#ALSO! Don't forget you can submit questions and stuff!! I really appreciate all the interaction.
I DON'T miss lockdown, buuuut I kind of miss some of the online communities that were thriving during it! I have absolutely no trans friends irl, and a lot of the people I do meet can barely wrap their heads around trans people actually being real that trying to explain nonbinary identities or pronouns just isn't an option. A lot of those communities died as everyone returned to school and work, so I lost a lot of my connection to fellow queer and genderqueer people. It's hard not having the space to just connect with people who have similar experiences. That is, actually, why I got Tumblr. I figured I could create a space to do that, to connect with other queer and trans people, anyways.
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thejellybeanboys · 1 year
‼️Welcome‼️To the official Jellybean boys ask account.
“(why are we called that? It's so lame...)”
This is just a silly little thing I wanted to do because I've fixated and expanded upon my Wordgirl au of next generation stuff, mainly concerning tobecky fan-children and one child of three for that matter. Luis, he's joined by his group of friends and nuances alike. Just here to expand his growing internet clout by making a tumblr ask blog to interact with potential new fans. You can ask him and his friends any questions you like...the satisfaction of how they will answer them is non-existent. :) 
Basic understanding: Luis McCallister-Botsford and his friends will be introduced as the main ask characters for the blog. New additions might appear but it all mostly depends if ppl request or if I'm not lazy that day. Will there be plot? Honestly for now not really but it can change if there's engagement or if I'm really passionate for making one. For now it's just funny dumb typical character ask blog stuff :]
Established characters appearing confirmed:
Luis (tobecky fankid. leader?), Wil-Liam (just some annoying guy from school), Hoagie (Chuck's nephew, one of Brent's son), Jeremy (DTB fan boy no relation), Mason (Butcher's son), Codey (Oldest girl. Victoria Best daughter), Cecil (Tall girl DND enthusiast), Leroy (Luis bff), Otty (rich kid, Mr. Big’s cousin)
(also including parents Becky and Tobey, with Luis's siblings too. Also some old bags that supervise these misfits.)
1) It's answered in character but I will add my author notes/narrator input if needed, so NO too much fourth wall breaking questions to me unless the situation calls for it.
2) Please NO NSFW asks or questions!! These characters are all underage and i will gut you if you even try. SO NO.
3) shippy or playfully romantic questions are fine if it's obvious, but I can still determine where stuff goes or happens.
4) If i don't respond to asks on time or fail to keep up ... blame it all on Luis forgetting to update the blog/lh
5) Tone indicators are much appreciated as both in canon to the characters and to me irl running this we autistic AF.
6) This is still connected to Wordgirl so out of universe stuff is going to be set there, just in my own fucked up continuity if I allow it. So ambiguous popcultural refs are definitely okay (games gonna get mentioned a lot), plus these characters are from the future so anything is fair game...just no mention of heavy or real tragic situations. Submitting images or memes are okay. Obviously nothing graphic or I’ll get you.
7) Swearing is fine. These are teens they do it all the time. Just NO slurs.
8) No unessary rudeness or harassment. yes I know it's cringe cause these are all mostly my OCS for your fav kid show but uh...fuck you.
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