#Al Aqsa flood
its-zaina · 2 days
Indonesia 🇵🇸.
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the-eyespy · 2 months
🇵🇸 Children in northern Gaza spend the first days of Eid in destroyed homes, making their own happiness amidst the ruins.
🇵🇸 أطفال شمال غزة يقضون أول أيام العيد في بيوت مدمرة، يصنعون سعادتهم وسط الأنقاض.
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i-am-aprl · 6 months
The depths of dehumanization are endless.
Did Hamas tell Israeli hostages not to celebrate being free and reunited with their loved ones?
This is not just part of Israel's propaganda strategy.
They want to occupy and dehumanize Palestinian hearts. They want to be superior. They want to dominate.
To be superior so as to limit whether Palestinian souls can feel joy, warm, connection. #that goes against the colonial strategy of divide and conquer.
They want to conquer Palestinian souls too. A haplessly futile pursuit.
Why did Israel take their hostages direct to hospital and psychiatric evaluation and interrogation before their family seeing them?
Does the world still pretend there is not widespread documentation of abuse, including torture and even sexual abuse of children in Israeli prisons for decades.
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sayruq · 3 months
Meet the Palestinian resistance
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workersolidarity · 8 months
The Israeli Military has told all 1.1 million Palestinians living North of Wadi Gaza they must relocate to Southern Gaza or face destruction and death.
The affected area includes densely populated and heavily damaged Gaza City.
Just before midnight, an Alert was sent by the Israeli Military and the United Nations was notified of the forced relocation of nearly half the Gaza strip.
"The United Nations considers it impossible for such a movement to take place without devastating humanitarian consequences," the UN spokesperson Stephane Dujarric said.
Egypt has already warned the UN that if a humanitarian corridor is opened, even the US refuses to guarantee Palestinians the right to return to Gaza.
This is now becoming the ethnic cleansing of Gaza
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umtxqwa · 8 months
العين تدمع والقلب يحزن ولانقول إلا مايرضي ربنا
The eyes tear up, the heart grieves, and we only say what pleases our Rabb.
‎اللهم نصرك الذي وعد عبادك المؤمنين
O Allāh, grant your promised victory to your believing servants.
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We adhere to the right of our people to resist and its confidence in the victory of our people in this battle, as we fight in defense of our land, our people, and our sanctities, and for the sake of liberation, return, self-determination, and the establishment of the Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital.
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downfalldestiny · 8 months
اللّهم طمأنينةً ونوراً لأهلِ هذهِ البلاد، اللّهم انصرهم نصراً عزيزاً، وشد أزرهم وقوِ ظهرهم،
واِجعل لهم من لدنك سلطاناً نصيراً 🤲🕊️ !.
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i'm reading an essay by early zionist leader and author ze'ev jabotinsky called "the iron wall" and not going to lie, it's rather interesting the way early zionists blatantly described founding a jewish state as "colonialism".
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he also seems to know, or rather push the idea, that palestinians would never voluntarily accept a jewish state
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the kind of solutions he has (the "iron wall") is unnervingly similar to israels current solution of using the united states and other western countries as a kind of protection
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^ this last one is has rather obvious implications of a forced agreement
and the language he uses to describe arabs + perceptions of arabs is also rather interesting, to say the least
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^ this phrasing sound eerily similar, no?
he does seem to admit that arabs are not fools, though, albeit still thinking theyre inferior.
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link to the essay: (x)
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palestinegenocide · 2 months
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‘Operation Al-Aqsa Flood’ Day 167: Israel has killed over 100 aid workers in Gaza in the last week
Israel has killed over 100 aid workers in Gaza over the past week as its military siege of al-Shifa Hospital continues. Meanwhile, the Netanyahu government continues planning for an invasion of Rafah.
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its-zaina · 5 months
Palestinian journalists in GAZA strip were killed by Israel..
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Israel is committing genocide against the Palestinians in GAZA Strip and is still!
Israel kills voices of truth.. Israel kills journalists and media professionals.
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cavalierzee · 1 month
We Die Standing and We Will Not Kneel
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Another despicable death.
Another brilliant light taken away.
Dr. Adnan Bursh, the head of orthopedic surgery at al-Shifa hospital in Gaza was kidnaped four months ago by the Israeli military.
Dr. Bursh was detained at Ofer prison, and has now been reported dead while imprisoned.
Killed at the hands of the Israeli military who tortured him to death while in custody.
Jewish Voices For Peace
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the-eyespy · 3 months
🇵🇸 Tonight, 40,000 believers gathered to perform the evening and tarawih prayers at the revered Al-Aqsa Mosque.
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draree · 2 months
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Nearly 200k Palestinians prayed on the night of 27th Ramadan in Masjid Al-Aqsa.
This is highly symbolic of the Tawakal one should have. You have been left alone by the materialistic world and apparently no sign of relief is visible. But then the belief that Allah Azawajal, who is As-Samii and Al-Baseer, shall establish the day of reckoning overcomes the will of every single bloodthirsty creature out there.
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sayruq · 3 months
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workersolidarity · 8 months
Bodies are lying on the ground outside Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza, due to the fullness of the morgues, and the impossibility of the current funeral due to the continued bombing of the occupation.
جثامين مسجاة على الأرض خارج مستشفى الشفاء في غزة، بسبب امتلاء ثلاجات الموتى، وعدم إمكانية التشييع الحالي بسبب استمرار قصف الاحتلال.
Gaza hospitals were on the verge of failure by Thursday morning as the heavy bombardment of Gaza continues unabated.
Hospitals in the Gaza strip are overwhelmed by injuries, with many patients lying on the floors and a lack of power or fuel making many procedures near impossible under current conditions.
The number of injured Palestinians has risen in excess of 1'200, with a further rise expected as Israeli Defense Forces continue bombing the Gaza strip.
The lack of power means hospitals cannot perform certain procedures such as cesarian sections, cardiac catheterization, and interventional surgeries, and laboratory services are at risk of disruption.
The Gaza Health Ministry declared hospitals are operating at maximum capacity and have warned that Healthcare services in the strip are reaching a critical stage.
The Gaza strip is currently under a full blockade; with access to food, water, fuel, medicine and electricity all completely cut off by Israel.
According to the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, the number of displaced Palestinians living in the Gaza strip has increased by 75'000 in just one day, reaching 338'934.
The total estimated population of the Gaza strip is 2.3 million.
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