#8 September 1971
harrisonarchive · 10 months
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George Harrison aboard the QE2, Southampton, England, 8 September 1971; photo © PA Images.
According to Gary Wright’s autobiography, the journey from the U.S. back to England went as follows —
“I played on the single Bangladesh but didn’t play at the concert. The event was filmed, and after George had finished editing it, he invited me to return to England on the QE2, which was the newest and sleekest ocean liner at the time. We had to have special, odd eating times in the dining room because word had spread that he was onboard and people were starting to hassle him with photo and autograph requests. I remember very early one morning playing Ping-Pong with him in the recreation room just so we could avoid curious tourists. We weren’t following any rules, just whacking the ball as hard as we could at each other like little kids. We had that kind of friendship where we could joke around with one another. […] George had brought a mandolin and several guitars with him for the trip back to the U.K., and we would pass the time in his suite playing, writing songs, and reading spiritual books together. I still have several songs on cassette from that trip that I plan to finish writing one day.” - Gary Wright, Dream Weaver: Music, Meditation, and My Friendship with George Harrison (x)
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odinsblog · 2 years
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Studying at Tehran University in 1977: While many women were already in higher education at the time of the revolution, the subsequent years saw a marked increase in the number attending university. This was in part because the authorities managed to convince conservative families living in rural areas to allow their daughters to study away from home.
"They tried to stop women from attending university, but there was such a backlash they had to allow them to return," says Baroness Haleh Afshar, a professor of women's studies at the University of York who grew up in Iran in the 1960s.
"Some educated people left Iran, and the authorities realised in order to run the country they needed to educate both men and women."
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Window shopping in Tehran in 1976: Before the revolution, the hijab was already widely worn but many women also chose to don Western-style clothes, including tight-fitting jeans, miniskirts and short-sleeved tops. "The shoes haven't changed - and the passion for shoes is in all of us! Women in Iran are no different from women the world over, and going shopping is just a means for women to get away from every day stress," says Prof Afshar.
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Friday picnic in Tehran in 1976: Families and friends tend to get together on Fridays, which are weekend days in Iran. "Picnics are an important part of Iranian culture and are very popular amongst the middle classes. This has not changed since the revolution. The difference is, nowadays, men and women sitting together are much more self-aware and show more restraint in their interactions," says Prof Afshar.
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Hair salon in Tehran in 1977: "This is a scene you would no longer expect to see in Iran - but even after the Islamic Revolution, hairdressers continued to exist," says Prof Afshar. "Nowadays you wouldn't see a man inside the hairdressers - and women would know to cover up their hair as soon as they walked out the door. Some people may also operate secret salons in their own homes where men and women can mix."
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Bodyguards surround the shah in 1971: A young woman approaches Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (far right) at a huge party marking the 2,500th anniversary of the Persian monarchy - the extravagance of the event was widely condemned by his left-wing and clerical opponents. "By this time, the shah was already very much disliked and some believe this image of excess and indulgence may have contributed to events leading up to the revolution eight years later," Prof Afshar explains.
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Walking down a snowy street in Tehran in 1976: "You cannot stop women walking in the streets of Iran, but you wouldn't see this today - her earrings and make up so clearly on show," Prof Afshar says. "There is this concept of 'decency' in Iran - so nowadays women walking in the streets are likely to wear a coat down to her knees and a scarf."
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Women rally against the hijab in 1979: Soon after taking power, Iran's new Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini decreed that all women had to wear the veil - regardless of religion or nationality. On 8 March - International Women's Day - thousands of women from all walks of life turned out to protest against the law.
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Walking in Tehran in 2005: Not all women in Iran opt to wear the black chador, a cloak that covers the body from head to toe and only leaves the face exposed. Many prefer to wear loosely fitted headscarves and coats. "The real question is how far back do you push your scarf? Women have their own small acts of resistance and often try as far as possible to push their scarves back," says Prof Afshar.
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Watching football from a Tehran shopping centre in 2008: Though women were never officially banned from watching men's football matches in Iran, they are often refused entry to stadiums and some of those who have tried have been detained. Before the revolution, women were allowed to attend sporting events.
SEPTEMBER 2022: Protests, after the Morality Police beat, arrested and then murdered Mahsa Amini — for the “crime” of improperly wearing her hijab (source) (source)
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planesawesome · 1 month
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Two U.S. Navy LTV A-7A Corsair II aircraft (BuNo 153220, 153223) of Attack Squadron 147 (VA-147) "Argonauts" taking off from Naval Air Station Lemoore, California (USA), on 15 April 1967. VA-147 made the first deployment of the Corsair II assigned to Attack Carrier Air Wing 2 (CVW-2) aboard the aircraft carrier USS Ranger (CVA-61) from 4 November 1967 to 25 May 1968. The squadron flew its first combat mission over Vietnam on on 4 December 1967, losing only one plane during the deployment.
The A-7A 153223 was later assigned to VA-153 and crashed into Gulf of Tonkin after launching from the USS Oriskany (CVA-34) on 8 September 1971. The pilot ejected and was rescued.
NNAM Image
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Happy 52nd Birthday, Martin Freeman! (September 8, 1971)
I’m under no illusion that I’m an amazing… you know, I’m not Arthur Miller. I’m not going to be a great, great writer. What I do trust is my taste. ( x )
favourite looks from last year
favourite roles from last year (well, there wasn't anything else xD)
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gotham-ruaidh · 3 months
Little Bit Better Than I Used To Be
Catch up: Chapter 1 (Starry Eyes) || Chapter 2 (Save Our Souls) || Chapter 3 (Dancing On Glass)|| Chapter 4 (Merry-Go-Round)|| Backstage (1) || Backstage (2) || Chapter 5 (Danger)|| Backstage (3) || Chapter 6A (Love Walked In) || Chapter 6B (Without You) || Backstage (4) || Chapter 7 (Stick To Your Guns) || Chapter 8 (Time For Change) || Backstage (5) || Chapter 9 (Take Me To The Top) || Backstage (6) || Chapter 10 (Home Sweet Home) || Backstage (7) || Chapter 11a (Nightrain) || Chapter 11b (Nothing Else Matters) || Chapter 12a (Handle With Care) || Chapter 12b (I’m So Tired of Being Lonely) || Chapter 13a (Angel) || Chapter 13b (She’s My Addiction) || Chapter 13c (Patience) || Chapter 14a (Where Do We Go Now?) || Chapter 14b (Where Do We Go Now?) || Chapter 14c (Where Do We Go Now?) || Chapter 15a (Dreams) || Chapter 15b (I Sing A Song of Love) || Chapter 15c (You Can Do This If You Try) || Chapter 16 (Let That Feeling Grab You Deep Inside || Chapter 17A: Never Tear Us Apart || Chapter 17B: It’s Tough To Be Somebody, And It’s Hard Not To Fall Apart  || Chapter 17C: I'm Wishing, Lord, That I Was Stoned ||| Also posted at AO3
Chapter 18: Turn The Page
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New York City || September 1988
So you walk into this restaurant All strung out from the road And you feel the eyes upon you As you're shakin' off the cold You pretend it doesn't bother you But you just want to explode
-- “Turn The Page,” Bob Seger (1971) [click here to listen]
Claire Fraser took a long drink from the glass of water beside the bathroom sink. Closed her eyes. Counted five deep breaths.
Bob Seger’s voice flowed through the tiny portable radio that she and Jamie took everywhere on the road.
Here I am, on the road again There I am, up on the stage There I go playin' the star again There I go, turn the page
She opened her eyes. Listened to the man sing so passionately, so desperately, about his exhaustion and heartbreak from living in the spotlight. Touring relentlessly. Feeling displaced in his own life.
Jamie poked his head around the door, humming along with the song.
Not for the first time, Claire was grateful that the tour had wildly exceeded all expectations – the private plane instead of tour buses; limos to and from the gig; and hotel suites that were so large they typically had two bathrooms.
Not that they minded sharing, of course – but living on top of each other could be hard sometimes. On nights like these, she needed her own space.
And now, Jamie met her eyes in the mirror.
Enjoyed his surprise.
She turned to face him. Took a moment to admire him in all black – the dress shirt that she had ironed for him this morning, black jeans, black belt with silver studs, boots. The leather jacket whose inside pocket she tucked a love note into every morning.
She raised her arms. “What do you think?”
The red dress wasn’t something she had intended to buy, that afternoon in Miami when the band needed a few hours with Colum to discuss the European leg of next year’s tour (“the leg owed to the fans, after the shit Jamie pulled last year before he got clean,” he had reminded them). She had kindly suggested to Charlotte and Molly – Angus’ groupie girlfriends – that rather than spend another afternoon inside, they explore the shopping mall attached to the hotel. Jamie had insisted that one of the roadies go with them, to deal with any photographers or aggressive fans – but Claire had only smiled and said that it would be fine.
She had been correct, of course. It was such a breath of fresh air to walk up and down the long corridors, eat Cuban sandwiches in the food court, browse the selections in the department stores and specialty boutiques. Anonymous. To interact with sales clerks not as the wife/girlfriend of the biggest rock musicians in the world – but simply as three women having a nice afternoon out together.
And, truth be told, it was good to get some time with Charlotte and Molly. They asked – respectfully – about her relationship with Jamie, and she in turn asked – respectfully – about their relationship with Angus. Watched them tear up when Charlotte started talking about the uncertainty before them when the tour ended, and when Molly wondered whether they would ever be enough.
Not quite knowing what to say, Claire absently pulled through a clearance rack – and then…
“Ohmygod Claire!” Molly exclaimed. “You have to try that one on!”
Startled, Claire focused on the sleeveless, ankle-length red dress.
“Jamie will freak when he sees that on you!” Charlotte smiled, shifting an armful of lingerie to look closer.
Claire pursed her lips. Thinking.
“Come on, Claire! You need to look like the rockstar wife you are.” Molly grabbed the dress. “Let’s go try it on. Come on!”
Initially she had only wanted to placate Molly. But when she saw herself in the dressing room mirror, she immediately knew how Jamie would react.
Three weeks later, she was correct.
She swirled slightly, enjoying the feel of the fabric swishing around her calves. The bite of cold air on her bare chest and belly. And the incredulous look on Jamie’s face, eyes dark.
“It’s very…red,” he stammered. “Are you wearing a bra?”
She rolled her eyes. “It’s our first event as a couple. And as husband and wife. We need to make a splash.”
He swallowed. Stepped closer to take her elbows, thumbs stroking the soft skin.
“I suppose. Every man will have his eyes on you tonight.”
She shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. I’ll only feel yours.”
His eyes darkened. “I like knowing, that at any time tonight, I can just do this…” One hand trailed across the fabric of the dress, over her breast, until it reached the strip of exposed skin spanning her neck to her navel. “And then this…” His thumb edged under the flap, teasing the underside of her breast, in the way he knew would drive her absolutely crazy.
Her lips parted. His eyes locked on hers – taking in the red tones sweeping her eyes and cheeks, and her scarlet lipstick, and the silver hoops hanging in her ears.
“Can we just stay here tonight?” he asked softly, not exactly joking.
She shook her head. “Jamie, Lou fucking Reed came to the show at Madison Square Garden last night and not only insisted on meeting you and complimenting your music, he invited us to his party tonight. He’s had his own addiction issues, he’s not a dummy. And we’ve talked about this, we can’t avoid parties forever. It will be good for all those people to see you.”
He removed his thumb from her breast, and bridged the gap between them to lean his forehead against hers. Without words, their hands found each other, twining and grasping.
As was their habit now, he pressed their thumbs together. The C she had tattooed at the base of his thumb, mingling with the J he had tattooed at the base of her thumb.
“It’s going to be so hard, Claire. Not that I don’t want to see people, or show you off, or help you get to know them.” He swallowed. “I’ve been to these kinds of parties before. Huge open bar. Waitresses in low cut dresses handing around trays of drugs like it was a tray of snacks. People doing lines on the tables. People…fucking in the bathroom.”
She swallowed. “I’ll stay with you the whole time. You can be my excuse to stop talking to someone if it gets too awkward. Or to say no, if something like that is offered to you. You know I don’t care, right?”
He nodded. Hands shaking.
“Do you want to call Raymond?”
He shook his head. “Not right now. Tomorrow, definitely. Let me see how I get through this. Maybe we agree on a few points for tonight?”
“Anything. I love you.”
He smiled. “OK. I’ve got gum in my pocket – that will keep us from getting too thirsty. And if we need something to drink, we’ll ask for club soda, and we’ll watch the drink poured in front of us. I don’t care if it’s awkward. I can’t trust.”
She released one hand from his grip, and slid it into the back pocket of his jeans. “Got it. And you know it’s easier if we touch, right? Hold my hand. Put your hand on my hip. I don’t care. I’ll be right there with you. And you’ll be right there for me.”
He stepped closer, and she parted her legs, and he stood between them. Pressing her hips against the bathroom counter.
“If we get separated, Jamie, I promise I’ll stay true to my sobriety, and to you.”
“I promise the same. I only want you.”
“I’ll touch my letter on you. Will you?”
“Yes,” he swallowed. Kissing the arch of her eyebrow. “That will help. But let’s also agree on a signal, if one of us feels need for love. And the need to go.”
She rubbed the tip of her nose against his. Breath so warm on his lips. “How about…” She tapped the center of his chest. “Touch here. Close to your heart. That’s where I feel need, when I want to love you. Is that where you feel it, too?”
“Yes,” he breathed. “It pools here. Like fire. God, I need to kiss you, Claire. Please let me kiss you.”
She turned her face away, smiling. “I don’t want you to smudge my lipstick. And I want you to hold that thought all night, Jamie. Hold on to that pool of fire. Can you do that for me?”
She felt his smile against her jaw. “Gonna be so, so good when we get back here,” he growled.
“I know, baby. It will keep us strong and true tonight. I love you.”
He pulled back a bit. Raised her hand to his lips. Kissed her wedding ring.
“I love you, Dr. Mrs. Fraser.”
She smiled. “I love you, you idiot. Come on. The limo should be waiting.”
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lets-ignore-that · 19 days
Little disclaimer my version of FNAF is VERY VERY CLOSE TO CANON.
Everything from lifespans of the businesses to characters to the main plot is under the cut.
Fredbear's Family Diner 1964-1983
Sister Location (Circus Baby’s Funland) 1984
Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza 1984-1993
Fazbear’s Frights 2023-2023
Faux Fazbears 2024
Pizzaplex 2030
The order of the games is such: 5 - 4 - 2 -1 - 3 - 6 - UCN - SB
William Afton (October 14 1938 - ???)
Henry Emily (June 10th 1939 - September 15 2024)
Michael Afton (February 13 1969 - April 16 2031)
Elizabeth Afton (May 4 1976 - May 6 1984)
Evan Afton (July 6 1977 - July 8 1983)
Charlie Emily ( December 6 1971 - 1983)
Elanor Afton-Schmidt (February 15 1943 - March 6 1978)
Ruth Emily-Davis (November 26 1941- October 1 2026)
Jenny Smith (March 25 1970 - )
Evan Jr. Smith ( October 13 1987 - April 5 2030 )
Vanessa Williams ( September 29 1999 - )
  William was born to James and Helen Afton in Essex, England. James died in WW2 in 1944 when William was 6. Helen remarried in 1946 to a man by the name of George. George resented and was highly abusive to William, their relationship was strained at best. Once William turned 18 he moved to America to pursue a college education. He never regained contact with his mother and step-father. William went to college for a degree in engineering in 1956. There he met Henry and they quickly became friends. One year later he met Elanor and they married in 1959. They had three children together.
  Henry was born to Edward and Dorothy Emily in Hurricane Utah. He had a normal childhood growing up and went to college in 1957 where he met William. He ended up marrying his highschool sweetheart Ruth in 1961. They had their only child Charlie in 1971. They then divorced in 1981.
  Michael is the oldest son of William and Elanor, he was born and raised in Hurricane, Utah. After his mother dying when he was 9 his father started to abuse him, it subsequently got worse as his brother and sister passed. He met his girlfriend Jenny when he was 18 and they quickly had a child, Evan Jr. He worked as a security guard for multiple Fazbear Ent. Inc. locations.
  Elizabeth and Evan are the two younger children of William and Elanor. They were born only a year apart and were favorited by William, their mother died when they were too young to remember her and became highly attached to William. Both died very young. Elizabeth possessed Circus baby and Evan possessed Golden Freddy.
 Charlie Emily was the only child of Henry and Ruth. She grew up very close to her “cousins” Michael, Elizabeth, and Evan. She had a good relationship with her “uncle” William. She was murdered by William at 12 years old and possessed the puppet.
 Elanor Schmidt was the wife of William and mother of Michael Elizabeth and Evan. She was a proficient ballet dancer and ended up being a stay at home mother to her three children, she had a loving relationship with her husband but it ended up tense at the end of it, she was murdered by her husband in 1978.
 Ruth Davis was the wife of Henry and mother of Charlie. She met Henry in highschool and they had a decent relationship until they drifted apart and ended up divorcing. She gave up parental rights to Henry. 
  Jenny Smith is the girlfriend of Michael Afton and the mother of Evan Jr. She met Michael when she was a teenager and supported him through his teenage years, which lead them to fall in love with each other. She got back together with Michael after his accident and they raised Evan together. 
  Evan Jr. Smith is the son of Michael and Jenny. He had a normal childhood and early adulthood. He ended up being possessed by his grandfather William and lost his sense of self in 2030 and essentially died. 
  Vannessa Williams is a security guard at the Pizzaplex. She resurrected William and helped him possess his grandson. They are in a strenuous relationship. 
Main timeline of events       
Henry and William start Fredbear’s Family Diner in 1964
William suffers a springlock accident, permanently scarring him.
Michael Afton is born in 1969
Charlie Emily is born in 1971
Fredbear’s Family Diner opens more locations.
Elizabeth Afton is born in 1976
Evan Afton is born in 1977
In 1978, Elanor Afton is killed by her husband William with a sledgehammer. He takes her body and disposes of it in the Utah desert. Due to marital conflicts being known, he is interrogated but the case is quickly dropped.
Evan Afton’s 6th birthday takes place in Fredbear’s in 1983. His older brother and his friends put his head into the Fredbear animatronic and Evan’s head is quickly crushed. He is rushed to the hospital and put into a medically induced coma. The events of FNAF 4 take place in his head over a week when he is pronounced brain dead and dies. He possesses the Fredbear animatronic.
Over the next year, William’s mental health rapidly deteriorates and he becomes obsessed with the idea of possession. He theorizes that his son is in the fredbear animatronic and starts to design animatronics to test his theory by giving them the capability to capture and kill children inconspicuously. 
A sister location known as Circus Baby’s Funland is opened with William’s new animatronics. Elizabeth becomes infatuated with one of the robots, Baby, based off of her. William commands her to stay away but she defies his orders and is killed by Baby.
William’s sanity decreases once again.
Henry, noticing the problems in his business partner's life and mental state, and proximity to horrific accidents, forces him to leave the company for his own good. He also secretly fears for his own daughter's safety. Henry designs an animatronic puppet to act as a watchguard for her.
One night Charlie is locked outside of Fredbear’s Family Diner and William murders her in the alley next to the building. The puppet follows Charlie outside and she possesses her. William is dropped as a potential assailant due to lack of evidence.
After this death, the restaurant chain is renamed to Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza in 1984
New animatronics are designed (toys) and new locations are opened up subsequently.
Michael and Jenny have Evan Jr.
William disguises himself as a security guard, uses his springbonnie suit, and murders five children in 1987. 
Due to the murders, the restaurant is about to be shut down, but one more party takes place, during this time, a security guard by the name of Jeremy Fitzgerald gets bitten in the head by Mangle, this is the bite of ‘87
The location is shut down and William is apprehended due to previous speculation, he is let go due to the police being unable to find the bodies.
In 1993 a new location is opened up with refurbished animatronics, Michael is hired as a nightguard but ends up being fired.
One night, William enters the building in an attempt to dismantle the animatronics. He is confronted by the ghosts of the murder victims. In an attempt to scare them off, William dons the springbonnie suit, but the suit malfunctions.
William dies in 1993 in the backroom of a Freddy Fazbear’s Pizza. He possesses springbonnie. 
Learning of William’s disappearance, Henry closes off every backroom in every location under the guise of “budget cuts’
In 1995, Michael travels to the underground bunker holding Baby and the other Circus Baby’s Funland animatronics to rectify his mistakes and find out more about his father. Baby and the rest manipulate Michael into helping them escape, and they end up leading him into the scooping room, scooping out his organs and killing him. Baby and the others congeal into one animatronic and enter Michael’s body. They use his body as an attempt to  conform to civilian life but it starts to rot and it expels them.. Michael’s soul possesses his own body, essentially becoming undead.
After being expelled, infighting causes Baby to be removed from Ennard due to her being Afton's daughter and refusing to kill Michael. She rebuilds herself and Ennard becomes Molten Freddy.
Michael, being undead, finds Jenny, who accepts him, and they begin to raise Evan together.
30 years pass.
The children’s murders essentially become urban legend at this point.
In another attempt to dispel the urban legend, Fazbear Ent. Inc. opens a horror attraction known as Fazbear Frights in California. Michael starts to work there to continue his hunt for his father. 
Springtrap is transported to the location as a prop, as workers found his body. 
Michael and Springtrap fight and Michael sets the building on fire. Springtrap survives as well as Michael, and Michael captures him and drives him to Utah so Henry can deal with him. 
Springtrap escapes Michael’s capture.
In a desperate attempt to end everything once and for all, Henry opens up a fake pizzeria in 2024 to lure all the still roaming souls.
In a miracle, it works, and Springtrap, Baby, Molten Freddy, Golden Freddy, and the Puppet (in Lefty) all arrive.
Michael works at the building to help Henry during this.
Henry locks down the building and sets it ablaze, killing everyone and himself in the building. Michael survives.
William is sent to Hell, to be tormented by Cassidy for eternity, she traps all of the other souls alongside her to torment William as well. Henry eventually convinces her to release the souls and pass on herself to leave William to burn in hell. 
Six years pass.
Fazbear Ent. Inc. opens up the Pizzaplex, with all new animatronics and redesigns.
Vanessa works at the Pizzaplex as a security guard.
Evan Jr. Works at the Pizzaplex as an animatronic engineer.
Due to her obsession with the murders and William, she attempts to bring him back to life, and it works. 
He ends up possessing her, and appears in her head as Glitchtrap.
Vanessa finds Williams old body (springtrap) under the pizzaplex and slowly starts to rebuild it so william can possess it. 
William possesses his body again.
After the battle with Gregory and Glamrock Freddy, his body gets destroyed and he possesses his grandson, Evan Jr. Him and Vanessa escape.
William and Vanessa work together over a year to start murdering children again, as William wants remnant due to it extending life and he does not want to return to Hell.
Michael goes to the pizzaplex and attempts to stop Vanessa and William.
He ends up getting murdered by William.
Michael possesses Glamrock Freddy.
The future of this is up to debate :)
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laurolive · 9 months
Paul and Linda, a collection of PDAs: Part 1 - A Million Kisses
In our walk down the memory lane of Paul and Linda’s love story, which still captivates the romantics and the expressive artists out there, we start with an excerpt of an interview.
Rolling Stone cover June 17, 1976: “Yesterday, Today, and Paul.” In this interview, Paul says something interesting:
I mean, I kissed Linda onstage the other night, and for me, that’s kind of, ‘Wow, I must be getting real relaxed,’ ’cause I can’t do that in public, normally. I’m a bit kinda shy.
Paul McCartney shy about showing affection? Well, artists are certainly a different breed. He can sing a heartfelt love song in a venue full of people, but has to work up the courage to give his wife a little kiss? As photos will tell, he soon got over that quirk.
And even before this RS interview, he could certainly be demonstrative when a photographer or videographer was around, whereas the average person would be more guarded knowing that their tender moment would soon be out there as a picture in a magazine or a video clip on TV (we’re talking pre-internet days here).
RS Interview from The Paul McCartney Project
The 1970s: Not Exactly in Public, but There Must Be Someone Holding The Camera
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1970 or 1971. Aww, so sweet.
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June 1971 The video for the song “Heart of The Country” was made in Scotland. Is that a kiss? We might have to examine the still pic below. 
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June 1971 A still image from the “Heart of The Country” video. I’ll count this as a kiss.
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1974 In the garden of their house with baby Stella between them. It’s a published pic, so I’m counting it as a public kiss. (An “almost-kiss” but close enough.)
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1974 Photoshoot for the Apr. 7, 1974, issue of New York News magazine. The cover story was "Just an Old Fashioned Beatle: An Exclusive Visit with Linda and Paul McCartney." Aww, lips softly touching the cheek is something I’m going to classify as a kiss.
Magazine article: @johnflyons.beatles on instagram
Post-1970s: Now We’re Really in Public
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Sept. 21, 1982, at Linda's first photography exhibition in London. Photo © Robert Rosen. Rosen talks about the snap in this excerpt from an interview with I-D magazine:
What's one photo you're really proud of? Robert Rosen: I love the shot of Paul and Linda McCartney kissing. As soon as I had it developed I just thought, wow, I did that. I sent them a print but didn't hear anything more until a few months later, when, Paul and Linda turned up to a gallery event I happened to be at. At one point, Linda tapped me on the shoulder and said, 'Are you ignoring us?' She gave me a big hug and told me they loved the photo. That obviously meant a great deal to me.
From The Guardian archive, 21 September 1982: First London exhibition for Linda McCartney
I-D Interview with Robert Rosen Sept. 20, 2017
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November 26, 1982, in Paris, France during photography month. An exhibition of Linda’s photographs was part of the event. Okay, his lips are just grazing her hair, so I’m going to call this a “hair kiss.”
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Feb. 8, 1983 The 1983 British Record Industry Awards. Paul gets a congratulatory kiss from Linda after winning the 1982 British Male Solo Artist award and the Sony Trophy Award For Technical Excellence. The Beatles won the Outstanding Contribution to Music award.
More pics: The Paul McCartney Project
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The same 1983 British Record Industry Awards. Two kisses in one night! Paul can’t hide his surprise.
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Nov. 28, 1984 Another congratulatory kiss from Linda as Paul is presented with the Roll of Honorary Freedom of the City of Liverpool.
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October 16, 1986 British Video Awards at Grosvenor House Hotel, London.
Rupert and The Frog Song awarded the Best Selling Video of 1985
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April 4, 1989 Ivor Novello Awards at The Grosvenor House Hotel. Paul wins, Linda gets a kiss (so they both win 😊).
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July 29, 1990 Backstage during the Paul McCartney World Tour 89/90 at Soldier Field Chicago. Linda is bidding farewell to Paul as she heads for the dressing room and he to the press tent.
From I Saw Him Standing There, Jorie B. Gracen, 2000. @thebeatlesofoz2 on Instagram
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April 27, 1994 Press Conference for Linda's Home Style Cooking at Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills, California. Paul comes out to endorse Linda’s book, and greets her with a kiss.
Video clip of Paul’s entrance from CelebrityFootage.com
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1997 from the video for the song “The World Tonight”
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1997 A kiss in the studio, from the documentary In The World Tonight.
Let’s see the whole sequence of that kiss, right from the beginning:
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Bonus: Wedding Kisses March 12, 1969
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You go Linda! Give your groom a kiss like the cameras aren’t around.
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Everyone’s relationship dream: Get someone to look at you the way Linda looks at Paul here.
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yourwizardofaus · 1 year
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Assorted Pictures Of Elvis On Tour
1) Heading onstage for a concert in Tampa, FL, on September 13, 1970.
2-5) Elvis with fans after arriving at San Francisco airport for departure on November 15, 1970.
6) At the airport after Elvis’ Houston show in November 1971.
7) Elvis returns after the Atlanta concert on June 29, 1973.
8) Going to the afternoon show in Memphis, March 17, 1974.
9) Elvis in the Aqua Phoenix jumpsuit, on his way to perform at Swing Auditorium in San Bernardino on May 13, 1974.
10) Leaving the stage in Macon, GA on April 24, 1975.
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charlotte-of-wales · 7 months
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Happy 75th birthday to King Charles III of the United Kingdom!
Born 14 November 1948, Charles Philip Arthur George is King of the United Kingdom and the 14 other Commonwealth realms.
Charles was born in Buckingham Palace during the reign of his maternal grandfather, King George VI, and became heir apparent when his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, acceded to the throne in 1952. He was created Prince of Wales in 1958 and his investiture was held in 1969. After earning a history degree from the University of Cambridge, Charles served in the Royal Air Force and the Royal Navy from 1971 to 1976.
In 1981, Buckingham Palace announced his engagement to Lady Diana Spencer and their wedding took place in St Paul’s Cathedral on 29 July of the same year. They had two sons, William (41) and Harry (39). Charles and Diana divorced in 1996, and in 2005, Charles married his long-term partner, Camilla Parker Bowles.
Charles became king upon his mother's death on 8 September 2022. At the age of 73, he became the oldest person to accede to the British throne, after having been the longest-serving heir apparent and Prince of Wales in British history. His coronation took place at Westminster Abbey on 6 May 2023.
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Films watched in 2022.
Top 15 Best Movies Watched for the First Time in 2022.
1. Light Sleeper (Paul Schrader, 1992) 2. Días de otoño (Roberto Gavaldón, 1963)   3. Holiday (George Cukor, 1938) 4. Tongues Untied (Marlon Riggs, 1989) 5. Al primo soffio di vento (Franco Piavoli, 2002) 6. Io la conoscevo bene (Antonio Pietrangeli, 1965) 7. His Motorbike, Her Island (Nobuhiko Ôbayashi, 1986) 8. Aparajito (Satyajit Ray, 1956) 9. Nobody’s Business (Alan Berliner, 1996) 10. Chilly Scenes of Winter (Joan Micklin Silver, 1979) 11. Simone Barbès ou la vertu (Marie-Claude Treilhou, 1980) 12. Colegas (Eloy de la Iglesia, 1982) 13. The Act of Seeing with One’s Own Eyes (Stan Brakhage, 1971) 14. The Revolt of Mamie Stover (Raoul Walsh, 1956) 15. The Velvet Vampire (Stephanie Rothman, 1971)
This has been a really tough year, since September it’s been difficult for me to see movies. That's why I want to mention the TV show Booklyn Nine-Nine that literally saved my life. Hopefully 2023 brings better memories. Happy New Year to you all, love you ♥
(My list in Letterboxd -click here-)
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breezingby · 5 months
Notable Deaths in 2023 . . .
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Tom Smothers (February 2, 1937-December 26, 2023)
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Ryan O'Neal (April 20, 1941-December 8, 2023)
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Legendary TV producer Norman Lear (July 27, 1922-December 5, 2023)
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Sandra Day O'Connor (March 26, 1930-December 1, 2023)
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Former first lady Rosalynn Carter (August 18, 1927-November 19, 2023)
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Pulitzer Prize-winning composer David Del Tredici (March 16, 1937-November 18, 2023)
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A U.S. Air Force fighter pilot and instructor at West Point, astronaut Frank Borman (March 14, 1928-November 7, 2023)
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College basketball coach Bob Knight (October 25, 1940-November 1, 2023) 
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As Chandler Bing, a quick-witted, sarcastic member of the coterie of "Friends," Matthew Perry (August 19, 1969-October 28, 2023)
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As the star of the trailblazing 1971 action movie "Shaft," Richard Roundtree (July 9, 1942-October 24, 2023)
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Actress Phyllis Coates (January 15, 1927-October 11, 2023) "Adventures of Superman." 
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Character actor Burt Young (April 30, 1940-October 8, 2023)
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Irish-English actor Sir Michael Gambon (October 19, 1940-September 27, 2023)
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Actor David McCallum (September 19, 1933-September 25, 2023)
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The songs of Jimmy Buffett (December 25, 1946-September 1, 2023)
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Singer Tina Turner (November 26, 1939-May 24, 2023)
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Canadian singer-songwriter Gordon Lightfoot (November 17, 1938-May 1, 2023)
. . . And MANY More...I just couldn't post ALL of them.
NOTHING Last Forever...! (Remember That)
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mayadoesfandomstuff · 2 years
Considering the psychic damage my previous post on the protags' ages are, I've decided to compile ALL persona users' birthdays and list them according to date from earliest or oldest to latest or youngest. Enjoy!
Teddie (P4) - unknown, shadow so could be as old as time, maybe as teddy bears existed in humanity's collective unconscious memory, could be a month before he met the team, could be a week, could be last Thursday idk
Zenkichi Hasegawa (P5S) - unknown, in his 40s, probably late 1960s to mid 1970s
Baofu (P2:EP) - June 13, 1967
Tatsuya Sudou (P2:EP) - 1971
Katsuya Suou (P2:EP) - December 30, 1973
Ulala Serizawa (P2:EP) - November 30, 1974
Maya Amano (P2:IS) - July 4, 1976
Yukino Mayuzumi (P1) - April 9, 1979
Maki Sonomura (P1) - June 4, 1979
Masao Inaba (P1) - July 11, 1979
Reiji Kido (P1) - August 18, 1979
Eriko Kirishima (P1) - September 21, 1979
Kei Nanjo (P1) - October 2, 1979
Naoya Toudou (P1) - December 24, 1979
Hidehiko Uesagi (P1) - January 1, 1980
Yuka Ayase (P1) - March 3, 1980
Tatsuya Suou (P2:IS) - July 27, 1981 (EP), August 21, 1981 (IS)
Jun Kurosu (P2:IS) - February 14, 1982
Lisa Silverman (P2:IS) - May 4, 1982
Eikichi Mishina (P2:IS) - November 15, 1982
Tohru Adachi (P4) - February 1, 1984
Takuto Maruki (P5R) - unknown, possibly in his late 20s to mid 30s, probably mid-1980s to mid-1990s
Strega: Chidori Yoshino, Jin Shirato, Takaya Sakaki (P3) - unknown, late 80s - early 90s
Mitsuru Kirijo (P3) - May 8, 1991
Shinjiro Aragaki (P3) - August 11, 1991
Akihiko Sanada (P3) - September 22, 1991
Minato Arisato/Makoto Yuki (P3); Minako Arisato/Hamuko Arisato/Kotone Shiomi (P3P) - 1992/1993
Yukari Takeba (P3) - October 19, 1992
Fuuka Yamagishi (P3) - December 22, 1992
Junpei Iori (P3) - January 16, 1993
Koromaru (P3) - unknown, likely mid 1990s to early 2000s
Souji Seta/Yu Narukami (P4) - 1994/1995
Sho Minazuki (P4A) - unknown, possibly the same as P4 Protagonist, 1994/1995
Yosuke Hanamura (P4) - June 22, 1994
Chie Satonaka (P4) - July 30, 1994
Yukiko Amagi (P4) - December 8, 1994
Naoto Shirogane (P4) - April 27, 1995
Rise Kujikawa (P4) - June 1, 1995
Kanji Tatsumi (P4) - January 19, 1996
Makoto Nijima (P5) - April 23, 1998
Goro Akechi (P5) - June 2, 1998
Ken Amada (P3) - June 24, 1998
Haru Okumura (P5) - December 5, 1998
Akira Kurusu/Ren Amamiya (P5) - 1999/2000
Labrys (P4A) - April 20, 1999 (activation date)
Ryuji Sakamoto (P5) - July 3, 1999
Ann Takamaki (P5) - November 12, 1999
Yusuke Kitagawa (P5) - January 28, 2000
Aigis (P3) - February 2000 (manufacturing date), September 10, 2000 (activation date), May 1999 (Aigis First Mission),
Futaba Sakura (P5) - February 19, 2001
Sumire Yoshizawa (P5R) - March 25, 2001
Morgana (P5) - unknown, between Persona 4 Dancing All Night and Persona 5, 2010s
To give you some more perspective:
The oldest confirmed Persona user (Boafu) is 33 years and 9 months older than the youngest (Sumi).
Tohru Adachi is just two years the Persona 2: Innocent Sin cast's junior.
Katsuya Suou is turning 50 next year (2023).
The only confirmed S.E.E.S. members that are not yet in their 30s (this 2022) is Junpei, Ken, and maybe Koromaru [if he's still around which I hope so].
Sojiro Sakura might be the same generation as the Persona 2: Eternal Punishment cast.
Ryotaro Dojima (1970) is the same generation as the P2:EP cast and is three years younger than Boafu, and three years older than Katsuya.
Reiji Kido's child is probably the same age as Ken Amada and the Phantom Thieves.
Please send in any additions or corrections! I'll edit this the list if necessary.
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laliloon · 9 months
🗓️Creepypasta Date of Birth Headcanons:
+ their ages in my au - set in late 2000 - early 2001
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Jeff the Killer: 2nd June, 1974 (26 years old)
Homicidal Lou: 23rd November, 1970 (30 years old)
Jane the Killer: 5th April, 1972 (28 years old)
BEN: 9th February 1987 - d. 26th April, 2000 (13 years old)
Eyeless Jack: 13th December, 1969 (31 years old)
Nina the Killer: 30th March, 1979 (21 years old)
Laughing Jack: 25th December, 1862 (no specific age)
Laughing Jill: 25th December 1859 (no specific age)
Isaac Clement: 3rd December, 1854 - d. 3rd December, 1893 (39 years old)
Will Clement: 28th August, 1977 (23 years old)
Frank the Undead: 27th April, 1896 - d. 31st January, 1931 (34 years old)
Jason the Toymaker: 15th November, 1746 - d(?). 21st May, 1779 (32 years old)
Sally Williams: 7th September, 1963 - d. 19th July, 1971 (8 years old)
Toby: 28th April 1975 (25 years old)
Clockwork: 21st October, 1977 (23 years old)
Bloody Painter: 1st October, 1968 (32 years old)
Judge Angels: 29th September, 1964 (36 years old)
The Puppeteer: 18th July, 1973 - d. 29th December, 1992 (19 years old)
Zero: 10th May, 1980 (20 years old)
Nurse Ann: 9th January, 1957 - d. 16th February, 1984 (27 years old)
The Dollmaker: 22nd December 1968 (32 years old)
Kagekao: August 4th, 1979 (21 years old)
Candy Pop: c. Early 1400s (no specific age)
Slenderman: Unknown (no specific age)
Zalgo: 1000BC (no specific age)
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garbagegirlblog · 1 year
my top 30 albums (not ranked in order)
.this is a long one.
Ultraviolence- Lana Del Rey • 2014 (January 1st)
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2. feed me with your kiss- My Bloody Valentine •1988 (October 31st)
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3. Unknown Pleasures- Joy Division • 1979 (June 1st)
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4. Are You Experienced- Jimi Hendrix • 1967 (May 12th)
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5. Shed- Title Fight • 2011 (May 3rd)
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6. In Utero- Nirvana • 1993 (September 21st)
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7. Loveless- My Bloody Valentine • 1991 (November 4th)
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8. Vulgar Display Of Power- Pantera • 1992 (February 21st)
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9. Souvlaki- Slowdive • 1994 (November 5th)
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10. Rumors- Fleetwood Mac • 1977 (Febuary 4th)
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11. Agents Of Fortune- Blue Öyster Cult • 1976 (?)
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12. Born to Die (the paradise edition)- Lana Del Rey • 2012 (November 12th)
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13. Crybaby- Lil Peep • 2016 (?)
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14. Sing me a Lullaby, my sweet temptation- $uicide boy$ • 2022 (July 29th)
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15. Led Zeppelin IV (Deluxe Edition) - Led Zeppelin • 1971 (November 8th)
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16. Wish you were here- Pink Floyd • 1975 (September 12th)
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17. 40o.z to freedom- Sublime • 1992 (June 1st)
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18. Norman Fucking Rockwell • 2019 (August 30th)
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19. Nevermind- Nirvana • 1991 (September 26th♡)
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20. The Misfits Box Set • 1996 (February 27th)
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21. So tonight that I might see- Mazzy Star ☆ • 1993 (October 5th)
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23. Enema of the state - Blink-182 • 1999 (June 1st)
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24. All hope is gone- Slipknot • 2008 (August 20th)
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25. Dr. Feelgood (Deluxe Version)- Mötley Crüe • 1989 (September 1st)
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26. The darkside of the moon 🌙-Pink Floyd • 1973 (March 1st)
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27. Blue Banisters- Lana Del Rey • 2021 (October 22nd)
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28. Among My Swan- Mazzy Star ☆ • 1996 (October 29th)
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29. Flower Boy- Tyler The Creator • 2017 (July 21st)
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30. Incesticide- Nirvana • 1992 (December 14th)
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And that's all folks....for now >:)
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homomenhommes · 2 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … April 8
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1898 – C.M. Bowra, (Sir Cecil Maurice Bowra), English scholar, born (d.1971); was an English classical scholar and academic, known for his wit. He was Warden of Wadham College, Oxford, from 1938 to 1970, and served as Vice-Chancellor of the University of Oxford from 1951 to 1954. His many books include A Book of Russian Verse, The Creative Experiment, Classical Greek and The Oxford Book of Greek Verse. Given his appearances in A.L. Rowse's Homosexuals in History, the title of Bowra's most famous book, The Greek Experience, takes on new meaning.
Born in China of English parents, Bowra travelled extensively during his childhod and teen years, and won a scholarship to Oxford. Bowra trained with the OTC in Oxford, before being called up and sent to the Royal Army Cadet School in March 1917.
Bowra served in the Royal Field Artillery, on active service in France from September 1917. In 1917, he saw action at Passchendaele and Cambrai, and in 1918 participated in resistance to the Ludendorff Offensive and the following allied counter-offensive. During this time he continued to read widely, including Greek and Latin authors.
Bowra was left with a lifelong hatred of war and military strategists, to an extent that he seldom mentioned the war afterwards. Bowra later told Cyril Connolly, "Whatever you hear about the war, remember it was far worse: inconceivably bloody - nobody who wasn't there can imagine what it was like."
Anthony Powell wrote that Bowra's wartime experiences "played a profound part in his thoughts and inner life", and records that when a cruise ship on which they were travelling held a ceremony to place a wreath in the sea as it passed the Dardanelles, Bowra was so affected that he retired to his cabin. Following the Second World War he would be accommodating to returning servicemen who wished to study at Oxford, telling one applicant who was worried about his deficiency in Latin, "No matter, War Service counts as Latin."
As an undergraduate in 1920s Oxford, Bowra was fashionably homosexual, and was known to cruise for sex. He used the term 'the Homintern' (see below) applying it to himself and his circle of friends, and privately referred to his leading position in that, or 'The Immoral Front' or 'the 69th International'.
In 1922, he was elected a Fellow of Wadham College, Oxford, with the support of the Professor of Greek, Gilbert Murray. When Murray vacated his chair in 1936, believed that he was most likely to succeed his patron. Murray however, recommended another. Some believed that the reason was a whispering campaign over Bowra's "real or imagined homosexuality".
In 1938 the Wardenship of Wadham fell vacant and Bowra was elected to the post, keeping it until 1970. In his long career as an Oxford don, Bowra had contact with a considerable portion of the English literary world, either as students or as colleagues. The character of Mr Samgrass in Evelyn Waugh's Brideshead Revisited is said to be modelled on Bowra.
Bowra retired in 1970, but continued to live in rooms in the college, which were granted to him in exchange for a house he owned. He died of a sudden heart attack the following year,
The wit of C.M. Bowra:
"My dear, buggers can't be choosers." (explaining his engagement to Audrey Beecham, a "plain girl" niece of the conductor)
"Buggery was invented to fill that awkward hour between evensong and cocktails."
"I expect to pass through this world but once and therefore if there is anybody I want to kick in the crotch I had better kick them in the crotch now, for I do not expect to pass this way again."
"With one or two exceptions, colleges expect their players of games to be reasonably literate."
"Splendid couple - slept with both of them", (on hearing of the marriage of a well-known literary pair).
"My dear, in Oxford I am known by my face", (allegedly after being caught skinny-dipping in the River Cherwell and placing his hands over his face rather than his privates)
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c.1928* – Fred Ebb was a musical theatre lyricist (d.2004) who had many successful collaborations with composer John Kander.
Born in Manhattan to a Jewish family, Ebb worked during the early 1950s bronzing baby shoes and as a trucker's assistant, and he also was employed in a department store credit office and at a hosiery company while trying his hand at several musicals, mostly unsuccessfully.
Music publisher Tommy Valando introduced Ebb to Kander in 1962. After a few songs such as My Coloring Book, Kander and Ebb wrote a stage musical, Golden Gate, that was never produced. However, Harold Prince hired them for their first professional production, the musical Flora the Red Menace. Although it won star Liza Minnelli a Tony Award, the show closed quickly.
Their second collaboration, Cabaret, was considerably more successful, running for nearly three years. Based on the John Van Druten play I Am a Camera (which, in turn, was based on the writing of Christopher Isherwood), the musical won eight of the 11 Tony Awards for which it was nominated, including Best Musical and Best Score. Adapted into a film by Bob Fosse, it won numerous Academy Awards, though not Best Picture.
Chicago (1975) had mixed reviews but ran for more than two years. The show did not seriously resurface until 1996, when it was revived as part of the Encores! series. A huge hit, the minimalist production transferred to Broadway and is still running. Chicago has also been running in the West End for ten years. A film version was eventually produced (in 2002) and won Best Picture at the Academy Awards.
In 1977, Kander and Ebb worked again with Liza Minnelli and Martin Scorsese in the film New York, New York, which had them write what is perhaps their best-known song, the title track. The team's musical adaptation of Kiss of the Spider Woman opened in 1993, starring Chita Rivera. The show ran for more than two years and won them their third and last Tony Award for best score.
Ebb died of a heart attack at his home in New York City on September 11, 2004.
Despite the 'polymorphous perverse' nature of their shows, both Kander and Ebb were reticent about discussing their homosexuality, preferring to let the songs speak for themselves but in 2003, Kander (who has lived for 26 years with one man, a choreographer and teacher) implicitly addressed rumours concerning the nature of his non-professional relations with Ebb by describing the latter to interviewer Jeffrey Tallmer as 'his 40-year partner in creativity but never in domesticity, much less romance.'
*Fred Ebb's actual birth year is a source of mystery and confusion but is somewhere between 1928 and 1936.
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1943 – Michael Bennett (d.1987) was an American musical theater director, writer, choreographer, and dancer. He won seven Tony Awards for his choreography and direction of Broadway shows and was nominated for an additional eleven.
Bennett choreographed Promises, Promises, Follies and Company. In 1976, he won the Tony Award for Best Direction of a Musical and the Tony Award for Best Choreography for the Pulitzer Prize-winning phenomenon A Chorus Line. Bennett, under the aegis of producer Joseph Papp, created A Chorus Line based on a precedent-setting workshop process which he pioneered. He also directed and co-choreographed Dreamgirls with Michael Peters.James Kirkwood, co-author of A Chorus Line, lashed out at the show's creator, director, and choreographer: "Michael would do anything--anything--to get a show on. The cruelty was extensive. And not just in his professional life. He was amoral."
The charismatic Bennett was a lover of men and women; his two primary heterosexual relationships were stormy, first with wife Donna McKechnie (wed December 1976, divorced four months later) then with Sabine Cassel, whom he promised to wed but did not.
His relationships with men were less publicized, but they included long relationships with dancers Larry Fuller, Scott Pearson, Richard Christopher, and Gene Pruitt, his last lover.
Born Michael Bennett DiFiglia in Buffalo, New York, young Mickey was a child prodigy of dance. He dropped out of high school at the age of 16 to join a touring company of Jerome Robbins' West Side Story. Robbins was to become one of his principal influences.
Bennett made his Broadway debut as a dancer in Subways Are for Sleeping (1961), but he soon realized that he had a greater talent for choreography than for dancing. Bennett's first solo assignment as a choreographer was on A Joyful Noise (1966).
Working with Harold Prince on Stephen Sondheim's Company (1970) and Follies (1971) led him to decide that he wanted to be a director as well as a choreographer.
Bennett's dream was realized when he was called in to save Seesaw (1973). He agreed to take over the show on the condition that he would have creative control of the production. He ultimately received credit (and Tony nominations) as librettist, director and co-choreographer.
The process of taking over this ailing show on the road, just six months before it was scheduled to open, convinced Bennett that the standard way of developing musicals—rehearsals, out-of-town tryouts, previews, and opening—was no longer efficient. He came up with a better plan.
Bennett decided to do a show about the lives of dancers, but rather than commission a script he let the story-line evolve from the experiences of real dancers. After conducting hours of interviews with Broadway gypsies, Bennett began an unprecedented year of workshops at Joseph Papp's Public Theatre.
The result was A Chorus Line (1975). A risk all the way around, the show opened without stars and ran two hours and 10 minutes without an intermission. Bennett received credit as director, co-producer, co-author, and co-choreographer.
While Applause (1970) is considered the first Broadway musical to introduce an openly gay character, Bennett is responsible for the second and third appearances of homosexual characters. Seesaw features David, a gay choreographer, and A Chorus Line introduced audiences to Paul and Greg, gay dancers. Many have criticized the bisexual Bennett for the fact that neither character is finally chosen for the chorus line, thus maintaining the myth that all working actors are heterosexual.
Inadvertently, Bennett was to provide the New York Shakespeare Festival with the bulk of its income for many years. As one of the producers of A Chorus Line, the Public Theatre earned approximately $37,800,000 from Bennett's landmark production.
In January 1985 Bennett abandoned the almost completed musical Scandal, which he had been evolving through an extended series of workshops. Many observers felt this to be Bennett's strongest work, with few understanding the toll that alcohol, drugs, and a weakened immune system had taken on this genius of the theater.
When Michael Bennett died on July 2, 1987 at the age of 44 of AIDS-related lymphoma, he left a sizable portion of his estate to funding research to fight the AIDS epidemic.
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1945 – Dennis Peron, born in the Bronx, New York, is a gay American medical cannabis and LGBT activist and businessman who was the figurehead for the legality of cannabis throughout the 1990s influencing many in California and thus changing the political debate of marijuana in the United States.
He grew up on Long Island, served in the Air Force in Vietnam and moved to The Castro, San Francisco, where he sold cannabis, cofounded the Cannabis Buyers Club, and coauthored California Proposition 215. His marijuana business was busted by authorities in 1978 and 1990. In 1996, Dan Lungren, state attorney general, ordered another bust of Peron's club. Proposition 215 was passed soon thereafter, which allowed the club to reopen. Later in 1996 The Grassroots Party of Minnesota fielded Dennis Peron, as their first Presidential nominee, in the U.S. presidential election. Peron received 5,400 votes. In 1998, Peron ran in the Republican primary for California governor against his rival Lungren (who won the primary and lost the election to Gray Davis).
Peron has voiced support for decriminalization of all marijuana use as he believes the herb is medicinal just as food is and thus should be available to those who want to benefit from it. However it should be noted he did not believe medical use for marijuana was acceptable for kids. Peron opposed California Proposition 19 (2010) because he does not believe that recreational use of marijuana exists and that all people who use marijuana are using it medicinally.
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1952 – Clyde Hall is an internationally recognized and acknowledged authority of Native American culture, dance ritual and folkways. Clyde was born and raised in Fort Hall, Idaho and is a Native American of Shoshone/Metis descent.
Clyde was born and raised traditionally by his grandmother, Hazel Truchot, in a one-room log cabin in Fort Hall, Idaho, and has lived on the Reservation most of his life.
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During the 1970s and 1980s he was an early-day Native American activist and member of Gay American Indians (GAI) in San Francisco, California–the first Native American group of its kind. He was one of the founders of the contemporary "Two Spirit Movement" of Native American LGBT people. In 1987 he was honored as the first speaker on the Ellipse during the Second National March on Washington for Lesbian and Gay Rights. OUT Magazine named Hall one of the OUT 100 in 1999 and, in the year 2000, as one of he 1,000 most influential gay individuals in the U.S. in the 20th century.
In the past, as a career, he served as a park ranger/naturalist in Grand Teton National Park and as a high school teacher and public defender. He served as a Tribal Magistrate Judge (for 19 years) and worked extensively with developing substance abuse programming for the tribe and rewriting the Law and Order Code for the tribe. He specialized in probates during his tenure. He was in private practice as an attorney until 2007.
Hall toured Europe, South America and the U.S. with his dance troupe in the 1970's-1990's as well as speaking engagements and lectures at major universities in the U.S. on Native American traditions and culture. He currently serves as the Executive Director of the Naraya Cultural Preservation Council, (NCPC), a non-profit that is devoted to the preservation of Great Basin/Plateau Tribal cultures, language and sacred sites.
His work has appeared in numerous books including Gay Soul, Living the Spirit, Two Spirit People, and international publications including the German GEO, Der Grüne Zweig and in the U.S. in White Crane Journal among others. He has served as a consultant for many authors and filmmakers including Tom Spanbauer, Will Roscoe, Win Blevins and Kirby Jonas and is a technical advisor on Native American culture for numerous movies and TV programs.
Mr. Hall is one of the ceremonial leaders of the Naraya: A Dance For All People. It's danced for renewal of the People and the Earth, perpetuating the vision of the Dance that people of all races and religions come together to dance under the Tree of Life. He considers the Dance for All People his greatest "life work".
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1990 – Died: Ryan White (b.December 6, 1971), an American teenager from Kokomo, Indiana, who became a national poster child for HIV/AIDS in the United States, after being expelled from middle school because of his infection.
Born a hemophiliac, he became infected with HIV from a contaminated blood treatment and, when diagnosed in December 1984, was given six months to live. Doctors said he posed no risk to other students, but AIDS was poorly understood at the time, and when White tried to return to school, many parents and teachers in Kokomo rallied against his attendance.
A lengthy legal battle with the school system ensued, and media coverage of the case made White into a national celebrity and spokesman for AIDS research and public education. He appeared frequently in the media with celebrities such as Elton John, Michael Jackson and Phil Donahue. Surprising his doctors, White lived five years longer than predicted and died in April 1990, one month prior to his high school graduation.
Before White, AIDS was a disease widely associated with the male gay community, because it was first diagnosed among gay men. That perception shifted as White and other prominent HIV-infected people, such as Magic Johnson, the Ray brothers and Kimberly Bergalis, appeared in the media to advocate for more AIDS research and public education to address the epidemic. The U.S. Congress passed a major piece of AIDS legislation, the Ryan White Care Act, shortly after White's death. The Act has been reauthorized twice; Ryan White Programs are the largest provider of services for people living with HIV/AIDS in the United States.
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The Homintern and the Gay Agenda
Homintern was an early term for a supposed conspiracy of gay elites who allegedly controlled the art world. The word is a play on Comintern. What was termed the "homintern" in the mid-twentieth century is now more often described as a "Gay Mafia".
"All the 'artists' with a capital A, the parlor pinks, and the soprano-voiced men are banded together ... I am afraid they are a sabotage front for Uncle Joe Stalin." —Harry S. Truman 1946 "Homosexuality, dope ... immorality in general: these are the enemies of strong societies. That's why the Communists and left-wingers are pushing it." —Richard M. Nixon Watergate tapes 1971
"Homintern" was used in the 1940s and 1950s and appeared in number of popular mass-circulation magazine articles during the 1960s to refer to what was believed by many to be an international cabal of influential gays who, it was asserted, controlled the arts and culture. These magazine articles were often illustrated with the color lavender; sometimes the Homintern was called the lavender conspiracy. It was claimed that there was a secret worldwide network of gay art gallery owners, ballet directors, movie producers, record label executives, and photographers who, behind the scenes, determined who would become successful artists, dancers, actors, and models.
In the 1960s, the majority of gay people had not publicly discussed their sexuality, so homophiles had to use what we today call gaydar to determine who was gay. Since this was sometimes difficult, anyone could potentially be part of "the conspiracy," and even many gay people believed in its existence. It was widely thought among young people that the members of the Homintern all had casting couches, and that it was necessary to sexually submit to the Homintern on these casting couches in order to have a successful career in the arts. It was taken for granted that the Homintern had absolute control of the Hollywood film industry.
It was believed that the Homintern had secret meetings at which they decided on women's fashion design for the coming year.
The term "Homintern" was used in articles even in liberal magazines such as Ramparts. It was frequently used in the conservative magazine National Review. William F. Buckley, Jr. sometimes warned of the machinations of the Homintern on his talk show Firing Line.
It was believed by conservatives that the Homintern deliberately manipulated the culture to encourage homosexuality by promoting camp programs like the popular 1960s TV series Batman.
The tiny minority of influential people who publicly discussed their homosexuality in 1960s - such as Gore Vidal, Truman Capote, John Rechy, and Andy Warhol – were automatically regarded as part of the Homintern.
After the emergence of gay liberation in 1969, belief in the Homintern faded because after the Stonewall riots, many gay people came out of the closet so it was more difficult to postulate this conspiracy theory.
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“Everything in life, everything in life is easy. Everything, unless you wanna be good at it. If you wanna do something well, it's really fucking hard.”
Happy birthday, Martin Freeman!
(8 September 1971)
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