ricoelpobre · 1 year
Watching Prisoners rn :0!
#Will be updating the tags as I watch ^_^#3 mins in: The opening sequence is so pretty! and I think that’s High Jackman? I dunno him too well :p#6 mins in: CLAY FROM 15 REASONS WHY?#14 mins in: FIRST PAUL SIGHTING 😨#wut is he doing out in that RV 😡 PAUL DANO DO NOT BE EVIL IN THIS MOVIE.#19 mins in: Looking at Alex room for context clues 🕵🏽‍♂️#I RLLY DON’T WANT HIM TO BE A KIDNAPPER 😭 PLS DON’T DO THIS TO ME!#28 mins in: Not the priest on the S/OF. list x( AND HE’S DEAD? WTF.#34 mins: WHY IS THERE A DEAD PERSON IN THE PRIEST BASEMENT 0_0 duz it rel8 to the crime in anyway? dunno…#Alex wrote the date as Jone 5 ~_~ IF HE ENDS UP BEING GUILTY I’M GNA BE SO MAD. >:(#43 mins in: WHY IS ALEX HANGING THE PUPPY DX#I’m so frustrated rn. 🫥#50 mins: Why tf WAIT GUYS.#GUYS I’M CONNECTING THE DOTS.#THE CORPSE IN THE BASEMENT IS THE UNCLE 😨#AND THE AUNT SAID HE WALKED OFF BUT SHE WAS LYING.#OMG. OMG. OMG.#If I’m right…you all owe me 5 dollars#57 mins: WHO IS THIS NEW MAN FROM THE VIGIL 🤬 WHO IS IT. JAKE GYLLENHAAL KILL HIM NOW.#1:03 mins: OK SO. That random is a kiddie diddler and he knows Alex allegedly? hm. this is getting confuzzling#consider me confuzzled.#ALSO IS THAT VIOLA DAVIS?#1:06 mins: 😦#THEY FUCKED HIM UP BAD…#1:14 mins: THE RANDOM HAS BROKEN INTO THEIR HOME. INTRUDER! INTRUDER!#1:27 mins: My new theory is that Alex is actually the other Creepazoid and their related?#and they made ‘Alex’ pretend 2 cover it up? :T wut#1:34 mins: JAKE IS IN THE OTEHR ALEX HOUSE. AND THERE IS A PIGGY HEAD.#I hope they don’t show the poor girls all scared :( that would be too much for me I can’t stand that type of stuff#1:37 mins: Ok so it was that weirdo’s ass n they just tortured that poor man 4 no reezun >:0
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natriae · 1 year
Dad!haikyuu is everything! I imagine Omi being your fake date to a family gathering and he swoons at your interaction with the kids until an auntie shoves a baby in his arms and he’s like UHHHHH 🧍🏻”don’tcrushthisbaby don’tcrushthisbaby” And now everyone including yourself can’t take their eyes off him 😭😭😭😭
warnings: fake dating, fluff, cue flustered kiyoomi
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One month ago Sakusa Kiyoomi took you aside during one of your usual hangouts with Atsumu to ask if you could pretend to be his girlfriend. Your brain told you over and over that this is a terrible idea, but you couldn't help yourself and said yes. Plus, it was one night at his mom's house. You already knew his family it wouldn't be to shocking to see you by Kiyoomi's side.
That's the thing. Your heart strings started to be pulled on the moment the two of you walked through the door and Kiyoomi let out a short, quiet "we're dating now." His mom's only response was to pull you into a hug and explain how she's been waiting forever for this. After greeting the two of you she told everyone the good news.
You felt terribly guilty for lying to her but Sakusa seemed unbothered. Maybe you were just being dramatic about the whole situation.
Somehow mid-way through the night you ended up spending most of your time with Kiyoomi's sister's kids. She was your favorite Sakusa. She also was the only one who knew you had a crush on her brother since middle school. She would help you get pretty for him, but it never worked. She claimed it did, but you never saw any progress. You and the children were in the basement playing with toys while a random kids TV show played in the background. The characters would sing and save the day successfully holding the attention of the youngest Sakusa. She isn't even one yet, but she has the whole family whipped except Kiyoomi of course. For some reason he tries to stay away from her leading you to never actually meeting the little one til today. She was adorable. She'd bounce her arms up and down while babbling to the song. In front of you was her older brother, and Kiyoomi's first nephew. He had toy trucks and a few random characters from animes you know and some you don't. You were helping zoom the cars around the basement, crawling on your knees still you looked up to see Kiyoomi has finally decided to spend time with you. You could have swore you saw his lip twitch before he stepped pass you and sat on the couch switching the TV channel.
Kaia, the youngest, immediately started crying when she couldn't hear the joy of a few cartoon pups saving the day. Quickly you ran over to her picking her up to help calm her down. You lightly bounced her on your hip while giving small shushes to the baby. You walked away from Kiyoomi because your pretty convinced by his actions that he doesn't like children. Which tears a bit of you heart knowing that you always imagined what having kids with him would be like. What a great dad he would be, but that's all in your imagination. The little girl begins to quiet down as you lift her up so she can stuff her head into your neck.
From across the room Kiyoomi watches you calm the baby with a red face. How are you so good at this? He's never seen you with a baby and from what he knows your not an aunt of any sort, unless you count Atsumu's dogs. He finally lets out a small smile as he watches you bring the baby up so she can snuggle into your neck, but as if the gods are against him. You turn around to see him watching you, and you tell the baby with a slight smirk, "baby I think your uncle Kiy wants to apologize," you walk over still holding the baby like a natural. Finally setting her down to crawl over to him on the couch. The older man trys to hold the baby like a puppy. He's never done this before and he's never felt embarrassed in his life. You giggle softly at his nervous face and tell him, "Kiyoomi that's not how you hold a baby," he can barely focus on your words when your giggles are enough for him to worship the group you walk on. He swears he enters heaven the moment he hears that sound. "it's good that your holding her butt but i think she wants to be facing you," You say as you scoot closer and reach to try and show him the proper way.
Kiyoomi leaned back on the couch and attempted to correctly hold the baby on his chest. One hand on her back and the other holding her butt up. As if Kiyoomi was a sleeping pill the little girl immediately closed her eyes and fell asleep on the tall man. "see it's not hard. Do you wanna take her to her momma? She seems sleepy," you said with small smile on your face. Not forgetting the little boy playing behind the couch you glanced over to make sure he was okay. God, Kiyoomi could help but want to ask if you wanted to be a mom right now.
Unmoving Kiyoomi stiffly shakes his head no at the though of having to hold this baby while moving. You srunch your eyebrows together in thought trying to understand why he's so stiff. noticing your confusion he squeaks out, "What if I break her?" and at first you thought he was joking but there was genuine panic in his features. He thought he was this cool collected guy, but you could honestly read him like a book.
"i'll be right here, okay? You're not going to break her," You nodded your head while you spoke to him in the calmest voice you could muster. Slowly he stood up and you redirected his hand so that it held up some of her head too along with her back. "you need to keep her head up. Baby's head's are weak," he nodded his head at your words like they were the gospel. Anything you said he would take it as the truth. If you said it, it was right. Cautiously walking up the steps to the family room. His whole family seems shocked to see the large man holding such a delicate baby. He takes a deep breath while he tries to pass the sleeping girl to his sister.
"whoa, what did you do to her? She never sleeps this heavy." His sister said in shock, "Kiyoomi you need to hold her more often," she continued. Then did you finally take in how red his face was. He was so flustered it was adorable. Quickly you took your phone out and snapped a picture of the boy without his knowledge.
It was late and about everyone at the gathering had left except for Kiyoomi's immediate family. The baby girl was back in your and Kiyoomi's lap trying to decide who she wants to get attention from. You and Kiyoomi were shoulder to shoulder and at one point he brought his arm over to hold you even closer. After falling a few times on Kiyoomi and then gripping his shirt like a life line the little girl turned and crawled into your lap. You let a small Ha at Kiyoomi for her ultimately choosing you, but you take it back once the little girl tried pulling the top of you dress down to get to your boob. Kiyoomi quickly grabs the little girl and she starts crying sad that she didn't get fed. If you heard correctly you swore you heard him tell the little one that you would have milk soon but not now.
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themultifandomgal · 4 months
Tommy Shelby- I’m Not Doing That Again
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“Every woman has one” Polly argues while flitting around YN and Tommys shared bedroom getting everything ready for when YN go into labour
“I had one with Charlie, I’m not doing that again. If I shit then so be it” YN cross her arms stubbornly over her large stomach “tell her Ada”
“I’m not involved in this conversation” Ada holds her hands up shaking her head. YN looks over to Esme who’s smiling
“Polly I don’t want an enema”
“Love it stops infection”
“It’s embarrassing that’s what it is, having your husbands aunt shave you then stick a tube in your arse to make you shit. I’d rather just shit the bed while pushing. Ada didn’t have one with Karl”
“He didn’t leave us with much choice” Polly mutters “right I’ll be back later with supper. Please try and relax”
“See you later” Ada gives her sister in law a weak smile before leaving. Esme walks over to her with a mischievous look
“Where has she put the enema kit?”
“Over there” YN frowns pointing towards the box on top of the dresser “why?”
“Well it would be a shame if it went missing wouldn’t it?”
“She will know it was one of us. Thanks though”
“Not if the kids run wild in the house” Esme winks at YN and then takes the enema kit with her.
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“I’M GONNA CHOP HIS DICK OFF AFTER THIS!” Tommy hears his wife scream while she’s upstairs in their room giving birth
“Thats what you said last time now where’s the enema kit? I put it up here” Polly stands with her hands on her hips looking at the dresser. She then turns to YN lying on the bed with Esme holding her hand “YN where have you hidden it?”
“I haven’t” not a lie, but YN knows where Esme has hidden the tube
“Well I suppose we will have to do this the old fashioned way, we just need to find….”
“No please Polly, i don’t want one, please I’m begging you”
“Pol look she’s gonna want to start pushing soon, let’s just leave it”
“Fine” YN finally relaxes looking over at Esme.
Downstairs Tommy paces the living room with a whiskey in hand. Arthur, John, Finn and Micheal all sit with their own drinks on the large sofa. All that can be heard is the shouting of profanities and cursing Tommys name
“Bloody hell, she’s a true Shelby’s ain’t she Tom” Arthur chuckles
“Where’s Charlie?” Finn asks
“YN’s mums” Tommy replies still pacing around, then stops when he hears feet running down the stairs. Ada runs past her brothers and cousin and goes straight into the kitchen to get some more warm water
“Are they here yet?” Micheal asks
“D’you think I’d been here running around if they were”
“THOMAS FUCKING SHELBY YOU BETTER RUN ONCE THIS CHILDS OUT OF ME” YN Shelby, the only person Tommy is afraid off. This makes the Shelby’s all chuckle, but Tommys pacing continues
“Will you sit the fuck down? You know YN will kill ya if you wear out her carpet” John says before drinking the rest of his drink. Tommy finally sits down on the sofa as Ada makes her way back upstairs with the water.
After hours of pacing and drinking, the screams go quiet, that is until the cries of a baby can be heard. Tommy lifts his head up as John slaps him on the shoulder
“Congratulations brother”
“Tommy” Polly says walking down the stairs “come meet your daughter” in an instant Tommy is up and making his was to his and YN’s bedroom.
Walking in he sees Esme and Ada tidying up and putting some sheets in a bucket. His wife sat up in bed with a baby in her arms suckling on her breast
“No more Tommy. I’m not doing that again”
“Whatever you want, as long as you and our kids are happy I don’t care if we don’t have anymore” Tommy walks over and places a kiss on his wife’s head.
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natalievoncatte · 9 months
“We don’t have a friendship, Supergirl.”
It took a moment for it to sink in. Lena stood before her, chin proud, staring her down with enough force to that Kara knew she wasn’t the most powerful woman in the world, no matter what they said. She wasn’t even the most powerful woman in this room.
Kara could push press an attack submarine. She could move between the ticks of a clock, perceive things so small and so fast they could barely be said to have happened at all. She’d bested foes that had humbled the Man of Steel. She’s outclassed even him.
Yet in this moment, she was all but powerless. There was nothing she could do with all her strength. All of this had been about weapons. Kryptonite. Lena needed neither to destroy Kara. She needed only cutting words.
“U-understood,” Kara mumbled.
She felt her shoulders draw in and sag, felt herself shrinking back into her own skin. Supergirl was banished instantly, and suddenly a defeated, frail Kara Danvers stood in her place, feeling silly in her cape and skirt. Her boots pinched her feet and everything was too tight. She could barely breathe.
“Ishouldgo,” she gasped out, fleeing, running, getting the hell away from here. She took the fastest available route until she was airborne, slipping the burly bonds of Earth.
The rush of pressure and the concussive wave built up around her skin and cut loose, releasing a rolling boom over National City. By the time Kara slowed and came to a hover, she was over the Pacific Ocean, calm blue seas stretching out in an endless expanse.
She relaxed, hanging impossibly above the clouds, absorbing pure sunlight.
Bitterly, she remembered when she’d tried to abandon Kara Danvers, not long ago. It had seemed that a life outside of Supergirl, outside of endless battles and self-sacrificing service, was pointless, and hurtful. Fitting in brought pain, forced her into a world that was all angles and wrong turns, lying to everyone around her and forbidden the simple concepts they all had. She was a stranger in a strange land, always seeking acceptance and understanding of peculiar customs, dogged by an incessant need.
It was one she barely admitted, but it was there, always there, just over her shoulder and ready to lead the assault when the walks came closing in.
Why her?
Out of all her people, her entire race, why was she the lone survivor? And she was, because while Kal was Kryptonian by birth, he had escaped Krypton. Kara had survived it.
Survival offered no escape.
For him, his birthright was a joy. Incredible powers, a sacred calling, a love of adventure and excitement. Kara could only imagine how wonderful it must have been for him when he discovered it all.
Oh, he mourned, or tried to. Kara bitterly indulged his laments for his lost world; a world he’d never walked, customs he’d never shared. His parents were a blessing to him, but to her they were her aunt an uncle, real people that Kara had lost.
Being Kara Danvers was difficult and painful. Being Supergirl was difficult and painful- now with the world killers, it seemed to Kara that Earth might have been better off had Krypton never noticed this yellow star or the beautiful blue world that orbited it.
Maybe Krypton was meant to end, and maybe Kara…
Maybe Kara…
Tears stung her eyes and she blinked them away. She’d ruined everything. Lena Luthor was kind, and good, and had spent weeks risking her life trying to help a friend, and what had Kara done? Made it about her. She’d wrapped everything around herself. She’s torn Lena’s relationship apart because she just could not believe that her best and most trusted friend wouldn’t hurt her.
It made sense when she was doing it. Was she not doomed? Had she not watched her world die? Kara had been a little girl one day and the next she was trapped in hell, her mother’s touch still felt on a tear-scored cheek.
Kara screamed. Red-sun fury exploded from her eyes, burning the sky itself. It wasn’t fair. It wasn’t fucking fair!
When the scream faded from her throat, leaving it ragged and dry, her eyes aching from the wild energy blast, she was still hanging in the air.
A terrible inevitability settled within her chest. She knew what she had to do, but she didn’t know if she had the strength. She could overcome any foe, break any barrier, reach any height. She was Supergirl. She could do anything.
“I have to take responsibility for what I’ve done,” Kara told the sky.
The sky didn’t answer her. She closes her eyes and absorbed Sol’s warmth. Sometimes, Kara really wished these stars were gods, that the golden light that gave her limitless power could give her answers, that Sol could be a nurturing mother, taking in a wanderer so far from Rao’s grace.
It wasn’t. It was a superheated ball of hydrogen undergoing nuclear fusion. There were no answers in the sky. There were none anywhere. She’s have to find them on her own.
Kara first went back to her apartment, resolving to do this right. She changed into one of her favorite outfits (Lena had once made a curious compliment about Kara’s biceps, the last time she’d worn it) and texted her best friend, asking to meet soon.
Lena, predictably, replied that she was busy.
Kara thought of Lena, not as Supergirl, but as herself. Lena toiling in that lab in desperation, not feeding herself
She was tempted to say that Supergirl told her about the lab and the situation and beg to be allowed to help, but there had to be a better way. An honest way.
I know you’re busy. I just want to make sure you get something to eat and you’re okay. Just a few minutes.
The reply came a moment later.
Oh, alright. You know I can’t say no to you.
Kara’s heart leapt and crumped at the same time. She let out a slow breath and decided to grab something on the way, something she could leave if Lena threw her out.
When she arrived, Lena had moved to her office. She was sitting behind her desk, and as much as she’d look remarkable out together earlier, she was showing her fatigue now. There were bags under her eyes and she’d changed into a loose sweatshirt, and Kara thought she might fall asleep on her desk.
When she looked at Kara, her face lit up with such admiration and affection that Kara’s heart could have burst in her chest. In the fading afternoon light, most like that of her lost star, Lena seemed impossibly beautiful and perfect, the sharp-tongued being of cold fury replaced by someone small and soft that Kara simply had to cup in her hands and protect and…
Oh Rao.
Kara almost dropped the bag of donuts. She couldn’t do this. Not now. Not today. She couldn’t do this she couldn’t, she couldn’t lose… couldn’t lose…
It was like seeing her for the first time. Kara sucked in a drawing breath and had to let it out very slowly, as a new and perilous understanding took root and changed everything.
“Do I look that bad?” Lena said, but there was no heat in it.
“You look beautiful,” Kara answered in a breathy voice, before she could stop herself.
Lena smirked. “You’re too nice. Are those donuts?”
Kara gently placed them on the desk, and she looked. Stared.
One of the gifts, and curses, of Kryptonian physiology was an eidetic memory. This moment would live in her mind and heart until the day she died, so she dragged it out for as long as she could, to keep it. To keep the sight of this woman who truly treasured Kara. Just Kara.
“Kara?” Lena said, confused and maybe a little scared.
“I have to tell you something,” said Kara.
“What is it?” said Lena, always so eager to help.
Kara’s hands balled into fists, arms trembling. The tears broke before she worked up the will to say it.
“Earlier today, you asked me why it’s so important to me that we be friends.”
Lena stared blankly for a too-short moment, and then her eyes went wide. She rocked back in her chair as if struck, then bolted out of it, rounding the desk. Kara stood still, unable to face her, and watched it all reflected in the desk.
“Look at me.”
Kara didn’t move.
“Look at me!”
Kara looked. With shaking hands, Lena grasped the frames of her glasses and pulled them free, setting them aside. Kara then flinched as Lena reached behind her, the gesture so much like an embrace, so curiously intimate that Kara’s own body betrayed her, her heart hammering in her chest.
Lena released Kara’s hair and it spilled in curls around her shoulders.
“Oh my God,” Lena whispered.
“I’m sorry,” Kara whimpered, the tears hot on her cheeks. “Lena, please, I’m sorry.”
“It was all a lie. You were lying to me the whole time.”
No, she wanted to scream, I never lied, I didn’t, you had no right to know, I was protecting you. A hundred futile excuses crashes through her mind and when they were gone only the truth remained.
“I was scared,” Kara choked out. “I was so scared and then I messed it up and I was even more scared and I just kept trying to fix it. I’m sorry.”
Lena was crying, too. The tears fell freely, though her expression remained still, calculating.
“I would do anything for you. I would die for you. I don’t know why I did what I did…”
“You pretended to be another fucking person and talked my boyfriend into spying on me while pretending to be my friend.”
“I wasn’t pretending,” Kara pleased. “I am your friend. You mean so much to me, more than I’ve ever told you and I was scared.”
“Of what?” said Lena. “That I’d make Kryptonite and kill you with it? Make weapons to kill you? I thought you really believed in me, Kara. I listened to your bullshit and I believed it and you were just fucking… you were… you bitch!”
Kara stood, transfixed, as Lena came apart in front of her.
“Why did you have to do this? Why did you have to tell me now? Why did you take my Kara away from me when I needed her most?”
Kara sucked in a shuddering breath and hugged herself.
“Because I deserve this. You deserve the truth and I deserve the consequences for what I’ve done. I did hurt you just like you said, and I thought I could just smooth it over and charm my way into fixing it, but I can’t. I’m a fuckup. I make things worse just by existing.”
Lena shuddered and formed her hands into fists. “Don’t you say that. Don’t you say that to me ever again.”
“This is my fault. I made this happen. I should have told you after you saved the world. The first time, with Medusa. If I trusted you, you could have come to me and we could have saved Sam together. You trusted me and I hurt you.”
“Are you going to ask for forgiveness? Is that where this is going?”
“No. I don’t deserve it.”
“Then what do you want?”
“Let me help you with Sam, and then I’ll leave you alone. I know I can’t come back from this. I can’t fix it. I don’t know what else to do.”
“Leave me alone?” Lena snapped, jabbing a finger into Kara’s chest. “What the fuck? You think you can just crash into my life like this and then just leave?”
“I… I…”
“How about this,” said Lena, stepping closer, her green eyes full of fury. “How about you ask me what I want instead of telling me?”
Kara swallowed.
“What do you want?”
Lena stepped back.
“I want to save my friend. I want Ruby to have her mom back. I want to fix the world. I need your help to do that, whether I want it or not.”
“And then?”
“And then…” said Lena. “Then I want to know why. I want to know why you did this to me and what the hell you really want, and then I’ll decide if there’s anything worth saving with you, or if I’m going to go back to Metropolis and rebuild my life.”
“That… that’s… I’ll help.”
“What do you want?”
Kara swallowed.
“I… I ummm…” Kara reached for glasses that were no longer there. “I want to try again. I want to be your friend again, as my whole self. There’s so much I could share with you.”
Lena swiped the tears away from her eyes, and stilled herself, regaining her control.
“I’ll be in the lab. I’ll call for you when I need you.”
Lena heard for the door, stopping at the threshold.
“Kara,” said Lena, without turning.
“Yeah?” Kara said, thickly.
“The night Edge was trying to set me up… the plane. Would you really have dropped the chemicals if I couldn’t make the jump?”
Kara took her glasses from the desks, turning them in her hands, and drew in a breath.
“Yes,” said Kara. “I’d have found a way to fix somehow, but if it was the only way, yes. I’d have let them fall, but I’d never let you fall. I said I’d always protect you, and that was the truth. I always will. No matter what.”
Lena hesitated at the door, then left without a word.
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sunandsstars · 1 year
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Tonowari x Metkayina!Reader
Summary: Tonowari doesn’t like the idea of her daughter going off with a boy, but his mate is there to remind him of their youth Warnings: N/A Word count: 1.5k
Taglist: @eywas-heir @drinking-tea-and-be-obsessed @netherklutz
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“My son, Ao’nung and daughter, Tsireya, will teach you our ways”
“It is decided” Tonowari, Olo’eyktan of the Metkayina welcomed Jake and his family into Awa’atlu. They sought uturu, a sanctuary away from the war back in the forests. He granted them permission to stay, but the Tsahìk Ronal was not happy with his decision, she does not trust these outsiders, especially with how they are part human themselves.
“Come, I will show you our village” Tsireya helped with their bags and led them to an empty marui on the far side of the village. He was glad at least one of his children was hospitable, he would need words with his son later. He knows that Ao’nung takes after his aunts views on them, it is evident in the scowls and remarks he threw at them.
“Who were they? ‘Wari?” a small Metkayinan woman stood next to the man, snapping him out of his trance and placing a gentle hand on his back, urging him to look at her. When he turned his head down he was face to face with his mate, ___. He did not see her with the crowd when the Omaticayans arrived, ‘she must have been deep in the ocean again’, he mused.
“That is Toruk Makto and his family. They seek uturu” he cupped his wife’s face and have her a kiss on the forehead, hand going down to her pregnant stomach, rubbing soothing circles. She was a few months along and the bump was very prominent.
“Sanctuary? why?” the look that Tonowari gave her said everything, the skypeople were back on Pandora, she knew that and she knew the forest clans were heavily affected, she just did not expect them to come here, expecting them to fight back just as she heard 15 years ago. “I will go and greet them”
“Be careful, sister” Ronal walks up to them after calming down a few worried Na’vi, glare on her face “I do not trust them, the children inherited demon blood, hair on their face and extra fingers”. ___ simply nodded, not wanting to argue with her older sister, her Tsahìk, and simply watched her as she left to her marui.
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“I am ___, Tonowari’s mate” ___ introduced, her hands on her daughters shoulders and they smiled at the family, placing down a basket of freshly caught fish. The blue Na’vi did not look happy to be here, but they smiled back nonetheless. The little one, Tuktirey said her greetings out loud. It made ___ chuckle. “I am sorry if my sister, our Tsahìk, was too harsh on you all. She means well”
Neytiri huffed but nodded, she did not like Ronal after what she said about her children, therefore she did not know how to feel about the sister. Only time will tell. But for now it is best to keep up good impressions.
“Yes, thank you. I am sure she does” Jake nodded his head, hair bouncing on his shoulders. His arm was around his youngest, bringing her to his chest. She was tired from the long journey and yawned.
“We will leave you to settle in. There is no communal dinner tonight, but I have brought some fish your way. Come, Tsireya” They bid their goodbyes and walked back to their marui, speaking of the Omaticayans and what they would do to help them settle in more comfortingly.
“I will go diving with them tomorrow, show them our reefs” Tsireya bounced on the walkway, excited at the prospect of new friends, and hopefully a new lover. Her tail swayed at the thought of him, the boy. He was sweet even if they’ve only met today for a few mere moments.
“That is a good idea, and ‘Reya, I have noticed you staring at that boy, do you like him?” like mother like daughter, ___ read her mind. She saw the look on her child’s face when they were back with the forest Na’vi, watching at Toruk Makto’s youngest son, the one they call Lo’ak.
There was no point in lying to her Sa’nok, so Tsireya decided to say the truth. “He said ‘hey’ to me mama! You should have seen him!” ___ giggled, one word and she was already captured by him, like fish in a net.
“Who said ‘hey’ to you?” Tonowari was sat by the side of the pod, his legs dangling over the water as he sharpened his spear, preparing for an afternoon hunt. His ears perked up at the sounds of his girls walking into their home, watching the little flush his daughter had grow on her face.
Tsireya’s eyes widened “no one ma sempul” and she scurried out of the house, going to see what her brother was up to, hopefully nothing terrible.
___’s mate looked towards his wife, eyes questioning, hands stopping their ministrations. “Our daughter may have fallen for someone” the woman went to sit beside him, holding the underside of her full tummy, rubbing the skin and feeling larger hands atop hers.
Tonowari hummed, not liking the idea of his only daughter going off with some boy, he had a suspicion it was with Jake’s, seeing the way the boy looked at his kid. It was the same look he gave ___ when they were properly introduced for the first time. “I do not know how to feel about that. Tsireya is just a baby”
“She is thirteen my love, soon she will entertain the prospect of boys and relationships, and in the future a mate”
The Olo’eyktan’s shoulders and ears visibly drooped, a large sigh escaping his chest, his wife was right. “Where did the time go, flower? She was just a small bundle merely yesterday. Now she is a beautiful, strong, independent women”
“Our child has grown up, just like Ao’nung…do you remember when we were in the same situation?” ___ grinned, blue eyes shining at the memories of a teenage Tonowari trying to court her with pretty woven necklaces and bags of pearls he spent hours collecting in the reef. Trinkets she held very dear then, and still holds now, one of which is wrapped around her neck.
Tonowari leaned into his mate and pecked the bridge of her nose, smiling at her, hand coming up to hold the back of her neck, feeling the shells of her necklace digging into his fingers. “I will never forget the first time I saw you, really saw you. You looked so beautiful at the party, the Tulkun returned and you were in the waters singing with your spirit sister, I could not take my eyes off of you for hours”
“So she told me” ___ giggled, briefly remembering when her tulkun spoke of the boy watching her from the shores. “She said you were a creep”
“Did she now?” Tonowari’s forehead raised, eyes widening.
“And I agreed” he bellowed out a laugh, eyes crinkling at the sides. “You never left me alone after that, always accompanying me around the waters. Ronal said you asked of me all the time”
“Ronal is the equivalent of a sea snake”
___ gasped and slapped his shoulder, grin spreading across her pretty face “I am telling her you said that!”
“Kehe! Please do not! She would kill me” the man visibly shuddered. There is nothing more frightening than her older sister, who is so overly protective of ___. It took her forever to accept their relationship, afraid that he would take advantage and hurt her younger sister in some way.
___ smooched his mouth, cupping his face “do not worry ‘Wari, I will protect you”
“My strong warrior” he mused, about to give her another kiss when their children entered the marui, Ao’nung visibly shuddered at the sight of his parents being so lovey with each other, sticking his tongue out at them, Tsireya noticed and slapped his shoulder.
Tonowari straightened up, still needing to give him the talk, asking him to sit next to them. Ao’nung noticed his fathers serious demeanour and slowly crept next to his mother for protection. “Son, you will treat the Sully’s with respect, I have asked you to help them become Metkayina so I expect no quarrels. As future Olo’eyktan I need you to take this seriously”. The boy furiously nodded, not wanting to disappoint his father any further, “And I want you to watch over the youngest boy, I do not like how he has been eyeing your sister”
“Sempul!” Tsireya screeched from the other side of the hut, round cheeks turning a deep shade of purple, hiding behind the woven basket of fish she brought out.
___ held her swollen belly and laughed loudly, slowly getting up from her position over the edge of their home and walking towards her daughter, taking the fish and getting ready to cook dinner. “‘Wari, what did we just talk about earlier?”
“I know, flower. But I still do not like his staring!”
Ao’nung just shook his head and sighed, this was going to be a long night.
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neonghostlights · 9 months
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Fuckboy!werewolf!Eddie Munson x Fem!reader
Based off my little drabble here.
Warnings: Eddie gets called a man-whore (not by reader), mates, cussing, mention of almost hitting an animal with your car (doesn't happen but almost does), parental and grandparent death (readers whole family is dead) 18+ only, minors dni
Wordcount: 3.9k
Series masterlist
Hawkins was fucking weird. 
You should have taken the hint when you stopped by the lone gas station about an hour before reaching the town and asked the clerk for directions to make sure you were going the right way. He laughed at you like you were joking as soon as the question left your mouth. When he eventually figured out by your blank faced expression that you were indeed dead serious about trying to get to Hawkins, he gave the directions you needed with a quick “good luck with that.” 
You’d be lying if you said his words didn’t make you second guess this move. But now that you had arrived at your destination and mostly settled into your small home at the edge of the town, it just seemed like a normal place. It was a small town with everyone seeming to already know everybody, leaving you the odd man out. Everyone that you had come across so far was mostly kind to you and welcoming considering the circumstances. 
Your aunt used to own the home you had now taken residence in. She passed suddenly, leaving you as the only living descendant to inherit her things. You almost sold it off, but for some reason the town of Hawkins called to you, making you think that maybe it was meant to be. Before you knew it you were packing up your things, quitting your job at a grocery store, and making the sudden and long drive. 
Your new home was a double wide trailer that sat on a secluded piece of land. Your aunt seemed to really like her privacy. There were no other homes for miles. The trees and forest surrounding your expansive yard gave you enough privacy to walk outside naked if you wanted to with no worries of anyone ever seeing you. 
You had never met your aunt before. You had been raised solely by your grandparents since your mother passed and your father wasn’t ever in the picture. 
You knew your aunt suddenly left their home young, leaving your mother and grandparents behind, and never looked back. But you never knew the details behind it. You always thought it was odd when you were younger since you thought your grandparents and mom were the best people ever. But now as an adult you could see how some people needed independence. 
Even if that independence was a secluded house in a small town that literally no one else has ever heard of.  
You stared out the car window at the rain that started last night and never let up. Your windshield wipers squeaked furiously as they rushed back and forth on the highest setting. You were already parked in your work parking lot, preparing yourself for the run you were going to have to make into the building. 
Water sloshed up the legs of your jeans as your rain boots splashed through every puddle that you couldn’t seem to avoid. You were drenched by the time you made it to the door. The bell on the handle dinged at your arrival and you wiped your boots against the mat furiously even though you knew it wouldn’t do any good.
“Hey!” Jessie called as she peeked her head around a shelf. 
You waved in response and made your way behind the counter and threw your bags underneath of it. You had been working at Bee’s Books for a month now and you liked it so far. You were hired on the spot when you came in asking for a job application, the owner was impressed by you and desperate enough to practically throw the job at you. 
It was a large store, surprising for the size town it resided in. You fell for the charm of it and the employee discount you got on all of your book purchases. 
“I thought Tina was working with us today too?” You asked as you snapped your name badge in place over your sweater. 
“She is,” Jessie said as she dropped the stack of books onto the counter. “She’s in the back doing something. You wanna put these up for me in the fantasy section while I put these in young adult?”
You nodded, picking up the stack of books and making your way to their designated section. The stack was thick and heavy, already making your arm ache only seconds after picking them up. You set your chin on top of it to better hold it in place as you walked through the rows of shelves. 
Jessie and Tina were nice and all, but you had a feeling Jessie liked to dictate jobs at you that she didn’t feel like doing. You already guessed that she would probably be up at the counter giggling with Tina instead of putting away the other stack of books like she said she would. 
It was hard being new in a town where the people all grew up together. You felt like an outsider, like everyone was being nice to your face and then whispering behind your back as you walked past. You wondered if part of that was because your aunt was eccentric. 
You slowly shoved the books into their designated spots on the shelf, not rushing to get back up to the front. If you were honest, you would live in a book store if you could. When you were young your mom used to bring you to the library that was down the street from your grandparents house every saturday. You would both spend hours flipping through the fantasy section with not a care in the world. 
After she died, those visits to the library became more lonely but you still did it because you enjoyed it so much. 
You heard the bell ding from the front door and the chatter between the two girls up front stop suddenly. 
The hair on the back of your neck started to rise and a chill broke out on your arms. 
You blamed your clothes still wet from the rain. You rolled your shoulders back, trying to calm your sudden chill before reaching for another book from the stack cradled in your left arm. 
You could hear the sound of wet sneakers against the carpeted floors approaching, along with the sound of enthusiastic chattering. You couldn’t hear Tina and Jessie up front anymore and you assumed it was because they were off helping customers. 
The sound of whoever was approaching got closer and you turned and faced the shelf again, hoping they wouldn’t need anything from you. You weren’t the best at the customer interaction side of this job and would rather hide behind the shelves than talk to someone. 
 You heard the sound of the walking stop but the chattering of a younger voice kept going in a one sided conversation. 
You glanced up, offering a polite smile. A teenager stood there, looking no older than fifteen. He had curly hair with a round face and dimples. He spoke enthusiastically to the person standing beside him, not caring that he was being ignored. 
You looked over to the person he was with to see his eyes were already on you. He had long brown hair and dark eyes that reminded you of melted chocolate. His skin was pale but you could just barely make out the light dusting of freckles across his nose if you focused as hard as you were right now. 
He dressed in all black, from his leather jacket to his shirt, jeans and thick boots. His hands were decorated with chunky metal rings that reminded you of costume jewelry. He let out a woosh of air from his lungs as he reached out to the wooden shelf beside him. The rings thudded against the wood as he grasped it so tightly that you thought it might splinter. He wobbled slightly, almost as if he was drunk. 
His full lips were slightly parted as he kept staring at you. 
You wished you could set down the stack of books somewhere so you could rub your arms in an attempt to fight the goosebumps plaguing up and down your skin. 
The boy beside him stopped talking, looking up at his friend with confusion. 
“Eddie? What’s wrong?” The boy asked with concern, nudging his friend's arm. 
Eddie, which was apparently his name, didn’t react to his friend's touch. He continued staring at you with a look you couldn’t decipher and it made the goosebumps spread across your skin with a vengeance. 
“Are you okay?” You asked him, wondering if you should yell for Tina or Jessie to call an ambulance. 
He blinked a few times at the sound of your voice, seeming to have been pulled from whatever trance he was in. 
His friend tugged on his arm. “Eddie?” 
He pried his eyes away from yours to look at his boy. He released his tight grip on the shelf and you realized his full body was trembling. You wondered if he was cold too. 
He didn’t say anything as he quickly turned and rushed away from you, leaving his friend behind. 
The boy let out a small, “oh.” as he stared at you with a wide eyed look. The look of shock didn’t last long before his open mouth spread into a smug looking wide smile. His face changing from shock to joy in a heartbeat. 
“Sorry about that,” he said, not sounding sorry at all. 
He backed away slowly, still with a smile on his face while you stared at him in confusion. 
“It was very nice to meet you. I’m Dustin,” he said before turning around and running in the same direction as Eddie. 
You blinked a few times, trying to process what the hell just happened. Your eyes met with Tina’s who was peeking around the shelf with an annoyed look on her face. She rolled her eyes and made her way back to the front. 
“What the hell?” you said out loud, talking to only the books. Confused on what had just happened in the past few minutes. 
You put the rest of the books away, heading to the front of the store to see if Tina and Jessie needed help with anything. 
They were huddled beside each other at the counter, leaned close and whispering frantically in hushed tones. Tina’s hands were waving in the air. You wondered what had happened to piss her off. 
They didn’t look up until you were behind the counter and grabbing more books to put away. You noticed them sharing a look with eachother out of the corner of your eyes before Jessie turned towards you. 
“Hey. What did Eddie Munson say to you back there?” Jessie asked, her voice going higher in false politeness. It reminded you of the customer service tone she used when a customer was asking too many questions or messing up a perfectly designed display. 
“Uh, nothing?” You shrugged while stacking the books onto the cart. There was no way you were carrying all of these this time. 
“Well, it looked like something happened,” Tina snapped, not bothering to be nice at all. 
You looked up at her in confusion. Jessie and Tina had never acted like this towards you before. Tina’s eyes were red and watery, like she was on the verge of crying and it made you feel bad. 
“Nothing happened. He didn’t even say anything to me. He just stared at me for a second and then walked away,” you offered, hoping this would make things normal again so you could just do your job and then go home. 
Jessie rubbed a soothing hand up and down Tina’s back. 
“See. I told you,” she cooed, trying to make her friend feel better. 
You set down the book you were holding. 
“I’m confused,” you admitted. “Did I do something wrong?” 
“No,” Jessie offered with a small smile, still rubbing Tina’s back as she placed her head in her hands. “Eddie Munson is just a jerk is all.” 
“Oh. Yeah. He did seem kind of rude,” you admitted, not really caring for this conversation much at all. 
Tina snapped her head up and stared at you with narrow eyes. 
“I thought you said he didn’t say anything to you,” she wailed. 
Jessie shot you a look, silently telling you to shut up. 
“He didn’t!” You exclaimed, feeling the need to defend yourself. “He just stood there and walked away!”
Tina nodded, wiping underneath her eyes with the tissue Jessie handed her. 
“What’s the big deal about him anyways?” You questioned, needing to know the story behind this to ease your own curiosity. 
“He’s a man-whore. He makes girls feel special and then just dumps them after he gets what he wants. If you’ve talked to any girl in this town then he’s slept with them,” Jessie said, sounding like she was telling a story about the boogeyman and not just some guy that wears a lot of black and stares at people in weird ways. 
You wanted to ask Jessie if she was included on the list of girls Eddie Munson had fucked over but you wanted peace for the rest of the day. 
You couldn’t help the sudden feeling of disappointment that settled into your gut at the information you had learned. It wasn’t like you knew him since he literally didn’t say at word to you and the whole interaction was weird but for some reason your brain had told you that he was harmless. Your chest felt strange, like the feeling of seeing your crush holding someone else's hand. Which was weird, because although Eddie Munson was beautiful you had only seen him for a few seconds. Surely not long enough to form any attachment. 
He was a stranger. 
“I’m sorry, Tina.He sounds like a real asshole,” you said wholeheartedly. You meant it. It seemed like Eddie Munson had truly broken the poor girl's heart. 
What an asshole. 
Tina sniffled, nodding in agreement. 
“So, if I were you I’d stay far away from him,” Jessie warned, sounding more like a threat. 
“Trust me,” you sighed, “I am definitely not interested.”
You grabbed the handles on the cart, pulling it away from the awkward conversation. Tina and Jessie started whispering again as soon as you walked away. 
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The rain was pouring harder than it was earlier. 
You were contemplating making a run for it to get to the dry safety of your car but you couldn’t bring yourself to move from under the awning that hung over the store's front door. 
It was dark out now, night time coming in behind the gloomy rain clouds. The lights of the parking lot could only illuminate so much with the heavy gushes of rain coming down. 
Jessie came out of the door behind you, jumping slightly as she noticed you. 
You smiled awkwardly, the air still feeling weird from earlier. 
Jessie and Tina had kept to themselves for the rest of the day. You didn’t mind, enjoying the solitude of stacking books on your own or taking inventory. 
Tina had already gone home, running to her car as soon as she finished her last task. She got lucky with there being a break in the rain when she left. You wished you had hurried out at the same time as her. 
Jessie stuck around though to finish counting the register, saying that she had a family member coming to pick her up so she wouldn’t have to drive in the weather. She had even asked your boss if her car would be okay in the parking lot overnight. 
“Why are you still here?” She asked as she came up beside you. 
“Not ready to go through the rain. Hoping it’ll lighten up soon,” you shrugged, wrapping your arms around yourself tighter.
Jessie nodded, looking out at the parking lot and the street before it expectantly. 
About fifteen minutes pass by with you both standing in silence. Water dripped from the awning and splashed at your feet rhythmically. Neither of you said anything about it or made any attempt to move.
The rain hitting the pond that used to be the parking lot was the only sound to be heard. 
You wanted to leave so bad. You just wanted to say screw it and sprint for your car to brave the drive home. But you didn’t feel right leaving Jessie here by herself in the bad weather and darkness. 
“Do you want me to drive you home so you don’t have to wait any later?” You asked, checking your watch to see how far it had passed since closing time. 
You just wished the rain would lighten up now so you could just leave and go curl up in your bed with one of your new books. 
Jessie shook her head, face falling as each car passed the parking lot without turning in. 
The rain finally lightened to a drizzle and you groaned in relief. You stepped out from under the awning, turning back to check on Jessie. 
She stepped out from under the awning too, following you to where your cars were parked. 
“Guess he isn’t coming. Asshole,” you heard her mutter before she climbed into her car and pulled away.  
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The rain finally stopped the next day. 
You woke up bright and early on your day off, much earlier than you really wanted to be up.
You dressed for the day, needing to run some of your aunt's things to the storage unit in town. 
When you had moved in, there was an abundance of stuff everywhere. After living here for a month, you had managed to pack it all into boxes and take it to the storage unit until you could find the time to go through it and decide what you wanted to keep or donate. 
You had a feeling you would end up donating it all like you did with your grandparents things, except the sentimental stuff of course. 
Your aunt liked to collect figurines and paintings of the woods and wildlife. You thought it was odd, since she quite literally lived in a home that was surrounded by woods and all she had to do if she missed it was just look outside. 
The paintings were of various animals, a few bears, a duck or two but the largest painting she had was of a large gray wolf. 
The painting was massive and in a thick dark wood frame that matched the wooden paneling on the walls. It took up most of the living room just behind the couch, positioned in a way where you would have no choice but to make eye contact with it as soon as you walked in the door. 
You took it down the day you moved in. The yellow eyes painted onto the beast seemed to follow you with every step you took in the trailer. 
So you were getting rid of it.
It had spent its time since you moved in with it propped against the wall with a sheet draped over it. You decided today was the day to finally drag it out to your car and pray that it fit into the backseat. 
You propped the front door and screen door open with the heaviest boot you had and grabbed the painting to drag it outside. 
You got it halfway through the door when something on your front porch had you pausing. 
At your feet, on the wooden planks that made up the porch were large muddy paw prints. Whatever animal it had come from was massive. The prints were larger than your own hand, making your shiver a the realization that whatever it was came right to your front door when you were blissfully unaware in your bed. 
Despite the sun shining, you now had an ominous feeling in your spine. 
You quickly pushed the painting back inside, letting the doors fall shut behind you.. 
You’d take the painting tomorrow instead. 
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You got off work again when it was dark. 
Thankfully there was no rain this time. 
You were able to scrub the paw prints off your porch and take the painting to the storage unit this morning before work. 
After discovering the muddy prints at your doorstep the day before, you locked yourself in your house and rethought your move to Hawkins. 
You had spent all last night tossing and turning in your bed in fear of what could be lurking outside. You had probably gotten up and checked the lock on the front door at least five times before finally dozing off into a restless sleep. 
But you had made it through the night and when you checked outside this morning only the old paw prints remained with no new signs of your visitor. 
You turned down the curvy road to head to your side of town. 
Today had gone back to normal with Tina and Jessie back to their normal selves with no talk of the guy that had broken Tina’s heart. 
Now that you were farther from the center of town, there were more trees and less houses. You were the only car on the road, the last headlights you had seen were a few miles back. 
You were so close to your home when you saw something large run through the road. 
You slammed on your brakes, the tires locking up and squealing as the car skidded and stopped with a jerk. 
Your heart raced as you tried to calm down. Your eyes scanned the road, looking for whatever it was that was just there. 
You slammed your hand on the off button on your radio, silencing The Rolling Stones abruptly. 
Through the flickering headlights, you could make out something standing on the left side of the road. It slowly stalked into view until you were leaning back in your seat, frozen from fear. 
It was the biggest damn wolf you had ever seen in your life. And it was standing right infront of your car, staring straight into your eyes. 
It was hard to see in the poor lighting, but its coat was somewhere between a midnight black and a chocolate brown. It was tall, taller than your car. It kept its head hunkered down low to look at you in the driver's seat. 
You wondered if you should break eye contact but you were pretty sure that you had seen somewhere that you were supposed to act like you were bigger when you came face to face with a wild animal. 
Although you were in your car, you were sure that if it wanted to get you it could. Hell, you were sure that it could crush this thing with a flick of its tail if it wanted to. 
A loud howl came from the right of your car. You jumped, foot easing off the brake and making the car lurch forward. You slammed your foot back down, stopping the car before it could hit the animal.
The wolf blinked a few times, not even flinching. It turned, slowly stalking to the right side of the road and giving you time to move. 
You felt its eyes on you as you sped off past it. 
Yeah, Hawkins was really fucking weird. 
Next Chapter
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As You Wish, Chapter 13
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Summary: When arriving at Camp Silver Star, Abby Floyd was anticipating a summer of adventure with an ocean separating her from the three people she loved most: her mom, her Uncle Bob and her Aunt Natasha. But after a run in with Charlie Seresin, an extremely familiar looking and irritating camper in a different cabin, her summer plans take a turn that neither girl ever could have expected.
Trigger Warnings: reader's children are described as being blond with green eyes because genetics are wild and Jake's genes are strong, reader is canonically Bob's sister (but biological relation is never discussed), reader goes by Buttercup and is tattooed, drinking, reference to divorce, kids doing sneaky things, references to pregnancy, swearing, references to the hospital, references to an accident
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South Trail, Seresin Ranch, Clifton, Texas, Now
Charlie felt a chill run down her spine as their trail group walked steadily down the beaten dirt path. Dad was in the lead, as per usual, and Abby had beaten her in a game of rock, paper, scissors in order to come second. That left Charlie third, close enough to Savannah to hear every muttered complaint and snap of her camera as she took selfies.
“Jakey!!!” Savannah cried out as they emerged from the trees onto a lookout, the ledge watching over a field full of wildflowers. “We need to stop! I need photos of this for my followers!”
Charlie stifled a giggle as she saw her dad’s head slump forwards. This was the fifth time Savannah had whined about needed a photo opportunity since they had left the ranch, approximately five hours ago.
“Savannah, I—”
“This is the last one, I promise!” she squealed, clumsily pulling her horse to a stop and sliding down her side until her suede boots touched the ground. She practically threw her phone to Jake and went to stand on the edge of the cliff.
Jake grunted as he neatly dismounted and patted Firewall on the flank. “It has to be the last one or we won’t make it to the campground before nightfall.”
“Yeah, yeah, fine, whatever,” Savannah chirped as she struck pose after pose.
Charlie and Abby both dismounted and moved off the trail to stand in the shade of the trees.
“It would be mean to scare her and hope that she falls, right?” Charlie muttered under her breath.
“Charlie!” Abby let out a scandalized gasp. “She may be awful, but we can’t wish death upon her…though I would be lying if I said that the same thought hadn’t occurred to me as well.”
Charlie slumped against the tree, watching the horses drag their reins on the ground as they stood on the trail, waiting for their riders to be done. “She’s just…the worst.”
“I know. Why would Mum insist that she come with us instead?”
“She said that she wanted Savannah to have a chance to get to know us.”
Charlie smirked. “Alright then. Let’s let her get to know us. Then maybe she’ll wish she had never met us.”
“We’re not that awful,” Abby rolled her eyes.
“I know that, and you know that, but Savannah doesn’t know that. So, let’s make her think we’re the worst. Then she won’t want to marry Dad because it would mean having to spend time with us.”
Abby grinned, her eyes trained on a spot on the ground. “I think I know exactly how to start.”
Crouching to the ground, Abby scooped up a tiny chipmunk from where it was nestled in the roots of a tree.
“Hey buddy…” she whispered. “I bet you want to see what’s in our saddlebags.”
Charlie covered her mouth to muffle the sound of her giggles as they approached Angel.
“Do it now! Savannah’s got her back to us!”
Quiet as a mouse, Abby slid open the saddlebag and slipped the chipmunk inside. “And now we wait.”
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Around noon, Buttercup wandered into the kitchen from the guest bedroom. She hadn’t been lying about having to work. Her deadline was rapidly approaching, and she had been struggling quite a bit with writer’s block, so she had taken advantage of the silence of the ranch house and the beauty of the view and spent the morning writing her heart out. Twenty pages later, and her groove had been interrupted by the grumble of her stomach. So, she saved her work and, slowly as to admire the pictures and paintings on the walls of her ex-husband’s home, she wandered out of her writing cave and into the kitchen, where she was faced with a sweaty Rooster.
He grunted at her as he dug through the fridge. “I’ll be out of your way in a minute.”
“Technically, I’m in your way, since this is your home so…don’t worry about it.” All she received in return was another grunt, and she sighed. “I know you’re mad at me. I know you were against our divorce since the beginning, I know you hated the custody arrangement, and I know you blame me for moving to a different continent, but Rooster…” she sniffled. “Thank you. Thank you for taking care of them for me, when I wasn’t here…when I wasn’t strong enough to do it myself.”
She watched as Rooster sighed, his head hanging between his shoulders before he slammed the fridge door shut and turned towards her.
“Listen, it isn’t your fault. You were sick. I remember my mom talking about how she got sick after havin’ me, and…and shit, Buttercup, I wouldn’t wish that on my worst enemy. And it didn’t help that we kept getting deployed. You were goin’ through it and none of us could see it. I know you fought like hell, and so does he. I just—”
“You know what its like to not have a dad around, so you wish things had been different for Abby. And you know what its like to not have a mom around, so you wish things had been different for Charlie. Right?”
He blinked at her. “Get your ass outta my head.”
She chuckled before the mood settled around them, still slightly somber.
“I should’ve been able to handle it,” she whispered, and Rooster sighed, leaning back against the fridge.
“Hangman should’ve been able to handle it too,” he shrugged. “I know I was pissed off at you for putting yourself first, and it wasn’t fair. I was more worried about how the divorce would affect the team dynamic, instead of worrying about how the divorce would affect you. But he screwed up too. He should’ve put you first, not the team. That’s how it’s supposed to be.” Buttercup blinked up at him and he shrugged. “I started going to therapy after a bar fight when Charlie was like 2. Court mandated, but it helped. I let a lot of shit go.”
“Good for you,” she smiled. “I am grateful that they had you and Javy to lean on, you know. I’m not just trying to get back on your good side.”
“I know,” he shrugged and turned his back to her. “What do you want for lunch? I could hear your stomach grumbling from my room.”
She grinned and sat at the counter. “I imagine asking you for a salad wouldn’t fly?”
He scoffed without turning his back. “We eat healthy in this house, but we don’t eat rabbit food. What do you really want for lunch?”
She giggled. “What about taco salad?”
He turned and pointed at her. “Now that’s a damn good idea.”
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It couldn’t have gone better if they had trained the chipmunk themselves. They had remounted and strolled along the trail for another fifteen minutes before Savannah started pawing at the saddlebag, looking for her oversized, bright pink water bottle. She was able to pry open the clasp of the bag and stick her hand inside. And then it happened…
The chipmunk launched into action, racing up her arm before Savannah could even realize what was happening and landed on her shoulder. Savannah freaked out, screaming and shaking her arm to try to dislodge it. Sweet Angel picked up on her rider’s anxious movements and started trotting down the trail, shaking her head this way and that.
Charlie and Abby watched from the rear as the chipmunk disappeared under the hem of Savannah’s designer t-shirt, Savannah screaming as the rodent searched for an escape. Angel reared up and Savannah clung to her neck. Both girls turned their heads to hide their giggles as their dad scooped the reins out of Savannah’s hands and gently pulled Angel back to the ground, soothing her in a calm voice. The chipmunk finally found an escape through the arm of her flannel, and leapt from Angel’s back to a nearby tree.
“Oh my goodness, Savannah!” Abby called, urging her horse forward. “Are you alright?”
“That was crazy!” Charlie gasped, hiding her laughter behind her hand.
She glared suspiciously at them but said, “I’m fine. Thank you.”
Jake tied Angel’s reins to Firewall’s saddle and turned back to look at them. “We’re going to head to the campground now, okay, Charlie?”
Both girls gave him a thumbs up and he rolled his eyes. When he turned back to face forward, they leaned over and high-fived each other. Neither the chipmunk nor Angel had been hurt, but Savannah screams had been absolutely hilarious. Perhaps their dad suspected them (he knew enough about the great outdoors to know that a chipmunk wouldn’t just materialize inside a closed saddlebag), but perhaps their little prank had allowed their father to see a different side of Savannah.
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Lunch with Rooster had been good. The taco salad he had whipped up had been absolutely delicious, the ground beef perfectly spiced, and the spinach base had been simple but brilliant. More than that though had been their conversation. He had filled her in on so much of Charlie’s life (and Jake’s life as well, since it was so tightly woven with Charlie’s). She had always known that Jake would be a brilliant father, but some of the stories that Rooster had shared with her had her torn between laughter and tears. The antics her husband and her youngest daughter had gotten up to were bittersweet to hear about. In her mind’s eye, she could see them happening. She could see Jake flying toddler Charlie over his head, could hear her phantom cries as he gathered her 8-year-old body in his arms and carried her to the car, her arm bent at a painful angle.
As she strolled along the gravel path towards the dude cabins, she could practically see the phantom figures of her family as they lived and grew here. Knowing she had missed so much of Charlie’s life here, she regretted her decision to stay behind on the trail ride, but she hoped that Savannah would be able to make a better impression on her daughters than she had made on her.
“Honestly…” she muttered as she approached Cabin 1, where her brother and Natasha were staying. “What kind of woman doesn’t want to write her own wedding vows?” She sighed and climbed up the few stairs to the porch. “And what kind of sadistic bullshit is it to ask your future husband’s ex-wife to write the vows for you?”
She shook off the question as she knocked on the door. It had obviously been some sort of territorial claim from Savannah, trying to show Buttercup that he was hers now, but Buttercup had no doubt about that. She’d hurt Jake too badly for things to ever go back to the simple, fun, and loving way it had been before.
Natasha threw open the door and groaned. “Thank god it’s you.”
She chuckled and entered the cozy, modern cabin. “Who did you think it was?”
Natasha rolled her eyes and collapsed onto the comfy leather couch. “Javy. He keeps trying to come and talk to me.” Her friend shuddered dramatically.
Buttercup considered her carefully as she lowered onto the other side of the couch. “What’s the deal with you two? I thought Jake was the one you hated.”
Nat sighed and buried the scarred side of her face in the couch. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
Buttercup took the pillow from behind her and whacked her friend with it. “C’mon! You’re acting like he killed your dog or something!”
Nat snatched the pillow and tossed it back at her. “Why’re you being so pushy, bitch?”
“Because you and Javy have been at each other’s throats since we got here, and I had to kick you out of dinner last night before either of you said or did something inappropriate in front of my children. And I hated doing that.”
Natasha let out a low whine as she tried to bury herself deeper in the couch. “Sorry…I promise I won’t call him a self-important bastard in front of your children.”
Buttercup barked a laugh and cuddled down into her seat. “But why would you call him that? It’s so weird! I honestly thought you two were into each other back in the day.” Natasha shifted so that her back was towards her friend, and Buttercup read it all in the tense line of her back. “Oh my god, you were into him!”
“Shut up…” Natasha grumbled. “He was into me too.”
“Were you two hooking up?”
Natasha rolled to look at her again. “Yeah. For a couple of months. Whenever we were both at Top Gun.”
Buttercup squealed and crawled across the couch so that she was right next to Natasha. “I knew it!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Natasha grumbled, pushing her off.
“So, what happened? Bad breakup? You act like you want to kill him.”
Natasha groaned. “No, it wasn’t a bad breakup. It wasn’t a real relationship.”
“Did he want it to be?”
Natasha buried her head in the pillow. “Yeah…he wanted to make it official after that last deployment. We fought about it a lot. I didn’t want to risk it because…” Natasha paused and looked guiltily over at her.
“Because?” Buttercup prompted gently, having a sneaking suspicion that she knew where this was going.
“Because I saw how messed up you were after the divorce,” Natasha admitted. “Our jobs are–were–risky enough without being in a relationship. And if our relationship fell apart the way yours and Jake’s did?” She sighed. “I told him no, but he wouldn’t let it go. Then there was the crash, and he came to visit me in the hospital and…” Natasha’s fingers clenched into fists. “He told me he would ‘take care of me’. That he felt like it was time to retire and that he would stay with me and that it would all be okay.”
“And that’s…bad?” Buttercup leaned back, confused. “He cared and wanted to help you? Why is that a bad thing?”
Natasha shuddered. “I couldn’t stand him looking at me with all that pity. And besides, why did he retire? He had the best job in the whole damn world and he willingly gave it up? Are you kidding me? They all gave it up! I mean, okay, Bob makes sense because he wanted to help you but why the hell would the rest of them give it up? Fucking idiots.”
Buttercup bit her lip. A decade of living with the other woman told her that trying to talk to Natasha when she was this fired up would be like trying to draw blood from a stone. So instead, she said, “Where is Bob, anyway?”
Natasha shrugged. “He got a phone call and went for a walk.”
“What is up with him and these phone calls?” Buttercup mused as she folded her legs beneath her.
“No clue. But what is with you deciding to stay back and let Cowgirl Barbie go on the trail ride with your girls and your man?”
Buttercup grumbled at her. “He’s not my man, and you know it.”
“Does he know that?”
Buttercup rolled her eyes. “Of course he does! He’s marrying Savannah, remember?”
Nat rolled her eyes and rolled off the couch before padding into the kitchen. “Of course I remember. That’s why I’m going to get wine. We’re going to need it.”
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By the time they reached the campground, Abby was half convinced that Savannah had never been on a horse before. Even though she kept telling stories about her championship barrel racer back on her own ranch, poor Angel kept tossing her head at the confusing signals that her rider kept giving her. Charlie was fully confused. She’d done barrel racing before and the way Savannah was describing it, she knew she had never done it in her life. Her stories about shopping, drinking wine, and winning Miss Texas however, Charlie completely believed. No one could sound so excited about boring adult things if they hadn’t actually done them.
Luckily, they wouldn’t have to share a tent with her. That had been a stipulation of her joining them. Her own tent. Not even shared with their father, just her. Luckily, Jake had packed a hammock that he had already strung up between two sturdy trees for himself, leaving the other tent for his daughters.
All three Seresin’s watched Savannah as she primped in front of her cellphone camera, taking selfies of herself near the lake they were camping by. Jake shook his head with a sigh as he finished setting up her tent and stretched.
“What do we think about a dip in the lake before dinner?” he asked the girls, a wild grin on his face.
Both nodded eagerly and bolted into their tent to pull their swimsuits on.
“Did you bring it?” Charlie whispered, and Abby nodded, pulling out a packet from her backpack.
“Uncle Roo gave it to me and I tucked it away for safe keeping,” Abby replied. “You distract Dad, and I’ll make sure it reaches our target.”
Both girls quickly changed and headed out of the tent.
“Dad!” Charlie called. Jake turned from where he was talking to Savannah, his hands soothingly rubbing her shoulders as she scowled at him. “Can you help me put sun block on my shoulders? Mom would kill me if I came back burned.”
Jake grinned. “She’d kill me first,” he called back, turning from Savannah and strolling over to Charlie.
Jake sufficiently distracted, Abby snuck into Savannah’s tent and ripped open her packet. She sprinkled the contents everywhere. In her sleeping bag, in her clothes, on her hairbrush, in her shoes, and definitely on the inside of her hat.
With a wicked grin, Abby crumpled up the evidence and crept back to her tent to hide it in her backpack. She emerged just in time for Jake to finish lathering her sister with sun block, the two of them turning to her.
“My turn?” she smiled at him sweetly.
“Yeah, baby, c’mere.”
Charlie turned to Savannah, who was still trying to find the just right angle for her selfie. “Will you be joining us in the water, Savannah?”
The petite blond couldn’t hide her sneer. “I think I’ll pass, sugar, but thanks.”
“Suit yourself,” Charlie shrugged. “You might want to get changed then. It’s going to start cooling off soon.”
Savannah smiled, the pull of her lips a touch too saccharine to be sincere, and said, “Thanks, honey. I’ll do that.”
As Savannah strutted into her tent, Jake joined his daughters and mussed their hair. “Last one in is a rotten egg!”
He took off running, his long legs eating up the ground as his daughters squealed and sprinted after him.
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By the time they emerged from the chilly water, the sun was hanging low in the Texan sky and the air had adopted a slight nip that spoke of the coming autumn. Charlie and Abby raced to get dressed in their flannel pyjamas and their thick socks. As they pulled on their matching PJs, they heard Savannah whine and swapped grins.
“I HATE THE OUTDOORS!” she shrieked. “Everything hurts, I have bruises everywhere, my hair is so frizzy, and I must’ve been bitten a thousand times because I can’t. Stop. ITCHING!”
The girls could practically hear the frustrated look on their father’s face as he faced her. “I thought you said you’d been camping before?” he asked, his voice cool under pressure.
Savannah scoffed. “Yeah, in a cabin like civilized human beings. You know, electricity and indoor plumbing? And we never rode to the cabin! We drove there.”
“Who took care of that prize winning mare of yours while you were gone?”
“The staff, as usual,” she replied as though she were talking to a small child. “They do everything for her.”
The twins could feel the rising tension even from inside the shelter of their tent. “Even ride her?”
“Duh,” Savannah giggled. “Daddy paid top dollar for her because I wanted to try barrel racing, but I hate riding, so now she just has babies that we sell. Daddy lets me keep the profit since she’s mine and all. Two of her babies paid for my month-long trip to Paris.”
Jake huffed a sigh. “And you didn’t tell me this because?”
“What does it matter?” she replied coyly, a branch cracking under her foot as she moved closer to him. “We have loads of other things in common, sugar.”
Charlie rolled her eyes at Abby before leaping out of their tent. “Dad! We’re starving! Can we get the fire going so we can eat?”
Jake nodded, his eyes still fixed on Savannah. “You two go collect some firewood, and I’ll get everything ready.”
“Savannah, you want to come?” Abby called sweetly.
Savannah grumbled, her hands scrabbling against her chest and stomach. “Why am I so damn itchy!” she shouted, stomping her foot.
Jake huffed and turned to her. “You’re probably having an allergic reaction to something. Go wash off in the lake while the girls are gone. Take the calamine lotion from in my bag and make sure you cover all your itchy areas. I’ll get you some of my clothes to wear.”
“An allergic reaction to what?” she seethed, glaring at the twins as though she knew it was their fault.
“I think Uncle Rooster might have changed our laundry detergent,” Charlie supplied, grinning at her. “Maybe that’s it.”
“Maybe…” Savannah snarled before stalking off, the sound of her complaining drowning out the twin’s peals of laughter.
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Savannah complained that the hot dogs and smores they were eating weren’t on her diet plan for the wedding, but Jake promptly shut it all down by telling her they were her only choice. Grumpy and painted pink from the calamine lotion, she slowly munched on a hot dog, grimacing with every bite.
Jake grinned at Abby and nodded. “What’s up, kiddo?”
“I know you’re supposed to tell us stories around the campfire…” Jake’s confirming nod gave her the courage to finish. “Could you tell us how you proposed to Mom?”
Savannah’s eyes went wide, and she looked as if she was about to complain again, but Jake cut her a look and she quieted.
“Sure, darlin’. If that’s what you want to hear…” Jake grunted as he settled himself further into his chair, his daughters watching him from a log across the crackling fire. “Let’s see…”
The San Diego Zoo, almost 13 years ago
Jake’s palms were sweating, which was saying something. He was the only pilot of his generation who had not one, but two air to air confirmed kills under his belt. He was ice cold under pressure. Nothing made him flinch. But strolling amongst the different animal exhibits with Buttercup had his hands damp and gross, no matter how many times he wiped them on his jeans.
She was pregnant. Pregnant. With his kid. His twins. This girl that he had known for all of what? Three months? Was having his children. His Buttercup was carrying two baby Seresins, and she wasn’t shrinking from the task either. In the last month since that fateful doctor’s appointment, she had dutifully taken her vitamins and avoided all alcohol, changed up her diet, started exercising more, and all in spite of the fact that she ended up on her knees in front of his toilet every damn morning. But she hadn’t complained. Not once.
My god, how he loved her. Her spark, her sass, that fire in her eyes that challenged him in all the right ways. She was brilliant. She was perfect. And he had to make sure she didn’t wise up and take off on him. Not that he thought she would. They’d exchanged their I Love Yous within the first six weeks of dating, and he knew they rang true, could feel it in every action she took. He wanted that. No, he needed that love every single damn day until the day he died.
“Giraffes are this way, darlin’,” he chuckled as he gently tugged her arm down the correct path.
Buttercup squealed and swung their hands between them. “I freaking love giraffes!”
He shook his head playfully. “You’re such a weirdo.”
“What?” she pouted. “My boyfriend takes me to the zoo to meet the giraffes and I’m not allowed to be excited about it?”
“No, you are,” he smiled, letting go of her hand in exchange for wrapping an arm around her shoulders and pressing a kiss to her temple. “It’s cute.”
“You said it was weird,” she pointed out.
“Yeah, but a good weird. I love your weird.”
“I love your weird too.”
He blinked. “I’m not weird.”
She rolled her eyes. “You’re the only person I know who can name every type of military jet. In order of the year they were made.”
“Lots of pilots can do that,” he blushed.
“No they can’t, and you know it.”
“Fine, whatever,” he teased. “The giraffes are here, you weirdo.”
She squealed again and tugged him along to the meeting area, where the tour guide was waiting for them.
The whole tour of the giraffe enclosure, Jake kept a close eye on Buttercup, who was drinking in all the information, and a close eye on his pocket, where the delicate emerald ring was hidden in a velvet box.
He’d had it for over a month. Funnily enough, he had bought it three days before the doctor’s appointment that had changed their lives forever. He hadn’t asked her yet because he didn’t want her to think it was just because he’d knocked her up. But he couldn’t wait much longer. The rumor mill was churning and whispers that members of Dagger Squad were going to be deployed had spread far and wide. He was one of the few members who hadn’t deployed in a while, so he knew it was likely that his number would be up, and he wanted a ring on her finger before he left.
Finally, the tour guide led them up close to the giraffes, who were milling about the wide paddock.
“I’m going to fill their food buckets so that they’ll come closer, and you can say hi, okay?” she grinned at him and, when Buttercup was distracted, shot him a quick thumbs up. She’d done an amazing job at acting like nothing suspicious was going on, and Jake knew that he owed her one hell of a tip.
Buttercup squealed softly as the giraffes came close, and Jake peeked over his shoulder to see the zoo’s cameraman ready at the fence.
“Buttercup?” she hummed in response. “Darlin’, I know we haven’t known each other for very long, and I know I’m not the easiest man to get along with.” She hummed again, completely entranced by the gentle giant that stood in front of her. “Despite all that, I know that I love you. More than any man has ever loved another. You, me, and our babies are gonna be a family, and I would love for us all to share the same name.”
At that, Buttercup turned, her eyes filling with tears as she saw Jake on bended knee in front of her. “Jake…”
He grinned. “Will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?”
She sniffled and smiled, brighter than the force of a thousand suns. “Yes. Jake, yes. Of course, I will!” She flung her arms around his neck and cried.
As Charlie listened to the story, her tear-filled eyes watched Savannah stomp away to her tent in a huff.
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Morning broke, and with it, so did the silence.
Savannah shrieked and, based on the racket she was making, her tent was probably about to fall down too, if it hadn’t already.
Abby and Charlie shared a startled look and bolted from their tent. They hadn’t done anything. They figured having to listen to a romantic zoo proposal story had been enough torture for one night. But there Savannah was, screaming and shoving at her tent, which had seemingly collapsed on her.
“What the hell is going on here?” Jake shouted, his boots hitting the ground as he took in the sight. “Savannah, what is wrong with you?”
“They did this!” she screamed, a pink painted nail stabbing at Abby and Charlie. “I know they did!”
“No!” she shouted, whirling on him. “I know they put that chipmunk in my saddle bag. I know they put something itchy in my clothes. And I know that they made my tent fall down on top of me!”
Abby turned to her father. “We didn’t make the tent fall, Dad. I swear!”
“You see!” Savannah shrieked. “The little demon admits it!”
“Watch it!” Jake growled, stepping in front of Abby.
Charlie bent to look at the ground in front of Savannah’s collapsed tent. “There’s hoofprints here, Dad.” She followed the tracks over to where Angel stood, her reins dragging on the ground. A thin black fiber hung out of her mouth. The exact same colour as Savannah’s tent.
“You expect me to believe that a horse collapsed my tent?” Savannah seethed.
“It looks to be that way,” Jake replied icily. “Now, you owe my girls an apology.”
“An apology?” she laughed coldly. “You heard the little brat. She only denied collapsing my tent, which means she did the other things!” Savannah sneered at her. “I know you’re the British one. I can tell a fake accent a mile away. And let me tell you this. You showing up here was the worst day of my life. I never wanted to be a stepmother! I thought maybe I could handle one kid until I could convince you to send her to boarding school, but two? No one in their right mind would want to be a stepmother to two little brats!”
Jake stepped smoothly in between them, both Abby and Charlie huddled behind him as he faced his fiancée. “Who says I would’ve sent them to boarding school? They’re my girls.”
“I am your girl!” she shrieked. “ME! M.E.! And if you want to marry me, then you have to choose! Because I’m not playing second fiddle to two little she devils anymore! Got it?”
“Then…” Jake chuckled. “I choose them.”
“Excuse me?”
“T.H.E.M? Them. I choose my girls. Got it?”
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Tags List: @jessicab1991
115 notes · View notes
flowershines · 5 months
Never leaving you
Sim Jake x F! Reader
Summary: Character and reader have been in a secret relationship but as things have gotten more serious they find more and more that their family would do anything to keep the character and reader away from each other. (Rival families: Forbidden love)
Warnings: Smut, cockwarming, family rivals, talking bad about Y/n, humping, teasing, gagging, eating Y/n out, (lmk if I missed any)
Not proof read
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“Can’t you just trust me?”
“You and I both knew that when we started dating, things weren’t going to work out.” The anger in his face started to build up, “What the hell are you talking about, Y/n?” he said walking closer to you. “My family doesn’t like Sim’s and your family doesn’t like L/n’s.” Reaching the edge of the bed you took a seat, “So, it shouldn’t matter.” he exclaimed rather loudly “Why are you yelling at me, I was just saying.” His fingers ran through his hair, “Because your pissing me off, Y/n.” you got up from the edge of his bed and headed towards the door of his bedroom. “Where are you going?” He huffed “Once you chill then we can talk about this again.” he walked over to you and grabbed your wrist tightly as he pulled you back to the bed, “No, we are talking about this now.” you rolled your eyes. “What’s the point if your just going to yell at me?”
Just then the sound of his front door opening surprised you both, he turned to you and put his hand over your mouth as he pointed to his bed then down. You understood what he meant, following his instructions you kneeled on the floor then looked up at him as he quietly walked over to the other side of his bed, getting on your stomach you scooted more further under his bed. “Jake, honey, you in there?” Your breathing started to shake from the nervousness of being caught, “Yeah, come in.” as the door opened you held your breath not wanting anyone to hear your anxious breathing. “I just came to get the computer, sweetie.” The sound of the footsteps traveled from one end to the other, “Mom, I have a question.” You thought to yourself that he better not be saying something stupid, “Yes?” “Why do you guys hate the L/n’s?” a sign was heard as the footsteps stopped at the side of his bed. “Jake you and I both know how much pain they put our family in, they are terrible people.”
“But that was years ago.” Nothing was heard for a couple of seconds till his mom broke the silence, “It’s not just that honey, if you want to know more you would have to ask your father. Plus I heard that their kid loves hoeing around with everyone, doesn’t set a good example, and she doesn’t even focus on her studies. Now come on who would want a kid like that.” Those words shattered your heart of course none of them were true but still the fact that, that was how she saw you made you feel useless. “Don’t say that about her, I met her she’s really pretty, nice and really really smart.” Foot steps were seen walking to his door “Jake you know your lying, don’t stick up for her. She’s a nobody.” the door was shut behind her, you didn’t even bother to immediately scoot out from under the bed. You just wanted to stay there hoping his would all go away, “Y/n?” a whisper was heard from next to you. Your mouth felt dry, your hands were freezing, tears fell down your face, you were a mess.
“I’m just gonna go.” You scooted out from underneath his bed and quickly tried to book it out of his room but a hand was placed around your waist which prevented you from moving forward, “Please can we just talk about this now, they are just stopping by; they’re leaving soon.” you signed but nodded towards him. He brought you back to his bed and had you lay down next to him, a knock was heard from his door making you immediately look around and scoot out of his bed.“I’m changing, what do you need?” From the other side of the door you heard his mother’s voice one more “We are going over your aunts house for a bit, there is money for dinner on the counter. Call us if you need anything.” he responded softly “Okay, love you.” she said she loves him too then her footsteps faded away from his door, as the sound of the front door opened then shut.
“See i’m not even wanted here, you heard the way she was talking about me so what’s the point.” He reached for your hand while he laid on the bed, you reached out your hand and put it on his. He tightened his grip and pulled towards him making you crawl to him on the bed, he opened up his arms and pulled you into a hug as you cuddled laying on him. Feeling him comfort you this way made you start to sob in his arms, his fingers ran through your hair while his other hand was drawing circles on your back. “I love you to much to lose you, Y/n. So don’t even mention anything about us breaking up because i’m never leaving you.” His chin was resting on the top your head, you could hear his heartbeat pound louder and louder with each breath he took.
You backed up and looked at him in the eyes staring into them for a second then pulling him into a kiss, his lips were always so soft and warm. You could just stay like this with him forever or at least till both of your parents found out, just as you were about to pull away from his lips his hand that was playing with your hair snaked down to the back of your neck which pulled you in closer. “Never leave me, please.” He mumbled softly against your lips, you opened your lips slightly and he took the opportunity before him as he stuck his tongue in slightly but not to far in. You loved the way how he knew the things that will rile you up the most, his hands would not leave your body; they would go up and down on your sides and pull you further into the kiss.
He just couldn’t take his hands off you, “So fucking perfect.” yo i backed away from the kiss and got on top of his lap bringing your face into the crook of his neck, hugging him tightly. “You’re so gorgeous, you know that?” You mumbled into his neck “Your parents don’t think so.” he huffed slightly and brought his hand to your hair as he slightly pulled it back bringing your face out from his neck till he can see your face, “It doesn’t matter what they think, I love you and that is all that matters.” the hand on your hair loosened as both of his hands fell to your hips. His hands pushed you more down onto his lap and made your hips move in a back and forth motion, you hummed quietly in his ear. “I can show you just how much I love you.” You nodded on his shoulder as you agreed to the comment he said, the more he moved your hips the more vocal he became.
He started of saying nothing but only breathing moans and shaky breaths left his lips and now an occasional swear would fall from his lips as he started to quietly grunt, moan, and constantly breathe heavily. “Want you inside me, but i just want to relax in your arms.” He looked at you confused you understood why he was confused so you put it into different terms, “I want you to be inside me as we lay here.” he opened his mouth as he nodded. He understood what you meant now, he gave you his approval then you sat up and lifted yourself off of his lap so now you were just hovering over him. You unbuckled his belt and slowly unzipped his zipper causing him to whine from your teasing, he lifted his hips as well as they met yours again which gave you easier access to pull his pants to his knees.
His boxers were tight on him as it gave you the best sight to see, his cock was straining against they begging to come out as your eyes trailed from the base of his cock to the the tip through the fabric you could see a wet spot. Your fingers ran to the spot making him shutter from the touch, as you ran your fingers through it stuck to them. You brought your thumb up to your pointer finger and rubbed them against each other in a circle motion, slowly pulling them apart from one another his precum stuck to both of your fingers creating a line that connected them both.
Your boyfriend could not resist anymore he just really needed to be inside you, he did almost everything to try and take your attention away from teasing him but nothing worked no matter how much he squirmed or how many times his cock would twitch in his boxers, nothing. You brought your fingers to his waist band and pulled them down slowly as it made his cock bounce back up to hit his abdomen, you brought your face down to his cock and licked a strip along from the bottom of the base to the tip. This man was going crazy underneath you as he was now aching to be touched, even the smallest thing set him off as he would squirm beneath you. You put the tip of his cock in your mouth and slid all the way down so that way your spit would act as lube, making it easier for you both.
The further you went down the more you would gag on him, but it was for the better each time you gagged because more spit would form in your mouth as it ran along the side of his cock. “Fuck.” He said dragging out the last two letters, you got up from you position and hovered over his cock making sure that it was perfect aligned to slip into you. He rutted up his hips till the almost hit you but you pushed them back down and slowly lowered yourself into him while moans fell from his lips, you laid back down into your pervious position; laying you head back on his shoulder.
His hips slowly started to runt up into you with each chance he got which cause you to pull away from his neck, “What are you doing? Thought you weren’t supposed to move?” he hugged your body pulling you closer “Can’t help it Y/n, you feel so warm and soft. Just wanna fuck you so bad.” you snuggled back into the crook of his neck “A little bit longer.” he huffed as his movements stopped. Whines fell from his lips every time you clenched around him, sometimes it was on purpose and the others his cock would twitch inside you which would cause you to clench on him. At this point he didn’t even care about anything else he just needed to find pleasure for himself, “Please Y/n, it’s killing me.” he whined. “You’re so dramatic.”
You mumbled against him, “How much longer?” you lifted your head up to his ear and whispers “Fine, go.” he immediately lifted up your hips with his hips and held you in place as he fucked up into you. His thrusts weren’t slow they were fast but filled with love, you loved to tease him it was your favorite thing to do to him. Of course he has a hard time accepting that but he goes along with it because if your happy he’s happy, his arms were wrapped around you giving you a bear hug as his hips were slamming into you. “I love you so much.” He whispered in your ear as you then lifted up your head giving him a kiss on the lips, his face showed just how flustered he was.
His cheeks turned a light pink that ran from one side of his face to the other, his fingers started to turn white from how hard he was hugging you, his thrusts became more shaky you could tell his legs were giving out. You tried to sit up and struggled a bit from how hard he was hugging up but you did manage to break free from his grip, you tapped on his knees and pushed down his hips. His moans sounded like heaven, a melody that ran through one ear and out the other, his lips were glossy from the spit of him constantly putting his bottom lip in between his teeth.
You placed your legs in a more comfortable position and proceeded to go up and down on his cock while his hands rested on your hips making you slam down onto him harder than before, he always loved it when you rode him because he would see such a beautiful sight; your tits bouncing in front of his face. He wanted to suck on them but to be able to suck on them he would have to sit up while his hands could not leave your sides, “Fuck, Fuck.” he chanted multiple times. “Oh my fucking god Jake, feel so good.” You say sitting on his lap grinding back and forth on him, looking down at him you see his head was thrown back into the pillow, his mouth was open, his brows were knitted together, and his eyes rolled back the more you moved. He was in the most ultimate pleasure.
His cock twitched more with every bounce or grind you did on him, his hands squeezed your hips while he tried to meet your strokes by thrusting up. “I’m gonna c-” His words were cut off as his orgasm already reached him, he pushed up further into you as he came down from his high. Pulling out he saw his cum dripping from your pussy and he swore he could cum again just from the sight, “You didn’t cum?” he asked sounding disappointed in himself. “It’s not a big deal I can just-” “No, no, no Y/n. You made me cum and I didn’t make you cum. Please sit on my face.” He never asked you to do this before and you started to overthink and decline his request. “Jake seriously i’m okay, I don’t need to cum.”
He sighed as you got off from his lap and laid down next to him only for him to trail kisses down from your stomach to your entrance, “But just imagine, you tugging on my hair as my tongue slides in deeper into you. grunts Fuck. I would still be able to taste my cum in you.” His hips started to grind on the bed just front the idea, “Fine, but be fast.” “But I want you to enjoy it.” you stared into his eyes “I will as long as I get to cum, the faster the better and more time for us to hang out before your parents come back.” He nodded as he started to kiss your inner thighs while his fingers started to slip into your entrance one by one, he started to grind on the bed to the pace his fingers were going. He brought his lips to your clit giving it a kiss before he strayed to suck on it while looking up at you, his fingers were quickly moving in you. His tongue trailed from your clit to your entrance as he took his fingers out and moved them to one your clit as he started to create a circle motion.
This man was literally a god, he knew exactly what to do with your body and ways to make you cum very easily. You felt yourself getting closer to your orgasm each time his tongue would curl inside you, your hand snaked down to his hair as he continued to stare up at you. You played with his hair and tugged on it as he did multiple tricks with his tongue, he would moan into your pussy from the stimulation of him humping the bed. Feeling or orgasm come closer and closer the grip on his hair became tighter and tighter, his tongue started to move way faster than it did before as well as his fingers focusing on your clit.
“Jake-e fuck, i’m gon-” Your sentence was cut of as your orgasm hit you while he still continued his motions helping you through it, letting go of his hair he sat up and brought his fingers to his mouth “You taste so fucking good, next time I want you to sit on my face. Fucking suffocate me with your pussy, I love eating you out so much.” you looked down and said “Clearly.” his eyes followed yours which lead to his squirts of cum on the bed where he had been humping it prior. “I couldn’t help it.” He said crawling back up next to you on the bed as he laid on your stomach, he mumbled on your stomach. “I love you don’t ever forget that, and it doesn’t matter if our family doesn’t like each other. I’ll be with you through everything.”
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
Jealous, jealous, jealous girl pt 2
Part 1-
Request- reader and hobie get into an argument bc of how she treats Gwen, they break up, reader starts to get even angrier at people even Pavitr (my poor baby), she finds out that Gwen started to stay at Hobie’s place and she hears him call Gwen “Gwendy” (he does that in the movie and I think it’s cute) so she just stops coming to the spider society HQ all together bc that was her final straw, somehow Hobie finds her and she tells him about how really felt deep down 😔
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“Look, I’m just saying you can’t get mad everytime I even talk to her.” He said as calmly as he could.
“It’s not even just you talking to her anymore! You’re hanging out with her more than you are me! You’re fucking calling her nicknames!”
“It’s just cause we’re working together, there’s nothing else goin’ on, love-“
“Don’t call me that. I never said there was anything else going on. And that’s not all because you wanna know what else I saw? Her fucking clothes in your room! Her shoes, shirt, pants. You told me that she wasn’t staying anymore, you lied to me.”
“I couldn’t tell you, cause I knew you’d get angry.”
“You knew and you did it anyway?”
“I’m sorry. Okay? I’m sorry.“ he said, but he didn’t say it in a genuine way.
“We’re done. You keep lying to me, and I can’t do it anymore.” You said, tears at your eyes.
“Wh- Y/n- Y/n, don’t-“ he said as you started to mess with your watch, going straight to the HQ.
When you entered the portal he groaned and sighed, he laid on his bed and put his hands over his face.
“Fuck.” He knew he messed up.
It seemed as if he moved on quicker than you. You came to work on the verge of tears everyday, and he was laughing and talking with Gwen everyday.
Pavitr helped you through everything, staying at your house sometimes, and you staying at his. His aunt loved you.
You were having lunch with him, you both sat in silence and eating.
“So, how you handling the whole…” he asked after a while of silence.
You sighed “Not good. He just keeps hanging out with her, and I heard that she was staying at his again!” You started to get pissed off every time you talked about it.
“Alright, alright, calm down. You guys needa talk it out.”
You thought for a moment.
“I guess.. I just… I dunno, it kinda hurts to see him, yknow?”
“I get it, just talk to him when you’re ready, because I want the gang back! I miss all of you guys, and it’s not like I don’t like hanging out with you.. it’s just… better with all of you. And Hobie told me some things, I think you guys can work it out”
“Some things? What things Pavitr..?” You said.
“Just some… non important things..”
He looked the other way, struggling to meet your gaze.
You rolled your eyes, and stood up, throwing away the garbage.
“Wait- y/n, I’m sorry-“
You left him alone, and he sighed as he continued to eat.
As she walked out, you ran into Hobie and Gwen speaking.
You hid so they didn’t see you.
“Gwendy, next time ya come over, quit forgetting your toothbrush.”
“Gwendy..?” You whispered to yourself. You knew she was being called nicknames but it was different hearing it.
You rolled your eyes, as you quickly walked past them. Gwen stared at you, while Hobie just ignored you.
Hobie sighed when you left.
“You guys still not talking?”
“Nah. I was thinking of it… but I gotta wait until she’s not pisssed off.. which is rare.” He shrugged.
They walked into the lunchroom, seeing pavitr sit there and stare at his food.
“Yo, Pavitr.” Hobie said, excited and ready to get a happy welcome.
Pavitr just looked at him.
“What’s wrong?”
“I told her that you said some things, I didn’t tell her exactly what, but she got all mad and left me! Fix your stuff man, she’s a great person, and I want her back.”
Hobie just sighed as Pavitr stood up and threw his trash away as well.
“Just talk to her.” Gwen shrugged when he looked at her.
“We got into an argument over you. That’s why it happened.”
She laughed “I’m flattered but I’m not worth breaking up over. You two were probably the cutest couple I’ve seen.”
He sighed “Yeah. You’re right.”
With tears in your eyes you left the HQ, telling spider byte you’d be away for a while, her asking a lot of questions and then saying she’s got it there.
You didn’t tell Miguel or anyone else, just her.
You went to your apartment, and went straight to your bed. You didn’t even realize you were crying. When you did, you let it all out. Ugly crying felt good to do at the moment, so that’s what you did.
You cried for a good 15 to 20 minutes. Then you fell asleep.
You woke up, and pretty much did the same thing for a few days.
Jessica was constantly bothering you, telling you you had to be in.
“‘M still sick with the virus. Can’t.” You lied.
She rolled her eyes “You’re full of shit.”
“Yeah… cus of the virus.”
She sighed “Funny. Just… be in soon, I can’t keep covering for you.”
“I will.”
After a day or two, people at the HQ noticed. Pavitr, Gwen, and Hobie mostly noticed, Jessica, Miguel, And Charlotte, whom you were also close with, noticed.
(Charlotte is sun-spider)
No one bothered to come by except for Pavitr for a while.
He tried to convince you to come back, but also letting you know of everything happening.
“Alright, I gotta go, see you!” He said, opening a portal.
“Yeah, see you.”
A day after, instead of jessica it was Miguel himself that called through your watch.
You sighed “Yeah, yeah, I’ll come in-“
“You better. You know that spot guy we were looking at?”
“He’s a bigger issue than we thought. We’re looking for him right now. You have to come in today, no excuses.” He said.
“Okay. Yeah. I will in a little..”
He disappeared and you sighed, laying back in bed.
There was a knock at your front door, making you jump.
You groaned in annoyance and got up.
“What?” You opened the door, and then you saw it was hobie.
You tried to slam the door, but he stopped it with his foot.
“Hello to you too.” He mumbled.
“What do you want, Hobie?”
“I wanna talk.”
“Okay. Talk.”
“I’m sorry. I am. I miss you, a lot. And I just want to… fix things. If it’s possible, Y’Know? Im sorry for lying, and sorry for.. everything.”
You stared at him for a while, and this time he sounded genuine. He looks like he’s been… crying?
“I miss you too hobie. God, I fucking-“ you took in a sharp breath “I love you. I always have, since the moment I saw you, and I don’t think that’s ever gonna change. But it hurts. It fucking hurts. You went behind my back, and lied to me.”
He listened and stared.
“I don’t love Gwen. I love you. Like you said, always have, always will. And I’m sorry I lied.. but Gwen’s my friend, and you and her could really get along. If you’re asking me to stop being friends with her-“
“I’m not asking you to stop being friends with her. I’m asking you to not lie about it next time. Don’t lie about how she’s not staying at your place when she is.” You said, you feel like you were repeating yourself as you raised your voice.
“I won’t. If you give me another chance, I will never lie to you again. I screwed up, and honestly I’d do anything for you to forgive me. And maybe if we could go on a date.. yknow, redo the whole thing.
“I forgive you. And yeah.” You said after a while of silence.
He smiled ever so slightly. “Thank you. You coming back to HQ now?”
“Yeah. Miguel’s gonna blow my brains out if I don’t.”
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ist4rgirlo · 10 months
─ 𝐚𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 - 𝐜.𝐟 : 𝐈𝐈
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Summary: Now that your life has turned upside down, are you still willing to put your siblings' feelings first? Or would you rather fight for your feelings and do what makes you happy regardless of the consequences that might result in the future?
Prev ; Next || Conrad Fisher x fem!reader || My blog
Warnings: S2 SPOILERS! panic attacks (lmk if i missed anything!)
Belly's Pov
Me and Jeremiah decided to go to Aunt Julia's house — just to try to talk to her, maybe we can do something — maybe we can stop her from trying to sell the house.
We even decided to buy her flowers as an offering. As we arrived to her house, I took a deep breath and decided to hop out of the car —Jeremiah following behind me. I walked towards the door with Jeremiah beside me before ringing the door bell.
Aunt Julia opened the door before saying "Can I help you?" she asked. Jeremiah walked towards her and hugged her "Hey Aunt Julia" he said smiling — before pulling away. "Uh uhm Conrad told me you were here"
Aunt Julia looked at Jeremiah "Oh Jeremiah" she paused "and you are?" referring to me "I am Belly, Belly Conklin. Laurel Park’s daughter, Susannah's bestfriend" I told her smiling gently — giving her the flowers that I was holding.
"Oh wow, it's been so long" she said, scratching her forehead. "Uhm, we just wanted to say hi and maybe talk a little bit" Jeremiah chuckled before looking at her and smiling.
"Look uhm if its about the house, I'm sorry. It's decided" Aunt Julia said — smiling gently. Jeremiah's mouth frowned.
"Uhm we're actually doing an open house tomorrow."
"You.. you have to know how much that house means to Jeremiah and Conrad. That was their place, how-how can you let go of such a-a magical place?" I asked Aunt Julia.
"I remember her calling it that" Aunt Julia paused "But i-it's not personal" Jeremiah looked at her — brows furrowed "I bet" Jeremiah smiled sarcastically.
"I'm sorry, I have to go back to work" Aunt Julia said before closing the door. I looked at Jeremiah — I place my hand on his shoulder and patted it. We walked towards the car and drove off.
"I'm sorry, Jere" Jeremiah looked at me "It's okay, we cant really change someone's mind" he said — placing a hand on my shoulder.
"Where'd you guys go?" Conrad asked — his hair wet, he was wearing a surf suit. "We went to Aunt Julia's house" Jeremiah sighed.
Conrad face started to fill with hope "H-how did it go?" I looked at him "She's sure about this, Conrad. I don't think we can change her mind." I said -- he nodded before saying "Ofcourse"
It seems like the news that we were here in Cousins have spread fast as Taylor and Steven are on the way here. Apparently, me and Taylor were bad at lying thats why Steven knew about it immediately.
I hoped that Y/N was with them but Steven said no. He tried to push her to go but she said she need to do much more important things, I just miss her. We all thought that this news would make her come here but we were wrong.
Conrad and Jeremiah decided to talk to their dad. “Dad should be calling soon” Conrad said, informing Jeremiah.
“Do you guys want to talk to him alone?” I asked — not wanting them to be weirded out that I was there. “I-I can wait upstairs.”
As Jeremiah sat down, Conrad looked at me before saying “You helped me and J get this far. Plus its your house as much as it is ours” he smiled gently. I sat down as the phone started to ring.
We did everything, everything to save the house. Nothing is working, their dad is just letting it go. He just kept on sayong that it was legally Aunt Julia’s — it seemed like he never cared for it, for the house.
As the call ended, Taylor and Steven arrived to the house, surprising Conrad and Jeremiah. They were confused about why we looked down — I forgot to tell them that the house is on sale.
“We’re losing the house” Jeremiah said, sighing. “They’re putting it up for sale”
“Oh Cinderbelly” Taylor said as I stood up to hug her.
Conrad’s Pov
Here I was again, looking for her. Trying to see if she came with Steven and Taylor but no. She hasn’t even responded to my text. Maybe she’s busy.
I walked towards Jeremiah, sitting down beside him. “Hey” I said, patting his shoulder.
“You know, I thought I could convince dad. I thought we could” He sighed.
I nodded and sighed “I thought so too.” chuckling a little bit.
“It’s just.. it feels like everything is slipping away and-and the house is the only thing - the last thing tying us together” It was true, it did feel like it — we didn’t expect that we’d get together like this, that we’d be complete because of this reason.
“We’re not giving up, Jere” I looked at him shaking my head “We’re going to do something about it, I don’t have a plan. Not yet but I’ll do everything, we’ll figure ig out together.” I told Jeremiah. He nodded.
“I-I just hope she’s here, she’s the only one missing Connie” Jeremiah said — referring to Y/N. She just made everything less worse for everyone, I hope she was here too.
“Me too, Jere. Me too” I paused “You know, we should hang out tomorrow. Just all of us staying here for open house, that’d be a good plan” I chuckled
Jeremiah chuckled then nodded “Yeah we should definitely do that”
As me and Jeremiah got done talking we went inside the house and decided to hang out with the rest. They all sat down in their own places. “So what do you guys want to watch?” I asked.
“We should do… this one” Belly said — holding up mom’s favorite movie. I smiled taking it from her hands as I walked towards the tv — i mouthed a “thank you” to Belly.
After that, I went and sat the down on the other couch until I looked at my phone — recieving a text. I felt my chest tighten, I need to get out of the house. I stood up from my seat and went straight to the beach.
It was happening again, It attacked me again. I couldn’t breathe, it felt like someone was choking me. I pulled out my phone again — looking if the text was real, it was, I got in but what about Jeremiah, I can’t.
My mind filled with worried, with anxiety, not until another text popped up. It was like a coincidence, the text — my breathing is okay now, my heart is beating at a normal pace. The text was from the one that I have been waiting for.
She responded, it was from Y/N. She was going to come here, she’s coming here to Cousin. We’re complete now.
taglist : @maybankslover @urmomisafinewoman @user3729107491 @melllinaa @anthgoldenhrry @arunabrak @amj2277 @whoisalexa @remuslupinwifee @gulphulp @layanderson @astrvalee @goldenmoonbeam @podiumprincess @johannelis2302nely @silcintilla @smw-96 @apollo3475 @drikawinchester @fangirl-kimora @sanjanapm @milyswrld @scysuxx @starkeylover @fallingforel @mysticalstarlightflower @ifilwtmfc
the next part is here !! hope everyone likes it :)) lmk if y’all have requests and if you guys want to get tagged <3
love lots !!
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lilac-witch · 4 months
Ebullience - Cassian x Reader
Summary: Y/n tells Cassian they're expecting. (Eudaemonia - Part 2) Meaning: "an intense feeling of excitement and enthusiasm" Word Count: 702 Warnings: Mentions of pregnancy.
They hadn't been trying. But at the same time, they hadn't done anything to prevent it either.
Having only been mated to Cassian for over five years, the topic of children hadn't been so much as touched. Both Y/n and Cassian had been more than content to take the role of doting uncle and aunt in Nyx's life.
And yet now, Y/n found herself lying on a table in Madja's shop, trying to come to terms with it all.
A baby...
They were having a baby...
A squeeze to Y/n's hand brought her out of her thoughts, and she turned to see Madja's gentle, knowing smile.
"Everything happens for a reason dear, remember that."
The words resonated through Y/n's head the entire way home. So distracted by this new information, that she didn't hear the beating of powerful wings before a body landed beside hers.
Y/n jumped, hands circling around her stomach out of instinct.
"Mother above Az, are you trying to give me a heart attack?"
Azriel's brows furrowed in confusion.
"You didn't hear me coming?"
Y/n blushed. She was hardly ever caught off guard. Cassian had trained her well, and Azriel knew this for a fact.
Suddenly, Azriel sniffed the air, and his confusion quickly melted into pure excitement.
"Are you really?" he asked, a bright smile lighting up his tanned face.
Y/n sighed. She'd been hoping Cassian would be the first to know, but Cauldron knew that this family wasn't known for secrets being kept secret. News always travelled amongst them.
"Yes, but you can't tell anyone. Cassian doesn't know yet."
Azriel nodded in understanding before offering her his arm.
"I'll walk you home."
"Overprotective, Illyrian bastards," Y/n said, rolling her eyes playfully.
Azriel's grin simply widened as they walked through the streets of Velaris.
"Is it true? Are you pregnant?"
Y/n almost fell off the kitchen stool when Rhysand suddenly appeared before her, having winnowed from Cauldron knows where.
"Azriel told you didn't he?" she asked, pinching the skin between her brows in irritation.
The shield she had erected would be useless if her family couldn't keep their mouths shut.
Rhysand's smile only grew.
"So it is true! Congratulations sister!" he said, embracing her.
It brought Y/n great comfort, to know that this babe would be loved unconditionally.
"I don't suppose this means you'll let Cass come home early from his mission, will you?" she asked as they separated.
"As a matter of fact, your mate is on his way now."
Y/n beamed.
He was coming home. He was coming home to her. He was coming home to them.
Y/n watched Rhysand walk towards the kitchen door.
"Oh, I've also had a few warriors placed at the front door. For safety you know," Rhysand said, narrowly missing the shoe Y/n flung at him.
"Overprotective, Illyrian bastards..." she muttered to herself.
It was late into the evening when Cassian returned to their home. Y/n had been sitting on the couch when their front door opened, revealing the massive form of her mate.
"Hello, my love," she said as she stood up from her spot, walking over to embrace the large male.
Cassian gladly took her in his arms, breathing in her citrus scent. Not even a moment later, he froze.
With her head buried in his shoulder, Y/n could barely hold back her grin. She'd dropped the shield seconds after he'd returned home, allowing him to identify the difference in her scent.
Gently, Cassian manoeuvred them so that they were looking each other in the eye.
The sight of him was beautiful. Tan skin flushed with joy. Hazel eyes watering slightly but overflowing with love. And his smile...
His smile was simply breathtaking.
"I'm going to be a dad?" he managed to choke out, the tears now openly flowing down his face.
Y/n felt her own tears begin to soak her cheeks.
"You're going to be a dad, Cassian," she said, a palm coming up to brush the tears from his face.
He let out a breathy laugh, wrapping her in his muscled arms.
"Thank you... You've made me the happiest male alive."
Second post complete :) I just want to thank everyone from the bottom of my heart for all the love given to Aesthete. I could have only imagined so many of you loving it, and it brings me so much joy to see. Just a reminder, my inbox is open, so please feel free to send through your requests :)
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basiccortez · 2 years
My Forever - R. Wheeler 
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Pairing: Rip Wheeler x female!Dutton warnings: pregnancy, horseback riding while pregnant, protective papa Rip word count: 1.3k Note: my Yellowstone and Outer Range requests are open. If you saw me post this yesterday. . . ya didn't.
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It has always been a dream of yours to become a mother. From the time you were a little girl, running around with Kayce and Lee on the ranch, you had always played “family”, your old brothers playing along with you. Every doll and teddy bear that you had gotten became your baby and you treated them as such. Your mother wanted more for you than to become some rancher’s wife and raise the next generation of Duttons, but it was what you wanted. 
Rip knew that that was your dream, and he was more than willing to help you achieve it. First thing though, was marrying you. John put the fear of god in him on what would happen if he knocked up his little girl before marrying her. So Rip did right by him, and married you in a small ceremony on John’s front lawn. You wore a simple white sundress and your boots. Kayce stood by your side as you exchanged vows with the love of your life. Everyone knew it was only a matter of time until you were sharing the news that you were pregnant. 
You were currently six months along and were bursting at the seams with excitement about the little girl you were carrying. Rip was terrified when you told him the baby was a girl. He didn’t know the first thing about raising little girls, and prayed that if she turned out anything like you or her aunt. . . God save the man who pisses her off. But there was one thing that you missed the most since becoming pregnant, was being able to ride your horse. 
It wasn’t that you couldn’t go ride, it was just strongly recommended that you don’t. You had asked at your first OB appointment if you could, and your midwife advised against it. And Rip took that like it was the word of God. Anytime he saw you getting anywhere close to the bunkhouse or the stables, he was directing you away. He was already protective of you, and now that you were carrying his little girl, it was amplified by a thousand. 
But somehow, you had managed to get around his ruling, and found yourself in the stables before anyone else, well besides Jimmy, who was cleaning the stalls. Your boots clicked on the cement as you walked by the horses, getting to the stall where your first baby was. The brown and white Appaloosa that had been gifted to you for your 18th birthday, stood up from his lying position and made his way over to you. 
“Missed me, huh,” You smiled and pet his nose, “I missed you too.” 
“Uh, are you supposed to be-” 
“Jimmy, shut up,” You said, “Saddle up ol’ Jesse here.” 
“Rip told us not to-” 
“Does it look like Rip is fucking here,” You turned and put your hands on your hips, “Hasn’t anyone ever told you not to piss off a pregnant woman? A pregnant Dutton woman, at that?” 
“N-no, ma’am.” 
“So stop fucking stuttering and saddle up my horse, Jimmy!” 
Jimmy nodded and moved quickly to get Jesse out of his stall. You sighed in content and fixed the hat on your head. You were at the point in your pregnancy where wearing Rip’s jackets fit better than your own. You knew that when he woke and looked for his classic black Yellowstone jacket, he'd start cursing up a storm but you couldn’t be bothered with it. 
“Horse is saddled ma’am, where should I put him?” Jimmy asked. 
“In the arena,” You said. Jimmy nodded and followed you out to the arena with Jesse on the reigns. The horse seemed excited as they neared the arena, knowing that he would be able to stretch his legs and get a good run in, “Alright,” You sighed, and took the reins from Jimmy, “Stay near.” 
“In case I fall off this thing or Rip comes down,” You climbed up on the fence, giving yourself a little extra leverage to get up on Jesse’s saddle. You couldn’t swing up on him like you used to, not with a growing belly. Jesse let out soft huff as you mounted and adjusted yourself in the saddle, “Alright, easy now boy.” You kicked his belly softly, “Precious cargo on board.” 
As if Jesse could understand you, the horse started to gently trot around the arena. It wasn’t like you were used to, being able to take off with incredible speed and ride him up through the mountains and valleys of the ranch, but the soft, gentle trot was enough to bring a smile on your face. You let out a laugh as you felt your baby kick within you. You pulled on Jesse’s reins, stopping him. 
“Good boy,” You cooed and pet his mane, “Soon enough you’ll have another little handler who will be begging to take you for a spin. Come on,” You kicked his belly once again, getting the horse to start to trot. 
Jimmy watched you amazed, how easily you took all the turns and led Jesse around the ring. He didn’t notice that the rest of the bunkhouse had woken up, or that Rip was storming his way up to the arena, looking for both his jacket and his woman. 
“What the fuck is she doing?” Rip asked, seeing you in the arena, “Jimmy, what the fuck is she doing?” 
“Oh!” You stopped Jesse’s small run, “You’re awake.” 
“Yeah, I’m fucking awake,” Rip said, “What the hell are you doing on a goddamn horse?” 
“Well, what does it fucking look like?” You sassed back. 
“Ryan, get her the fuck off that damn horse,” Rip ordered. You rolled your eyes as you watched your husband walk away and back into the stables, but not before stopping and thumping Jimmy upside the head. Ryan gave you an apologetic look and grabbed Jesse’s reins, pulling you over to a ladder that Colby had brought out. 
“Sorry, miss,” Lloyd said, giving you his hand to help you off the horse, “You know how he is.” 
“A stubborn asshole,” You said, your feet hitting the steady ground, “If this kid pops out with his stubborn attitude. . . so help us all.” You squeezed Lloyd’s shoulders before walking into the stables to find your husband pacing the ground. You sighed and leaned up against the wall of an empty stall. 
“I told you to stay away from here. From the bunkhouse, from the stables and from the-” 
“I can not stay locked away in the foreman's house any longer, Rip!” You yelled, “I’m losing my fucking mind being in there all fucking day. Between you, and my dad and my brothers being so god damn over protective I am losing my fucking mind. I just wanted one second of freedom. Just one.” 
Rip felt a pang of guilt and took a step forward. Before he had met you, he never thought he could have anything good in his life. He had seen all sorts of evil, he had been a part of that evil. But you showed him that he could have something good in his life. You showed him what it felt and meant to love someone unconditionally. And Rip was going to fight for that until his dying breath. 
“I can’t lose you or her,” Rip said and gently placed his hands on your growing bump, “You two, are my forever. My everything. And everytime you leave my side, I think the worst. I almost lost you once,” The memory of the day the whole family got attacked plays in his mind every time you walk away from him. He spent hours trying to get ahold of you, wanting to know if you were dead or alive. Your dad was barely alive, your brother had been shot, your sister nearly blown up, and you had been run off the road by a semi. 
You grabbed Rip by the back of the neck and brought his lips down to you. You pulled back and Rip rested his forehead against yours, “You’re not losing us. We are right here, forever. You’re stuck with us now, baby.” 
“And there ain’t no better way I’d have it.” 
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stop-talking · 2 months
Honestly? I'm not surprised the FNAF movie is delayed.
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They're DEFINETLY struggling to come up with a plot for the next movie. They planned to make three movies if the first went well, but they didn't really leave themselves much room for a sequel.
What do I mean by that? Well...
• The driving conflict of the first movie, that got Mike to work at Freddy's in the first place, was the custody battle with aunt Jane. But they fucking killed her off. (In the movie, it seems like it's possible she still may be alive, but in the book it's pretty much confirmed she's dead.) Abby sees her "lying in a puddle of ketchup" or something when golden freddy comes to get her. And I have a direct quote from Mike.
"You know," he said, "I think my aunt has finally decided to move on." I mean... she kind of did, Mike thought. (Pg 317)
• Oh, and also in the book, it's said Mike gets a nice new job as a contractor after the events at Freddy's, so it's not like they can pull the "Mike can't find a job so he HAS to work at another Freddy's location!" thing again.
• AND, they resolved his storyline with Garrett. He's found the killer, and watched him die. (Even if we know he's not dead). Mike realized Abby is much more important than his dead brother and he no longer torments himself with thoughts of Garrett... so I don't think he'd go poking around in another Freddy's location to "figure out what happened". He knows what happened. And he's finally over it.
• It seems like they TRIED to give themselves something to work with in the end credits. You know, the "C O M E F I N D M E". But honestly? It's not all that helpful. There's no clear way to tell who it's addressed to or who it's from. Everyone seems to agree it's Garrett speaking to Mike as the puppett, but honestly? That doesn't make sense to me.
• I've already explained that I don't think Mike is interested in learning more about his brother's death. He knows who killed him, and watched that man die. Mike is as "at peace" as he's ever going to get. Besides, I don't think Garrett is the puppett!! At all!!
• In the movie, Mike says he feels closer to Garrett at Freddy's. I think that means his soul is LITERALLY there, in THAT Freddy's location. Why else would he say that? Just because there are ghosts there killed by the same man? Also, in the novel, Mike literally sees Garrett's ghost in the pizzeria and it leads him to Springtrap. Finally, the "It's me" messages that keep appearing near Mike. Who else would be writing that shit? It's not just a little Easter egg for the audience. It has to be someone Mike knows. Garrett. (Also I think there's a strong argument to be made that Garrett is co-posessing Golden Freddy with the little blonde boy)
Honestly? No clue. But I think there are a few interesting directions they could take things.
1) From Mike's dad, to Mike.
In the movie they sort of imply Mike's dad offed himself, but in the book they reveal he just walked out on them. So he's still out there somewhere, and they could totally reveal he had some kind of connection to Freddy's and William, and it would explain why William drove all the way to goddamn Nebraska to kidnap some random ass kid.
2) From springtrap, to some unfortunate soul dumb enough to set him free
In the games, he was locked away in a bricked off room for like 30 years before being set free, but I don't think these movies are going to have that big of a time skip. Probably a year at most. So I could see the next movie starting with some idiot freeing springtrap.
3) Okay yeah I cant think of anything else.
And I know I'm not a professional screenplay writer but those bitches are anxiously struggling too!! In every interview where Josh Hutcherson (Mike) has been asked about a sequel, he says they're still trying to figure out the story. No shit!! They didn't give themselves anything to work with.
• So basically, Mike has absolutely no reason to go back to another Freddy's location, and the little secret message at the end is almost too vague to be useful.
So, what DID they leave themselves to work with in the next movie? What plot points remain unresolved?
• For one thing, they didn't even give William a fucking motive for killing kids. Or for luring security guards to their deaths. This version of him seems to have a much better understanding of remnant and possession that his game counterpart, but there's no reason given for that either. In the game, he does it all for his dead son. He wants to "fix" him. But they didn't set up any hints to that in the first movie. Mike talked to Vanessa about HIS dead brother, so I feel like if the whole "dead son" thing was the case, she would have mentioned she lost a sibling too.
• Or maybe William would have brought it up at the end when he was getting mad at Vanessa. The "mess YOU created!!" scene. He probably would have said something like, "You know why we have to do this, Vanessa." But he didn't. There's literally no known motive, and it'll be kind of hard to set one up without any breadcrumbs left in the previous movie.
• Mike was TOTALLY falling for Vanessa in the books. Yeah, I know, a lot of people feel FNAF isn't a place for romance, and SCHMELLY isn't a very popular ship... but that doesn't change the face he almost kissed her in the novel. (Also in the book she threw his EMPTY PILL BOTTLE into the river, didn't actually toss bro's meds! So she's a little more likeable!)
"Vanessa and Mike grinned at each other, and Mike felt something zing inside of him. It was a palpable 'wow' feeling that was much more intense than his casual appreciation of her beauty. And the zing felt like it was going both ways. The look Vanessa was giving Mike was one he hadn't ever seen before... not directed at him anyway. Her reciprocation of his feelings was so strong that he felt himself leaning toward her." (pg 186)
(They didn't kiss though, Vanessa blushed and looked away and changed the subject.) Still... now they have to address their little romantic subplot in the next movie as well.
• Vanessa. Just as a character. There's a lot to work with there. Personally, I think it would be interesting to use her coma to tell a story. You know, have her flashback to there's childhood with William and at Freddy's. (Honestly if they don't do that they're dumb and missing a huge opportunity. Why else put her in the goddamn coma?)
• Also, in the novel, they heavily implied she's... a robot? Apparently, her eyes drastically change color and Mike notes she flips from "girl mode" to "cop mode" on a dime. In the movie she just looked bipolar.
"Yeah Abby, let's use the tables for the fort! 😄"
"Mike if you bring her here again I will SHOOT YOU. 🤬"
• But yeah apparently she's a robot. A robot so convincing that even hospital nurses and doctors can't tell. With no explanation for how William could have built that. Or why there's a photo of her and William where she's clearly a child. Did he build a child robot that grew up into an adult woman robot? Or did he build two robots? Or did child Vanessa die and he replaced her with a robot? Who knows!
"Mike watched, mesmerized, as Vanessa's irises deepened noticeably in hue. They went from their usual soft, almost greyish-blue to a deeper indigo. The shift was so pronounced it almost looked computer-generated. It was also enormously disquieting. Mike felt like he was watching a human turn into..." (pg 184)
• So for the next move, Mike has no motive to go visit Freddy's, William has no motive in general, and Vanessa is a robot. The script practically writes itself, am I right??
And then there's the way Scott Cawthon likes to incorporate fan feedback into all of his projects.
(Ex: People complained FNAF 3 wasn't scary, so he made FNAF 4 horrifying)
• I have no doubt he's going to incorporate the fanbase's favorite characters into the next movie. (Ness, Doug, Maxine, Jeremy) Which honestly just complicates the plot further, adding more stipulations to the script.
• Bringing Ness back would be easy? Mike and Abby could have a scene in the diner, I guess, but it's also sort of unnecessary, and I'm not sure MatPat would agree to another cameo. He's retired.
• Bringing Doug back would be more complicated. He's aunt Jane's lawyer... but they fuckin' killed her off. So. Doug is not needed.
• Jeremy could come back? Maybe? He's really a background character... It's not stated whether or not Mike was friends with him outside work, or kept in touch with him after being fired.
• Maxine is a lot more complicated. The actress who plays her, Kathryn Sterling, said herself that she was originally supposed to have a bigger role in the film but it got trimmed down. And THEN there's the way she was stuffed into a purple Freddy suit, which a lot of fans theorize is supposed to be Shadow Freddy. On her TikTok, she basically confirms this, hinting to her character coming back in the next movie and being more important.
So in the next movie...
1) Mike has to somehow have to end up tangled back into Freddy Fazbullshit even though he has NO desire to... (Remember the way he looked at Abby when she asked if they could visit them??)
2) They have to reveal or at least hint towards Vanessa being a robot
3) Mike & Vanessa romance subplot??
4) William needs a fucking motive for killing people
5) The audience needs to be able to tell who "come find me" was said by AND who it was directed towards
6) Bonus points if they can cram in more youtuber cameos & beloved characters from the last movie like Jeremy and Doug
So yeah. It's a lot to consider when writing. And the clock is ticking, because kids, especially little kids like Garrett's actor, grow up FAST. And ghost kids aren't supposed to grow up. Ghost kids are supposed to be dead.
I do want to say though, that despite the plot holes, I LOVE the FNAF movie. I've watched it 20+ times. It's genuinely one of my comfort movies. I'm excited for the next movie, but I'm also sort of expecting it to be late 2025 before we get to see it.
Scott is notoriously picky. He turned down, like, 8 scripts for the first movie before settling on the Mike storyline. I don't mind waiting, especially considering how difficult this next movie is gonna be to write. Also if you read this whole rant?? Damn?? Kiss me on the mouth rn.
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the-kr8tor · 4 months
Hello! Could I please request TTN Hobie and reader go back to Aunt Janet’s shop, when they are together again after reader comes back from LA, to buy some fabric for something that they are sewing? I would love to see her reaction of seeing them both together!
Have a lovely day/night!
Yippee a TTN request!! Ly thank you! ❤️❤️❤️
Pairing: Hobie Brown x fem! Reader/ Spider-Punk x fem! Reader
Tags: use of Y/N sparsely, no specific physical description of the reader, talks of babies, TTN! Hobie and Reader. FLUFF
Thread the Needle series Masterlist
TTN oneshot Masterlist
The bell jingles as Hobie opens the door for you, strolling inside, practically skipping from all the happiness of being with him again, you wait for him to enter. He loops his arm around your waist almost immediately. The unabashed PDA would make anyone look away, but who cares? You're complete once again.
“What do you need again?” He asks, eyes roaming around, chin resting comfortably on your shoulder.
“If you stopped and actually listened to my chattering then you won't have to ask.” You say teasingly, a smirk playing on your lips.
“If you stopped snogging me while talking then I won't be so distracted, hmm?” Hobie rubs his chin on your shoulder in an effort to tickle you.
“It's not my fault you keep coming on to me.” Giggling, he scrunches up your face with his whole palm over your entire face, wiggling it playfully.
“If you two don't stop being all sweet there'll be ants all over my shop.” A familiar voice pipes up from behind the counter, making you pause and take off Hobie's hand from your face. “‘ello you two. Welcome back, sweetheart.”
“Auntie Janet!” You squeal, feet bouncing to get to her. Hugging her over the counter, you hold her at arm's length, grinning from ear to ear.
You've noticed the new glasses on her, she has aged a bit since you last saw each other but there's still that twinkle in her eyes whenever she smiles.
“Let me get a good look at you!” You awkwardly twirl around at her behest. She smiles widely.
“So?” You ask timidly.
“Good,” Janet nods approvingly. “You've taken care of yourself well? Ate? Went on walks?”
“I did, don't worry.”
“He taking good care of you then?” She gestures towards Hobie who peruses the shelves.
“He is. Too good in fact, he barely lets me out of his sight.” You joke. “I'm guessing he missed me a lot.”
Janet leans closer to you, whispering. “Don't tell him I told you this but he's a regular customer here.”
“He is?” You ask, feigning ignorance. You know of his vigilante activities, and unfortunately those activities usually end up with his suit cut to pieces or mangled up. It's the main reason why you're visiting, and to also visit Janet of course.
Your heart pounds loudly at the thought of Janet figuring out his secret identity.
“That he is, I think he's making his own clothes. That's how much he misses you. You know, do the activities you like so he feels like you're there with him”
You breathe a sigh of relief, not knowing what you would've said to her if she guessed correctly on why he needs so much fabric. With a giddy smile, you like her conclusion better.
“I'll– put that information to good use.” You stutter,
She nods, “use it wisely.” Winking, she straightens out when Hobie plops a roll of scaly green fabric on the counter.
“Oh is this for Terry?” You ask, hand automatically reaching for his jean back pocket.
Janet looks at you confused.
“Yeah, for patching him up.”
“Wait, do you have a kid? How long have you been home, Y/N?” She looks at you like you've betrayed her.
Before you could explain, Hobie takes the opportunity to tease the old woman.
He pats your stomach, “yeah, she had him a month ago and he's growing very fast, we need new clothes for him.”
You stifle a laugh, you'd tell her eventually but you want to see how Hobie's bit goes.
“A baby boy?!” She points at Hobie menacingly. “She gave birth a month ago and you're already letting her walk around?” Janet comes around the counter, cane at the ready. “Not to mention the fact you already knocked her up the minute she came back home!” She points at Hobie with her cane. “What kind of–”
Hobie shields himself with his arms, laughing loudly while Janet chastises him. Their voices echo out in the shop.
You watch Hobie defend himself from an old woman, smiling, your laughs match Hobie's. Maybe you'll tell Janet the truth once she calms down or else you might get the cane too.
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gosmigenergy · 8 months
KINKTOBER 2023 / Day Four
( Will 'Ironhead' Miller x F!Reader )
Summary: Will offers to give you a massage, what you get is so much more.
Day four of @absurdthirst's Kinktober!
Rating: Explicit 18+
Warnings: Language, sensual massage, a dabble of anal, fingering, squirting, no use of Y/N
Word Count: 2.5k
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There was a strong possibility you could die here.
Unlike the other three, Will had specified that he wanted to learn every inch of your body, and the way he said it with his blue eyes piercing into you, you know he wasn’t lying. However you didn’t expect it to come to this.
What had originally started as a massage was now approaching it’s fourth hour.
You almost snatched his hand off when Will offered to give you a massage the next time he had you. The last time you’d had one done professionally was years ago, a birthday present from an aunt who had no idea what to get you but at the time, you worked in retail and she thought it might do you some good before the holidays approached.
This was not like that massage.
When you arrived at his place, he had already set up the bedroom ready. He asked you to go and get undressed and lay yourself on top of the bed.
You did as you were told, greeted by a low light room decorated sporadically with candles. He’d set the temperature to warm the space up so you could happily walk around fully naked without the worry of feeling the chill. The bed was draped in a fleece blanket and you threw your body down to meet the soft, bounding mattress and silky sheets. You sit up, brushing your hair out of your face and tying up the strands into a loose knot.
The door creaks and Will squeezes into the room, carrying a large bottle of water and two glasses.
“Where do you want me?”
He places everything on a set of chest of drawers, “Lay on your front.”
Straightening your legs out, you roll onto your front, making sure to exaggerate the motion of your hips, ass on full show. You glance over your shoulder to see him smiling back at you, head leaning back. It’s not like he hasn’t seen it before.
He comes back to his senses.
Folding your arms, you rest your head, tilted to the right so you can still see him as he wandered the space. He comes to the side of you, leaning at the hip to see your face in the darkened room, the orange glow of a candle catching your eye.
You hum a response.
He thumbs through his phone and finds some music, the speaker vibrating gently. Taking off his shirt and jeans, he keeps his boxers on before reaching for a rectangular glass bottle, the liquid inside gold.
“Tried my best to keep it warm.”
He climbs onto the bed and out of your eye line yet you can still feel his weight as he shifts on the mattress.
You press your forehead to your arms, closing your eyes and breathing deep, trying to calm your body and relax your muscles. There has never been a time when a lover had done something like this for you, had never been this intimate. The oil hits your skin, plentiful as Will runs it along your spine like a river.
There’s a brief moment as he tightens the lid back onto the bottle.
His palms spread wide over your back as he sits gently on the backs of your legs. It’s almost like he’s a professional, working into your muscles with precise pressure and motion, deepening the oil into your softening skin. He watches as the glitter shimmers against the movement of your body, the scent of coconut and yuzu delicately wafting into your nostrils.
There’s knots in your shoulders that untangle, a satisfied moan seeping from your lips.
“Holding a lot of tension there,” he speaks softly.
“I blame work.”
He laughs, “I’m just glad it’s not us.”
Sure, juggling four guys was hard but it’s early stages, you’ll manage and right now, you couldn’t possibly complain.
He continued for a while before he shuffled back and ran the heel of his hand over your. Following the curvature of ass, he pushes the muscles around, separating the cheeks to view that tight little asshole. The tiniest drop of oil ran down and over the creases and towards your sex, instinctively he went to stop it with his middle finger.
Your asshole twitched.
“I don’t remember that ever happening in a massage.”
He chuckles in embarrassment and your unable to see his cheeks blush.
“I did say I wanted to know every inch.”
“I guess you did.”
Adding his forefinger, he drags them cautiously over your puckered hole.
“Has anyone ever taken you up the ass?”
“No,” you say nervously.
“Ever wanted to?”
You prop your head up to speak more clearly, brows knotting.
“I’ve never really thought about it. Some of the porn I’ve watched has anal and I’m curious, I just need the right person.”
Will could easily think of the right person, it wasn’t him but his brother would jump at the chance.
“Do you mind if I…”
He circled his fingers.
“Just a little.”
There was no harm in trying, his fingers were oiled up as were you. His other hand rubbed your ass and opened you up.
“Relax, sweetheart,” he whispers.
You try to, you inhale and exhale, making each breath longer. You were pretty relaxed anyway but your muscles could easily work against you. Carefully, he pushed his forefinger, only the tip as you tightened around him.
A pained noise escapes you and he immediately pulled out.
“No good?”
You shake your head, “It felt a little weird.”
“It probably takes some getting used to.”
He clambered off the bed and into his bathroom, washing his hands before returning to you. Resting at your feet, he poured some more oil into his hands and wrapped them around your ankles. He rubs his thumbs and sweeps upwards, following the lines of your legs up to where your thighs meet your ass, listening to the sigh as your head falls forward.
When he finished with your back, Will got you to flip over.
He started with your hands, his thumb kneading into your palms and spreading the pressure over your wrists and up your arms.
You were getting hot under his touch, each accidental graze of his fingers on your breasts building the desire that was brooding in your belly. Your heartbeat was quickening and though you attempted to settle that building emotion, it wouldn’t slow. As his hands ran across your chest, thumbs over the bones of your décolletage, you whimper.
“Everything ok?”
“Yeah,” your teeth sink into your bottom lip.
He leaned into you, his platinum whiskers rough against the skin of your cheek as he talks quietly into your ear.
“I’ll get there, don’t you worry.”
The words fell into your ear and your cunt clenched around nothing, the juices seeping from your opening. 
The smirk on his face as he straightened back up said it all, he knew. He took the bottle again and trailed a tiny stream of oil between your breasts to your belly button. Spreading his palms over your stomach, he rubs over the centre, outward and over your hips, fingers teasing along the line of your pubic hair.
Closing your eyes, you lift your arms over your head, opening your upper half to him.
He responds in kind, dragging his hands to your chest, scooping up the oil as he passes. Drawing circles with his fingertips, he watches as you arch to the sensation, neck stretching and glimmering as fractions of light hit the glitter on your skin. He drops his hands and cups your breast, squeezing gently, pushing them up as his thumbs go over your nipples.
Your breath hitches, a strangled groan as your nipples grow puffy.
Will continues to play with them, squeezing harder, pinching them in between his fingers to hear more of your sweet sounds of pleasure that you struggled to contain.
“So fucking sensitive.”
All you can do is nod enthusiastically, unable to comprehend words.
You shudder when he tweaks at your nipples, pulling until they slip out of his slicked hands.
His eyes flick up and down your frame, your chest heaving as you try to catch your breath. Resting back on his heels, he rolls his shoulders back, a single finger stroking the inside of your one thigh.
“You’re enjoying this aren’t you?”
He raises his eyebrows playfully, his free hand pressing against your other knee and gently opening you wider.
Then he stopped and the wait was torturous. His expression was unreadable but his mind was figuring out the next step before he balanced over you, chest hovering centimetres from your face. He was doing this on purpose, he must be. Reaching for a pillow, he took the plump furnishing and returned to his previous position.
“Ass up.”
You thrust your hips of the bed, “Not getting enough of a view?”
“No,” he tucked the pillow under your ass and let you drop back. “You weren’t quite at the right angle.”
He couldn’t help smiling at your confused expression.
He pushed your legs further apart, your pussy glistening up to him. Twisting his palms to your inner thighs, he ran them up from your ass and passed your folds, just missing your clit. The shiver travels quickly up your spine, the gasp throwing your head back.
He chuckled, “I barely touched you.”
“I know,” you say through gritted teeth.
This is going to be fun, Will thought.
He trailed two fingers down your chest, your belly and over your perfectly trimmed bikini line, separating them to run in between your lips. Gathering your juices in his digits, he pressed a little harder as he moved up and down.
You whine, already feeling the tingle dancing across your nerves.
Your hands flex, nails catching in the sheets as you clamp your lips together, attempting to stop the noises.
Taking your inner lips in his thumb and index finger, he rubs and watches as your toes curl, subtle twitches starting in your legs. He’s never had a girl fall apart like you, it usually took so long, took hard work and more than just his fingers. He kept playing with you, switching from individual fingers to his hand and back again. Grazing your clit once or twice, he saw the pearl swell and brighten in colour.
Your bottom half was shaking uncontrollably.
He hooked two fingers into your entrance.
Instinctively, you snatched his wrist, legs clamping shut and holding him like a bear trap.
“Fuck, Will, stop, stop, stop.”
The wave washed over you, the surge of an orgasm rolling through your hips and you choked a breath. He held himself steady and waited patiently for the sensation to pass, waited for you to come back to him.
You blinked up at the ceiling, muscles loosening and he carefully guided you apart.
You nod but feel the pinch of his fingers in your walls, your arousal seeping through them.
“Yes,” you squeaked.
Languidly, he pumps in and out of you, ensuring you feel every graze of his fingertips against your squelching cunt. You cover your face with your arms, his constant gaze burning at your skin, chest flushing as the heat rises.
His thumb flexes, pushing the hood of your clit as he circles it in a matching rhythm.
Yet the pleasure was already building.
His free hand comes along your side, trying to soothe you. It’s so light, your body so reactive that it shivers under his touch. The sound of his voice breaks through the fog and you swear you’re seeing stars against the shadow of your limbs.
“I’ve got you, sweetheart. It’s ok, just let it take you.”
You shake your head, “It’s too much.”
“We’re going to work through that. It’s going to be fucking phenomenal if you let me get you there.”
Every instinct was to fight him.
You squirmed, hands clawing the fabric beneath you to stop yourself from slapping his arms and chest, every joint locking. This sensation was different than earlier, it was overwhelming all of your senses, nothing but the sound of pumping blood rushing to your ears, sweat clinging to your skin. It was utterly tantalising yet you were somewhat terrified of the outcome, is this what the old stories have talked about, the ones where people of history have died during orgasm?
His fingers hit the spot and you entered complete bliss.
You’re pretty sure your brain shut down, not fully remembering what happened. The sentences were broken though he sung his praises, you could hear the smile on his lips and liquid. You didn’t question where is was coming from until you realised it was settling under your ass and it was your juices gushing.
You shoot up.
“Oh my god, Will,” you clamp your together and holding your arousal in. “I’m sorry, fuck.”
Will pulled out his hand, slipping seamlessly out of your grip.
“You’re fine, sweetheart,” he leant back, inspecting you.
You were the literal description of a hot mess, hair mussed, skin dewey and oily but a completely euphoric look on your face. Then he cocked his head to one side, eyes searching for something else.
“You’ve never squirted before have you?”
You pierced your lips and shook your head feebly.
“Honestly… I didn’t think I could.”
In all your sexual history, it had never happened, saying that not one lover had even tried to work you that hard, it was usually just a small amount of foreplay and then onto the ‘best’ part. After Frankie the first week and an hour long massage from Will, this outcome shouldn’t have surprised you.
“Not everyone can.”
Your cheeks set on fire.
Shuffling nearer your frame, he wrapped an arm around you, caressing your back. With his free hand, he cupped your chin, bringing your full attention to him.
“Did you enjoy it though?”
“Yeah,” you say in a sigh.
“Yeah? Good.”
He kissed your lips, deepening as you relaxed under his weight. The moment was fleeting however as he rested back on his elbows.
“And to think, I didn’t even use my tongue.”
Your eyes narrowed, “Is that a threat?”
He playfully swatted your pussy and the last of your juices flowed out as you yelped but that’s just where it began.
Will used everything in his arsenal to rip the orgasms from you, his mouth, his tongue, his cock and at some point, he pulled a toy from his magic hat. He brought you to the edge and back before he allowed you to free fall. You whined and moaned, begged and screamed his name until your body couldn’t take it anymore.
You lay heaving, barely able to fill your lungs with enough air as you settle into what you hope is your final comedown. The mattress was engulfing you as your weight sank further and further. Looking up at him bleary eyed, you focus on what you can, the single bead of sweat rolling down his abdomen, the shin of your arousal on his chin.
Yeah, if you were going to die here, you were pretty fucking happy.
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reysdriver · 1 year
Keeping Secrets | P.P.
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Your boyfriend Peter shows up at your window in the middle of the night and asks for your help — peter x gn!reader angst with happy ending
warnings: blood, injury, angst
words: 1.2k
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It was almost 1 o'clock in the morning, and you were still working on a report for school. You were sitting on your bed with your laptop on your legs, and you were starting to get tired. You were just about to put away all of your work and go to sleep, but then you felt your phone vibrating against your leg.
You picked it up, and saw that it was your boyfriend, Peter Parker, trying to call you.
You were confused as to why he was trying to call you this late, and then a scary thought poked itself into your exhausted mind that it was an emergency, so you answered the call.
"Hey, Peter, what's up? Are you alright?"
His voice sounded pained as he answered. "Yeah, I'm good."
"So why are you calling me at one in the morning?"
"Umm," he hesitated. "I need to drop by your place for something really quickly."
"Babe, it's really late and I was just about to go to sleep. I don't-"
"I'm out on the fire escape right now. I just need your first aid kit and maybe a place to crash for the night." 
"What?" You mumble, standing up and going to look out your window. 
Sure enough, your boyfriend was on the fire escape of your apartment, right outside your window. You quickly raised the bottom pane of your window, letting him come into your bedroom. As he passes you and sits on your floor, leaning against your bed, your eyes scan the injuries, blood, and bruises all over his body and face.
"Oh my god, Peter, what happened to you?" You asked him, sounding slightly out of breath due to your surprise and the fact that you haven't spoken in hours. 
"I'm fine, don't worry about me." He said, obviously avoiding your question.
"Don't worry about you?!" You almost shouted, but caught yourself and started whisper-yelling so your family wouldn't wake up.
"Yeah, like I said, (y/n/n), I just need your first aid kit and a place to sleep."
"No, you need to tell me what's going on right now." You demanded in a still hushed, but firm tone.
"I just need to clean myself up so nothing gets infected. I would go home but Aunt May can't know about this, and her night shift just ended, so she should be back home at any minute."
He stood up from your bed and headed towards your bedroom door. You quickly rushed in front of him and told him to stay.
"No, I'll get it. Just stay here for a second." You told him, heading out to your bathroom to find any first aid supplies you could find.
After a minute, you came back to your bedroom with your arms full of bandages and other medical supplies. When you walked in, quietly closing the door behind you, you found your boyfriend lying down on the ground against the footboard of your bed.
"Hey, you're back." He said in a hushed tone. "I didn't want to get blood on your bed, so I just sat on the floor."
"Thanks." You mumbled, crouching down next to him. "Arms up."
Peter brought his arms up over his head and you pulled off his dirtied shirt, placing it beside you both.
"Holy-" You gasped lightly as you saw the amount of small wounds and bruises that were covered before. You had seen him injured before—he's a clumsy kid who likes to skate, so of course—but never like this.
A thousand different thoughts raced through your head on how this all happened, but you weren't going to ask if he wasn't going to tell you and answer.
Pushing away the thoughts you now deemed irrelevant, you went back to helping him. You poured some rubbing alcohol onto a washcloth and started dabbing it onto his cuts.
As you cleaned his wounds, he thanked you multiple times, and you ignored him every single time.
As you rubbed over a particular cut of his, he winced, then quickly explained that it was just because a lot of alcohol soaked into his skin at once.
"Oh, now you'll explain why you're in pain?" You muttered under your breath in annoyance.
"What?" He asked, looking up into your eyes.
"Nothing." You brushed him off, without stopping the cleaning of the injuries on his chest. "I just don't get why you won't tell me what happened to you."
"I told you not to worry about me." He said, gently placing a finger on your jaw.
You brushed his finger away from you, and argued back, careful not to speak too loudly.
"But I am going to worry about you because you're my boyfriend! And my boyfriend shows up outside my window in the middle of the night, covered in blood and he tells me it's nothing? Of course I'm going to be upset over that!"
"Just trust me when I say there's a reason I can't tell you what's going on, okay?" Peter said.
"No, I'm not going to do that." You said, your eyes filling up with tears. "I'm going to help clean you up so you don't die, I'll give you a place to sleep, but I'm sleeping on the chair and I want you gone by tomorrow morning."
Wanting to dry your tears and hide your vulnerable face from the boy sitting in front of you, you stood up, trying to escape the situation. You felt Peter's familiar hand grab your wrist, stopping you from leaving him.
"(y/n), please just stay." He said with a sigh.
"No, Peter, unless it's you explaining everything, I don't want to talk right now."
"(y/n), I'm Spider-Man." He confessed.
You turned around and he let go of your hand. "What?" You asked him.
"Hand me my backpack." He said, pointing to the constantly-ripped bag that he dropped by your window. You picked it up and handed it to him.
He unzipped the second zipper on his bag and pulled out the red and blue suit that you, and about half of New York, had seen online and in some police reports on the news.
"I'm Spider-Man. I go around stopping criminals and helping good people, and I just got in a fight trying to take down some guys who were trying to rob a jewelry store a few blocks away."
"So you're not in the mob or some secret fight club?" You asked, drying your tears with the end of your sleeves.
"No, of course not." He said as you crouched down next to him again.
"Good." You said, kissing his forehead. "But don't ever lie to me again or I promise I'm going to leave you out on the fire escape next time you call me."
"Deal." Peter said, a new smile gracing your face.
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