#consider me confuzzled.
starryeyesmasc · 5 days
Labels actually help people just say ur a switch don’t gaslight me
I’m??? very confused about this ask?? idk where you pulled this from but I never slapped a permanent label on myself to say that I’m not??
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muddyorbsblr · 1 year
what makes a princess
See my full list of works here!
Summary: Morgan asks a question about Jane's royalty status that leads to her revealing one of Loki's secrets
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Word Count: 3.4k
Warning/s: potentially inaccurate depictions of how to become royalty in Asgard; other than that, none, this is just fluff [let me know if i missed anything!]
Things to be aware of: Morgan being an adorable lil beb; Nat doling out some tickle torture; teammates/coworkers to lovers
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"Is Auntie Jane a princess?" 
You looked up from your laptop, taking a break from typing out your latest set of reports to wrap up your most recent mission with Nat to look at little Morgan Stark, who was sitting across you at the dining table. She looked the spitting image of her father as she anticipated your answer. 
"I don't…think so…?" you trailed off, trying to remember if Thor had even mentioned anything recently about plans to marry the mystical hammer wielding scientist. "Maybe one day soon, baby. When they get married."
"Who's getting married?" The velvety low timbre of Loki's voice nearly made you jump out of your seat, his fingers briefly ghosting over the skin of your shoulder not helping in the slightest. A small squeak of protest slipped from your mouth when he picked up your coffee mug. "Ease your worry, darling. I'm simply refilling your cup. Black with a teaspoon of sugar, or would you prefer something sweeter?" 
Morgan's little laugh began to echo throughout the common area. "You have confuzzled brows again, Auntie Y/N." 
The image of the raven-haired god looking up at you through his lashes from where he stood behind the kitchen island may very well haunt your dreams tonight in the best possible way. "You know what…surprise me, Mischief." The smirk he sent your way should have had you worried with what he had in mind, and yet the only thing you felt was the violent fluttering in your stomach that had nothing to do with your prolonged fasting. "As for your first question…we were talking about Thor and Jane." 
"Ah, well my oaf of a brother may think he's been keeping relatively quiet about the matter, but that day will most definitely be coming sooner rather than later," he spoke over the clinking of a metal spoon stirring around in your cup. 
"So it's like in the cartoons?" Morgan directed her question at him. "The prince has to marry the woman he loves so that she becomes a princess?" 
"Not quite, little Stark." Your brows knit together again at the sound of whipped cream coming out of a can coming from his direction. "There are no strict marital customs in Asgard, and as such if a member of the royal court were to publicly commit themself to another, then in turn that individual would become royalty as well. Thor has publicly committed himself to Doctor Foster, and despite having abdicated the throne to the Valkyrie, he is still a Prince of Asgard." 
"So Auntie Jane is a princess?" 
"Don't arm us with this info, Laufeyson. I might just call her Princess Foster for the rest of time," Nat's voice sounded through the common area, her usually lethal hands wielding a more delicate touch when she ruffled the hair on your and Morgan's heads before occupying the seat beside you. 
"By Asgardian customs, yes. You can consider Doctor Foster a princess." 
The assassin eyed Loki's approaching form with a knowing smirk on her face, tilting her head to look at the mug he placed on the table a few inches from your hand. "Hold on, are you telling us that all that's needed for someone to be considered royalty in Asgard is if a member of the royal family is in love with them? That's it?" 
"If it's as widely known as how my brother loves his mortal," he confirmed. "And while I surmise that she will not appreciate being addressed as such, you would not be incorrect in calling her Princess or Your Highness." You were acutely aware of the god's proximity to you from the slight movement in the corner of your eye of his fingers at the back of your chair. And the slight heat coming from his body literally inches from your side.
"Her Royal Highness, Princess Jane Foster," you mused, blowing lightly on the hot beverage in your mug and holding back the slightest thrill as the taste of your favorite little indulgence, a white chocolate mocha with a cold vanilla flavored whipped cream on top, flooded your tastebuds and blanketed you in an instant comfort. "She's definitely gonna hate that. Thank you, Mischief." 
Your heart caught in your throat when he tucked a hand under your chin, keeping you looking up at him as his free hand straightened out the ruffled locks of your hair, putting them neatly back into place. "My pleasure, little mortal," he murmured, swiping his thumb briefly at the corner of your mouth before walking back to the kitchen, starting on his own drink.
"You wanna fill me in on this domestic bliss vibe I'm picking up from Horns over there?" Nat whispered, leaning in so close she was practically draped on your lap trying to sneak the cup of coffee away from you to take a quick sniff. "He knows your 'treat yourself coffee'? Alright how long have you two been doing the horizontal tango, spill the hardware details, I'm texting Wanda and Jane. Toot suite. You've been holding out on us, you absolute slut--Ow." 
You rolled your eyes at her reaction to you elbowing her in the side. "Please, we both know that barely tickled. Now stand down, Romanoff, I haven't been holding back on anything and you know it--"
"That means you're a princess, too, Auntie Y/N!"
The Russian spy chuckled at Morgan's excitement, resting her chin on your shoulder like a child awaiting a bedtime story. "Uhm…no, sweetie. It doesn't work like that," you tried explaining to the little girl. "See there's more than one kind of love. There's the romantic love like you see in your princess movies, and that's the type that your Dad has for your Mom, the type Thor has for Jane. And that's what makes your Auntie Jane a princess."
"Then there's the love for family and friends," Nat continued for you, motioning between the three of you. "The way I love you, Uncle Clint, Auntie Y/N, and the rest of the team--well, most of them." She elbowed you before you could let out the teasing words dancing at the tip of your tongue. The name of the one that Nat loved in the romantic sense. "Not a single word, Williams."
"I wasn't gonna say anything," you deflected coyly, batting your eyes to feign innocence. "It's not like when you said 'most' my mind immediately went to a certain Serge--NAT!!" You busted out into giggles as nimble fingers found every single ticklish spot by your ribs and showed you no mercy. "I'll get--hahahahaha--I'll get you back for thihihihis, Romanoff, I promise you."
You made a quick note to slip some hot pink hair dye into her shampoo bottle on your next sleepover. The tickling onslaught had taken up all your attention that you didn't even notice that the dark-haired Asgardian leaning back against the kitchen counter was watching the scene before him, a fond smile slowly stretching across his face the longer he watched you.
Nat eventually let up once you started clutching your stomach from laughing too hard, continuing her explanation to little baby Morgan, who was currently the picture of angelic patience. And now looking not a thing like her father.
"Anyway, that kind of love is the kind that Thor has for us. That means that while there is love there, it doesn't make the entire team princes and princesses. You get me, baby?" 
"I get you, Auntie Nat. But you don't get me. Auntie Y/N is a princess, too." 
You took a breath before closing your laptop, promising yourself that you'd finish the reports later tonight. "Last I checked, sweetheart, Asgardian Barbie doesn't like me like that." 
She rolled her eyes at you. "I know that! But Prince Loki does, and that's why you're a princess, too!" 
The amused smile on your face immediately dropped at her words, your neck twitching from the sound of a spoon clattering against the sink and the sound of hurried footsteps walking out of the kitchen causing your skin to prickle. "Morgan…sweetie, you know it's not nice to say things that aren't true," you said softly, not bothering to mask the wavering tone of your voice. 
"But it is!" she insisted, pointing her little hand towards the door. "Princess Auntie Jane, tell her!" 
"Princess--? Oh…I'm guessing you all know about those customs in Asgard that technically make me a princess now?" You nodded your answer at her, not trusting yourself to say anything while you were still struggling to wrap your head around that bombshell that Morgan dropped on you. Wondering if it even was a bombshell to begin with or just the child's overactive imagination. "So I'm also guessing that now you all know that Y/N's a princess, too?" 
"She most definitely is not," you protested, briefly poking at her ribs to drive your point home. "Jane. Babes, this isn't funny." You motioned a pointed finger between her and Nat. "You both know how I feel about him, so baiting me with this kind of hope is just cruel and unusual punishment, especially when I know I haven't done anything wrong to either of--"
"You kind of really are, though," the scientist kept on, giving you a look as if she was amused by how this was completely new information to you. "You really didn't know that Mr 'You are all beneath me' wants you literally beneath him?" 
"Foster, I am two seconds away from kicking your ass over that line. Mostly because I didn't think of it myself." You elbowed Nat in the side again. "Harder. I could almost feel that." 
"Can you two just be serious for two seconds and tell the baby that she's wrong about Loki?" 
You were about to face Morgan again to advise her to find the god and apologize for saying something so outlandish, when Nat and Jane moved in unison, a hand placed on each of your shoulder, leaning in a way that you were now face to face with both of them.
"Okay, little baby," Jane started with a mock serious look. "You're wrong about Loki." 
"Unbelievably wrong," Nat capped off. "Fine. If you don't believe us, then let's start with how he saved you from that building in Belarus." 
"He has saved each of our asses at least once in the last few years," you argued.
"Yeah, but he doesn't heal us with his magic and then stays with us in the medical wing waiting for us to wake up. And I should know because that entire night Thor gave me a laundry list of the times that he got injured from battle and Loki would tell him, and I quote, that 'he shouldn't expend his energy on healing magic when it could have been better utilized for fortifying defenses'." 
"That's--That can't--That doesn't sound right," you muttered, trying to remember anything from Belarus other than being trapped under a collapsed column, convinced that your legs were done for and you'd never walk again, assuming that anyone would even find you in the wreckage. And then next thing you knew you were in the medical wing, with the god only briefly touching your head and telling you that he was glad you were alright before running off to call for Bruce to check on you.
"You make him smile," Morgan spoke up, her face lit up the same way it did when you sat with her on Princess Movie Nights. 
"He smiles around everyone as long as they're not your father or your Uncle Steve." 
"No, Auntie Y/N." She flopped herself onto the table, arms outstretched towards you, like she was trying to quite literally grab your attention and hold on to it. "With us, Prince Loki smiles with his face. When you're around, he smiles with his heart." 
Her words had you stunned silent, frozen in your seat as your friends let you go to walk over to the other side of the table and lift Stark's daughter up in the air to wrap her in a warm embrace and nuzzle her cheeks, earning them several little echoing giggles from her. 
"I uhm…I should go," you mumbled, standing from the table and giving your laptop a small tap. "I'll finish my reports tonight." 
"Tomorrow," Nat corrected you. "I have a feeling you're gonna be a bit busy tonight, Princess." 
Your pulse was drumming loudly in your ears with every step you took towards Loki's apartment, every single nerve on your body on high alert as if readying you to run at a moment's notice. Whether that was away from his place and back to the compound to tell everyone they were wrong, or into his arms, was yet to be seen.
When you reached his door, you could hear voices coming from the other side. One more hushed and panicked, the other jovial and boisterous. Thor.
"You should have stayed, Brother! You finally need not hide your affections for her, and might I say. 'Tis about time because your skirting around her was getting more than tiresome, Jane and I have been considering locking you two in a tiny room together so you could just tell her." 
You couldn't hear what Loki said in response other than something about 'being exposed by Stark's offspring', but that was more than enough to convince you that maybe this wouldn't end in you feeling like a total clown. That maybe there was more credit to the words of Morgan and your friends than you first believed. 
Just three seconds of bravery, that's all you need, you told yourself, raising your hand to rap on the door before you could talk yourself out of it. 
"It seems that in matters of the heart, your little mortal is braver than you, Brother," you heard the blond Asgardian comment before the door opened to reveal the towering bulging god, giving you a knowing look before shuffling out of your way. "I will gladly answer any question he leaves unanswered by the end of the week, my friend." 
"I'm holding you to that, Blondie," you waved him off with a playful smile before turning to face Loki. "Can we talk?" 
He looked at you with a hint of caution, almost as if he was on the same level of anxiety that you were, before giving you a small nod and motioning toward the door. "Come in, darling." 
The words tumbled out of you as soon as you closed the door. "They told me about Belarus." The caution in his eyes turned into panic. "But I need to hear it from you. Because I have…gaps? In my memory. Things I can't reconcile." 
He closed the distance separating you two, taking your hands in his. "Ask me." 
"The last thing I remember from that building was that I couldn't feel my legs. And I know that even with all the tech Stark has at his disposal, I shouldn't be up on my feet right now. Not like this. Rhodey is still in crutches despite all the efforts of Stark and Banner combined, and yet somehow…I'm not. So please. Tell me. Did you--" 
"I healed you," he cut you off, finishing your inquiry. "I could not bear the thought of you waking up distraught. Adjusting to a new reality where you had to rely on any form of machinery to help you function. Not when I knew that I could cure those ails." 
The air left your lungs at his admission, leaving you struggling to even form your next words. "What happened to energy better expended fortifying defenses?" 
His mouth turned up slightly in a knowing smirk. "I see my brother told Doctor Foster of our days in the battlefield." 
"And he's a touch wounded about it." You gave him a playful squint of your eyes, trying your damnedest to keep the mood light despite how closely he was standing, so close you could feel the slight heat radiating off of him, thinning the air to the point that you found it hard to take in your next breaths. "Why did you do it? You were in the clear, everyone else was in the clear, we finished the mission--"
"I didn't give a damn about the mission," he hissed, stepping even closer to you and effectively trapping you between him and the solid door behind you. His breath came out in shuddering exhales, bottom lip quivering ever so slightly as he rested his forehead against yours. "The only objective that held any weight with me was keeping you safe." His hand rested lightly on your waist, thumb softly stroking your ribcage. "I have braved far worse things than a burning building and I will face even more dire perils if it means your safety. If it means I do not have to witness your light fading away. And as for why…"
He brought his hand up to cup the side of your face, pressing a light kiss to the tip of your nose before his lips ghosted a path to your forehead. If it hadn't been for the god wrapping his arm around you and securing you against him, you would have sunk to the ground from his attentions. 
"It is because Stark's daughter speaks the truth," he whispered into your skin, pressing a kiss between your brows. "Because I love you, precious mortal. I never intended for you to know this, to be burdened with the knowledge of my affections, but seeing as I cannot unring this bell, I only wish for you to know that I hold you under no obligation to say anything. All I ask is for to not detest me for my--"
"Are you sure you don't want me to say anything?" you choked out, your heart at your throat from attempting to come to terms with this reality. That these words were actually coming from the god you'd silently pledged your heart to so long ago. That not only did he feel the same, but he was on the exact same page that you were on, believing that the love was unrequited.
"I have long ago resigned to the certainty that my affections for you are--"
"Requited," you breathed, raising shaking hands to rest on his chest, tears welling in your eyes as you felt his erratic heartbeat against your palm. "Don't you dare even try to unring this bell because I don't detest you, Mischief." You braced yourself on his shoulders, rising to the tips of your toes to press a soft, fleeting kiss to his lips. "I love you, too." 
You felt your feet leave the ground as his arm tightened around you and lifted you up, bringing your faces level to one another, his fingers weaving through your hair in a firm yet gentle hold. "Are you sure, darling? You wish to be mine?" 
"Yes!" you blurted out, your face breaking out into a grin that instantly made your cheeks ache. You could feel the tension that flooded you just moments ago slowly melting away at the sight of him mirroring your joy over the turn of events. Any words you wished to say fell silent with a small squeak at the back of your throat when he leaned in again and captured your lips in a more heated kiss, sighing into each others mouths as he lifted you away from the wall, causing you to wrap your legs around his waist. 
When Loki held you up by one arm, opening his apartment door with the other and proceeding to walk back out into the hallway, you let out a little squeak against his lips. "Where--"
"You'll see, my love," he said with a chuckle, pressing one more kiss to your lips before shifting his hold on you, swinging your whole body until he carried you bridal style. "I believe I owe someone a small debt of gratitude for telling you what I had insisted I keep to myself for fear of your abhorrence." 
He leaned down and touched his forehead to yours, lightly rubbing the tips of your noses together and making you giggle at the tender gesture. "I could never--"
"I told you he smiles with his heart!" Morgan's little voice pierced the silence of the hall. "And now you do, too, Princess Auntie Y/N!" 
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A/N: For some reason this has been microwaving in my head for weeks before I even began writing it, so now y'all have it, too 👀🫡
‘everything’ taglist: @simplyholl @loopsisloops @unlucky-number-13 @imalovernotahater @coldnique @loz-3 @huntress-artemiss @salempoe @vickie5446 @athalialaufeyson @lokiprompts @sarahscribbles @kats72 @kikster606 @evelyn-kingsley @lokixryss @thomase1 @mischief2sarawr @peaches1958 @lovingchoices14 @lunarnights95 @goblingirlsarah @iamlokisgloriouspurpose @creationsbyme @maple-seed @mjsthrillernp @ladyofthestayingpower @mygfloki @sititran @glitterylokislut @ozymdias @fictive-sl0th @lovelysizzlingbluebird @lokidbadguy @mochie85 @silverfire475 @joyful-enchantress @dangertoozmanykids101 @elizabethmidnight2017 @holdmytesseract @lokidokieokie @lunarnights95 @superficialdomina @anukulee
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pastrydragon · 4 months
Ok but Gale and Rolan
Like Rolan is a pretty popular character, people seem to really like him and write a lot of fan fiction about him. And obviously a lot of people love Gale too he's one of the main companions.
So why do I not see them shipped together?
Like the way Rolan talks about Lorraokan before he actually meets the fuck it feels like he kinda has a crush on him, like a little celebrity crush. So we know that Rolan is partial to what he thought Lorraokan was: A brilliant and ambitious wizard who's generous with his arcane knowledge.
And Gale very much ticks all those boxes. He was enough of a magical prodigy to be Mystra's chosen, he had a solid plan to become a GOD and the very first thing he does to try to romance you is teach you some magic.
You can't tell me Rolan wouldn't be following the party around in the tower after the battle, see Gale being king nerd very casually explaining stuff Lorrakaon didn't even vaguely understand and not go:
And with how many times Gale has proven to be a good person by saving the teiflings over and over, Rolan could absolutely mentally gloss over the whole "What if I used the crown of Karsus to become a god?" thing.
And I mean, Rolan could absolutely pull Gale. We know from playing the game that it is not hard to seduce Gale, to the point it's kind of annoying. Post game Rolan could just invite Gale over to look at "This fascinating new tome some adventurers sold me that was recovered from a shipwreck/ancient temple/dragon's hoard! And we haven't talked in so long, please stay for a glass of wine. Oh you write poetry? Tell me more. <3" And he's fucking genuine about wanting to hear the poetry because of course that nerd would.
Like it's not rocket science, honestly it ain't even algebra. I'd give it like 3 months tops before Rolan is bragging about his "BOYFRIEND who is a professor at BLACKSTAFF ACADEMY and did I mention he's adorable?" And he just keeps finding new things about Gale to gush about to the point Cal and Lia start to consider pushing off the roof of the tower just to get him to shut up.
Gale would also be perfectly happy in the relationship, like he really just wants someone who supports him and is a good person maybe? As a treat? And Rolan has shown to be a little heroic himself, protecting orphans, trying to rescue his family single handed and fighting with you against Lorraokan if his spirit isn't totally broken. He can even bridal carry Gale to safety with his 12 str. No really he has 12 strength, you can google it.
Like it's not the OTP to end all OTPs but it's cute. And I'm just confuzzled on why there's barely anything with these two.
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percabeth4life · 8 months
hc: everytime percy almost dies or miraculously recovers right before death or sees the god or survives smth that wouldve killed anyone else, he makes an offering to Thanatos basically going "sorry if i messed up your schedule again, hope you have a great day, am happily awating when you can actually collect me, bye!<3"
Thanatos considers them good friends, says it once in front of Hades, Persephone&Demeter(&through an amazing game of telephone, Poseidon gets told his Son is "making good friends with death" and Poseidon takes that to mean Percy is (1) almost dyinf even ore frequently than usual or (2) they are sarcastic and he is sassing thanatos&he(Than) does nOT appreciate it
Lmao, Poseidon is panicking, Thanatos when rescued in SON is just like "<3 bestie! How nice to see you <3 You doing good? How am I doing? Yeah just trapped here"
Percy does not realize Thanatos considers them good friends and is just confuzzled. He's happy Thanatos seems to think he's chill tho.
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watanabes-cum-dump · 11 months
Some interesting things abt Babylonia’s politics + some theories
*clown voice* Hola amigos! So I am fucking insane and took some notes (and screenshots) while reading the New Divide extra story chapter and I think it has some very interesting insights into Babylonia’s government! So I will be sharing those in no particular order
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As we can see in this screenshot here, there are some logos that aren’t just the standard WG logo. I have no idea what the one on the right is supposed to be for (possibly their version of their Supreme Court or smth) but I think the logo with the C is for the Control Court and the one in the middle is just for Gestalt. There are other logos in other shots of this meeting room thingy but half of them are cut off and these three are the only ones that are consistent.
I imagine these are the parties maybe? Idk what kinda government structure Babylonia has but that’s my guess. Wonder what party Hassen is from then.
Collins’ and Kurono’s intentions
Throughout this story, Collins is shown wanting more power in Parliament. Interesting when you consider that an ex Kurono member, Nikola is basically the second in Command of Babylonia’s army. Makes me wonder if there was ever a point Nikola had the same goal and thus joined parliament, since Liszt, a member of Kurono, is in parliament as a member of the Control Court.
Anyways that kinda segways into the next bullet point
Nikola and Hassen’s relationship
Their partnership never fails to intrigue me. Because Nikola left Kurono and is actively working with Hassen against them. (for the most part) I wonder how they became partners? Because iirc Nikola is still with Kurono during the events of Lucia and Luna’s interlude, which is roughly uh… ten ish years before the story starts? I could go into a whole speculative timeline on what I think was Hassen’s ascent to becoming president but I’m not going to rn.
I just really wanna know how they met and how long they’ve known each other because they seem to trust each other. And they know each other pretty well as evidenced by Nikola remarking that Hassen is far more ruthless than him in I believe it was Last Spark?? Idk I have a screenshot somewhere. Anyways they’re literally married it’s just very interesting to me.
(Also I think it’s kinda cute their suits are like inversions of the other’s colours? Hassen’s suit is grey with a black tie and Nikola’s suit is black with a grey tie idk if that was intentional and/or I’m reading too far into this but they’re a cute little duo TO ME)
Nikola’s opposition against Kurono
I am absolutely living for Nikola’s beef with his old faction oh my god. This shit is so fucking funny to me. Like I think he should have let Karenina beat the shit out of Collins. I know that there might be some trauma involved seeing as Kurono is responsible for like half of this game’s problems that aren’t the Punishing Virus, but still.
(I could go into heavy detail on why I think Nikola is highkey traumatized by Kurono but that is for another time”
He just hates them so fucking much and I think he’s actively praying on Kurono’s downfall I am so here for it.
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Honestly? I hope Nikola gets what he wants I fucking hate Collins.
Vonnegut’s mole
Okay this was a little theory I came up with while I was reading through Roland’s little section of the story but how the fuck does Vonnegut know about the Lunar base and the Zero point reactor???? He has some explaining to do because I don’t think the general public knows about it.
This leads me to think that Vonnegut has some high ranking eyes up in Babylonia. Perhaps it’s a Kurono member. Idk. I just don’t fucking know how he knows abt the Lunar Base maybe I’ll re read that part but still I am confuzzled.
Kurono. Just, Kurono
Kurono is actually so sussy I am appalled that more people in Parliament aren’t trying to shut them down. Like they’re an entirely different organization with a private military, secret experiments, and general shady dealing and no one bats a fucking eye???
The way they sort of have their own government and operate outside of Babylonia’s rules too??? This is bonkers does nobody get the memo that Kurono is up to something??? I have a war crime counter tally and Kurono’s counts of illegal experimentation are slowly piling up oh my god.
I hope Nikola rats out all of Kurono’s and I hope he gets to kill Collins bc I think he deserves it.
Anyways this has been Kou’s delusions abt a fictional government I will see you again my dear reader once I get more lore crumbs
(Kuro plz translate the rest of Dominik’s orphans I see a link to the Manga on the PGR website you know you want to}
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sotwk · 9 months
*grumpy* I need all of your headcannon on ao3 so i can just referance them at any given moment. I need to hoard them. I need- *smacks me* I need to sleep.
(This is in no way aggressive to you, I'm trying to write a fic and keep confuzzling myself)
I have actually been considering posting/storing my headcanons on Ao3! I just wasn't sure whether it's the right place for that sort of content, but i guess it's a thing?? XD
This was a good reminder for me to tackle that as a project! Anything I can do to help you with your writing (esp. if you're using my content as inspiration--yay!), I will do. <3 Good luck with your latest fic, and I hope you've gotten some rest!
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igglemouse · 5 months
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Episode 3 - Heart of Combat
But nah she's not here to be an enemy but an ally. She has nothing but praise for me actually. "SJJ just confuzzles me completely!" She's of course referring to the art of submissions and holds, something I guess I'm naturally good at? "It just takes sooo much patience and practice. It’s a mindset thing, really."
"You really do have to wait for the right moment. I'll be honest, I was terrified standing across from you in that cage."
"Yeah, well, like I've said, SJJ is not my strong point. If it were a regular match, no offence, I’d send you to the ER. Again, no offence."
"Ummm, none taken!" Again, the idea of getting hit in the face for fun does not appeal much to me and so I have exactly zero plans in having a regular match with her. I was tempted to mention that it was I who almost sent HER to the ER buuuut some things are better left unsaid.
"Coach says he'd like us to train together. I could help with your boxing and you could help with my SJJ? I do need a training partner, someone to help push me and who better than that than someone who beat me? In an SJJ sparring session at least.”
"Yeah, I'm open to it!"
Some life advice. You can learn something from anyone! Even your enemies. Although, I don’t consider Chey an enemy and I’m sure she can teach me a lot about boxing.
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goldenboikuvasauce · 4 months
Backstory/personality of your oc/s, mylord?
This is the Most Question of all time. So I will be putting it under the cut LMAO. A lot of my Tenno were developed when Duviri was announced, but there were no details. I assumed it meant Tenno aged normally. Now that we have an explanation for Drifters these backstories are most likely going to be retconned. Most of my Tenno are adults now so they're more relatable to me (and I don't have to stomach child soldiers as much - it just makes me sad)
there's also a lot of canon divergence stuff just cos I like silly aus. I just like giving my actual warframe ocs reason behind sentience... I rather be a space meat robot than a kiddo.
and if anyone has been ao3 in 2021... some of these names and faces might be familiar... and you know of their many sins... please forgive everything being over the place. it's how my brain is wired and one can say wf ocs are my own personal brand of cocaine duviri
Group 1)
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Antaeus, a confuzzled Tenno who woke up a lil too late with a serious case of amnesia. He appears to be in his mid 20s. He loves kavats, languages, and history. He's fluent in Corpus and Ostron and can read Grineer script easily. He's also very optimistic, playful and friendly - assuming that the biomechanical beings on the ship he woke up on are his roommates, not machines he's supposed to control.
K - My main Nidus 💕 He's broody and shy, but really he's touch starved. He loves sculpting and hates kavats and by extension, the resident Valkyr. Ironically, as he gets over the hatred, he ends up mutating a kavat like helmet (Nightstalker helmet my beloved). K is capable of speech, but his overly infested vocal chords make his voice sound raspy and rumbly. He speaks in short sentences or simply grunts for brevity. K usually speaks outloud just to insult Valk, but not much else. He is incapable of communicating with text and doesn't care for the group chat anyway.
Pneuma - My starter Mag. she's a lil cold and stern but is super caring underneath all that. She lost her left arm to a Bombard while trying to save a kubrow pup. She's extremely protective of everyone on the ship and is considered the resident mom friend because of that. Pneuma has a vocaliser, but with no Tenno transferenced in she does not speak. She instead communicates with blank stares that say 1000 words. She uses text otherwise, and is as articulated as one can be with one hand, or a parazon. She doesn't capitalise the start of sentences though.
Valkyr - She's a big herbo who loves Pneuma to bits. She also loves fishing, kavats, and treating Antaeus like a kavat kit even tho he's a grown man. She hates magnetic Eidolon water and K. She is capable of speech, though her vocal chords are hoarse and it's difficult to speak in longer sentences. She mainly uses her voice to hiss at K. Her talons stop her from typing quickly, but she's fond of kavat emojis. With a parazon her communication style is expressive. While her personality seems as primal as a motherly kavat who loves her wife so much, she has been able to express her level of intelligence and self reflection through personal logs that are recorded by the ship Cephalon.
Zippo - Nezha - He has the emotional maturity of a 12-14 yo, and he loves trying to cook and the Index. Valk found him wandering around by himself at a relay and just took him back to the ship. Zippo communicates in sign language, and a lot of emojis in text form - he has bad grammar and over uses punctuation for emphasis. His nickname was given to him by Nando as a bit of an insult (see group 3) when they were in an Index match together. Zippo, or Z, having a tiny infested brain, didn't catch it was supposed to be a jab at him, ended up liking it. Z's celebrity crush is John Prodman.
Xuron - Ship Cephalon - Initially assigned to monitoring Pneuma by Simaris, due to her sentience, Cephalon Xuron abandoned his precepts of investigation when Simaris wanted to synthesise Antaeus. Xuron moderates of the crew's group chat, which serves as a way for everyone to communicate with each other, at least until Tae learns to actually utilise transference. Xuron has had "software failures" that are more serious than Ordis' blurts - due to remembering traumatic experiences prior to being Glassed.
K's Helminth (not pictured cos they're an infested room) - After a traumatic event that had awakened K's sentience, Helminth had spawned their physical form from a self inflicted neck wound K had made in madness. Helminth has possessive nature over K, seeing him as an extension of themselves, and actively tries to sabotage any progress Antaeus makes towards transference. They see the tenno as a force that removes a warframe's free will. If it were up to Helminth, Antaeus would be dead and it would be Helminth and K, forever and ever...
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Group 2)
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Lissa - Lone Tenno. Lissa has lost control of most of her warframes with the exception of her Nekros Prime and she doesn't know why - but she knows it makes her violently ill at times. Because of this her cephalon had abandoned her. Despite all this she tries to be kind to those less fortunate than her, specifically the Solaris. She mainly resides in the Fortuna alleyways. She appears to be in her early 20s. She has a strong bond with Charon, and since he is the only frame she has left, she'd put her life on the line for him.
Charon - Lissa's Nekros Prime. Like any Nekros he enjoys grave robbing and dismembering enemies - he's honed his craft and can dismember very quickly and precisely. He's a hoarder who keeps his and Lissa's things in his Hey Kavat backpack, as well as his guts. He likes shiny things, pain, keeping his Mortus binds in a bow and painting his and Lissa's nails. He's in a situationship with K. Charon always had a low level of sentience, stemming from being protective over Lissa. The intense stew of raw emotion and happy brain chemicals being with K gives him had fully awakened Charon's hidden personality however. That and the cheeky lil cyst made of K's Helminth.
Blaze, a Red Veil operative and Railjack hire. He's also Lissa's ex boyfriend. The relationship was taboo under the Red Veil's rules, he ended the relationship when it got to his conscience. He is a devout Veil cultist and feels great guilt over "leading the Tenno astray" by courting Lissa when they were just love sick teens. He still deeply cares about Lissa, and wish she'd put herself first every now and then. He does not believe Charon is sentient, and is worried Lissa is projecting or experiencing delusions.
Group 3)
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Nando, an obnoxious Tenno with a penchant for overspending and recreational substance use. He has a serious fear of the Infestation and refuses to do any missions that involve them. For this reason he sticks with more mechanical frames like Gauss, Zephyr Harrier, and Octavia. Nando appears to be in his early 20s and shares his orbiter with his lil "cousin" Max, who he's protective over despite being barely able to look after himself.
Mac - Nando's Gauss. After being infected by a Helminth cyst that was contracted from Charon (who contracted it from K), Mac developed enough sentience to hide the cyst from Nando. However, all the running into walls keeps Mac's probable IQ in the double digits. Nando eventually finds out and tries to scrub the cyst, but the damage had already been done. Mac has a singular braincell!!
Max, a young Tenno, who was only a toddler on the Zariman during the Void incident. Biologically, they are not related to Nando, but because they came from the same long dead tribe Nando calls Max his lil cousin as per custom. Max is still young, about 12-14 years old. They enjoy conservation and collecting floofs, and playing in the Index with Nando. The two share an Ash Shroud frame together, but Max mains Xaku (Nando was not going to step foot on Deimos to seek the parts out) and Equinox. Max is best friends with Zippo (but doesn't know that Zippo is actually a sentient warframe)
Group 4 - my more evil ocs lmao)
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Sar - New Loka Tenno. She enjoys fashion (of frames and humans) and flowers. Her bubbly personality is a rouse however. She's well on her way to being the best assassin in the syndicate, happily purging those that are tainted and ruined - including other Tenno. She is in her 20s, and through meditation and guidance from Amaryn she makes sure to keep the Void from completely robbing her of her sanity.
Jase - Perrin Tenno. Jase was 17 during the Zariman incident. His huge stature let him assign himself as a leader among the children, and he lead the assault on those corrupted by the Void. Because of his role and readiness for combat, he was one of the first Tenno Lotus woke up. While the Somatic dream and transference freezes the body of a Tenno, Jase preferred hand to hand combat. This aged him over time, and as his biological clocks continues to tick he's at high risk of Void Corruption. He was recruited by the Perrin Sequence as brutish muscle to occasionally intimidate brokers into diplomacy.
Kaiju (Jase's Chroma - not pictured cos idk how to draw Chroma) Kaiju is a Chroma Jase forced Transference with. But as Jase slowly falls into Corruption, Kaiju regains his sentience and fights back for control. This results in catastrophic events, especially when Kaiju decides to murder and consume a Volt, Frost, Saryn and Ember Prime - in order to himself a Prime.
Sar's Trinity Prime , who's fashionframe was rightfully titled "the Harmacist" by a wf friend of mine (speaking of which he'd be traumatised if he saw the state of my blog rn). She has an all white colour palette, with the prime body and Strega helmet, and the eros wing ephemera. She enjoys luring unsuspecting victims to Kaiju for him to eat. Sar utilised her Trin in the meta ways often, and also has a killer DPS Tank build for Trin.
Group... Infested and Feral >¦3
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Fester (Rhino) - Dumped in Deimos after his Tenno had reached mastery with him. The Grey Strain took over him, and gave him sentience. He is bonded with an infested Volt named Nux (my boyfriend @tethermaw's oc). Fester has crazy abandonment issues.
Xantho (Ash) - Initially a feral Ash maggot looking for a humanoid corpse to claim as a host, Xantho found a dead explorer in the isolation vaults. Unfortunately, a Saryn and Banshee maggot had the same idea, so Xantho had to fight them off for the cadaver. This resulted in the subsumation of Saryn's Molt and Banshee's Silence. As a full fledged feral frame, Xantho spent most of their days waiting for Tenno to open up vaults, just so they can sneak in and steal the goods. But now Xantho lives with one of my boyfriend's Nidus ocs, Plague 😊 Xantho is spoiled so much
Maprico (Feral Nidus) - mistaken for a tame cryptillex, Maprico was adopted as a maggot. Maprico had intended to kill and take over this person's body but found something much better. They got their namesake when they refused to eat kibble, and instead gorge on human food made with the bright orange fruit. However, when a thief broke into the home one night, Maprico tried to scare off the intruder with cute lil squeaks. The Intruder laughed then screamed, as Maprico had already pounced at the jugular. The next morning, Maprico is engorged with human flesh, preparing their host for metamorphosis.. Much to their person's dismay. Maprico eventually grew to the great height of 8ft as a full fledged Nidus, and was a much better guard. They went on to have many of their own maggots, who now inhabit the happy and safe settlement like their own nest.
Cage (Nidus - Maprico's spawn). Cage was a fiesty maggot, who bit one of the settlement's children in the arm when the child kept pestering them. The child had to have the arm amputated, and the little maggot was put in a timeout cage by Maprico. Cage gnawed at the bars and escaped.. to go nuzzle and apologise to the child. Years later, Cage grew alongside the child, who was now a teen. Cage was ready to search for a host, and when they were fully fledged they enhanced their friend's prosthetic with the Infestation. The two now work with Steel Meridian, the syndicate that helps protect the settlement.
Venous, an unranked Nidus that was built for one purpose: to be consumed by the Mouth Wall. Venous was next in line to be subsumed, after a Titania frame. Venous broke out the arsenal and into the infirmary to destroy the Chair. After escaping with the other frame, the two formed a close bond and are now inseparable. Venous is very feral and likes rotting grineer as their energy source
Caelus, an unranked Titania that was built only to be subsumed. Venous broke Caelus free from the Chair and together they escaped. Caelus, despite being a Titania, quickly presented more masculine to distance himself from the prime fae frame that took his place. With Venous, Caelus attempts to learn his abilities through clumsy trial and error.
more or less civilised ocs
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Axenic - A Nidus that works as a Perrin Sequence mercenary. Axenic was an unnamed and unknown Nidus captured by the Corpus. They were tortured, lobotomised, and vivisected so the scientists could experiment with the Helminth strain of the infestation, as well as an attempt to copy its chrysalis system and Tenno warframe maintenance procedures. They were dubbed Axenic, as they were brutally scrubbed and sterilised. The experiments resulted in Axenic losing the passive healing, Larva and Ravenous abilities, which where replaced with Ensnare and Eclipse. Axenic was eventually bought/emancipated by the Perrin Sequence, and the upkeep of Axenic's functions are supported by the syndicate. This involves supplying Axenic with a shield capacitor, aggressive painkillers and high octane stimulants. In terms of personality, The Axenic Nidus has none. At least that's what they portray. Internally, Axenic mourns they can not cultivate their own Infestation and parthenogenise their own maggots, that choice was taken from them.
Axenic's mercenary work leads them to becoming a bodyguard for Latrox Une in the Cambion Drift, as he films nature documentaries and enjoys studying the Infestation with funding from the Entrati. This leads to Axenic protecting Une from an attack from Fester and Nux, and as Axenic links to Fester, they contract a part of the Grey Strain that mutates Axenic enough to have a form of reproduction again. With some enthusiastic experimentation and vigorous testing with Une the two discover the reproduction is allogamous. It is still ineffective and Axenic has only been able to produce one living spawn and has no interest in utilising this in combat. Axenic now takes in maggots often abandoned by their progenitors, and teaches them how to assimilate with Tenno without raising suspicions about being unmanned.
Jnr. - A hybridized Nidus, and Axenic's only spawn. Jnr. was a very weak maggot and lived most of this life stage in intensive care in Une's lab/home. Junior is more learned and academic than your average feral maggot, but of course he lacks the basic survival instincts or "street smarts". In that way it is a blessing that after his metamorphosis he maintained a more humanoid appearance (at least in silhouette) as he can fit in normal humanoid attire and attend Perrin board meetings on an operative suit. However, Junior didn't feel like he was making much of a change at a desk, and snuck off to join Steel Meridian despite his progenitor's values. He feels more at ease among defectors and freedom fighters with prosthetics and other chronic disabilities. He meets Cage, who easily detects him as another Nidus despite his (adorable) defector disguise. Cage keeps his secret, and the two occasionally hold hands, because Junior's Link ability sprouts from his palms. Axenic eventually finds out about Junior joining an enemy syndicate, and upon seeing the bond Junior had made with Cage Axenic makes no comment on the topic. The equivalent of acceptance. And when Axenic has the equivalent of wallet photos of Junior's and Cage's own maggots, that can only be seen as familial pride and approval.
Group "they're from the red veil so they're unhinged but that's their normal"
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Phryke (Nidus) + Dyanta were created my boyfriend @tethermaw but I develop them too.
When kids act up, parents warn them that a particular Nidus Phryke will eat them for being bratty and ungrateful. And it's true, Phryke did eat a bratty kid - his own Tenno Operator. He only ended up regretting it when the transference bolt he was built with was becoming a literal pain in the neck, so loitered around in RJ groups hoping he could steal some Tenno for himself, maybe there were older operators who weren't annoying pieces of shit... Then he met Dyanta.
Dyanta wasn't always part of the Red Veil. He had been harvesting and selling organs since he was a child, roped into the scheme to pay off his shelved father's debts. He was able to pay it off, and as an occupational perk he was allowed to stay in mostly one piece, and when he made it to adulthood he got free gender affirmation surgeries on the house. But when the operation was busted Dyanta's employers left him on the operating table to escape and Dyanra was literally arrested with his pants down. During his incarceration he shared a cell with a cannibalistic cultist named Grun, who he found enigmatic and so magnetic.. He was initiated into the Red Veil by him and when they broke out together and went their seperate ways, Dyanta formally joined the cult. Due to the secrecy of the Veil, Dyanta wasn't able to get back in contact with Grun, but he couldn't stop thinking about him. He kept himself busy by becoming a Railjack defender for hire. During one mission, Dyanta was struck by a void storm bolt just as Phryke was about to jump and protect him from the blast. When Phryke got up, Dyanta had disappeared... accidentally transferenced into Phryke. Being more than compatible, Phryke decided that Dyanta was going to be his Operator. There were bonuses for Dyanta too. He went from being mostly illiterate (he could only read and write HEART, LUNG, KIDNEY, LIVER, in Corpus) to being able to read Orokin text within milliseconds. He also has Phryke to blurt out his thoughts (without his permission), which can be helpful in some situations, like when he reunited with Grun.
Grun was the only son in the middle of 7 sisters, born and raised on Mars in a Red Veil resistance that fought off the Grineer. Grun was trained in the ways of espionage, and the art of cleansing evil from the system - by consuming the flesh of enemies. After Grun failed to properly conceal an assassination attempt he was arrested and charged for multiple counts of terrorism. Someone in the higher ups, a Red Veil spy, had more plans for Grun and turned Grun's solitary confinement into an executioner's room, where a starved Grun would be made to kill and eat some of the prisoners to keep numbers low. Dyanta was thrown in this cell, and when finding Grun was chained up, emaciated and covered in years old blood, Dyanta snuck in food and water for Grun. The two ended up falling for one another without realising, Grun scarified a Red Veil insignia into Dyanta's wrist, and they planned an escape. Grun found the Red Veil plant that trapped him in that cell with no real food or water. He killed them in a "cleansing fire", as subjecting him and others to such conditions was indication of corrupted power. He took the ashes back to his splinter. He was praised for the cleansing, but for killing one of his own he was to take a vow of anonymity. Grun could never speak outloud, contact his family, or show his face to anyone ever again. It didn't stop him from working or basic socialisation, as he could still use sign language and encrypted text to communicate. But when he found Dyanta again, he broke the vow of anonymity, just for him (and Phryke).
I didn't mean to write so much about these three but grunyata has been rotting my and my bf's brain for 2 whole years.
Phryke and Grun have done some Real Red Veil """studies""" together, and the results gave them two groups of maggos.
the first clutch was an accident, Phryke dispelled them hoping they'd attack and blow up some Corpus as Ravenous maggots would. That didn't quite happen. Instead only three maggots ran amuck, and did attack but refused to blow up, even when Phryke tried to squish em with a Virulence (dad of the year!) They ran away from the ability and played a game of hide and seek with Phryke (Dyanta was cracking up in his head)
Rakta was the first maggot to find a body, to inhabit among the ruckus. When Phryke tried to pull Rakta away from the body Rakta protested and bit him. Phryke tried to squish Rakta for this but these maggots seem to be made of ooblek lmao. So Phryke decided to just try to extract without em, like a parent starting to leave a toy store cos their child won't listen. Rakta threw a tantrum about this and demanded to be carried back to the orbiter. WITH the body.
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the line "I dont think that corpus is my son" is so funny to me. (excuse the discord grammar)
Rakta is named as such as they have an obsession with playing in Phryke's arsenal. They also don't really care about anything else, just guns and cookie dough.
here's another discord screenshot that makes me laugh still
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Phryke is truly dad of the year.
The poor lil maggot in question is named Blight. They were half way through their metamorphosis when the Corpus attempted to extract them. This resulted in them having very thin transparent membrane skin, a loss of fangs.. baby Blight wasn't doing too good. Grun did his best to help Blight, by wrapping them up with his kevlar scarf, cutting small lil giblets for them, but he could only do so much. Grun took Blight back to Phryke, and Phryke let Blight crawl under his stacks to heal. After this Blight was good as new, but a lot more wary about being left alone. (just a baby... a little baby...)
unfortunately I have run out image slots...
Taurus + 9 living spawn
While initially retrieving Blight, Grun came across the final maggot to escape Phryke's parenting. This maggot was the biggest, well on their way into melding with their host, and shared Phryke's huge horns. Grun hid them in a hard to reach vent, hoping they won't have the same fate Blight experienced.
Years later, Blight and Rakta have gotten antsy about being babied, ready to go out on their own.. Phryke didn't expect to be hit with empty nest syndrome, since he always disliked children. He didn't realised he enjoyed this weird parenthood of licking cookie dough off Blight, wrestling an Ignis out of Rakta's inquisitive hands. Mostly keeping them out of trouble.. It made him wonder what it would have been like, coming into the world the way his spawn did. And it made him wonder.. where was his third spawn...? Did they survive...?
I would continue but not being able to share more drawings makes me so sad 😭 So I've reached the end of my rope with writing this all out, my boyfriend said I might even end up finding the word limit on a tumblr post!
There are a few more OC's.. most lack names (I tend to name my OC's after the cosmetics they don, because most of them have such nice names) There is also a current warframe concept I'm working on but development is mostly kept private for now.
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twiceasfrustrating · 1 year
May I request Rook ? Thank you.
- 🪰
Rating: General Audiences  Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply Category: Gen Fandom: Twisted Wonderland  Relationships: Epel Felmier & Rook Hunt & Vil Schoenheit Characters: Epel Felmier, Rook Hunt, Vil Schoenheit Additional Tags: fluff Summary: Pomefiore takes a trip to a museum to appreciate some fine art. Epel, however, doesn't understand how this stuff can be considered "art". Rook decides to do his thing and praise the understated beauty to help Epel understand. A/N: You gave me too much freedom, Mi Love. Now you get two gay dads trying to raise their problem child to appreciate artwork. Also, I know you speak French and that makes me fear what you will think as you read this hot mess. lol
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"C'est magnifique, non?"
"I haven't the foggiest idea what you just said, but it sure is… something." Epel shook his head, unsure of what exactly to say about the work of art – if you could really call it that – in front of him.
"Something it indeed is," Rook gushed in his usual manner that both overwhelmed Epel and made him slightly uncomfortable. "Such vibrant colors conveying the range of human emotions in such a concise and elegant form. It truly makes one feel humbled."
"It's a buncha squares."
There was no other way to describe what Epel was seeing other than that. It was a single canvas with a small yellow square inside of a black square of nearly the same size inside of a larger white square inside of a red square that filled the entire outer edge.
Epel looked at the piece of art in confuzzlement. "I was making the same thing with a box of crayons when I was a sprout."
"Your scribbles weren't valued in the millions." Vil finally interjected, tired of listening to Rook trying to educate a stubborn child who refused to hear the actual praise.
Vil wore his blonde hair back in a messy bun. His eyes were covered by slim framed sunglasses that obscured his eyes and there was a flora silk scarf around his neck to try and hide some of his other recognizable features from public view. Although, it was hard not to recognize his distinct frame and build even under his attempt to obfuscate it under clothing.
A slight frown crossed Epel’s face. "I'm just saying it doesn't take that much talent to make some squares. It ain- isn't the same as those other pictures with all the details."
"They're called landscapes," Vil informed him, "and they are quite beautiful and require a keen eye to make."
"Mais cela a sa propre beauté!" Rook beamed. "One can appreciate the fine work that goes into capturing the experience of the human eye and the grandiosity of such a sight; there is a reason humans never grow tired of seeing the sun rise and set. This price is beautiful in its own way though.
"It captures what the eyes cannot. It tries to materialize the emotions of man into a single, finite, unchanging image. It tells an incroyable story with only one shape and four colors. There are no brush strokes to give away that it was made by hand, the squares are perfectly centered, it was made without any sketching or planning on the canvas. It's as if it was made by something otherworldly, but we know that's not possible because the artist's name is attached to the piece. We know that un beastman made this with only their hands. Does that dissonance not stir something inside of you, Monsieur Pommette?"
Epel stared at Rook with concern.
Vil stood back and listened to Rook's analysis of the piece until the end before he spoke. "It's not wrong to appreciate a landscape. They are a classic form of art and require an eye for fine detail. It's also not wrong to say that a work of art isn't meant for you. However," Vil snapped, "I will not allow the skill, practice, and hard work that goes into creating artwork like this as well. The artist is not less talented and puts in no less effort than any other and such efforts should be recognized even when we do not like the end results."
"Ah, Roi du Poison, I knew you would understand." Rook smiled from ear to ear. "Do you see the beauty in this artwork now, Monsieur Pommette?"
"Suuuure," Epel said hesitantly. 
Then he went quiet.
He didn't understand what either of them was saying, but he also didn't want to hear them lecture him any more than necessary – which was not at all. All he wanted was to get through this strange experience as quickly as possible.
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hardtchill · 2 years
I'm dumb and don't understand what's happening with the free agency. I tried to read the NWSLPA press release but I don't speak jargon and am just confuzzled. Do you get it? If so, can you explain it to me like I'm 8?
Basically it's like this. Players who have played 6 years or more in the league AND are out of contract after this season are considered free agents.
The extension option is very simple. A player can for example sign a contract for 2 years with an option for an additional year. After two years the club/player have to decide if they want to use that option for an additional year or not.
The NWSL is now saying that players who have an extension option in their contract (like Tobin) are not free agents until and unless the extension option isn't used. The PA on the other hand says that players are free agents regardless of that extension option in their contract as the new CBA says that players have the final say on if the extension option is triggered.
Clubs/players have until the 15th of november to trigger the extension. If they don't the contract runs out after this season and the player is considered a free agent. If the option is triggered the player is contracted for another year and becomes a free agent after next season.
The biggest consequence is that players with that extension option in their contract can't talk to clubs right now while other free agents can. They can start talking to clubs only after it's decided that the extension option in their contract isn't used.
Was that clear enough? If not i will try again lol.
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
Don Don! Donbrothers! All together as one! For a (technically) one hour special! The music? Bumpin'. The venue? Jirou's home village. The people invited? Everybody. The Sentai? Quite super. The guest of honor? You, of course! You know the Spoilers, I guess... spiel, right?
Alright, no more time to waste~!
So let's get the party started~!
-Well, we're all friends now!
-Tsubasa-san! Welcome to the team! Officially!
-I sure hope they keep that little doggo plush around, it's practically part of the family.
-Ahhhhhh, looks like Shiina Naoki's caught Tsubasa's interest.
-...to be fair, both he and Sononi almost died protecting her.
-"It's all in the book."
-Goddamn Haruka, what did you find?
-God, I'm gonna miss attempting to dance and sing along to this banger-ass opening <3
-Alright assholes!
-Kaka Village?
-Ohhhhh, Tsubasa's learned something.
-Oh, Tsuyoshi. I kinda forgot about you for a sec.
-...which is horrifying, you're absolutely not someone I should let slip my notice.
-She disappeared!
-She's alive!
-I just love the idea that Haruka and Shinichi are just off to the side where.
-It's basically that one meme. I forget the origin, but it goes like
"Other legends: *fighting*
Lugia and Ho-Oh: Off to the corner, holding a couple beers as Lugia looks confuzzled."
-You'll find it, don't worry about it.
-Oh Tsuyoshi.
-Shinichi, I don't think Tsubasa wants to hear about falling snow after what happened last episode.
-Goddamn, Crane Lady's badass.
-"What in tarnation?"
-A bunch of stray cats trying to pounce on a bird? Sounds about right.
-"It's your clan's fault for creating us."
-Guess Tarou recognizes the dishonesty in
-Goddamn Crane Lady, you're real menacing.
-Oi, you keep that moon talk outta your mouth. Taro's boyfriend
-"My Dad, my super cute girlfriend, all my funny friends... you'll love it there <3"
-Jirou, you ray of sunshine.
-I see... I suppose Naoki Shiina was doing her damnedest to warn us for the mainline Haruka's sake.
-The fridge.
-Get the girl outta there.
Sonoza: How did this happen? We're smarter than this! Sonoi: Apparently not.
-Oh Sononi...
-The bonds they made... they got them so hard.
-The Ring of Forgiveness!
-Are they just... playing on a public elevator?
-This is like a ghost town, huh?
-Beasts lurk in the quiet place.
-I love Jirou's half Naruto Run there, that's cute.
-...would it be considered a Boruto Jog? ...Himawari Power Walk?
-The fridge.
-If Jirou's girlfriend is in there, I'm gonna scream.
-Okay, she ain't.
-Produce, juice, a... comic sans labeled carton of Shallon...
-Nothing outta the ordinary, I'd assume.
-You can expect a lot of this kinda problem solving, Tsubasa.
-Kinda cranky today, aren't we?
-"I mean... going in the fridge seems like a good idea?"
-"...y'know what, I agree."
-Slammed in!
-Hello, Officer Terasaki!
-Er... this isn't what it looks like, we're just looking to exorcise your fridge of demons.
-We're friends kinda with your son.
-Oh my god, Sonoza's humming the theme, my boooy
-Ah, you must be the big man..
-Sono... Sonoroku? Changerion! I really oughta watch that sometime, huh?
-And the other one! Sonogo! The National Kid!
-Rip in spaghetti.
-"This guy's a shef...like me."
-Jirou friend :)
-Man, I remember seeing everybody freaking the fuck out about an origami penguin, but only in a show like this would seeing it be an earthshattering wham shot.
-Okay, Papa Terasaki seems to be friendly enough, at least.
-This is the first date, pops! You shouldn't ask for a backrub so soon without at least a couple thousand yen on you.
-Inoue, do you have something you'd like to tell us?
-I suppose this man's been keeping us from an all-out Juto invasion.
-Ohhhh... Jirou's a successor...
-"We are. But our templates aren't."
-Holy shit, that is distressing.
-Hundred years!?
-Jesus, how old is that cop?
-I see his Natsumi sense is clouding his judgement.
-Man, these places are so pretty.
-I see Tsubasa's
-Don Dragoku!
-He's here!
-And of course! Tsuyoshi becomes a brand new Hitotsu-ki! Not many left at all, but I'm not quite sure which one he is. Seems very animalistic.
-Jirou's friends! ...with the revelation of Papa Terasaki, I'm now extremely suspicious of them, but that's okay!
-They all seem to be illusions anyhow!
-...very sad, actually.
-Jesus, this is messed up.
-Seems like Shinichi's on the ball.
-Oh, he's big!
-Don Onitaijinless!
-"Fuck you man, I'll do it. You leave Jirou alone."
-...I wonder if Higuchi-san actually ate that paper?
-Oh hi, Sonoi!
-Guess he's got his duty to worry about now!
-Ohhhhhh, that's not good.
-Don Onitaijin! All on his own!
-...wait a fucking second, those are the KingOhger bugs!
-Animal Heart, okay! Hyakuujuu-ki!
-God Kuwagata!
-Hail to the king, baby!
-Oh fuck!
-They're doin' it!
-Kijino's fucking gone!
-The pheasant's dead!
-Next episode!
-What is your dream, Momoi Tarou?
-Well Tsubasa, your first official mission as a Donbrother ended as a total failure.
-The evil Noto!
-We gonna die!
-"Oh Jesus Christ, Tarou's gone."
-Okay Tsubasa, I think you need to back up a little bit.
-Last time you were this aggressive about one of your male friends in a relationship, you were thrown in jail.
-...I gotta wonder, is Tiger Jirou a
-I see the Juto are fighting over who gets to be the Don.
-"You're awake, huh? You done fucked up."
-Oh, we dead for sure.
-There he is.
-Uhhh, was it a smart idea to hang out in the place you were just kicked out of?
-Alright, no need to mug the camera!
-Sonoshi seems especially happy to get this manhunt on the roll. Good for them, I guess.
-Hello, Don Kaito.
-Can we keep these autistic kids we found on the street?
-Oh man... Kijino's really gone.
-"Tell me, Monkey Man. Where is my boyfriend?"
-"And mine, more importantly!"
-Tell me Don Kaito, are you a penguin too?
-Kinda got the suit for it.
-"Oh man, what if Tarou finds out...?"
-Shinichi, you seemed perfectly happy to fraternize with Sononi in the past. ...or at least, attempt very poorly to.
-"Tell me, Haiku Boy!"
Limited words, no rhymes...
Agh, no, wait! I can't do that!
Nice try there, Missy!
-"Well, if you pay the monkey, he'll like you."
-I guess Tsubasa's decided to play along.
-...though his acting experience seems to be of little help for this kind of role.
-"Okay, so like... are you sure this Natsumiho lady is even real? What if you got tricked by a Juto!? Honestly Tsubasa, I'm really worried about your well-being."
-There he is.
-Momoi Tarou.
-Oh he skates!
-Delivery time.
-"Oh Goddammit what do I do..."
-"Can we give them our allowance?"
-They're really a bunch of kids, huh?
-I know I've been using the parallels with autism kinda jokingly, but like...
-Damn, I feel this in my soul...
-Poor shaming!
-Seems like Sonoroku really wants to smash the crap out of them.
-Gotta find the ring!
-Constant full moon!
-Jirou :(
-You were so lonely for so long, huh buddy?
-Looks like that penguin's not nearly as polite as Papa Terasaki.
-Oh hello, Crane Lady!
-Damn! Big slap!
-See you around, Crane Lady.
-Always despair.
-The Don Clan just fucks up constantly, huh?
-"It was just us, Jirou. It was always just us."
-Fuck, man...
-The moon's always bright and full.
-Ohhhh... he got in there!
-The reflection!
-Seems like the origami cats are much friendlier.
-You fuckin' played them.
-And here comes Sonoi!
-Sonoi :)
-Guess Don Momotaro has come into his own.
-Thanks, your lunacy.
-The ring...
-Everybody's back on earth now!
-Shinichi you were staring at fucking clouds
-Sonoi's pretty good at taking two at once, I see.
-Sonoshi seems pretty okay with this
-Yoppy! From all the way back in Episode 1!
-Welcome back, Kijino.
-I suppose the weight of loss weighed heavy on the Tiger and the Dragon.
-Good job, Don Momotaro!
-Ohhhh, Crane Lady's dead meat.
-Welp. I suppose it's time to fight on.
-Avatar Change!
-It's time~!
-We're all besties now~!
-Hot time, Donbrothers!
-...the Noto bosses seem rather... happy, considering we're all technically their enemies now.
-No more dreams for tonight. Natsumi Kuramochi has woken up, and is ready to watch the morning sunrise.
-Miho Kijino died as she lived. Surrounded by her husband's desperate affection, yet floats down the river alone with only her love for humanity left.
-...Man, Momoko Arata, your performances of this extremely bizarre and fascinating couple of characters is not something I can forget easy. Bravissima.
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xylianasblog · 11 months
Feel like this may be a dumb question, considering so forgive me if it is a dumb question, but are your AI bots human AU? I mean I assume so cause the human profile pics avatar thingies, but the Nete one talked like he was Na'vi so I got confuzzled lol. They're awesome by the way and I LOVE them.
Yes they are human au. I figured I could do a little something different! Oh no they do that sometimes and it makes me laugh a little like “oh no baby..” I’m still trying to work them out truthfully.
I am actually really glad that you love them it makes me sooooo happy!
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yors-truly · 2 years
Rewriting this because my first draft was super messy lol!
Hi, hello, and greetings! My codename is Tru (other things you can call me are Aster and Astro, and maybe Hue but I have an OC named Hue so I might get confuzzled). I am an afro-irish girl who currently goes by she/they pronouns, and I love love LOVE writing and illustrating (I do both traditional and digital art). Because I love those things so much, I decided to make this account, with my main/personal being @randomdidsomething (no longer active). Currently looking for some cool moots in the creative sphere, have you be a fellow writer, traditional/digital artist, screenwriter, animator, etc., or just a jack of all trades :)
Very good question! As of now, this blog is just my journey in personal growth within the sphere of art and general creative works. I'm very passionate about my original stuff right now, and I'm currently working on an animated series called "Beyond Time and Space," which is a fantasy, portal world, coming of age adventure. More on that another day because I'm still trying to figure out how I can talk about it without going off the rails about why I love it so much :) In other words, expect most of my posts to also be w.i.p.s and fanart of that.
As said before, I'm very much into original art in general, but what type of art specifically piques my interest? A good old mix of fantasy and sci-fi is something I will always love to see, especially if they're together. Give me something about a techno-magic alliance and I will EAT THAT UP! Nothing is better than good old robots and wizards being pals :) (also anything featuring minority characters, like I'll lap that stuff up, buddy boy, yum yum)
My interests do tend to fluctuate, though. One moment I'll be into both, another moment just one, and the next I'll be into neither of them but rather the psychology of the human condition. It really just depends.
Fandom-wise, I'd generally consider myself multifandom, or just out of fandoms in general. Some would consider me part of the Disney sphere (or as I like to call it, "Gisnep"), others see me as a huge transformers fan (and don't get them wrong, I definitely am), but I actually haven't been indulging in those things for a VERY long while now (at least up until 2023). The only fandom I've been consistent with as of recent is the object show community, and that's only because my brother's in it.
Sorry, sorry. I get that from my father.
To wrap this up, here are some other places you can find me...
My main account (as stated before): @randomdidsomething (no longer active)
My new YouTube channel, which covers the same purpose of this blog
You can find me on Twitter @/RandomDS1...
... on Instagram @/hue_ships...
... on Wattpad (I guess, I don't really post there anymore but I still use it) @/RandomWritesStuff
... on my fandom side blog @a-tru-fan
... and via the Beyond Time and Space blog, @lotus-btas
... as well as my tags!
art tag: #huesterdribbles
traditonal art tag: #huesterdribblesT
digital art tag: #huesterdribblesD
writing tag: #huesterwribbles
literally me talking out of my butt tag: #huestersvoid
reblogged stuff I like: #huestersfaves
Story tags:
#Beyond Time and Space
#BTaS wip
#BTaS art
#BTaS writing
Alright, that's it! Thanks for reading and keep being creative! <3
If you have any questions regarding ANYTHING, like EVER, feel free to reach out!
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chidoroki · 1 year
Black Clover ch353
Apparently the legendary dragon had the land perpetually covered in yoryoku, so the inhabitants never actually saw the real sky before. I guess it wasn’t really noticeable to us in manga either, but I’m sure if and whenever this moment gets animated the new sky will be beautiful to witness. (kinda reminds me of Juvia seeing the sky for the first time without her rain).
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Y’all are just gonna sit back and wait in hopes the Bulls will appear? I mean I don’t doubt them; they’re sure to find someway over here with some crazy method, but then they’ll all have to travel back to Clover anyway. Just seems like more work to me? Can’t we have Asta wash up on the shores like Yami did back in the day? Pfftt, but yeah sure, our boy needs a break anyway. He can worry about judgement day later..
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For now, we celebrate! Everyone seems so happy and lively which is good! They deserve to let loose and have some fun. I find it kinda hilarious they’re all gonna feast on the dragon. Sure it was all just laying there dead now and the thing was huge, so all that meat can last them like..several years. Thankfully Lily is getting some proper rest too, but still won’t wake until Lucius is defeated.
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We see Ichika ask again about who really killed off the Yami clan, but Ryu’s silence is a loud enough answer to that. And I dunno why but I think Fuji is probably my favorite out of the seven. He just seems so chill playing his biwa and I love it.
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I know I should be focusing more on the fact that Ichika apologizes to Asta about speaking ill of Yami, but I simply can’t ignore the fact our boy is actually drinking! Oh Vanessa would be so very proud of him. I desperately want to see the two of them celebrate together now.
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The whole Charmy resemblance towards this Ocha-ami doll has me confuzzled, like I thought it looking like our famous big eater was just for shits and giggles. I wasn’t expecting it to have some sort of backstory?? Has Charmy actually been to Land of the Sun once before? Could she get the rest of the Bulls there now since they’re trying to find Asta? Or is this all a bunch of nonsense and the real Ocha-ami is someone completely different? Maybe a real distant relative on Charmy’s dwarf side, or whatever side of her has the food magic? Charmy is such a big mystery, I dunno, it’s all rather silly to think about but still funny to me.
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Not gonna lie but Jozo looks kinda nice without his mask? I assume he wears it to hide all those scars and to better fit the mysterious ninja persona we’ve seen from him already, but I like it. He kinda reminds me of Gabimaru from Hell’s Paradise, which is weird how I even thought of him considering I’ve only seen him from trailer previews? But oh my god, please let Yosuga and Mereoleona meet up! Imagine the fight they would get into! (she’d probably wipe the floor with him).
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Soon after Daizaemon suggests Asta take a dip in the hot spring and seeing our boy all bare was certainly not on my list of things I’d wanted to see. Though I did get the reminder of the giant scar across his chest he received at the start of this arc. Poor lad needs to stop getting hurt so much. And as per hot spring tradition, ya can’t visit one without some kind of fanservice happening, so Asta unexpectedly runs into Ichika (due to Daizaemon’s forgetfulness). Thankfully Ichika’s embarrassment and Asta’s quick getaway spars him of any harm. For now.
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Asta wastes no time to apologize the next morning like the good boy he his and we’re back at it again with some more upcoming training. With the way the chapter ends, it reminds me of how the six month training in Heart was handled, so hopefully we time skip right to judgement day, or at least back to Clover and the other Bulls to see what they’ve been up to the past couple days.
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But ah, how great this was. Finally a chapter that gave me stuff to ramble on about for more than a couple sentences! The fight was nice and all but I very much enjoyed seeing the seven and Asta all chill out for once.
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koushuwu · 1 month
someone needs to explain to me, right now, why beyblade is considered a sports anime. (okay so maybe i can see it in the same way that motorsports are also technically sports but i am confuzzled)
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fonta-enjoyer · 1 month
No matter if they may be a sub or dom, Sara and Clorinde 100% have a praise kink.
And this is a moment in the life of MostlyGoodGirl!Reader but SometimesBrat!Reader after a praise kink discovery for Doms!Clorinde and Sara.
R: "You two are such good tops-"
C+S: "Are you insinuating something?"
R: *confuzzled* "What do you mean?"
C+S: "You keep calling us tops. Why?"
R: "Um… It's because you're good tops??" *legitimately doesn't pick up on what C+S have picked up. And cause seeing their doms get blushy is cute.*
C+S: "'Tops'? Why not doms?"
R: "Does the distinction really matter? All I'm saying is that you both are good tops!" *kinda getting it*
C+S: "Doms! Say doms!"
R: *considering bratting. Could easily back out of what would come if they didn't if they listened… Brat Mode Activated.* "Still good tops :)"
C+S: "...Let's play a game. It's called 'Dom.'"
Some hours later…
R: *after an intense game of 'Uncle' but the word is 'Dom'* "Worth it."
anon, i 100% agree with you there, they both share a praise kink!
on another note, i honestly feel like sara could be a switch, but she def leans towards topping. as for clorinde, she gives me hard dom vibes, dunno if that's just me tho. regardless, both of them got me kicking my feet and twirling my hair like a school girl
also, really quickly while im here, i just want to thank everyone for the support that ive received, i didn't expect to reach over 100 likes so damn quickly and im honestly over the moon that people actually enjoy my writing
look out for a post coming soon, im cooking up something really good, the wait will be well worth it!
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