#1d secrets
iheart2014 · 6 months
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2013-2014 💝
The best era of all time 😜
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larrydelulu · 7 months
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shippingalongnicely · 2 months
Secret/supressed omega and OT4/5 werewolf*/pack fic
One Direction fics in this genre I have enjoyed, updated as I find more. See also masterpost for more fic recs
* Fics in this list are quite specific to the themes of 'secret omega' and/or 'band as pack' but may have some crossover with my Shapeshifter/animal transformation fics and Omegaverse fics lists.
NOTE: Because of the nature of the trope, many of these, particularly the secret omega fics, deal with graphic descriptions of non-consensual sex/rape and manipulation, as well as abuse/PTSD/trauma, drug and alcohol use etc. Quite a few in this list involve polyamory too if that's not your thing. Not all are super angsty, but quite a few of them are; see my particular notes in the list below.
So why do I like these fics? Just a few reasons: I think it's the winning against all the odds theme that runs through many of the darker ones, the total relief for everyone when it's all over; the love of the pack touches something in me about acceptance of different ways to love and live; and the gender exploration in the omegaverse is such a clever way to examine stereotypes in our own world.
So, in no particular order ...
Big white lie by acrayonsmile
Follow your arrow by LadyAJ_13
Compass to my soul by LadyLondonderry
Like a bullet in the dark by TylerM
A sunflower soul with rock n' roll eyes by sideofzemblanity
Wither and bloom by The_Dizzy_Pixie
A dark world aches for a splash of the sun by calums
A sweater a day keeps the cold away by harrysbabyboo
The page we are stuck on by thatsoundsgood
Baby I'm perfect by SilverStuff50
Rewrite the stars (series) by bromanceorromance
The last fic to date in this series is a WIP
You were never on your own by LadyAJ_13
In the hope of open hands (series) by justanothershadeofblue (zjofierose)
Like a timebomb ticking in your head by decorations (Mitzsie)
Shadows come with the pain that you're running from (love was something you've never hear enough) by hlftanna
Sleeping back to back (you're turning away) by nothanksweregood ((foreverkneeld)
Let the dog decide (series) by kingsoftheimpossible
Baby you (series) by 1Dlzlnh
I don't mean to frustrate by lululawrence
Destined for more by karamelised
Take me as I am by lovelarry10
Confessions of a fabricated alpha by jaerie
He carries the key by lululawrence
The pack by IceQueenRita
Straight for your heart (wolfpack AU) (series) by foreverkneeld, foundfamilyvevo, nothanksweregood (foreverkneeld)
A pack of misfits by Wanweird
Don't change me by Sharyn28
A twist on the hidden omega trope
Where's the boy with the chemicals by milliondollarbum
Seriously heartwrenching read and major character death, proceed with caution
How could we be so blind by WrennAddysen
Pretty dark themes and really graphic descriptions, be warned
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multiseb21 · 8 months
The tribe has spoken
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triankletatt · 2 years
louis is so obviously someone who really loves and thrives off building the anticipation, feeling the energy, seeing the excitement, teasing fans, he fucking loves it. steve literally just said he wanted to make the night changes intro so different to get fans to think it was a new song and confuse them. it makes zero sense that he would leak his own new album songs that he’s so excited for and kept so hushed like can you think for one moment
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writerscornercafe · 1 year
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Here's the collection of fics from our Discord Secret Santa! Thank you to all the members who participated! 💖
🎄All I know is I'm in trouble (cause the atmosphere's so cold) by @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed for @onlythesweet
Larry, T, 8K
While on a holiday with his best mate Zayn, Louis meets Harry, who seems to dislike him from the start. It's just his luck he ends up getting stuck on a ski lift with Harry. Except maybe the universe knows better and he really is lucky.
There is also a podfic version available here. Happy holidays!
🎄Mistletoe Cove by @wabadabadaba for @beardyboyzx
Larry, GA, 4K
Once everyone from the competition was gathered in front of the small makeshift stage, the mayor started to thank everyone for coming and participating. He talked about how everyone were winners in his eyes which made Louis want to hurl. Finally, it was time to announce the winner.
“As the manager of Mistletoe Cove,” Liam spoke. “I am so happy to invite the winners of the competition to enjoy a free meal on us.”
“Why is he taking so long?” Harry complained. “Just say it.”
“The winners are…"
or, a small town throws a snowman competition in which two teams are convinced they will be winners of the coveted prize- a reservation to Mistletoe Cove. Only one team can be the winner though, who will it be: Harry Styles and Niall Horan or Zayn Malik and Louis Tomlinson?
🎄If you ever feel alone (Don't) by @beardyboyzx for @chai-hat-tea
Larry, GA, 9K
Louis is too busy worrying about helping his mum and paying the bills to let himself enjoy his teenage years and hang out with his friends. Enters Harry, who will help him reconcile with his friend and understand the difference between feeling lonely and being alone.
🎄Snow Squalls & Kitty Paws by @littleroverlouiss for @sun-tomato
Larry, GA, 8K
Louis and Zayn own The Future is Meow, a bookstore-slash-cat café, and are spreading the holiday cheer to their customers this Christmas Eve. A few morning snow flakes turn into a full-blown blizzard and before they know it, the safest place for them and their employees to spend the night is the bookstore.
Shop regular and object of Louis’ affections, Harry, is also snowed in with them— as is another man who Harry seems more than friendly with.
Will it be a Christmas miracle if Louis survives the snow squalls, a seemingly unrequited crush, and a curmudgeonly tortoiseshell cat?
🎄Storm Warning by @restless-rebels for @lululawrence
Larry, Teen and Up, 4K
What makes you think he’ll listen to me? He hasn’t for the last few ye-” Harry was suddenly cut off when Remi jumped from her seat on him and took off with the rest of the dogs, pulling Harry so harshly that he landed hard on the ground, his face pressing right against the hard day old snow.
“Haz? Harry? What happened? You stopped talking all of a sudden.” Liam yelled into the phone, clearly frantic.
Harry scrambled to his feet and held the phone up. “I’m fine, I gotta go!” He shouted and ran to catch up to the dogs who were currently jumping around a man, holding his small puppy close to his chest. He breathed harshly as he caught up and put his hands on his hips. “Everyone, heel!”
Immediately, the group laid on the ground and stared up in excitement at the dog in the man’s arms. Harry rushed to collect the leashes and held them in a tight grip, even though they were looped on his wrist. “I’m so sorry about them! They normally don’t rush other dogs, especially when they’re on their leashes..”
“Yea, well maybe you shouldn’t bring so many to the park at one time.” The man chided and looked Harry up and down. “Isn’t there a rule about it or something?”
🎄Louis' "Harry" Christmas by @chai-hat-teatea for @tommokat
Larry, M, 9K
Louis can't go to his family for Christmas because he injured himself. Harry, the wonderful friend that he is offers to take him back to his house. Cue in the confusion and chaos of family, Christmas, and their feelings.
🎄Silver-White Winters by lululawrence for @beelou
OT5 Relationship, NR, 9K
Liam Payne had learned many things as a bartender. He'd learned when people needed to talk, or when they needed a gentle smile. He now knew when they wanted advice or someone to just agree with them. He also had come to recognize when someone was past the limit and needed to be told no.
But when it came to holidays, Liam had learned that when people came into the Neighborhood Pub alone on Christmas Eve, it was for a reason.
Niall, Zayn, Harry, and Louis all definitely have their own reasons for showing up at Liam's bar alone on Christmas Eve. With the help of a surprise winter storm, none of them will have a reason to be alone for long.
🎄Ho Ho Hopefully by safetyfilm for @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed
Larry, Teen and UP, 5K
Attached to the gift, just under the bow, was a paper tag, and Harry wished desperately that he could write his own name there. ‘To Louis, from Harry.’ What a dream that would be.
He’d grown fond of Louis over the time that he’d been watching him, wishing that he could be part of Louis’ life, of his world, regardless of the fact that the only thing Harry had ever known was working for Father Christmas—or Nicholas, as he’d preferred to be called.
The one where Harry is an elf in Santa’s workshop, and Louis is one of the humans he’s been assigned to.
🎄Christmas Pretenders by @larryatendoftheday for @littleroverlouis
Larry, Teen and UP, 4k
When Niall convinced Louis to come home with him for the holidays as his fake boyfriend, he never expected he’d run into the loveliest man he’d ever seen.
Or, a twist on the fake-dating for the holidays fic, where the real love interest is the fake-boyfriend’s best friend.
🎄'Sno(w) Joke by @sun-tomato for @londonfoginacup
The last thing Louis wanted was to get stranded on his birthday. But perhaps it was exactly what he needed.
Featuring a snow storm, a library, and a very grumpy Harry Styles.
🎄Baking Spirits Bright by @beelou / Cherrylarry for @wabadabadaba
Lirry, G, 2k
“Hello, and welcome to day 20 of our Advent Series! I’m Harry Styles and this lovely man on my right is Liam. Say hi, Liam,”
“Hi, Liam!” Liam waves at the camera with a grin.
Harry rolls his eyes with a fond smile. “Alright so today we’re making hot chocolate! Different recipes from all over the world. Mexico, Italy, France, and Brazil.”
🎄While the Moon is Bright by @tommokat for @larrieblr
Larry (Girl Direction), Teen and Up, 1K
Refusing to be the only one over 25 at her family's annual Christmas party, Harry turns to a speed dating event to find the perfect date. Too bad said perfect date hates Christmas.
🎄Odd Dogs by @londonfoginacup / LadyLondonderry for @restless-rebels
Ziall, G, 3k
Zayn is not a dog person. Zayn does not understand dogs. He doesn’t know why they do what they do.
Yet here he is, at the doors of the Allegheny Dog Rescue, staring in at an odd dog and a blue eyed boy.
🎄Snow on the beach by @onlythesweet / onlytheclouds for @larryatendoftheday
Larry, G, 9K
Louis Tomlinson is a busy man.
When he travels to his mother's new smalltown for Christmas, nothing goes as planned. He's starting to think he might be cursed…
Especially when this one guy, Harry Styles, keeps showing up everywhere he goes, doing every single job in town.
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fangirlfreak08 · 1 year
So I’m like not even a hundreds pages into my lady midnight reread and now I’m linking every song to Julian and emma?!
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fallinglikethis · 1 year
Secret Santa Fan Art for @londonfoginacup
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Abominable snowman Louis.
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Shopaholic Centaur Harry.
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Cosplayer Liam who suddenly isn’t cosplaying anymore.
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avalentina · 1 year
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chromehearted · 8 months
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@godsworth sent 📸 for 4 pictures bianca took of killian.
photo #1: tour bus broke down during the middle of their drive, so they had to rent a car to get back to the hotel. of course he insisted that she ride with him, much to her dismay. they stopped at a gas station to get snacks because she was hungry and threatened to rip his head off if he didn’t. photo #2: probably the first and only time he’s shown up to one of their label meetings. she couldn’t hide the shock that was written across her face. made sure to capture the moment, knowing it likely wouldn’t happen again. he kept throwing her distracting glances and she ignored them, or at least tried to. photo #3: when they begin sneaking around. she was very adamant about not wanting anyone at work to know about them, so most of their rendezvous take place in hotel rooms. the lights were illuminating through the windows and she couldn’t help admiring the view in front of her. definitely slapped him when he teased her about it afterwards. photo #4: traveling around a brand new city neither of them had been to. they came across a lake and he was quick to jump in. she, on the other hand, was being a little bitch. talking about how she can’t get her hair wet, but he gave her a knowing smile and she begrudgingly agreed to join him. it was a pretty secluded area. took it as an opportunity to make out… among other things.
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avesblues2 · 1 year
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And how do YOU know off the top of your head the exact date Zayn left One Direction? <.<
CRYING... because I was ON TUMBLR with my one direction fan blog when it happened.
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larrydelulu · 7 months
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shippingalongnicely · 9 months
Fic aesthetic
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Big White Lie polyamory, canon adjacent, omegaverse
One of my all-time favourite poly-omegaverse fics, so much #nouis!!!
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girl-bateman · 9 months
no matter how much you grow, how much you heal, how much you mature, you can never kill the pathways in your brain that make you a larry conspiracist
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⚔️ i'd love some unseen Damai deets 👀
I will gladly give some unseen deets! I'm gonna talk about their timelines, which I have the most about but have written next to nothing about here!
They have two major timelines which are then split even further to result in some weird happenings
Under a readmore for length and also general spoilers for basically everything
Timeline 1A: The canon story, all the way up to EoD!
Timeline 1B: This split happens after the events of HoT, Damai is lost entirely in their grief after losing both Trahearne and Trilin. Instead of finding some peace by travelling and eventually meeting Syd, they wind up in the arms of Lassa. Damai goes from the hero of Tyria to the biggest threat known to Tyria almost overnight.
Timeline 1C: The timeline where Damai fucking dies. Damai doesn't come back to life after The Departing. They're just too exhausted. Other people fight in their place, but no one takes up the mantle of commander again. Balthazar is torn to shreds by Indras. Revenants hear whispers from the stars.
Timeline 1D: Damai leaves with Aurene at the end of War Eternal. They continue to show up to solve problems, but they come and go long before the pact or anyone else has a chance to appear. They become significantly more in tune with their druid powers, and spend a lot of time in their space form. They visit only a few people from time to time, and it's almost impossible to predict when they and Aurene will appear.
Timeline 2A: Damai never becomes the commander. They run away with Indras almost immediately after awakening, both scared of how other sylvari might react to them. They end up in the Heart of Maguuma where they keep mostly to themselves up until the events of HoT. They join up with the pact at this point and stick around as somewhat odd but nice soldiers.
Timeline 2B: Damai is instead corrupted by Mordremoth. Both they and Indras are killed.
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babysdrivers · 2 months
not this ep of casualty starting with a guy falling off a cliff while falling by harry styles plays in the bg... this show is so unserious
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