cherrybean · 8 days
Lana Del Rey songs that remind me of the BB & BCS characters
!!!Spoilers for some of them!!!
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Domingo/Krazy 8
- Queen of Disaster
- Lyric: “got me spinnin’ like a ballerina, feeling gangsta’ every time I see ya”
- Mainly the little twinkle sounding beginning of the song reminds me of Krazy 8 because he has beautiful big eyes 😩 the first time I saw him I felt like he never really fit into the harsh world of drugs because he seems like a more timid/sweet person ☹️
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Tuco Salamanca
- Ultraviolence
- Lyric: “he hit me and it felt like a kiss”
- This man is VERY violent 💀 need i say more
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Eduardo/Lalo Salamanca
- Million Dollar Man
- Lyric: “you’ve got the word, but baby at what price?”/“Youre screwed up and brilliant”
- Another beautiful man and the song is about someone who is so irrevocably in love with someone to the point they’ll ruin themselves for them, aka me for him 🫶🏽
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Ignacio Varga/Nacho
- Get Free/ Dealer
- Lyric: “sometimes it feels like I got a war in my mind, I wanna get off, but I keep riding the ride”/ “gave you all my money, I don’t wanna live, I don’t wanna give you nothing”
- A very sad man, I love nacho so much and I feel like he is stuck in the world of drugs and sadly is his demise in the end😭 my heart aches for him
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Jesse Pinkman
- Black Beauty/ High by the Beach
- Lyric: “life is beautiful, but you don’t have a clue”/ “I’ll do it on my own, don’t need your money, money to get me what I want”
- Jesse seems like a very sad soul who is still very bright and hasn’t let his past experiences dim his light, the second lyric is mostly what I think he’d think of Walter
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Walter White
- Money Power Glory
- Lyric: “but that’s not what this bitch wants, not what I want at all, I want money, power and glory”
- Literally his endgame 💀 he wanted money, power and the glory of doing it all
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Gustavo/Gus Fring
- Fucked My Way Up To The Top
- Lyric: “I fucked my way up to the top, this is my show”
- Literally infiltrated and killed every last person who did him dirty/killed his friend/lover. Truly is HIS show
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Howard Hamlin
- National Anthem
- Lyric: “money is the anthem of success, so before we go out what’s your address?”
- Show never really tells if he actually comes from old money, but guessing from his name being on the law firms business and his fathers (?) I feel like this is a fitting song 😩 I still loved Howard though 🥲 plus the way that Kim and Jimmy despise him for having a silver spoon in his mouth
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Kim Wexler
- Ride
- Lyric: “I’m tired of feeling like I’m fucking crazy”
- My queen 🫶🏽 love her and she can do no wrongs. Feel like her younger life and even adult life people would tell her who she is or what kind of person she was/wasn’t and this one line stuck out to me
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Saul Goodman/Jimmy McGill
- Cruel World
- Lyric: “got your bible, got your gun”/ “everybody knows that I’m the best I’m crazy, yeah yeah”
- First lyric reminds me in my interpretation of Jimmy being split between him and his alter ego and doing good in law vs playing law as his game, kind of the contradiction of having a bible and a gun (don’t come after me please). Second lyric more of him going a bit crazy in some scenes with his speeches 🤨
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sardonic-the-writer · 2 years
Better Call Saul characters with saying I love you for the first time? Don’t care who you have but can it at least include Howard and Nacho?
yeah sure! slight spoilers for season five.
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The first time Jimmy ever tells you he loved you happened after his trek through the desert. He had come back, sunburnt to hell and dehydrated out of his mind. Looking like he had just dragged a few bags of bricks from hell and back—which wasn't far off from the truth. So when you picked him up, fingers anxiously tapping on your steering wheel, it was the most he could do to reassure you with a slight squeeze of your hand.
Only once you had gotten back home and lowered him into a cool bath did Jimmy close his eyes, letting a small 'I Love You' slip from his chapped lips. Which were swiftly rewarded with a kick kiss, the first genuine smile breaking out on his face in days.
—KIM ☆
You said it to her first.
Kim has a difficult time reading people and their emotions outside of her workplace, something that bled into your relationship together. Of course, you understood, taking your time with her and getting comfortable as a pair. That's why it took so long for you to say anything to her that would take your relationship to the next level.
It most likely occurred on some random movie night. The both of you in sweatpants sitting on the couch watching a black and white movie, curled around each other and just forgetting about life's worries. She took a moment to pause the movie, facing you and your caring gaze. Kim captured your lips in a soft kiss after a moment, washing away any worries that might have been lingering at her delayed response.
HMM had the privilege of being the place where Howard first confessed the true depth of his love for you.
He hardly could sit still. It was the third boring meeting of the day, discussing something he couldn't care less about when you were sitting next to him. It was all he could do to contain his giddy feelings, occasionally nudging your foot foot under the table with a barely contained smile. So the minute after everyone had slowly trickled out of the conference room, he caught the tail end of your suits cuff, pulling you into a heart melting kiss, both of your teeth occasionally clicking together on accident.
"You know what?" He mummbled against your lips, his own buzzing with electricity. "I think I love you."
"I think I love you too Howie."
Part of the reason Nacho was so invested in you was the feeling he got when catching a glimpse of you. It was one he didn't feel often anymore; after getting involved with the drug ring and such. One of security. Warmth. Being home. The only other person who ever made him feel like that was his dad. And things hadn't been going to well in that department lately.
Nacho was quiet around you. Not the same stony kind of silence he presented in his pine of work. That was pure defensiveness, not letting anyone see into his head unless he wanted them too. No, around you he was quiet becuase he preferred to hear your voice. To listen to you talk to him about your day and carry on a conversation just by looking at him for a non verbal response. He loved how you knew what he was trying to say without actually saying it.
"I love you (Y/n)." He had mummbled into your hair one evening—between your tales of horrid days working in customer service. "I love you more than I've ever loved anyone."
Light had barely begun to peak through the curtains, and Lalo was already rolling out of bed with a sigh. Pulling away from your warm embrace, yet another night without sleep plauging his mind with things he had to do today.
"Sorry querido." He would chuckle, slipping into more formal clothing as you quietly called for him to come back to bed. "You know I have to go tend to some things."
His smile softened even more as you rolled over in his direction, eyes still closed and scrunched with drowsy annoyance. Accompanied by a small frown.
"Fine. Bu' be quick. L've you."
Lalo paused, a patterned shirt draped over his bare shoulder in the moment. You would later remember the dozens of kisses he peppered across your face in a moment of adoration, mirroring your accusation of love in between each one.
"Por dios serás mi muerte."
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nanabrainrot · 1 year
I love your Lalo work ! Do you think we could get some stories about the way people react to Lalo and the MC (from To Bear a Cross, Companion Dog, etc) ? Like what did the people he hurt (for her) do ? How do other characters in BCS feel about the two of them ? Are they weirded out by the relationship ? Again, love your work <3
THANK YOUUU i was actually working on that already and made a little compilation of moments where people went "hey wtf is going on with that guy and his wife so enjoy these blurbs with Kim, Jim, Nacho, and MC <3 I might repost these in a chaptered version on AO3 to fill up my Lalo tab lol - ty for the ask!!
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A Moment with Kim
Jimmy was confused at the woman sitting across from him in his apartment, accompanied by Nacho of course, but Kim was even more so. A pair of deep eyes seemed fixed on Kim alone, her face devoid of expression. He could tell she was matured yet was not positive if she broke 30 yet with the lack of lines in her face and the lack of white or grays accumulating in contrast to the silver streaks in Lalo’s hair and his face lined with wrinkles. “Uhh, Nacho, care to explain the little lady that’s been sitting here in silence since you got in? I can’t be breaking confidentiality with Lalo of all people unless you want me dead in the desert with my own balls in my mouth.”
Nacho sighed, glancing at the woman, all dolled up, who still staring at Kim’s face who was now shifting uncomfortably.
“Don’t worry, she’s Lalo’s wife,” Nacho responded lowly, watching you sit still like a tree on a day without wind. Jimmy narrowed his eyes, looking toward her a little closer and realizing that Lalo did not have a ring but in fact had a tattoo of a ring. Her finger lacked a tattoo of a ring, but a large diamond was shining on her finger. He wondered the insane price of it given Lalo’s seemingly endless supply of money of questionable origin. His charming nature screamed “player” to Jimmy so the concept of him having a wife at home was something beyond his imagination, especially a woman as meek and docile as the jittery woman staring his wife down.
“Oh! I didn’t know he was married,” Jimmy laughed awkwardly, leaning over the coffee table to offer his hand to shake. Her eyes moved off Kim and to the hand that was extended but not up to Jimmy’s face, something that caught Kim’s attention. Her brows twitched a little and her hands that were on the arm of the chair came together to fold together. Moments pass. No handshake.
Awkwardly, Jimmy withdraws the hand and uses it to scratch his neck. The eyes around the room focus on Lalo’s wife and her ensemble. She wore a deep gray v-neck with a golden chain about her neck dipping into the fabric that exposed her chest and a pair of black flared pants, like a yoga instructor would wear.. The little mary janes peeked out from the flares, shiny and bright. Jimmy could just about make out a piece of gold about her ankles with something written on them. The hoops in her ears obscured by the hair draping over her shoulders and it seems like she had cut choppy bangs solely for the purpose of hiding her face.
“Um, so how are you Mrs. Lalo? What brings you here with my friend Nacho?” he coughs in that raspy voice still trying to grin through the thick air she seemed to bring with her.
“I’m okay,” she murmured, low and barely audible, “I just wanted to check on his bail and stuff… I don’t really leave without him and he sent Nacho to get me to come get some air and get updates from you.” Her eyes moved back to Kim, staring again, with deep eyes that seemed to lack any spark. It was like looking at the glass eyes of a doll. “His bail? The hearing is tomorrow so we can work from there,” Jimmy started, “but it might be millions for him on these charges. Sorry about that Mrs. Lalo, I’m trying my best rest assured.”
“Mrs. Salamanca,” you replied a little firmer than Nacho would expect from your quiet nature and prior encounters with you. Although his first encounter you appeared shameless in your actions, but he assumed you only had any trace of confidence when you were in Lalo’s presence. Your body without him was tense like ice and suddenly melted to a cool water when he came around. But he couldn’t come around. Not unless Jimmy stepped up and got him out on bail.
“His first name is Lalo. His last name is Salamanca. You would call me Mrs. Salamanca,” she responded, her eyes still on Kim and her knees turning more toward the woman. The attention on Kim appeared confusing at first but as Kim and Jimmy shared glances, she leans forward and you keen with interest at it with a head tilt. Eye contact.
You give her eye contact, something you deny Jimmy and, she noticed, denied Nacho too.
“Would you rather me tell you?” You seem to relax at this offer, your body releasing the tension at something in the room. As if a breath you were holding finally left.
“Yes please. But you aren’t Lalito’s lawyer, you’re the lawyer’s wife, no? Is that okay?” you inquire, brows narrowed at the woman. Nacho and Jimmy share looks over you, realizing the source of the tension seemed to be that the two were men. You kept looking to Kim because she was a woman too.
Why though? It couldn’t be a fear of men; you laid in bed with one of the scariest ones Jimmy had ever met. He wonders this internally as he and Nacho eye you lean toward her with your hands cupping your knees and shoulders coming a bit forward. “Spousal privilege. What’s his is mine and what’s mine is his, including his business if there’s a need for it. It’s a bit hard for Jim – Saul to tell if you aren’t looking at him though because he can’t tell if you’re listening.” You avert your gaze, shifting like you’re suddenly embarrassed and your mouth twitches like you want to smile but can’t like. Like it hurts to smile.
“I know…” you mutter, scratching your neck sheepishly, “I don’t look at or talk to men. Lalito is jealous and I respect that.”
A pause. Kim’s body language changes in disbelief, “So Lalo doesn’t let you look at or talk to men?”
“It’s not that I’m not allowed to. I do it so he doesn’t get violent with them. He thinks every guy has a bad motive with me,” you reply, “so I just don’t look at or talk to men so he doesn’t get mad at the guy. He’s impulsive, Mrs. Goodman.”
“You can call me Kim,” she breathes, leaning back into her chair with a sigh like she’s trying to analyze your personality and meekness in relation to Lalo. The blonde glances at the two men and asks, “Can you two just like step into another room then so she isn’t trying to dodge looking at you? I don’t know how often she comes out so it’d be nice if she can look around freely.” Jimmy jumps at the opportunity to leave the room, looking relieved, and tugging Nacho by the arm into the adjacent bedroom.
“That’s a great idea, babe! I’ll be in here, haha, adios!” Jimmy salutes as he ushers Nacho, who is muttering in confusion and protest and the contact Jimmy is having with him as he closes the door. You can hear the muffled conversation between them, Jimmy’s chipper gravely tone against the cool harshness of Nacho’s serious voice.
The air is different without men. Without any cologne or harsh musky fragrances; it feels perverted to know what another man smells like no less what his hands feel like if you decided to shake his hand. Lalo probably would’ve swatted it away you consider. It was too risky to potentially displease him and it was a decision made out of respect. “Thanks Kim. Not many people notice I’m… hesitant around men.”
“No problem,” she smiles tensely with a feeling of pity in her belly starting to make it twist. Did Jimmy make mistakes? Sure, every man does, but she can only imagine the kind of man Lalo is to you. Your meek energy and refusal to address men plants a seed of worry in her she can’t ignore but must in order to proceed. “His hearing is tomorrow and they’ll set bail for him. Then he’ll pay the bail and be home and you two can head back to Mexico. They’re just setting it up and paying it,” she smiles warmly.
The tension doesn’t leave you. You look like every muscle was locked in place as you peer up with deep eyes through your lashes. The chain on your neck says Lalo, she realizes. As do the hoops in your ears. The four fingers that weren’t your thumbs had LALO in big letters painted onto your acrylic nails of square, milky white. “Okay, how long will it take, Kim?”
“Depending on how long the money takes to come in, a day to five days-“
Your brows furrow, then relax. You sink back into the chair like a disappointed child; you likely weren’t used to being apart Kim realized. The indicators of possession on you made her stomach queasy. He was charming, sure, but he did everything without much thought. He punished ruthlessly and frequently; what did that mean for you?
Then why did you miss him so much?
“Okay, Kim,” you murmur, “nothing else?” She swallows, realizing the weight of your presence. Some insane drug king pin’s wife who looked more like a doll than a human, actions so calculated it was like you were a ball joint doll who was being twisted by invisible hands. Your back so straight, hair without a flyaway, and the deep eyes looking but not seeing. Looking but not acknowledging. Like she was a chair or a table but not a human. Unimportant.
“Nothing. Just hope bail is reasonable and the money comes quickly,” she replies with a forced smile. A small hum of acknowledgement, before you lean closer to her a bit over the coffee table but her behind still stuck to the less than luxurious chairs you seemed to be used to. “Can you call out and let Ignacio I’m ready to go home? I don’t talk to men, you know that now.”
The pit grows deeper. Lalo seemed to like you, why else would he tattoo a ring on? Drag you up from Mexico with him on business? Does he love you? Kim swallows and smiles. Does he hit you?
“Nacho, she said she’s ready to go home.”
 It’s stupid. To look at the window at you driving away, but your head still hangs low as Nacho opens the door for you. You slide into the seat like your body made of liquid. Like you’re a doll. He closes the door, glancing up at Kim’s watchful eyes through the window above, and shrugs, as if to say: I don’t know either. Kim just wondered if she wanted to know.
She holds Jimmy a little tighter tonight, grateful for something she didn’t have for once.
A Moment with Nacho
On the drive home, Nacho only hears you sniffle. Turned from him all girlish with your knees facing the window as if you were one of his girls all mad at him. But you aren’t mad, just frustrated, that much he can tell. Your first meeting had been awkward but had been steered like a ship by Lalo who would ask you to do something and you would do it. Nacho wonders if you would hesitate if Lalo asked you to stand up and put a knife in your side.
You don’t behave awkwardly despite being seen like that, with eyes all narrow and wet. You loom around Lalo naturally as if his shadow. He wondered about you, thoughts picking at him as he drove to your temporary home with Lalo. Nothing was out of place thanks to you. Febreezes and diffusers listlessly filled the air with subtle scents that mask your probably expensive perfume. Again, your eyes flit sporadicallly as you take in the house when you get in. Nacho can tell you’re fidgety again which is likely from your anxiety being apart from Lalo. You scurry off to your room with no words nor glance, just the sound of your shoses clanking then socked feet padding to your depressingly big and cold bed toward the back of the house past the living room. A door slams and it’s so quiet he still hears you weep.
There’s no way you were right.
The way you existed as a moon of Lalo’s, as his shadow, his sex doll, Nacho wondered if any of your life wasn’t based around keeping him happy. Did you go to college? What was your favorite book? Do you have any hobbies?
The sobs lull down to sniffles he hears as he settles in the sofa to enjoy another sleepless night protecting Lalo’s wife. He fears he knows the answers, in your one word responses: no, no, and no.
 A Moment with Jimmy
Jimmy is surprised that Lalo feels anything at all.
Him coming out of the courthouse, a free man, already had you in tears. Your face obscured by hair as you frantically got out of the passenger, only because Lalo opened the door, and threw yourself to his chest. Your arms were tight on him, like he was going to vanish at any second, and, despite the distance, he could hear small and whining sniffles. “Shhh, only some days not too bad huh?” he coos, petting her head before laying a loud cartoonish kiss on her head still buried in the florals of his loud button-up.
“So long, Lalo,” Jimmy could barely make out the muffled mumbles as Lalo pushed you by the shoulders. He had heard from Nacho that you weren’t necessary very expressive but when seen talking abt Lalo you tended to break. Often your conversations had to be initiated by someone else and often you only uttered soft one word responses: yes, no, or the occasional I don’t know. He never got a clear look at your face until now and he feels like he saw something he shouldn’t have just seeing your expressionless face all warped with tears. It lacked the perfect makeup you often had but you still looked so put together; no doubt luxurious treatments and products kept the flesh of your face so clear with the rich man rubbing at your biceps and kissing your forehead.
The big hoops he had seen replaced with little studs that looked like initials and your nightgown looked like a black sundress and fuzzy slippers showed your perfect, pedicured toes. He slams the passenger shut and opens the backseat for you, which you sniffle and scoot into immediately, like an instinct.
You were pliant and reacted to things like a reflex, as easy as blinking or breathing, you slip into the backseat and look out the window at him after settling into your seatbelt. Sheepish, wanton, and distraught. Jimmy had seen starving strays look less longingly at dangling meat.
“Thanks for making that trip for me, Mr. Goodman. You go home to enjoy your wife and me,” he grins a sly smile and winks, “I’ll enjoy mine. Buenos noches!” It’s a dark red shirt with a pattern on it that Jimmy can’t describe as Lalo slips into the passenger. He looks all warm and giddy, that soulless grayhaired bastard, and only looks back at you as his driver pulls off. It makes his stomach sink, watching you interact.
The deep eyes all wet with tears over a man with a kill count he wasn’t sure was under a hundred and you, who wouldn’t look at a man unless asked to. He recalls the face Kim made talking to you, your face all expressive out of nowhere and your hands twitching at the suggestion he would be away for five days. Your cold demeanor desperate with Lalo, your fidgety hands finding their purpose in pawing at him and clinging to him. It was like watching an animal documentary showing animals mated for life, like watching an addict beg for a fix.
Your deep eyes never acknowledged him, he notes again. Actually, your eyes never acknowledged anything but Lalo. The deep eyes skipping past the lamp lights, the bricks, and pretty bushes to a man that had him crawling through a desert and killed a civilian. The world was an accessory and Lalo was the main event for you.
When Jimmy gets home, he gurgles his mouthwash and wonders about Kim and her love. Years together and their relationship was natural like breathing and it was healthy, in most respects. But he wondered about the suffocation of a love like that and wondered if any part of the fixation and obsession was worth what he put you through.
Listerine meets the porcelain then vanishes into the drain.
A Moment that Matters
You can feel the weight of pity on you. The way people see him linger with you. It raises a question if too nosey, a brow if they are feeling expressive. Jimmy looked at you in disbelief, you felt the eyes on your back. Reduced to tears after some days apart because he was impulsive, because your husband was brutal and cruel and a murderer but he was your husband. That vow, way back when, meant something even if you didn’t want it to.
With Kim, she almost looked disgusted. That white lady feminist jargon that pitied you for this choice, the life you had as if there was any other option. What else was there? Sometimes, there is a vague feeling of anger toward Lalo. He never held to your father, he always insisted, it was because of Eladio or Hector or a bad mood, but it changes. You often brew on a quote your father said in passing, back to you as he washed corn cobs in the kitchen, saying: “Happiness is a choice.” Happiness is a choice. You could wither and weep the rest of your sad life as some maiden that required saving or you could be happy, you could be a happy wife in a big house with a husband who loves you. Everything else could be blurred between the lines. It didn’t need an explanation, it didn’t need Kim’s judgement or Jimmy’s face.
But Nacho. Nacho’s reaction to you left a lot to think about. Nacho always buckled to the demands of others; it was for his father’s safety you understood. It was that way for you too, but he’s a baby in the game. Not positive how young he is, but obviously he was many years your junior. The moment he saw Lalo’s cum in your mouth, your cooing into his side when he got home. He knew you waited by the door for him when his days at work were lengthy. It brings some shame, but not regret. Maybe embarrassment. His shock is what bothers you, as you dozed only a little as he talked of his girlfriends to Lalo. Sometimes they say no.
No? How do you say no? To your man? Your husband? The backbone of your joys and lifestyle; you wondered if it was the same. Kim carried herself in a way that didn’t require Mr. Goodman’s consent or permission. He didn’t loom over her. She was her own and a wife.
It didn’t make sense that Nacho’s girlfriends could say no and not feel their stomachs churn with shame at denying their man his most base pleasures. It would be inhuman. It wouldn’t be wifely. His shock is gone when he brings you home, replaced by the calm of acceptance. It makes your heart sink, for some reason. There’s nothing to be ashamed of. There’s nothing wrong with this, what you have, what you’ve nurtured and watered and accepted.
Happiness is a reflex, like blinking or breathing, when you weep into Lalo’s arms as he shushes you. Coos over you like a sad dog because you are one. You’re not his wife, you once heard him say some years back over a glass of his strongest beer and your little glass of juice (it keeps you youthful), you’re his pet.
What a good way to be; a spoiled pampered dog disciplined with a shock collar until happiness is a reflex. Listening is a reflex. Peace is a choice, you confirm in your head, curled into his side that night as he stares at the ceiling (he’s so handsome like this). This is a good choice road.
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oceandolores · 1 year
Off to the Races. —Lalo Salamanca x McGill!Reader— Chapter 2.
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summary: it's been days since Lila and Lalo met. Even though it was a short meet, they can't keep each other out of their minds, andddd hands...
words count:
warnings!: there would be some warnings to this series, include. age-gap (20 years), violence, drugs, guns violence, ptsd, grieving, death, blood, sexual scenes or references, better call saul and breaking bad kind of violence and vibes.
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Chapter 2.
"I'm sorry, you what?"
"Look, I didn't know that you would actually get back here? You didn't even call me to tell me!" Jimmy, Kim, and Lila are in Kim and Jimmy's apartment now. Apperently, they got together and now living together, without Lila's knowing.
Lila's mouth is still open, "I need to digest all of this." She said while fidgeting the side of her forehead. There's indeed a lots of going on in Jimmy's life now. He told Lila everuthing She needs to know, including how he has to go to Chuck's one year death anniversary, and how it so important to him, to get back his lawyer license.
"Oh, C'mon, Lila." Jimmy approching Lila. She stepped back, "You lied to me." Kim is looking at the two siblings.
"You said you had a stable job at HHM! Now—I—What the hell, Jimmy!" She's mad because of her brother lied to her. He knows that Lila hates when people lied to her, it made her feels like she's not worthy.
"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Lila." Jimmy tried to explain more, "At least you should have called me?!" She said again. "I don't know, Jimmy. It feels like...I don't even know you anymore." Kim look at Lila now.
She felt her sadness, Lila and Kim knew each other since forever. She was practically grew up with her. Jimmy leaning foward to Lila, stroking her shoulders, "Oh, C'mon, you're still my baby sis, that was stupid. I know. I'm sorry. You're my favourite sister!"
"I am your your only sister, Jimmy." She said, "Exactly. Now, please come with us to this event." He said. He thinks that important how Lila's presence shows the board that at least he's in a stable relationship with his other family, that means that he has someone to control on him, besides Kim.
Lila is thinking for a moment, before she said "Ok. Ok. But, I won't be long. I have to buy some things fot the new apartment." Lila's got the job at the hospital, and because Jimmy and Kim's are living together now, She can't live with Jimmy. So, She found a new apartment not far from their's, thanks to Kim. Now, Kim stepped foward, "I can help you with that,"
Lila look at her, "Oh no, It's okay Kimmy. I'm fine." She looked down for a moment, "Look, I'm sorry guys, I should have told you that I'm back to town for good. I guess, I'm just worried about you, Jimmy. You're all I have now." She said and looked down, Jimmy looks at Kim, and it was like they communicate with their eyes. Kim took her hand, "You have me, Lila. I promise you, We'll always be there for you. We're family." Kim said and went for a hug.
"Family taking care of each other, I promise I'll protect you always, honey." Jimmy said and join the hug.
"Thank you and I love you all so much, but you can't protect me and taking care of me if I'm dead because of running out of breath!" Jimmy and Kim realized and let go the hug with a laugh.
"Please, save your tears, it's not time for an emotional ride yet. C'mon, Let's go, Ladies!" Jimmy said with some energy.
They all finally arrives at the event wearing all black, but, Lila goes with a white and black dress. She doesn't want it looks like a fucking funeral, they already had the funeral. The plan is Jimmy is supposed to pay a 23.000 dollars check and said it was an "anonymous" for the event so that the jury can see that Jimmy is really care about his brother and all that lawyer stuff that Lila doesn't understand. But, Jimmy hires a butler to literally tell everyone that it was him who paid. Well, Jimmy is Jimmy. Nothing to be surprised of.
"Lila?" She was looking at Kim talking woth somebody that she guess was important, then she heard her name was called, she turned back and look at Howard, "Howard? Oh how are you?" They went for a hug, "I'm great, When did you get here? How long have you been here?" He asked, "Oh, Just a couple of days. I'm back here for good." She said, Honestly her and Howard in a good friendship relationship, it's just him and Jimmy's relationship isn't that good.
"Really? You got a job as a doctor here?" He said, and she nodded, "Wow, that's really great. I didn't see you at the funeral, So it was good to see you, you look great!" He said again.
"I skip the funeral." She said, "But, thanks tho, you look great urself, Howie."
"I'm sorry about your brother," He said, "It's okay."
She saw Kim walked away to Jimmy, at the outside. "Look, It's really nice to meet tou again, Howard. But, I've better check on Jimmy." She hugs him, "Well, if you need some helping hand or anything else you know where to find me, do ya? It's really nice to talk to you again, Lila." He nodded and then she walked away to the outside, towards Kim and Jimmy.
"How is it?" Lila asked looking at Kim and then Jimmy, "I can't believe I wrote a $23,000 check for this." He said while he inhale his cigarretes.
"I don't even see anyone from the bar association in there." He then said again. "We still have almost a week." Kim said.
"Someone on the board will hear about this, and they'll believe it because..." She said again and looked there's some smoke's ash on Jimmy's suit and then she wipe it away so it back to clean, Lila smiled. Kim is really care for Jimmy. "... they heard it from a colleague." She continued.
"Yeah, I know. Word gets around, but..." He paused for a moment, Kim and Lila sits on the edge of this fence?
"Try this on for size. Judge Papadoumian is in her chambers.. She's working late. Everyone else has gone home."
"Suddenly, she smells something, something burning. She crosses to her door. It's warm to the touch." Lila looks at Jimmy as he told his "Idea".
"She opens it. Whoosh! Wall of flames. Her clerk's chamber's on fire. And she's trapped." He looked at Kim and then to Lila.
"But then, through the fire and smoke, a figure emerges. It's Jimmy McGill!"
"See, I rescue a judge. Now, that, people are gonna talk about." He was thinkinh about it again, Lila just sit and listen to his Idea while looking at Kim too.
"And it's... it's too big, and probably... it's not how I come back from "insincere." " He said again.
"Right." He sighs for a moment, Lila still looking at him and smiling.
"Okay. Wanna go back in, get your money's worth?" Kim gets up and then said.
"Yeah. I'm starving. Those little hamburgers are looking good." Kim looking at Jimmy once again, and then it was like they commumicate with their eyes.
"I'm allowed to pay for the food, but I'm too sad to eat." Jimmy said, and then Kim nodded.
"Okay, I have to go guys, You enjoy your party, Big guy." Lila gets up and said.
"Where are you going?" Jimmy said, "Um, Furniture? I said it earlier I can't be here too long." She said again.
"I'll drive you there," Kim said, "No, It's okay, I'll call Jackie. I have to go to work tonight, I probably won't be that long." Lila said.
"Okay, well you take care, okay?" Jimmy said. Lila chuckled, "It's okay Jimmy, I'll be fine, It's just a furniture store." She smiled at him, then Jimmy looks at her and Kim.
"I know, It's just...umm...Not safe around here lately." He said. Lila hugged Jimmy and Kim before she goes.
Lila goes out to the front of the building, she opened up her phone and looking at her contacts' name to search Jackie's name, She saw 'Lalo' names on it. It's been a while since she met Lalo. What's he's been up to? He never called her, She actually want to call him. But, she scared that it will disturb him. Since, she knows he's a busy man, a businessman, that's what Nacho told her before.
He's been in her mind since the last time they met. His face, his hair, his voice has lingered inside her minds. What happened? She never even thinks about a man like that before? Except for her ex. It was a very unhealthy relationship, and thank god she got out of there as soon as she can. She promised to herself that she would never let a man like Ted again inside of her life.
When Lila dialed Jackie's number suddenly she heard a car stopped, and heard someone familiar calling her name.
"Lila?" She recognized this voice, a voice that been lingered in her mind. When she turned around she saw Lalo standing and smiling at her.
"Lalo? Oh my Hi! What are you doing here?" She was surprised to saw Lalo. What is he even doing here? He looks like he had a hard work, He's a wearing a dotted pink, with a light brown or salmon shirt something like that. His hair kinda messy, and he sweat a little.
"I was passed this road and then I saw a girl that looks very familiar, and when I stopped and bam! It was the beautiful girl a couple days ago that give me her number, which I haven't called yet, but I plan to call her." He said with such the energy.
Lila laughs, "Oh what a coincidence!"
"Hello, Lila? What's up girl? Hello? Lila? Are you there?" Lila can hear Jackie's voice through her phone. She almost forgot she called her.
"Um, Hello, Jackie. Can you pick me up? I have to buy some furnitures for my Apartment." She said.
"You need some lift?" Lalo said, "Yes, i was going to go to the furniture store down the streets actually." She said.
"Well, I can take you there. I've got my car." He offers her. "Oh no, It's fine."
On the other phone, Jackie can hear their conversations, she thought she recognize his voice. Where does she heard this man?
Jackie stays quiet until Lila talked again, "Jackie, No need to, I'll call you later." and then she hang up the phone. Weird, she said.
Meanwhile Lalo insist to take Lila and accompany her to buy some furnitures. He guide her to his car, and she goes in. His car looks nice, it's a 1970 Chevy Monte Carlo, good taste.
"So, tell me, what are you doing out there standing alone?" He said. "Oh, I'm not alone. I just got off from remembering my oldest brother's charity event, whom my older brother hosted it." She said.
"I'm sorry for your loss." He looked at her and touching her uper thigh. Lila feels this strong feeling, either she wants him or she scared of him. She's not very sure of those feelings, why would she scared of him? so far, this man is so good to her, and polite.
"Thank you," Lila said, touch Lalo's hand back, "It was a year ago tho." She continued. "Thank you again for this" She said.
"No problem, Anytime." He said, "I was about to call you tonight, asking to go out to this realllyyy good restaurante." He said again.
"I would loved to. But, I've got to work tonight." She said.
"Ahhh, as a doctor isn't it?" He looked at her and smiling.
"Yes." She chuckles, "Bien, doctor. I'm gonna take you out tomorrow." He said, it sounds like a demand not a question.
"Of course." When she saw the backseat she can see lots of stuff, a telescope, a picnic tablecloth, snacks, beers cooler, a notebook, and a rope. Weird?
"I see you've been on picnic this morning?" She said. Lalo who has been focuses to the road, he looks at Lila with a slightly a confusion and then realized.
"Oh, yea, yea. I was visiting my Tío earlier, he's on a treatment on the elderly house something like that. And I thought I took him to see the fresh air, enjoying the green grass for a while." He then smiled at her.
"Oh, I see." She said smiling then looked up at the window.
Here they are now at her apartement. Lalo insist to take the stuff into her place. Well, maybe then he don't even need to ask Nacho to find out where she lives. He helpes her moves the couch, brings the sofas, and etc. It looked already like they are moving in together.
"Thank you once again, Lalo. I couldn't done it without you." She said wiped the sweat off her forehead.
"No problem. Now would you look at it? It's goddamn bonita!" He said laughing.
"Yes, it is. Better make it comfortable enough, because I might stay here longer than I thought." She smiles at him.
"So, do you want a lemonade or I can make you some coffee?" Offer Her. Lalo take a sit on the new red couch. It shapes almost like a heart. It's really beautiful he helped her pick some of these.
"Lemonade would be fine." He said to her, she nodded and going to the kitchen.
Lalo look around the room, There's only 1 bedroom, and 1 bathroom, Living room is enough for 5 people and so. He saw there's a window on the bathroom. He looked at the pictures, the people in this pictures are all Lila and he assumes her girl friends from college. He saw nothing about her parents or even brothers.
This girl has been on his mind ever since they met. Lalo never saw such a pretty girl like her before. The dimples on her pink cheeks when she smiled bright up the room whenever she was in. She's pure. She has golden of a heart. She honest. So far. He really likes her.
"There you go." Lila bought 2 glass of lemonade. He took it, "Gracias." She smiled, "De nada."
They sat on the couch next to each other. He took a sip and then pointing at a picture of her and her friends from college.
"Are they your friends?" He ask
"Yes, It was when we were freshmen. Best day of our lives." She said smiling at him.
"Who is that the guy next to you? The one that touching your head?"
"Oh. Umm, That's my ex. Ted." He can feel her sadness all of sudden. "I just broke up with him a couple of months ago. He's umm... He's uh."
Lalo put his glass down, and taking her hand into his hands. "It's okay if you don't want to tell me." He said.
She feels safe around him.
She looked at his brown eyes, "Thank you." She said.
She can feels his warm hand on her thighs now, she didn't know if this like a friendly thing or what. She's not sure what she felt. Is it a lust or safe.
Then suddenly She kissed him right in the face. The first time he didn't even react. She pulled away.
"I'm so sorry, I'm sorry, I—I shouldn't just kissed you like that." She realized Lalo smiling at her and then grab her neck, deep kissing her mouth.
It was passionate. Full of Lust. But, respect is also there. God, what the hell just happened. She met this guy 2 times only, and 6 days ago! It's also been a while since she had sex.
Lalo kissed her neck down to her breast. The sounds slipped away from her mouth. She can feels Lalo smiling against her skin. He liked when he had those controls on women. It made him powerful.
His kissed now goes down on her right thigh, Lalo kneeled down the couch. "Please, Lalo." She moaned.
She shouldn't fucking do this. This is fucking wrong. This guy is a stranger. What if he's some of a fucking cold blooded killer?
But, she can stop. She doesn't want to stop.
He pulled down her jeans, and her panty. "Muy bien, Cariño." He said when he looked at her white lace panty.
Slowly, he lick her entrance.
Felt like heaven.
Hus tongue. His mouth. His beard and mustache tickling her fruit. She can't help moaning and laughing a little.
Then suddenly the phone ringing. Making both Lalo and Lila jumped out of the couch.
"Puta madre." He curse
"Fuck!" She looked down at him, "This is a good view," She said, and Lalo laughs.
She pick the phone from the table besides her, "Hello?" Her heavy breath is so loud.
"Lila? What are you doing? Are you okay?" It's Jimmy.
"I..Umm..I run from the dog." She said, she looked at Lalo, smiling and mouthing 'Naughty girl' to her.
"What's up, Jimmy?"
"I did it. I fucking did it! It'sallgoodman!"
"Wait what?"
"Your bro did it yo!"
"Oh my god! Congrats! Listen I'm so happy for you, But i've got some business here, I'll call you back!" Before Jimmy answered it, she hang uo the phone.
Lalo walked to her, his leg make a gesture and closing Lila's leg one by one. "Save thaf for me later, Cariño." He said.
"I've got some works to do. I'll come back tonight." He said
She's still blushing, her core is aching, wanting for more. "Okay." She said.
Lalo gets closer and kiss her lip passionately. God, this man.
He let go, "See you, tonight." He said and go.
Fuck. What the fuck.
This is ain't be a long relationshio. This is just a one night stand! It's fine!
Lila trying to convince herself.
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Chapter 2 is done, baby! Give all of your thoughts about it. If you want to be tagged on my series of Lalo Salamanca you can messages me so you'll know every update of this series! Thank you! Enjoy!
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jimmymcgill · 2 years
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Better Call Saul 3.04 “Sabrosito”
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cherrybean · 4 days
BCS Character Pairings as Billie Eilish’ new album songs
Love this album it’s so good and cuts deep in some of the lyrics 🥲 highly recommend !
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Lalo and Nacho - Blue
Lyrics: “I try to live in black and white, but I’m so blue”/ “Victim of your father's plans to rule the world”/ “But they could say the same 'bout me, I sleep 'bout three hours each night”/ “And I could say the same 'bout you born blameless, grew up famous too just a baby born blue”
Reminds me of the way that they’re alike yet so different. Both got into the cartel business for whatever reason, Nacho for quick money (from my guess) and Lalo because that’s what he was “born” to do. I feel that they’re both upset on how they’re in this life, but both deal with it in a different way; Nacho wanting escape and have a free life and “not have to look over his shoulders” while Lalo completely delves into the world he was thrust into and basically dominates it, although, in my own interpretation it also seems that it takes a toll on him as he only sleep 2-3 hours a night and almost sees this as normal or “bliss” because he “gets his best ideas while others sleep” or when others have his back turned to him so he has the advantage.
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Jimmy and Kim- Birds of a Feather
Lyrics: “If you go I’m going too”/ “Can't change the weather, might not be forever, but if it's forever, it's even better”
Omg my favorite couple 😭 I absolutely love them so much. While I think that they did love each other I also think it had a lot to do with them being almost complete opposites in a way(?). Kim knows who she is and she is not afraid to project herself as a very confident person. Jimmy on the other hand has a hard time grasping who he really is. Is he a good guy who feels empathy and wants to do good by Chuck and not slip back into his ‘slippin’ Jimmy’ shenanigans or is he his alter ego Saul Goodman who uses the law in an unethical way to contort Justice to his/his clients personal gain? In their relationship they both start to grow with each other and become almost the opposite of who they were from the start. I love the way their relationship grows, although in the end they didn’t end up together 😢. I also believe this is the way Jimmy would feel about Kim because even until the end he does everything in his power to protect her even if that means rotting away in prison.
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Mike and Gus- Chihiro
Lyrics: “To take my love away”/ “Kinda strange, feelin' sorrow”
Another pair that is the same yet so different. Both of them lose a really close and important person in their lives to them playing a dangerous game. Mikes son because he couldn’t be a corrupt cop like him and Gus’ friend/lover because of Gus overstepping his bounds. They both deal with this in anger and in seeking blood-for-blood. I love when Nachos dad calls out how revenge is basically worthless in this quote: “What you talk about... is not justice. What you talk of is... revenge. It never ends... my boy is gone.” I love how as the show progresses we see that Mike finally sees himself as what he is: a bad guy/ex&current corrupt cop. I feel that he also heals from losing his son in a way and basically comes to terms with it. On the other hand, Gus does not. Gus stops at nothing to get his revenge and in a way of poetic justice the last person who he wants to kill ends up killing both of them and the feud they had being completely obliterated.
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Mike and Jesse- Wildflower
Lyrics: “She was your girl, you showed her the world”/ “But I see her in the back of my mind, all the time”
Oof this is a hard one. I chose this song because it reminds me of when Jesse is trying to get closer to Mike and Mike shuts him down with “you are not the guy, you are not capable of being the guy, I had a guy and now I don’t” which I interpret him as Nacho being his “guy”. I’m BCS we see Mike start to care a lot for Nacho and it shows how he almost sees himself in Nachos dads shoes with not wanting his son to get hurt in the lucrative business he’s in. You can tell Mike cared a lot for Nacho when he goes to tell Nachos dad about his passing and how he’ll get justice for him. I believe that Mike then doesn’t want to get close to Jesse as a form of closing himself off since he knows people don’t last long in the business. Obviously they do end up getting closer and the lyrics just remind me of Mike probably thinking of Nacho in the back of his mind whenever he does ride alongs with others and wondering how long they’ll eventually last, or if they’ll outlast him.
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Walter and Skyler- The Greatest
Lyrics: “Man, am I the greatest. My congratulations. All my love and patience. All my admiration”/ “I loved you and I still do”
The lyrics basically speak for themselves. As we’ve seen in BB, Skylar is constantly out of the loop on what’s going on with Walter, from the cancer to then cooking meth. This song reminds me of how Skyler stuck around even when she didn’t want to or it pained her, for her family and because I really do think she loved Walter, but she couldn’t be with him due to his selfishness and putting them in danger. Sorry this one isn’t longer, this relationship just really stresses me out and makes me mad 💀
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