#30sai made Dotei dato Mahotsukai ni Narerurashii
spicyvampire · 2 years
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Kurosawa the simp paparazzi strikes again 
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meiiodyy · 5 months
It's kurosawa's wild thoughts while keeping a straight face for me
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seytaniusak · 4 months
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It's 4:53 a.m. and I'm watching this.
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blueascend · 1 year
Rokkaku Yuta hadn’t always been the most observant person.
It was hard to believe now, but it was true. He’d been the last in their friend group to notice Minato and Keita’s relationship. He’d even gone out with his first girlfriend four times before he realized they were dating. Back in his University days, he’d truly been hopeless!
But ever since he started working at Toyokawa, he’d been honing his observational skills. It was important for a good salesman to know their client well without asking too many questions, after all, and Rokkaku planned on being the best. 
He was certainly learning from the best - Kurosawa was the kind of mentor any new salesman could only dream of and Rokkaku was not going to let him down. 
Still, Rokkaku had to admit, he did have some room for improvement.
“You wanted to talk to me, Kurosawa-san?”
Kurosawa looked unusually somber as he closed the door behind them, leaving them alone in the empty conference room. Whatever he had to tell Rokkaku, surely it couldn’t be bad? He’d seemed so happy lately, even when he tried to hide it behind his professional facade. 
(See? Observant.)
Kurosawa drew a deep breath. “I have some news to share.”
“Bad news?” Rokkaku asked.
“No.” Kurosawa shook his head. “Just the opposite.”
Rokkaku smacked his arm playfully. “Well, why the long expression then?”
���Ah, I - I’m worried, I suppose.” Kurosawa smiled, small and stiff. “I don’t think I need to be but I can’t help it. Force of habit.”
For once, Rokkaku was at a loss for words. He’d never seen Kurosawa like this, holding himself with such wariness. Whatever he was about to say, it seemed like he might be - scared of Rokkaku’s reaction? But that couldn’t be it, could it?
“I’m moving in with my partner,” Kurosawa finally said. “And I - we would like to invite you to the small housewarming we’re hosting.”
Rokkaku’s eyes widened. “Eh? But that’s great news! Why would that worry you?”
“...It’s Adachi.”
Rokkaku blinked. Kurosawa’s voice was quiet but he was pretty sure he’d heard him correctly. Hadn’t he?
“Adachi and I are moving in together,” Kurosawa said, seeming to understand that Rokkaku needed the clarification. “We’ve been dating for almost a year.”
Kurosawa and..... Adachi??
Rokkaku stared into space, memories rushing through his brain and rearranging themselves to fit this new context. Almost a year? So that time just after Christmas - and with Adachi’s accident - and last week, when he saw them get in the same cab....
“I never would have guessed,” Rokkaku admitted. “You hid it so well!”
Kurosawa laughed nervously. “We tried.” He swallowed.. “Are you alright with it?”
“Alright?” Rokkaku repeated incredulously. “You and Adachi are my most respected seniors and two of my favorite people. And to learn that you’ve found happiness together - that’s amazing!”
Kurosawa’s shoulders sagged, relief flooding his expression. He blinked, eyes suddenly shining. “Yeah?”
“Yes, of course!” 
Rokkaku grinned and, unable to hold back his exuberance any longer, reached out to hug Kurosawa tightly. It was hardly appropriate but what the hell - Kurosawa wasn’t just his senior, he was his friend!
He feared for a moment he’d overstepped but then Kurosawa laughed and hugged him back. When they parted he’d regained his composure, although his eyes were still shiny. Rokkaku chose not to comment.
“Seriously, though,” Rokkaku said. “I never would have seen it coming. You are two such different people - but it makes sense, in a way. You compliment each other.”
Kurosawa’s smile widened. “When did you get so wise?”
Rokkaku preened.
The housewarming party was indeed small, just the two hosts plus Rokkaku, Fujisaki, Minato and Tsuge. 
Tsuge and Minato brought sake as well as an advance copy of Tsuge’s latest novel (“It’s not a gift so much as homework. I need to know which parts are exciting and you are my most dedicated reader, Adachi.”) 
Fujisaki brought a beautiful snack box, the kind that would be perfect for distinguished company. (“We’re saving this for when your sister visits.” “But she said distinguished company, Adachi.” “You can be such a brat, you know that?”)
And Rokkaku brought - 
“A cactus?” 
Kurosawa turned the pot over in his hands with a puzzled smile.
“I read that a potted plant would be a good housewarming gift,” Rokkaku explained. “I picked this because I didn’t want to burden just one of you with caring for it and a cactus would be very difficult for Ada-” he cut himself off with a cough, amending, “for anyone to kill.”
Adachi laughed, taking the pot from Kurosawa’s hands and setting it down on the counter. “That’s very thoughtful, Rokkaku, thank you.”
Rokkaku shot him a thumbs-up.
They gathered around the small table - it was a tight fit, but they managed - toasting to the happy couple and their future. For the next couple of hours, the beer and conversation flowed freely. Rokkaku had to admit that although it was strange to see his seniors in this new context, it was also very heartwarming.
They looked at ease together, in a way he hadn’t even realized they didn’t apart. Clearly, they were good for each other. 
Although, it also made him wonder...
“Were you together yet the first time I visited you here?” 
He didn’t even realize he’d spoken aloud until the rest of them turned to look at him, all looking various degrees of confused.
“At our sleepover last year,” he elaborated. A sudden terrible thought occurred. “Was I crashing date night?!”
Adachi laughed, Kurosawa hiding his grin behind his glass. “Ah, no, you didn’t. We got together soon after, though.”
“How did that happen?” Fujisaki inquired, the question sounding politely curious rather than nosy coming from her. “I’ve never heard that story.”
“Me neither,” Minato chimed in. “Who asked out who?”
Adachi and Kurosawa exchanged looks, loaded with some meaning Rokkaku couldn’t decipher. 
“Wait,” Rokkaku said. “Don’t say it yet, let us guess! It must have been-”
“Kurosawa,” he, Minato and Fujisaki said at once.
Adachi frowned. “Hey, why does no one think it was me?”
“It wasn’t,” Kurosawa reminded him, giving Adachi such a loving look that Rokkaku could feel it like a wave from across the table. "I also told you I liked you first, remember?”
“Well, I did it second,” Adachi mumbled, resting his pink cheek against his palm. “I ran halfway across the neighborhood just to catch you on your way home to tell you.”
Rokkaku gasped. “How romantic!”
“Mhm,” Kurosawa hummed, stars in his eyes as he reminisced. “Very.”
“Kurosawa also fell in love first, didn’t he?” Fujisaki said. Her cheeks were flushed from the alcohol and Rokkaku suspected she wouldn’t have spoken up if she were entirely sober.
Drunk Fujisaki was a bit of a trouble maker, it turned out. 
Rokkaku approved.
“I did, yes,” Kurosawa said with a dramatic sigh. “All those years, spent pining away hopelessly...”
“Don’t exaggerate,” Adachi laughed.
Kurosawa blinked. “But I’m not? I was in love with you for seven years before we got together.”
“Eh?” Adachi’s mouth dropped open. “You are exaggerating now, Yuichi!”
Rokkaku and Fujisaki exchanged shocked, delighted glances. Seven years? Yuichi??
“I’m not,” Kurosawa repeated, wrapping his arms around Adachi’s shoulders, the rest of them seemingly forgotten. “You should comfort me, Kiyoshi, it was very difficult!”
Rokkaku was sure it had been - how could it not? He couldn’t imagine loving anyone for seven years, let alone having it be unrequited for all that time. But Kurosawa looked blissfully happy now, clinging to Adachi like an octopus, blushing cheeks pressed together.
“You’re drunk,” Adachi said through his laughter, but he was leaning into Kurosawa’s embrace anyway.
“You’re drunk,” Kurosawa replied.
“We’re all drunk!” Tsuge exclaimed, raising his glass, leaning heavily against a grinning Minato.
Rokkaku raised his glass as well, the two of them toasting and then downing the rest of their drinks. 
“I hope you realize none of you are crashing here tonight,” Adachi said dryly. His authority was somewhat undermined by his octopus boyfriend, still wrapped around him.
It was very strange, seeing them like this, but Rokkaku felt privileged to witness it. To know they had such deep trust in him. 
He may still not be the most observant, but there was one thing he was happy he excelled at - being the kind of man his friends could confide in.
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lovemebento · 2 years
Newlyweds 🥰
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tbx12 · 2 years
Why is Cherry Magic so beloved by many?
This is gonna be a very long post because since this drama came out I couldn’t get it out of my head. It’s my comfort show, to which I always return. And I can confidently say I am not the only one. Even though the premise of this drama may seem weird or even off-putting, giving it a shot was one of my best decisions. 
 One of the first things I, like many other people, loved was the overall theme. As already mentioned, the synopsis of a 30-year-old man gaining mind-reading powers because of him being a virgin and then the whole plot logically should be centered around that, is at least slightly weird. But the show’s theme is more like how these powers are actually being used and not just how they came to be. Communication and understanding others and their feelings play a huge role in this drama. It is shown repeatedly, that most of the time things are not as they seem. And I honestly love, how Adachi realizes this pretty early on. One of the early examples is the rooftop scene in episode 3. He notices how Kurosawa feels and tries to empathize with him and explain the situation from his perspective. 
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Adachi explains his situation, and when it still looks like Kurosawa didn’t understand what was he trying to say, he tries to explain it again and differently.
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From then onwards it s a common thing in this series. Adachi offers to Fujisaki he’ll talk to her mother, Tsuge learns through new experiences how to communicate his feelings for Minato and there are many more examples.
Another strong aspect of this show is the characters. Starting with the protagonist, it wasn’t difficult to relate to Adachi. Going day by day through life, being anxious, and having problems with setting up boundaries and communicating your feelings and needs. I also loved how Akaso Eiji portrayed Adachi’s mannerisms. The way he usually rubs his hands, when he’s nervous, or his panicked ironic smile in ridiculous situations, when he has no idea, how he actually got himself in those in the first place. Adachi is also a character, which is easy to root for. He’s a good person. Every time he makes the wrong assumption about someone, he feels bad, and tries to do better. (We see many times, when Adachi goes to Kurosawa’s place, or the aftermath of the competition)
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He always thinks of others, tries to overcome his anxiety, and has a strong moral backbone. He’s actively choosing to battle his flaws.
I loved how the theme of nothing being like it seems was repeatedly used when it came to Kurosawa. He seemed like the perfect salesman, the perfect man, or at least that was Adachi’s assumption. He has his own issues and is his own person. Kurosawa gets jealous, frustrated (not visibly to others) because both himself and the others in the series, and it is shown he too is a complicated individual with strong moral compass.
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I love how we go from “He’s blinding!” to the fact, that sometimes what we see is not necessarily the truth. What we, as the audience, see is a carefully crafted mask full of confidence, but that’s not really, who Kurosawa is. (It’s part of him, sure, but that’s only one of his many sides.) That’s why I loved the movie and the scenes in and after Adachi’s accident. It brought up a new aspect of the character and just as with Adachi, he’s a character, which is very likable.
The side characters are great as well. Fujisaki is supportive, yet does not come as overbearing. It was also refreshing to see aro/ace representation.
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I loved how Rokkaku’s enthusiasm, and how on the other side we (through Adachi) see that he’s a surprisingly sensitive and caring person. The way he defended his friend, Minato? On one hand, I felt bad for Tsuge, on the other I was really glad Rokkaku spoke up.
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I enjoyed watching Tsuge stumble, overcome his ‘running away from any complications’ attitude, and start to develop a healthy connection with Minato.
What made the most of the characters are definitely the actors. (For this part I’ll be only talking about the male leads because otherwise, this post will be way too long.) Those performances were amazing, and nothing felt out of place. Who stood out to me most was Akaso Eiji. As already mentioned his expressions and mannerism is just on point, and even after reading the manga I had problems imagining Adachi with a different face than Akaso Eiji’s. (Maybe that will change with the upcoming thai adaptation though.)
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Keita Machida’s performance? Amazing. The way mood changed every single time when this man did ONE micro-expression. For example, the difference between various Kurosawa’s smiles was huge. Some of them were reserved for the people he was frustrated at, then a similar expression was used for business, and of course there were smiles only reserved for the people close to him. Looking back at the manga, I, personally, saw the panels come to life.
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All in all, there are definitely more reasons, why this series (and the movie with the extras) brings such comfort to its fans. Is Cherry Magic perfect? Definitely no. Is this some cinematographic miracle? Not even close. But the themes are relatable, the characters are likable and overall it is enjoyable to watch.
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desire-for-madness · 2 years
I just finished the Cherry Magic movie and it was so positive that I cried many times. It's not the kind of movie that's going to blow you away with the plot, or throw you into a spiral of obsession or etc, it was just a soft and warm, a wonderful movie.
It felt like a movie that was needed, the characters were all brought back, their main essences stayed the same, lots of connections to the original series and no audience pleasing scenes.
The scene that for me is a interpretation of this movie is the ending scene. They could've waited and made a beautiful shot of cherry blossoms or blooming trees, but they didn't. They didn't try to unnecessarily add a filter to their story, life is life. It's up to us to put in the effort, communicate, be grateful for what we have and treat others with kindness.
10/10, will be looking for a way to support this movie by buying dvds or smth; I'll do research.
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petrichoraline · 2 years
rokkoku? more like cockblocku 🙄
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i seriously thought kurosawa picked adachi's phone up and rokkoku'd be like are yall together rn?? and then i thought he meant to call adachi and his phone rang but it was just adachi's stomach rumbling :')
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cold-and-unsure · 2 years
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meroko26us · 8 months
Cherry Magic Drama CDs
Does anyone know where I can listen to the Japanese Cherry Magic drama cds? I just finished the most recent manga volume in English and need more. Thanx 4 any help. Also anything abt the manga in them or the special edition Japanese volumes is appreciated
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guacagabs · 2 years
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Something I drew for the cherry magic mini bang last year! I meant to throw in a second piece but unfortunately ran out of time but this is part of a scene from chapter 2 of the lovely fic I worked with by @kurodachimagic !
Give it a read over on tumblr or ao3 if you haven't already :)
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spicyvampire · 2 years
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aylinaliens · 2 years
8 for the drama asks 💞
8. a drama that sounded terrible in its synopsis but somehow worked out
i love cherry magic! it will always have a spot in my top 10 dramas but the synopsis nearly drove me away. i remember coming across it on MDL and being iffy about it because like. what. a 30 year virgin old virgin gains this magical ability to read peoples mind? you can’t sit there and say the premise is not wack. i was hesitant about watching it but decided to just bite the bullet and give it a try…i’m so glad I did because two years later and i’m still not over the kuroadachi brain rot.
cherry maho is wholesome and feels like a warm hug on a rainy day but the initial premise, the hypnosis, made me sit there like ???? when i first read it
every time i talk about cherry magic with other people who have not seen it yet i’m always like “it’s so wholesome and lovely and cute and relatable” only to be hit with the “so what exactly is it about? why is it called cherry magic?” question. i always tell them to ignore the wacky premise because it’s nothing like that at all…but it kind of it. wouldn’t have it any other way though 🐰💙
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Drama Asks
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baxiiii · 2 years
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A quick doodle of Fujisaki
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blueascend · 1 year
Adachi never thought he’d be the kind of person to lounge around in bed during the middle of the day.
Then again, he never thought he’d fall so deeply in love or be so blissfully happy, either. And lounging around in bed is a different thing indeed when you’ve got someone with you, their arms wrapped around you tight and their body pressed against yours.
Besides, they’ve had a busy work week - Kurosawa especially - so Adachi thinks they’ve earned this.
He feels rather than hears Kurosawa sigh, his breath warm against the back of Adachi’s neck. He follows the sigh by softly saying, “I used to dream about this, you know.”
“Oh?” Adachi’s heart flutters. It’s new information but it doesn’t exactly surprise him. “I never saw that fantasy.”
Kurosawa stiffens slightly against him. Then he’s pulling away, just a little bit but enough to make Adachi want to whine at the loss of contact. 
“What do you mean by that fantasy?”
Ah. Adachi swallows, then reluctantly turns around. They don’t really talk about his magic much, especially not since he lost it, but it seems like the kind of conversation that should happen face to face. Even if Adachi feels too shy about it to look Kurosawa in the eye.
“I saw a few of your, ah, ideas about us,” he admits. “Usually, I’d only pick up on words but I guess if the mental picture was strong enough, it would… transmit.”
Kurosawa hums. “So what did you see?”
“Mostly it was mushy couple stuff,” Adachi says, and Kurosawa smiles, completely unembarrassed. “Sometimes you were just picturing me… it felt strange,” he admits, “seeing myself the way you did. It overwhelmed me, to think that someone could see me like that.”
“Like what?”
Adachi pauses, trying to think of the best words to describe it. “Like I was special.”
“You are,” Kurosawa says without hesitation. 
He takes Adachi’s hand, bringing it up to his lips and pressing a soft kiss in the center of his palm. Adachi fights the urge to squirm, warmth blooming in his chest and rushing through his body like an avalanche. It still catches him off guard, how Kurosawa can make him feel so loved with such a simple gesture.
“You’re the most beautiful person,” Kurosawa continues, apparently not done, “the kindest, most courageous, the most adorable-”
“Alright,” Adachi laughs, squeezing Kurosawa’s hand. “I get it, you don’t have to keep going.”
“I could, though,” Kurosawa says, but he mercifully doesn’t. Adachi’s not sure his heart could handle it. “I could keep going for at least a hundred years.”
“Please don’t.”
Kurosawa laughs quietly. He adjusts his grip on Adachi’s hand, entwining their fingers, but suddenly even that doesn’t feel like enough contact. Adachi scoots closer, knees knocking gently together, bringing his forehead to rest against Kurosawa’s. He feels Kurosawa’s breath hitch, feels his body relax in the next moment.
“You know I think all of these things about you too, right?” Adachi mumbles, cheeks growing warm. “Even if I’m bad at saying them out loud.”
Kurosawa’s smile grows softer, eyes sparkling. “I know,” he assures Adachi.
He knows Kurosawa is telling the truth but he still feels a bit guilty, because Kurosawa deserves to hear these words. Maybe someday, Adachi will feel confident enough to say them without feeling like he’s cracked his chest open. 
Right now, this is enough; just holding each other, basking in each other’s light like they’re both at once a delicate flower in the springtime and the sun shining down on it.
Eugh. Adachi makes a face at his own analogy. Maybe mushiness is catching?
“What are you thinking?” Kurosawa asks, sounding amused. 
“Nothing,” Adachi lies quickly.
Kurosawa hums in response, clearly not believing him. Adachi leans in, closing that little bit of distance between them and distracting him with a kiss.
And if their afternoon cuddle turns into a lazy makeout session, that’s simply out of Adachi’s control. It’s not his fault his boyfriend is both so easily distracted and so kissable.
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lovemebento · 2 years
Life as a newlywed according to Kurosawa 😂
1. Prepare a folder with 100 things you would like to do with your partner aka Adachi
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2. Arrive home earlier than your partner. This would enable you to greet your partner at the door. Preferably while wearing an apron (optional: only). Bonus point if you manage to throw in a kabedon or two.
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3. After which greet your partner in this order;
“Do you want a meal?”
“Do you want to shower/bath?”
“Or… do you want me?”
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4. Wait for your partner to become flustered and hug you 😍 don’t forget their reply!
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Lol I can’t wait for vol 11! Movie is one thing but manga 😍😍
All are taken from sensei’s twitter! You could find this here
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