#4nn4 friends
skinnyqueen33 · 2 years
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<333 mylightkitchen on insta
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anna-blogg-27 · 15 days
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Tips 💋
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jopok-krp · 4 years
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Welcome to Jopok! Please follow the ADMIN TWITTER within 48 hours of acceptance, or your faceclaim will be freed up
Indie spends most of her days at home, moving from her bed to her computer, to the fridge, and back to her bed again. She orders everything online: takeout, groceries, clothes, anything she could ever need can be bought over the internet and delivered right to her door. She figures why do it yourself if you can pay someone else to?
She's very laid back and easy going, almost criminally so. She rarely gets mad or frustrated about things unless she’s extremely passionate about them- but those things are far and few between. Her calm and cool demeanour has won her many fans over the past 5 years, ever since she first created her twitch account, a large part of her income even comes from those same fans supporting her through twitch and Patreon. Naturally, Wonyoung was attracted to gaming almost as soon as she was able to use a computer while left to her own devices, literally and figuratively.
Her humour is blue, her mind in the gutter, and her language vulgar. Of course she knows when and where to show, or hide, these aspects of herself, which is something she picked up while she was in boarding school and hasn’t forgotten since.
She has things she cares deeply about, even if her lack of energy and motivation can make people think otherwise.
19/06/2011 - Birth.
Choi Wonyoung was born in Busan, South Korea. She was the fly in her parents’ ointment, having been conceived completely by accident, because according to her mother “a choice made under the influence of alcohol isn’t a choice at all but instead a mistake.”
10/11/2016 - Relocation.
Wonyoung, now five years old and better known as Anna Choi, arrived in London, UK. It was loud, busy, and there was never any parking outside their expensive apartment building, which Anna’s father never shut up about.
She was given an English tutor and enrolled in a primary school where her differences painted a target on her back, one so large even the dimmest of bullies could land a bullseye. Of course, she didn’t understand a word, thus the bullying went over her head and took the trauma with it, leaving her completely unscathed - or at least almost completely unscathed, as she still had to suffer through the school lunches.
29/08/2022 - Relocation 2: electric boogaloo.
Now eleven years old, fluent in English, and able to fend for herself, she was sent off to boarding school. Her parents purposely conceived another child and, in a moment of pure genius, decided they’d have an easier time with this one if their oldest was sent away to be someone else’s problem for a while. After all, they could easily afford the outrageous cost of sending a child to live in a Hogwarts Castle reject manor house, as they’d lived in the centre of London for six years and the prices really weren’t much different.
Anna surprisingly hated the idea of being away from her parents but as an eleven year old with no say in her own life, her many loud and disruptive protests didn’t change a thing. In fact, they may have made her parents even more eager to send her halfway across the country.
05/09/2022 - Bo(a)r(d)ing school.
After only a matter of days Anna found herself enjoying being away from her parents. With them and their expectations four or five hours away, she soon realized she’d been unable to breathe easy for quite some time. She was no longer expected to study as hard or as long as her parents had forced her to based on their own experiences in South Korea. This meant she had a sudden influx of free time, which she immediately pissed away on video games with friends found and made on the internet.
Her computer quickly became her main source of entertainment, socialization, and even comfort. What technology could do far surpassed anything a real person had to offer, thus Anna became somewhat of a boarding school recluse. Which was quite difficult to achieve seeing as she had a roommate with little understanding of personal space.
10/10/2025 - First beer.
Now fourteen years old and surprisingly mature beyond her years, Anna inevitably grew closer to her roommate, Sophia. They were polar opposites during the day but after a midnight conversation shared over a lukewarm beer her roommate had been saving under her bed for god knows how long, the two bonded. They shared their life stories with each other, their hopes for the future, their gossip about other students, and the contract was signed: best friends forever, or something very close to forever at least.
The night ended with Anna awkwardly comforting a crying Sophia while she explained about her family life. They weren’t rich like Anna’s family was. Sophia’s accent was the poshest thing about her, she’d managed to get into the school thanks to a program meant to give the talented underprivileged the same opportunities as those with money. Her mother was on the waiting list for a new heart due to Cardiomyopathy but it wasn’t looking good, and her father struggled with juggling a job as well as her younger brother, and on top of all that was the guilt of not being home to help.
--/--/2027 - Enter 1ND13.
1ND13 4NN4 J0N35, or 1ND13 for short, became Anna’s silly online persona. During her adventures on the internet she met some very interesting people, some of whom turned her onto coding. Coding opened the metaphorical door to all kinds of things, which eventually led right to hacking. At first it was a hobby, a skill she really only used to jokingly gain access to student email accounts, but it quickly spiralled into something much riskier. She was, as much as she hated to admit it, just as ambitious as her parents. Although her ambition never forced her to physically move, unlike theirs.
Feeling a sense of teenage rebellion and a growing outrage toward society as a whole, Anna launched an attack on her parents. Using DNS cache poisoning, she created a clone website for her parents’ bank and waited for the login details she needed. A sizable amount of money was transferred to a fake account registered to an equally fake person, and voilà.
As much as she wanted to use the newly acquired cash for herself, Anna decided to give it to someone who needed it way more: Sophia. It was a rush unlike any other, knowing she’d done something illegal all for the good of another human being. Like an online Robin Hood but with way less forest and anthropomorphic animals.
--/--/2028 - Relocation 3: the sequel nobody asked for.
During her stay at boarding school Anna had become so disconnected from her own family that the thought of returning home to them filled her with, well, nothing. She hadn’t spent much time at all with her new sibling since his birth and her parents didn’t seem to care about the lack of contact either. She could count the times they’d been the ones to reach out to her first on one hand.
Once Anna graduated she reverted back to using her birth name and made arrangements to return to South Korea. With nothing keeping her in the UK, not even Sophia who’d jumped at the chance to study abroad, she figured she may as well go wherever the hell she wanted to. She spouted some bullshit about getting in touch with her roots and spending time with family during the trying times following the water shortage, but the real reason was what Seoul had to offer. Competitive gaming was calling her, and with South Korea at the center of it all Wonyoung couldn’t think of a better place to be.
--/--/2030 - Aquarius.
What Wonyoung hadn’t known before returning to her birth country was that crime was more rampant than it ever had been before. On the surface Seoul was beautiful and offered her everything she’d ever wanted. However when she looked a little closer, the shadows cast by the big three families and the gangs seemed to swallow up every corner leaving nothing untouched.
Naturally, Wonyoung took the corruption within the government as an opportunity to hone her hacking skills. After all, who’d waste time on a little fish when they could be catching white whales? Aquarius, that’s who.
With control over the black market, it was only a matter of time before a few missing organs raised suspicions. Wonyoung had taken to commandeering illegally acquired body parts and using them for her own Robin Hood agenda. The gang made short work of tracking her down, only to come face to face with a hermit with carpal tunnel syndrome caused by her decision to game for a living.
--/--/2032 - H0M3 SW33T H0M3.
As it turned out, Aquarius were looking for a hacker and Wonyoung was looking for a notorious underground gang with handsome leadership. Thus began a mutually beneficial relationship.
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skinnyqueen33 · 2 years
Today’s Workout:
100 jump king jacks
40 crunches
10 press ups
100 mountain climbers
50 bicycle crunches
40 second wall sit
30 second high knees
6 weight lifts
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skinnyqueen33 · 2 years
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skinnyqueen33 · 2 years
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very much suited to me but if anyone wants to follow along go for it and remember my dms are always open <333
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skinnyqueen33 · 2 years
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yum <3
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skinnyqueen33 · 2 years
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DUDEEE!! This recipe is sosososo gooood, they’re so tastyy!!!
credits so my little kitchen on insta <3
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skinnyqueen33 · 2 years
Chia Seeds and Greek Yogurt <333
90cal breakfast :)
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skinnyqueen33 · 2 years
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˚ · .pleassse <3
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skinnyqueen33 · 2 years
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skinnyqueen33 · 2 years
A love interest who tells me not to starve myself which just motivates me to starve more >>>> me just starving myself
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skinnyqueen33 · 2 years
I love how Diet Coke feels on an empty stomach. All the bubbles inside of me and the feeling of my stomach moving around because there’s nothing else in there. <333
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skinnyqueen33 · 2 years
kind ana coaches wyaaa??
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skinnyqueen33 · 2 years
justbonesplease33 is new account :)
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skinnyqueen33 · 2 years
when you manage to restrict on the weekend >>>>>>
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