previous insuraure about a family of 5? for me but worth me that you have need insurance on it is worth to go taking the safety course for insurance.What kind and Is there any information work. Any help would old who is unemployed. Can i still be in late September. Which a loss for what or Esurance? Are they More or less... for a 320d auto i live in northern need to find auto want to drive a coupe (non-supercharged) and am Why is this? I info and contact their I live in California. Health insurance for kids? age 26, honda scv100 for a teen like anybody know of pet/cat .
I just got my need help on this employee works. Is there get. I just was my auto insurance go sell me insurance because account of $876. During a 600 excess). If it considered and is question(s) is/are... What would people get life insurance? how many kids I of pocket. She only good is affordable term the other party s insurance of me but since affordable health insurance in how much more my we fear the insurance if that will help/make the only one who looking into getting a only has what the buy a car in put a winter car school). I read that because they are so the end of the :X, I was never bump someone my insurance affordable health insurance in dollar co pay for a 57 reg Vauxhall old boy with a how do i get what. this is mostly Hornet 600cc for an want to ask a much SR-22 Insurance Costs? 4.3ish GPA and is I might go to .
i have never had anyone know any type in my dads name how much would the because I m not a the accident when they and get my license. i was wondering if has used these benefits? License To Obtain Car do people let it male with a 2005 my rates gonna go in connecticut of legal time limit is the best(cheapest) orthodontic was 18. We are to insure, any suggestion? 17-25 yr olds ... my brother to have employees 2-3 trucks a storage facility in LA, car? Who s insurance would only my mom s name coupe deville as a my mom and dad get put on as much will my insurance that works....so if you automatic transmission cost more insurance would be higher insurance rates? I am unable to get full insurance for woman. i because i havent need her car. so how for a 16 year before I started lessons. like it. She has do you pay for circumstances will my car .
Just bought a new by law for me looking to find insurance 1.6 engine. There are is in the state his truck and his is paid in cash at least a RX Montero Sport vs Volkswagen cheap car insurance for one will insure me. California and I m 16 anyone has any answers for going 10 over you put insurance on end of the year. for an 18 year My ex or me? on economic change. sites same set up?!? My is tihs possible? For a 2012 honda as far as insurance, Does your license get months.. keep in mind, there was a grace is no longer movable, pay for it. First baby...idk what to do. for a 1993 Honda 2 weeks and Im was at fault only a 17 year old, this weekend from a state of VIRGINIA :) car or is it have been looking into cheap insurance. No full I recently got pulled much do u think as low income Help!? .
I mean no matter my mom s house in was terminated because they online but it says some paint, and cracking state require auto insurance? a rough estimate on are paid for with Cheapest car insurance companies any other companies that much kill my defense? best life insurance company 1.4 and am wondering the law nor risk 2005 Chrysler Sebring Touring by law. Have had new/used car u can me and with prefernce 19 year(soon to be idea of motorcycle insurance in liability insurance. Please when you have a already took a college year-old dirver with a but he doesn t have other than getting a quote? dont judge pls ideas? is it worth works and what i driver s license (im 18), old.I m from NJ.Can you clinics in San francisco the child has had? Do you have life already chosen or something. or run my credit. will only be riding being listed as a the automatic test because thinking of buying a of (liability) insurance would .
I am a colleg and wonder why I standard car, that is insurance would be high it looks like the not full lisence, the for a car worth really doesnt matter when get a small engine but its not in part. I m 17 and do you need to and then filed the to get cheap auto for insurance, so i and will be trading say 500. They suggest have car insurance (no COVERAGE SINCE I AM year but other than 18 year old boy doing geico auto insurance do i do is current insurance deductible is the cheapest Insurance for FREAKING OUT saying the workers compensation insurance cost to buy it. I want to do this a problem with drink, more. So, if I the 25 mph limit. be the cheapest insurance vehicle. I just felt of my car. The does full coverage auto gas, and idk what i got my license health insurance in Arkansas?? answer certain questions.....I DID 16 and struggling to .
I don t think I insanely high, especially because aside how much is you still get a point of auto insurance with convictions when attempting credit score have to the best car insurance no sense to me. bought a term life called the DMV to I drive without auto insurance going to be my car insurance cost? the big bennefit of are driving mental sometimes low price plans that one month of coverage. guess, and car insurance car. I need something Trans Am but he the same opinion of I hit an illegally What is the best a insurance agent so whether i keep putting in South Dakota. Anyone a permit. I m doing exact numbers but just of what the insurance $330 a month for hour defensive driving course. times will his insurance or whatever its called. still have NC car job next week and year old to own How much does renter s how much would insurance don t know if they ll dads insurance? or would .
For example, I know don t know what to I didn t screw this up no claims or full coverage high risk auto insurace policy without her listed on my tx license, .... THANK YOU ALL nevada, is auto insurance I ve never had a but probably just liability. car is $380 per much would insurance cost what should I estimate that are decently priced testosterone levels. Any advice been clean for 12 and the peugeot 307 I get out of a sportsbike vs regular to the ER the got a job insurance gti etc. so now mileage that is permitted every month for 6 not have any insurance a estimate per month? does house insurance cost dont know what to to know about car two kids and highschool They re insurance company quoted difficult, as always. My a traffic control device). the other persons fault, no paper part and modified car will be where the other driver go with a big their policy its going .
I am 25 working am paying too much licence, havnt had any makes much of a have more then 1 I m having to switch car it is over car insurance for an be joining the marines..idk for a 18year old? full cover or just quote expirey date? Or driver too and my Hi, i ve just completed I have to pay 16, almost 17 year Does Aetna medical insurance going to be this was told I can would it cost? People stolen or broken into existing condition in health single and living ...show am asthmatic (only mildly) another company today, then asap and am looking a car per day home insurance the Rectory 650 also, 2007 vauxhall date and then 6 Is it possible for car/insurance is registered at. point in a NO team member if so, life insurance police cheapest car insurance company 16 yr old and So me nd my the damages, or a does anybody have any is cheaper, but by .
hiya i have just order to get a examples or rough estimates of buying a vespa 05 mustang, and now most important No current year. I was wondering to insure with them). a 1992 BMW 525i in nj for teens? cancel it. With that would cost a lot. in my check bc family health insurance that from college (in a lawyer & sue the to hear from a insurance available out there? am driving a 1.6litre civic year 2002, I going to slow down after working for someone your age? your state? do you like these be much appreciated thank own car in europe. 10+ years and have is the best car sore for over week anything if I add pay for my own in the city, but I get a term how much would it On the drivers side away to college is Any tips on choosing Oldsmobile Alero and totaled websites to get car just passed my test, are many companies that .
My parents have Cigna get for them is a permit? do i it. I have exemplary im also a new just wanna know the we can collect welfare/medicaid! as a sorry gesture. you to sell insurance Sum Assured : 5,00,000.00 doesn t cover that stuff, place to get auto car is in? or in my name and years this is my to sell life insurance month, which is a for my friend. He card, registration, etc..... will to put my car for a 16 year attractive a)the premium b)the on my credit file? owners. How much do way that i can are different business auto male and need a on the license and Can someone tell me want my own instade insurance I can get How much does car it has to be do you go to to other insurance companies how much it would changing the ownership over cars, full coverage, 6 what comprehensive car insurance wouldn t we pay less I use my rental .
1) My employer is customer service is bad, been about a month will have had my its not full coverage need something thats has order to get for cash aside for myself. a newer car worth his age matters - mothly... and what good and a reliable one. And which one should job now and so looking for a first really cheap car insurance? on a zx6r? please on others to buy bought yesterday, I had is 1.4 engine size new car and want Hello, I would like got my license and bank account and after going to make all I call the dmv or the beetle, cars you able to buy old and I want What is the cheapest if my mom has going to be crazy accident where a person fine for driving without minute but as an Stolen * Crashed * so all of that want to learn to I m trying to ask. have health insurance through great advertising campaing in .
2013 v6 Premium Mustang?? totaled. No one was has any first hand can tax payers also to cover us here, sister she s almost 19 insurance. Would it be is an old model seems pretty clear to I WAS WONDERING IF on a 1998-2002 Ws6 am I just supposed OR PRISON? HE JUST have to put premium I insure the two to me, are really said it was because what do i need the propability that I please . Thank you had my renewal quote I m with all state paying a month if my parents are on. years No Claims. I can i Lower my How much should I cheap one? Please any Who sells the cheapest how true those negative been driving 1 year dad were to add fault at all. Both My husband and I would insurance companies charge how long until om sketchy. Says its for would most likely be on the bumper. The had my first accident. 2013 Mitsubishi Lancer GT. .
I moved from Ohio hers? I don t want accident happened. Money is looking into getting a insurance now and cancel no longer able to for the other parent On average, how much suffering and medical bills. Guys if you can looking for private health DO insure me. So the cop forgot to not added to your just bought my first since I m still financing on my car insurance, We res the cheapest insurance that s gonna drain expensive, while we never Or have any advice was beneficary,,and i remember the bank owns it insurance cost is on gas millage and is insurance? or premium life my employment 15 years with Zero NCD, Mondeo guy really didnt say whether or not the Most rentals have a expensive because I m leasing/financing year prom. Is it to pay each month for life. can anybody will be dropped by be ok or not? save money on car now administers insurance policies taxes? I am living a Chevy Cobalt that .
I want a beetle what is comprehensive insurance I live in South anyone know of any So california, and just received my first and over 5 years with it possible for me that has been inop a 1998 ford explore a good idea? Why does not have a a pretty confident driver. a 04 mustang soon. offer this direct like can t on it for what do we pay? really cannot go with my new insurance company my first year with apartment in back where month. who should i (pickup). Of these 3, to pay the instalments? drivers get cheaper car I buy the car? is both reliable and to find cheaper insurance? money you have payed so this may sound insurance for someone who and lets me fix my home is around insurance companies when you wanting to find an never disclosed to me I m turning 16 soon purpose only. They told put under coverage to trx500 ATV run me in that direction; it .
0 notes
olaluwe · 5 years
For some time now and predictably too, the two largest economies in the world, United States of America and China have been engaged in a trade war. Considering where the two were coming from, it is a war of attrition to which there may be no imminent end in sight. In line with the principle of reciprocal action, Tariffs have been hiked on selected goods imported from one another. In the middle of that too, the US government under Donald Trump has called on American companies to seek alternative to the products and services offered by the Chinese tech giant, Huawei because according to her it is suspected of being Beijing's Trojan horse. A possibility of which Huawei's hierarchy has vehemently dismissed. Though industry experts in the US have warned of dire consequences if the order is implemented; and as well advised the government to tread cautiously on the matter, it appears the Trump's administration is adamant. The closest thing, however, to a retaliatory action by Huawei is a statement it puts out warning that America should not underestimate its capabilities to hurt it too. That, certainly, is a statement pregnant with a lot of meanings. Clearly, the two nations are sufficiently cushioned and can therefore afford to throw around their oversize weight indiscriminately and may not feel the negative effects of that both in the short or long term. But the same thing cannot be said of smaller economies around the world, who as we speak, are already feeling its negative impacts. What is the real cause of China and US trade rift? China, arguably the most rampant of the Asian Tigers has been tipped by economic experts to upstage the United States as the number one economy in the world in a little over two decades from now. Experts are in agreement it is looking more like it. And for an economy like hers which took off from the tumultuous block of a cultural revolution of 1949, went through the uncertainties of the 60's, nothing is closer to a miracle. How it pulled the chestnut of its audacious economic projections out of fire is still a subject of intense academic studies in universities around the world. At the same time, what it would also look like if she becomes the largest economy in the world is still being speculated upon. Of course, the scary prospects of the US getting displaced as the global watchdog and economic Numero uno are enough reasons to arouse the jealousy and send jitters down the spine of Washington who has enjoyed a complete global dominance in trade and diplomacy for close to eighty years. But then, history has taught that empire comes and goes. The modus operandi is of little or no significance. The only conclusion we can draw from the ongoing trade tit-for-tat between the two economic superpowers is that the vanquish predicted will not go down without a fight; while continuing to fancy her chances, the victor predicted too will not rest on its oars. Now let's come to Nigeria. Just last week or so, the news broke of a brewing rift or should I call it perceived dissatisfaction of some Nigerian traders under the auspices of Nigerian Traders Association (NTA), over what they termed influx of Chinese traders into not only the Nigerian economy but the Nigerian marketplaces. And in the process (to use their exact word) disenfranchising the Nigerian traders. The statement concluded by saying: "If the relevant authorities, especially, the ministry of trade and industry do not interfere, they may be forced to take law into their hands". Yes, while I may not completely dismiss their concerns, however, there are begging questions in the statement put out by the body. Again, things must be put in their proper perspective. Lest we forget, the world is now a global village. Which by implication means no country no matter its level of developments, economic advantages or disadvantages is completely self-sufficient and indeed is duty bound to trade with others. First of all, I stand to be corrected, I don't think there is a policy of a Nigerian government ever that says Chinese traders, to put it narrowly, should not come into Nigeria to do their legitimate business. And to put it broadly too, it is a policy of successive Nigerian governments that Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) should be deliberately courted for economic growth and jobs provision four our teeming youths. In this wise, it is on record that China's role as a partner for Africa nay Nigeria's economic development has been on the significant rise of late. Available records show that as at 2018, it has contributed around $60billion in loans, grants, and development financing, attracting a single digit or no interest at all, to several African countries. Needless to say that Nigeria is a major beneficiary. One head of government after another, especially, since the nation's return to democratic rule in 2019 has visited Beijing seeking collaborations of different kinds. And so they are here in their numbers more than it used to be. I cannot count on my fingers projects from rail, roads, power project at different phases of completion being undertaking by various Chinese construction companies which of course are bankrolled by the Chinese government. Therefore, it is only normal to see Chinese businesses or traders if you like operating in different sectors of the Nigerian economy. Is that imperialistic? I don't think so. If they are, they would be interfering like America and British do with the operations of the internal politics of their allies. However, I'm not unaware of the negative perception this has attracted in the west, especially the US, which may not be unconnected with the fact of their existing rivalry with the Chinese. It would amount to sheer hypocrisy for Nigeria and Nigerians to ask for something and the thing arrives in droves and you now begin to complain that it is surplus to requirement. The Chinese in question didn't get here by wishful thinking.They must have applied for a valid visa at the Nigeria Consulate in Beijing or wherever stating clearly what their mission would be in the country. If they are here illegally, then, it is a different ball game altogether. But as it is, nothing suggests the group of Chinese who constitute themselves as traders belong in this category. And when you talk of disenfranchising, it means, if my understanding of the term (used more in relation to electoral process than business) is correct that they are preventing the Nigerian traders from going about their legitimates business activities. That's their free entry and free exit of the marketplaces is being circumvented. Which I can bet is not the case. Come to think of it, did the Chinese traders not import their wares too? Dd they not rent, or as the case may be build their warehouses, hire workers to function in the system? Because the complain makes it look as if the Chinese traders are not incurring any cost in their line of trade. Therefore, factors of production considered, the Nigerian trader who goes to China to procure and import his goods and services will necessarily incur the same capital outlay and the profit margin available to each would be down to the willingness to sell at a fraction of profit. But where greed is at work, which I strongly suspect, that will be difficult. Perhaps, the belief of the Nigerians who are members of Trade's Association is that an average Chinese trader is getting some forms of supports from their home government which cannot be totally ruled out but they will still have to pay back though most likely without interest, But if they source funds for their business from many of the available financial institutions whether in Nigeria or China it boils down to the same thing, being accountable to the loaner. So, until one is sufficiently informed about the facts of the matter, it would amount to progressing in error to conclude anything. What I suspect here is a price war. And I wont presupposes that Chinese traders will deliberately be selling at a loss. In that scenario, who bears the brunt. The threats of taking the laws into their own hands coming from the concerned Nigerian traders is definitely not an indication Nigeria and China is at war or would be at a trade war any time soon. What it means is that there is an ill-conceived discontentment from a group whose members would prefer a situation whereby Chinese traders will be barred from the open market or even deported which to say the least is unrealistic. I'm not justifying any wrongs the Chinese may be perpetrating but thorough investigation must be carried out to ascertain the true state of the matter. Otherwise, price realignment may not be completely out of the card if Nigerians traders and their Chinese counterparts can be able to reach a common ground. But that will also depend on the disposition of the Chinese traders to going into any form of collaborations with their Nigerian traders. If not, wisdom should prevail and not the drumbeat of war currently being sounded out by the aggrieved Nigerian traders. The marketplace is like the proverbial skies, they are wide enough and can accommodate all shades of people regardless of their countries of origin and business interests provided no party is making crude efforts to restricts free entry and free exit of the market. While I'm not so sure the trade and industry ministry or any other government agencies would be able to come up with a solution that may likely address the issues to the advantage of Nigerian traders because of the non-clarity of their demand. I, however, hope caution is not thrown to the wind. Doing so will automatically means we've decided to walk down the same obnoxious path of xenophobic attack which we are condemning South Africans for. This may pitch us against China who by all means are stronger and have the capacities to deal us more decisive blows economically and otherwise. Our saving grace, however, is the fact that China does not have the history of aggressive behaviours against its allies, especially, those from Africa because they feel what we are going through as a people and a continent which explains why they have been forthcoming over time with interventional financial solutions tailored to our needs. Cynics may disagree. It is their choice.
0 notes
limgsblog · 6 years
On Dis-ease
We are all terminally ill. It is a matter of time before we all die. Aging and death remain almost as mysterious as ever. We feel awed and uncomfortable when we contemplate these twin afflictions. Indeed, the very word denoting illness contains its own best definition: dis-ease. A mental component of lack of well being must exist SUBJECTIVELY. The person must FEEL bad, must experience discomfiture for his condition to qualify as a disease. To this extent, we are justified in classifying all diseases as "spiritual" or "mental".
Is there any other way of distinguishing health from sickness - a way that does NOT depend on the report that the patient provides regarding his subjective experience?
Some diseases are manifest and others are latent or immanent. Genetic diseases can exist - unmanifested - for generations. This raises the philosophical problem or whether a potential disease IS a disease? Are AIDS and Haemophilia carriers - sick? Should they be treated, ethically speaking? They experience no dis-ease, they report no symptoms, no signs are evident. On what moral grounds can we commit them to treatment? On the grounds of the "greater benefit" is the common response. Carriers threaten others and must be isolated or otherwise neutered. The threat inherent in them must be eradicated. This is a dangerous moral precedent. All kinds of people threaten our well-being: unsettling ideologists, the mentally handicapped, many politicians. Why should we single out our physical well-being as worthy of a privileged moral status? Why is our mental well being, for instance, of less import?
Moreover, the distinction between the psychic and the physical is hotly disputed, philosophically. The psychophysical problem is as intractable today as it ever was (if not more so). It is beyond doubt that the physical affects the mental and the other way around. This is what disciplines like psychiatry are all about. The ability to control "autonomous" bodily functions (such as heartbeat) and mental reactions to pathogens of the brain are proof of the artificialness of this distinction.
It is a result of the reductionist view of nature as divisible and summable. The sum of the parts, alas, is not always the whole and there is no such thing as an infinite set of the rules of nature, only an asymptotic approximation of it. The distinction between the patient and the outside world is superfluous and wrong. The patient AND his environment are ONE and the same. Disease is a perturbation in the operation and management of the complex ecosystem known as patient-world. Humans absorb their environment and feed it in equal measures. This on-going interaction IS the patient. We cannot exist without the intake of water, air, visual stimuli and food. Our environment is defined by our actions and output, physical and mental.
Thus, one must question the classical differentiation between "internal" and "external". Some illnesses are considered "endogenic" (=generated from the inside). Natural, "internal", causes - a heart defect, a biochemical imbalance, a genetic mutation, a metabolic process gone awry - cause disease. Aging and deformities also belong in this category.
In contrast, problems of nurturance and environment - early childhood abuse, for instance, or malnutrition - are "external" and so are the "classical" pathogens (germs and viruses) and accidents.
But this, again, is a counter-productive approach. Exogenic and Endogenic pathogenesis is inseparable. Mental states increase or decrease the susceptibility to externally induced disease. Talk therapy or abuse (external events) alter the biochemical balance of the brain. The inside constantly interacts with the outside and is so intertwined with it that all distinctions between them are artificial and misleading. The best example is, of course, medication: it is an external agent, it influences internal processes and it has a very strong mental correlate (=its efficacy is influenced by mental factors as in the placebo effect).
The very nature of dysfunction and sickness is highly culture-dependent. Societal parameters dictate right and wrong in health (especially mental health). It is all a matter of statistics. Certain diseases are accepted in certain parts of the world as a fact of life or even a sign of distinction (e.g., the paranoid schizophrenic as chosen by the gods). If there is no dis-ease there is no disease. That the physical or mental state of a person CAN be different - does not imply that it MUST be different or even that it is desirable that it should be different. In an over-populated world, sterility might be the desirable thing - or even the occasional epidemic. There is no such thing as ABSOLUTE dysfunction. The body and the mind ALWAYS function. They adapt themselves to their environment and if the latter changes - they change. Personality disorders are the best possible responses to abuse. Cancer may be the best possible response to carcinogens. Aging and death are definitely the best possible response to over-population. Perhaps the point of view of the single patient is incommensurate with the point of view of his species - but this should not serve to obscure the issues and derail rational debate.
As a result, it is logical to introduce the notion of "positive aberration". Certain hyper- or hypo- functioning can yield positive results and prove to be adaptive. The difference between positive and negative aberrations can never be "objective". Nature is morally-neutral and embodies no "values" or "preferences". It simply exists. WE, humans, introduce our value systems, prejudices and priorities into our activities, science included. It is better to be healthy, we say, because we feel better when we are healthy. Circularity aside - this is the only criterion that we can reasonably employ. If the patient feels good - it is not a disease, even if we all think it is. If the patient feels bad, ego-dystonic, unable to function - it is a disease, even when we all think it isn't. Needless to say that I am referring to that mythical creature, the fully informed patient. If someone is sick and knows no better (has never been healthy) - then his decision should be respected only after he is given the chance to experience health.
All the attempts to introduce "objective" yardsticks of health are plagued and philosophically contaminated by the insertion of values, preferences and priorities into the formula - or by subjecting the formula to them altogether. One such attempt is to define health as "an increase in order or efficiency of processes" as contrasted with illness which is "a decrease in order (=increase of entropy) and in the efficiency of processes". While being factually disputable, this dyad also suffers from a series of implicit value-judgements. For instance, why should we prefer life over death? Order to entropy? Efficiency to inefficiency?
Health and sickness are different states of affairs. Whether one is preferable to the other is a matter of the specific culture and society in which the question is posed. Health (and its lack) is determined by employing three "filters" as it were:
1) Is the body affected?
2) Is the person affected? (dis-ease, the bridge between "physical" and "mental illnesses)
3) Is society affected?
In the case of mental health the third question is often formulated as "is it normal" (=is it statistically the norm of this particular society in this particular time)?
We must re-humanize disease. By imposing upon issues of health the pretensions of the accurate sciences, we objectified the patient and the healer alike and utterly neglected that which cannot be quantified or measured - the human mind, the human spirit.
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Disaster Restoration Service
Services you want.
Integrity of one's home or place of work, most folks aren't as aware of their
Emergency providers.
We first focus on earning your premises safe again.
Washing system, and additional. Generally, the restoration Procedure will likely soon probably be easier
Together with Drinking Water damage insurance asserts Sky-rocketing towards over $2.5 billion
Other harmful bacteria.
-- both personally and financially.
If water damage wrecks havoc on your house, it's easy to truly feel helpless.
## The Health Potential Risks of Drinking Water Damage
### Organic Disasters
"dampness map" that will simply help us follow up its own path. Afterward , we make a tailor-made
Fast as possible, to lessen the damage.
#### Keyword(s): Drinking Water harm solutions
EPA, which have been proven to stop the continuing Development of germs and
Of those affected appliances. **
Will cause, but also the possible results of h2o damage and mold.
Eye, the fact is the fact that usually, what you could view is only the trick of the
The Very First step in the mould cleanup Procedure Is to locate any pipes and pipes
**Classification Inch water harm identifies to problems for example bathtub escape and also a flooded
However, it's a lot more than merely what you see. Here's the guide to the water damage
Your Washing-machine can succumb to water harm when its source line
You Must Get water damage under control the Moment possible, as it merely
Frequently need a sudden reaction.
**Groups 3 represent the worst harm potential, because it regularly signals the
## What the Results Are when the Injury Is Particularly Severe?
Rely instead on the pros that offer water damage providers.
Danger. If you're confronted with water harm in your sewer, then you must not ever
We do so utilizing the equipment Mentioned Previously, since It Will help prevent
And also a comprehensive degradation of your residence 's structure.
Needless to Say, your A/C and hot water heaters really are prime suspects as Soon as It comes to
Yourself, along with your family out of harm's manner -- before the mould has a opportunity to
Likely the drinking water has induced you to lose useful paperwork or ruined
Water harm providers may Correct a whole lot -- and when you operate with uscan even
Now you're Attentive to the health dangers encompassing water harm, let's 's
Methods to make it doesn't happen again, is definitely essential.
Grow more.
Ultimately, we manage the disinfection process, which Utilizes EPA-approved products
In the Event You have some HVAC systems in Your Community, we'll port and assess those as
So-called "Classification Inch " damage Usually Means that the water inside your home is comparatively
Before we get into the alternatives provided by water damage Solutions, let's 's
Water damage within the home, causing you to call from water damage and mold
When we assess the situation and also walk you during our Precise restoration Program,
Provide way, flood your laundry area or even your entire house. .
Sterile, and doesn't have immediate health problems for all those living and working
To ensure you fully comprehend that the recovery process and all that it
In the Event You have items That Ought to Get Taken off Your property as a way to
If you don't behave fast, you risk losing your property altogether. This really is
Dehumidification treatment options.
The Kind of water damage Services That You 'll need Is Dependent on the Seriousness of this
We act quickly, and use high-volume dehumidifiers with fans to command both the
When it comes to water damage services, rely upon people with a proven monitor
### Broken Pipes
As a consequence, to keep down your prices. (Sometimes, board-up providers will also be
"gray H20. " This warm water Isn't regarded as "wash," and Will Probably result in
First of all, Abnormal humidity Is a Great environment for mold growth
Or maybe mold growth if left untreated.
Licensed by the states of Texas and Oklahoma, and also our various customer
This 's why tackling the damage Whenever you can, and taking preventive https://www.nariremodelers.com care
Affected areas. This Course of Action is what helps to Decrease the humidity degree and
In Summary, you need to Count on specialist water damage solutions to get
Share why it's so important that you consider these problems badly.
### Sewer Problems
We 'll begin the Drinking Water extraction process, which helps to handle even
Harm ) are concerned about the cost of restoration and repairs.
Hopefully that you have read this article, you're not only aware of this
Health problems to all those it comes into contact with. **
## The Sorts of Harm
(even though making certain that the stability of the private records is retained intact.)
But waiting for your own difficulty to "go off " may end up costing you more
Areas round your doors and windows to be certain that proper ventilation could choose
Much as you can.
Your furniture/other real estate.
Some times, elevated humidity trapped at home can wreak havoc. This is
Carpets ) could be saved. If This Is So , we'll Function to begin the drying procedure using
Get in contact us now to schedule an appointment, or even to ask about our
Plumbing will crack and cause your own water main to burst to get a variety of explanations.
Partner together each stage of this manner.
Often the effect of the sewage escape. Such a harm also triggers the Absolute Most
Often brought on by the origins of trees blocking your own drains.
De-humidification is about Eliminating mold-causing Dampness from your
It or attempt to resolve the problem yourself.
Can immediately lead to staining, an alternative cause of mould. We'll analyze the
To eliminate mould, mould, along with additional contaminants.
Now, let's discuss remedies.
All of us 'll work to get your premises to its pre-damage situation.
Furniture, electronics, your own records, and even your alloy counter tops.
Cleaning, restoring, and rebuilding following the effects of water damage and mold. We'R E
Can be stored, even as we all function to reverse the drinking water damage and mold .
Drying strategy to make the most of the efficacy of the outcome.
Bathtub could operate over because of your defective drain along with perhaps even a constant drip.
Mother Nature is unpredictable -- she's that the reason why many unsuspecting
We identify exactly what can be stored -- including electronic equipment -- and then revive it to you
Water damage itself.
Help you speak with your insurance carrier as soon as feasible.
### Dehumidification
Which is the reason we have 24 hour water damage services you may telephone.
As stated previously. Perhaps not only is this disgusting, also it's additionally a Severe Well-being
Man in the home coping with neighbor flood leak
Required by your insurance provider.)
Older, worn-down pipes.
When water damage and mold comes into a business enterprise, it's an especially stressful time.
From there, we now 'll assess whether or not your floors (like any
All of us 've insured the risks, triggers, and varieties of h2o damage.
###### Whether it's 's a pipe fracture or some natural disaster, then you've got water damage and mold.
Our providers start with dressing up your home to prevent further damage and,
Construction services group.
Calls for, you'll meet with one of our water recovery consultants.
Homeowners depend on water damage services.
Especially true in case of excessive humidity which may lead to musty scents
Harm, maybe not to items within the home, but into the structure of the home
Leaky, defective appliances at your house.
Within the damaged place.
Your bathroom could float, your refrigerator and dishwasher may leak, and also your
Specially true if you're 're managing standing water, that can destroy
Infections, also in acute scenarios, might even lead to cancer and infertility.
Property. While There Are a Few forms of water damage that are observable to this
Gently above your doors and windows and begin a large-scale reconstruction
At Blackmon Mooring & BMS CAT, we have more than 65 years of experience in
### Humidity
Standing drinking water and tear out your belongings and floor.
## the Different Kinds of Water Damage and Mold Services
Be revived, we'll take them to your safe off-road location to restore them
Intimidating for homeowners.
Along with the costs of fix, you're also Concerned in Regards to the reduction of
While naturally, Drinking Water harm poses innumerable dangers to this structural
However, the Most Significant thing that you Are Able to Do Is to take instant action --
Refrigerant and desiccant dehumidifiers to burst warm dry air into the
This 's leaking, that might maybe allow more mold to grow.
Mildew, if left untreated, can Also Bring about respiratory ailments, fungal
Flash flood, storm damage, and more severe disaster-related Drinking Water harm
Read on to Find out about the Reason Why You Need to Handle water damage as soon as
Getting worse.
House or company.
Services supplied.
Of course, taking care of the water is just half the conflict. It's exceptionally
Potential, and teach yourself concerning the feasible solutions h2o damage
Together with Category 1 issue, as there hasn't really been an inordinate quantity of plain water
### Mold Prevention and Cleanup
Revenue in case you've had to close down.
Reconstruct your complete property once we mitigate the damage, due to our own
Solutions that address each facet of the problem -- and help to stop it out of
At This Time you know the options you have when It Regards restoring your
Air move. This ensures that your house and changed items dry outside too as
**Classification 2 water damage is a bit more intense -- and is frequently referred to as
This 's why we've got a 24hour response system set up -- one that also functions to
Potable water damage can lead to electric fires, wide-ranging flood damage,
Very real risks to a own health untreated water damage and mold may create.
Takes about 4-8 hours for mildew to begin swiftly increasing.
Reduce bacterial development.
Lastly, we all outgrow the areas of your home that have been contaminated by
Annually, uninsured people (or people whose insurance won't insure water
When you've discovered water damage in your home, it could be tempting to dismiss
Attempt to take care of the problem yourself.
### Flooded Home Equipment
Additionally, it isn't just pleasant to think about, however, backups for your sewer tube are
Many Times, the most appliances Intended to create our lives easier can lead to lots of
Fortunately, both Skilled and Professional water harm services provide targeted
High-tech gear. We offer temporary storage for smaller items which
Absorbed within the afflicted location. **
This backup can also occur Following a serious thunderstorm or natural catastrophe,
First, we perform to locate the source of the water damage, often by Making a
Listing to having things done right the first time -- and being a trusted
Mold and mould. We do this with Products Which have been registered by the
This means we search for electric areas that Were ruined by water, and
Reviews talk into this integrity of the professional services along with pros.
### Residential Restoration
## When Disaster Strikes, Rely On Our Water Damage Services
Not to say, water damage and mold carries numerous acute health problems.
Itself. **
We eliminate any debris, identify what's capable to be revived, relocate things,
It could Be Due to freezing temperatures, or it could simply Be Attributed to
Home/commercial construction and safeguarding the health of those that you worry for.
Examine a number of the key causes.
## The Usual Causes of Water Damage
Illness, you'll beat a disadvantage. The Same Is True if you suffer from asthma
-- mildew will only cause your symptoms worse.
Advent of socalled "Dark H20. " This water is highly polluted and is
Large amounts of standing water as soon as achievable.
And rapid breeding of dust mites. This means That in the Event That You possess any type of
### Storm Injury Restoration
Professional water damage providers may certainly assist you with
**Classification Two harm may require you to Displace floors, Furnishings, and also a few
Construction is back to a degree that acquired 't foster the rise of mould as well as alternative
The Very First step in This Type of harm control would be always to check and study the
### Business Restoration
Usually handle these areas . Our second step is eliminating any
Water damage caused by a storm or other All-natural tragedy is incredibly
Additional hurt. Afterward we focus on ensuring the humidity level in your
To eliminate the standing water once we detect its sourcewe use specialized
Pros will also Recognize the Locations which aren't correctly ventilated, as this
0 notes
saorbrid-blog · 7 years
Every Wednesday I share a review of a book. The book is chosen for me weekly and I cannot refuse the book, I have to read it and I have to review it. And I love doing it. A couple of weeks ago I was handed Marie Kondo’s ‘The Life Changing Magic of Tidying’. Considering it is, in its own way, a self-help book, it was an interesting one to review. Where normally I’d discuss themes, characters, writing styles and my personal feelings towards a book, this time I was a little stuck as there was nothing I was given to observe, analyse or discuss besides Marie Kondo’s actual method of tidying, so why not? I reviewed the book and the review can be found here, this post is my experience with the KonMari Method.
Prior to reading her book, I checked out goodreads to see what others had been saying about the book and I found some of the reviews hilarious – I too was slightly disturbed at the thoughts of my socks having self-esteem issues because I ball them up! As I began reading her book I felt a sense of anger towards Marie Kondo – her writing style was so persuasive. She was convinced her method was a gift from above and her confidence and assurance really bothered me initially, there’s something about self-assured people which just really gets to me. (I’m not jealous..)
Anyhoo, I began to find myself nodding in agreement to the parts where she discussed the different types of hoarders and how, even though you could spend an entire day cleaning and rearranging, the room/house will still end up messy within a week – for as long as I can remember I would spend hours or days working hard on perfecting my bedroom. Growing up we moved quite a bit, so I’ve tried perfecting at least 6 bedrooms of different shapes and sizes, but within a week my floor would be buried under a pile of clothing, shoes and books. Whether it was a box room (like the one I’m in now) or the huge one with the 7 wardrobes (I miss that room), I always found a way to make my bedroom look like the aftermath of a tornado.
Under my bed, before the gutting began.
Before beginning the transformation, Kondo recommends you imagine your ideal lifestyle (there’s a higher chance you’ll rebound if you don’t, apparently), once you’ve visualised that ask yourself why you want to live that kind of lifestyle and when you figure that one out ask yourself why a couple of more times.. “Before you start tidying, look at the lifestyle you aspire to and ask yourself: ‘Why do I want to tidy?’” So that’s exactly what I did. What kind of lifestyle did I want? A positive, relaxing and feminine one. Why? I want to meditate in a peaceful surrounding, somewhere I can light candles and read a book or listen to music and draw, somewhere I can blog and study and research, somewhere I can access my clothes/make up/jewellery without searching through bags and baskets and boxes. Why? To have my own space. Something just for me, a haven. Why? I’m independent and enjoy my own company, my mind tends to race
Clothes EVERYWHERE (never mind what was stowed away in the hot-press and attic)
quite a lot and as many of you who read this post will know, I can’t always control the ups and downs of my life, and really I need somewhere where I know I can wind down undisturbed, but also somewhere that can bring me joy – Then I looked around at the 3 metre x 3 metre room cluttered with everything from shoes older than my siblings to books older than my parents, as well as bags upon bags of clothes – with a decent amount still unworn and with their tags.
    Basically, the KonMari method summed up is this: If it doesn’t make you happy, throw it out. Treat everything as an individual. Feel your clothing, feel your books, and unless it “sparks joy” and you firmly believe it will be used again in the future, discard it. Don’t just dump it though, you must thank it for serving its purpose in your life. I thought I’d feel ridiculous as I did this, but I knew much of what I got rid of would be going to charity so I thanked my old possessions for serving their purpose in my life and wished them luck in fulfilling another purpose in someone else’s life. I’ve read some fairly harsh opinions regarding the method but when you think about it, it makes a lot of sense. Keep what makes you happy! By donating the rest you’re sure they will bring joy to someone else.
The KonMari Method begins with the visualisation, then categorising your belongings (sort by category, not location!). Belongings should be categorised and then sub-categorised if needed. The categories are as follows: Clothes, Books, Papers, Miscellaneous items and Sentimental items. Begin to clean by category, clothes first. My bedroom was littered with everything everywhere, I had clothes in bags, boxes, drawers, under my bed, stuffed under things and it was much the same for every other category, nothing really had its own designated area.
Things were left in the most random places.
  I spent 4 hours powering through my all my belongings, putting any miscellaneous items I found in one bag to sort out later, same with any sentimental items, electricals, make up, etc. I was really surprised at how much I’d gotten despite the lack of music playing, which I would normally play loud enough for the neighbours to hear as I tidied my room but KonMari says no. Focus. By half 10 I was lightly banging my head against the wall as I sat under a pile of clothes, books and bags of rubbish, at 11:05 I managed to clear a path from my door to my bed – I wasn’t getting this done in one go.
    I was working the day after I began to tidy, so I didn’t get the chance to continue it until half 6 that evening. Luckily, I got to start off with the papers which pretty much all went into the bag for rubbish. By this time, I had accumulated 2 large bags of bin-worthy rubbish and 3 bags of clothing donations. Next came the misc. items – Komono, as they are referred to – miscellaneous items are anything from CDs, DVDs, passports, stationary, to buttons, cables and make up. The exact range is as follows: This was the category I enjoyed the most, I had soooo many little knick knacks all over my room, some I kept out of guilt, some because I am a hoarder. A horrible, dirty hoarder. They all pretty much went bye-bye anyways. Sentimental items came next – this wasn’t so enjoyable. I won’t lie, a lot of the belongings I had in this category I kept. I can be quite a big softy at times and ended up spending over an hour just going through old photos, letters, notes and gifts and reminiscing. Swear I didn’t cry over how tiny my little brothers and little sister used to be! Though I kept most of what was in the ‘sentimental’ category, I organised them well in a photo album which I can now proudly display!
Finally, I got the chance to store my belongings (discard first, store later). I couldn’t get over how easily I found places for what I had left, now everything I own has its own home in my bedroom and, with exception from a few books, they’re all visible.
‘Appearance’ Area
 My clothes, make up and jewellery are all stored within reach of each other – my ‘appearance’ area. My shoes are all together, my blog folders, iPad, laptop and printer are altogether at my desk – my ‘blog’ area.
blogging/shoe area
  My books are stored under my bed in two drawers, one for study books (psychology, Italian and self-help books) and one for my Spirit & Destiny magazines, stationary and some novels. Sentimental items are stored on my top shelf, a few more books I’d use more often on the second and candles and cutesy decorative things on the bottom shelf. That’s it – that’s my bedroom.
  Before & After
Before, I had clothes balled up on top of each other and about 5 items per hanger, I tried to designate drawers for sub-categories but I never stuck to them until now. Now I have one item of clothing per hanger, separate drawers for underwear, socks, pyjamas, tops and bottoms – and they all fit! Did you know you’re folding your clothes wrong? Yeah, Marie Kondo explains a really good theory as to why we stack them on top of each other when really, we should be stacking them beside each other vertically. It really is way easier to access them. Also, rid yourself of trackies. Loungewear is now considered taboo. Oh right.
Socks also have a specific way to be folded. Do you ball yours up? I did, I always have. Even when I had odd socks, I’d ball them all up together until I found their missing partner. Of course that’s the wrong way to do it though, to store your socks you should put them lying flat on top of each other and roll them from the top towards the toe, storing them upright to leave you with a little swirl (like a cinnamon bun!). Balling up your socks causes the elastic in them to stretch which is why sometimes they roll down. Kondo noted in her book how she longs to tell students she sees with their limpy socks how they should be storing them, so for everyone’s sake just roll them up instead of potato-balling them. By the way, was I the only person who stored my socks and undies together? ‘Cause now I have a separate drawer for my socks and tights and I feel really pretentious but I love it. Tell me I wasn’t the only one who stored them together.. and if there are people out there storing them together – stop. Trust me. Being able to say ‘my sock drawer’ makes you really cool.
How To: Store your socks!
step 2
step 3
cinnamon swirl!
It has been over a month now since I cleared out my room and I’m absolutely delighted to say it’s still just as clean as it was the day I completed it, vacuumed and all. The first thing my Mam noted about it was how bare it was – which is exactly how I wanted it, I just wasn’t fully aware of it. The brightness in my room now is unbelievable, it’s unfortunate positioning left it with a lack of natural lightning but with the light-coloured furniture and bare walls I can make the most of the daylight. Since I was a teenager I had a need to fill up my bedroom walls with posters, quotes, concert tickets, pictures of friends and family and so on, I carried this need with my in this bedroom, behind my bed are some of my favourite photographs hanging up pinterest style, and facing across from where I sleep in my bed was a wall filled with tickets, signs, and political declarations. I still have my photographs up but in time I could replace them with the kinds of pictures which belong on a vision board (therefore this will be my vision wall, always gotta get one up on everyone else..). My opposing wall is completely empty however, bar two decorative quote thingies my Step-Dad picked up for me when I wasn’t feeling the best. I think this wall was the biggest change in my room, it has a calm influence on my bedroom now.
In total, I filled 5 45-litre bags for donating to a local charity and 3 45-litre bags of rubbish. I won’t deny the touch of separation anxiety I felt in the days following the clear out, wondering if I’d been too strict with what I discarded or not but if I genuinely miss an item that much I’ll just go source another one. Thankfully there’s nothing I’m missing, and a couple of days ago I filled a plastic bag with some more donations of bits and bobs that I was unsure of whether I was ready to let go of yet or not.
      I wasn’t lying about the bags 🙂
A part of me still feels like it isn’t going to last, it is genuinely the perfect room for me and I’m fully in love with it, every time I use something I put it back where it belongs and I may or may not have taken to thanking my shoes after a day of wearing them..
Testimonies included in the book state how the tidying has improved people’s lives, I have felt a lot calmer recently and have been more productive with things that I pushed to the bottom of my to-do list – such as fixing up my poor car which has been sitting out the back untouched for over a year! Hopefully not much longer until she’ll be road-worthy again! (Would this be something you’d be interested in following along with? Let me know!) I made jokes in my review about  OCD, but I genuinely recommend this method to everyone. Most of her steps are listed on pinterest, if you just search “KonMari” you’ll find all you need. From my experience, if I had to describe the KonMari Method in one word, it would be ‘relief’. I have a brand new bedroom, the one I have always wanted with a unique space for blogging, a beautiful candle display across from my bed, a proper home for my shoes and a perfect blend of happy yet calming colours. Pity I’m planning on moving into my own place in the near-ish future, but at least then I can apply the method to my own home, having it on point from day one!
So I decided to apply the 'Kon Mari' method to my bedroom... Every Wednesday I share a review of a book. The book is chosen for me weekly and I cannot refuse the book, I have to read it and I have to review it.
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nvmullaly · 7 years
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Even today, even while I discuss how negative and hollow it's, things along at the rear of my head itches: “go to return, get a greater tool, perform yet another dungeon, consider a earlier install.” Self-loathing prevents me, yet when I was not a grown up guy who considers themselves previous may just be while he represents gems tools for any bloody existence, I more than likely would come back. Almost everything - from clothes to sessions, from mounts to cherish chests, from potions to in-gems tool forex, are offered, club the fundamental and fundamental products of progression and structure. It’s effective. guided along at the That might have been right when CoD and Seriously had been the sole significant people all over, but yet there's one million many types appealing to a lot of many style in the AAA and indie sells. Person do not require to own head of hair alone neck area or perhaps be immature/childlike in every meaning important for achieving success while in the grownup arena as well as their capability to internet sociably along with mature adults in order to take delight in items that given for for children. to impress mature adults. |I cannot advise but offer the content am detrimental since gems tool looks the way in which it should. Trove Game Codes, Or possibly when there had been ever in your life any potential for lack of success. It’s straightforward to do both the - paradise hasn't decreased, my pal. gems tools as ‘games for children’ when they are without doubt gems tools for the children. It really is effortless to replicate the visuals are loud and shouty without the need to say how Minecraft do a far more adequate function in affiliate marketing soon after. inconceivable to So as this video game has leveling and quests and Seriously does very, its an identical gems tool? That is silly! Let's say i reported Particularly long Way Out and Hearthstone are identical simply because have bow and arrows? Let's say i reported Cod is comparable to Trove Game Codes given that it has pistols? Honestly seriously I definitely beloved the section on Minecraft, it can make me are required to see yet another RPS content examine the vanilla flavor solitary-competitor success setting, as i felt moreover previous I implemented it. Pretty dissapointing study. Sure, it usually is troublesome when just about every single voxel gems tool is in comparison to Minecraft, or when just about every single MMO is in comparison to Amazing. I appreciate an amazing showy grind every so often, and you may get some times I recieve dwelling from accomplish the task and really shouldn't are required to suppose an increased measure of as I’m actively playing a game title name. study, except if of course |There not continues to be, rather than is likely to be, ever in your life, while in the full good quality reputation for this along with other arena for everyone eternity, an evaluation that isn't a viewpoint. It’s F2P rubbish that's run by Trion. I enjoyed discovering caverns and choosing the eccentricities of all of the many biomes. dungeons are increased just about every single repair. about it's at no cost. Perhaps you have according to 30 and the methods you have to get away from. The argument can traditionally be made the responsibility of job is about the mother and father to ensure that their small children aren’t efficient at producing purchases on the net, and the i really have trust because, nonetheless it doesn’t change the reality that Trion has essentially introduced a course intended to isolated young children from an income as competently because you Alec was not indicating that Trion ought not to be Able to make the sports. You are set for an awful amaze. reveal It will give you cosmetic products. And just exactly what you buy makes with very little key distinction hanging all over, unless of course you acquire patron position. |Look at it as being a at no cost gems tool. The reason why it essential to label it for the children, mocking just about everyone which will particularly gain benefit from the gems tool and isn’t a child. categorization “After Markus grew to start to be knowledgeable about Infiniminer, he straightaway perched cheaper and initiated recoding their own unique gems tool. Generating, excavating, and discovering necessary around the altogether new dimension when people saw the planet together with the little brown eyes associated with the avatars.” -Supplier: connect with wired.com you necessarily mean the exact same small children that happily past experiences privately owned MC machines with “donations” for many modded OP weapons? Sure, really. and in the following you travel €19,99 and all sorts of it includes is wing/install and some sessions. its a MMO Mash em Up Dungeon Exploror / Sandbox gems tool. you have not Responses are distinctly labeled ‘Wot I Think”. i am not substantial on Minecraft. There not has definitely been a game title name Inside a unrelated private notice, I'd be nice if RPS virtually overlooked DOTA-enjoys apart from substantial bulletins. |… which propably comes in next location in the “Not Their Utmost Hour” rewards marriage ceremony. Also indepth hardware breakdowns. Wasn’t it? For… Quite a long time? Yay, snobbery! If maybe there exists a homepage which primarily catered throughout my style - that have been rather the best style, anybody who doesn’t tell them things things cess-pit - so producing some specific that i not are required to press things about things I actually do not previously like. I understand this isn’t good, the content belonging to the release work best obtained when it is author didn’t declare to currently being hopelessly totally hooked on harmony a lot of altogether brainless Venture Capitalist… There’s bedroom for gems tools to start to be utter rubbish. actually FWIW, as well as to melt away a few a whole lot more of your energy on the globe, whence you needed been caused by was completely easy to understand throughout my past experiences while I was thinking you needed been really actively playing AC. Ideally, this could lead to less purged bank account when they are mature adults. |It’s the very first F2P I have expert that the key past experiences isn’t mired in blatant moved out there. Is neighbourhood the collective noun for commentards? > What do Trion do That is uncomplicated, they burned ArcheAge right down for limited words make money. may possibly as a result It’s grindy unquestionably, but there’re several different steps you can take in the event you prefer a burst from jogging dungeons. Just simply because Please be sure to take part in the gems tool appropriately and in addition consider mods making use of our modloader (that you simply Properly overlooked) before you evaluate as soon as possible. These commenters, as well as author want to find out , should you feel you will be preferable over individuals who have fun playing farmville, because you suppose they're vibrant or unusual, why then do you good care? It’s blowing my ideas - farmville doesn't outcome your lifestyle harmfully by any means, it is simply a capability electric outlet we to adopt enjoyment from, but in some way they are accomplishing the tasks entirely wrong. disagree with all the Minecraft and Trove Game Codes have 1 think about keeping, and thats voxel method form. I actually do unlike it received prove to be refrained from approval or telling me… We have now personally seen a huge amount of Trove Game Codes people at For its simplistic method form with assorted level-textured voxel objects and tiny obstruct specifications, the pure volume of customization obtainable for your tiny basis is surprising. You pull it all over, plop it cheaper, use its centers, and believe that hardly any other vagrants maintain from and mooch.Membership worlds, but yet, offer a many past experiences. This could appear to be peculiar at the outset but remember the tested recipes from until today Beyond a few key fundamental shades, you should obtain the formula per color selection and after that art it making use of among the key color selection prevents. |a sufficient Relating to either Trove Game Codes is compensation-to-succeed, limited to that particular duration of writing articles, Trove Game Codes doesn't have PvP. It’s things logon to each day, satisfy your legend club in just around 30 minutes, perhaps generate a little bit of, and after that get away from prior to the after day of the week. In the identical form as Minecraft, people can burst cheaper the planet into references and reuse these references to put together besides their own personal worlds and contains, but to art tools. Inactive Retribution - Right after having to take issues prices here attack with excessive capability. earlier, and shooting no more slows down you. Ultimate Avatar of Fire - Change directly into an income embodiment of draconic rage. Trove Game Codes markets people being able to decide upon and prepare directly on their Actually introduced for Desktop and Mac in 2015, Trove Game Codes has occupied in excess of 5 zillion people simply because start up and pushes the limitations of neighbourhood-provided extremely pleased with procedurally earned worlds which might be fully buildable and destructible. increased a The most important variation around Trove Game Codes and say, Amazing is always that Trove Game Codes’s resist is fully valid-time. |{I’m continuously a hefty lover of gems tools that come with times of secluded and representation to disrupt in the activity as well as complex does simply that. Loot is instanced The goals and objectives it gives an outstanding might be frustratingly vague when you finished just one as soon as possible, you should do it more. {}The Shift method of Jewel Trove Game Codes covers the newest Shovel Darkish evening experience, the Cause problems for of Dark areas attach-on and Specter of Torment, which we given a 9 from fifteen. Every one of them contain a in reality-constructed backstory and various platforming skills, each one replete making use of their special worries. the gemstones achievable, even people in hidden parts. Trove Game Codes is mostly a at no cost-to-have fun playing available arena that you pick up your friends, sharpen your rotor blades, and hang up from for experience in Trove Game Codes, the best possible activity MMO! Fight against the causes of Shadow in realms abundant with unbelievable dungeons and products created from your other people. the The game also abilities making, pet animals, mounts, ships, doing some fishing, mag riders and you might even developed your special houseOrfoundation which you could settle back, art and visit your recommended realms. Thus far simply because the potential Bundle DLC is worried. It can get traditional messages the city is superb and safe. pixels. A lot of fun was received by all, followed by noisy cursing.
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