fivefeetfangirl · 9 months
you're trying to figure out what to vote in the local election: multi-party system edition
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starflungwaddledee · 4 months
if starstruck Dee gets a comically large bow then Marc should have the comically large eyelashes
i was actually thinking that they both already have bows and eyelashes. consider: the ol' switcheroo
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angeart · 8 months
I want to write but there's too many things spinning in my head. help.
[disclaimer: there's no guarantee that the result of this poll will influence anything, but it might! come tell me what you want!]
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afarcryfrommymain · 10 months
Far Cry OC Tournament Round 1B: Jason Spero v Jestiny Ellen Rook
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Contestant info and voting under the cut!
Jason Spero (@levithestripper)
About: Jason is 28 years old and the newest Junior Deputy. He’s a Hope County native, growing up with Nick and Sharky. He’s known as a big prankster, filling out the trifecta of silly little guys from Bumbfuck Nowhere, Montana Jason’s favorite memory is when after school one day, Nick double dog dared him to microwave a fork. Jason’s hair didn’t lay flat for a week after that.
Does your OC have anything to share?: “Shark said if I win—or at least not lose immediately—he’ll buy me dinner! Which is perfect, ’cause I’m starving!” —Jason
Anything else we should know?: Jason has mostly fluff where his brain should be. He and Sharky share a quarter of a brain cell which they both lost track of a half-mile down the road. Neither he nor Sharky realizes they’re dating until one of them kisses the other good night. Himbo 4 Himbo relationship goals. Jason also likes to call Sharky “Shark”.
Jestiny Ellen Rook (@adelaidedrubman)
About: “the sorriest excuse for a soldier I ever seen.” - description from brother nathan, participant in jestiny’s trials and known gossip. jestiny is a hope county sheriff’s department junior deputy by vocation, clown by nature, fisherman by preferred pastime, dolly parton enthusiast by virtue of good taste, opossum surrogate mother by luck, and — above all else — a cringefail pathetic loser by the grace of god. credit to @starsandskies for the portrait!
Does your OC have anything to share?: jestiny’s presence in the ring is immediately intimidating. she boasts strong, brawny arms and powerful, calloused hands she knows how to use. she also boasts in the literal sense, hurling graphic threats and vicious mockery even before fists begin flying. between the brash attitude and the sturdy, sculpted jawline, it’s also clear she can and has taken a punch in her time. but most terrifying are those wild, fiery eyes with an obvious violent temperament and quick wit behind them. she thinks as fast as she moves. and she moves FAST. she lunges, swift and unyielding. she corners. she squares up. she goes in for the kill. she winds her arm back. she swings towards her opponent with a deadly speed — she misses by a foot, the force causing her to fall face-first onto the floor. it’s thirty seconds in. jestiny is knocked out with a fractured skull. her opponent has not thrown a punch. jessie instantly progresses to the loser’s bracket.
Anything else we should know?: HIIIIIII in case it wasn’t clear i want jestiny to lose all her matches and go to the losers bracket and then lose there first. she is a failure and constantly fumbles the bag when it matters most and my goal and dream is to have her voted Most Pathetic Biggest Flop around. PLEASE PLEASE vote for whoever jestiny is up against to win so she can officially be crowned the ultimate failure.
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good-beanswrites · 10 months
Hello! I really really really love your writting, I just got into Milgram and yours is my favourite in the fandom!! I love how much depth and nuance you manage to fit into short stories and your characterization is on point! (Specially for Kazui, but I might be biased since I love him so much)
I'm not sure if you're still taking requests (if you're not, feel free to ignore!), but if you are I wanted to request Tears + Kazui
(I thought about maybe the old man finally having a moment where the mask falls? When keeping up the image he's built gets tiring, how does he deal with it, and is he by himself or is there someone nearby? Then again, just an ideia, have fun and take your time!!!)
Woo welcome to the fandom! And thank you so much omg, that's so kind!! ;--; I really like that concept -- I definitely think he'd only allow himself a break from the masks when he's completely alone, and even then it'd be hard to draw out of him, so I went for an unexpected release and even more unexpected company... (Haruka :3)
Kazui woke from a dream, immediately unable to stop his eyes from brimming with tears. It hadn’t been a nightmare. It hadn’t shown him broken glass, or blood, or screaming. He hadn’t faced another night staring into Hinako’s twisted expression. No, the dream was wonderful. He was happy. He was in love. He was just… himself. As he rolled over in his sheets, he couldn’t tell if it was the longing that made him cry, or the guilt of longing so deeply for something like that.
It was easier, there in the dark. He didn’t have to keep his cheeks raised in a pleasant look. He didn’t have to hold his chin high. He could hug his arms around himself, not worry about all those eyes on him, and cry for the life he would never have.
He’d kept the thoughts at bay for so long, there was something equally painful and relieving about facing them head-on. The more his body shook with sobs, the better he felt about the weight he’d been carrying on his shoulders. The more he thought about who he was, the worse he felt about being doomed in this life. As always, he was split in two.
His stomach clenched in both shock and shame. He kept his face away from the cell bars. He coughed, though it did little to hide the thickness in his voice when he spoke. “Haruka? What are you doing out there?”
“Ah, um! I’m sorry! I was just getting s-some water.”
Kazui desperately scrambled for any kind of excuse to explain the sorry state he was in. Haruka continued, though. 
“It’s- it’s okay if you’re crying.”
His throat squeezed. How pathetic he must be, for a kid like Haruka to try and comfort him.
“No, no. I’m alright.”
“I cry in my cell all the time. And Muu comes in so we can talk. I feel m-much better after that.” His feet shuffled outside. “Do you… uh… do you want to talk? I’m not as smart as Muu, b-but it might help.”
Kazui kept his pained smile hidden. It was an incredibly kind gesture, to be sure, but the boy would never understand. He could open up about everything that had happened in the past forty years, and there was no way Haruka would understand a bit of it.
It was easy to dodge the question. When under the spotlight, he’d found it was helpful to place the attention on someone else. “What do you talk to Muu about?”
“Uh! Well.” There was more shuffling, and Kazui realized he was coming to sit right next to the cell. He hadn’t meant it as an invitation to stay... 
He rolled onto his back, hoping his face was still obscured in the shadows of the panopticon.
“I usually cry because… I’m not like everyone else.” Haruka said. “I don’t-don’t know why. I don’t know why everyone else can be normal and I j-just can’t. I try so hard. I try so hard. If I could be like them, m-maybe my mom would’ve loved me. M-maybe she wouldn’t think I was broken all the time. M-maybe,” he got quiet, “no one would have died.”
Kazui stared up at the ceiling. A few more tears slipped down his face. It looked like an old man like him could still be wrong, now and then. “And… what does Muu tell you, to comfort you?”
“Oh, she tells me lots of nice things. Mostly that she loves me very much.” Kazui could hear the smile in his voice. “And she also says that… that it wasn’t my fault. That there’s nothing wrong with being me. That we can’t be anyone d-different, even if we want to more than anything in the whole wide world. She says, she says people were mean to her too, just because of who she was.”
“Yeah?” The younger prisoners had avoided someone as intimidating as him, so he never heard much about Muu’s reason for being here. 
“Mhm. She said they would say all these awful things, b-because there was this one girl in her class, and… and, well… things were…” Haruka stopped. “Ah! I didn’t mean to make you cry again! I’m s-so sorry…”
Kazui sucked in a shaking breath. “No, I’m sorry you have to hear all this from me. It’s good, though. It’s really good.” 
“I just realized, I’m a lot like that too.” 
Kazui didn’t know what possessed him to continue. He’d been hiding things for so long, he thought he’d be better at keeping it in. It must have been something about the darkness of the hour, and Haruka’s complete innocence, and the dream that still lingered around heart. 
“When I was her age, there was someone in my class like that. He was… well, I’m sure you know. My parents also said I was in need of fixing. I’m sorry you had to go through that too.”
Haruka let out a small sound of acknowledgement.
“You should head to bed, now. It’s late.”
“R-right. Sorry, again!”
“Don’t be. I think I needed this.”
Once Haruka’s footsteps had rounded the panopticon, Kazui brought his arm up to cover his eyes. He knew he had plenty of blood on his hands for what he’d done. This was his fault. But regarding who he was…
A sound rocked through his chest, something between a sob and a laugh. It was nice to think there was nothing wrong with that, after all.
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theflyingfeeling · 6 months
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Seventeeth Day of Gift-Giving: Snow Day
Prompt: tossing someone in a snow pile
In which Aleksi is a struggling dog-daddy, Olli his loving little helper, and Rilla the Queen of the Entire Universe and an Honorary Member of the Trade Union of Dachshunds (TUD) 💖
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“Come on now, Rilla, don’t be like that.”
The look on Rilla’s dark brown eyes as he glared at Aleksi told him she was, no doubt, going to be like that.
“Hey now, I promise it’s not going to be too bad. It’s just a bit of snow. And it’s even plus degrees!”
“I fear that’s exactly what’s concerning her,” Olli offered as he leaned against the kitchen door frame, still munching on his breakfast slice of bread and butter. “I can imagine getting wet snow stuck in one’s fur doesn’t feel nice.”
“So you’d rather she poops on your hallway rug then, huh? Rilla, let’s go!”
Knowing exactly which strings to pull to get her way, Rilla ignored Aleksi’s pleas and padded over to Olli who awwed, his mouth stuffed with rye bread, when Rilla pawed his feet with her furry one.
“Look at her! She just wants to stay in for snuggles.” Olli crouched to scratch Rilla behind her ear. Rilla, in turn, wagged her little tail, over the moon about Olli’s attention and understanding.
“You’re ganging up on me now? She’s barely been outside these past couple of days!”
“You’re one to talk…”
Olli’s remark was justified, Aleksi had to admit, but in his defence, he had had many good reason to stay inside most of the time instead of adventuring in the cold and the snow, such as Olli’s lips kissing his, Olli’s hand caressing him all over, Olli’s eyes looking at him with so much affection Aleksi didn’t know was even possible, and Olli’s cock grinding against his own, to mention some. 
Rilla, however? She stayed inside on days like this only because it was encoded in her; Aleksi knew dachshunds in general could be particular about the weather conditions in which they’d be willing to do their walkies, but Rilla was definitely in her own league. Besides, Aleksi was pretty sure there was some kind of Trade Union of Dachshunds (TUD) that sent word to its members about upcoming drizzles and dropping temperatures, reminding them they may be entitled to compensation if their humans as much as suggested they stick their delicate little noses outside in such circumstances.
“Well, maybe it’s high time all of us go get some fresh air for change, for a proper walk to make sure she does her business, instead of just turning back at the end of the street. And perhaps we should go the opposite direction this time, to avoid her getting stuck staring at the hare that’s not even ther…”
While Aleksi talked, Olli kept petting Rilla and feeding her pieces of his bread while Rilla kept wagging her tail and happily accepting the modest treats, neither of them even bothering to pretend they were listening anymore.
They were lucky Aleksi loved them both so much.
Rilla wriggled in Aleksi’s arms as he tried to brush her stomach free of snow by the front door of Olli’s house. She had only agreed to walk to the nearest bus stop, grudgingly like any self-respecting dachshund would, stopping every five metres to give Aleksi the evil eye for so cold-heartedly forcing her through such a torture. She had done her business, though, so in Aleksi’s books the walk was a success, and turning back home, Rilla had suddenly been dashing through the snow with no worries whatsoever (another model example of typical dachshund behaviour).
“Stop it, Rilla, I’m trying to help you!”
“What if you hold her while I take the snow off?” Olli suggested, his hand already reaching towards Rilla’s snow-covered underside. 
“We can try…” Aleksi muttered, not entirely convinced Rilla was up to being manhandled by them both. That was why his surprise was great when almost no lumps of snow remained on the fine fur on her belly after Olli’s gentle brushing (and with only minimal grumbling from Rilla).
“Good girl,” Aleksi praised her. He waited for Rilla give to her fur one last shake of her own before letting her inside. Probably remembering the traumatic event Aleksi had put her through, she rushed to the fluffy blanket she had appropriated as her napping spot and rubbed herself against it for a while, after which she settled down with one last death-glare at Aleksi. Then she closed her eyes.
“Wanna go outside for a bit more? The thaw’s feeling so nice.” 
Aleksi was going to say yes anyway, but Olli’s warm, hopeful smile only settled his decision, and as if he needed any more persuasion, Olli pecked him on the cheek for giving an affirmative answer.
They were barely out the door when Olli tackled him to the soft snowdirft and began scooping snow on him, his bright laughter and Aleksi’s own yelps of resistance filling the air. The surprise attack and the shock of cold snow on the exposed parts of his neck left Aleksi breathing heavily once Olli was done terrorising him and settled for just lying on top of Aleksi, his eyes twinkling from the smile hiding behind his woolly scarf.
“What was that for?”
“For being so stubborn sometimes.” Olli leaned in to leave a small kiss on Aleksi’s mouth. “You’re so independent and strong and I respect that, but I hope you’ll also let me help you with stuff every now and then.” 
Aleksi looked into Olli’s eyes, so sincere and tender. He had to blink an extra couple of times to keep his own dry. 
“Because I want to help you. With Rilla and… with anything I can. I know it won’t be much, with me living here and you…” Olli’s speech trailed off, as if he, too, was already dreading Aleksi’s return to Helsinki looming in just a few days and hoped that if he didn’t say it out loud, it wouldn’t happen and the physical distance between them wouldn’t exist. 
Aleksi didn’t want to hear it either, as pointless as it was to ignore it. For now, however, all he wanted to do was cherish the time they still had left. 
As he hadn’t really prepared for Olli to say such things while pinning him down on the snow, Aleksi had no means to answer. The best thing he could think of at that moment was to lift his head enough to close the gap between their mouths, hoping it would do the trick in letting Olli know just how much he appreciated his words.
Then, as suddenly as Olli had jumped on him, Aleksi flipped the man off himself and paid him back in his own coin, laughing when Olli laughed, kissing him back when he pulled on Aleksi’s scarf for their mouths to meet halfway.
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sysig · 7 months
Happy birthday!!! I hope you're having a great day!!
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I am! Thank you :D
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tiredguyswag · 4 months
shut up about the ram mandir im genuinely gonna start crying
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unforth · 11 months
I'm an OTW member again!
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THANK YOU @petralemaitre !
If y'all want to get a membership scholarship before June 30th so you can register and be able to vote in the next OTW election, get all the deets here:
(the post is worth reading even if you don't want the scholarship; it's about End OTW Racism and it's such an accurate write-up of my own thoughts on why I'm involved too, I was like, "wow sharing a brain with a total stranger is so heckin' weird")
Very much lookin' forward to exercising my right to vote! Let's dooooo this!
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thesugarhole · 3 months
btw im unemployed starting monday 🥳😭 this is both bad news and good news, good because i didnt wanna stay there anyway bad bc my new job is job hunting but i have standards now so it might take longer. and my savings will deplete
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mommalosthermind · 3 months
There’s a special kind of grief, for me, that I can’t really distill enough for other people to understand.
There’s something about the mythical promises of the ‘90s, and the reality of what we actually inherited, that’s just… How do you explain that? How do you explain the raw exhaustion, the dissonance between “You can be anything,” and then having to look at my kids. My kids, who are not told they can be anything. My kids, who are told instead, “find your joy and fight for it.” My kids, who aren’t told, “the world will open up for you,” because it won’t. They’re told, “Be kind, but be fierce.”
We were not well off when I was a kid. We lived all over the place, none of them nice, and I’d go literal days without seeing the supposed adult in the house because she worked three jobs. But I was told, over and over and o v e r: it’ll get better.
Go to college. You’ll make bank. You’ll never have to worry again. Just make it to adulthood, and everything will be perfect. The world will open up before you. You can do anything.
Except I went to college. I did all the right things. We’re still not doing okay—just better than when I was a kid. And honestly, thats mostly because my parental figure was a fucking teenager who didn’t even go to high school, and definitely didn’t realize how badly she was getting raked over the coals, and Still Is Bad With Money. Also still thinks unions are the reason she got fired from the one good job she had, without realizing that a union would have protected her.
We’re doing all the right things.
My partner’s got like five degrees. He works two jobs, because the national guard is the only reason he managed to get those degrees. He’s had a retirement fund going since he was fourteen years old— last year we got a notice saying the fund LOST SEVEN GRAND, because *the company* didn’t make enough for the year. We shouldn’t be worrying about retirement. We’re in out 30s. I don’t know that we’ll get to retire.
You can do anything! You can grow up and be whatever you want! Pick something you love because you’ll do it every single day!
And now I have to look at my kids and go: you have to find that fine line. You have to survive. You have to find something that doesn’t actively make you want to die when you wake up but will still let you fucking eat. You’ll have to fight every day. You’ll have to find your people. You’ll have to root your happiness like a dandelion in the cracks of the sidewalk and it’s going to be the hardest thing you’ll ever do.
We did everything we were told we should do, and the world is worse every time I look up.
I can’t tell my kids ‘you can do anything you want.’
I have to tell them, “don’t let the world kill you.” I have to tell them, “Find your joy and hold onto it no matter how much the world tries to break you for it.”
There’s that quote I can’t remember right, something about I studied war so my child can study art. Well. I studied education so my kids can learn. I studied, and the world regressed, and now I’m fighting so you can sleep better than I do at night.
I don’t know, man.
We talk about it sometimes, my partner and I. How if we’d known, if we’d fucking known, we wouldn’t have even had kids, because they deserve better. They didn’t ask for this. They shouldn’t have to deal with it. But 14-15 years ago, the world seemed like it was maybe going places. Like we might make that progress. Like if we could just hold on for a little while longer, things would hit that magic Better we’d been promised.
Or maybe I just didn’t know better, and I thought I’d already lived through the worst of it.
“Try not to think about it too much,” the so-called anxiety specialist recommends during our once a month meet-ups. “You’ve got happy kids, that’s all that matters. You can’t do anything about the rest of the world.”
And like. She’s right. I can’t. I CAN’T. And that’s the crux of it, I think. I suffered, and they should not fucking have to. I clawed up my way up, and they should not have to. I’m terrified, and they should not fucking know what that’s like. Cramming in some yoga or meditation or focusing on learning new skills isn’t going to un-fuck the world I’m in. But I’m angry about it.
Because I DO have happy kids, and I know that’s a fucking privilege. But holy fuck, I’d like them to have the ability to be happy adults.
I’m tired. And I’m so fucking full of grief I don’t know where to put because it never ends.
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iguessitsjustme · 6 months
Choose Your Own BL Adventure - Day 4
Offer to hold the umbrella and walk him to wherever he's going
Nod in greeting, tell Gelt you're running late and wish him luck before dashing off to class.
After you’re over the initial shock of seeing Gelt, continue running to class with nothing more than a wave in Gelt’s direction.
See day 3 here.
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pinkfey · 2 years
if u say u hate ur body too much one day ur body will be like fuck you *burns you at the stake*
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sweet-as-kiwis · 11 months
Choosing a kitten to adopt is ROUGH
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guardians-of-exo · 1 year
The Eurovision semifinals begins so late for me this year I won’t be able to watch them live 😭 Not if I actually want to get any sleep before work…
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