#Alex wrote the date as Jone 5 ~_~ IF HE ENDS UP BEING GUILTY I’M GNA BE SO MAD. >:(
ricoelpobre · 1 year
Watching Prisoners rn :0!
#Will be updating the tags as I watch ^_^#3 mins in: The opening sequence is so pretty! and I think that’s High Jackman? I dunno him too well :p#6 mins in: CLAY FROM 15 REASONS WHY?#14 mins in: FIRST PAUL SIGHTING 😨#wut is he doing out in that RV 😡 PAUL DANO DO NOT BE EVIL IN THIS MOVIE.#19 mins in: Looking at Alex room for context clues 🕵🏽‍♂️#I RLLY DON’T WANT HIM TO BE A KIDNAPPER 😭 PLS DON’T DO THIS TO ME!#28 mins in: Not the priest on the S/OF. list x( AND HE’S DEAD? WTF.#34 mins: WHY IS THERE A DEAD PERSON IN THE PRIEST BASEMENT 0_0 duz it rel8 to the crime in anyway? dunno…#Alex wrote the date as Jone 5 ~_~ IF HE ENDS UP BEING GUILTY I’M GNA BE SO MAD. >:(#43 mins in: WHY IS ALEX HANGING THE PUPPY DX#I’m so frustrated rn. 🫥#50 mins: Why tf WAIT GUYS.#GUYS I’M CONNECTING THE DOTS.#THE CORPSE IN THE BASEMENT IS THE UNCLE 😨#AND THE AUNT SAID HE WALKED OFF BUT SHE WAS LYING.#OMG. OMG. OMG.#If I’m right…you all owe me 5 dollars#57 mins: WHO IS THIS NEW MAN FROM THE VIGIL 🤬 WHO IS IT. JAKE GYLLENHAAL KILL HIM NOW.#1:03 mins: OK SO. That random is a kiddie diddler and he knows Alex allegedly? hm. this is getting confuzzling#consider me confuzzled.#ALSO IS THAT VIOLA DAVIS?#1:06 mins: 😦#THEY FUCKED HIM UP BAD…#1:14 mins: THE RANDOM HAS BROKEN INTO THEIR HOME. INTRUDER! INTRUDER!#1:27 mins: My new theory is that Alex is actually the other Creepazoid and their related?#and they made ‘Alex’ pretend 2 cover it up? :T wut#1:34 mins: JAKE IS IN THE OTEHR ALEX HOUSE. AND THERE IS A PIGGY HEAD.#I hope they don’t show the poor girls all scared :( that would be too much for me I can’t stand that type of stuff#1:37 mins: Ok so it was that weirdo’s ass n they just tortured that poor man 4 no reezun >:0
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