emblazons · 1 year
me when people think I write these long ass analysis posts (and even the parallels / movie inspo gif sets) to convince other people of Byler…but really its just to get my thoughts out in a linear fashion so I can move to the next set of internal Byler-narrative problem solving:
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yourgrantaire · 6 months
im rewatching the smosh liveshow and i wanted to keep track of my favorite moments so they are below the cut
angela's tippy tappy toes of joy at amanda's new jersey voice
amanda's "LOOK IT UP" for increasingly unrealistic things, and ending it with "are you at peace are you at peace are you at peace hello areyouatpeaceareyouatpeaceareyouatpeace anthony areyouatpeace DON'T GOOGLE ME"
tommy's "only a tragic life could lead to looking like if a motorcycle was gay ... i can say that, i'm a motorcycle" and him saying the meaning of anthony's tattoos was so that he could fuck goth girls. oh and how could i forget describing angela as an "amber alert on rollerblades"
the cool ass music when the guests came on, made by tommy bowe i think? i honestly would listen to the music from the show all on its own
brandon rogers' "let's. eat. anthony!" and then making a very emphatic pitch as to why it would be a great idea
THE HALF-TIME SHOW OF COURSE. i know that they mostly won't post the show on youtube but i really really hope they post the half-time show
also a detail i just noticed is josh playing that escalating carnival "do do do do!" when chanse and keith got iced
dan and phil's extremely explicit video message with dan's repeated references to jerking off onto anthony's sexy calendar
courtney as bikini girl while still wearing doc martins. and there's something about the rhythm of "get you a girl who can do both two things two one time! :D" that is so funny, as well as "women are so scawwy ooohh!! what's under your blouse, two perfectly round GUNS? OHH!!"
rhett and link showing up standing menacingly in the doorway, and their tag line being "A Jesus and a Lesbian Woman"
the multiple "ian loves drinking breast milk" jokes
the chosen: "you're probably wondering why i look so badass right now. its because we are on the cusp of the greatest battle in the entire history of the universe.
and also i got queso on my three wolf moon shirt.
and i fell off my razor scooter on the way here."
i am glad that even though they made him look cool as fuck, shayne still emphasized that the chosen is not nearly as cool as he thinks he is.
"worst of all, anthony padilla HAD SEX!" and then quoting the star wars prequels lmao
also shayne singing without any self consciousness was very funny to me, but i can't put my finger on what the song was
ian saying i love you but having to say it in a silly voice (and in the after show anthony saying he can say i love you back to ian because unlike ian, he's actually said it before)
anthony's joke about how he expected everyone to roast him about his "dick piercing" and the entire audience going "wait wait, go back to that, what did you just say" and him moving on with no further comment
anthony to shayne: "i won't talk about how you were once known for your promising tv career and now you're known for wearing a t-shirt with limes on it''
chanse just full on horror movie screaming when anthony said arasha was in an ad for a republican dating app. also arasha's faces for everything were so great
keith full on responding whenever someone addresses him (and sometimes reacts out loud just because), he did this in the other funerals as well but it delights me every time
anthony saying chanse slides into his dms all the time, and chanse immediately replying "you respond, bitch!" (and then later anthony saying that chanse can go with mythical and he "can call link daddy now" but "watch out, [chanse] dms")
i loved anthony's reference to tommy's show serving cunt
anthony to amanda: "you're like if jessica rabbit drove a mini van"
anthony to ian: "one thing we all know about ian is he might have some trouble showing emotions" ian proceeds to stare deadpan into the camera. it was fun watching ian's reactions because often he wouldn't react to a lot of it or he would react as part of the bit, i've already forgotten the one thing that he really reacted to, fuck so i might have to rewatch it again
and then my favorite part of the aftershow was amanda and tommy continuously leaning in to make out and then saying "no save it for the parking lot, save it for the parking lot", and no they were not going to go anywhere, they were going to stay in the parking lot at smosh and make out in the car
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blamemma · 8 months
what you said about maxiel fanfics with endgame lest4ppen, yes, I agree. someone mentioned this before, but maxiel is slowly dying on ao3 while it seems to be thriving more and more on tumblr.
for me it's 50/50 because I don't mind where I'm reading, but here we have more one-shots and pieces of WIPs (which is good because it means authors don't feel the pressure to turn everything into a 50k story, so they can just post their ideas even if it's incomplete), but I personally LOVE longer stories, so I would love to read more and more about every single one of them.
and personally I just don't like lest4ppen at all. I understand the need to tag maxiel because daniel is the bad guy and the "shitty boyfriend" or whatever, but I just don't like seeing those stories 😬
will always preface asks like this by saying people can like what they like and find joy in whatever, i ain't gunna turn my nose up at anyone or anything, lestappen just doesn't make sense to meeee personally, but honestly whatever butters ur bread!!!
as someone who has dabbled here and there in this writing lark, for me there is a distinct difference in ao3 posting and tumblr posting....ao3 to me is formal, ur presenting something perfect, a fully-fledged story, a beginning a middle and an end (not in all cases but i just mean in general). most stuff i read on ao3 is fully-fledged nuanced ideas that the author has obviously spent hours of time crafting and experimenting with.
tumblr fic is inherently fun and blase and easier to throw out there into the ether and forget about really. tumblr fic doesn't need to follow grammatical rules or structure etc etc....it can just be a fun prompt game response or a quick lil fic that you had fun writing and wanna share with ur people?? both have purposes and both are enjoyable to write imo, just depends on what ur feeling and how much u want to expand on said idea??
when it comes to the maxiel of it all....idk how rude or pointed i can get here without getting into shit....so i'll try and word this gently....you have to keep the eco-system alive....i think comments and kudos are GREAT but honestly, if someone reblogs my fic with a fun few tags, i love that more, because in a selfish way, i might get 1 or 2 more readers from that because its going out to an even wider audience?? but its more than that!! engage with ur writers, message them on here and shout at them about their ideas, send them prompts, recommend their fic to ur friends...but i will stand by i think one of the best things you can do, if they make a fun lil post or graphic for their fic...reblog it...ur not only spreading the maxiel gospel, but ur also supporting that writer?? too many times on here i see people's fic graphics flop yet big blogs are leaving them comments on ao3 and look, EACH TO THEIR OWN and also i can sometimes be a bad reblogger dont get me wrong, but LIKE, there are some wildly talented authors on here who just need to be pushed into the limelight a little bit more??? idk if im wording this correctly, but sometimes there are fics that fall through the cracks because no one engages with them, and if ur an author who has put blood sweat and tears into that fic, ur not exactly going to be motivated to post another maxiel fic if u dont think ur going to get engagement from it (again, fic writing isn't necessarily about engagement or response, but let me tell u when i get a fun little comment or someone messages me about a fic i published, it inspires me to write more????)
maxiel is definitely alive and kicking, i follow some stunningly good maxiel authors, but at the same time, its about pushing forward those smaller writers as well and not thinking ur too cool for them???????????????
and so with that, this flufftober, kinktober, spooktober or whatever tober u are a part of, reblog the fic, talk about the fic and enjoy the fic
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cloudcountry · 15 days
fuck i literally realized a lot of this is due to how much I relate to him IM SORRRYRYRYRYRY but i just wanna talk about him today (i have no fun insights this is just yapping... URGGBSHGRFYGH I RELATE TO AND LOVE HIM SO MUCH SOBS ON UR DOOR STEP)
im sorry, i believe a little warning for the first paragraph i bring up my own dead sibling cause I wanted to get that out of the way
This is decently specific to me: I have a younger dead sibling and idia is just i can relate just so hard to bc of that one fact, (gets out the idia journal) we were around the same age when our siblings died we think we both got them killed through harmless fun comments and just having someone so close to you as your younger sibling die at a young age kinda fucks with you and stuff idrk whats going on but something is
we both have social anxiety i don't think mine is as bad but if i had the option to just talk through a tablet i would, especially in certain situations where i'll freeze up (aka talking to any waiter ever) I genuinely a lot better when im there for someone else that has so we could have a symbiotic relationship for social situations
Okay funny silly time: love of cats omg cats i love cats he loves cat give him cat he would be unsure how to treat it exactly bc he never had a childhood cat but he has done so much research on cats that he probably could info dump on the cat on why it so cool and the best thing ever "Awww did you know you get a lot of your water from your food bcuz you're a dessert animal and you avoid still standing water due to your prey possibly contaminating the water" please let him see those stray cat cams in china he would love donating food to them,, he would be spear heading naming everyone and making sure they all get a wiki page
baby noooooo,,,, :(( yes im looking back on his after overblot dialogue as a reference even though i just read it anyways,,, Idia will never be able to have his own life separate from his family, since yk cursed and shroud, it's basically a path that was bricked in for him. its like his life path is a long corridor that leads to the same road no matter what he picks. Especially since his unique magic locks him into working for STYX since he can just open a very vital thing and idk almost take over the world. if the shrouds acc got unique magic i think idia could have actually went on to lead a decently good life whether he was STYX head by choice or something else (game dev)
hes so passionate about the things he enjoys, there is so many examples of this, he's into so many things and loves them all with his whole heart it's so endearing (also uhsn dfbghrg bonding over media is the best, hes probably so fun to talk to about media... but he might lord knowing so much over you >:p ily just let me put my two cents in you can keep info dumping idia) OUGH (ignore me doing the hand thing PLEASE I LOVE IDIA I LOVE ORTHO IM ENJOYING WRITING THIS SM) OKAY ANYWAYS aww okay reading over idia's dialogue like im writing you an argumentative essay or something,, STAR ROGUE! the idia of idia (wtf r u writing edie) HIS SILLY ASS SLANG HRGBHRBGVLRHG "OUR LEGEND, POP OOOFF!" Anyways idia just recounting everything about star rogue without second thought he loves it sm he probably played it sm he knows the opening by heart (IDIA AND ORTHO SAYING THE TAG LINE TOGETHER THIS IS KILLING ME AUBURN)
hes heard so often that he was genius when he was really young it was just hardwired for him to think he was the best in the room especially with the advancements he has made from the ages of 10-12. like building ortho is genuinely a feat and he did it and two years definitely he's going to let that go to his head. ngl i feel that his parents were not too great probably absent most of the time since he can just lock himself in his room and work on something that no one knows about for two years. probably fucked him up developmentally too, he was NOT properly socialized the internet was his parents for the entire time probably
it's like 12:30 right now my mental state is deteriorating this is stupid opinions for the most part i tried my best im sorry if this is bad but YOU SAID GUSH IN YOUR INBOX SO I MADE THAT HAPPEN???
-- with lots of love Edie
first of all holy shit im so sorry about what happened to your sibling. i totally get why you'd find him comforting because of that but Oh my gosh. im so sorry.
i think having social anxiety is something a lot of people can relate to with him, even myself. identity actually brought this up but seeing him being pushed into situations where he is ABSOLUTELY not comfortable makes me want to run in there and help him GET OUT. like i may not like this man that much but nobody should feel pressured or panic over entering a social situation they dont want to be a part of.
RIGHT YEAH its so SAD how he will never get to live his own life and THATS one of the things that ive thought about a lot concerning him. like it would suck to actually have your fate predetermined no matter what. like he's just going to be stuck there with nobody else except for like ortho and his employees(?) but actually. yk what thats how he spent his school days which is even sadder hello
"the idia of idia" HELLO WHAT DOES THIS MEAN
actually! you bring up a good point about idia always being considered a genius since he was young and how that affects his self esteem and how he interacts with people now. i have literally never thought of it that way but it makes a lot of sense.
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freddie--fagbear · 1 month
I listened to the entirety of The Tortured Poets Department.
it was not to my tastes, these lyrics were the most hard to listen to.
Also im on mobile and also i started writing this like a week ago n i've lost the plot a little but whatever
1. Fortnight (feat. Post Malone)
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Not even explaining this one but also how could I, I can't figure out what it even means. It feels like she's just saying words to check them off a list. "What are middle class white women in their late 20s mad about? their blossoming alcoholism! their [probs racist] boyfriend not noticing their new coastal granddaughter themed wardrobe!" .
that being said, it's catchy and can be fun in it's own way, there's a lot of american department store and doing chores to mainstream radio vibes in this album and I do respect that as it's own kinda genre. HOWEVER i do NOT respect pretending it is deep or interesting.
2. The Tortured Poets Department
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As I've said before, I stg her writing feels like its off a list of buzzwords her fans like but this is awful original or not. Especially since it's allegedly about that fuckin racist guy from the 1975 or whatever
3. My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys
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I didn't even think this one was that bad, I genuinely enjoyed it in that silly catchy taylor swift song way, would love to wander a TJ Maxx to this, It's here because there's gonna be a pattern emerging of Rhyming™️ that she recites in almost the exact same tone with almost the exact same beat in like half the songs on the album.
4. Down Bad
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This one I also enjoyed in that silly-catchy way, it would be so fun to vacuum to this. Except for this line, this line rly shot the middleschooler in me who was having fun in the foot.
5. But Daddy I Love Him
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Again with the buzzwords she knows her fans like. Also, the rhyming here is not exactly but SO close to the other examples in here. Point being the title of this song combined with the rest of her discography and public behaviours leads me to believe that she did not infact say "the 1830s but without all the racists" as a younger woman i think she said "the 1830s" and then maybe did a faux guilty chuckle if someone mentioned yknow slavery or racism or women or native americans or--
6. Florida!!! (feat. Florence + The Machine)
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Taylor Swift's net worth is 900 Million Dollars.
Which isn't to say she can't sing lyrics like this it's just that they're made a tad infuriating by that. Like girl you are a part of the reason people are working their lives away.
(Florence + The Machine i'm so sorry)
7. Who's Afraid of Little Old Me?
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White women saying stuff like this raises the hairs on the back of my neck, I am afraid, You are scary and you know that and in context you're probably using it to be wack asf. anyway, Otherwise this song is like whatever.
8. loml
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Taylor Swift's net worth is 900 Million Dollars.
Beyond that this just feels mocking both in the sense that her music selling hinges on it's relatability to her target audience (which this isn't, at all, for several reasons) and that her music's marketing and the marketing of Taylor Swift the public character is in and of itself a con to buy people into the idea of her enough to sell them merchandise. Also, again, I enjoy manufactured pop music and I think it has a place in the world as an art form; my issue with this whole thing is that it's playing pretend and it's not even pretending well.
9. I Can Do It With A Broken Heart
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This comes off really ingenuine for so many reasons but the ones that stand out the most to me are that she both disses Joe Alwyn or whatever his name is for being depressed for too long on a different song on this album and also that it feels again written to be consumed not as a an actual expression of anything.
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blkkizzat · 2 months
hi im shy so i haven't interacted b4 but i luv your fics! i like that you write stories & just don't post smau or twt porn links.
Hey nonny! TY for liking my work, its appreciated!! I do encourage you to interact though, even if its just a comment or continued anon msgs cause they do encourage me to write. I also really like receiving them <33 so I hope you or anyone else feels comfy to interact with me. *i dont bite i promiseeeee*
However, I honestly don't think theres anything wrong with smaus or twt porn links.
I incorporated smaus into my fics before. I adore writing or reading a good crack fic/post so I definitely think they have their place too and they are funny! I just personally struggle when it comes to writing shorter content so not something in my wheelhouse to do. (lol anything i write under 1k words i automatically think is dogshit. lol someone teach me to write short stuff i beg.)
Also I be EATING UP those twt porn links!! I don't post any of my own as my twitter is a stan account and I don't follow/like/retwt porn on there cause I don't want to mess up my algorithm. But I do be bookmarking them HEAVY! They are good reference material for my smut fics tbh.
Also I try to stay out of the mess/discourse cause I feel like people should be able to enjoy what they like without writing lame dissertations in defense/debating about it. But since we are on the topic already I'll add I haven't really understood the hate for them in particular, especially those saying people who like/post them have porn addictions because what!? Like we are not all on here to write/read smut?? pot---meet--->kettle. Anyway I guess I can understand the frustration some have when they assume they are stealing attention away from fics, but idk tumblr is huge and there is a place/audience for everyone is my belief. I've seen many long 6k+ fics breaking 20k+ so I think theres interest in long fics as well (one of my 7k+ fic has 18k+ notes). But I work in marketing, am getting my MBA right now and have worked in the middle of business and creative my entire career (at one point i worked for Twitch directly with streamers/influencers) so I can say when it comes to anything content/creative driven its honestly it's less about the quality of the individual work and more about regularly finding, interacting and catering to your audience if you really care about notes that much . I think its far more important though to do it for fun. Especially since we are not getting paid and doing this for free-99! So much creativity gets stifled when its too much about the business/results/notes side and you are working to please others/for clout. Thats a whole ass job in itself lmfao! I used to write on ff.net back in the day (years ago omfg) and stressed myself out so much from all the reviews/requests that I ended up abandoning it and was scared to write fanfics for years because of the anxiety of 'letting ppl down' until I got back into it last fall and decided to stop giving a fuck LOL.
Ahhh but I could ramble on about that for hours so let me stop I'm doing what I said I didn't want to do cause this is def now a mini dissertation from me going down the rabbit hole on this LMFAO! (im long-winded af lol)
But ty for the ask nonny I hope you come back soon <3
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coldresolve · 4 months
let me start this off with i hella respect you and love your art/stories, but all this discussion about torture got me thinking too and i definitely dont wanna come across the wrong way, i agree with you on many points, but i just dont think its that deep.
cause honestly ive been writing torture since i was like 11 so i know its not that serious. not for most people. i get that it could come across the "wrong way" but like... most people literally do not think about this. that being said, ive never written torture in an interrogation setting when it WORKED (i did write interrogation but actually never worked cause then i would have had to stop writing the torture, and, you know, thats what i wanted to write, so the person being tortured never "break").
i wrote (and am writing) torture because i, personally, enjoy it (and get off to it). my characters (the torturers/captors etc) are doing it mostly out of sheer enjoyment/passion. they dont try to get info, dont try to get their victims to be obedient, dont try to brainwash, none of that. i just write what makes ME feel GOOD. i never ever thought about "how would this affect people" or "what deeper meaning does it have", cause, frankly, it doesnt have a deeper meaning for me, all it means is "mmmm torture, i love it".
i. just. enjoy. it. that simple!!
and while im not a fan of the "whump community", i believe lots of people there think like me, in the sense that they just want to write what they enjoy without thinking about it. reflecting to what the other anon said.. like yeah they say it's "fiction only", and it "could be interpreted as torture apologia" (a term i havent even heard before you talked about it), but it really is just that.
it might sound "bad" or "ignorant" but most people dont go digging for info or research studies before they go writing, and that's alright, most people write FOR FUN. as a hobby. not trying to think too hard about things, you know, just let out their thoughts, frustrations, emotions, all that shit. can it come across as ignorant? probably! but at the end of the day, it's just people writing for the sake of writing.
i really, REALLY respect you and your story and how much thought and research goes into it. i dont read all that "whump" shit, im mostly "in the community" for the art and pictures. your story was the only one that captivated me, and it's not for no reason. i WISH i could write the way you do. but... most people wont ever do all that for writing, for something they just do on their freetime as a hobby.
and believe me, ive been writing for 15+ years now. all that time its only ever been a hobby, ive never done research, i do it when i feel good, to feel good. and im not planning to release. most of these people on tumblr, in the "whump community", they dont plan on releasing. they just sharing their little stories with each other. as far as i can tell, there is no harm in it like you say in harry potter or batman, all that. these little stories wont make it out to the public. and im sure most people who write dont even upload their writing! (me included, hahaha.)
just saying. its not that deep:) keep doing you because you and your story is AMAZING, but just dont give too much time of your day to all these random "whump writers" who write shit you wouldnt wanna read anyways:))
serious here if you're this far gone in wilful ignorance i think i would like you to stop reading my content. i mean this genuinely. people like you are not part of the audience i wanna build ykwim
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misc-obeyme · 8 months
hello hello, its sibling angst anon again ^^ i loved your response so pls dont apologize for the long ramble, bc i get like that about it too!! also, im glad you liked my song recs <3
speaking of those sibling slideshows i mentioned, for some reason tiktok has filtered them out so when u look them up, they dont show up??? you just kinda get them on ur fyp one day. or atleast thats what happens to me. but if u look up sibling webweaving here on tumblr, ohhh boy. its basically an amalgamation of different types of media be it poetry, song lyrics, shows and movies, and book excrepts all packaged as one that pertain to a theme. my fav is those about mothers and siblings, so unequivocally human. its like walking down a museum tbh.
and agh, i loved your thoughts on the demon bros sibling dynamics. plus yeahhh, its kinda hard to take anything seriously since it is an otome game, BUT who says u cant come up with your interpretations and thoughts? whos gonna stop you? anyway, each brother has a level of depth that is screaming to be fleshed out, but its all very surface level on game. belphegors burdening shame and regret from watching lilith die in front of him, and by extension beelzebub having the same feelings and/or his own guilt. (i remember belph talking about his trauma and the immersion immediately breaks off when an option pops up on the scream, "ask him to kiss you." LIKE. place and time!) asmodeus and lucifer, their entire relationship T_T speaking of which, satan and lucifer?! they're brothers, or say they are and the rest just kinda go with it. but does no one else wanna bring up how satan was even brought to existence? he was literally birthed from luci's wrath during the celestial war. thats like, a gateway for someone to write a long philosophical analysis about him and what it symbolizes. aghhudhwdhwhd i wish i could say more, but i'm literally out of words rn. if i was mc, i'd have to fight everyday to keep it together without breaking down and crying about this. espeically having to live under the same roof as them...ooofff
speaking of complex siblings dynamics, have you see succession? its a show on hbo. its about an ultra rich and powerful family that is ultimately, dysfunctional. theres four siblings and their relationship mean sooo much to me. i wont drop any spoilers just in case you dont know anything, but when i say dysfunctional i meant it!! one of the things i like about this show is that it doesnt have any flashbacks or show the backstories for most of the characters, rather they kinda drop pieces of information randomly and you just go ??? that happened ??? youd think it wouldnt be a good storytelling strategy bc how are you going to emotionally connect the story to your audience? but somehow, the show does it really well. for example, one of the brothers, roman, was heavily abused. and sometimes one of his siblings would go, "yeah i remember when dad used to heavily beat the fuck out of you" offhandedly, like its a cute little fun fact. and youre sitting there like....when did THAT happen??? ofc they wouldnt show it, but if you watch how roman and his father interact on show (roman is so submissive and scared next to his father) it starts to make sense. its like the "show dont tell" but they switch around to "tell and show." subtle interactions like that fully exposes a characters psychology. subtle body language goes a long way. theres also the eldest brother connor, whos seen as the father figure bc their real dad is so neglectful. but tbh connot gets shit on a lot and uuyfuefehfe theres more. i would talk about this all day. sibling angst got me on a chokehold.
anyway, sorry if i made 0 coherent sense but heres the end of the ramble T-T have a good day :3
(if i come back, can i be  🧬 anon?)
Welcome back! And of course you can be 🧬 anon, I will add it to the list!
Oh man, so I did a search for sibling webweaving and I was like woah what is all this lol. I had no idea there was a term for stuff like this, but I'm fascinated! I must not be getting the TikTok videos... admittedly my use of that platform is limited lol.
The thing about the otome game not delving into things means that we all get to speculate and come up with whatever we want. It's a blessing and a curse lol. On the one hand, I like being able to come up with my own interpretations. But on the other hand, it'd be nice to have just a little more depth that what we have.
I have thoughts about Belphie and specifically what happened in the OG with him. That was definitely a situation of, there is so much more going on here than they're bothering to get into. I also get that they can't really do a ton of that, partly due to the medium and partly due to the amount of characters they have to deal with. Like I think they can only choose to flesh out certain characters and the rest kind of end up on the back burner. Which is annoying because there's so much potential for so many amazing stories!
I also have a lot of thoughts about Satan and his relationship to Lucifer and everybody. It's like they give us just enough to make the story dramatic, but in the end everybody loves each other and so on and so forth. I'm not saying both Satan and Belphie shouldn't be able to reconcile what happened to them and move on, but it just happens so fast. It seems too easy. So I kind of headcanon it as, they hide everything. Not just those two, but all the brothers have a certain level of trauma that they just bury deep or at the very least don't display in front of MC. I know they make MC out to be the demon therapist, but nobody resolves their issues in one session and that's all they're normally limited to. But of course they don't have time to get into things that deeply in a mobile otome game lol.
I have not seen Succession! It sounds pretty intense. I think it's always interesting when media use different techniques to tell their story. Of course I have very little knowledge of how TV scripts are written, but for story writing, the way a character reacts can imply all kinds of past history, even if you don't know exactly what happened. Flashbacks are helpful, but I think it's interesting to have a bit of a mix. A character is always going to tell the story of their past a little differently than how it actually happened. And I find that it can reveal a lot about character just to see what they change or leave out when telling it. Of course, who they're speaking to can affect that as well. But it's definitely an interesting concept!
No worries, you made plenty of sense lol! You are always free to come back to my ask box if you so desire! <3
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theendofuno · 11 months
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okay….haii tl;dr: i want to throw myself from a reactor nuclear and besides loving this page dearly keeping it daily isnt helping me with these kinda of thought so ill start a god-knows-who-long hiatus
now *puts a music box version of meltdown by iroha for dramatic purposes* *cleans throat* pretending im talking to an audience its easier for me okay dont judge me :(
i dont know how to write texts but ill try my best to explain everything without going into too much annoying stuff but the text may have a few suicide mentions here and there
i created this page in a very dark period of my life that never went away, it actually worsened everyday. it was supposed just to be fun and games, "oh this character didnt got released this month, maybe drawing him everyday for a month until he gets here will be very funny!!!" *stares at 2 years*
as you can see, i didnt had ANY prepare to keep going for the long we did, but this is 100% not a complain
i really love this page, i really do love everyone i've met, i love having this project with my best friend, but i cant and wont lie: it made me VERY worse than i already was. it made me feel good, it made me feel loved, it made me feel human again, and at the same time it absolutely killed me
having to keep this consistence everyday, having to do good drawings, not allowing myself to do what it was better for my own health just because i didnt wanted to disappoint people with silly drawings when the first week was all cool drawings full colored with a bunch of details, references and etc
i really lost my count of how many times i had a terrible breakdown or even an attempt and my first thought was just "yeah that sucked. anyway i have to work so people will have some art tomorrow!"
and to be honest i dont think starting this page with my friend was…..that of a good idea. i know youre here just for their art. you dont need to lie i know theyre better than i am and you would prefer to see their art everyday other than mine. dont worry the feeling its mutual
but well theyre a slow artist and i wont be the one forcing them to draw everyday, i am the one that can do it and thats what i did for 300 days until now!
but that was something that kinda broke my feelings also cuz im very harsh on myself and keeping comparing their drawings to mine, not only the quality but also the different attention it all got (and sometimes it was almost a 20 likes difference so..sucks to be me ig) isnt doing good for my little damaged brain. its 100% not their fault tho and im not saying it is KJGDKFDK but if im going to be honest then i will
i dont know how to keep going the text tbh,, so,, my point is that im havent felt well since i started the page, and i love it with my whole heart, and these feelings have nothing to do with uno, grand chase itself, or the community (maybe a 2% fault go for annoying people from twitter /hj), im just being a little egoistic and doing this for myself or otherwise i can go completely insane and well. psych wards dont look funny :(
i really feel nasty, an HORRIBLE human being, absolute egoistic trash by abandoning the page, i feel SO FUCKING BAD for not drawing my son, by not updating here everyday and allowing people to see the silly stuff i do, but i guess i got to my breaking point where i just cant keep ignoring my suicide attempts by drawing and keeping my mouth shut (really, my last attempt was so scary i didnt fully recovered from)
i guess that was it
i pinky-promise i'll try my best to keep drawing and posting everytime i can, but it wont be daily, and it may not be weekly also, but i didnt gave up and i WONT gave up, this page is my absolute pride and joy and i cant just let it go away for a bad mental day. i still love and forever will love uno and drawing him, and i'll be forever happy for everyone i've met and helped me even without they knowing, just by liking or commenting on my stuff
i hope you guys can forgive me for abandoning stuff right now and i hope y'all dont forget me. i wont be mad if you forget me. i'll just be a little sad. maybe cry a little *stares at you like that ( ◕_◕)* but dont worry. its okay.
i'll be trying my best to get back posting daily at least around day 330, but dont put high hopes. please. dont expect much. bigs chances i'll be just dropping a stick man with a heart ahoge saying haiiiii and go back to posting silly ugly art
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femperials · 2 years
did dynasty elaborately use their last gay character standing being biphobic as an allegory for how demanding and ungrateful they believe their gay audience is? is this just another piece in a long-term pattern from dynasty to get back at their lgbt audience? am i giving them too much credit by thinking they’re smart enough to be that evil? let’s discuss. 
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(this post will contain un-tagged talk about biphobia within the lgbt community as well as community infighting in online queer spaces. it’s pride month! if talking about those topics is going to (reasonably) bum you out, please skip this post at least for now!) 
this is the most negative thing i have ever written about dynasty and will likely be the ONLY post of its kind that i ever write. it’s impossible not to talk about the writing, cast, crew, etc of this show and be 100% just about the plots because there will often be overlap in terms of the how and the why of it. this will be the only post that i put here that focuses on critiquing the overall running of dynasty’s production and patterns of poor decision making over the course of the past five years. as i say on all of my fandom social media, often, i have overwhelmingly positive feelings about dynasty and find heavy comfort in it. if i want to write 4.1k words about something about it that has always felt a little ‘off’, im gna do that. :)
back during the final stretch of season 4, i distinctly remember talking with some friends about our feelings towards the show (as we often do) and while i'm possibly the least jaded in both my circle of friends and my online circles of other dynasty viewers, i do have some lines that i would absolutely drop the show like a hot pan for. 
they're SUPER distinct and clear lines that are less personally-triggering and moreso things that would feel distinctly like the writers either a) were intentionally trying to hurt certain demographics of their audience or, possibly just as bad, b) were genuinely too out of touch to realize the ramifications of. dynasty features plenty content that i find triggering on a personal level but as a general rule, i know that there is a separation between things that upset me individually and things that are related to doing more serious damage. sometimes these things overlap (an example, which i'll obviously be talking about liberally in this post, being homophobia, biphobia, transphobia, etc). so, while i have certain things that i wince away from every time dynasty shoves at us - looking at you, the beaten-to-death horse known as 'people being drugged against their will as a comedy trope' - i put up with it.  
as a sidenote, i think that the twitter timeline during episode 5.15 was a really great example of what sorts of buttons people won't allow others to push. the biphobic comment in the episode was hurtful enough for bisexual people to have to hear at all, but on top of that, the who - what - where of it all was even more insidious than it may have seemed on a surface level to people who saw their mutuals talking about it without being part of the dynasty sphere.
in 4.15, we were introduced to eva. she was cute, she was fun, she was there to be fallon's new assistant (funnily enough, the replacement for allison - the only canonically wlw character at the time since amanda wouldn't appear until the following episode), and then of course, to be a foil for falliam. the concept of there being any credible foil to falliam was ALREADY laughable at this point. i'm not even going to bother touching on how deeply predictable and boring the very concept of the writers thinking any of us truly believe they would do anything interesting or dangerous with them. i was bopping along in season 4, minding my business, discussing my theories with my friends and other people online and hehe-ing about how boring the eva-likes-liam thing was when i woke up in a cold sweat one night with a horrifying thought: what if the writers shake things up for fucking once in terms of falliam? what if this won't be their 500th predictable stupid storyline? what if eva is going to try to break up falliam because she likes fallon and not liam?
it turns out i was giving them too much credit in that department, so i lived to keep watching the show another day. that had been my own paranoid theory that i immediately jumped into the groupchat with to say ‘ok i found it, i found what i would stop watching dynasty for’. they were already pushing the stalking angle with eva and fallon’s previous stalker had been the only east asian representation on dynasty ever. if they said ‘ok lets do that storyline again but with a creepy predatory GIRL KISSER’ i think i would have had to tap out. 
another sidenote - i love hearing about people’s ‘what i would stop watching dynasty for’ moments. everyone’s different thoughts are so different and every time someone has told me one of theirs its usually something i didn’t even consider, but realized their fear of it happening was definitely still rooted in logic based on the way certain storylines go in this show.
dynasty's relationship with its lgbt audience has always been shaky at best and borderline emotional terrorism at its worst. from the outright refusal for a wlw character (which even then, was still a bit of a 'gotcha' at the audience) until its final stretch despite long ago having shifted from a series about the scandals of business with social and emotional stories woven in to a nearly sitcom-esque y.a. romance, or the fact that sammy jo is literally the last gay standing, the lgbt viewers have long resigned to a state of refusing to expect anything and shitposting about it for fun to keep things light. it's a cw show. plenty of the audience for dynasty - cishet AND lgbt - have experienced them before. for the lgbt audience, we're all seasoned veterans when it comes to navigating passive-aggressive feedback from the production teams and sometimes even cast members, not to mention the blatant and aggressive homophobia from other fans who don't fit into the same minority groups that a lot of us do and have no lived experience to draw any empathy from.
i think a lot of writers for television - a lot of which are specific to the cw though if i were to start naming examples from their recent catalogue, i would be here all day - learned fairly early on that blatant homophobia causes outrage which obviously causes buzz. this makes for great television writing because it very much gives the straight audience something to be surprised by and interested in. often the best of the self-proclaimed straight allies often for some reason love to see an act of homophobia and yell "i am NOT like that, by the way!" without doing much else, but it makes them feel good at the end of the day nonetheless. they get to think about the hardships that lgbt people face for a few minutes, go "oh jeez, how awful" which obviously makes them incredible people and there you have it. this is great news for television writers, as being the writer puts you in a position to 'make up a guy and then get mad at him' (for the record, this is bad when people do it random political discourse, not in television for the most part. 'make up a guy and ___' is sort of the basis of writing, that isn't the issue here). the thing is, those scenes where lgbt people face discrimination are not 'feel good' moments for the lgbt audience, usually. just like in real life, the other shoe dropping where the writers add in a little "and then the homophobe gets his just desserts" doesn't really heal the shock or hurt for anyone except their straight audience. when i get yelled at or threatened in public and a well-meaning ally steps up and tells the person harassing me to go fuck themselves, i still just experienced being harassed. i may be thankful to the person who used their power to help me, but i still was, for a moment, in a position where i needed help. 
homophobia exists, obviously, and shows set in the real world will obviously have moments where it is appropriate to weave it into the story. no one is arguing this much. the issue is that certain shows, and dynasty is not the only show that deserves this critique, will not have any real intention to dedicate time or care to this issue. i've spoken a lot about how i prefer that the newer seasons of dynasty stop trying when it comes to touching on serious issues because their track record of trying to do things tactfully hasn't been good since season 1. 
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the other side of this blade is that we've now experienced two instances of anti-lgbt rhetoric from within canon, and both times it has been from lgbt characters.
in season 2, we had beto - cristal's brother who is aggressively homophobic specifically towards sam but plot twist! it was because he was into sam and was just shamefully closeted all along. audiences pushed back HARD against that across social media and explained why the rhetoric that lgbt people are really our own worst enemies was so dangerous - the cast or crew obviously didn't comment, which they generally don't so that wasn't strange - but the cishet audience did make sure to put on their best meat-gargling britches and let the lgbt audience know that if we were so unhappy with what we got, we could go watch something else and leave them alone.
in season 5, we got the pride party episode. i call it the pride party episode because while the actual pride party took up maybe about 8 total minutes of screen time, it was what the cast and crew posted the majority of their behind the scenes content from and it was obviously meant to be the draw as it did air during pride month.  for those who haven't watched yet or have been scouring for spoilers after seeing the tweets and different social media posts talking about it, here's your context:
sam begins to feel like he's an irrelevant gay in atlanta so he enlists the help of kirby and culhane to throw the biggest pride party of the weekend and get his status back. kirby and culhane put together a big party but same is unhappy with it (in their defense, his 'theme' was call me by your name / twink / leather daddy realness. with a drag performance. i think that since THAT was such a word salad of gay terminology that make no cohesive sense together, they just assumed he didn't know what he was talking about and was going to be cool with rainbow streamers and edm). he blows up and refers to culhane as a 'bad ally' and calls kirby 'just gay whenever it's convenient' - both comments he later apologizes for in the same breath because they were OBVIOUSLY on the same level of offensive (he also, at one earlier point, refers to them as allies together and while i don't know if it was intentional or not, it kind of felt more like a writers flub moreso than a dig at kirby but i could be wrong. kirby was sam's token straight for so long that it might just be muscle memory). he gets a quick pep talk from angeria paris vanmichaels and admits that he was actually just insecure about his gayness.
i've already said that it's harmful for straight people (though gay people also parrot this rhetoric too sometimes) to either make jokes about or outright seriously claim that people who perpetuate the most homophobia are insecure or closeted gay people. add on top of that that dynasty has now TWICE ‘addressed’ homo/bi/transphobia and both times have been by lgbt characters. i’m also in the conspiracy-theory camp of believing that fanworks for dynasty have, in the past, influenced the direction of the show or inspired plots and tropes used, and while kirby anders was always an icon for the wlw audience since before she was even introduced, fanworks that featured fan-interpretations of her as a wlw character often weren’t shy about talking about the implications that that would have if it were to fit into the canon of the show. some headcanons and fan-created works became common use among the wlw fandom and while they had no basis in canon they were considered ‘canon’ in the fan-verse where kirby was wlw - all of this pre-wlw-canon kirby, of course. a personal favorite in a lot of wlw fanworks for dynasty was the concept that alexis carrington, historically not a homophobe, would be perfectly okay with her daughter (either or, depending on your persuasion) dating another woman - but NEVER if it were kirby, turning the homophobic character trope on its head.  
what distinctly stood out to me once the smoke cleared from hearing the most wattpad-villain-esque overused line of biphobia from, again, the ONLY remaining gay man on the show, was exactly why sam saying it was so much more unsettling than just your run of the mill ‘homophobes are just mean gays’ tropery. earlier when i mentioned that the lgbt audience of dynasty tend to approach things in a sort of resigned way, i probably should have clarified that ‘expects nothing good’ comes in a wide range of flavours, spanning from ‘cautious but refusing to be hopeful’ (shoutout to kamanda nation) all the way to ‘blatantly giggling at all of the cw’s attempts to garner interest’. my dynasty twitter timeline and groupchats leading up to ‘the pride party episode’ since it was announced were a constant stream of shitposting and sarcastic claims that it would be a trainwreck that everyone was deeply excited to watch happen (“the cw is kicking the air right now demanding to know why they still aren’t allowed to say the f slur after putting a rainbow border on their page”).
there are plenty of common biphobic talking points. like every single group within the lgbt community, lack of understanding or empathy for one another who have different experiences than we do can cause ignorance and hurt. in my personal opinion, ‘queer discourse’, as its often all lumped together as, can do its part to help us educate one another on our own unique histories and experiences while it can also be a jumping-off point for hatred and circular, senseless arguing. also in my personal opinion, when it comes to queer discourse, or more often than not, community infighting, it should be entirely left up to those groups involved. i will listen to and value the opinion of someone that disagrees with me (to a reasonable extent, obviously) who i share a space with over the opinion of someone who agrees with me but has no idea what they’re talking about. for this reason, i obviously do not care about cishet opinions on queer issues. the internet evolves and expands incredibly quickly. online queer discourse used to be mainly reserved for deep tumblr: sideblogs and instant messages and google docs with links to talking points and sources in case one was ever backed into a corner in an argument. now, queer discourse has become such a massive part of the average twitter experience (not to mention tiktok) that its caught the attention of cishet people in a very strange way. not only have people with zero lived experience began to pay attention to what inter-community issues that the lgbt community are discussing, they’ve also pushed themselves into the discussions.  
it's not difficult at all, nowadays, for any straight television writer with a twitter account to not only a) find an lgbt issue to exploit clumsily for a quick plot or b) find an lgbt issue to exploit to have their audience do the fighting for them. a personal favorite example of mine is 7-season CW hatecrime The 100. their mistreatment of lesbian character lexa and wildly archaic use of the dead lesbian trope (which, while overlapping often, is not to be confused with the bury your gays trope) upset audiences on a catastrophic level. the interesting part, though, was that the bisexual female lead would go on to endgame with the male cishet lead in the wake of the death of her lesbian love interest. this was obviously upsetting to the lesbian audience for the obvious reasons that being brutally killed off (in a very specific way, too, which is worth looking up if you’re interested in queer fandom history) in order to make room for another m/f relationship. however, any lgbt person who has spent more than a few minutes in literally any queer discourse space online would be privy to the fact that lesbians and bisexual women can sometimes carry a certain tension when it comes to discussions about validity. this is not a queer discourse blog and i’m not going to delve into the talking points surrounding this, but it is important for me to point out that those talks DO take place in a lot of queer online spaces, and since online fandom is often a relatively queer space itself, the discussions do bleed together sometimes. that’s why it was so genius (in a sociopathic sort of way) for the cast, crew, and writer’s room of the 100 to listen to the lesbians crying about the representation being yanked out from under them and go “you hear that, bisexual audience? the lesbians are mad because YOU aren’t gay enough for them on this show.” 
i didn’t watch the 100. i was about to start it the week that they killed off lexa which i personally think was one of the top 10 bullets dodged in history. but EVERYONE in online fandom spaces, myself included, knows what happened and experienced it in some regard. the 100 became a piece of history for the resulting terrible pr that they got for the writing choice as well as their unprofessional and batshit insane handling of the aftermath. the cw to this day has never made a mistake so serious again but the lasting effects of pitting one’s lgbt audience against each other to avoid accountability has never left, and the cw specifically is famous for its use of audience infighting to avoid effort and quality when it comes to lgbt storylines. sam’s biphobic comment hit hard in that way, because the writers got to throw that in and step back and go “whoa now hey it wasn’t us! it was the gay guy. obviously!”
and his phrasing, “gay when its convenient” - while also not an uncommon biphobic soundbite - was hilariously something that dynasty’s lgbt audience have been saying for years. after steammy was wiped off the map as a couple and sam was written into a few forgettable guy of the month romances with minimal screentime to keep cashing in one being able to put SOMETHING in the ‘we promise we have diversity’ montages that the cw keeps getting fucking clowned for posting (seriously, why do they keep posting those ads? i have NEVER seen a healthy comment section under one of them) they finally seemed to find their footing to utilize rafael de la fuente’s talent in a meaningful way. his drama work is unreal. he manages to hit his comedy beats even when the writing is clearly below him and elevates it every time. this of course had to come at the cost of dropping a lot of the romance from his storyline which would be perfectly fine - perhaps even welcome especially in these later seasons - were he not the only opportunity for the mlm audience to have someone they can relate to.
dynasty’s cishet audience commenting about how the moment amanda was canonized as wlw that it was ‘too soon’ to start putting her into relationships was the usual level of tone-deaf and blatantly un-self-aware that lgbt audiences have been putting up with since the dawn of time. 
‘gay when its convenient’ has been something that the lgbt audiences have been accusing dynasty of since the first season came and went without a hint of fallon carrington looking twice at a girl, after liz gillies said that she could definitely see fallon as a bisexual woman. dynasty's answer to lgbt people asking for representation - PROPER representation - has always been met with either crumbs (rip allison!) or a sort of weird derisive 'here's what we have for you - YOU are actually VERY stupid for thinking we wouldn't give it to you and i think that says more about how miserable you all are than it does about us as a television show' vibe. fallon's offhanded comment about 'having always had a thing for princess frostine' in 2.12 was not a 'win' for bisexual representation, either. at the time, it almost felt like a smug little slap in the face to the people who were flooding online anonymous forums to scream and cry "STOP saying fallon likes girls" at the wlw audience. rewatching it even a day later felt like a slap in the face to the lgbt audience who claimed that the show didn't have enough queer characters. the line meant nothing and went no where - it was just a reminder that "she's right HERE you blind idiots, stop asking us for more gay women". 
pre-kamanda, dynasty consistently told us that we had all of the representation we needed. we have a gay guy who pops in to say random gay-isms (who was once a success story about an undocumented immigrant from an abusive household that struggled and cheated and did what he could to survive among billionaires) once or twice per episode, and we have fallon, who sometimes slaps women on the ass as they walk by, or whatever. the lgbt audience came up with our own ships and our own silly in-universe ideas to keep us busy while we sat through whatever new trope the writers wanted to half-ass with falliam for the majority of the episode. and, since we thought, only having historical patterns to base our expectations on, that we were never going to get anything, we let our own fan-canon and faux-theories get wilder and sillier despite the usual obstacles whether that was the writers making them moot with canon on accident or the literal cast of the show mocking us publicly based on their own misunderstanding of the concepts at hand (as an aside: cast and crew’s of shows and movies interacting with fanworks is not only their given right but also often very welcome. that being said, at the end of the day it was never for them, though that is a topic for another day).
kamanda was not only a breath of fresh air in terms of finally having something a little more lighthearted and fun without feeling like a waste of time to focus on, but it brought back audience that had long-since jumped ship (often around early to mid season 4).
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even then, there was something sort of ‘off’ about the whole feeling. these aren’t my personal opinions because i didn’t see amanda’s introduction, kirby’s wlw canonization, or kamanda in general anything other than an (embarrassingly fucking late) agreement to finally give the wlw audience what we’ve been asking for for the last five years: real (fictional) women in a real (fictional) relationship, a privilege granted to literally everyone else on the show since the very beginning, in a show that had increasingly dropped most of its plotting to focus solely on romance and interpersonal relationships. i did however see static and enter discussions about the a) aggressive cancellation season last-ditch attempt to be relatable and b) a redirect of the wlw audience’s attention away from firby - arguably the most popular dynasty ship behind falliam, pre-kamanda. i’m literally still in the middle of a giant unhinged post about the history of firby fandom and its eventual replacement by kamanda so i’m not going to go into a lot of detail about it here. the main takeaway there is that the way in which dynasty hands us our representation often feels like we’re supposed to feel bad about it once we get it. not in the ‘here’s representation but they’re BAD’ way, but in a ‘how dare you have ever doubted us, why are you even here if you’re so angry with us’ sort of way. i would consider that my own paranoia and overthinking and just assuming that i’m feeling sorry for myself had i not realized across multiple platforms how widespread that weird ‘guilty’ feeling is when it comes to being lgbt in dynasty fandom. 
the biphobia is the core issue at hand - full stop. bisexual audiences did not need to hear something like that and especially not coming from a show that consistently backs out of touching on real-world issues by claiming that the show is meant to be an escape and therefore wouldn't be fair to the audience. the bisexual audience do not qualify for such escapism.
however what this obnoxiously long rant of a post is also poking at is that sam's biphobic comment not only shocked and hurt the bisexual audience but it added to an overarching message that the lgbt audience have been having yelled at us by dynasty for the past five years, usually RIGHT whenever we feel comfortable and safe, and that's that sure, this show is going to upset us sometimes but that's the real world, and symbolically, we really only have ourselves to blame.
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undeadhorse · 1 year
one of the really hard things about making art is that you can spend like a buttload of time staring at a thing and building on it and crafting it and etc etc, and finally reach a point where you're satisfied. and then you share it. and i reach that point and i share it and then i go 'is this good? i cant tell, i think i really like it? but i cant tell if its like, worth something? what if ive just been staring at it so long it looks normal to me, but its actually weird and mediocre and i just cant see anymore'. i think being mediocre would be worse than being bad also. ugly can be sort of a positive like. if its on purpose. if you're deliberately trying to evoke a repulsion sort of reaction from the audience, ugly can be a good thing in art and you can utilise it. and its still like, interesting and sincere at the worst. boring tho. what is there to even say.
i dont think my art is boring. i just wish i could get like feedback? and not in a social media notes kind of way. pearls before swine. i hate the feeling of like, putting time and care into something and getting no response, or like, minimal response? its frustrating. like the whole point is to be seen and to elicit some kind of feeling in whoever sees it. if no one is seeing it, or worse they see it but they dont respond or acknowledge it, it almost feels like a waste of time.
i know art is better as a personal thing and i shouldnt be looking for approval from others. im trying not to. theres a nuance angle here where i am and i am not at the same time. bc yes im subconsciously looking for approval. but i think im also motivated in a similar way to a stage performer. audience response is like, really key. you live or die based on whether the portion of your life put into a piece reacts with someone or not. you put yourself out there and do something sincere. theres some metaphor in my head about plants and blood and pounds of flesh right? i put a bit of myself on a scale and im waiting for a measurement.
social media interacts with this in such a weird toxic way. i want to be seen, but i dont want to be chasing notes. that shit is addictive in a really dangerous way. ghhgh. making art of other ppls characters or fanart of like, 'oh look its saul goodman as a pony' thats like, way more likely to get seen and appreciated than something thats more original. but its like, derivative. as fun as that is thats not what i always want to do. i want to build my own things. even if i am like, building on mlp g4.
for whatever reason, mlpfim had and continues to have a profound effect on me, and it motivates me to better myself and grow. and thats something i need to hold onto and take as far as i can. bc motivation like that is rare. and doing shit is hard! the diminutive pastel equines give life more texture and saturation. i think thats okay for me to rely on.
one takeaway from all this is that if you like something react to it and give a little back. cuz its nice. reblog things. likes are actually like a negative bc it inflates the note count without spreading the art. either do both or do neither.
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antisocialgaycat · 2 months
public speaking is absolutely my thing, but i am fully aware that for some people it isn't. so ive decided to try (key word being try) to help out by sharing my very debatable tips. ive kind of split it into 2 different sections which make sense to me but if they dont to u ill try explain them better. anyhow lets go
for oral presentations (i know everything about this subject):
before the presentation make sure you do actually know your shit. please im begging you this is the most important thing you can do. i once absolutely winged a presentation but i knew my shit so i got an a. wouldn't recommend that if you're not to great at thinking on your feet though
if you're presenting at the same time as your peers/colleagues they're probably just as stressed as you are so they aren't as likely to judge you to high hell and back
act. i occasionally find it helpful to kinda embody a character or archetype for my speech like when im talking about a person, ill adopt a kind of storyteller mode, compared to when im talking about the school system, for example, where i'll go for a more fuckin fix this or ill make a twitter post about it
if this is an assessment, do not, under any circumstances, look at the person who's grading you. it's just a surefire way to make sure you fuck up
if appropriate, make it funny. it'll calm down your nerves and make you seem more likeable
have fun with it! if you have fun the audience will have fun and the speech will be received better as a result
for speeches (id like to thank my goldfish etc.)
keep. it. short.
you don't really need a script, just choose 2 or 3 people who you want to thank, then thank them in the order of 231 with number 1 being the person you want to thank most and then so on and so forth
basic outline is: i'd like to thank person for thing, person for thing, and most importantly person for thing
for example: i'd like to thank my sister for always stealing my food, my cat for yelling at me constantly, and most importantly, my year one teacher for teaching me how to spell supercalifragalisticexpialidocious. i wouldn't have got here without them and i really owe all my success to them. (if needed insert a monologue about what you've done) thank you and good(bye/afternoon/evening/night)
that's literally it. sometimes add a congratulations at the start but other than that you're good to go
for speeches (this week we fundraised for gerbils with tonsillitis)
start off with a brief introduction of yourself. very brief. as in "hi my names elliot and i work for the gerbil foundation."
then go to why you're there. "last week we held a fundraiser for gerbils with tonsillitis."
is necessary say why it's important. "tonsillitis is one of the main reasons that gerbils die in the united states of america."
how much money you raised. "In this fundraiser we raised over $6"
then what it's used for. "...which will be used to help treat gerbils all over the country"
say where to get more information if its needed "for more information, or to donate on our website, go to imadethisallupidonteventhinkgerbilscangettonsillitisbutidontreallyknow.com"
thank them. "thank you for your time"
maybe a "i hope to see you all at the next fundraiser!"
that's about it really
so yeah! go ahead and ace all presentations that you ever have to do ever again in your life! but just a reminder, that, like everything, speeches and presentations get better with practice. you don't have to be perfect straight away.
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perhaps-relax · 11 months
id like to complain about Barry for a bit.
I came to the show late and didnt watch it as it was coming out, but have been moving thru it over the last month. I have a tendency to just stop watching shows when theres a lull or an arc i dont find interesting, and ive been fighting that urge for two seasons now bc my partner has been enjoying it. we have two episodes left and i cant wait to be done with it. so without having seen the finale, heres where im at:
firstly, its not that the bad behavior of all the main characters bothers me. i was aware from episode 1 that this was not a show about good people, or even about bad people trying to be better. and i kept watching, and really enjoyed seasons 1 and 2, bc i dont need perfect protagonists to remain invested. but. like. the premise was about a hitman getting into acting, right? ...Barry has not acted for the last 10 episodes. they just sort of abandoned that aspect of the character, which was really the only interesting thing about him. ive gone from liking him to hating him to appreciating the nuisance of his character, to literally not caring what he does anymore bc of how often the writers kept flipping the switch on him. hes no longer a reflection of how real people cope with the bad things theyve done. hes just a tool for shocking the audience.
Seasons 1 and 2 thrived on the revolving cast of antagonists, which was a fun way to demonstrate the endless cycle and escalation of violence that barry's trapped in. The absurdity of the martial arts master and his feral child was excellent and imo the high point of the show, and they were only in one or two episodes. but by season 3 and 4, the introduction and immediate execution of new characters gets incredibly stale, because we stop expecting them to matter in any way. the kid actor, the tall blond gal, albert, bong, any chechen or bolivian, they keep setting us up w characters and the impression that they will be important to the leads, and expecting us to be impacted by the subversion of this expectation. and im just...not. im bored of it.
also, I don't like timeskips, it strikes me as a bit of a cop-out that just...kills the momentum of any arc leading up to it. Like the writers put themselves in a position and decide they dont want to deal with writing their way out of it. then they can just waste a bunch of airtime on where-are-they-now exposition instead of actually resolving or elaborating on the existing conflicts or themes they were pursuing earlier. better call saul almost did it right, but even that was a boner-killer of a finale. And the way Barry skips into the future to do some kind of half-assed commentary about 'where society is going' reminds me too much of the toothless politics of parks & rec. the whole podcast Christianity homeschooling thing is pretty interesting, tho.
and finally let me jsut go ahead and say that it was incredibly unfair what they did to cristobal. the electroshock therapy scene was horrific, but the very next episode, hes fine. he never even talks about what that did to him. no, instead, we're supposed to focus on how traumatized hank is from the whole tiger incident or whatever. like, gene's son leo lost his job, and we never talk about why, or what that means for him. and then he gets shot, cool cool cool, really cool wow, so interesting. the black and brown characters are not necessarily unique in how disposable or otherwise unimportant they are, compared to secondary white characters like Katie or Annie or Kristen, but its still pretty gross how the writers seem a little more willing to subject them to violence and trauma.
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nvr-pass · 1 year
actually re: my tags on my previous post bc i remembered this is my blog and i can monologue about whatever pretentious shit i want. i think part of my bewilderment at these people is bc my media behaviour is so antithetical to this happening. here's an essay or w/e ..
basically, i read blake snyder's save the cat a couple years ago (interesting, if you read it with a huge grain of salt) and he talks about the importance of taglines. he's says that people will only decide to see your movie based on a single sentence and poster the cinema/magazine provides about your movie, so it's important to make sure to communicate your hook and set up the correct expectations in your audience in just that little impression they will get. that's what they will decide on to see your movie and that's what will dictate how the think about it beginning to end.
synder's only thinking in the specific milieu and time he wrote his screenplays for, but i think he was onto something with the huge impact of what your audience thinks the movie will be beforehand. if the audience somehow gets the wrong impression before the movie even started, there's a good chance they will hate your movie, regardless of its actual quality. (q.e.d. those reviews i made fun of.)
like i said, synder's view on the issue is very limited, but you've always had to have heard of a piece of media somehow. something, somewhere brought you to it and what exactly it was that got you interested has a huge (often subconscious) impact on what you will think of it. there has to be a reason why you think it will interest you.
there are no more tv guides that dictate our cinema night, but there sure are trailers and reviews and promotion posts and whatever our friend tell us. it's still very much happening.
and i dislike it. i really dislike knowing half the movie from the trailer alone. i dislike the entire set-up of the movie being incredibly boring because i already know what will happen from a 5 second snippet in the trailer. and this doesn't make the movie unenjoyable (unless it's really really bad) because there is loads of enjoyment to be found it stories that you already know (see any popular shakespeare play. im not watching them bc i want to know the plot!). but i still wonder how i often i actually watch a movie i know nothing about. how often im watching them like the makers thought i would, being introduced to every element only as it appears.
ever since, i've made an actual effort to know as little about a piece of media as possible before experiencing it. i've still managed to find stuff i like, often through obscure tumblr posting by users i know share the same taste in media as me. and sometimes through sheer luck and curiosity like clicking on random youtube recommendations of musical bootlegs.
and i am by now means saying that this is the superior media experience! i watched heathers, thinking it would be like highschool musical during act 1 and then i was gutted. i loved it. but there are very good reasons why heathers should have appropriate content warnings and i would not recommend it to others without mentioning the murder (or knowing the other person very very well). knowingly avoiding content indicators is born from the privilege of being okay to see all fictional content there could be and being open to any genre. it works for me because i enjoy it and find it interesting this way.
i just often think about how differently we all experience the same piece of media, not just from our internal bias but also from the trivial fact of how we heard of it and what we already know or expect from it.
i also made the experience that not knowing what a piece of media's strength is supposed to be leaves me open to appreciate any strength i find. this often has to do with genre expectations: for example i don't care if the plot of an action movie is stupid if the action scenes are cool, and i don't care if the action scenes in a romantic comedy are silly if the relationships are interesting etc. that's not what these movies are about! i find that when i don't know what my genre expectations are supposed to be im very forgiving to any flaws or weaknesses bc im assuming that that's probably not what it is about and that's okay. i try to find what it is about and what they were trying to do and i value it for whatever it does manage well.
i notice this a lot with with people watching a movie from a genre they are not familiar with. im thinking especially western audiences watching asian cinema. it operates by completely different rules because it's its own culture and idustry and often gets dragged (very very unfairly) for being "cheap". this is purely bc said audience is expecting and judging things that the makers of these movies or shows obviously never thought were the most important. and if you impose onto these movies that these things should be the most important and should be done a certain way, then that might be your own valid interpretation of whatever, but i think it's your own fault if you didn't like it.
trying to understand media while being cautious about whatever expectations you impose upon it can really make you enjoy movies so much more without having to compromise your annoying(affectionate) overanalyzing. trust me. open your mind, step into the light. bad movies can have earnest attempts to convey something if your willing to look kindly. picking it apart will be much more fun if you're trying to locate the little kernel that did work and trying to find why it worked and what its pitwalls were and how they could've been avoided.
anyways i lied this wasn't an essay it was just a ramble about media approaches. feel free to leave a comment of any length if you have any thoughts on this :^)
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evergreensounds · 1 year
its been a minute, hope youve been doing well
i honestly dont know too much about led zeppelin but ive been following the srs22 tag a little bit and i think youre the second person to answer that type of question with LZ lol. i did some research and yeah, i gotta agree with you. jimmys a shitty dude
thats a neat cover!! its so simple but yet so expressive. i always love covers that show you the actual artist behind the songs. its like getting a little glimpse into who they are
omg so do you have a playlist for weird songs?? i love fun, kind of humorous songs that tell a story so transfusion was a fun listen!
and yeahh i started getting odd vibes from hank when i listened to a song where he went on and on about sin and the devil and whatever else. i guess i didnt go deep enough to hear the misogynistic stuff but the normal songs were fun. but dont be sorry about any perceived negativity!! i think its important to be aware of both the good and the bad
also about the celebrating christmas thing, i can relate. i live with family so i go along with it, and even though theyre christian theyre not too weird about it thankfully. i just enjoy the festivities
-🦈 (i realized i totally forgot to sign off with this last time immediately after saying id use it. oops)
im not surpised people hate on Jimmy Page.
I do know a lot of weird songs but I looked into the lyrics of some of them and they were all just about being violent to women. I know it's not necessarily an expression of their desires or sometimes it even is to represent cruelty. I'm not feeling them right now.
Luckily the ones that are similar to Transfusion aren't like that mostly
There's trouble brewin by Jack Scott weirdd
Uranium Fever by Elton Britt
I also know a lot of music that is weird because it sounds very ethereal and or weird and out of time.
Some artists I recommend here are: Branko Mataja (not only his album covers are really good), Joe Meek (legendary producer but what discussion about him there is is rarely about his work but about his tragic and messy life), Charlie Megira, Link Wray and Mamman Sani. I feel like these guys get usually labeled outsider, a term I don't particularly like because it treats queer and mentally ill or just generally weird people like Zoo Exhibitions while not actually having any stylistic consistency.
However the four guys I mentioned above do have similarities like a focus on lo-fi instrumental music, use of electric equipment/sounds/instruments that haven't been done in the way they did (Charlie Megira technically doesn't use technology/sound in a way the others do, considering he was mostly active in the last 20 years, but he uses it in ways his predecessors did without giving it a commercialised sheen while also carving out some darker and noisier sounds)
My opinion on outsider music is definitely complicated because the art of people that are othered by our society is important, but a lot of audiences are very weird about it, and it does more bad than good to focus on arbitrary similarities in the lives/experiences of musicians while ignoring their waaaast differences. Like none of the five artists above ever met and except for Link Wray and Branko Mataja who lived in America weren't even living on the same continent meaning they definitely weren't a scene or something.
It's also worth noting that being mentally ill doesn't define somebody's art, meaning that poining at somebodys art and saying they could only have created it because they were mentally ill is dumb.
Not to mention that a lot of "outsider" artists were diagnosed and institutionalised at a point in time where mental illness was understood very differently and diagnosis was used as a way to other/label people who did not conform.
Thanks for letting me rant about a subject I am deeply interested in.
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missmeinyourbones · 2 years
jjk characters x icks!
the ick saga continues but this time its applied to the jjk characters :3 you can read my aot icks here and here :) in conclusion, they are all so so SO embarrassing, your honor 
fully says saturdays are for the boys. like genuinely uses it as an excuse. ur like babe i found this really cute ramen place i wanna try, lets go on saturday for lunch :D and hes like im sorry baby but saturdays are for the boys, i have plans w megumi and toge😕 he definitely has a tapestry that says it hanging in his dorm room, when you guys move in together after college he half jokingly suggests hanging it up in the living room, you make him burn it
is an ipad baby. always on his damn ipad. he cant focus on anything without simultaneously playing a game on it. ur watching a tv show together and he is watching it, but hes also playing candy crush. you are in the bathroom getting ready for bed and hes already in bed playing subway surfers. he also never cleans the screen so its so greasy and has crumbs in the crack of the buttons / case 
hes a sneaker head LMFAO he is so annoying about his shoes. has like 100 pairs of sneakers. ones he only wears to work out, ones he wears on special occasions, ones in certain colors, ones from certain athletes. he REFUSES to let you even breathe near them. places them so delicately on the doormat of your apartment and then gets mad when you just kick off ur own shoes and they almost hit his. “BABE DONT CREASE THOSE IVE ONLY WORN THEM 5 TIMES” 
REFUSES to order at starbucks because he hates the way their sizes are named. you guys go to starbucks together and ur like can u get me a venti iced coffee??? and hes like ok is that a medium or a large. and when you tell him to just say venti he gets irrationally annoyed. “its so stupid that i cant just say large? why would i say venti? grande literally means big in spanish and its equivalent to a small?” idk baby i didnt make the menu <3
he never waits for hot foods to cool down. he just immediately takes a bite and then does that icky thing where his mouth is open and he’s breathing so fucking loud so it cools down in his mouth LMFAO BYE he looks so stupid. and you would think he’d be like a normal person and wait for it to cool down a little before he takes his second bite but hes an idiot!!! and does it again!!!! and repeats until the food is either gone or at room temp!!!!!
makes fun of what you watch but low key watches it with you and likes it??? but hes too stubborn to ever admit it so he has to pretend to make fun of it as you watch it so he can continue to see what happens LMFAO. ur watching a cheesy show like teen wolf and hes like “this show is so stupid and not realistic.” hes all “teenagers don’t even look like that, those are 30 year olds” and “this is so cringey why would they make that a plotline” so ur like OKAYYYYY then leave🙄 and he just pouts but continues to watch it because he needs to know how the season finale plays out 
this bitch laughs at the most inconvenient times and everyone around her is like😐 shes ordering ur guys food through a drive through and literally cannot get the order out bc shes laughing so hard for no reason???? the person taking the order is not amused thru the box and u get so embarrassed that you have to take over lmfao. she also does this when presenting something in class. shes just laughing and giggling and looking at her friends in the audience. BE SERIOUS BABES PLS
cannot apologize. says “i’m sorry you misunderstood what i meant” or “im sorry that you feel that way” whenever you are mad or upset with her. FOR THE LIFE OF HER cannot put herself in your shoes for the sake of an argument. will go to the grave thinking that she was 100% correct and that you were overreacting or took it too personally 
she says that she is “really good w kids!!!” but in reality gets violently bullied by them LMFAO you guys are babysitting your cousins or something and shes hyping herself up, talking about how great she is with them, how smooth the night is gonna go, and you get there and they just completely humble her. say her haircut is ugly and her clothes are weird and that she smells. she pouts for the rest of the night and ur like baby theyre 6 and shes like “thats how you know its true, they dont have a filter they just speak the truth :///” 
refuses to ask for help in any capacity. so fucking stubborn about it. imagine him following instructions he found on google for how to fix ur washing machine and getting mad LMFAO like he kicks it and throws the screws around while sighing loudly. ur finally like satoru please lets just call someone, like a professional, whose literal job it is to do stuff like this. hes hurt that you would even suggest that lol
claps when planes land i literally hate him so much LMFAO he thinks hes doing it ironically but it does not come across that way AT ALL. hes whooping and hollering from the window seat as the plane slowly descends and ur hiding ur face in embarrassment next to him. as you guys gets off the plan he personally shakes the pilots hand and is like “thank you so much for your service, for safely landing us, for letting us live another day” and you have to pull him by his ear to get him to stfu 
looks at himself in every reflection he passes. EW i hate him. he physically cant help himself from looking in every single reflective surface he sees. he passes the mirror in your hallway??? checks his hair. walking by a display window in the mall??? smiles at his reflection. he has no shame. its so humiliating to see him from afar checking himself out
tries so fucking hard to be funny in class that it comes off as such a force. this man wants to be the class clown so bad hes shaking in his seat waiting for the right opportunity to say something. hes gotten a few chuckles a handful of times, but most of the time no one laughs and the prof is like ...anyways 
thinks driving his car fast is a flex.... bye LMFAO like purposefully revs his engine thinking its gonna make the girls panties drop. goes 80 in a 45 because he thinks it makes him look cool and dangerous???? living for the bad boy aesthetic but he just looks like a dick lol 
falls asleep right after sex. yes im saying it. he doesnt do it in a mean way, its not like he doesnt care enough to check in on you or talk to you. he is just an exhausted man LMFAO. you roll over to crack a joke or something and hes already out like a light. put his ass to sleep now he calling me nyquil type beat 
thinks a “natural makeup look” is a full face with no colored lipstick LMFAO like he does not know what makeup looks like. so when he sees a picture of kendall jenner with a full face of natural makeup hes like “i love when women wear no makeup, shes so beautiful bare faced” like she doesnt have full coverage foundation and fake lashes on??? you guys are out getting lunch or something and you have ur usual makeup on but a little lighter (maybe no eyeliner or lipstick) and hes like you look so pretty naturally today :) ENOUGH
going to the gym is his only personality trait. hes the guy that carries around a gallon of water for no reason???? like not a special water bottle, but a genuine plastic poland springs gallon straight outta the supermarket??? just so everyone knows that he works out?? only eats grilled chicken, white rice, and broccoli every single night for dinner. his friends go out to eat and get pizza and hes like “...you know thats bad for you, right?” shut up meathead. 
he has a wallet phone case LOLLLLL like the velcro or magnetic kind thats leather and holds your phone and your money/cards. major dad/grandfather energy. it also has a touchscreen pen attached to it so he “doesnt get his screen dirty.” gets mad when you don’t use the pen. ur in public and hes like can you check my phone to see if gojo texted me and you go to slide it open and hes like “...with the pen”
LONG ASS NAILS THAT HE DOES NOT CUT OFTEN ENOUGH. theyre not even dirty or grimey they are just long???? sometimes he bites them off and then they are all jagged and uneven and he accidentally scrapes you when he’s rubbing your back or scratching ur head :/ refuses to let you actually file them or cut them with clippers because its “too high maintenance” or “why would you when i could just do it with my teeth?” barbaric
also puts his cold ass feet on ur shins when ur going to bed. i can feel myself gagging while writing this. ur in bed and its all warm and snuggly and just as ur about to drift off to sleep he puts his COLD ASS DOGS ON UR CALVES???? like fully pressed up against ur legs. he’s happy bc ur warming him up but you feel like you have two nasty ice cubes tangled between ur legs now 
still plays among us and makes imposter jokes :/ *crowd boos* but he doesnt even do it in a funny ironic way he does it in a hes deadly serious way. like finds a picture of a dog looking guilty and sends it to you being like “when the imposter is sus XD” he is so embarrassing goodnight 
the type to try waaaaayyyyyy too hard in gym class. like yells at you in dodgeball if you are not breaking a sweat or giving it ur all (maki baby i’m just trying to pass the class) her face is red and she’s sweating bullets and when you are on her team and get out she's genuinely livid. as if winning a gym class dodgeball game means anything????? 
she is so stingy when it comes to certain things. like the heat in your apartment. shes a dad w the thermostat. you are freezing and the thermostat says 60 and ur like babe its winter lets turn the heat on and shes like “no, we dont need to pay for the heat, put a sweater on” or you guys go out to eat and she’s letting you get whatever you want but then when it comes to her shes like “just water and the free bread is fine” BABY WHAT??? 
doesnt wash her face. her skin is really nice and you are jealous. but DOESNT WASH HER FACE??? you guys are getting ready for bed and you have all of your skincare out and shes like wtf is all of this and you explain the differences between toner and moisturizer and all that fun stuff and then she hits you with “huh, i just use water” WDYM U JUST USE WATER  
never knows which way a door opens LMFAOOOOO PLEASE like its either push or pull. he has a 50% chance each time, but he somehow always gets it wrong. imagine him walking into a store and he goes to pull the door and stumbles back a little bit because its a push to open BYE
makes pic collages of you guys and posts them on ig :/ like do you remember in middle school when it was cool to make a flipagram for ur friends birthday? yeah🙂 he does that put for like every simple activity you guys do. hes like heres a flipagram of me and y/n when we went to the aquarium the other day <3 and its just awkward pics of you two w bad lighting lol. or he loves a good pic collage like the ones where you just make a grid of photos? he is an 11 year old little girl in 5th grade who just got an ipod touch 
yells stupid shit when he jumps into the pool LMFAOOOO like the most corny things. hes doing a cannonball and he genuinely says “GERONIMO!!!!” LIKE WTF IS WRONG W HIM???? also says “look out down below” or “incoming” then bellyflops right next to you when you were just trying to relax on a raft :/
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