every-tome · 7 months
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tippysattic · 3 months
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Brass Trinket box with Mother of Pearl Lid 3.5 wide.
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exotic-indians · 1 year
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pesterloglog · 4 months
Roxy Lalonde, Calliope
Act 6, page 7694-7695
ROXY: hay!! hope you dont mind i pulled you off to the side like this
ROXY: away from other nice pals for a lil one + one rox & cal time
ROXY: i might b greedy as shit!
CALLIOPE: i don't mind at all!
CALLIOPE: i'm still getting Used to the concept of in-person socialization at all, let alone with many people.
CALLIOPE: and yes, yoU MAY be greedy, bUt if so, then so am i by the exact same standard. ^u^
ROXY: fffuck yes
ROXY: like a couple of friendship burglars pickin each others pockets all shifty eyed and lookin out for cops
ROXY: but also giggling i guess because that is in the spirit of the scenario in question
CALLIOPE: heheh. yes.
ROXY: i cant believe youre really here
ROXY: it hardly seems real!
ROXY: after all these years and how u were just like a mystery friend online and then how worried i was we might lose you for good
ROXY: but now......
ROXY: wow
CALLIOPE: i know!!!
ROXY: so u and jane and jade were hangin out?
CALLIOPE: it was great.
CALLIOPE: we drew and told stories.
CALLIOPE: i'd heard yoU died, so i was holding oUt some hope that yoU woUld show Up too...
CALLIOPE: and yoU did eventUally. jUst not the version of yoU i expected.
CALLIOPE: i never dared to think yoU woUld bring me this gift.
ROXY: well
ROXY: i swore i would
ROXY: and john kinda double swore he would help
ROXY: damn the kid is persistent
CALLIOPE: i like him.
CALLIOPE: he is easy to talk to.
ROXY: yeah!
CALLIOPE: i've read aboUt him, of coUrse.
CALLIOPE: the reality of someone standing in front of yoU is qUite different from what yoU read aboUt them in a text.
CALLIOPE: bUt then, i have no idea how accUrate anything i read is anymore.
CALLIOPE: i always believed i was in possession of the texts which decoded yoUr fUtUre, and i behaved toward all of yoU in that sly and knowing manner, avoiding "spoilers" and sUch.
CALLIOPE: that was probably presUmptUoUs of me thoUgh, in hindsight. i clearly didn't know that mUch.
CALLIOPE: i certainly didn't read anything aboUt my own involvement. i never coUld have imagined being here.
ROXY: you were still helpful though!
ROXY: you were the force in our lives that gave us hope that we could all get together some day
ROXY: going down that road has been craaazy and by no means a smooth ride
ROXY: im losin count of all the times it looked like everything was about to break or catch fire or actually DID break and catch fire resulting in loads of dismay
ROXY: but when you look back, every time things went to shit there was always something constructive about that turn of events
ROXY: something that was necessary for the good outcome to happen at all
ROXY: so whenever something stupid happens like some a-hole gets a bonehead idea to steal a ring and then everyone dies horribly and at the TIME u think ur just gonna curl up and cry yourself into weepy nonexistence
ROXY: maybe those arent even "bad" realities?
ROXY: maybe they are as important as any
ROXY: and so are all the experiences that u had in them and so are the experiences of everyone who died because you dont just get to say your experiences are more important or significant just cus you happened to be someone who survived longer
ROXY: i guess what im saying is
ROXY: im grateful you let me go on this adventure and not even in spite of the hardship it involved
ROXY: i just had a little time to think about it in the firefly nothingspace
ROXY: and i think all of it was good
CALLIOPE: i'm happy that i coUld play sUch a role in yoUr lives.
CALLIOPE: i don't know if i deserve mUch credit for these positive revelations aboUt yoUr joUrney thoUgh.
CALLIOPE: yoU are the one who's been on the adventUre.
CALLIOPE: i have barely taken my first step.
CALLIOPE: i spent all my life in my room, and then every moment in the afterlife cowering in fear.
CALLIOPE: it's only now that trUe participation is even a possibility.
CALLIOPE: bUt even so, i really doUbt i'll have mUch to offer.
CALLIOPE: my other self who i jUst released... i think she is poised to do something mUch more significant.
ROXY: what do you think shell do
CALLIOPE: i have no clUe.
ROXY: but she told u to live right
ROXY: by which i can only assume she meant
ROXY: yo live it UP girl
ROXY: like uh
ROXY: go shopping or something
ROXY: or rocket down the highway in a convertible with cash flyin out the back??
CALLIOPE: that is not the sort of sentiment i can imagine coming from her Under any circUmstance.
CALLIOPE: bUt yes, maybe something to the effect of encoUraging me to enjoy my existence, as commUnicated by a more typical, trUly asocial member of my species.
CALLIOPE: really, what i took from it was...
CALLIOPE: she is the "real" one, with all the power and relevance now, and i am the "spare". a civilian in a sense, like in a war.
CALLIOPE: and the only Use for civilians, from a militaristic mindset, are as those who live their lives in whatever completely irrelevant way they choose to.
CALLIOPE: they are the collateral at stake, the ones for whom the war is theoretically foUght, bUt whose lifestyles, choices, happiness and sUch, hold no concern whatsoever for those fighting on their behalf.
CALLIOPE: this i think is the mindset of cherUbs of her alignment. as protectors, it is the relationship they have with those they protect.
CALLIOPE: and so that is probably the relationship she believes she has with me.
ROXY: you make it sound like
ROXY: she is the legit callie
ROXY: and you are the afterthought
ROXY: like the one from the funky reality that didnt go right?
CALLIOPE: technically, her timeline was doomed, by her predomination alone.
CALLIOPE: even so, yes, it does feel as thoUgh my reality was the oddity.
CALLIOPE: cherUbs were never sUpposed to grow Up like me. exposed to other caring people, and learning from them.
CALLIOPE: it made me different, and Unfit to predominate. yet ironically, this was reqUisite for the timeline's sUccess.
CALLIOPE: and it was necessary for yoU all to begin yoUr joUrney as well.
ROXY: so this seems like
ROXY: an example of what i was just sayin actually
ROXY: the story of the two callies
ROXY: neither is really "more important"
ROXY: and your timelines cant really be described as the good one or the bad one
ROXY: there were good and bad things about both ways stuff went down and different qualities to the people you became
ROXY: her life sounds like it was harsh and lonely in its own way
ROXY: but it sorta paid off cause she got to beat her brother
ROXY: but then got arbitrarily punished for that outcome because it wasnt supposed to happen??
ROXY: and then finally u meet her and "free" her or something so she presumably gets to go off and do... something badass???
ROXY: then theres you
ROXY: who had probably an even more challenging upbringing gettin so hassled by your bro
ROXY: and he killed you i guess because the way the deck was shuffled he had the edge this time
ROXY: but the upshot was you got to have all these great friends who cared about you
ROXY: and it helped you become the nice person you are who means a lot to other people
ROXY: and now
ROXY: you get to live whatever kind of life you want and be completely free from all the crummy stuff you grew up with
ROXY: who cares if you arent as strong as her or dont have the wicked powers she does or some "important" mission to do
ROXY: you both came from perfectly legitimate realities and IMHO you are both equally valuable
ROXY: and both of those realities seem to be tied together
ROXY: she cant do her mysterious badass thing unless you make it all the way through your journey and free her
ROXY: and your reality was the thing settin the stage for this huge multiversal vortex of problems which after a kajillion fuckin EPOCHS she was always meant to resolve in some way
ROXY: and that doesnt mean your life was like... a means to an end in a big cosmic sense
ROXY: i think its more like...
ROXY: you ARE the end, or one of the ends
ROXY: you and me and everyone who made it and everyone who didnt
ROXY: so that means you dont have to be able to do a lot of super special shit to validate your identity as the real version of yourself
ROXY: the only validation you need is being who you are cause no one can be that person but you!
CALLIOPE: those are very inspiring things to hear, roxy.
CALLIOPE: i hope yoU are right.
CALLIOPE: bUt even so...
CALLIOPE: i think i woUld still like to be UsefUl.
ROXY: you can be!
ROXY: you can help me out
ROXY: i know you arent god tier or anything or probably never did much to get in touch with your aspect
ROXY: but maybe that doesnt matter
ROXY: u are space right?
CALLIOPE: a mUse of space.
ROXY: sounds cool!
CALLIOPE: it is cool, i think.
CALLIOPE: especially having seen what i coUld have been.
ROXY: no but that potential has to be inside you somewhere
ROXY: actually
ROXY: its one reason why i wanted u to be with me here for a while
ROXY: aside from catch up a bit :)
CALLIOPE: what do yoU need me to do?
ROXY: nothin really
ROXY: just be here with me...
ROXY: while i try this
ROXY: idk why but i feel like your presence will help
ROXY: and if nothing else i just like having u here
ROXY: makes me feel better about trying to focus on this weird lil chore
CALLIOPE: bUt yoU think my aspect is relevant?
ROXY: maybe
ROXY: i think space is related to this in some abstract way i cant put my finger on
ROXY: i gotta make this egg see?
ROXY: but it isnt really just an egg its this HELLA complicated egg in both its biological design and everything it represents for the future of an entire civilization
ROXY: and i dont have the genetic or chemical or molecular blueprints for it or anything
ROXY: i have to figure it out using... just thought
ROXY: like, ideas
ROXY: ideas that are really basic and live in this primordial sorta quasi-consciousness
ROXY: so i have to build the idea of this egg in some way before i do anything
ROXY: which means trying to grasp its reality and what it represents
ROXY: its like a funky little construct of biological propagation
ROXY: and i think that intersects with the nature of space
ROXY: at least as we have come to understand it
ROXY: the propagation of space is really just some profound cosmological feat of reproduction
ROXY: that is... a literally biological process right?
CALLIOPE: pretty mUch.
ROXY: so to make this egg
ROXY: as a rogue of void what im really doing here is something kind of insane
ROXY: you yourself told me once how id be able to do this crazy shit!
CALLIOPE: i did!
ROXY: ill be like... probing nothingness for an idea
ROXY: a pretty complicated idea in this case
ROXY: and
ROXY: pulling that idea from unreality
ROXY: so maybe if im right and a closer connection to the nature of space will help me locate that idea...
ROXY: almost like
ROXY: standing next to an antenna to boost the signal of that idea
ROXY: then maybe my chances will be better
ROXY: and hey
ROXY: even if not
ROXY: its just nice to have a friend nearby while u try to do something hard
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original url http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Lounge/7695/ last modified 2007-01-27 22:11:28
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hecatia666 · 7 months
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Took me like 5 years of resisting not being able to play online, and here we are! Bought a separate console just to play online lol
If you wanna add me for some smash or some other game, here: SW-8074-6658-7695
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icedteadrinker · 20 days
Your top artist this year was Rain Ambience. Your top song was Rain on Tin Roof. Your top podcast was Rain Soundscape for Falling Asleep Instantly. Your top genre was Rain Sounds. You spent 7695 hours listening to Rain. Your listening type is cozy sleepy relaxed sleeper.
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queerbuckleys · 2 years
Anyone looking to block people on ao3
instructions here
EDIT! follow the instructions in the above link and copy paste the code under the cut. this list is gathered from @bisexualchimneyhan @annabethwrites and @theseventeenstairs recent posts.
.user-13447051, .user-3236484, .user-9893466, .user-130281, .user-9371, .user-1229776, .user-1023899, .user-1784344, .user-698804, .user-7027684, .user-681938, .user-34535, .user-4276118, .user-5591368, .user-30328, .user-3656853, .user-7695, .user-136377, .user-59022, .user-220182, .user-1898857, .user-14482521 { display: none !important; }
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az888casa · 4 months
🎉 𝑉𝑢𝑖 𝐶ℎ̛𝑖 𝐺�̉𝑖 𝑇�́ - 𝑇.𝑖𝑒̂̀𝑛 𝑉𝑒̂̀ Đ𝑎̂̀𝑦 �́! 🎉
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👉🏻 Hướng dẫn đăng ký tài khoản tại #nhacaisAz888casa 🧧ƯU ĐÃI ĐỘC QUYỀN - NHẬN CODE SIÊU ĐÃ 🎉ƯU ĐÃI NẠP LẦN 2 NHẬN 58% TỐI ĐA 3888K 🌈ĐĂNG NHẬP MỖI NGÀY NHẬN THƯỞNG 288K 🔥THỂ THAO - THƯỞNG VÉ CƯỢC TỐI ĐA 288K 👉ĐẲNG CẤP CHẤT LƯỢNG CHỈ CÓ AZ888👈 👉🏻 Các tựa game Cực Hot - Cực Hay ⚡️ Nạp 1s - Rút 10s nhanh số 1 Việt Nam 🇻🇳 🎁 Ưu đãi nạp bank, momo hấp dẫn 🌐wed: https://az888.casa/huong-dan-dang-ky/ 🌐Fanpage: https://www.facebook.com/az888casa 📧Email: [email protected] ☎️sdt: 0928 499 7695 📌Địa chỉ: 123/22A Đ. số 7, Phường 3, Gò Vấp, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, Việt Nam #Az888 #taiAz888 #linkAz888 #nhacaiAz888 #appAz888 #Az888dangky
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get on the Sheriff's mike & howl
https://archiveofourown.org/works/51660493 by shakespearesque Derek and Stiles have been coming to each other with various issues for a while (ticks, scrapes, tummyaches, etc.) Derek ends up with a serious problem and Stiles helps him fix it. Turns out they are into each other! Wow! Words: 7695, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Teen Wolf (TV) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski, Alan Deaton, Scott McCall (Teen Wolf) Relationships: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski Additional Tags: Canon Related, But like outside of canon, Post-Season/Series 02, Blow Jobs, Mutual Masturbation, Flirting, Stiles Is Seventeen, Stiles Stilinski Is Bad at Feelings, Protective Derek Hale, Stigmata, Derek's house is ok but not great, Magical Derek Hale, or at least he tries to do magic, the bulk of this is sexual read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/51660493
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weirdsatellites · 1 year
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Manifest #7695 from NROL-82 (TS/SCI) 1. Standing Desk Bivouac
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airmanisr · 2 years
BNSF 7695
BNSF 7695 by Robby Gragg Via Flickr: BNSF's yellow swoosh ducks under the bridge in Ransom, IL.
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original url http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Olympus/7695/ last modified 2006-07-18 22:19:31
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properexpertoman · 1 day
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Europe calling? Proper Expert paves your path to a brighter future. Get personalized immigration support for a stress-free move. Contact us & start your European dream today!
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Judges 9: 30-33. "The Class Ring."
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What is wrong with believing in and following a toadie? He will never love you or anyone for that matter, he is far too in love with being loved for that. This is why toadies make terrible governors. They do not understand the bottom line of human existence depends on how well one is loved and also shows love to others.
Now the Evangelicals will say theirs is a God of Love but for this there is no evidence. They are tyrants and oppressors, incapable of explaining the love of God for His Creation or acting as its vessel. A story about a massacre on a cross is all they have and this does not pass muster.
We are in the midst of an historic Passover, during which we must be able to explain what it means to be governed by love and not sacrifice.
In the previous frame we met Zebul, "the manuring" of society with Gaal of Ebed, "disgust with slavery." The Governor believes this is sufficient to lay siege to the territory that is the cause of the trouble. He says to do so at night. Night is the time that is the most decisive. Man is a peculiar creature, he prevaricates all day, and thinks at night. In the section below, the Governor says "no, not this time at sunrise, things are actually going to change":
30 When Zebul the governor of the city heard what Gaal son of Ebed said, he was very angry. 
31 Under cover he sent messengers to Abimelek, saying, “Gaal son of Ebed and his clan have come to Shechem and are stirring up the city against you. 
32 Now then, during the night you and your men should come and lie in wait in the fields.
33 In the morning at sunrise, advance against the city. When Gaal and his men come out against you, seize the opportunity to attack them.”
The Values in Gematria are:
v. 30: The Governor of the City was very angry. Cities are the active experiences within us. All at once we can feel our toes, the hair on our heads, detect temperature, hunger, remember our pasts and plan our futures. Sentience, an instinct for what is good and kind drives all of these sensations and gives them divine purpose. Sentience is the Governor.
An angry governor is insensed by what is right vs. what is wrong. We know we are all in violation of the UN Charter and Declaration of Human Rights by ignoring what is happening in Ukraine, Israel, Africa, South America, North America, etc. We know all of this is completely wrong but it is not bothering our consciences. Why not?
The Value in Gematria is 7695, ז‎ו‎טה, "a zot in miniature."
Zot means "to who belongs the Glory." We should find ourselves utterly incapable of mistreating each other if we believe in God. All is God, God is in all. This is why the Shoftim says He is found "under cover". While the world appears to be comprised of separate persons and objects they share a connection and resemblance to One God:
v. 31: Under cover he sent messengers. The Torah is composed of what are called "messengers" that stir the City and its Governor into action, and this action is called Shabbos. Shabbat is the absence of action, so first comes the realization of the Sentient Self, called the Jewish Identity by the Shoftim, and then the work of the Jew is done.
The Value in Gematria is 6563, ו‎הו‎ג‎, "and hog", "the class ring."
Looks like someone's going steady!
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v. 32: But wait in the fields. Why wait in the fields after one gets the class ring? There are two ways a Prince or a King finds his way into the field. One is because he wants to meet the people on his own. The other is because he has been driven from his home. Once a Prince gets his Signet, he goes into the field. A real prince knows why he is going into the field the next day. A toadie would never do this.
The Value in Gematria is 5154, ה‎אה‎ד, the ahd, ‎"that's the one."
v. 33: In the morning at sunrise, advance against the city. Seize the opportunity to attack them. The Value in Gematria is 7584, ז‎ה‎ח‎ד, "This is the eighth, this is the one."
The Day After Shabbat is Day One of Mashiach. Once the world's governors decide to end the disgusting practice of slavery, a product of deep delusion about the importance of human equity to the success of civilization, Shabbos will be achieved. Then will come Shabbat, and the day after that a new era called the Age of Mashiach, "Global ethical responsibility." This process will need to be repeated the moment every human being thereafter comes of age.
Unfortunately it probably also means we are witnessing the end of fundamentalist Christianity which must no longer be tolerated, but no big loss.
The decision to crucify Christ when amnesty was on the table was not ethical. This should not be celebrated as a means to eternity when it almost certainly implies the destruction of the soul. Humanity's insistence on this must end, as this thought can no longer be a habit after the onset of Mashiach.
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ragini-14 · 1 month
Electric Power Steering Market Dynamics Strategies for Success Analysis by 2024 -2030
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The qualitative report Published by Exactitude Consultancy research on the Electric Power Steering Market offers an in-depth examination of the current trends, latest expansions, conditions, market size, various drivers, limitations, and key players along with their profile details. The Electric Power Steering market report offers the historical data for 2018 to 2023 and also makes available the forecast data from the year 2024 to 2030 which is based on revenue. With the help of all this information research report helps the Market contributors to expand their market positions. With the benefit of all these explanations, this market research report recommends a business strategy for present market participants to strengthen their role in the market. This report analyzes the impact of the Covid 19 pandemic on the Electric Power Steering Market from a Global and Regional perspective.
The global Electric Power Steering Market size is USD 23.10 Billion in 2023 and is expected to grow till USD 39.15 Billion by 2029, at a Compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 6.25%.
For The Full Report Click here:
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