#AND having a social life and maintaining my ltr
traumagenica · 1 month
people claim to understand that progress isn't linear and recovery can take a long time until it becomes personally inconvenient to them and then you're just a stupid lazy bastard to them no matter how you behaved before you became outwardly sick or how hard you've been trying to get better. and i will be mad about that forever
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baadbaadblacksheep · 6 years
Bihhhh Gabe - kitchen. Genji - bathroom Jack - attic Jesse - bedroom. You don’t have to do them alllll
Bih you know I’m gonna. 
These are my personal HCs for LtR, read below the cut:
Gabe - Kitchen:
What is the character’s favourite food?
Gabe’s eaten a wide variety of foods, but nothing will ever beat his abuela’s cooking. Her carne asada is just the best. It just is. And don’t get him started about her tamales.
Are they good at cooking? How good/bad?
Gabe is the best cook in the household. He’s no 5 star chef, but he knows what spices are and how to use them, unlike Jack, who uses none, and Genji, whose version of cooking is to dump everything he can find in a pan and then forget he was attempting to cook until the fire alarm reminds him.
Do they leave the dishes out?
Seeing dishes left on the counter, on the stove, or even in the sink makes Gabe flinch like his abuela’s smacked his knuckles with a wooden spoon when he was younger for such offenses. He physically can not stand to leave dishes out.
What kind of food is in their refridgerator?
Wiith high-calorie intaking veterans and a bottomless pit named Jesse in the house, they have to keep stocked. There is always a ridiculous amount of eggs and bacon in the fridge, peppers and onions galore, apple juice for Genji and sports drinks for the guys, beer Jesse thought he could hide, meats and vegetables Gabe plans on using that week for a meal or three, sandwich fixings that only Jesse and Jack really seem to use. That’s just the fridge. The pantry is ridiculous.
Do they cook, eat out or get take-away/delivered food more?
As much as Gabe likes to cook, he doesn’t cook incredibly often. Maybe twice a week if work isn’t too heavy on him. Gabe tends to order or pick up food on his way home for everyone. Gabe is more inclined to cook if someone asks him to make something specific that week. Gabe will especially help cook when they visit his abuela, and is an unstoppable force in the kitchen for holidays.
Genji - Bathroom:
How does the character prepare in the morning?
Genji is early to rise most of the time, not able to sleep once the warm body next to him is gone (he indulges more in sleeping in once Jesse is one of those warm bodies). Which is good, considering he’ll take his time getting ready for the day. Full face wash, careful makeup application, hair perfectly gelled or moussed. He’ll take forever getting dressed, wanting Jack’s (or whoever he can trap) opinion on what panties he should wear, which day collar to show off, which of his ridiculous collection of plugs to wear. He’ll catch up on beauty and fashion people he follows on social media the whole time he’s getting ready.
Do they sing in the shower?
By himself, no. Genji showering by himself will usually just be him staring at the wall for 35 minutes. Genji does not like to shower alone. When he gets to shower with Jesse, they’ll listen to music and sing along as loudly and obnoxiously as possible. Attempted dance moves have resulted in some chain-reaction slipping and falling and therefore are not repeated.
What kind of hair product/make-up do they use?
Genji’s hair stylist, Amelie, gives him his hair products. They’re all French and he has no idea what’s in them, but she would kill him if he used anything else. Makeup, Genji has it all, as far as brands go. Especially anything that’s getting rave reviews online or is a new trend. Jack makes him clean out his makeup boxes and drawers every few months due to it accumulating at a ridiculous rate.
How clean is this character?
Genji is ridiculous. He hates sweat on him for too long. Outdoor activities are usually avoided, as there’s dirt out there. Genji will indulge in a spa day usually twice a month to scrub him down and wax everything, as well as get an immaculate mani/pedi experience. The boy’s nails are always pristine and clean. And I was just talking to Trash about enemas for a reason… He’s clean inside and out.
Does the character have thousands of shampoo/shower gel bottles by the shower, or do they use only the bare essentials?
Genji has a stupid plethora of body washes, perfumes, soaps, oils, and bath bombs. He loves to smell good. But Amelie would crash through a window and destroy him the second he bought any hair product she didn’t recommend. At least that’s what he think she’d do, anyway. Better not to risk it.
Jack - Attic:
What is the character afraid of?
Jack is a war veteran, plagued by nightmares consisting of memories twisted into things of horror. He’s seen and done things he’d rather not repeat, ever, not in action or word. Despite being in the BDSM community, Jack is afraid he will hurt someone, truly hurt them. He doesn’t trust himself to deliver pain for pleasure when it gets to a certain point. And he will not choke someone.
How do they deal with bad memories?
Usually their memories crop up in the form of nightmares, though explosions and gunfire will occasionally bring forward some flashbacks. Gabe grounds him, and he does the same for Gabe, bringing each other back to the present. When Genji came into his life, Genji would be there for the nightmares and the flashbacks, and learned quickly how to ease him back down. Jack has some bad memories regarding his family and hometown, but he’ll just harden his expression and press past it if they ever come up.
What is this character’s role in a horror movie?
Jack would call the police on a spooky house. He doesn’t play that shit lol. In the midst of actual danger, though, Jack would be the one to gather everyone together and come up with the plan to get out of the situation alive.
How do they hide their secrets?
Jack is pretty open at this point in his life. If someone doesn’t know something about him, it’s probably just because they haven’t asked about it. As a younger man, Jack struggled with learning himself so much he developed many secrets, mostly about how he really felt about things versus how people expected him to feel. He used bullheaded pride and anger to cover himself when he was feeling like he would be exposed, but in the end he merely came clean and freed himself from secrets.
Which of the Seven Deadly Sins does the character relate to most?
Pride. Jack may be open about himself but he likes to maintain an image, which, when challenged, makes that old prideful attitude rear its head again. Gabe has known him for so long that he’ll pick at Jack’s prideful side and humble him at times.
Jesse - Bedroom:
How does this character sleep? (Position, sleeping habits, bedtime routines)
Jesse just falls asleep when he feels like it. Not much prep to it. He’ll get jostled by Gabe to wake up and go brush his teeth when he falls asleep without doing it first. Jesse usually lays on his back or stomach, ending up in weird positions and places in bed half the time, but if someone wants to spoon or have him snuggle up to them, he’ll lay on his side… though he usually ends up squirming away. He runs hot at night and gets sweaty up against another body.
What are their pyjamas like?
Flannel pajama pants and an old, soft, too-large-on-him shirt of Gabe’s in cooler months, just silly boxers that Genji (and sometimes Gabe) get him when it’s warmer.
What do they dream about usually?
Santa Fe, his Mama, and Gabe.
How neat/tidy is this character?
Jesse doesn’t try to be messy, but he ends up thinking he’ll come back to something or someplace, only to get distracted and leave his mess behind for someone else to find. He’ll help clean up the kitchen after Gabe cooks, and he keeps his personal bedroom tidy. He won’t fret over organization, however, and his clothes are never folded right. He’s a strange kind of in-between with his tidiness.
How affectionate is this character?
Jesse will sling an arm around someone as he stands with them, but generally doesn’t outright show affection unless he really needs it. He will cuddle the shit out of his boyfriends in private, though.
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lunatheranter · 6 years
This Just In: Luna Retires from the Rant!
That's right guys, Luna the Ranter is coming down for good. I know that I've been dormant for a very long time now, despite promising two new series and scratching down a whole bunch of new ideas. There are a few reasons for this. I know that I don't have many followers but most of the ones I do have have been with me for a long time and I feel that you deserve an explanation.
Why, Luna, why?!
I have several reasons for my exit.
1. I moved to Napoli and got a job as a teacher.
That's right, I'm living in sunny Italy doing the job I always wanted to do, which sounds idyllic... I'm very busy. The school have a lot of faith in my ability, which means they are not treating me like a new teacher; just to start with, I am currently teaching 8 courses in my first week, most of which are brand new and have no plans or materials associated with them. This means that I usually get to the office for 9am and don't leave before 8pm because there is so much planning to be done - and I'm only going to get busier.
Additionally, I have to maintain a professional image and let's not pretend that this blog is in any way professional. If my superiors were to find something like this under my name, it could diminish the faith that they have in me and limit my opportunities. Even though this is unlikely to happen, it is something I have to consider at this time in my life.
2. Let's face it, this blog is flat.
You guys are great. You always give me feedback and share your thoughts and views about my topics. But there are only 14 of you, and two of those are my own blogs #shamelessselfpromotion. To be honest I don't see any point in dedicating time to a social issues blog if I don't have the platform to influence people or actually make a difference. LtR used to be something that I did because I was passionate about it; now it is something I do (or don't do, as the case may be) for a handful of people who may or may not be reading it.
3. Some of my rants got personal.
Needless to say really, it's never a good idea to blurt out things on the internet. Unfortunately, when my anger has had the better of me I have written things about people with whom I have since reconciled. I want them gone, and that's the last of it.
4. I don't have a laptop.
My laptop died and then died again and has finally given up the ghost completely. Although I have access to computers at work, it would be extremely unprofessional to use them for this purpose and writing on my phone makes my eyes go square.
5. I'm just not angry anymore.
This is the bottom line of it, guys. I don't get angry like I used to. I grew up, I moved on. Perhaps I'm more mature, perhaps I'm just sick and fucking tired of the bullshit. Either way, I just want to live my own life in peace. I don't have the time, energy or headspace to complain about the rest of the world or deal with its issues. I have so much going on in my own life that I don't need or want the extra stress. I'm working 8 or 9am til 8 or 10pm 6 days a week and when I get out of work the last thing I want to do is spend two or three hours getting angry about the world's bullshit. I just want to give love to the people I care about, have some laughs and be calm. This blog can't do that for me.
LtR used to be a place for me to vent when the world made me angry. Now the world makes me so tired that the anger has left my system - in fact, the anger left my system a long time ago. Not only that, after writing my dissertation on the shit state of the mental health system in South Korea I have discovered that a better ways to make a change are to write serious academic papers about serious issues and to get directly involved in the systems which represent those issues and force them to make changes.
These are my reasons for taking down Luna the Ranter. I hope you will understand and if you have any questions or comments, the blog will stay up until the end of February; you know where my ASK is.
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ironjohnred · 4 years
h/t @trp 
I will use Stoic philosophy to explain Outcome Independence. Stoicism is Greco-Roman philosophy with the goal of accepting reality as the key to inner peace. This allows you to become a clear thinker so you can optimize your energy to virtuous causes that you can contribute to. Essentially, Stoicism is a philosophy of maintaining Frame. I’ll focus now on how to use it to become Outcome Independent.
When confronted with a problem, a Stoic would ask if it is something outside your control, or in your control. If the problem is outside your control, then a Stoic concludes that since there is nothing you can do about it, so you shouldn’t worry. Accept that, and move on to other things. There is no point in wasting energy if you can’t affect the outcome. This is the reason, for example, I don’t even worry about the possibility of being struck by a meteorite as I type this. Yeah, it can happen, but there is nothing I can do about it, so why bother? On the other hand, if something is under your control, then, the stoic would say there is no reason to worry either because you can manage the issue! I don’t worry about breathing right now because breathing is right now fully under my control.
That is all there is to staying calm when facing problems: if something is outside your control, don’t waste emotional energy on it. If something is inside your control, plan what you will do about it, work hard at it, but don't worry more. So far, this is all very obvious, so if this was what Zeno, Cicero, Seneca, Epictetus and Marcus Aurelius talked about, what is the big fuss?
Well, the fuss is that there are some problems that are not fully under our control, or fully out of control. One such problem is increasing sex with your wife. Clearly part of it is under your control, but she has a lot of power over the whole thing as well. This is why we worry so much about such problems: we can’t put it in the category of “don’t worry, I got it” nor in the category of “don’t worry, there is nothing I can do about”. It is a partial control problem, and we try to do well with what is under our control, but then we get frustrated for what isn't, try to things under our control that are ineffectual or backfire and then we over do it. This makes us pathetic, desperate, and unattractive in LTRs. These partial control problems are the ones that make us waste energy, lose frame, and lose perspective. They lead to frustration and even resentment, and these are all very unattractive.
The Stoics noticed that there is one power that you have to conquer all these problems. This post is about that power. This is power nobody can ever take away from you. This power is the key to having Frame, Outcome Independence, passing all the shit tests, and getting all the sex you want.
"Man is disturbed not by things, but by the views he takes of them." - Epictetus
We have the power to redefine problems. Others might try to define problems for us, but we should always reject that, it is giving away our power. Always define the problem in terms of what is under your control, and what isn’t. The way to always have Outcome Independence is that we have to redefine the problem in a way that we do not depend on others or circumstances to obtain them. Why? Because others are not under our control, so we slide into their frame. So instead we change our perception of the problem such that it is all under our influence. This is Outcome Independence: we define the problem such that the other person has zero power over affecting its outcome. We are not subject to anyone in this way.
To make it more concrete, I’ll go now to a reason many people in LTRs come here: husbands wanting more/better sex from their wives. Here lies the problem. The problem isn't the wife closing her legs. The problem is how the husband defined the issue! The husband has give up all his power over this by how he defined it and has given the wife all the power. She now can close her legs, there is nothing he can do about that. So the husband worries and becomes resentful because he can’t control her. The Stoics would tell the husband to accept he can’t control her and stop begging her. Instead, the stoic husband must redefine the problem into something that is under his control. Decide you will work hard to become the man women want to have sex with. For example, workout, improve your assertiveness and expand your social circles. This is all 100% under the husbands control. Eat better, dress better, become the best version of you. This is all under the husbands control. Why? Because by focusing on all that, the husband doesn’t have to worry about what is outside his control. But also, this redefinition makes it more likely to make him happier because he will become more attractive, which increases the likelihood of having sex either with the wife, or with anyone else.
The Stoics would advise men in LTRs: Become Outcome Independent by focusing on self improvement, which is all under your control. Don’t worry about your wife's actions, she isn’t under your control. This redefinition a form of light dread, but notice how powerful it is: there is nothing the wife can do to stop you from getting to your goal now of becoming a better man. You defined the problem now so she has no power over you, but you seem more powerful to her. You reframed the problem to maintain frame. You changed the power dynamics only because you redefined the issue. This sense of power comes from your OI, and it is incredibly attractive in itself! Nobody likes someone that begs for stuff, but everyone loves someone that is driven to success and want to be part of his life. Note that OI frees you from resentment because she can’t block your way to your goals anymore. This has a side effect that you also become happier with her, which also improves the relationship. And if she comes around and starts giving you head, great. But if she doesn’t, then you are ready to Next her for someone else. Independent of what she decides to do, you get the Outcome that you wanted. You don't demand she desires you, you just become a desirable man independent of her opinion of you.
This Stoic trick requires big cojones. By redefining the problem such that the burden is on you, it means you can't blame others anymore for your lack of success, you must face the challenge, you have no excuses now. This is what is so hard about this: it just reminds you are always the captain, even when you are drunk. Some feel oppressed by this responsibility and prefer to stay as a drunk captain to forget it.
This is the ultimate way to demonstrate Frame: you are the only person that defines the problems in your life. You do so in such a way you that the burden of overcoming challenges becomes all yours. You don't blame others, you don't beg to others. But you put all your energy on solving that problem you defined, and waste none in worrying about what is not under your control. Most people can’t do this. But those that do it become leaders, because others sense how they will get to the goal, and try to join them to be part of the ride. This is attraction. And all comes from a very simple mind hack that some dead greeks came up with. Don’t say you want more sex from your wife. Say you want to become the man women want to have sex with. This way the outcome if fully under your control!
tl;dr - Redefine problems always such that you fully control their outcome. This places the burden of overcoming challenges fully on you, but also, frees you from having to beg others to do what you want. This is Outcome Independence. This creates attraction.
Redefining the problem can easily be done by internalizing your goals and make them independent from external factors not under your control. In this case my goal was to have sex with my wife, my wife is an external factor (to my mind and control) which makes that goal partly under her control. I reset that goal to work on myself so that i become the most attractive version of myself to her. that way all the components to reach that goal are internal (to my mind and my control) and fulfilling it is completely up to me. This is really just rephrasing your tl;dr but it might help someone to better understand/apply the method.
0 notes
I'm a black woman and sometimes think this has everything to do with it. I haven't had a LTR in 7 years and sex in 3. Sometimes I can go a year without any intimate touch. I have posted my photos on the Rate Me sub a few times throughout the years and had a positive response. Besides a few months last year when I was feeling depressed, I've maintained a good figure/weight. I just feel like no matter what, guys don't seem all that interested in me. Some have outright treated me like they couldn't stand me. I have gone to therapy for past trauma, which helped me navigate dating somewhat better.But I always feel like I'm someone's second choice or just good enough until someone they want comes along. I use dating apps. The men on there never seem that excited or enthusiastic about meeting me even when they ask me out. A lot of guys lately who have shown interest in me have serious problems - unstable careers, obese/significantly overweight, complaining about their pay or childhoods on the first date, showing up looking disheveled or very late to the date. I have met a few people IRL socially when I was in my 20s. They tended to be just looking for a diversion and those never went past one date, if it ever reached that point.I just feel like I'm never emotionally on the same page with any men. My NYE date didn't even try to touch or kiss me, it was our second date. I've recently had some crappy intimate experiences. The last one was a third meetup with a guy, a rich guy who runs a successful company. We met at a hotel because he doesn't want me to know where he lives. He could not maintain an erection (and his penis was incredibly small but that's beside the point). We were not going to have sex, but messing around was nearly impossible. Before him, the guy I was with didn't want to touch me or kiss. He just asked me to go down on him and he couldn't sit still. Before him, same t hing - just go down on me with no reciprocation. And a handful of men who I had 3-4 dates with who ended up kicking me out their apartment when I wouldn't put out, two of whom told me after the fact that they were in relationships.I believe most men just ask me out when they're desperate or need sex. Hence why they show up on the date late, not caring, acting weird, or seem ok at first so I go along with it, then they cut things off after 3 or 4 meetups. I've actually had multiple men carry things on with me while actively dating women they like, only to say they met someone else and block me.I'm just feeling very discouraged at this point because I'm about to turn 33. It also doesn't help that most of my old friends/acquaintances are no longer in touch with me in their own serious relationships. And I miss having sex. I miss feeling close with someone. And it feels impossible when, it seems, nearly every guy I talk to has huge issues or if not, is just not interested in me. Men rarely show interest in my life. They don't seem excited to date me. It's like they're going through the motions. Is there anything I can do to change this? Or cope with this? via /r/dating_advice
0 notes
How much is insurance for a 17 year old driver?
"How much is insurance for a 17 year old driver?
If a guy starts driving at 15 1/2 years old with a permit and gets a license at 17, how much will the insurance be if the guy buys a mustang that costs $307 a month and gets co-signed by his parents? Thanks for any answers!
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Motorcycle insurance for a 19 year old?
Im 19 I have taken the Motorcycle safety course. I want to insure the bike myself. Just wondering around what the cost will be around for a 600cc sport bike. Probably a older one 05-07 Anyone with a idea would be helpful
How much is car insurance in the UK for a 21 year old? I'm being quoted 1000pnd/month!?
I'll be moving to the uk from the netherlands. I'll be getting a uk driver's license within 1 year as my current one is not exchangeable. I am very confused about the ridiculous high prices of car insurance in the uk. With 0 years no claim and full uk license for 1 year I'm getting a quote of over 1000 pounds a month!? How is this even possible? This is just liability insurance.
""Medical insurance, c.a.?""
i live in california,,, i am a guy, have a good job,, but i cant get medical insurance due to i have a pre existing condition,,, reiters syndrome, my job doesnt have medical though,, and i barelymake to much for the state medical program,, medi-cal,, any advice""
Somebody help me find cheap car insurance in uk...........?
i am 20 year old foreign student in uk from 2 years....i am about to buy some cheap car with 1 ltr engine which is worth of 1000. but the biggest problem is for the 700-800 worth car they are asking me to pay 5000 insurance........... some body please help me find the cheaper insurance... can you advise me on what basis insurance is counted like age... address so that i can figure out from where to buy insurance.... some extra information:: i don't have any NCB first car I have very new licence in full time education. can afford max 150 per month please guys suggest me some cheap insurance provider....
Why are big company's going to drop health insurance and just pay the government a fee to save money?
obama said we would be able to the same insurance. did obama lie to us?
How can the government make you legally buy car insurance?
it just seems messed up that the government requires car insurance. i understand why it's a good thing to have but because it is legally required it's a business where the customer is the b/itch and has to take the prices companies put out and have to deal with their excuses and garbage policies because the government makes you.
What is the cheapest 50cc Moped / scooter insurance for a 16 year old ?
I have been look everywhere for cheap moped / scooter insurance and the cheapest I can see is 320 for third party only. I wanted third party fire and theft, but it doesn't look like I'll be able to afford that if third party is so expensive. The scooter I have is from Direct bikes. It's the sports DB50QT-11. I'm from Scotland and have no convictions. Answers really appreciated. Thanks :)""
""Ear infection, No insurance?""
i got an ear infection, i dont have insurance. How much would it cost me to see a doctor for that and i live in mass.""
How much would my car insurance be?
I'm 16 years old & a female. I am 5'5 & weigh 150 lbs. I am purchasing a USED 2003 Audi A4 Quattro Base Sedan 4-Door 1.8L ; I was wondering what the estimated car insurance would be for me so I can start by getting the right idea of how much I would need to save each month. Thank you. :)
Which motorcycle is cheaper to maintain? Suzuki Sv650s vs Honda Cbr600f4i?
As in cost of ownership, including insurance, gas, maintenance, etc...""
What is the difference between a car registration and an insurance?
I always mix the 2 up for some reason. I know that insurance is to insure the car for any damages done to the other vehicle or your own vehincle, but what is a registration for. Is it to verify the owner of the vehicle. Any sort of help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.""
Unemployment Insurance Question?
I was sent an approval letter in the mail from the Nashville Unemployment Claims Center. They had already called my last employer and confirmed that I was let go due to lack of work. I have been trying to contact them via the phone for the past week and a half during different times throughout the day in order to establish a PIN. Every time I do, I get the same message of due to extremely high call volume, we cannot take your call at this time. Several friends suggested going to the local career center and ask about it there. The local career center told me that they now have extremely limited access to unemployment claims and to contact the Nashville claims center. I sent them an email as a last ditch effort to contact them a few days ago and have yet to receive a reply. Any suggestions?""
Can I insure a motorcycle at age 16.?
I am 16 and my parents are not ok with me getting a motorcycle. They were, but now they're not. I have a motorcycle permit and want to buy a motorcycle and I want to know if I can insure it with just that. Can I? EXPERTS ONLY""
When do I get my money back from life insurance?
I was on life insurance since I was a baby I'm 21 now but how long will it take for me to get my check?
What happens if you get caught driving without insurance?
In Florida I'm just wondering :o
""Best insurance business (All State, Farmers or State Farm)?""
I am seriously considering becoming an insurance agent for State Farm, Farmers or All State, but I don't know which company is the best choice for me, I am bilingual in Spanish, so I am looking for a company that is going after the Hispanic Market. I have heard some bad things about Farmers, so my decision might be State Farm or All State. Nationwide is doing a great advertising campaing in the Spanish market, does anybody know if they offer agency jobs. I am open to other suggestions. Any help/Suggestions is very much appreciated. Gracias""
What would my car insurance be?
I am 16, female, first time getting insurance. I am thinking about getting a convertible, would my insurance be more? If so about how much more? But black or blue, not red or yellow. One of my friends is my age/sex and hers is about $100/mo. Would mine be about the same, give or take a little? I am trying to come up w/ a budget and see what I can afford so any help will be greatly appreciated! Every free insurance quote site you must fill in your EXACT car type or be 18+, I have already tried that.""
Why is the Infiniti G37S Coupe insurance premium costs so high?
I looked up average insurance premium costs for the G37S coupe, and the cost was over $2600. I then looked up the Infiniti's competitors, the BMW 335i coupe and the Audi S5 4.2 which costs $1900+ and $1800+ respectively. Why is the insurance premium of the G37S so much higher? Thanks in advance.""
Can i collect life insurance after a murder.?
My dad has a large life insurance policy on him and i am the head beneficiary. if he happens to be murdered by some unknown suspect would i be able to collect the money or would it have to be accidental or natural death.
Do you NEED insurance for a motorcycle?
meaning can you get arrested with no insurance?
Got my first speeding ticket. How much will my insurance go up?
I was on my way to work and I got clocked at 65 mph in a 50 mph zone. I haven't told my parents and I am scared for when they find out. It's my first speeding ticket and even the first time I had ever been pulled over. The ticket was for $103.33. I paid for it and it is all taken care of I think. I was driving my mom's new car. My brother has had a lot of traffic tickets on the same insurance too, but not the same car. So how much do you think the insurance is going to go up? Or do you think it is going to go up at all?""
Is a volvo s40 60 or 80 a good car for a 16 yr old guy?
i was just wondering i think there cool but do they look gay at all? i just dont want to get it and then have people call me gay afterwards for getting it ( if i do) also are they good cars etc
Does anyone know where I can find good affordable health insurance?
Does anyone know where I can find good affordable health insurance?
Im looking for a car thats as fast as any normal 1.6 but is cheap on insurance?
Im 20 years old and i am looking for a car with the same acceleration or bhp as a normal 1.6 normal but i would like one that's cheaper on insurance
No car insurance california get fine reduced?
I bought a used car from the highway patrol (crown victoria) and i gor pulled over on the way home for no license plate. I got a ticket for no insurance how can i get it reduced or get out of it? I did get insurance the same day with Allstate when i got home. And dont leave a hole answers please
How much is insurance for a 17 year old driver?
If a guy starts driving at 15 1/2 years old with a permit and gets a license at 17, how much will the insurance be if the guy buys a mustang that costs $307 a month and gets co-signed by his parents? Thanks for any answers!
What does your credit score have to do with your car insurance premium?
Why do some some insurance companies base their rates on credit scores? What does that have to do with driving records?
How much should I expect to pay for individual health insurance?
I'm leaving my job to go back to school. Continuing my present health plan through COBRA will cost nearly $400 monthly. I'm 25 and a healthy moderate social drinking non-smoker. Can I do better than $400 a month?
""Car with fault, expensive to repair. can it be and insurance write off job ?""
If i had a car with a fault that was too expensive to repair, is there any way i can claim insurance writs off with insurers.""
NJ car insurance?
NJ My daughter borrowed my car and was in a minor accident. She has her own insurance. My insurance company paid the other drivers claim and my insurance went up. Shouldn't my daughters insurance pay the claim. We have twoseparate companies.
How much do you pay for your car insurance?
I'm just trying to pick a car insurance thats affordable. How much do you pay monthly? Also I'm 22, no driving tickets, my car is a 2005, Hyundai Accent. OR AT LEAST WHAT IS AN IDEAL PAYMENT MONTHLY FOR CAR INSURANCE?""
Insurance when buying a used car?
I'm going to buy a used car next week from a private seller and I am concerned about the insurance. I've heard that you need to have insurance to drive it but what should I do? I am 20 years old and I've looked up temporary insurance and most of them you have to be 21 years or older and some are around 200 for 1 day cover but you have to have a Full UK Driving Licence for at least 6 months when in my case, I've only had it since yesterday as I passed my test yesterday. So what should I do? Get the full insurance and tell them this cars registration number or not get insurance at all and assume I get 7 days free insurance when buying this used car from the private seller?""
Does insurance cost less for drivers that are 18 than for 16 year olds?
Does insurance cost less for drivers that are 18 than for 16 year olds?
How does life insurance work?
i talked my dad into buying life insurance but he says that i just want him to die but i told him only to take out a 50 thousand dollar policy for the funeral and other expenses nothing else i don't need a million dollar policy and how does life insurance work if i talk my dad into getting a 50k policy does the insurance pay it all at once or does the insurance give it month to month or year to year explain it all just in case he wants to get more which i highly doubt he will but anything from 25k to 50k will be find i don't need a million dollars to plan a funeral and how much do you think it would cost to make him have a 50k policy and i asked this question before and i got the response 50k is too much i see people who get 5million dollar policy im not trying to get rich im just trying to get enough to pay for the funeral if i really wanted something i would ask for more because im paying off his 500 thousand dollar house with my money and my pay so he can at least appreciate what i do for him
Car Insurance for any Car in USA?
I am a Senior Indian Citizen of 73 with a US Green Card in Parker, Colorado. I have an international driving permit. Can I get a Car insurance for driving any car hired or private?""
How much does it cost to add an additional insured to car insurance?
A ball park figure is fine.
What are some discounts that many auto insurance companies offer that might help save some money?
10pts to best answer. Question about auto insurance policies? I just earned my drivers liscence. My father is dreading the cost of adding another driver to the family auto insurance policy. What are some discounts that many insurance companies offer that might help save my dad some money when the premium is due?
Can you exchange a motorcyle if the insurance ends up being higher than what was quoted at the dealer?
i called progressive, geico, esurance, and allstate and they all gave me a quote of over 2400.00 but the dealer quoted me 900.00.""
Do i have to get car insurance if im 17 just got my license and my guardian have insurance on his car?
I got my license im 17 my guardian and his wife haves 2 cars and has insurance on both.I dont want to be on there insurance becuse it would raise it for them.Will the car be insured if i get in a wrek if i have no car insurance but they do
First automobile accident. How much will my payments increase?
I'm 25 and have just been in my first automobile accident in which I was at fault. I hit the side of another vehicle. My car is only damaged slightly on the front bumper, while the other car's passenger side is quite dented. No one was hurt in the accident and I didn't receive a ticket. Both of us were able to drive away from the scene. I do have automobile insurance which should cover any damages to the other car, but I am concerned that this will cause my insurance payment to increase. Thoughts?""
What is the cost of insurance for a bugatti?
What is the cost of insurance for a bugatti?
Can a non-relative be added onto ones insurance?
Example: A friend and his daughter that are living with me  He has no insurance, and wont be getting any for at least 6 months, and I am helping to support her. I would like to add her onto my insurance so she is at least covered in case of emergency.""
How much does the insurance usually go up on a 2door car?
How much does the insurance usually go up on a 2door car?
How does car insurance work?
I got a ticket for not having endurance but the car i was driving (my dads) does. Can i just show proof of insurance to get the ticket off or does the insurance have to say my name in order to be taken off? Example:: In that case how do you explain road tests at the dps for driving license? They ask for insurance of the car your testing in but clearly its not in your name since you don't have a license yet they let you drive it. What happens in case of an accident? Will it not be covered since the person behind the wheel is not in the document? Can i take off the ticket or not? Or is car insurance all about the person behind the wheel? Isn't it supposed to be for the car no matter who is driving? Please explain if i got it all wrong and have to pay the ticket
Will third party car insurance compensate me if i don't have car insurance myself?
I do have car insurance that's for a start, but my insurance is threatening me that if i don't pay an extra premium to update my policy, they will cancel it. With that being said if the third party have already admitted liability will I still be compensated for my damage to my vehicle and injuries? The reason why they need to update my policy is because when I did the quote online I inputted the amount of cars in the household as 1 instead of 3 (my error) but upon going back to their website to retry the quote with 1 car vs 3 cars in the household, it turns out cheaper to have 3 cars instead of the one so i cant understand why I would need to pay more to get something cheaper. Now I don't want to pay 200 to update my policy for the remaining time on my policy which is roughly a month;s time, if they do cancel my policy will the third party insurance still compensate me? Thanks in advance""
The best health insurance?
im was wondering whats the best health insurance to get for some who is 19. someting that has eye vision to. i work but i dont have insurance from my job its along story so dont ask. i need something that is affordable. i live in southern california. any suggestions will do. this stuff is all confusing to me . copayment? or deductible? please help!!!
Car Insurance Help!!!!?
Im 18 years old and for graduation present my father said i could pick a car I was thinking a 2007 mustang shelby gt500 i was wondering what is the insurance rate on a 18 year old with no previous accidents and i was thinking also a 2011 mustang gt and what is the insurance rate on that as well and for the last car a 2004 cadillac xlr what is the insurance rate on these 3 cars Thank You
Health insurance...what does this mean?
My school has an option that states that unless you have health insurance from a ' government sponsored health insurance plan' then you have to go with the school's health plan.......which is so expensive. So what are the 'government sponsored health insurance plans?
How much is mobile home insurance in South Florida?
Looking to buy a vacation home in West Palm Beach. Does anyone out there who actually lives in a mobile home in South Florida tell me how much to expect? The park is on the Intercoastal, I was going to buy for cash but now the douche bag owner raised the price so now I am going to look else where and may have to finance some of the purchase price and I am assuming that I will have to insure it. I am expecting the worse. Please only answer if you really know a number.""
Car Rental USA Insurance?
I am getting really annoyed with trying to get a quote for car rental in USA. For basic rental I have been quoted $200. But then there are all the insurances: Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI) Personal Accident and Effects (PAE) What do I actually need to have as they are really expensive!!! Adding just the first two takes my rental up to $500. I am very confused. What legally do I have to have? Someone told me the US insurance is strange cos you can get sued for an accident and end up paying thousands of dollars out to the person you hit. Can I just get insurance through my own car insurance here in the UK rather than paying $300 dollars??
How much is insurance for a 17 year old ?
im looking forward to buying a mitsubishi galant 1999-2003 but before anything i would like to know how much is the insurance , because im paying everything myself ,so it would be under my own name .""
How much is insurance for a 17 year old driver?
If a guy starts driving at 15 1/2 years old with a permit and gets a license at 17, how much will the insurance be if the guy buys a mustang that costs $307 a month and gets co-signed by his parents? Thanks for any answers!
Will going to Driver's Ed make our insurance rates go up?
My mom tells me she doesn't want me to go to Driver's Ed because once insurance sees there's another driver on our plan, they will make the rate go up, or something like that... Is this true? Btw, sorry if I misused the apostrophe s in Drivers""
How much is AAA a month?
I have Roadside Assistance with AT&T and I pay only $2.99 a month for 4 calls every calendar year but they only cover from about 2 to 10 miles if I need a tow. I'm thinking about switching to AAA but I really don't know anything about AAA. Can anyone give me some insight on AAA? PLEASE :-)
Can I get a dealer service department to cash out a check that was written from my insurance company?
I know I can get a repair done cheaper elsewhere. But my insurance company has already left a check at the dealer that is made out to me and the dealer so I have to sign it over to them. The dealer will not have the part in until Tuesday. So can I go to the dealer and just take the part and ask them to cash out the labor to me and I will go elsewhere for the actual repair?
How do you get proof of auto insurance?
i just got my driver's license, (i'm 17) but i haven't been able to drive yet because my dad says i need to get an insurance card as proof of insurance. It was supposed to come in the mail a week ago. No one else i know had to do any of this, and they could drive as soon as they got their license. is there a faster easier way to get proof of insurance? thanks""
What would be a good job for someone who wants to get out of insurance claims?
I want to get out of the insurance claims world. I hate the business and I hate dealing with people who have experience loss. My degree is in English. I have applied to a lot of Human Resources jobs with no call backs although I have an excellent work history with proven results. Thank you for any constructive advice that can be given.
Car insurance for the clueless 19 year old :/?
I'm nervous about getting car insurance but I honestly need to get my foot in the door. Now give it to me straight guys, how high can it go if I'm nineteen years old, male, never been in an accident, had my licence since may, plan on getting a 90s car or EARLY 2000, and only plan to use it for really just going to work and such. :/ I feel like its going to skyrocket...just because I have a penis. Man when they told me that I thought about being arrested for being black on a friday afternoon on a wednsday :/ So how low can car insurance get?""
Whats a good health insurance company?
One that is affordable, has good coverage, good selection of choices? Fair, good quality, what do you recommend ?""
Why is it mandatory to buy car insurance?
I understand if it's on a leased car but why on 100% paid off private cars? Mortgage companies make borrowers buy home insurance as a condition to get the Liam but once the mortgage is paid off you're free to not insure your property. Why is it legal for insurance companies to force all car owners to buy coverage? It's not constitutional no different than forcing them to buy health insurance.
""Insurance rates for a 1996 Ford Crown Victoria in Chattanooga, Tennessee?""
My next car, just need to know the insurance. Asking you guys might prevent me a whole lot of hassle and harassment from the insurance companies.""
Car accident. how much will my deductable go up?
i might need a new bumper. i was stopped in a parking lot going into first gear when this lady backed into my bumper. she claimed fault for it and i have a signed statement from her. i am 16 years old and i live in the state of Ohio. perfect record and no pasted accidents. will this make my insurance go up? and if so by how much?
Will my insurance go up if my boyfriend wrecks my car?
My boyfriend recently backed my car into a dumpster and left significant damage on the bumper. He insisted he would pay to get it fixed, but it looks like I'm going to have to make a claim. Do I make a claim on my insurance or does he make one on his? Also, is my insurance going to go up a significant amount?""
Need help with car insurance!!?
i am new with the whole car insurance thing so i need help. how much is car insurance for an 18 year old just got my licenses and with a 1996 pontiac sunfire SE..how do you pay for car insurance please help thanks
How much should i get for insurance repairs?
I have a 98 pontiac grand prix gtp and it was keyed all over every part of the car. The side mirror was broke off. The key marks are all the way down to primer. My deductable is 200. How much should i expect to get to cover the damages?
""How many people out there would love a health care insurance exchange, where you can buy insurance on your own?""
and not have to choose a job based on benefits, and you could switch jobs without worrying about losing coverage. Why would people be against this, unless they are part of a union and do not want everyone to have great benefits like they do?""
Is Diesel cheaper than gasoline for insurance?
i need a 4x4 truck, im 16, which is cheaper for insurance?""
How much would it cost for car insurance for a second hand classic car for a 17 year old?
Hey, I'm turning 16 in September 2012, and being a boy I am already thinking about my first car. I'm hoping to start work around November-December and am hoping to earn around 1500, which fits perfectly into my price range of 1000 -  2000. Recently I've been thinking down the more 'Classical Route' (extravagant, I know) and found Classic Cars for around this price at www.carandclassic.co.uk I've had my eye on MG mgbgt or Triumph Spitfire and similar. I can afford something like this. The only problem that faces is me now is Insurance. I know that insurance is really quite expensive for this type of car ESPECIALLY for my age. However I have heard that insuring a car at my age is expensive regardless of the type. It's really the only set back for me. I'd love to hear from you how much it would cost to insure this kind of car for my age, as well as any personal experiences, alternatives and any other advice. Thanks. :)""
Can kaiser health insurance drop me?
I'VE been vomiting and been feeling sick but i dont know what is causing it so i applied for health insurance and got approved. On the application, it askedif i was diagnosed with any illness and i was not. But if i go to a physical exam, telling them of my symptoms and do get diagnosed with something, can theinsurance drop me? I feel like i did not lie on my application because i dont even know if i have a disease but i am worried that they will say that i had a preexisting condition?""
What happens if your car insurance is cancelled due to non-payment?
I live in Mass and I am facing cancellation for non-payment, sdo they take your plates? What happens?""
Can you start work as soon as you receive your national insurance number at 15?
Ive just left school and i want a job for the summer but my birthday is not till august. Ive already received my national insurance
""What's the cheapest car insurance in Houston, Texas?
I just bought a 350z 2003 and I'm 19.. So I would like to know how much I will pay...
Is there any car insurance company who won't ask for no claim bonus proof?
Is there any car insurance company who won't ask for no claim bonus proof?
Health and travel insurance for the US?
Hi, I am a British student undertaking an internship in the U.S for 6 weeks this summer. I need Health insurance that complies with the requirements for the J-1 Visa, and though I have found a company that can help me (http://www.isoa.org/compare_plans.aspx) with Health insurance, they don't offer any travel insurance. The companies that I have found for travel insurance don't tend to provide the level of Health insurance that I require. Do people normally take out 2 seperate policies when travelling to the U.S? (e.g. one health, one travel?) If so, can anyone find me somewhere that provides travel insurance to the U.S without health insurance included? Thanks!""
Is comprehensive car insurance cheaper if you own the car?
is it cheaper than if you had a loan out on it? why is this? thanks
What auto insurance companies DON'T use a credit score when deciding rates?
I'm against the practice of using credit scores (i.e. insurance scores) to decide auto insurance rates. Does anyone know of a company in the U.S. that doesn't use the practice?
Do you have life insurance?
Ok we have been married for 10 years with 2 small boys. My husband works, I don't. I think he needs disability insurance and life insurance just in case something happens to him. And maybe even life insurance on me and the boys to cover at least funeral costs.. He thinks it's a big waste of money but I think we should. Also, my sister asked me if I would take her boys if something happen to her and brother-n-law. I said of course!! She told me that I would then get XX amt. of money from her life insurance... She also stated it's in their will!! OMG do I need a will too. What do I need in this will. I don't want my kids in foster care so I should name some people who would care for our boys..""
How much is insurance for a 17 year old driver?
If a guy starts driving at 15 1/2 years old with a permit and gets a license at 17, how much will the insurance be if the guy buys a mustang that costs $307 a month and gets co-signed by his parents? Thanks for any answers!
Anyone know of an car insurance company that doesn't require the vehicle to be in your name?
Geico cancelled our policy because our car is in our grandmothers name.Also if she gets a policy, the addys have to all match.Are all insurance companys this strict?the car is about to die soon, so we dont wanna spend more money on transferring the title, but I guess we will if we have to.We are getting another car fixed soon that we will be driving.""
Am i stuck paying for my teens car insurance if their father doesnt want to pay it?
We both have joint physical and legal custody and we both live in california.
How much do you pay for car insurance a month?
i have a 2001 Toyota Rav 4 and my parents tell me to give them $100 a month for car insurance, does that sound right? how much does car insurance usually cost?""
I am 18 years old. I want to improve my credit score by buying a vehicle. INSURANCE PROBLEMS!!!!!?
I know ican get approved for a vehicle but insurance for a teenage male is un-godly cheapest is 650 a month, is it possible to buy a vehicle in my name, but have insurance over it under my fathers insurance policy?""
If i cahnge car insurance after 7 days of getting it due i have to pay the full amount??
Heres the deal i got a car and put safe auto on it. i then wrote the postdated check for 7 days from then. well today (5 days after getting my car) i found a lot cheaper insurance. CAn i canel the saufe auto and not have to pay the full amounnt??? or do iahve to essentially pay 2 full months of car insurance????
How much does car insurance cost for 17 years old driver?
My parents have their policy from travelers and i tried getting quote online. What it showed for 2002 NISSAN MAXIMA that i have to pay 600 for month and for liability insurance 450 I think thats wrong information because my friend is 16 and pay 186 for 2 full coverage insurance and one liability. Any one had experience or know some information about 17 year old insurance rates please help me. THANK YOU.
In New York: Best health insurance on the cheap?
This information is for my stepdaughter and her family. After long term unemployment her husband recently went back to work as a trucker. He might bring home around $500 per week. They presently have no health insurance, although she said a New York State program would cover her two younger children. This leaves her and husband uninsured because his new job has no health coverage. Somehow she found a company willing to insure them for around $200+ a month. What this insurance covers I do not know. (By the premiums, I don't think much) The problem is they don't have much more than the $200+ to pay per month. Can someone tell me how to find(in New York) legitimate insurance companies with affordable cost? Also how can I educate myself on health insurance, the details, so that I can advise them correctly? They're in their late 30s and in reasonably in good health. Any an all advice greatly appreciated Tony""
""I'm sure 5,000 for health insurance will help.. right?
John Mccain thinks we are idiots lol
How Much is insurance on a fox body mustang?
I really want a fox body mustang and i want to see how much it would cost. It will be my first car and i really want to know before i go car shopping.
What is the Cheapest Homeowners Insurance for Senior Citizen?
My elderly neighbor has had her homeowners insurance cancelled because she couldnt afford to pay it. She is on a fixed income and her children do not help in any way. She owns her home but is having a hard time with paying the large payments. her mortage company says that if she doesnt take out her own insurance then they will purchase it for her at a cost of 2100.00 per year. This is way too much for a Senior citizen. i got a quote for her from progressive for 2600.00. Are there any cheaper alternatives?
Need help on car insurance for young driver?
Hi! I've been struggling to get a good quote for car insurance for a while now. I tried all the big name comparison sites and every one is quoting me 4k (monthly installments). I opted for third party and theft, i am 22 years of age and my postcode starts with sl1 (slough) and i got pass plus and had my licence (manual) since march 2011. I got my car already its a Peugeot 206 1.6l petrol manual 1999 3doors. If you have time you can try for yourself with the above details the quote is freaking too much. Is this just how it is or am i doing something wrong? If you can point me to the right direction that would be amazing!!""
Motorcycle insurance?
I received my scooter insurance in the post but is there a cert like a car as i did not receive one and if there's not what do i bring with me to prove to the police i have insurance?
Looking for best insurance product (LIC) which returns guaranteed & handsome amount on maturity along with acc?
Age : 35 yrs., married Premium Amount : 90  99 K per year Premium term : 25 to 30 yrs best lic plan combo plan""
Car Insurance Claims - EVERYONE UNDER 25 MUST LOOK - Will I lose my No Claims Bonus?
I have had my insurance for nearly a year now. I am the main driver and my dad is the second driver. My dad had a small bump in the car. If we have to claim in his name will it effect my No claims bonus and next years insurace quote, ([I will though be taking my dad off next years insurance)]""
What is a good cheap sports car for a teenager?
I just learned to drive a manual transmission so now i am interested in a more sporty car. I want something that is initially fast and doesn't require modificatons. I have a limit of about 5 or 6 grand.
What is the cheapest possible insurance available?
Including the cheapest car to insure and the best way to go about insuring that car. What is the cheapest insurance i can get? Thanks for any help
Why is health-care so expensive?
Just last year in CA Medi-Cal (state medicaid) stop covering for dentistry and optometry for people over 21. The total cost of my dental braces is $4550. I need them so I can fix some teeth that are misaligned. I pay $100 and it seems like its a never ending balance. I been doing this for 2 years now. I have Medi-Cal because of my SSI but that doesnt cover anymore because I am 21. My mother had heart surgery in 2007 and we still haven't payed a bill. My parents don't have any insurance. They used to have Medi-Cal but when Schwarzenegger became the governor in 2003 he made some changes to the policies and they stop having Medi-Cal. She tried applying for SSI but she keeps getting denied. The republicans should stop attacking Obama and work together to pass the health-care reform.
Car insurance 15 year old with 4.0 gpa?
my son is going to turn 15 i wanted to know what it would cost and what options i have
Car insurance suing me for car accident?
I was driving in a parking lot with my cousin and my cousin has her driver license and she over 21 and i was driving. Im 18 and i only have my permit. Well accidentally i was driving and i was trying to park and i hit the car next to me. Well they put it under my cousin car insurance and they didn't call the police on us. Well my mom saying the insurance can go after me to what ever how much it cost. What should i expect if i don't have a job and what is the percent that they will sue me if i have my permit and what should i expect if they do.....
How much would all state car insurance cost per year for a 16 year old with a 2004 Pontiac GTO??? ?
How much would all state car insurance cost per year for a 16 year old with a 2004 Pontiac GTO??? ?
How much is insurance on the new Morgan?
You know the wooden car?
Car insurance for you drivers?
i am a 18 year old male and looking for car insurance on something like a micra, punto, clio or something small like that but the cheapest i can find is 3000 with tesco and thats as a named driver on my dads insurnace. Is there anywere cheaper that anyone knows of ? how much do other people pay? also it is a full uk licence i have and i have had it less than a year""
I got a speeding ticket. How much will my insurance go up?
What up Doodey's & Doodettes! Anyways, I got a speeding ticket doing 80mph on a 65mph speed zone. This is my first speeding ticket violation. Roughly, I'm wondering how much will my insurance go up too? I'm currently paying like 60 bucks a month. I'm living in Los Angeles, California by the way. Please let me know! :) Thanks!""
How much should it cost to insure a new teen driver?
I'm 16 and my parents just put me on their insurance. I have 2000 escort and I have the basic liability coverage. I have got the good student discount too. The total came to be about $53 dollars. Is that about the average? My parents originally said it would be about $100 dollars.
Is there any way my parents can get my license suspended? and for new drivers how much is the insurance?
my dad is saying he doesnt want me to drive cuz im gonna visit my boyfriend. nd i jst wanna know if he cld suspend my license? my dad doesnt want to pay for my insurance nd i have to pay for it. nd was wondering how much its gonna cost me.
How much is insurance for a 17 year old driver?
If a guy starts driving at 15 1/2 years old with a permit and gets a license at 17, how much will the insurance be if the guy buys a mustang that costs $307 a month and gets co-signed by his parents? Thanks for any answers!
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