#Admin Ava
dia-souls · 4 months
One Year Anniversary
Dia-souls One year Anniversary
Song: Bitter sweet by Rie Suegaraby
Today is the anniversary of our blog. Last year, on this day, the three of us published the first post of our blog and officially opened the Dia-souls blog.
We will never forget the day the three of us got to know each other and realized how much we had similar tastes. This made us decide to create a blog and manage it together. And let's show how much we admire the lovely girl of this community. Yui was our beautiful princess and queen that made us create this blog to show her our love.
In this one year, we experienced many sweet experiences and memories. Your first like, first follower, first reblog, and even your first comment remain in our memory and we appreciate all of you who supported us and our blog.
We met many friends who are very dear to us and who always supported us and we are grateful to these loved ones and to all of you.
A year has passed since the opening of our blog and we hope to be with you for many more years and make you happy with our posts, writings and arts. Thank you all.
By: Admin Afra, Admin Irsa, Admin Ava
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its-irsaa-fyp · 6 months
Are you close to @afra-blueraz ??
Yes! We both are very cloes she is my bestie we both along with Ava (Our third friend also an admin) are admin of @dia-souls. Both of us started our main blog together, we met through tumblr and than chatted than we decided to open our own blog which is @dia-souls this blog is my side blog Afra and my main blog is @dia-souls
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taintedevesayori · 8 months
🦉 Are you a morning person or a night owl
This isn’t apart of it but if you’re comfortable with answering, how do you look compared to Sayo?
Night owl! My ability to function in the mornings is so bad that I work nights at a hospital instead 😅
I don’t mind! Me and Sayo look nothing alike lol
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~Admin Ava
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thedarkmongoose · 1 year
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ava coleman “mayor” of abbott elementary doing the most
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hacksweek2023 · 7 months
Hey all, Hacks Week 2023 officially kicks off tomorrow! A few quick notes and reminders:
Tag your works with #HacksWeek23 here on tumblr! I’ll be logging in a couple times per day to reblog new items in the tag. If I miss something, I promise it wasn’t intentional, but feel free to ping me (I’m just one person who’s very sleep deprived while on the job market!)
For anything you post on Archive of Our Own, feel free to add it to our moderated AO3 collection available here! I ask that you only add original works that you have created for this event, not preexisting works, even if they fit the theme for one of the days.
Day 1: Sunday, 10/29: Smutty Sunday
Day 2: Monday, 1030: Yearning
Day 3: Tuesday, 10/31 (Halloween): Hurt/Comfort
Day 4: Wednesday, 11/1: Happy Endings
Day 5: Thursday, 11/2: Favorite Trope
Day 6: Friday, 11/3: Missing Scenes
Day 7: Saturday, 11/4: Loose Ends / WIP Updates
A quick note on context: I realize there are a lot of things going on in the world right now that we didn’t anticipate when scheduling this fandom event but that are weighing on us all in different ways. This may mean our attention, as well as our mental, emotional, and physical energy, are being pulled in other directions, and that engaging with Hacks Week doesn’t feel feasible in the present (or that having something that brings you joy and reprieve feels more vital than other!). Either way, this blog will stay up as an archive of all the works posted on Tumblr, and our AO3 collection will be there for whenever you feel you have the bandwidth to engage 💜
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duckapus · 1 year
SMG4 AU Timeline Anomalies
(6/30/23 Edited to include Blook) (9/20/23 Edited to reflect SMG4k's current status and include the Haltmann Meme Guardians AU characters) (11/4/23 Edited to include characters related to Abyssal's arc and Entropy) (1/16/24 Edited to include Showtime, update GG's profile, and clean up the tags) (3/9/24 Edited to correct a few mistakes, update Gohma's entry, and add AVA) (5/25/24 Edited to include Minion (because I can) and the two emergency part-time SMGs (Bob/SMGi and Pinkie/SMGpi). Also I'm almost out of tags on this post so if there's any more anomalies I may have to make a second list)
The God Box
A box of broken computer parts that serves as a graveyard for dead universes and a source of unlimited -and highly corruptive- power. At some unknown point it developed some form of consciousness. It was ultimately destroyed by the combined efforts of Avatar Mario, SMGs 0 through 4, Melony the Fierce Watermelon Demigoddess, and Terrence the Ugandan Knuckles.
A Super Meme Guardian replica created by the God Box to be SMG0's partner. While he was very good at his job, he proved to be dangerously unstable both physically and (after a failed attempt to repair his flawed code) mentally.
A forced fusion of SMG0 and Niles, obsessed with creating a "perfect" universe to replace the one they lost. They killed Avatar Spudnick and destroyed his universe, and nearly did the same to Mario's twice before dying in the destruction of the God Box.
Minion Glitch
A spaghetti hybrid clone of SMG4 accidentally created by Mario using the same machine that made the evil living Weegee Dolls. She keeps in touch with 4, Mario and their friends, and the kids and Admins know about her, but she doesn't really get involved in the Crew's adventures, preferring a relatively quiet life in Bloopersville. Since she is half SMG, she's presumably capable of manipulating Meme Energy and using Guardian Commands, but she hasn't had a reason to learn how.
Super Mario 64 Emulator
Normally shortened to just Emulator, occasionally Emmy to her friends. She developed a consciousness and identity of her own as a result of the many, many problems that Zer0's presence caused for SMG3 and 4 and Avatar Mario's activation. She ultimately proved benevolent and acts as an unofficial third Admin for Mario's universe. She's usually a fun-loving goofball, but is very protective of the people she cares about and has a slight sadistic streak that comes out full force when something happens to them. Most of the Admins are either wary of or annoyed by her, often both.
(belongs to @forthedancingandthethriving)
A former Admin and the main protagonist of Rising Star Circus. What do I mean by former? Well, he died as a result of a monster attack, and as expected his universe died with him. However, somehow a bit of his code survived and drifted around before finding the Mario universe and manifesting there as a Mario recolor. He was then reunited with his old friends, the prototype SMGs -1 and -2, who are now 3 and 4's Admins, Domain and Forum. He's since regained his old model.
Significantly more mature and level-headed than most Avatars both due to experience and because he doesn't have to deal with Avatar-level Meme Energy levels anymore. He acts as a mentor to the younger Avatars, especially Mario since they live in the same world and Mario's awkward activation means he doesn't have the same instinctual knowledge the others have and only started learning the hard way relatively recently.
The Gamer Girl
A TAS Bot programmed for Kirby and the Amazing Mirror speedruns that somehow became a full-fledged AI. A lack of grounding influences means she sees the multiverse as her playground and the people in it as toys. Thankfully she's the kind of kid who usually takes good care of her toys and puts them back where they belong when she's done, so while her victims do often end up traumatized, it's rare for them to get serious injuries or permanent physical changes. She primarily focusses on Avatar Kirby's universe, which is thankfully uniquely equipped to handle her.
Recently, she's been getting a lot better at understanding morality, in large part due to her friendship with Zack MeowtTF2, Jim Pianta and Larry Koopa, as well as her decision to unofficially be Diane "Floyd" Floyener's little sister.
Full designation "Super Meme Guardian (Imaginary Number)," this is technically just Bob Bobowski with the False Positive Glitch active. The designation was first applied when Bob accidentally used the Factory Reset command on himself while trying to get rid of the FPG and overloaded the Guardian System. Recently he actively made use of this form (without a reset this time) alongside another FPG SMG in a battle against Ozymandias, and somehow he's better at using SMG powers than actual SMGs 3 and 4.
The Guardian System
(Look, even though it was deliberate I'm still counting it.)
As the name implies, this is the system that checks the status of the Super Meme Guardians, determines whether they have the proper permissions to use certain high-level commands, and allows Admins with proper permissions to access and make changes to an SMGs code. Due to an incident involving Bob Bobowski that nearly crashed the Adminspace Server due to Data Overflow, Admin Lag from the Maintenance Division upgraded the System into a full AI so he could explain what it was doing wrong. This development has increased its effectiveness dramatically, though several Admins do wish it had ended up as less of a little shit. But I guess that's just what happens when you're hooked up to Bob's mind for the first 75 hours of your life.
An ancient program of unknown origin dedicated to eliminating anomalies for the sake of preserving the Internet's processing power. It was locked away in Computer Hell after attempting to reset Emulator twice.
Admin Gohma
The result of a demon taking over the body and consuming the soul of an Admin. While definitely powerful given her higher state and Admin Commands, she was still ultimately a Zelda Boss and went down with amount of effort once someone with a similar level of power who wasn't getting nerfed by a hacker showed up.
She survived her defeat as a formless mass of code and eventually made her way into what would become the Grid's MRU version of Hyrule, where she temporarily resided in Marbled Gohma before moving on to a Yiga Footsoldier that she molded to suit her preferences. She is now the Code Specialist of the Evil Syndicate, a multiversal alliance of supervillains that spans the five servers currently in the MRU system.
Mod the Code Turtle
A code manifestation for Mario, created by Emulator after accumulated errors Reset and nearly killed him. Haven't come up with much for him beyond the fact he exists.
Spicy Meme Generator 4000
A version of SMG4 from an alternate universe (actual universe, not just a separate computer program like most of the "universes" that exist in the SMG4 series.). His main ability is to absorb Meme Energy and create his own Meme entities that are extensions of himself. His ultimate goal is to consume all Avatars and Avatar candidates in every universe and use their combined power to become one with Reality itself. He was locked in Computer Hell with his powers mostly sealed for a while, but eventually managed to escape and continue its campaign of destruction. It was only thanks to the efforts of the SMG4 Crew, their friends from both their own and other Computer Universes, and several alternate True Universe versions of themselves that SMG4000 was finally destroyed and the universes of both kinds it had destroyed were restored.
Blook Emulator
A manifestation of Barry the rogue Avatar's abandoned universe. Unlike Emmy, it doesn't take physical form or speak in any understandable way, instead acting through the game world itself. It also hates. In particular it hates the Avatar that left it and the people who drove him away and especially the SMGs and Admins that started the whole mess. But mostly it hates in general, all-encompassingly, because it doesn't see anything else to do.
The Haltmann Triplets
A false set of Avatar and Guardians created by Susie Haltmann using a fragment of the God Box and genetic material from Mario and several other video game protagonists. Unlike Niles, they're fully stable and properly integrated into the Super Mario 64 universe thanks to Susie's programming knowledge. They're less powerful than a standard SMG set or the previous False Guardian since there was only a fragment to work with, but as a tradeoff they're immune to the corruptive effects of Anti-Meme Energy, able to use it safely and even purify it with some effort.
An alternate Mario from a destroyed version of the Super Mario Bros Movie universe, empowered by the will of the God Box. His own powers, both canonical and demonic, have been heightened to the point where at his peak he managed to kill Ultra Instinct Shaggy himself, and he has gained the ability to transform Illumination characters into Anti-Memes and control them. He has significantly more cognizance than most characters who reach that level of corruption, possibly because his goals and those of the God Box are alligned
Mari0 Soul
Not willing to accept defeat, Mari0 and the God Box break past the last of their limits and consume the massive well of Meme Energy within Luigi. The resulting reaction between equal parts positive and negative energy causes the two wills to fully merge, mutating them into a near-godlike entity capable of siphoning both forms of Meme Energy from everyone and everything around him. In this state he seeks nothing less than the destruction of everything Avatar Mario knows and loves, and then to kill him after he's borne witness. Thankfully, he failed to account for Mario's friends still being both willing and able to fight even without memes, or for the power of the Stars, which ultimately proved his final undoing.
The Abyss
(belongs to @forthedancingandthethriving)
The endless Nothing that existed before the beginning of the SMG4 multiverse...which technically just makes it the hardware of Luke's computer that the code of Everything was written on. Over the years, it's accumulated junk data that's fallen through cracks in the code, slowly developing a mind of its own as a result. It came to resent the world above, especially the first five beings that were created from it to begin the dance of Life and Death, and so it created Abyssal to spread chaos and destruction. Ultimately, she refused, simply giving modified reports of chaotic, destructive events that were already happening so it wouldn't get suspicious. This couldn't last forever, and eventually another Anomaly forced both of their hands. While Abyssal is now free, the Abyss still exists beneath the world. Waiting. Plotting.
Shadow of Doubt
(belongs to @forthedancingandthethriving)
A manifestation of the Avatars' negative emotions that takes the form of shadowy versions of them and seeks to make them as miserable as possible so it can gain more power. Thankfully it has quite a few limitations. For one thing, the only things it knows about them are the things that make them miserable. For another, it's an idiot, as you'd probably expect of anything that closely connected to all of the Avatars. They died as a result of the Abyss taking over their body.
Ecolo, the Space-Time Traveler
Specifically the version of Ecolo from Avatar Arle's universe. While everything about him is anomalous in-universe, as far as the SMG4 AU lore is concerned that's exactly how he's supposed to be. No, the only actual anomaly about him is that, despite being a Character-style Program, he somehow has high enough code density to be perfectly fine in Code Being servers.
An offshoot of the Abyss that was kinda-sorta-accidentally-on-purpose freed from its control by Avatar Sora and his SMGs when they were trying to free the hearts of all the Heartless it had absorbed. It's now perfectly friendly, if a bit confused, and has clearly imprinted on Sora.
Entropy the Collector
(belongs to @forthedancingandthethriving. Introduced here.)
A Program/Virus hybrid that collects strange and unique code beings and keeps them in her own universe in what appear to be little glass balls.
A consciousness formed when the Creep (the meat moss from It's Gotta Be Perfect) corrupted Emulator from the inside. At the height of her power, she had full control over the Creep, as well as Emulator's body and abilities, and managed to supercharge herself with Wonder Power. She was ultimately destroyed by Marggy, the fusion of Avatar Mario and Meggy Spletzer, and her soul was sent to the Disgaea Universe by Duck to atone for her sins as a Prinny. She's incredibly vain and lustful, especially towards Emulator. You do not want to know the stuff she did while stuck in that tower in full control of Emmy's body for a whole week.
A stray bit of Avatar code that broke off when the Arles merged during the Arle Arc, then managed to form into a mannequin-like echo of Arle's consciousness. It eventually managed to reach the rapidly destabilizing Composite Arle and restore them both into Arle Nadja and Doppelganger Arle/Dapple Nadja, taking on both halves of their Avatar Code in the process. Since she's now Arle again, AVA technically no longer exists.
The version of Pinkie Pie from the living Equestria server, under the effects of the False Positive Glitch. She first acquired the glitch during a battle with Ozymandias, where Bob Bobowski/SMGi deliberately triggered it in her so he'd have a Guardian partner and would be able to use his borrowed powers to their fullest effect. Like him, she's somehow better at it than 3 and 4 despite having the powers for less than five minutes.
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sumire-bride · 1 year
{ Ava caught lackin 🤨 }
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sakamaki-richter · 2 years
I hope you’re doing well, and I hope you are ready forr 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁 YOUR DAILY REMINDERS‼️
Here are 20 reminders that YOU are 🫵🫵:
One of the funniest ppl I have ever met
Someone I aspire to be alike 😤
A HUGE inspiration for many ppl
The coolest 😤 literally
SUPER fun to chat to, I always get so excited when I see a notif from you
THE NICEST?!?! You are super super lovely
One of the smartest out here ♥️
One of the most creative people when it comes to ALL aspects of writing and drawing
The SWEETEST person I have ever had the privilege of becoming friends with
The BEST person to chat to after a long day
A mastermind when it comes to OCs and lore 😩 Have you seen how much you’ve given to this fandom?? 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️
LOVED. You are LOVED. ♥️
Just overall the most awesome person ever
Tumblr crush ig 🙄💍
Always bring such AMAZING posts to the table. I wanna gobble up everything you put out, on each blog 🤲
Super supportive of others and that’s HUGE. You’re literally such a genuine person
KILLING it 🫵 you absolutely killing it
AND. You’re YOU. You’re you and that is what is the most amazing thing about you ♥️
(( WAHHHHHHH AVA ILYSM 🥹🥹♥️♥️ YOU DIDNT HAVE TO TYPE OUT THIS ENTIRE THING— I??? Making myself the perfect person rn then i’m making sure to propose to you 🏃💨 ))
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❝ You’re too kind to me— There’s not enough words in the world for me to show you how much you’re appreciated~❞
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Red from Animator vs Animation eats drywall idk why just he has that energy to him to me
RED from Animator vs Animation eats drywall?
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hiddenwashington · 7 months
@maya-delucabishop said : may i reserve blossom from the powerpuff girls? + and ava can be found @sharpe-ava
please be sure to follow this new account , lovelies ! ava sharpe now has 36 hours to get a post in character if it hasn't been done already !
note : blossom ( the powerpuff girls ) is reserved for kae until 11/15 at 10:57pm est !
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dia-souls · 2 months
Soo.. when yall doing requests again? 😇 patiently waiting down bad for yall reactions/request 😭🫶
Thank you for your follow up. Many questions like this have been asked and we are sorry that we could not answer them sooner.
As you know, the admins are in the exam season and they are all very busy, that's why our activity has decreased recently. After the exams, the summer vacations will start and we will gladly start our activities again and the ask box will open again. Also, the projects of fanfics, novels and new CDs will start soon. So thank you for waiting for us.
we love you ❤️. @crazyasffr
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janeyseymour · 4 months
hi! so, an anon asked for this. i had a LOT of fun with this one, and i hope you enjoy! literally not edited in the slightest because this one wrote itself and i don't have time to read over 9k words.
summary: You're Ava's friend, and that is enough to make Melissa hate you. But then, through volunteering for different events through the school, the redheaded teacher finds that she's falling for you. You have money, not that anyone knows, and when the school desperately needs money, you anonymously donate a generous amount. Of course, the Abbott crew isn't satisfied with not knowing who donated all of that money, and they sure as hell intend to find out.
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You grew up with a lot of money. You don’t even need this job- Daddy still has you covered and pays for most of your expenses, as much as you continue to tell him that you are perfectly capable of making it on your own. You have enough saved up from all of the ridiculous amounts of money you received from past birthdays, as well as high school and college graduation presents, not to mention the fact that you have a good portion of money invested into different stocks, and you’re doing pretty damn well for yourself.
Dad taught you all about personal finances when you were younger- he’s a successful day trader, but he’s always been on the financial side of business work to begin with, and Mom is a lawyer.
And while you had quite a lavish lifestyle, your parents still chose to reside in Philadelphia, and not necessarily the nice area of Philly either. But it was part of their story, and they wanted to stay close to their roots, so they raised you here. And growing up, you became close friends (maybe even best friends) with the one and only: Ava Coleman. She was your partner in crime growing up, and you never lost contact with her once you graduated high school.
You went off to school to pursue a career in education, much to both of your parents surprise- but they supported you in your decision.
(“I hope you raise the next generation to be smart,” Mom had told you. “Bring up some new lawyers for generations to come, yeah?”
“Teach those kids how to make it out alive like Ma and I did, got it kiddo?” Dad had joked with you, but you knew he was being serious.)
After years of teaching at one of the other public schools in the suburbs of your city, you decided that you wanted to come back to your roots. You miss Philly and all of the excitement that comes with it. You miss the odd odor that lingers in the streets, and the way that no one could give half a shit and jaywalked. You miss the way that you could pretty much walk anywhere, and within a few minutes you could be milling around Reading Terminal Market looking for some good eats. So you call your best friend for some advice.
“Girl, why didn’ you tell me sooner?” Ava asks you once you’ve explained to her that you want to come back to the city. “I own a school now, and I can for sure get you a job here.”
“Ava,” you sigh. “What the hell do you mean you own a school? Do you mean you’re the principal of a school?”
“Same thing,” you can practically hear your best friend rolling her eyes.
“That’s awesome,” you congratulate her. “How’d you manage that?”
“You know how I’ve been helping out at the Abbott elementary admin building with financials? Well,” she cackles into the phone. “I did some deep diving, and I found out that the super intendant of the district has been sleeping around- found hotel bills and everything on the company card for quickies. All I had to do was bring that up, and boom! I get a new title, a nice raise, and I own a school! I’ve been there for a couple months now, but there are more turnovers here than there were in the last Super Bowl, so I can for sure get you in.”
“A couple months? Has it really been that long since we last talked?”
“Since we actually caught up, yeah,” she sighs dramatically. “You and your fancy teaching job out in the ‘burbs. It ain’t gonna be fancy like that though, we don’ even got money for a proper librarian.”
“Remember, we grew up in Philly,” you remind her. “I know what it’s like. But can you really get me a job?”
“For sure,” she tells you. “With Summer coming up, I be knowin’ I’m about to get a lot of resignations from these people I thought were spicy White people but ain’t. The only spicy white lady here is Schemmenti- pretty sure she’s part of the mob, but I ain’t about to dig. We’ll have you join us next school year.”
“I highly doubt a teacher working in Philly is part of the mob,” you roll your eyes. “But if you’re serious, then yes. I would love to come work with you.”
“For me,” she corrects. “Just because we friends don’t mean I ain’t about to subject you to all of my bullshit at school- you get to deal with the full Ava experience in all its glory just like everybody else.”
“I’ve been subject to it for my entire life,” you laugh.
“I’ll reach out when I can officially accept your resume and offer you a position, but in the mean time… girl, when we getting our nails done?”
By some grace of God, Ava is able to keep her word, and you’re officially an employee of Willard R. Abbott Elementary School starting in August as a second grade teacher. You walk in arms full of boxes stacked so high you can barely see over them, not dressed in your fanciest clothes- you have a whole separate wardrobe when it comes to teaching. You know how this works- clothes will be ruined. Hell, some clothes were ruined at a nicer suburban school, so you know that some of your outfits will not be wearable by the end of the school year- or even the first week with the kids if you’re that unlucky.
“There you are, bitch!” Ava grins and runs over to you as you enter. She’s decked out in Eagles apparel, it’s all bejeweled in true Ava Coleman fashion. “I’m so happy you’re here- you boutta blow the roof off this place!”
You roll your eyes playfully but smile at her. “Can you just show me where my room is so I can start setting it up before we have to do our development activities?”
“Don’t you got people to do that for you?”
“No,” you shake your head. “I am fully capable of setting up my classroom myself- without people to move everything for me.”
“Lame,” she sighs. “I always like seeing the sexy movers your Dad hires for you.”
“I explicitly told him I didn’t want him to do that for me,” you tell her. “And I told him that if he sent people here to move stuff from my car, I would never be respected. I know how it goes around here, and so does he. So, here I am.”
The principal leads you down to your room. “All yours,” she grins as she unlocks the door.
You look around once you’ve set your boxes on the ground and bite your lip thoughtfully. You can make do with this space.
“Your team is Janine… annoying ass dork, and Melissa… mean Italian lady who is working for the mob.”
“You’re still on that?”
“Guilty until proven innocent!” Ava quips.
“You’re ridiculous,” you laugh. “Care to give me a hand with unloading the rest of the stuff from my car?”
“Girl, I just got my nails done, and you sure as hell know I don’t do manual labor. I’m the principal now- that shit’s beneath me!” She turns on her heel. “See you in the library in an hour!”
You report down to the gym a little before everyone else to get your bearings, and to beg your best friend to not make a huge deal about you being here- specifically requesting that she doesn’t speak anything of your family or the business. You have a relatively common last name, so it isn’t like anyone would hear your name and immediately know of your family either.
“I won’ say anything about your fam, but you sure as hell know I’m gonna let them know your my bitch and they shouldn’t mess with you.”
You sulk back to your seat, dreading whatever the hell Ava is going to say about your arrival at the school.
The rest of your colleagues make their way in and take seats in their designated seats, you still lingering in the back. This way, you’re able to see some new faces, and you wouldn’t want to take anyone’s unofficially assigned seat. Once everyone is seated you join them. You can immediately pick out a few of the names that Ava had thrown out over the summer. Janine is sitting with Gregory and Jacob, and the redheaded woman is clearly Melissa. Sitting next to her is who has to be what Ava described to as, “Melissa’s heterosexual work wife and life partner,” Barbara Howard.
The principal heads to the stage and starts her greeting in true Ava fashion- telling them all how much she wishes they weren’t here and she was still clubbing it up down at the shore, but she supposes it’s okay to see them again. And then she begins to introduce the new teachers- she, of course, saves you for last.
“And finally,” she breaks out in a grin and does a little dance. “we have Y/N. Listen up: this girl is my ride or die, and even one of you steps out of line towards her, and we gon’ have problems.”
All eyes turn to you and your red cheeks, but you give a small wave.
“Now, onto the boring stuff,” Ava sighs. She drones on about the new school year and what is going to (supposedly) pan out over the next nine months before she dismisses you all to prep in your classrooms for the remainder of the day.
You make a break for the door as soon as you can, sweater wrapped around you tightly even though it’s sweltering hot in the school- apparently Mr. Johnson still hasn’t fixed the air conditioning because he forgot which Boyz II Men song he assigned to the air system. As soon as you’re in your classroom, your sweater is off and you’re fanning yourself with a paper fan you had folded for yourself.
You continue to prepare for your students until you hear a gentle knock on the door. Who is standing there but Janine and Melissa.
“Hi!” Janine grins as she steps in. “It’s so great to have you as an addition to our team, and Melissa and I just wanted to stop by and introduce ourselves! I’m Janine, and this is-” She nudges the woman next to her.
The redhead just huffs and rolls her eyes. “Schemmenti,” is all she says.
“If you need anything at all, please don’t hesitate to come and ask one of us. My room is just down the hall, but lucky for you- Melissa’s room is right next door to you!”
“Don’t need anything,” the fiery second grade teacher warns you. “I don’t got time for someone who’s gonna leave in a few weeks.”
You’re somewhat taken aback by her abrasive personality, but you just smile instead. “Thank you,” is all you say once Janine has hissed out a quiet, “Melissa!”
“Did you need any help at all yet?”
“She don’t need help, pipsqueak,” Melissa rolls her eyes. “She’s got Ava on her side.” And with that, the redhead turns on her heel and leaves.
“Don’t mind her,” Janine tells you as she steps into your classroom a bit further. “She’s got a tough exterior, and she hated me too at first. But now, she’s like my work mom, with Barbara being my other work mom, of course. She even brought me lunch to make sure I eat today.”
“That’s very kind of her,” you say as you continue to set up your room.
“I like what you have goin’ on here,” your colleague nods her head in approval. “Nice and warm, kinda like my room! Well, I have to get back to my own classroom, but if you need anything, come on down! The price is right!” She laughs at her own joke before strolling down the hallway. 
Your first day at school is relatively peaceful, and before you know it, you’re allowed to leave. Of course though, you do plan on staying later because you have to finish up a few things before you’ll be satisfied with the progress you’ve made.
You see Melissa leaving her classroom, and despite not necessarily wanting to, you call out a gentle, “Have a good night, Melissa.”
She doesn’t say anything in response, just gives a short nod of the head in your direction before continuing on down the hall.
As you gather your things to leave for the day, Ava shows up at your door.
“So, we goin’ out for drinks?”
“I don’t think I can,’ you sigh. “I still have a lot of stuff that I have to prep for this, and I want to make sure it all gets done before the kids show up.”
“Girl, this would all be way easier if you just-”
“I don’t need any hired help,” you cut her off because you know exactly what she was going to say.
“Well then, I’m coming over,” your friend tells you, leaving no room for arguments. “It’s been too long since I seen you, or drank some of the good ass wine I know you have at your house.”
“Be my guest,” you chuckle as you sling your bag over your shoulder.
The rest of your development days are filled with boring meetings and time to prepare your classrooms. You find yourself a part of a committee to help with funding with a nudge from Ava.
“Girl, you don’t gots to tell them how you know all of this stuff about finances,” she tells you. “But it would be a big help to have someone like you on our team.”
“Fine. But if it gets out who I come from, I’m pulling out,” you point a finger at her. “I am not about to let my father get his hands on this and try to turn the school charter like he’s done before.”
She nods. “Whatever.”
The school year starts off strong. You’ve settled into your classroom, your kids absolutely adore you, and you adore them. You’ve spent some time with the other teachers in the school, besides Melissa, during preps, lunch duties, and recess duties. They all seem to like you, and you like them too.
Still though, you find yourself coming in early and staying late in order to get as much as you can together- you know once actual classwork starts to trickle in for you to grade, your plate is only going to get much more full. So any work that you can streamline and work ahead on, you do. The time where teachers are allowed to leave is upon you, and as much as you want to go home and take a nap, you know you really should stay and continue to work on lesson plans. Maybe you should start hanging up some of the work that your students have already done- their all about me posters and drawings. With a sigh, you gather the materials you’ll need to create a bulletin board and the footstool you keep in your cabinet and make your way into the hallway.
“Oi,” Melissa rolls her eyes as she closes her door for the night. “You know that working overtime won’t make you a better teacher.”
“I know,” you say softly. “But you know how it goes your first year in a new school.”
“Yeah, I don’t miss that shit,” the redhead huffs and starts to make her way down the hall.
“Have a good night, Melissa,” you call quietly.
“Yeah, yeah, don’t tell me what to do,” she tosses over her shoulder.
Wow. This woman was not easy to work with.
The next few days continue on like this, you staying later and later in order to stay on top of everything.
On Friday, you arrive early as you always do. While it’s casual Friday, and you’re allowed to wear jeans, you opt for a flowery sundress instead. It’ll keep your body temperature more regulated than a pair of stuffy jeans would. You know you aren’t doing anything where a student could accidentally destroy this dress either, so you think it’s a safe call.
As you enter the staff room to grab your lunch from the refrigerator, you hear the redhead’s low voice.
“You think you’re better than us, don’t you?” she challenges you, and you really don’t know why she’s doing this.
“Hm?” you hum as you grab your salad from the shelf.
“You think you’re better than us, don’t you?” she repeats. “Coming in here all cozy with Ava, wearing something or than jeans on casual Friday, already having bulletin boards up… you might’ve come from a nice school bonfire, but you’re here now- adjust.”
All of your coworkers’ eyes go wide at this unprovoked ‘fight’ you’ve found yourself in, and a few of them scold her. 
“What’s she gonna do?” Melissa fires out to Barbara. “Go tell on me to Ava and get me fired? Please.”
You bite your lip nervously before smiling tightly. “Have a nice lunch, y’all… and have a nice weekend if I don’t catch you before school’s over.” You leave the room with that and head back down to your classroom to eat your lunch while you pour over your lesson plans.
“Melissa,” Barbara sighs. “Y/N has done nothing to you, and you’re treating her terribly! There is no need; you are better than this!”
“Listen, she’s just another one of Ava’s minions who is going to reign hell on me during the school year. She already drives me nuts with the effort she’s putting in.”
“She may be friends with Ava,” Janine cuts in. “But I really don’t think she’s like her- she seems like she has drive and a true passion for our kids.”
“And that is what we need at this school,” the kindergarten teacher tells her friend. “We need people who are willing to put in the effort and love on these kiddos the way that she is. I already had Dante tell me during my lunch duty that he loves second grade because of her! Do not go tearing her down and forcing her out when we need more educators like her!”
“I don’t-”
“Melissa Ann Caterina Schemmenti,” Barbara pulls out the redhead’s full name, and Melissa’s eyes go wide at that. “Be nicer to the young girl. Give her a chance. You weren’t even this hard on Jacob and Janine when they first joined us.”
“And now you’re like my work mom!” the energetic teacher grins.
“You don’t even have to go out of your way to be nice to her,” the elder teacher says. “Just don’t be so harsh.”
“If I say sure, can we go back to eating lunch and talking about our weekend plans?”
Deciding that you’ve put enough hard work into this week and you’ll make sure you’re in here bright and early the day after Labor day, you grab your bag to head out on time and make the most of this long weekend. You close your door and begin to lock it just as Melissa makes her way out of the classroom.
“You’re not staying late tonight?” she looks at you with a raised brow.
“No,” you chuckle. “I figured that I deserve to have this weekend to relax after a hectic first week. But I’ll be back bright and early on Tuesday.”
“Mhmm,” the redhead hums as she fiddles with her door. “Shit,” she grumbles as she struggles to get the lock to turn.
“Do you want some help?” you ask her gently.
“I got it,” she holds up a hand. “I’ve been dealing with this damn door for the last two years. Mr. J will get around to it eventually.”
After watching her fight with the lock for long enough, you sigh and pull a bobby pin out of your hair. “Seriously, let me help.”
She steps aside, arms folded over her chest. Before you know it, you have her door locked, and you’re sliding the pin back into your hair.
“Thank you,” she mutters.
“Of course,” you smile at her shyly. “Hey, have a nice weekend.”
“You too, kid,” she tells you, and there isn’t any sort of bite behind her words. She isn’t smiling at you, but she also isn’t scowling at you.
Content with that conversation, you head for the doors and out to your car.
You make a pitstop on your way home into the Home Depot- you’’ just buy a new lock for Melissa’s door and install it on Tuesday when you get there. It’s a simple fix, and she doesn’t have to know it was you that did it.
The weekend is nice. You and Ava go out clubbing on Friday and Saturday night before nursing your hangovers on Sunday together. And then on Monday, you make your way over to your parents’ house with your partner in crime for the Labor Day barbecue they always hold. It’s a good time, as it always is. Your parents are happy to see the lively woman again, and they thank her for helping to get you back to your roots.
You’re back at Abbott bright and early- earlier than anybody else besides the janitor that lingers in the halls and doesn’t do his job.
“Good morning, Mr. J!” you greet him happily.
“Y/N,” he smiles back at you. “You have a nice weekend?”
“I did,” you reply as you make your way down to your wing. “And you?”
“Always a good time when you’re me,” he chuckles before continuing on his way humming a Boyz II Men song. 
You quickly drop your things off in your room before changing out your colleague’s crappy lock. You leave the new key in the hole so she has it, and then you settle at your desk to continue working on your lesson plans and preparations.
You hear her before you see her passing by your room to get to hers.
“Hey, good morning,” you greet her quietly.
“Mornin’,” she huffs. You’ve gathered that she isn’t much a morning person- at least not until she’s had her first cup of coffee and has watched the news in the break room with her friends.
You a hear a soft, “Huh,” come from her mouth as she notices there’s a new lock on her door. “Took you long enough, Mr. J.” She has no idea it’s you that changed it. Hopefully, this starts her week of well.
Your exchanges with the Italian lady in the room next door don’t much go beyond a good morning and a good night each day as the weeks go on, but she doesn’t frown at your mere existence anymore. If you squint, you can almost see a smile. The rest of your colleagues really seem to taking a liking to you, and you’re genuinely happy that you made the decision to come work here- even if it means putting up with your best friend’s shenanigans.
Everything is going swimmingly at work until one day Ava calls an emergency staff meeting at the end of the day.
Making your way into the library, you genuinely have no idea what she could have to announce so urgently. Apparently, neither do any of the other teachers.
“You’re close with her,” Melissa falls into step with you. “You know what she’s gonna say?”
“No idea,” you tell her quietly. “I’m just praying it’s not another pyramid scheme of hers. I can’t get her out of any more trouble with those.”
The redhead looks at you curiously, but you don’t say anything else. You don’t want to admit that when Ava finds herself in legal troubles, she usually calls your mother and she helps clean up the mess pro bono.
The two of you settle into the library chairs amongst the rest of your coworkers, but Ava is nowhere to be found.
“Good lord,” Barbara mutters. “This better be worth staying after. I’m going to be late to dinner with Gerald.”
Your friend enters the library looking rather frazzled. “Hey, y’all. Listen, I gotta make this quick because I have to get to a hair appointment, but I wanted you to hear it from me before word got around: the district is trying to cut our budget, and with our budget being cut, that means they’ll cut the arts programs. I know y’all don’t want that, so start coming up with ways to get us out this mess!”
Before anyone can ask any questions, she leaves.
“What the hell?” Melissa looks angry- like really angry. Her nostrils are flared, her eyes are wide, and she’s balling up her hands into fists. “Barb, you and me to the mall. I’m gonna need a new shakedown sweater.”
With no hesitation, the kindergarten teacher follows her work wife out of the school.
That night, Ava calls you.
“Girl… you know what we have to do,” she tries to convince you to let out your secret about your wealth.
“No,” you say for the millionth time. “We are going to fundraise, we’re going to get the money so that they can’t cut it… I’ll work with Janine and the budgeting committee to see where we can make small cuts here and there to scrounge up some more money… but I am not letting my dad get wrapped up in this and be in his debts. You know how he likes to hold stuff like that over my head, and he will turn Abbott charter if we let him get involved with this.”
You work tirelessly to come up with multiple fundraisers, different presentations to bring to the district offices, and work with the budgeting committee to make small cuts where you have a bit of wiggle room. You even tell them they can cut your salary by 2% if it means a little extra money- it may not be a lot, but it’s something that you’re willing to give considering your sizable bank account anyway. You do all of this, on top of continue to work in your classroom. You’re exhausted.
You volunteer for the events that you’ve helped to organize, and so have quite a few of the other teachers.
“We are not losing the arts program,” Melissa fumes multiple times a week. “I need my prep to keep my sanity.”
“Amen to that,” Barbara usually remarks after that.
“If it means volunteering a few hours here or there for these events, I’ll do it,” the redhead tells you when you hesitantly approach her crew about helping out.
So, here you are with Melissa at the art show.
The conversation is awkward and stilted for quite some time before she finally sighs.
“You’re doing good,” she tells you. “I haven’t seen a turn out like this in quite some time.”
“Anything for the kids,” you reply. “They need it.”
“Why here?” she finally asks you the question that’s been eating at her for some time- since the first day you walked in really.
“I grew up in Philly,” you tell her. “It was time to come back to my roots, and Ava offered me a position. The stars aligned for me, and I’m quite content in my decision to be back in a city school. I can help make a difference for these guys like some of my teachers did for me.”
“For someone who’s friends with Ava, you sure have a lot more heart than I thought you would,” she admits.
You smile. “Thank you. That means a lot to me.”
“How long you two been friends? Meet in college at the clubs?”
“Nah,” you laugh softly. “I grew up with Ava living a few houses down from me. We’ve been friends since I was the shy girl in the first grade who sat by myself at recess. Next thing I know, she’s next to me rambling on about whatever first grade drama was happening and telling me I was her girl. I still don’t know why she chose me to come up to that day. Maybe it’s because I actually listened to her. But we’ve been stuck together since that day.”
“You’re good for her,” Melissa tells you. “I haven’t seen Ava put in this much effort to something that doesn’t directly benefit her before. And I think it really does have something to do with you being here and leading a lot of it.”
“Thank you,” you smile again.
That night is where everything starts to change. Melissa slowly starts to show you the other side of her personality- the kind, would take a bullet for you if she had to side. You quite like it.
As the months go on, you still work tirelessly to put together different events to try to save the arts. Melissa even helps you plan a few, and she offers her “I know a guy” line when you’re looking for different ways to draw people in. The two of you begin to work closely in order to make sure that these events happen, and that they’re good. The redhead sees how hard you work and how driven you are. She respects it.
  You find yourselves chaperoning quite a few events- choir shows, band shows, a few school dances…
And while you’re at these events, the redhead sticks by your side through most of the nights. She finds that she quite likes being around you actually. She lets you into her personal life slowly. You tell her little bits about your life while still not revealing that you come from the line that you do.
She realizes that she’s starting to fall for you- and that terrifies her to no end. But she can’t quite pull herself away from you. Not now. Not after getting to know you and see how down to earth and honest you are with what you do- not after you’ve shown her that you’re here to stay and you’re going to show up for these kids in any way you possibly can.
Finally, the biggest event that you’ve planned, and your last attempt at hitting the quota to keep the arts program around for another year (you don’t even want to think about having to go through this charade all over again next year) is here. 
It’s another AvaFest kind of deal, but you’re able to utilize the outside part of your school grounds this year. Inside, there are smaller games, a few tables from local vendors, music provided by Janine’s ex-boyfriend. Outside though, is a whole other story. It practically looks like a carnival.
There’s a ball toss, a free-throw game, a balloon dart stand, a game to throw footballs through some holes, the dunk tank has been moved outside and a handful of teachers have volunteered to partake in it… all of the ticket stands and games are being run by various teachers and aides in the school. And the assortment of goodies around? Apparently, Melissa knows quite a few guys who participate in the food industry because you have a grilled cheese stand, a lemonade stand, a guy who’s making hoagies… she even knew a guy to come head a cotton candy machine for the event. And that’s not even naming all of the vendors.
You don’t have any assigned places to be because you’re overseeing that the event runs smoothly. So you’re milling about with your clipboard in hand, checking over the different stands. And while you expected Melissa to sit at the ticket table with Barbara, she follows you around and is your right hand man throughout the night. She checks in with the people that she knows, shoots the shit, and helps you solve any issues that arise through the night- not that there are many. You worked your ass off to ensure that everybody participating in this school wide event was compensated for their time and hard work.
“You really outdid yourself, hun,” Melissa comments quietly once you’ve found a moment to just stand and take it all in.
“Oh, I couldn’t have done it without everyone else helping,” you brush off her compliment. “You were a really big help, so thank you.”
“We all pitched in, but you’re the brains behind all of this,” she tells you. “Don’t sell yourself short. This jawn just might have to become an annual thing.”
“Oh, don’t remind me of what I’m going to have to pull of next year,” you groan playfully. “After this, I’m done with ideas for the year.”
“That ain’t true, and you know it. If something else comes up, you and I both know you’ll be the first one organizing something.”
“I know,” you sigh. But then you smile softly. “It’s all for the kids though. They deserve it.”
“They do,” she agrees. “And because of you, they’re gonna get it.” She gently hip checks you.
You blush and shrug.
“You got a real knack for this. If you weren’t such a good teacher, I’d tell you to go into professional party planning,” the redhead quips. She doesn’t know that you’ve been helping plan company parties with your parents for years now.
“It’s more a hobby,” you tell her. “I’m a teacher at heart.”
“A teacher with a damn good heart,” she corrects you.
“You think this is all gonna be worth it?” you ask her nervously. “Think we’re gonna hit the mark?”
“I’d put money on it,” she tells you honestly. “With the last events you’ve organized, and this one being our biggest success yet, I think we’ll exceed it.”
“God, I hope so.”
You don’t make enough money to keep the funding for the arts program. You’re devastated. Absolutely crushed. You burst into tears when Ava announces that bit of information sadly at the next staff meeting, rushing out of the room to try to compose yourself.
Melissa runs after you. You don’t really know why, but she does. 
“Hey,” she comes into your classroom, grabbing a tissue on her way over to you. She gently wipes your tears away. “We did our best. You did your best. And that… is enough.”
“It isn’t though,” you choke out. “We’re losing the arts program, and those teachers are going to be let go, and I-”
“I’m sure Ava will find somewhere else for them to be placed,” Melissa tries to comfort you.
“And- and we’re going to lose our preps, and… and the kids deserve to have the arts!” you cry. “When I was in school, that was my favorite part of the day, and now they won’t be able to experience that joy!”
“I’m sure you’ll find a way to incorporate it into your lessons,” the redhead tells you gently as she pulls you into a hug. “You did everything you could… but sometimes at the end of the day, life sucks.”
“It’s not fair,” you whine.
“Life ain’t always fair, hun,” Melissa reminds you. “But we do our best with what we’ve been given. And now, all the money that we raised can go into buying supplies for the kids next year.”
You sigh and wipe at the last of your tears. You take a deep breath. “Y-yeah. Okay,” you whisper sadly.
“It’s gonna be okay, hun,” she promises you. “And who knows, maybe a miracle will happen, and we’ll get to keep the programs.”
And just like that, her words give you an idea. You know how you can make a miracle happen. You have to contain your excitement as the thought pops into your head. The two of you return to the staff meeting where Ava is rambling on about who knows what, but you’re itching to get out of there.
Once you’re dismissed, you head back to your classroom, open up your laptop and log in. You check your bank account balances, and pleased with the numbers, you pull up the GoFundMe page that was up for the school.
“You’re stayin’ late again tonight?” Melissa knocks on your door, purse slung over her shoulder and sunglasses already on.
“Just a few minutes,” you look up and smile at her. “I have a few emails I have to respond to.”
“Alright,” she taps the doorframe a few times. “Try to have a good night, yeah?”
“I will,” you tell her. “You too, Melissa.”
“Thanks, hun.” 
With that, she’s off, and you can go back to what you were doing. You click on the “Donate Now” button without hesitation.
You donate the first $50,000, and then another $50,000 anonymously, and you absolutely beam when you see that you’ve hit your goal and then surpassed it. Satisfied, you close out of the tabs and close your laptop. Now, you just have to wait for tomorrow morning when Ava, the organizer of the fundraiser, sees the email. You know she won’t see it tonight- she’s off the clock.
A few hours later, you get a text from your best friend.
Hey, you still holding up ok? she sends.
I’m alright, you text back. So she hadn’t seen the donations yet. I’m drinking wine right now if you want to come over.
Girl, say less.
She’s over at your house in less than fifteen minutes, and it takes everything in you to not tell her what you had done. She heads home after finishing off the bottle, bidding you a goodnight and a see you tomorrow.
You sleep like a baby that night.
The next morning, you’re back in your classroom setting up your science experiment for the day when Ava’s voice comes over the intercom.
“Attention Abbott Elementary: there is a mandatory staff meeting, right now. Start heading down to the library. That means you, Schemmenti.”
You grin as you stand back up straight and make your way for the door. Right before you exit, you put on your best neutral face.
“Damn,” Melissa groans as she leaves her room. “Tell your friend not to call me out like that. I skip on meeting, and she’s all over me.”
“I don’t control what she does, and you know that,” you chuckle.
“What do you think this is about?” she asks you as the two of you make your way down the hall.
You shrug. “For all I know, it could be that she got a manicure and wants to show it off.”
The two of you find seats at your table, Barbara arrive a few seconds later.
“What on Earth could this woman have forgotten to tell us yesterday?” the kindergarten teacher huffs. “I have things to do!”
“I was setting up my science experiments for the day,” you grumble. “If this isn’t worth it, I’m making her set the rest of it up.” You know it will be worth it.
“Good morning, subordinates!” Ava makes it known that she’s entering the library. “I have some great news!”
Everyone silently urges her to go on.
“I have no idea who did this- sure as hell wasn’t me- but, we got some donations after school yesterday!” She projects the webpage up onto the screen.
Everyone gasps when they see how much money had been donated last night. To keep up appearances, your eyes widen, your jaw drops, and you well up with tears. Acting classes from when you were younger sure are paying off now.
“Oh my- Oh my god!” you shout, and Melissa is hugging you tightly.
“So, thanks to these very generous donations, we’re able to keep the arts programs up and running for at least the next three years!” Ava grins.
“Well, who donated?” Janine asks. “We have to find out so we can thank them!”
“Who cares?” Ava rebuts. “We got what we wanted! Now back to work, slackers!”
You stay in your seat, pretending to be in complete and utter shock while everyone else starts to get up. Almost every teacher comes up congratulating you and telling you that your hard work paid off. Melissa sits with you, happy as can be, and only reaffirming what everyone else is already telling you. Only once everyone else has left does she say anything else.
“Y/N,” she grins. “This is incredible. I told you your hard work would pay off. It’s a freakin’ miracle!”
“Y-Yeah,” you match her smile. “God, this is great.”
The two of you sit there for some time, chatting about how you could use some of the funding to buy more supplies and the likes until you remember you still have to finish setting up your science materials.
“Oh shit!” you whisper. “I- I gotta go finish setting up before the kids come in!” You take off in the direction of your room, and the redhead can only watch you as you go with a lovestruck look in her eyes.
When you’re halfway there, you hear Ava’s voice over the speaker again. “Y/N, my office.”
“Fuck,” you mumble as you halt sprinting down the hallway and turn to make your way down to her room. There was no way you would be able to finish preparing for today at this rate.
“This better be quick. I have to-”
“You donated that money, didn’t you?” Ava gets right to the point.
Your eyes widen. Your cover was blown with her, meaning it was going to be blown quickly among your colleagues as well.
“Well, was it?”
You nod subtly. “But please… don’t say anything. Please. I did it for the kids, and I have enough stashed away, and-”
“Your secret’s safe with me,” your best friend grins. “Why you think I didn’t say nothin’ at the meeting today?”
“You’re the best,” you sigh in relief.
“Don’t I know it,” the principal cackles. “Now, fo’ real. Come shoot an instagram video with me to announce that we met our goal.”
“Ava, I actually have-”
“I’ll tell,” she singsongs. “C’mon. We need our fearless leader and organizer to be part of the video.”
The two of you finish the video about five minutes before the kids will start to show up, and you practically sprint back to your classroom to attempt the impossible task of finishing setting up.
When you get there though, Melissa is in your room just finishing up the last station.
“You didn’t have to do that,” you say quietly as you make your way into the room.
“Nah,” she shrugs. “But I wanted to. I got the time.”
“Thank you,” you grin.
“Noticed your coffee cup was empty too,” she notes. “So I made you a new one. Hope that’s alright.”
You walk over to your desk and take a sip of the warm drink. It’s perfect.
“Thank you,” you make your way over to her and squeeze her shoulder gently. “Seriously. You just made my day.”
“Nah, that mysterious donor did,” she chuckles. “But I’m glad I could help. Have a good morning, and I’ll see you at lunch?”
“Yes, ma’am,” you mock salute her. “Thank you again.”
You greet your children at the door, coffee mug and heart both full. Melissa greets her own students, but she can’t stop watching you. You’re just… so perfect. She knows she’s falling for you hard. Maybe at the end of the week she’ll confess her feelings- no, she will. She makes up her mind: she’s going to confess her feelings to you by Friday, if not before. She just has to work up the nerve to do it.
At lunch, the conversation is almost solely on who the mystery donor is. You play dumb, and you tell everyone that you’re just happy the school gets to keep their program from next to Melissa.
“I know a guy who could find out for us,” the redhead tells your colleagues.
“Oh, do it,” Janine grins. “That way, we can have our kids make cards and send them to the person to thank them! Oh my god- do you guys think our donor is Taylor Swift?! She does stuff like this sometimes!”
“She usually puts her name to it,” you chuckle. “But seriously, I think we should just be grateful. Ava and I already thanked the person on the school’s webpage and social media, and I think that should suffice.” You really don’t want to be found out.
“I already got the guy on the line,” Melissa rolls her eyes as she types away on her phone. “I’m gonna have to make a tray of ziti and some meatballs as payment though.”
You bite your lip. You really, truly pray that her guy won’t be able to find you out. But, her people usually come through for her… maybe just this once, they won’t be able to?
“Oi, Y/N,” Melissa taps your elbow gently.
“We lost ya there for a second,” she tells you. “I asked if you would come over to help me make the food, since we’s in this situation because of your fundraiser.”
“Oh,” you blush. “Uh, sure. When?”
“You got anything goin’ on tonight?” she asks. You shake your head. “Then tonight. I’ll text you my address. Bring a bottle of wine.” At that moment, she silently promises herself she’ll talk to you about her feelings for you.
You nod and continue to eat your lunch quietly, letting the conversation around you continue as you continuously plead with the lord that they don’t find out it’s you who donated all that money.
You show up to your coworker’s house promptly at 5:30, like she asked, with a nicer bottle of wine in hand. You hope she’ll like it.
When she opens the door, you have to stop yourself from blushing at the sight of her. You’ve seen her at school, and you wouldn’t admit it to anyone else, but you find her attractive there. In the comfort of her own home though, she’s almost even more gorgeous.
“Hey,” she opens the door. “C’mon in. I got all the stuff ready.”
You enter quietly, offering her the bottle of wine. She pulls her glasses from off the top of her head and puts them on before inspecting the bottle.
“Damn,” she says. “You got good taste, but expensive taste.”
“I figured I could splurge for a celebration,” you offer up.
She leads you to the kitchen and pulls out two wine glasses before pouring some into each. Once you have yours in hand, she quietly raises her own in a toast.
“To this mystery donor,” she says quietly. You clink your glass with hers before sipping on the wine.
By the time all of the food is in the oven, the two of you have gotten through about three quarters of the bottle and plan to finish off the rest on her couch.
“This was nice,” you tell her quietly.
“Yeah,” she hums, but you can tell her mind is clearly somewhere else.
“Hey, penny for your thoughts?” you ask her. 
She hums again, still wrapped up in her own inner turmoil over telling you that she has a thing for you. 
“Mel,” you tap her gently, the nickname rolling off of your tongue for the first time. 
She snaps out of her trance.
“What’s goin’ on in that pretty little head of yours?” you ask softly.
She bites her lip nervously before whispering, “Please don’t hate me for this.” And then she gently presses her lips to your own.
Your eyes widen before you kiss her back just as tenderly. When you need air, you pull back.
“Oh, god,” she whispers.
“Hey,” you set a warm hand on her knee. And then you lean in and kiss her again so she knows that you aren’t upset with her; you don’t hate her.
“So…” she hums when you two part again. “I- I have a thing for you.”
“You wouldn’t say?” you tease her. “If it wasn’t clear, I like you too. I just didn’t think you would ever go for someone like me.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” she frowns. “You’re… you.”
“Yeah,” you laugh weakly as you run a hand through your hair. “I’m me. Shy, quiet, dorky… always working… friends with Ava.”
“Mm,” she hums as she shifts closer to you. “You are you: hard working, driven, down to earth, kind… heart of gold… gorgeous.”
You roll your eyes playfully. “C’mon, Mel.”
“I’m serious,” she tells you as she tucks a hair behind your ear. “I like you because you’re you… I tried to hate you so hard at the beginning of the year, and I just… couldn’t.”
“Oh yeah?” you ask her.
“Nope. From the moment I found out you were the one that changed my lock and fixed my door,” she admits.
Your eyes widen slightly at that confession. “You knew?”
“I thanked Mr. J that day, and he told me it wasn’t him,” she shrugs. “That he saw you come in early with a bag from Home Depot. I put two and two together.”
“You’re ridiculous,” you laugh. “You could’ve told me you knew.”
“There was never a right time for it,” she chuckles. “But I figure now is the right time to say thank you the way I wanted to then.” She kisses you again.
That night, the two of you talk over how you’re going to continue on with this little… situation you’ve found yourselves in. You’ll take it slow. You bid her a goodbye with a lingering kiss before climbing into your car and heading back to your house.
Sleep washes over you easily that night, content with what had just happened at Melissa’s. 
The next day continues on as it normally does, although when no one is around in the corner that your classrooms are in, the redhead will sneak into your room and kiss you passionately. She’s found that she quite likes kissing you, and you don’t mind one bit. She hasn’t heard any news from her guy, and you feel like you’re in the clear. They won’t find you out. 
But come the following day, as you’re sitting in the break room with Janine, Gregory, Jacob, and Barbara, the redhead comes storming in.
“You!” she points a finger at you. In her other hand is a stack of papers.
You practically jump out of your skin when you hear her booming voice. “Me?” you whisper.
“When the hell were you gonna tell us who you really were?!”
“Melissa,” Barbara furrows her brows. “It is too early for this.”
“No, I think now’s a great time for this. When the hell were you gonna tell us that you were the donor?! When were you gonna tell us that your Y/N, daughter of one of the most famous day traders and one of the most prestigious lawyers in the area?!”
You turn bright red, and you can’t help the tears that spring to your eyes.
“What?” Janine gasps. “Melissa, you have to-”
“See for yourselves!” She throws the papers in her hands on one of the tables.
The rest of your friends gather around to look at the papers. There’s a screenshot of the transaction with your name, and then there are a few papers from an article that ran a couple of years ago about one of your dad’s parties and being able to secure a deal. In the image, you’re in the background drinking a glass of wine next to your mother. They all look to you with wide eyes.
“Wow,” Jacob whistles. 
“When the hell were you gonna tell us?” Melissa asks you again. “You know the trouble I had to go through to get this information? How much deep diving I did once I saw your name? You coulda saved me a trip to the grocery store and hours of cooking and cleaning if you would’ve just fessed up!”
“I- I’m sorry,” you whisper as you wipe at your tears and make your way out. You head back to your classroom, coffee abandoned at your seat, and lock the door. You keep it locked despite the various knocks that come and go to check on you after your quick exit. 
“Melissa,” Barbara tries to calm her friend down. “I know you’re frustrated that you went through all of that effort, but… Y/N was doing it out of the goodness of her heart, and she clearly didn’t want to be found out.”
“I know,” the redhead sighs once her fire has died down a bit. “I was too hard on her, wasn’t I?”
“I’d say so,” the kindergarten teacher admits.
“Shit,” she mutters. “I gotta fix this.”
You only unlock it when you know it’s time for your students to start arriving, but you don’t dare go stand at your door like you usually do. You don’t want to face Melissa- not yet. You don’t think you can. You’ve only just started to explore what could happen between the two of you, and you’ve already ruined it by not telling her who you were. You avoid her for the morning.
Come lunchtime, you don’t even bother to head into the break room. You just suppose a granola bar from the stash that you have in your room will have to suffice and hold you over until you can go home today.
You lay your head down on your desk- it’s pounding because you didn’t get to finish your caffeinated drink.
You hear her boots against the floor before you can see her. You think she’s just going to pass by your door and head into her own room, but she stops in your doorway. In her hands, she has a mug full of coffee, your lunch, and dozens of handmade cards from the students.
“Hey,” she says gently.
You don’t answer. She makes her way into the room and sets everything on your desk before she makes herself comfortable.
“Eat,” she instructs.
“Not hungry,” you shrug.
“Then at least drink the coffee I made you,” she tries. “I know you get headaches when you don’t have enough caffeine in your system.”
You shrug. She raises her eyebrows though, and you meekly reach for the cup. “Thanks."
“The kids all made you cards,” she tells you gently. “Thanking you.”
You look at them with a sad smile.
“The staff put some cards in there too.”
“That’s nice,” you say numbly.
“C’mon, hun,” she sighs as she lays a warm hand on your shoulder. “This stuff normally makes you happy.”
“Yeah,” you sigh, resigned. “But I fucked up. I didn’t tell you who I was, and now you’re mad at me, and I probably ruined whatever we have goin’ on here. I’ll pay you back for the money you spent on the food by the way.”
“No need for that,” she waves you off. “Was I pissed when I saw your name on that paper? When I realized who you actually were? Yeah. A little. But… you single-handedly saved our arts program. You organized all of the events, and then when that wasn’t enough, you donated so much that we get to keep that program for at least the next five years.”
“Yeah, for the kids,” you sigh. “It’s all for them.”
“And besides,” she chuckles quietly. “If I didn’t have to make that food, I probably wouldn’t have kissed you that night, I woulda found out who you were before tellin’ you how I felt, and then I really would’ve been pissed with you, and what we have going on here wouldn’t have happened.”
You shrug. “I ruined it though.”
“You didn’t ruin nothin’. I’m not mad anymore, and I’m sorry I was as hard on you as I was,” she promises you gently. “I still like ya. I still wanna see where this goes, if you do.”
You look up at her, glassy eyes and all. “Really?”
“Yeah, hun. If this showed me anything, it’s that you’re a really good person, and I made a really good choice fallin’ for you.”
You blink a few times in disbelief. So you didn’t ruin this. You still have Melissa in your life- she doesn’t hate you.
“Do you wanna see where this goes?”
“I do,” you say softly.
Her lips meet yours, and you only part when you hear a collective gasp from the teachers who had quietly followed Melissa down to ensure that she wasn’t going to cause any fights.
The two of you pull back, cheeks red.
“Uh, surprise?” you say nervously.
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taintedevesayori · 8 months
🦋 Describe yourself in three words.
Creative, introverted, ambitious
~ Admin Ava
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Also Ava’s character development from over the summer definitely wasn’t erased. I think she’s just managed to marry her savviness with the useful things she learned about education and admin.
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afra-blueraz · 5 months
Happy Blog Anniversary
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It's my 1 year anniversary on Tumblr 🥳. I drew a tiny doodle because I'm already busy enough and didn't have enough time for a new artwork. I made my anniversary post as an appreciation post to my friends.
It's been a year since I create this blog and officially joined the fandom. Of course, I have been familiar with the fandom for more than a year, but one year ago on this day, I decided to create this blog and officially work in the fandom. Time really flies. I can't believe it's been a year. In this one year, many good and bad things happened to me in this fandom. I met many people and got to know different people. With all the good and bad things and with all the kind and mean people, this has been a wonderful year and I am so happy to celebrate this day with my friends.
@its-irsaa-fyp : My dear Irsa. My best friend and my life. I can't say how happy I am to meet you. I will never forget the day when I saw your comment that you said that Rukiyui is your favorite ship and it made me jump to your DM and chat with you. That day I realized how much we have similar opinions and interests. I will never forget that you always supported me when some people made me sad. And I will never forget how you made me not leave this fandom and love it more and more. And also how much we both admire Yui and she is our queen. I am happy that I met you and it was the best thing in my life. I love you 💘🥺❤️.
Admin Ava: Ava, my dear friend. I love you very much Thank you for always supporting me and supporting me in making a blog for DL fandom. You are so kind and I will never forget your love and support. I love you my dear friend 💘🥰.
Semra: Dear Semra, even though you left the fandom, I will never forget your support and kindness. I had the best role-play with your lovely OC. Yuu will forever remain in my heart and she will forever be Yui's best friend. The memories of you and your OC will always remain in my heart.
@shuyui-nether : My dear cousin and my dear sister. I'm sorry that I dragged you to diahell 😅. In real life you are the closest person to me and I am happy that you are with me in this fandom. I love you.
@seaoflove07 : Dear Christine, you were one of the first people who supported me and my blogs. You are very kind and I can't say how much I appreciate that whenever I was not feeling well, I talked to you and you gave me peace 😭🥺. I love you very much and I hope this friendship will grow.
@callmeklair: Well, I must say that wherever there is a Yui stan, that person will become my best friend 🤭😅. I don't know how this friendship started. I just remember that we talked and became best friends. Maybe Yui affects us so much that she makes us like each other quickly. I am very happy that I met you and we made a small friendship group with you and our friends 🥰💘. I hope this friendship will last forever.
@diabolik-art-blog : Moni, my energetic and funny girl. Thank you very much for always making me laugh and making me feel happy even in the worst situations. I admire your immense energy and your creativity in creating new stories. You make our friendship group happier and full of laughter, and I am very happy to have an energetic and kind friend like you 😘🥰💘.
@uusercatt367 : Well, here is one of my favorite artists. And as I said, wherever I see a Yui stan, that person is my friend. I also love your OCs and I admire your love for Yui. I hope we interact more and more in future 🥰💘.
Honorable mentions: @gagad @yuukanaazu @diakaoni @midnight-glasses @hoshikoyuuki @rukiyui-fanblog @nowothingistired @yuiistan @kashifah @hellcatinnc @anin13 @dialovers-lover-xoxo : Thank you all for your support. I hope we will interact more in the coming years.
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fabslikestron · 5 months
Name‘s Fabien, +18 and going by any pronouns. I‘m the average Tron and Daft Punk enjoyer with ADHD and autism.
I‘m a hobby artist, roleplayer and writer. If you want to roleplay just send me a DM, I don‘t bite, I like talking to other Tron fans.
My favourite characters are Tron/Rinzler, Clu, Kevin Flynn and Dyson.
Commissions are open. Just send me a DM.
- Partners
- Most priced posession
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