#500 caliber contractz
bryce-bucher · 8 months
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Wishlist pls thnx:
Key art was done by турбожаба
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kyle-the-conjurer · 23 days
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clay creatures I never finished
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peepeepoopoodumdum · 8 months
HauntedPS1's EEK3 presentation was so good, so many great new projects, updates for projects I've been waiting for and trailers for games I've never heard of that are already out. Here's a very long post of my favourite trailers from the presentation.
Death in Abyss
>one way
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bryce-bucher · 5 months
Green Demon!!:
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This whole post is gonna be about the green demon challenge that I implemented. For those unaware, the green demon challenge is something that originates from mario 64. It's a self imposed challenge in which you try to complete a level after spawning a 1up without letting it touch you. I love the concept so much, so I decided to add in a lil challenge on certain contracts where you summon a green demon and run around to grab 4 token pieces before it catches you.
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The process of making the green demon's graphics was v fun. First, I made a sketch.
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Then, I rendered out the head and hands in blender. (The animation is only 6 frames of the head and hands bobbin up n down.) Then, I brought those frames into csp and drew the same face on each frame.
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After that, I shrunk that bitch down and dithered it with web colors like I had done with the environment textures.
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The final result is something that feels like a geocities gif, and I'm really happy with it.
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During playtesting I realized that players need to be able to figure out where the token pieces are gonna spawn before the demon is summoned, so I included these green token pieces to take their place before they spawn. Honestly, the only reason I'm mentioning this is because something in my lizard brain tells me to get very excited when I see floating green collectibles in games. I think it is because of how cool and special I thought the green stars were in Mario Galaxy when I was younger.
I am aiming to have a demo of this game done with a couple contracts you can play by feb. We will see if this will happn... Other than that I don't got a lot 2 say. Next week u might be seeing some v cool ui if I manage to get it done.
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bryce-bucher · 5 months
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Water Ripplez:
I've been playing DMC3 lately, and I noticed some of the enemies in that game pop out of the ground with this warble effect that makes it look as though the ground beneath them in distorting. I asked some fellow devs about how that might've been done and eventually landed on a specific method.
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The first step was to go into blender and create this little waves/ripple model and bake it onto a flat plane to get the normal map. If you don't know what a normal map is, it is a 2d texture that tells light what direction it should bounce off it in order to give the illusion of depth. Look them up they are cool.
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The next thing I did was make a circular model and align the UVs so that scrolling it downwards would make it look as though the waves were traveling outwards from the center.
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Then I brought that model and the normal map into unity and set up this refraction shader. dw about it.
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And finally it all came together to become a little ground distortion. Wow, i'm so proud of it. Not proud as in im proud of making it, but proud of it as if it were my son.
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I decided to add in lil bubbles(z) that you can jump into and they pop which launches you up. They've turned out to be really helpful for bridging gaps in level design, and they were easy af to make. Not much to say about them besides I hope they r fun and I'll be adding cool pop particles to them later.
Doctor Spider:
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The first thing I did when getting back on this project after my big October break was finish up Doctor Spider.
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He is the second target in the desert nightclub area, and he lives up this big ass dome. You gotta bring him some blood wine to draw him out and then shoot him with ur gun. He sucks.
Uhhhh.. idk. Ima be posting more about this again, so look forward to that or don't if u don't wanna. Wishlist the game if u think it looks cool and hope u have good day tyty
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bryce-bucher · 9 months
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The main thing I did over the past week or so was put together this dialogue system. The system itself was fairly easily to implement, and I think the only interesting part of the process to share is how I went about making the UI. As per usual, I wanted to have a cool mechanical feeling ui, but at the same time a friend of mine suggested an AOL instant messenger inspired chat window. I loved both of these ideas so I decided to combine them into a screen that pops up and contains the aim-like window. The modeling process for the screen was similar to how I went about making the other two bits of ui that are on screen in the above photos, but I decided to include a VGA port.
I didn't originally plan to include a VGA port, but I was in the middle of researching monitors and accidentally left a window open on my computer that just had a big photo of one and I went "wait a minute.". With my final two braincells I suddenly decided to slap together a model for the port which I ended up being proud enough of to, for some reason, make an entire section for it.
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Sorry if any of the above sentences read horribly. I am going to need a third braincell if you want this stuff to be coherent. Anyway, Blender is so cool. Using the array modifier to make all these lil squares for the holes in the port is just such a satisfying process. I've come to really like makin pre-rendered assets like this.
New Movez:
This is actually a pretty big inclusion, and I probably should've ranked it in my mind above the VGA port. I added some new movement options to the game!
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Firstly, I added this melee move where you swing the back of the sniper forwards to propel yourself a bit. It is mainly useful as a bunnyhop that allows you to conserve momentum.
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Next up I added this kick that happens if you melee while in the air. It's basically just the one from mario64. It lets you gain a little bit more height and distance. It also becomes way more effective if you have a lot of momentum. A good tool for correcting jumps and reaching new heights.
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Finally, we have the big schmovement slide. This slide gives you a huge burst of speed that you can jump out of in order to send your self flyin. Surprisingly, it didn't really break any of the level design and ended up being a really fun addition imo. In order to perform it, you have to do a ground pound and then melee as you hit the ground. Also, I feel like I basically stole this from pseudoregalia. Played through that recently and it has been a good source of inspiration.
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This is a cameo skin I've been really excited to finally make myself put in the game. Anodyne 2 is a really important game to me, and I love it much. I'm really happy tha folks at analgesic let me put her in here, and I'm p happy with how her model came together. If you haven't peeped the Anodyne games I highly recommend them. The first one was a major inspiration for parts of Fatum Betula.
Lately I've been playing this game way too much. It has made it impossible for me to tell if it is fun or well designed. Some problems cropped up during playtesting that ima need to address, and I hope that it all comes together into something that one could say is "fun and cool". I think takin this weekend off is gonna do my brain good. Oh yeah also I feel like I should advertise that I'm still doing commissions if anyone is interested. Anyway, have a good 1 and enjoy urself.
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bryce-bucher · 8 months
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Tha Pole-vault:
I added what is hopefully the final move to the moveset. It's a sort of pole-vault that you use to fling yourself around.
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Aside from just letting you flip around tho, it also partially converts your horizontal momentum into vertical momentum. This means that if you are going fast enough, you can fling yourself up real high.
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Wow wow woowiwe woah
Put an explosive floatin around. U can grab it and it will immediately start counting down. You have to bring it to the bomb site before it explode can you believe it!!!1
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In the factory level you're gonna use this to blow up the propaganda statue that the company funded to keep workers complacent.
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I woke up in a cold horirible sweat with a dastardly idea to make some 2D billboarded skins for this game. I got to work immediately by grabbing a copy of flash 8 and making some shitty drawings with my mouse. What I ended up with is a skin that I'm calling Flash Trash:
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(Oh yeah also this is a wip tutorial area dw about it) After putting this skin together I thought it would also be cool to make a similar skin as an homage to the thing thing flash games that served as a p big inspiration for this project as a whole. So I got to work again and put together thingthingthing:
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Here are some behind tha scenes photos:
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flash is so fun. I loved flash anims and games as a kid but I was too young to really figure out how to use it myself. Feel like I missed out tbh it is such a cool program.
I'm sick af!!! Not in the good way!! I got some kinda food poisoning or something and it was existentially horrible! Been recovering from that steadily while still gettin some work done here and there. I've been putting together a whole tutorial area which I'll show off sometime. Once that is done I'll be ready to get some more playtesting done before moving on to getting the first two worlds completely finalized. Also played a lot of bombrush cyberfunk. Very cool game.
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bryce-bucher · 3 days
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Hello, I am now excepting donations at https://ko-fi.com/brycebucher/commissions to get ur name in my game. I'm planning on having a secret room with little guys runnin around with each person's name above their head, and there is no donation limit so you can have as many guys as you want lol. Also, the donation amount will control how big the guy is.
If you are unaware what this game is, it's a 3d platformer I'm making where u kill rich people with a big sniper rifle. It's heavily influenced by flash games I played as a kid as well as stuff like mario 64. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2571410/500_CALIBER_CONTRACTZ/
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bryce-bucher · 7 months
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NPC Guy:
As you can see in the pictures above, there is now a guy. Lately I've been trying to get better at 2D digital painting, and it dawned on me that it might be kinda cool to make the friendly NPCs in this game lowpoly dudes with hand painted textures.
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Initially I drew up this face and tried to make a model to fit it, but I realized quickly I needed to not cut corners and actually, like, design a character first.
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I went back to the drawing board (literally omg) and drew up this guy to serve as a factory worker NPC. After that I got to modelling/ texturing. After both of those were done what do u know I got a new guy wow.
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Quite a fun process.
New Desert Zone:
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I whiteboxed a new little area to the left of the desert night club. This is essentially a little zone housing the hideout sphere of the nefarious dr spider. I don't know what else to say about it.
Steam Page:
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The steam page is up!!! I've been pretty excited to get the page up if for no other reason than the art I commissioned for it rules. The key art was done by турбожаба and I am super happy about it. I gave them a reference render for the perspective / lighting and they returned it to me a masterpiece
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Pls wishlist it btw. It helps out a good deal.
It's been pretty hard for me to get work done the past few weeks, so I'm happy to finally be making progress again. I had to go to the ER for chronic stomach issues (I'm fine) and deal with some other troubling events. Anyway, I'm gonna aim to have a demo done by feb so hopefully that'll happen. The next thing I'm gonna get done is implement Dr.Spider himself. Hope u look forward to it and have a good day.
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bryce-bucher · 9 months
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Shoot The DJ:
I started working on the first target for the desert nightclub level. As shown above, it's the DJ working at the club all dressed up in heavily armored, stylized gimp gear. The idea is that he is locked up in the VIP area up above, and his armor prevents you from shooting him from the front. The back of his head serves as an exposed weak-point, so you need to find a way to get behind him. I'm planning on having his head-bobbing animation sink up to the music playin in the nightclub, but that isn't implemented yet. Overall, I'm v happy with how his design came out, and I think this level is gonna have a fun vibe to it.
The Mysterious Blue Bullet:
This week I also added in a new mechanic that I had planned for a while. It's a fairly simple one, but I think it'll add quite a bit to the game.
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This blue bullet pickup gives you a one-time-use powerful shot that can pierce through armored objects and launch you much further/higher than a typical bullet. The catch is that you have to expend it in place of a regular bullet, so you have to maneuver to where you need to be without the use of your sniper before firing it. In this level, it can be used as an alternate way of killing the DJ. You can grab it and just shoot him in tha fuckin face. Also, as shown in the picture, the HUD will indicate you have the blue bullet with a gritting happy face. idk why
Target Skinzzzz:
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I decided that the targets you kill should also have their own skins that the player can use. Here we have a player version of the DJ as well as the Data Collector from the factory level. Not much to say here beside I think it iz cool :)
I felt that work was a bit slow this week, but I guess I did get a good bit done. I'm having to juggle this game with commission work and contract work at the moment because I'm pretty broke rn. On that note, if you'd like to commission me for a lowpoly character model (and my commissions are up when you are reading this) feel free to contact me here. Also my bud's game Pseudoregalia just came out so why not check it out wowee wowow. Have a good day every1
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bryce-bucher · 10 months
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In Tha Dunez :
I've gone ahead and started working on the next level of the game. It is a big empty desert populated only by a nightclub being run in the center of it. Right now it is very early on in the whiteboxing process (which is why the nightclub is entirely white), but I'm super excited to keep making progress on it. The factory level isn't entirely complete yet, but I've decided to rough out each level before going make and cleaning them up.
The FROG :
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I also took a break from whiteboxing to add in yet another cameo skin. This time, it's this frog from Hayd_n's game Jamphibian. This one was a long time coming and the only reason I put it off was because I was a little scared of having to model the head shape. It ended up lookin pretty good though I think. I always find replicating existing characters in a different style to be a bit of a treat.
A bit of a short post this time. I just got back from a trip, so the ball was a little slow rolling in terms of me getting back to work. It doesn't help that I keep thinking of ideas for a point'n'click adventure game I want to make. Someday that will happen, but I've got 4 other games on my plate rn lol. I hope you all have a good one, and I'll keep keepin everyone up 2 date on this game.
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bryce-bucher · 10 months
These posts are gonna have the game's title rather than ".50 Caliber 3D Platformer" from now on, just a heads up. I finally got a trailer together! Most of it was shoddily put together in window movie maker as god intended, and the final bits where made with blender / sony vegas. It was a bit rushed to meet a deadline, but I'm quite happy with it. The wonderful nu metal track in the trailer was donated by Shinigami who will also be commissioned to do a few tracks in the game itself! I honestly don't have much more to say about the trailer other than it was fun 2 make.
Logo Logo Logo Logo :
Making a logo was easily the biggest hurdle I had to cross before getting a trailer out. I've known for a while that I wanted the game to be called "500 CALIBER CONTRACTZ", but I knew that making a logo befitting of such a name would take some work. I ended up gathering references from artists such as crooixe and just kinda put them in a big folder to mull over. After enough of that, I got to work with pen on paper and sketched this up:
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I went ahead and brought that into Affinity Photo and, after a bit of work, came out with this:
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As we all know, any logo worth a damn has an unreadable subtitle that has its own slightly more readable subtitle to clarify what it says.
Conclusion :
Sorry I couldn't go more in depth about the process in this post. I've been quite buzy. I'm about to be off on a trip, so I wont be able to get any work done for the next week or so. I'll be back after that with more updates about tha game. See ya then, and enjoy your week.
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bryce-bucher · 1 month
does 500cc assassin have a name or do you prefer to leave them undesignated
I just call them the "sniper from 500 caliber contractz" or sometimes even the illustrious title "sniper from my game"
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bryce-bucher · 7 months
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Halloween 2023 Game Post #1
Introduction to this evil scary type game:
Last year in October I decided I wanted to spend the month making a "small" Halloween themed game that was essentially a mix between CoD Zombies and Thing Thing Arena with the Doom 3 flashlight mechanic and pre-rendered graphics. I got the character controller done as well as a few basic mechanics before completely burning out. I spent the rest of that October just enjoying myself, what horror. Anyway, this year I spoke with my friend and fellow dev Feverdream Johnny about us collaborating on a revival of this game. So, for this entire month thus far, we have been working towards getting this game out by Halloween! One of the most exciting aspects of this collaboration is that Johnny is quite experienced with making multiplayer experiences, so this game has proper online multiplayer. I think it'll be a fun + neat wave shooter u and ur friend(s) can fuck about in. Anyway, watch out 4 more posts about this.
500 Caliber Contractz dev is on hold until nov because of this game so dont expect any updates on that u greedy demon. Working on this game has been a nice change of pace / break from that one, and it is really fun to be able to playtest something online with friends. I hope you all have a happy halloween and go play some scary games or something pls thnx
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bryce-bucher · 21 days
first, i love your work
second, very excited to find out you have a tumblr
third, whatcha working on now? ^w^
fourth, do you see any (or at least a tolerable amount) proceeds from Switch sales? (bought Fatum Batula and MULO and was wondering if i should rebuy on itch lol)
-tyty -ya -500 CALIBER CONTRACTZ. It a 3d platformer w/gun -Most of my money comes from switch sales I think. I get less of the gross revenue or w/e, but they sell a lot more on there. If you are just lookin' to give me extra support or get the games DRM free then itch is the way to go, but I'm just happy 2 hear people played and enjoyed the games at all.
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