#Addendum; [REDACTED] (Lore Posts)
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the official poster of the Prologue Arc of the ApolloEra, an Unofficial AU Crossover between the SCP Foundation and Godzilla overall, and as a homage to the Heisei Era in some aspects, it will include some elemts of the plot of the ps4 game just like with the zajiaoverse's storyline, but that won't be until series 3. which really takes up the notch of being a true homage to the heisei era, this is more or less an prologue series because i realized that series 1, aka God Of The Monsters, is gonna be more or less an callback to the Showa Era if it was more or less in a heisei era like aspect. this is basically Series 0 of the ApolloEra, titled as Birth Of Godzilla. and yes this was purely inspired by Godzilla Zero/Minus One's trailer to have the prologue series be it's own thing, here is the plot and summary.
Plot: The Foundation in it's early days before containment was fully made, had faced an abundance of strange anomalies and what not that posed an threat to the world, while most have been somewhat secured. it wasn't until a few years after 682's discovery in 1906, that an new type of Anomaly, far more different than the SCPS have appeared, with only one major threat that has proven to be quite the disaster, an ancient sea dragon known only in odo island folklore as an god incarnate called simply... Godzilla.
Summary: The World is given an Grim reminder that man is not so superior to life as all would like to believe, as nuclear tests continue on and on, two groups, the SCP Foundation, and MONARCH, alongside the Global Occult Coalition, discovered an ancient anomalous creature that is feared on an island as a god incarnate based off of an legendary sea dragon called Gojira. where they all see the terror and wrath of what would be known today as, the king of monsters himself... Godzilla.
here is the list of episodes in this order.
1- Gojira Awakens (takes place during 1912)
2- Terror Of Odo Island (takes place during 1918)
3- Ghost Of Slumber Island (Takes Place in 1925)
4- Lucky Dragon (takes place during 1933)
5- The Lonely Behemoth (takes place during 1941)
6- The Broken God (Takes Place During 1943)
7- From Zero To Minus (Takes Place During 1945)
8- Minus One (Takes Place during 1946)
9- Incident Zero (Takes Place During 1947)
10- The Demon Beast (Takes Place During 1950) 11- An Ghostly Whale (Takes Place during 1952)
12- 20,000 Fathoms (Takes Place during 1953)
13- Hellfire Of Tokyo (takes place during 1954)
14- Symbol Of Fear (takes place during Mid 1954)
15- End Of The Terror? (takes place during Late 1954)
Human Characters are of course the Of cast, like Steve Martin, Emiko, Ogata, Serizawa, etc, but also with some returning characters from the Zajiaoverse and maybe the MutantoVerse, and also the Foundation itself, with some original characters both human, kaijus, and anomalies also being present. alongside the GOC, as for kaijus, it is obviously gonna be Godzilla, and if you all can't tell yet, Rhedosaurus. they'll probably be more but eh, gotta make the cast first. because im also lowkey lazy here is the link to the full thing, https://www.deviantart.com/toonartist403/art/ApolloEra-Birth-Of-Godzilla-Poster-970532278 credits of those involved will be in the said link, go check it out, very sorry for how uh. dead this blog has been, we've been more focused on the discord side of things ^^; -Admin Toon
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starryhologram · 10 months
AKA I put Whole in the electric chair and everybody loved it
and renamed him Simon.
DISCLAIMER: This AU handles imaginary medical malpractice and imagery of outdated and misuse of execution and medical equipment and procedures. Real medical practice should not be demonized and feared. Also this does not follow any actual SCP Lore, it is only simply used as a base/jumping off point for my evil science fiction experiments.
Item #: SCP-3775
Object Class: Euclid
Status: Contained Special Containment Procedures: SCP-3775 does not require any specific or strict containment procedures. If SCP-3775 begins to show any signs of distress or erratic behavior, SCP-3775 is to be moved to a 5m x 5m room while awaiting medical examination.
N/A See Addendum 3775-008, 3775-013, and 3775-019
SCP-3775 is to be contained within three conjoined 5m x 5m rooms. It is to be kept alive whether in state 3775-A or 3775-B. In state 3775-A SCP-3775 is to be monitored at all times to determine mental stability. SCP-3775 is to be kept physically restrained to a specially built wooden chair and electrocuted through electrodes fastened on the head through a screwed metal halo.
In state 3775-B three separate instances of SCP-3775 must be monitored.
Addendum 3775-008: SCP-3775-008 is to be kept alive with minimal monitoring but must be kept in the room furthest from SCP-3775-013. Failure to comply with containment procedures of SCP-3775-008 will result in potential harm to SCP-3775-013.
Addendum 3775-013: SCP-3775-013 is to be kept alive with moderate monitoring. SCP-3775-013 is permitted to interact within the same room as SCP-3775-019 under personnel supervision.
Addendum 3776-019: SCP-3775-019 is to be kept alive with strict and constant monitoring. Personnel assigned to SCP-3775-019 are instructed to wear protective noise cancelling headphones when interacting with SCP-3775-019. Personnel are instructed to not listen to any vocalizations from SCP-3775-019 under any circumstances. Other means of communication are permitted.
Description: In state 3775-A SCP-3775 appears to be an average white human male in his early twenties with curly black hair and brown eyes. Subject has been measured at 178 cm in height. Subject was born 20?? on ??????? ??th. Subject has no known living relatives at this time.
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In state 3775-B, three instances of SCP-3775 exist.
SCP-3775-008 appears similar to SCP-3775 with exceptions such as missing eyes, replaced by hollow sockets which allow abnormal purple veins and bone structures to be exposed. Subject’s hair seems to become dyed purple towards the ends. Subject has irremovable purple coloration on its lips as well.
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SCP-3775-013 appears similar to SCP-3775 with exceptions such as a total of five eyes that faintly glow a light blue color. Subject also features a luminescent organ similar to that of an esca as seen on the body of an Anglerfish. Subject’s hair seems to become dyed blue towards the ends. Subject has irremovable blue coloration on its lips as well.
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SCP-3775-019 appears similar to SCP-3775 with exceptions such as what appears to be scar tissue along the right half of its body with epidermal red dots clustered around joints and around the eyes. Subject’s right eye is abnormal with a grey sclera and white iris and pupil. Subject’s left sclera is white with a red iris and black pupil. Subject’s hair seems to become dyed red towards the ends. Subject has irremovable red coloration on its lips as well.
Subject’s vocalizations sounds similar to that of an autotuned version of SCP-3775’s. It is hypnotic and [REDACTED]. Like one would imagine an [REDACTED] to sound like. It is impossible to resist to do as he commands.
SCP-3775-019 has been modified to have a welded metal muzzle to its face to prevent auditory vocal noise from coming from the subject.
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History and Past Proceedings: The Foundation became aware of SCP-3775 due to widespread video circulation of music the subject created. Audience and viewers became enraptured with the music and upon listening were unable to function properly without the music playing in a conscious audio range.
Once obtained and studied, it appears no process in which SCP-3775 creates music is abnormal to that of any other modern musician.
After a prolonged period of time spent at the SCP Facility, SCP-3775 began to become distressed and showed signs of mental health decline, similar to that of severe clinical depression. Once the subject had hit a peak in its mental instability, it began to physically split into three instances of itself. This state shall be referred to as State 3775-B, the prior singular instance of SCP-3775 will be referred to as State 3775-A.
Accessing Past Data Records…
Old Survey Data Found…
Please fill out this Mandatory Personnel Survey if you have 1) Come into contact with SCP-3775 or any of its instances. 2) Listened to any audio/tonal/musical recordings created by SCP-3775.
Have you listened to any music created by SCP-3775 in the past 12 hours? Example Given: [CORRUPTED FILE CANNOT BE RECOVERED] ▫️Yes ▫️No ▫️I’m not sure Have you experienced any of the following symptoms upon listening to audio/tonal/musical recordings created by SCP-3775? ▫️Strong or irresistible urge to replay recording. ▫️Mental and/or physical inability to complete activities without auditory sensory input created by SCP-3775 ▫️Lapse in cognitive functions in favor of activities relating to SCP-3775, its instances or its music. ▫️Strong or irresistible urge to seek others affected by SCP-3775’s music. ▫️Mental fatigue that can only be cured by listening to SCP-3775’s music.
Do you grant permission for Foundation Personnel Staff to use your physical and psychological anatomical resources for further research of SCP-3775? Risks may include threat of bodily/emotional/mental harm. ▫️Yes ▫️No If Yes, please send additional information regarding Name, Address, Age, and other relevant details to [HYPERLINK NOT FOUND]
Thank you for completing this Mandatory Personnel Survey
S.C.P. Secure. Contain. Protect.
Accessing Past Data Record…
Audio Transcript File Found…
SCP-3775_Interview_15/11/2022.txt Interview Personnel (IP): “Interview recording date November 15th, 2022, 3:23 PM. Audio recording of [DATA_EXPUNGED] interview with SCP-3775.” SCP-3775: “You can call me [DATA_EXPUNGED] you know.” IP: “It is for easier assessment and research purposes that we identify you by your item number.” SCP-3775: Exhales forcefully. “I’m not a [EXPLETIVE] item.” %Sounds of shuffling.% IP: “Regardless, I simply need to have you do a test for me.” SCP-3775: “Fine.” IP: “I have here with me an ordinary electronic piano keyboard. Would you please demonstrate how you play it?” %Sounds of shuffling.% %A short melody is played on a keyboard.% IP: “What song was that?” SCP-3775: “It’s called The Mind Electric, its by a band I like.” IP: “Does it have lyrics?” SCP-3775: “Yeah, do you want me to sing it?” IP: “Please.” %The audio recording cuts out for a few moments.% IP: “Thank you. You play very well.” SCP-3775: “Yeah, thanks.” %Silence.% SCP-3775: “Are we done here? Can I go home?” IP: “We have to make sure the music you create- and yourself as a being- are safe to be interacted with. Do you know how your music affects people?” SCP-3775: “What? What’s so strange about people affected by my music?” IP: “Listeners tend to become irrationally obsessed with your music.” SCP-3775: “What? That isn’t even weird! Plus- what about all those musicians more popular than me? With obsessive fans! I can’t be the only one!” IP: “Please, calm down, it is for your safety that we study and assess this situation and that we take all precautions necessary for the best results.” SCP-3775: “No! I want to go home. You can’t keep me here!” IP: “End of interview recording.” Pause Play Time 5:54/5:54
Accessing Past Data Records…
Surveillance Notes Found…
SCP-3775_Surveillance_21/11/2022.txt No audio recording is provided alongside footage. Documentation Start Time 13:46:23 13:46:23 SCP-3775 is pacing the room. 13:53:12 SCP-3775 moves to sit on the bed. 13:53:40 SCP-3775 begins grasping at its sleeves in a self-soothing way. 13:58:25 SCP-3775 lays down on the bed in a fetal position. 14:01:32 [DATA EXPUNGED] enters the room. SCP-3775 makes no notion to acknowledge this. 14:01:58 [DATA EXPUNGED] stands next to the bed and looks down at SCP-3775. 14:02:45 [DATA EXPUNGED] calmly communicates verbally with SCP-3775. 14:03:00 SCP-3775 yells angrily in response. 14:03:03 [DATA EXPUNGED] retreats away from the bed defensively. His hands are open in a symbol of non threatening behavior. 14:03:05 SCP-3775 does not calm down, continues yelling, begins to grow more agitated. 14:03:07 [DATA EXPUNGED] makes his way towards the door. 14:03:11 SCP-3775 has stopped yelling. 14:03:12 [DATA EXPUNGED] yells back a short declaration assertively. 14:03:15 [DATA EXPUNGED] leaves the room. 14:03:20 SCP-3775 begins to cry violently, returning to its previous position on the bed. 14:19:53 SCP-3775 has stopped crying. 14:20:01 SCP-3775 stares at the ceiling. 14:45:27 SCP-3775 falls asleep. End notes of interest.
Accessing Past Data Records
Surveillance Notes Found…
SCP-3775_Surveillance_25/11/2022.txt Audio transcript provided alongside footage. Documentation Start Time 18:37:15 18:37:15 SCP-3775 sits on its bed, holding itself tightly while breathing heavily. 18:37:20 SCP-3775 lets out a scream of desperation. 18:37:26 SCP-3775 begins to move erratically. 18:37:38 [DATA EXPUNGED] enters the room. 18:37:40 [DATA EXPUNGED]: “Hey! What are-.” 18:37:41 SCP-3775 screams again. 18:37:43 [DATA EXPUNGED] draws a stunning device. 18:37:44 The visual feed cuts out. [DATA EXPUNGED] screams. 18:38:07 The visual feed is restored. Four figures are now in the room. Three look like SCP-3775. [DATA EXPUNGED] is lying on her back on the ground. She stands up slowly. 18:38:10 The Red SCP-3775 clone (?) points at [DATA EXPUNGED]. “Get out.” It says 18:38:11 [DATA EXPUNGED] leaves the room hurriedly. 18:38:20 Red SCP-3775 looks to Blue SCP-3775 and Purple SCP-3775. It says “Well, you two look fine. We should get out of here.” Blue SCP-3775 and Purple SCP- 3775 nod accordingly. 18:38:30 The three SCP-3775s leave the room. Access of hallway cameras denied. 18:57:04 Only the Red SCP-3775 is dragged back into the room by multiple personnel wearing noise canceling headphones. 18:57:47 Red SCP-3775 is restrained with a loose straight jacket and a high tech deafening muzzle with red armature limbs attached. 18:57:53 Red SCP-3775 begins kicking the Personnel. 18:57:55 Personnel tazes Red SCP-3775. 18:57:56 The visual feed cuts out. 18:58:20 The visuals feed returns. SCP-3775-A is sitting where Red SCP-3775 was, but is no longer wearing the muzzle or straight jacket. 18:58:30 Personnel leave. End notes of interest.
Accessing Past Data Records…
Surveillance Notes Found…
SCP-3775_Surveillance_08/12/2022.txt Log following updated securement protocols of SCP-3775 in State 3775-A. Audio transcript provided alongside footage. 06:03:02 SCP-3775-A is put into a medically induced unconscious state while sleeping. 06:20:07 Six metal screws are drilled into SCP-3775-A’s skull. 06:30:35 A metal halo is fastened to the screws. 06:48:24 SCP-3775-A is placed into a wooden chair with metal conductors attached to the top. 06:50:46 SCP-3775-A is secured with leather straps to the chair, and the conductor is mounted to the metal halo. 06:51:13 SCP-3775-A is removed from the medically induced unconscious state, but does not wake up immediately. 07:12:41 SCP-3775-A begins to wake. 07:13:03 SCP-3775-A pulls at it restraints. “Hey.” It says. “Hey, what the [EXPLETIVE]?” It then seems to notice the metal halo, and reacts in horror. “Holy [EXPLETIVE] [EXPLETIVE]. What the [EXPLETIVE] have you done to me? What the [EXPLETIVE]?” It continues to curse under its breath and begins to cry. 07:13:40 Three Foundation Personnel wearing noise cancelling headphones and general protective gear enter the room, and silently give a signal to an observing personnel not present in the room. 07:13:45 The lights flicker as the chair is activated. SCP-3775-A screams. 07:13:47 A terrible ripping sound is heard, like flesh being torn. It is difficult to describe what happens to SCP-3775-A’s body. It appears as though it is turned inside out. It begins at the chest area and folds outwards. The chair disappears alongside SCP-3775-A as SCP-3775-B emerge. The three look just as horrified as SCP-3775-A. 07:14:09 The three personnel move to detain each instance of SCP-3775-B, removing SCP-3775-008 (Purple) and SCP-3775-013 (Blue) and remove them immediately, placing them in a separate room. 07:15:10 SCP-3775-019 (Red) stands alone in the room with one last Personnel.
07:15:20 The Personnel speaks, as SCP-3775-019 is still wearing the muzzle and loose straight jacket. “You would find it wise to not be any trouble. You are here for the safety of the world, and we will not hesitate to cut your tongue if necessary.” 07:15:25 The Personnel leaves, 07:15:50 SCP-3775-019 sits down on the ground and stares into the wall. This continues for several hours. End notes of interest.
Accessing Updated Data Records…
Experiment Notes Found…
SCP-3775_Experiment_26/07/2023.txt Documentation Start Time 20:14:46 20:14:46 SCP-3775 is administered a sedative, causing it to lose consciousness. 20:14:50 Personnel enter SCP-3775’s containment cell, remove it from its chair and place it on a metal operating table. 20:15:02 [REDACTED] prepares SCP-3775 for incision. 20:15:33 [REDACTED] opens SCP-3775’s neck using metal grade scalpel, inspecting its vocal chords. 20:18:21 [REDACTED] administers [DATA EXPUNGED] directly into SCP-3775’s vocal chords. *Editorial Note: [REDACTED] notes that the organ had become inflamed almost immediately, noting an abnormally sensitive reaction to the serum. 20:20:46 [REDACTED] closes up the incision and personnel return SCP-3775 to its chair. 20:21:35 Personnel leave. End notes of interest. For further reading of Experimental log visit [HYPERLINK].
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blazedrawsstuff · 3 years
Blaze as an SCP (Scpworld AU)
[Note that this takes the lore elements from water-hates-learning's SCP AU. I'm not trying to force her into anyone's AU, I'm just doing this for fun.]
Item #: SCP-20016
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-20016 is to be kept in a standard humanoid cell with a desk, chair, and power outlets in Site [REDACTED]. All requests made by SCP-20016 within reason are to be accepted by pending review and written consent of at least two Level 3 researchers. SCP-20016 is to be given three standard meals a day and is to be provided with [REDACTED]. SCP-20016 is allowed to request additional items of clothing and accessories to her person.
Should SCP-20016 exhibit uncooperative or rowdy behavior, access to SCP-20016-A, SCP-20016-B, SCP-20016-C, SCP-20016-D, SCP-SCP-20016-E, SCP-20016-F, SCP-20016-G, SCP 20012, SCP 20013, and SCP 20015 is to be temporarily revoked. However, SCP-20012, SCP-20013, and SCP-20015 may be brought in to rectify this behavior, as SCP-20016 reacts positively when in their presence as well any support given by them. However this should only be done under proper authorization and supervision. Any interactions between SCP-20016 and SCP-20014 must be authorized and supervised, proper protocols regarding restraints on SCP-20014's part must be carried out as well.
SCP-20016 is NOT to be allowed within 5 feet of any containment units that hold SCPs known to possess, influence, or manipulate subjects with love or insecurities. Under no circumstances are personnel or other subjects allowed to harm SCP-20012, SCP-20013, or SCP-20015, or anyone SCP-20016 has interacted with that achieved a positive outcome within SCP-20016's presence, doing so results in SCP-20016 threatening or attacking the instigator. If any personnel or subjects have been in found to be in violation of this rule, appropriate actions will be taken against them. Appropriate actions will be taken against SCP-20016 as well.
Under no circumstances are personal to allow SCP-20016 to hold unscheduled, unauthorized, unsupervised contact with SCP-20012, SCP-20013, SCP-20014, or SCP-20015. When using SCP 20016-B or SCP 20016-D, use of any chat, whether it be online servers, private messages, text messages to family, posts, or comment sections on social media should be monitored so as to not let SCP-20016 tell the outside world about the foundation or it's secrets. If SCP-20016 attempts to do so, said device will be confiscated for a period of time, and any data relating to the message will be deleted.
Addendum 20016-1: Due to [REDACTED], SCP-20016 is not to be in the vicinity of, or have access to any sharp objects, especially kitchen knives. As SCP-20016, when agitated, will grab the nearest one and use it to attack anyone incurring her wrath. SCP-20016 is to be given plastic cutlery and butter knives should she be in the vicinity of anyone else. If any meals require cutting with a steak knife or any other sharp tool, personnel must either do it for her, supervise her, or have her situated in a secluded area. If SCP-20016 is caught using sharp objects outside of their intended use, said object should be revoked immediately.
Description: SCP-20016 is a 26 year old human female with brown hair tied in a ponytail and brown eyes. She was retrieved from a house on [REDACTED] Lane in [REDACTED]. She is generally cooperative, and is willing to talk, though she may exhibit nervous or anxious behavior when talking to others. SCP-20016 has experienced displeasure at being referred to by her numerical title and has asked to be called by her given birth name, "Blaze". It is up to personal discretion to do so or not.
SCP-20016 is mostly nice to others, as long as those she interacts with reciprocate her kindness. It was revealed regarding the incident mentioned in Addendum 20016-1 that she becomes highly protective of those who provide her with kindness, empathy, and love, to the point of violence against those who want to harm them.
[Addendum: SCP-20016 seems to have low self-esteem and is rather insecure about herself. This may be as to why she is anxious when talking to others and is protective of those she's fond of. It is best advise to not prod at these insecurities, as doing so will cause SCP-20016 to go into either a depressive state at best or threaten or attack the instigator at worst. If SCP-20016 exhibits behavior of the former, any subjects that positively affect mood or self-esteem, including SCP-20012, SCP-20013, and SCP 20015, should be authorized to visit her as long as proper containment and restraint measures are met. Any personnel or subjects that have been in found to be in violation of this should have appropriate actions be taken against them. Appropriate actions should be taken against SCP-20016 as well if she displays behavior of the ladder.]
Apart from standard containment wear, SCP-20016 is also allowed to wear a orange, hooded sweater (registered as SCP 20016-C). No anomalous affects have been detected from the sweater. SCP 20016 requested the return of her black, short-sleeved, blazer. Which, after thorough inspection of any dangerous items or anomalous affects, was promptly given to her. No anomalous affects have been detected from the blazer (registered as SCP 20016-G).
It has been discovered that SCP-20016 is responsible for the Keter class event known as [DATA EXPUNGED] that resulted in dangerous miscellaneous effects over many citizens within the area she was found in. SCP-20016 recalls that she was able to this due to being given the ability to use witchcraft. When asked how she got said ability, she claims it was because of special spell book she found. Upon questioning where she found it, she said she doesn't remember. SCP-20016 was asked the location of the book, as it was not found in the area she was retrieved from. Her response was "Pretty sure they burned it" (the "they" she was referring to were SCP-20012, SCP-20013, and SCP-20015). SCP-20016 later went on to say that when the book was burned, she lost her magic abilities. Further testing is recommended to find the extent of SCP-20016's abilities.
SCP-20016 keeps company with SCP-20016-A, who she refers to as "Felix". SCP-20012-A is a male black cat of indeterminate age or breed. SCP-20016 claims that he's "pretty young" but claims to not know the exact age. SCP 20016-A has exhibited no anomalous abilities.
SCP -20016 is allowed to keep four other items constantly in her cell at all times (unless revoked) to keep her stimulated; her laptop along with it's charging wire and mouse (all registered as SCP-20016-B), her phone and it's charging wire (all registered as SCP-20016-D), her Nintendo Switch, it's dock with charging wires and it's games (The switch and it's dock are registered as SCP-20016-E, with all games being registered as SCP-20016-E.1, E.2, E.3 and so on), and her pair of wireless headphones and it's charger (both registered as SCP-20016-F).
SCP-20016 has instigated or participated in at least five contained Euclid class events, at least one other known Keter class event apart from [DATA EXPUNGED], and at least two registered Thaumiel class events of apocalyptic nature. SCP-20016 has been registered as "DECEASED" on multiple occasions, only to return to life as normal shortly thereafter. Further testing is recommended. Further investigation is recommended.
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