#Also don't worry friendo this is tumblr after all
pianokantzart · 2 months
Not to be cringe Luaisy trash, but- what exactly do you think makes Daisy start crushing on Luigi? Is there a specific trait/moment that makes her go “….Oh. This green guy kinda rules.” or? (You can answer the same for Luigi too if you want, but I figured he may be a bit more obvious, haha! Unless you think he starts crushing on her for more unexpected reasons???)
I think it was a slow buildup of tiny traits.
The first thing that struck her was his clumsiness: the way he flails and fumbles the catch himself is while still earnestly putting himself out there. It evoked a certain sense of both endearment and protectiveness.
Next was how sweet and polite he was to the point of being a little bit of a doormat. That was when she started rooting for him above everyone else.
Then, Luigi showed how brave and capable actually he was, fighting alongside his brother to make sure that those who couldn't defend themselves were safe despite being terrified himself.
That was her "oh no" moment, when she realized she didn't just like him as a friend and a person she enjoyed hanging out with, she liked him liked him, and every time she thought about him she got that tell-tale flutter in her chest.
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sysmedsaresexist · 7 months
Take a step back for a sec
Is syscourse something you're enjoying currently or are you self harming in a way by going into the tags knowing it will stress you out?
??? Dude
That's fucked up, and I hope you know that
Imagine walking into a stranger's inbox and suggesting to them that they are self harming. Anon, I get you're trying to look after people's health, and that's admirable -- but genuinely, that's not your job, and making it your problem is not only unhealthy for you, it's also uncomfortable for me. And if this is because I told people they're allowed to be angry, then it feels like you're conflating anger with self harm, which is exactly the problem I was talking about.
UwU🌸 But what do I know I'm just a syscourse obsessed sysmed.
A personal rant/vent under the cut
I don't handle stress well by being quiet about my feelings, I like to be loud and obvious and an open book about my thoughts. I made it to where I am today (I have never said how many followers I have, and I never will, but... guys... yes, hi, i love you all, and I consider myself to be very successful in my career and life) by just being me and yelling about things on MY blog.
This is how I've become healthier
I stopped caring so much about what everyone thinks and put myself first. What makes me happy? What is healthiest for me?
Spoiler: burying my emotions, not engaging in something I love, and giving up a productive outlet for my wildly fluctuating up and down emotions is not the answer
This was my first step to overcoming shame, and when this kind of talk started in SN, it ruined it for a LOT of people, both members and mods
What had been a mature, self moderated, active, vocal, and welcoming community suddenly turned on each other in an attempt to not be the "crazy one" that cared too much or got too involved, because suddenly everyone was afraid of being accused of self harming through something they genuinely enjoyed
I fall apart when I feel like I can't talk about things for fear of judgement, and I know I'm not the only one
Leaving SN and coming back to syscourse full force has made me happier than I've been in over a year. I'm sleeping better, I'm less anxious, I'm not scared to open tumblr or discord anymore, I can spend time with my partners without worrying about what's happening
I feel in control of my life and the things happening in my social vicinity, and it's left me more brain power to focus on my personal things-- work, family, etc
I'm back to laughing with people who understood what I was feeling, and joking about the things that stress me out, rather than trying to bury it all
I know this is going to shock you, but it's okay for something to be stressful and enjoyable at the same time
Video games, horror movies, puzzles, roller coasters-- all of these heighten stress levels in enjoyable, positive, healthy ways
Can it become maladaptive? Absolutely, but it's not your job to be going to strangers and asking this
Especially something as serious as self harm
Like, you're not just asking, "do you think maybe you'd benefit from a quick break before you post?"
You're full on overstepping personal boundaries when you put people in this position
There is literally zero reason to ask this question, in that way, with those words, unless you're projecting
Spin on it, friendo 👍
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koppiki · 1 year
Chapter 18 Released!
I'm in a bit of a weird state with all of this because I'm so far ahead (I just pretty much finished chapter 20 the other day)... it's almost like I've forgotten about these chapters. Like, "wow wasn't this plot point a really long time ago???" but it just hadn't been typeset yet.
Anyways, chapter 18. There's a lot of fun stuff in there! For one, I think my two friendos on the cleaning/redrawing went absolutely HAM on everything here. The sfx are great! I don't know if it's immediately obvious, but we've also started using a ton of new fonts. Hopefully the variety is nice.
Page 48 is a really good example of this-
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Wow! How nice! Both in the font variety and in the typesetting.
Speaking of, I think the new font we found for Fuka (as he is a different font in Japanese in much the way Grey is) is really good. It conveys how loud he is without being harder to read/too out of place.
Another side note- I think the typesetting on this panel looks REALLY good. Like, it's so subtle but...
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That sort of... y'know, variation? It looks SO NICE! I love making some words bigger (I specifically asked for it here, you see).
Also, if you think the word "humane" is a weird choice... it's all I had! Plus it's a 1:1 translation from Japanese (far as I can tell, there's no differing context between English/Japanese there), so... it's fine. It's supposed to be weird (I believe the strangeness/ill-defined nature of it is mentioned in ch 19?).
Gosh, looking back on it... this chapter has some really nice landscape-ish spreads. Like, just that sense of cluttered-ness is so great.
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Shinozaki sure is cute, isn't he?
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Look at my beautiful boy here (side note, just learned that you can panel images on Tumblr, as shown above). Yuuyake's so cute, too. What a big dork she is. I love her earnestness too. Gosh, I can't wait to get to volume 6... there's so much GOOD STUFF THERE! SO many good faces, so much good paneling... but I must hold off a bit. Have to revise 19+20 still (I'm sure I made a bunch of mistakes).
Eh, whatever! I'll worry about that when we come to it. Speaking of worrying about things, we've been thinking of redoing a lot of the earlier chapters. Not to be too harsh, but... they kinda suck. Like, not badly, just... they're okay. Not to mention how I'm sure I mistranslated a bunch of stuff. It's okay since it was a learning experience. Getting through all that was necessary!
But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to improve what we did. Might do that after finals.
I've said a good amount here, not that it means much of anything in the end... I just need this outlet so I don't endlessly gush about Shinozaki-kun to literally everyone I know. What a little creature I am, huh?
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i wanna get into the self shipping community because i have three boys that i LOVE but (1.) i have debilitating social anxiety and a mental illness that literally makes me almost allergic to being judged, (2.) all 3 of my f/o have little to no content about them and i have no talent, and (3.) i have relatives/irl people on tumblr who already think im cringy for being gay and trans and if they found out anything else to use against me i'd be Screwed
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first off, so sorry it took me so long to answer nonnie!!! 
So the self-shipping community is actually like!!! super nice and encouraging in my experience!!!! but I can’t promise there ain’t ever gonna be anyone saying something unkind, so what I would suggest is setting up a support system!!!!! get to know some peeps in the selfship community, or grab some friendos, so when those random (and at least in my experience, rare) peeps say anything unkind, you got your support buds right there with you!! because regardless of what they say, your F/Os love you and you enjoy self-shipping!!!! which your support system is there to remind you of! 
oOF little content?? for our f/os??? It's mOrE LikEly thAn you ThInk! 
anywho, you don't have to have to be an amazing artist/writer/creator to make content nonnie!! if it makes you happy and reminds you of your F/os I say go for it!!!! and there are other ways of making content too!!! like aesthetic boards!!! you just pick a bunch of pics that remind you of them and put it together into one big and awesome collage!!!!! you can also make edits! uhh, I don't know as much about this one but, it looks cool taking a bunch of screencaps and putting it all together! :DDDD
AND there's always the option of commissioning artists and writers to create some rad content for you!!! 
You can always make your self-shipping blog a secondary blog if you’re worried about unkind irl/Tumblr people finding out about it, and right after you make it, you could go and block those people so there's NO way they could see it or even know about the blog! 
I hope this helped Nonnie!!! have a lovely day and remember! Your F/Os Love you! ^u^
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