#And I doubt that one will be as polite XP Even more reason to like this one! Haha
sysig · 5 months
2023 Art Purge
Original edition! Ended up having to split the doodles into two parts, I didn’t mean to end up with so many left over but oops - onto the commentary!
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Remember crayon Edgar? I drew this one at the same time! Loosely based off Circus Baby but really just more of a general cutesy look - layering with colours is fun :)
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Eyes, every year. Two general eyes, and two characters! Bottom left is Souichi, and bottom right is Vivian :) Vivian always gets a spare eye haha
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Some concept art for a false backpack I still kinda wanna make - it’d be a prop for a game I made earlier this year, as the prize container! It’s meant to be kind of like a pop-up shop that can fold away fairly small and hold a bunch of small items safely and inconspicuously, though it wouldn’t actually work as a real backpack lol
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Some Cherubsona concept art, thinking about their hair and the light rays - I considered having a single asymmetrical hair tuft, I think while I was still on the fence about having asymmetrical wings as well - I’m happy with the final design :)
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And some baby angels! Based on my DQIX/AGE headcanons/actual canon lol, took a few tries to get a design I was happy with before settling on the bottom-most one with the fuzzed ears, lolling about haha. Cute!
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Also thinking about “Fallen” designs, since my cherubsona is meant to be a fallen angel - or even just biblically accurate angels! Maybe they became more normal-looking after falling haha
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More Charm doodles based on the Hungry idea - neither Frankenstein nor Zombies were quite what I was looking for, but they were close! Poor Charm, even if it is a Look
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More eyes! Concept sketches of the Yanderapy boys :D Mitsu’s swirls and Ishida’s sleepy ♥ eye expression haha
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An alternate panel of Mitsu being shy to admit his love language haha, I wanted his expression to be a little more visible but him hiding in the book is also very cute haha
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Little doodle of Ishida singing Daisy Bell! He’s half-crazy all for the love of Mitsu after all
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Technically these are from later in the year but I was really hoping to have the set up for a silly concept rolling - Ishida wants to play a game! The game would allow each of them to take a turn, with the goal of the game to be to sneak a gift into the other’s bag or pocket when he’s not looking. A cute and silly and fun concept to reverse pick-pocket the other and give a little treat! Totally harmless and not at all strange or weird or with any kind of underlying sinister vibes!
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The punchline of course was that since they’re both yanderes that it basically turns into stalking each other, which as featured here, Mitsu is very into, who could have guess lol. The double punchline is that they’re both so aware of/obsessed with each other that they notice each other right away, but play along because it’s obvious that they’re both enjoying it haha It’s yandere enrichment! Ishida would also get a real rush from “hunting” Mitsu, as would Mitsu enjoy being “hunted” - yet more twisted love languages ♥
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Random deer :) Actually one of the animals I considered for Dahlia early on but decided to scrap, because I don’t know how to draw deer lol
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Also went through a couple scrapped designs for her artist friend, just to make sure I explored all my options thoroughly! I’m glad I did, but I’m happiest with the one I decided on, of course
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Brief Dahlia and Tala meeting. They’re unsure of each other! Squirrels and dogs don’t have the best track record admittedly
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Bit of vent :( Bar’s always good for it ♥
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Bucket! :D Been a bit since I drew anyone from that cast, though I somehow made him on-model by accident lol, and of course he’s still cute! That’s the important part really
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Eyesssssssss <3 <3 On the left were some quick comparisons between dot/filled-in eyes and eyes with a differentiated pupil and iris, since I’ve been defaulting to dark eyes a lot lately (it’s the Vargas influence lol); and on the right were a bunch of Cure eyes! I think at least partially studied off of some character creators? Lots of eye styles to choose from, which one suits her the best hmm. She has very sparkly eyes
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And another sort-of study off a character creator haha, it’s very cute! Not very Cure, though
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One of the early ideas that made me want to dig her out of storage was actually an animation idea that was maybe a liiiiiittle ambitious to go about making without her having a fixed design lol - I’ve always been a fan of magical girl transformations that completely glow-blot out the body and then they explode into frills and bows and fluff at the end haha. I would still like to come back to the idea at some point!
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Ended up with a good handful of muscle studies, even after the ones I already posted - a lot of the poses ended up silly haha
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And a lot of skull/face/neck studies as well, with mixed success :P
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I’ll get it figured out eventually!
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Sometimes it’s fun to just doodle around, shapes :) My own original human style feels so constantly in flux with the fanart I like to make and having so many non-human characters haha, probably doesn’t help that I prefer high stylism
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A trio! They look kinda familiar, hmmm....
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Yet more eyes lol, the first trying to figure shines. You can really see what a lack of editing does to the implied shapes pfft ♪
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Always trying to figure out how to dragons! Another one I’ll have to get to Someday. There’s gotta be a trick to them >:0
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Out of general studies and tests - hey I thought Just Desserts already had a sona??? And that she was like the most important and best and all that?? I got curious what my sona might be in the JD universe without being the villain haha, and I came up with a Chocolate-Chip Brioche Bun lad! :D I’ve always had something of an affinity for brioche, also somewhat inspired by Edgeworth’s cravat haha. But would Charm still exist and be wreaking havoc, or would this be the alternate universe Charm equivalent?? ‘Cause they’re definitely not “Charm”
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Speaking of Charm tho! She’s holding a tooth lol - something something, candy people mining teeth? Because cavities? I dunno lol, but she’s certainly not all that much bigger than a tooth so that’s some fun scale for you :)
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And finishing off with some cutesie little chibis :) I made the first as a reference for proportions, and the second to show how my holosona would look in that style haha, what a cute evil computer
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purplesurveys · 4 years
When was the last time you changed your opinion on somebody? A few days ago I found out that someone I probably know (but is anonymous) filed a complaint towards another person that I also know for acting indecently towards the complainant. I always knew that person had a...vibe, but I just didn’t know it was going to be the worst vibe possible. I never want to see them ever again because I might actually kick them. When did you last change your opinion on a situation? I haven’t changed my opinions in a while... literally what I can only remember is listening to a few Billie Eilish songs and accepting that she has some okay music lmaoooo, and this was a few months ago. Why did you last visit the doctor? My left eye was acting up so I wanted to have it checked before the lockdown that we all knew was going to happen. What was the last thing that made you feel proud and why? Finishing my thesis. Because duh, I actually did it? Do you like salt? Sure, it makes a lot of food more delicious.
Do you feel uncomfortable when people you hardly know confide in you? Honestly yes. I pride myself on being a good listener, but it doesn’t mean I’m comfortable with listening to everyone. I prefer keeping that opportunity to my close friends. I suppose it’s flattering when people I’m not close to see me as trustworthy, but if I had it my way I wish they went to another person instead. Have you ever regretted what you said in drunken conversation once sober? Sometimes. Is there anything coming up which you're dreading? I’m a little afraid of the period following graduation because it’ll be the first time in 18 years that I’m not in school, and it’ll be such a crazy transition. Let’s hope it doesn’t eat me alive. Anything you're looking forward to? Also the period after graduation, because yay adult life and independence and no more exams and stuff. Idk, lots of mixed feelings about it obviously. Do you ever do tedious tasks just to keep your mind occupied? Yes. It actually really helps and I like having things to do when there’s conflict or tension going on in my personal life. Have you ever lived with somebody with truly repulsive habits? Nah, I don’t think that about my family. Repulsive traits sure, but not habits. Do you tend to say things because they're appropriate not because you mean them?  Sometimes, and it’s usually to be polite and/or nice. It costs nothing to tell someone you like someone’s dress or makeup or shirt, and you can even help make their day. What was the last thing to perplex you? Probably some stupid, nonsensical thing Duterte said in one of his addresses. What was the last thing to fascinate you? I rewatched Beyoncé’s Homecoming on Netflix and everything about it fascinated me, as always. I will neverrrr get tired of watching her concerts; she always puts so much love and effort and soul into each show. What was the last thing to annoy you? I don’t feel like getting into it. When did you last work your socks off fruitlessly? A few months ago, in the earlier stages of making our thesis. Andrew and I would often bust our asses into the night, tweaking and researching and editing, and submit our work feeling proud of it only for it to be thrown back at us with a million comments and corrections in bloody red ink. I feel like we got a record number of sermons and unaccepted drafts compared to other students, so it just made me detached from my thesis altogether and in the end I mostly finished it for the sake of finishing it. I’m proud of finishing it of course, but I’m no longer passionate about it like I used to be, and I doubt I’ll ever bring it up in future conversations unless someone asks. When did your hard work last pay off? Today, in the final stages of our thesis. I really wish I loved it more, though. What is a word you hate? Grind makes me uncomfortable lol Do you have a favourite childrens book? Sure. If yes, what is it? Corduroy. I would go to the school library to read it almost everyday; I never got tired of it. I also really liked Tikki Tikki Tembo because his whole name was so fun to pronounce haha. When did you last feel a need to be alone? Last week when it rained and it was cold for the first time in months. The weather made me feel ~some type of way~ and I stayed in my room all day. I wasn’t sad, I really just wanted to savor the weather by myself. When did you last "need" to be around people? Right now. I’ve increasingly been feeling this way by the day.
Have you ever been in a job where you didn't fit in with your co-workers? Not a job, but this was me during my experience applying for a local chapter of an international youth org called AIESEC. I really thought I could fake my way in and I was adamant at first because I like what the org does and besides, AIESEC looks really good on a resumé; but it’s one of the rare times that even faking it didn’t cut it for me. I was miserable and no one talked to me every time I hung out in their lounge, and their org culture was so different from what I’m used to with my home org. I didn’t last long and I ghosted the application process after a month. What do you do to "expand" your mind? For me that’s always best achieved by trying out new things, so I make it a point to have brand-new experiences every time I can. When did you last REALLY want to go out but couldn't for whatever reason? LOL. March to present. Do you need a wee right now? I do not. Is there a certain noise/sound which scares you? Yeah, loud ‘DUN’ sounds that come with jumpscares, the Windows XP shutdown sound is also weirdly scary to me, and people yelling when they’re drunk. The last one particularly reminds me of fights at home. When did you last eat sweeties? Idk what you mean by sweeties, but the last time I had anything sweet was this afternoon when my dad made churros with a chocolate dip. Do you have a favourite micro-organism? No lol What was the last thing to upset you? The recent news about a wrestler, Shad Gaspard, who was reported missing after he got swept out to sea while at the beach with his family. He told rescuers to save his kid first, but they were never able to find him after. They tried to look for him for several hours but eventually, they called the search off and now he’s presumed to have died. It’s very sad and heavy and a lot to take in. He was one of my favorites growing up because he was in a hilarioussssss tag team with another guy, JTG, and both of them were always so entertaining. It sucks, and 2020 continues to suck. What was the last thing to make you happy? Like I said, I watched Homecoming earlier. Beyoncé always puts me in a better mood, so there’s that. Have you ever eaten chocolate for breakfast? Just hot chocolate. I’ve never eaten like a chocolate bar or anything similar. Do you like balloons? They’re admittedly fun, but I know they can also be harmful to the environment so I don’t buy or use them if it’s even remotely unnecessary to. Out of the people you know, whose birthday is next? Laurice. Does that person have any plans to celebrate their birthday? I’m sure their family has something planned out inside their house, but obviously they can’t celebrate by going out for now. Do you enjoy swimming? Yes. When will you next go to the beach? I have no clue. When at the beach do you like to swim in the sea? Ugh man. Awful timing for these questions... yeah I guess. But I don’t want to think about that now. If you have pet fish do you bother to name them? When I was a kid I did name each of my goldfish. Do you like adventure games like Monkey Island and Diskworld? No. Did you ever read the Terry Pratchet "Disk World" books? I did not. If yes to the question above, what are they like? Have you had to change a nappy lately? Nope, no babies around here. Would you like a holiday about now? Not really. It’s not like I can celebrate it or go for a vacation. What's stopping you from going on holiday right now?  So tired of saying it every time. If you know you know. Do you keep your eggs in the fridge? Yes, we do. Have you ever owned chickens? Nope. Super common to just see chickens running about the highway once you reach the province though hahaha. Do you like classical music? Some. I sometimes like listening to classical playlists when I study, but not always. When did you last listen to music? An hour ago. Have you ever seen "Canibal the Musical"? I haven’t. Are your breasts sore? Nopes.
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kiddoryder · 5 years
Gemini Frame Up
Hey guys! Sorry for the long delay, I was busy with school and my allergies kicked me in the butt XP but I’m all better!
 Anyway, based on a rp I did with one of my besties @anitoonzforever, this story will be about Sonya/Liz being framed for a crime she didn’t do and it’s up to Charlie and the others to clear her name.
 So relax and enjoy the story!
 It was just a regular day in the hotel, and everybody was relaxing and doing their own thing. Charlie came back from outside getting the mail. It was the usual bills, junk mail, but then she got a letter with an apple design on it which meant it was from her father Lucifer: The King of Hell. Charlie opened the letter and when she was reading it, her eyes widen and squeal in happiness. This got her girlfriend Vaggie, friend Angel Dust and her baby cousin Sonya attention.
 Vaggie - “What is it Charlie? What all the screaming about?”
 Charlie - *excited* “My family is hosting a party and Sonya and I are invited!!”
 Vaggie - *happy* “Oh that's great!”
 Charlie- “And we can bring guest so I'm bringing you and Angel Dust!”
 Angel - “Are you serious?”
 Charlie - “Yes I am serious.”
 Angel - “Why should I go to some fucking fancy Schmancy party?”
 Charlie - “Aw come on Angel it will be fun! Plus I feel like this can help you interact with people as a way to get clean and maybe make some new friends.”
 Angel - “And risk my reputation? No thanks.”
 Sonya: *comes in* “Count me and Liz out too.”
 Vaggie - “What? Why?”
 Sonya - “Because they said that everybody is going to be there. That include more cousins and Liz and I don't like them.”
 Angel - “Why's that?”
 Sonya - “Liz and I are the Forever Black Sheep.”
 Vaggie - *confused* “The forever black sheep? What’s the hell is that?”
 Then they see Liz coming out in shadow form who looks down in shame. Sonya and Charlie gave her a sympathetic look and Sonya took a deep breath and said:
 Sonya - “When Liz came into our lives, most of our family thought I was mentally ill or curse because they discovered Liz as my shadow and whenever Liz came out, she was...kind of...really hyperactive. They kept me locked in the house thinking I wasn’t ready to go out until I was “better”. They would ask different people including uncles, aunts, and cousins to come to help me in a science or magic but not painful way. I know my parents meant well and Liz didn't blame them because they honestly trying to help and didn’t know. But when it comes to the cousins, we would have to spend time with them even at family reunions to keep me company. Whenever Liz came out, she plays with them...very very roughly.”
 Angel - “And they hated it?”
 Sonya - “Every minute of it. Even if Liz didn't come out, the cousins wasn't interest in because I wasn't into girly stuff. I mean,  they would look at me weird I mention different kinds of magic,  or boy stuff like sports. Even they thought I dress weird.”
 Charlie - “You don't dress weird. You're stylish in my eye.”
 Sonya - Thanks but they don't think so. They even think Liz dresses weird. Even it came to stuff like family reunions and all, they would all ignore me and give me the cold shoulder.”
 Charlie - “But luckily for you, I stepped in and help you with Liz. It turns out that not only Sonya was born a Gemini, Liz didn't mean to act hyper she just wanted to play and be part of the family. All I did was taught her the different between right and wrong.”
 Sonya - “That's true. Without Charlie, I don't know where I'd be.”
 Vaggie - “So after Charlie tamed that psycho brat everything was cool?”
 Sonya - *sighs* “Sadly no. Even when Liz was tamed and reveal that we are Gemini's, they still ignore us and gave us the cold shoulder. The only reason we are ever invited because hating me and Liz brings them closer together.”
 Angel - *a little sympathetic* “Did you try talking to them?”
 Sonya - “They won't listen and who cares? They are assholes anyway.”
 Charlie - *kneeled down to Sonya’s height level and put her hands on her shoulder*  I know but this is really important cause it's one of Daddy's galas. You know how much he loves those, and he wants everybody to be there. He will be hurt if you didn’t go.”
 Sonya - *nervously* “Can you just tell him I'm sick or something?”
 Charlie -  “Now you know I can't lie to my parents. Also, your parents are gonna be there too. How about this: you go and just stick by me the whole time? You don't have to talk to them. I won’t force you to talk to them.”
 Sonya - *reluctantly* “Well as long as those punks keep away from me...I guess I can go for a good time.”
 Charlie - *happy* “Cool! We better start getting ready and wear your fanciest clothes you guys.”
 Sonya and Liz roll their eyes but doesn't complain as she and the others get dressed getting ready to go to the gala.  
 Charlie and the others were all downstairs waiting for Sonya. Charlie was wearing a pink fire design shirt with black overall dress. Vaggie was wearing a gray and white dress that had moth designs on it. Angel was wearing a white wig with pink streaks, a red and pink short dress, black panty hose, and red rose heels. He also wore lipstick and mascara on and black long gloves.
 Vaggie - “Man What’s taking Sonya so long?”
 Angel - “Hey some people are concern about their looks. Unlike some girl I know and see every day.”
 Vaggie - *annoyed* “Said the fucking asshole who spent like 50 years in the bathroom putting on makeup!”
 Angel - “At least I make an effort on looking pretty!”
 Vaggie - *about to punch him* “Why you!!”
 Charlie - “Enough! I’m pretty sure Sonya is just wanting to look nice. We can’t rush-“
 Sonya - “I’m ready!”
 Sonya walked downstairs and they all saw that her hair was in two low pigtails, long black fingerless gloves, wearing a headband with a little black top hat on it, a black short cape, a unitarded with a sky-blue tuxedo design, net leggings and high purple black converse.
 Charlie - *amazed* “You look great!”
 Sonya - *smiles* “Thanks. You guys look great too.”
 Vaggie - “Thanks.”
 Angel - “I’m surprise that you actually wearing a unitarded kid.”
 Sonya - “Well it is the least girly thing me and Liz would actually wear. Beside you know how Liz love to mix up outfits she wouldn’t want me to wear just a tuxedo.”
 Charlie - “That’s true. Okay is everybody ready?”
 Vaggie - “I'm ready.”
 Angel - “Me too.”
 Charlie - “Alright let's go in the limo!”
 They went outside and went inside the limo. As they were driving to the mansion, Vaggie seem a little nervous yet excited.
 Vaggie - “I can't believe that I’m actually going to meet Lucifer and Lilith themselves!”
 Angel - “Ya never meet Charlie’s Ma and Pops?”
 Vaggie - “No not really. I mean, they are the rulers of Hell. I didn’t that they would have the time.”
 Charlie - “Don’t worry they will like you guys and I know you will definitely love them!”
  As the others was talking, Sonya was just listening to music on her phone. She noticed that Liz came out looking nervous. Sonya took off her headphones and said:
 Sonya - “It's okay, Liz. Charlie won't let anything happen to us. Besides, we are just gonna stick by her, nothing bad is going to happen.”
 This calm downs Liz and she gave a comforting smile and nods.
 Sonya - *smiles* “That a girl.”
 A few minutes later, they arrive at Lucifer’s mansion. Vaggie and Angel Dust was surprised on how huge the mansion is since it’s red and black. Even the front garden look like a huge fancy forest.
 Angel - “Damn! I never realized Charlie was that loaded.”
 Vaggie - “Well what did you expect she’s the Princess of Hell after all.”
 Charlie - *excited*  “Oh this is going to be great!”
 Sonya - *doubtful* “For you maybe.”
 Charlie: Don't worry, baby cousin. Things will be fine, I promise.”
 Angel - “You think some of them would be cute?”
 Vaggie and Sonya only rolled her eyes in annoyance and walk to the front door. Charlie knocked on the door and saw one of the cousin’s name Jeanie who have black wavy curly hair, the rosy cheeks, dress in a sparkly glittery black dress with purple heel shoes.
 Charlie - “Hey Jeannie!”
 Jeanie - *happy* “Charlie! Good to see you!”
 Charlie - “It's good to see you too! This my girlfriend Vaggie, and my friend Angel Dust.”
 Vaggie - “Hi there.”
 Angel - “What's up.”
 Jeanie - “It’s nice to meet you guys.”
 Jeanie then looked down and was shocked and surprised to see Sonya. Jeannie gave an awkward smile.  
 Jeanie - *fake politeness* “Oh Sonya! I didn’t think you'd come.”
 Sonya - *sighs* “Well when it comes to Uncle Lucifer wanting me to come, I just can't deny him.”
 Jeanie - *seriously* “Just don't break anything other than your face you go it?”
 Charlie - *defensive* “Leave her alone, Jeanie!”
 Jeanie - “What? We can’t have her or that…that shadow thing she has ruin everything.”
 In a sudden twist, Charlie slaps Jeannie causing her friend and Sonya to gasp. The others were shocked because never seen Charlie using physical violence on a family member. Even Liz was shocked herself that Charlie did that.
 Charlie - *glares* “That is just a sample. Mess with her or Liz again, and you'll be sorry. Now if you'll excuse us.”
 Charlie and the others walk right past the stunned cousin. They walked down the hall to go to the party.
 Vaggie - *amazed* “Wow Charlie was that really badass!”
 Angel - *impressed* “Yeah didn't know you had it in you Princess.”
 Charlie -  *smirks* “Hey, no one messes with my family.”
 They soon went inside the party and the party room was huge: the floor was glass titles with apple designs, the walls were lavender with not only an apple design but with rainbow swirls as well. There was lots of food, drinks, tables and chairs, and a lot of members of Charlie’s family. While some did look different, there was those who still had either the blonde hair or the rosy cheeks. That where Angel Dust and Vaggie saw  Charlie's parents, Lucifer and Lilith the rulers of Hell themselves, coming toward Charlie and Sonya.
 Charlie - *happily* “Hi Daddy! Hi Mom!”
 Sonya - *happily* “Hey Uncle Lucifer and Aunt Lilith!”
 Lucifer - *happy* “Ah my girls!” *He hugs them both* I'm so happy you both could make it!”
 Lilith - “Yes it's truly wonderful. I’m even happy that you made it Sonya.”
 Sonya - “Thanks. Are Mom and Dad here?”
 Lilith: *pointed to a table* “They're over there getting refreshments, dear.”
 Vaggie and Angel saw Sonya and Liz’s parents: Azrael and Zella. Azrael looked similar to Lucifer’s with the pale skin and rosy cheeks, but Azrael’s hair was nearer yet slick back. He was wearing a leather jacket with a dark red cheetah design on it , a white button up shirt with a red tie, ripped up black jeans, and fancy-dress shoes. Zella has pale skin and blue eyes, but long orange hair, three long hair pieces sticking out in the front of her head that were sky blue. She was wearing a lilac long dress, with white flower design on it with silver high heels.
 Vaggie - *impressed* “Wow. I didn’t know he was also the legendary Dark Cheetah.”
 Lucifer - “Yes Azrael always love to be in his gang whenever he not busy with his job letting souls know if they belong in heaven or hell.”
 Sonya - “And Mom is one of the best witch doctors in Hell. Do you mind if I go sit with them?”
 Charlie - “Of course! Go have a good time.”
 Sonya went to sit and interact with her parents. Charlie, Angel and Vaggie was sitting with Charlie’s parents. Vaggie was looking around the ballroom and was surprised.
 Vaggie - “Wow Charlie never realize you had a big family.”
 Angel - “Yeah. Hell, they are even bigger than my family.”
 Charlie -  “Oh yeah. I mean like you don't believe how many cousins I have.”
 Lucifer - “Well I do have a lot of siblings.”
 Vaggie - *impressed* “Really? How many do you have?”
 Lucifer - “I don't know. I lost count.” *laughs*
 The others laugh too. Then Angel said to Lilith:
 Angel - “Man I love your outfit Queenie! Ya think they have it my size?”
 Vaggie - *appalled* “Angel! This is the Queen of Hell you’re talking too!”
 Lilith - *chuckled* “No no it’s okay. I don’t mind being talk to the way he does.”
 Lucifer - “I agree. I mean sure we are the rulers, but that doesn’t mean we like to sit back and have fun like regular demons. So Charlie, how's the Hotel business going?”
 Charlie - “ Oh Daddy, it’s going really good! We are making process. It can be a little slow, but I think it’s really coming around!”
 Lucifer - “That's my girl! I knew the hotel will be powerful sooner or later.”
 Lilith - “We're so proud of you, honey.”
 Charlie - “Aw thanks guys!”
 Angel - *to Lucifer* “Hey Luci, I noticed ya bro sure love to drink wine a lot. It’s like his 3rd cup.”
 Lucifer - “Of course Azrael just love to drink wine. He can drink it like water.”
 Charlie - “Yep. We are one big happy family.”
 So far, the party was going really well. Charlie and the others were just enjoying themselves eating and  having fun. Sonya would join them too but would also enjoy spending time with her parents too. Right now she was just enjoying some drinks with her parents, and Liz was in shadow form looking around annoyed at seeing their other cousins and crossing her arms.
 Sonya - “It's okay Liz, just ignore them. As long we ignore them, they won’t bother us.”
 Zella - “Sonya my dear, I was thinking why don't you make some pies? It can help your mind clear.”
 Sonya - “Alright Mom. That sound good.”
 As Sonya was walking to the kitchen,  she was seeing how some of the cousins was glaring at her and Liz. They all ignored them, even whispering things to each other while pointing at them. All the memories of the past reunions came to Sonya and Liz with all of them ignoring them, giving them the cold shoulder or just avoiding them in general. Sonya just shook her head and kept on walking.
 Sonya - *muttering* “Screw you guys.”
 Sonya went to the kitchen to cook some of the pies to help relax her since she loves to cook. Then a little while later Charlie looked around for Sonya to check on her and Liz.
 Charlie - “Hey Uncle Azrael? Where's Sonya and Liz?”
 Azrael - “She's in the kitchen making some pies.”
 Angel - “She bakes?”
 Charlie - “Yeah she loves to bake pastry stuff. You didn't know?”
 Angel - “She never told me.”
  Vaggie - “Or me.”
 Charlie - “Oh I must have forgot about that.”
 Angel - “The only bake I know she does is getting high.”
 Vaggie rolls her eyes as Charlie, Zella and Azrael chuckles.
 Charlie - “I'll go check on her.”
 Charlie went to the kitchen and she saw Sonya making and baking some pies. Charlie walked up to her and said:
 Charlie - “You okay Sonya?
 Sonya - “Yeah I'm good. Do you need something?”
 Charlie - “Nothing. I just wanted to check on you is all.”
 Then a cousin name Patrick came in. Patrick had a neatly comb black hair, wearing glasses, wearing a purple tuxedo and had the rosy cheeks. He was happy to see Charlie, but then nervous to see Sonya again. Charlie turned around and saw Patrick.
 Charlie - *happily* “Oh hey Patrick!”
 Patrick - “Hi there Charlie...and Gemini.”
 Sonya - *annoyed* “That's Sonya to you, bud.”
 Patrick - *nervously* “Yeah...Yeah…”
 Patrick eyes on Sonya and left the room. Sonya sighed in sadness and she continue making some pies.
 Sonya - *bummed out* “Cousin Charlie I think coming here was a big mistake.”
 Charlie - *comforting* “Don't let it get to you. You'll have a good time.
 Sonya - “I hope so I mean it just being here at places like this just remind me how me and Liz are the *mockingly* “Forever Black Sheep”.
 Charlie -  “If anyone hurts you or teases you, don't hesitate to come get me. I'll take care of it.”
 Sonya - “You'd do that?”
 Charlie - “Of course. I mean I did slapped Jeanie earlier for being so rude to you and Liz.”
 Sonya smiles and spent the time making pies and talking with Charlie. Charlie even helped her make some of the pies. A little while later, they both heard a ding sound.  
 Sonya - Oh! The pies are ready!”
 Sonya put on some oven mitts and took out the pies from the ovens. There was lots of different kind of pies and there one that was clearly an apple pie.
 Sonya - “I made a special apple one for Uncle Lucifer.”
 Charlie - “Oh he'll love it!”
 Sonya - “Of course I know how much he loves apple related things. I figure I give him an apple pie.”
 Charlie - “I know he will love it. We better wash up before we hand these out.”
 Sonya - “Right.”
 Charlie and Sonya went to a bathroom to wash their hands. However, what they didn’t noticed was somebody was watching them and secretly cut some of Sonya’s hair and spread it on the ground. Then they all look at the pies and nodded.
 After coming back from cleaning themselves up, Charlie and Sonya help wheeled in the pies on a cart. Then Charlie took out a triangle and began to ring it.  
 Charlie - “Come get some pies!”
 Everyone came and had some pie while Sonya smiled. She’s happy that everybody was eating her pie. Even Lucifer was eating the apple pie that was made for him.
 Lucifer - *eating* “Mm! This is delicious!”
 Sonya - “Thanks! I made it myself.”
 Lilith - *eating* “Mm. Wonderful job, dear.”
 Lucifer - “My compliments to the chefs.”
 Sonya - *chuckles* “ Well, I do know how much you love apple pies.”
 Vaggie - *angry and annoyed* “Angel That was my pie!”
 Angel - *shrugs and cocky* “You snooze you lose babe!”
 Sonya is happy to receive compliments. Everybody was eating pie and talking to each other. Then of all sudden, Lucifer slowly stop eating his pie and starting to look sick.
 Lilith - *concerned* “Honey are you Ok?”
 Lucifer - *moaning in pain* “Ohhh....I feel like I'm going to be sick.”
 Suddenly Lucifer dropped his pie, kneeled on the floor,  and held his stomach in pain. This made everybody gasps in shocked and look at each other in worried.
 Charlie - *scared and concerned* “Daddy!!”
 Lilith - “Lucifer!!”
 Then they heard moaning and saw Angel Dust looking sick too.
 Angel - *pained and ill* “Ooh my stomach…”
 Soon other people  started getting sick too. It was making everybody worried as they gather them and took them to the sick bay room.
      At the sick bay, there lot of people resting in the beds. Even Lucifer and Angel Dust was resting in the beds. Zella, Lilith and other relatives was tending to them and making sure that they get better quickly. Charlie, Vaggie, Sonya and everybody else look worried for the ill people. They were even told to go wait in the other room so they wouldn’t get infected by the illness.
 Sonya - “Ohh...I wonder how this could have happened.”
 Patrick - *angrily* “You tell us, sheep!”
 That's when the cousins angrily approached Sonya. Sonya was getting scared and backing off. Liz came out in shadow form looking worried for Sonya.
 Sonya - *nervous* “S-Say What?”
 Jeanie - *angry* “They got sick from your pies! You must've poisoned them.”
 Sonya - *shocked* “What!? No I didn't!”
 Paulie - “Yeah right! You're the one who made them! Plus we found your hair in the kitchen!”
 Ashley - “Or it could have been that other half of hers!”
 Sonya - I didn't do anything! Neither have Liz!”
 Anita - “What else do we expect from a black sheep like you?”
 Sonya - *angry* “You guys better stop or else!”
 Paulie - “Or else what? You'll let your little shadow throw another tantrum?”
 James - *shudders* “I'm still recovering from the last tantrum that Gemini threw.”
 Sonya - “Maybe I would let her out to kick your asses! I told you before: I didn't do anything!!”
 Jeanie - “Maybe your parents should disown you!”
 Paulie - “Or Locked away forever!”
 Just when Liz was about to move Sonya’s arm to something pointy, they heard a loud:
 They are look at Charlie who was furious. Even Vaggie looked angry at them too.
 Charlie - “Sonya didn't do it!”
 Jeanie - “How do you know? She the one who made the pies!”
 Paulie - "And some of her hair was in the kitchen!"
 Vaggie - “It didn't fall out. One of you cut it!”
 Ashley - “How do you know? You weren't there.”
 Vaggie - “First off, I can easily tell when hair is either yanked out or cut! The hair in the kitchen was clearly cut.”
 Charlie - “Second, I was with Sonya the whole time! I know she would never do something like this. And finally, I ate one of her pies and didn't get sick!”
 Vaggie - “Yeah. I even ate one of her pies and I feel fine too. Even half the people who ate the pies didn’t get sick. Even you guys are fine and ate the pies.”
 The cousins look at each other nervously. What Vaggie was true: they ate Sonya’s pies and didn’t feel any illness at all. Patrick was looking really paranoid.”
 Charlie - “And we know who the real culprits are.”
 Patrick - “Yeah it was still the Gemini! She the one made the pies in the first place! She deserved to be trapped in a crystal forever!”
 Charlie - *shocked and horrified* “What?! No!!”
 Out of anger, Liz moves Sonya’s hand and made her prick her finger on a fork. Then Liz came out looking furious much to the cousins and Patrick other fear.
 Charlie - “Oh boy that’s not good.”
 Liz - *furious* “You want to trap me and Sonya in a crystal!? Well...HERE’S YOUR FUCKING TANTRUM!!”
 Liz took out her scissors and began to attack Patrick. Patrick dodge it and began to run in fear. Liz jumped in front of him and cut his arm and he screamed in pain. The other cousins were watching in fear as Patrick was getting beat up. Charlie and Vaggie on the other hand, was actually enjoying this feeling like he deserves it.
 Liz - “I changed! But you and the others are too stupid to see that! You bastards wanna mistreat me Fine! Just leave Sonya out of this!”
 Liz cut Patrick again with her scissors and Patrick pushed her off. Then out of nowhere, Paulie sneak behind Liz, and hug and pet her hair changing her back into Sonya. Quickly, Patrick trapped Sonya’s feet in a crystal.
 Charlie - “Sonya!”
 Charlie and Vaggie was about to help her, but suddenly, Jeannie and Ashley grabbed Charlie and Vaggie putting them in a strong full Nelson. They were struggling to break free. Patrick walked up to Sonya and Sonya was angry and said:  
 Sonya - *annoyed and defensive* “I told you I already! I-”
 Patrick - “Enough! Into the crystal with you!”
 Patrick began to use his powers to slowly trap Sonya in a crystal. The crystal around her feet was slowly starting to rise. Even her hands were trapped in the crystal and couldn’t let out Liz again. This is one of the rare times that Sonya and Liz was starting to get scared as the crystal was getting bigger and keep covering her up.
 Sonya - *scared* “No! No! Please! No!”
 Charlie - *scared and horrified* “NO STOP!”
 Paulie - “Sorry Charlie, this is better for everybody.”
 Lucifer - “ENOUGH!!!!”
 Hearing that voice, Patrick stops his powers and Sonya was halfway trapped inside a crystal. Everyone turned around and saw Lucifer still looking pale but still standing and looking furious. Lilith even had an angry glare as well and was helping Lucifer stand.
 Lucifer - “I will not tolerate anyone harassing my daughter or accusing my innocent niece! Let them go now!”
 This made Jeannie and Ashley freed Charlie and Vaggie out of fear. Charlie and Vaggie quickly ran to Sonya and helped her be free from the crystal by Vaggie using her spear and Charlie summoning her claws. After freeing her, Sonya held to Charlie in a tight hug.
 Lilith - “Somebody better tell the truth: Who poisons all the pies
 Patrick was too nervous and under the pressure, he said:
 Patrick - “Okay it was me and the others! I was the one who did it! The Gemini is evil! I mean you all witness and remember her and that shadow thing was wild and crazy! I see it with my own eyes!”
 Vaggie - “Are you kidding me?! Just because you don't trust Sonya doesn’t mean you should act paranoid and if you think poisoning Lucifer and a bunch of other people was a good idea, you're the bad guy here!”
 Lilith - *angry* “I am very disappointed in you, Patrick!”
 Lucifer - “And so am I! You are in big trouble!”
 Charlie - *worried and concerned* “You okay Sonya?”
 Sonya just hugged Charlie was even slightly shaking in fear. Even Liz was trying to comfort Sonya in shadow form.
 Sonya - *scared and trembling* “H-He...almost...trapped me! I was going...to be...trapped forever!”
 Charlie - *hugging and petting her head* “Shhh....I know. I know.”
 She glares over at her cousins and her eyes turned blood red in anger. How could they do this to their family, let alone their own baby cousin?
 Charlie - “Mom, Daddy, I think they should all be punished!”
 Lilith - “I couldn't agree more, darling.”
 Charlie - “And to think I brought my cousin here to have fun! I didn't think my stupid arrogant and hateful cousins would do this!”
 Then they heard some panting and saw Angel standing despite still feeling a little sick.
 Charlie - *curious and concerned* “Angel what are you doing out of bed? You should be resting.”
 Angel - “Don’t worry Princess, the kid’s mother made me better. But just so you know, I was the one who saw what happened and called Apple Ringleader what was happening.”
 Jeannie - “What?! Why?!”
 Angel - *mad and disgusted* “Because I maybe an asshole, but even I think the poison pie shit and trapping a little girl in a crystal especially by a family member is so fucked up!”
 Lucifer - “For your crime and for you framing Sonya, you will all be severely punished!”
 Patrick - *scared* “H-How?!”
 Jeanie -  *begging* “Please Don't! You must understand the deed that we did.”
 Ashley - “We were just teaching the Gemini a lesson!”
 James - “We were doing everyone a favor by getting rid of her!”
 Paulie - “Haven't you forgot what she and that...that...thing! Did to us?! And what that freak just did to Patrick?”
 Charlie - “She is still family and the only ones I see as monsters are all of you! I know Liz was hyperactive when she was younger, but she changed and the only reason she attacks Patrick because he was the one who threaten her. If you guys can't accept that, then how do that make you better than her and Sonya?”
 The cousins look at each other uncomfortably. However, they felt like trapping Sonya was the right thing to do because they can’t get over how roughly Liz played and tortured them.
 Patrick - “Well that thing is still evil and a monster!”
 Charlie - *shocked and disgusted*  “I can see now that you're nothing but ungrateful vultures! As a matter of fact, you guys aren’t so great yourself because you never visit me or even bothered to visit and support my hotel. So it's with heavy heart that I announce that Sonya and Liz are my only cousin from this point on.”
 Vaggie - *happy* “That a girl Charlie!”
 Angel - *impressed* “Nice job princess!”
 Lilith - “I don't blame you for your choice dear.”
 “Neither do we.”
 They turned around and saw it was Azrael and Zella. They too had disappointed looks on their faces.
 Azrael - “I can't believe you would do this to our daughters.”
 Zella - “Yes I agree. What you all did wasn’t right, and the poison pie idea wasn’t bright.”
 Azrael - “Charlie, why don’t  you take Sonya back to the hotel?”
 Zella - “Yes. I think that getting her rest would be for the best.”
 Charlie - “But what about Daddy?”
 Lucifer - “Don't worry, honey I’ll be okay. Besides,  I have some business to take care of.”
 Charlie - “Alright. *to her friends* Come on guys, we are leaving. And never seeing these hateful vile vultures again!”
 They got inside the limo and was now back at the hotel.
 Sonya was in her room changing her clothes. But some tears came out of her eyes. She saw Liz coming out in shadow form trying to comfort Sonya.
 Liz - *comforting* “Hey Sunshine it's okay.”
 Sonya - “I know but I'm still a little shaken...”
 Liz - “Yeah. But I'm sure that Uncle Lucifer took care of it.”
 Sonya - “Yeah I guess so. I do wonder what he plans to do to them?”
 Charlie - "You want me to answer that question?"
 Sonya saw Charlie at the doorway smiling. This made Sonya and Liz smile as well.
 Sonya - “Oh Cousin Charlie! How's Angel and Uncle Lucifer?”
 Charlie - “Doing much better thanks to Mom and Aunt Zella. She came up with a spell to speed up their recovery. Angel is in his room right now having his “alone time”.”
 Sonya - “Right. So un what’s happened to those punks?”
 Charlie - “Well first,  Mom called their parents and forbid them for using their powers for a month. Then Daddy not only put then in the dungeon for two hours, but force them to wear their least favorite clothes for a month
 Liz - “Sweet!”
 Sonya - “Oh I love that! Liz thinks that’s a sweet punishment too.”
 Charlie - “Yep!”
 Sonya - “Um Cousin Charlie? Thanks again for defending  me and Liz especially from...from…” *tear up again*
 Charlie: *smiles and hugs her* “It's okay, Sonya. You're safe now.”
 Sonya - “I just never been so scared! I thought I was gonna be stuck in a crystal forever.”
 Charlie - “I told you, I'd never let anything happen to you. You can count on me.”
 Sonya - “And it was cool that you called out those bitches out.”
 Charlie - “Thanks! My Mom and Dad taught me to be strong both inside and out.”
 Sonya - “Well she is right but...do you think I'm like that?”
 Charlie - “Like what?”
 Sonya - “That I'm not strong inside and out? I feel like I'm weak….Normally I can handle stuff like fights even turf wars, but today just really freaked me out. I couldn’t even let out Liz and I was really scared. Made me think that I was weak.”
 Charlie - “Sonya, you're one the strongest little girl I've ever known.”
 Sonya - “Really? Some thought I was weak without Liz.”
 Liz - “Hey you're just as strong without me.”
 Charlie - “I mean you are getting better at your magic.”
 Liz - “And you're as tough as nails.”
 Sonya - “Yeah right. I guess I'm still freaked out after what happened.”
 Charlie - *guilty* “Sonya I'm sorry about that.”
 Sonya - “Why are you sorry?”
 Charlie - “For practically forcing you to come to the party. It's all my fault for not listening to you.”
 Sonya - “It's okay Cousin Charlie. I know you just wanted me to have fun with the family.”
 Charlie - “Some family we have. I mean, why couldn’t they see what a wonderful and unique person you and Liz are. Yet, they still treat you guys if you are a disease or feral monsters. It’s just not fair!”
 Sonya - “Yeah I know. But some family don't have to come by blood you know?”
 Charlie - “That’s true. I mean I look at my friends at the hotel as my second family.”
 Sonya - “So do I. And to be honest, it was nice seeing Uncle Lucifer and Aunt Lilith again. The other uncle and aunts don’t interest me like they do.”
 Charlie - “And your parents too.”
 Sonya - “Umm Cousin Charlie? Is it okay you tuck me in bed and stay with me? I'm still a little shaken…”
 Charlie - “I got a better idea. How about you bunk with me tonight? Like when you were little.”
 Sonya - *surprised* “Oh you would do that again? Really?”
 Charlie - “Of course! Anything for my best and officially only cousin.”
 Sonya smiles and hugged Charlie tightly while tears of joy and relief coming out of her eyes. Charlie even saw that Liz was giving her a hug in her shadow form as well. Charlie vows to keep her promise of protecting Sonya and Liz because not only they are her only cousins now, but because how much they mean to her and how much she loves them.
 Hope you all like it!
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fizzingwizard · 5 years
One question about Digimon Adventure and the honorific "onii-chan". I've read it's only used for girls and little kids. That's why Hikari uses this term in the three seasond, while Takeru not use this term in Diaboromon Strikes Back and Tri (although he seems to use this honorific once in Tri as joke). Is this true?
The short answer is yes. I doubt the writers thought too hard about whose preference dropping oniichan was, Takeru’s or Yamato’s. Either way, Tri Takeru uses “niisan” and “aniki.” I’d have to rewatch to see which he uses more, but in general niisan is always safe because it’s proper, not effeminate, and commonly used.*
-Chan as a suffix is cutesy. There are probably guys who don’t want to be called it by their sisters either. Takeru as a teenager saying “Oniichan” to Yamato is like saying “dearest big brother!” and comes across teasing. That being said, there are plenty of guys who are comfortable with -chan nicknames among their friends/family. The fact that it’s cute or feminine is part of the charm. So it’s not totally off-limits to continue to call your brother “oniichan” regardless of age, just maybe unusual, and it’s an individualized thing when there’s familiarity. The relevant part here is that Takeru changing how he calls his brother and Hikari not says something.
And if you want some random extra info: while it used to be expected that younger siblings would refer to older siblings by oniisan/oneesan, these days it’s very common to just use their names. I have a friend from Osaka who told me her grandmother was hard on her about referring to her sister as neesan, but to her it’s an outdated practice. Digimon Adventure was made in the late 90s, so by then it was already starting to phase out, but naturally TV, especially kids TV, lags behind when cultural shifts occur (especially since these shifts are more gradual in some regions than others).
There’s also the fact that “oniisan” “oneesan” are also generic terms for young adults. You can call anyone that way if you don’t know their name, and it can even turn into a nickname itself among people who aren’t related. For that reason, using “niisan” for your actual brother might feel kind of distant to some people, and they may use “oniichan” “aniki” or their name/a nickname instead to show closeness. But again, this is a real life thing, and anime doesn’t reflect those nuances well.
So this kind of thing shouldn’t be read into - it’s just that Japanese is such a contextual language that it’s difficult for anime to be true to life about it. For example, no one Koushirou’s age in Adventure talks like he does. No one. I mean, maybe a prince xP He talks that way solely because the writers wanted to use his language to convey a character trait (extreme politeness). But no matter how polite they are, no 10 year old child is using formal speech with their classmates, let alone their kouhai. It’s completely unrealistic.
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morkaischosen · 7 years
Sage and Joan Gardener
Some More CMWGE Characters
The original idea here came from Wounded Angel, and the idea of doing mirror-image versions of the same character, where each was the other’s sealed-away Blasphemy monster form. Then I decided the version that’s slightly truer to the Nobilis half of the inspiration was better. I’m pretty sure wanting to use Prophet wasn’t even the main reason for that!
(Sage is, as you will likely notice, using standard-issue Fallen Angel arcs, while Joan is on the canonical Angel arcset, yes shut up Prophet is definitely an Angel arc and you can’t convince me otherwise.)
Sage Gardener, the Friend to All Weeds, is a foundling of mysterious parentage. He was raised by the Kichi family, whose sacred pools long ago prophesied his arrival; sealed away within him, the prophecy says, is an apocalypse of fire and brimstone that will bring ruin and destruction to the world. The only way to avert this doom is for him to live a peaceful, compassionate life; if he gives in to anger, the terrible forces he contains will escape into the world.
If anyone can raise him and keep him safe from that fate, it’s Fortitude’s shrine families - but adolescence will test even their tranquility.
Sage is a small, slight boy with a shaved head and a smile that ranges from calm to cheeky, depending on his mood - he almost never frowns. He has a kind word for absolutely everyone he meets; in Fortitude that’s not particularly surprising, but he shows the same polite respect to rampaging abominations of science, monsters, and even door-to-door salespeople.
The grass stains on his knees and the scratches on his hands somehow entirely fail to make him look messy - they seem as much a part of him as his clothes and skin.
Sage is one of those people who can have a conversation about anything someone finds interesting, but his personal passion is botany. He tends a small wildflower meadow not far from the Kichi shrine, full of plants most of his neighbours think of as weeds - Sage maintains that everyone else not wanting them in their gardens just means it’s even more important to make space for them here, and sometimes even transplants weeds to make sure they have somewhere to grow. He’s so used to the thorns, thistles and stings that he sometimes forgets to warn people, which can be a problem when he invites people to sit with him in the garden - it’s not that they don’t hurt him, it’s just part of life.
His unshakeable calm is starting to shake as puberty makes itself known, though. He’s starting to find his mood swinging more than he’s used to, particularly when people are judgemental towards those they don’t understand - he can’t stand that kind of behaviour, but it’s so much easier to be angry about it than anything else. He’s managed to keep it under control for now - despite a few forlorn patches of fresh ash in his garden - but he’s scared of what could happen if he’s not as good at that as his (consistently supportive) foster-parents and teachers think, and too worried about upsetting them to bring it up.
Sage Gardener, the Friend to All Weeds
Superior Holiness 2 (but Sage’s Holiness is entirely unsuited to scourging anything - he can heal people, inspire them, and calm wild animals with a word, but ghosts and monsters can tolerate his presence just fine.) Kindness 2 Meditation 1 Botany 3
If Joan also exists, Sage should have a Connection 1 to her, even if they’ve never met.
Wounded Angel 2:
Dramatic: Sage tends to turn up when people really need someone to talk to - as often for “ohmygod I just read this book and it’s AMAZING” as anything else.
Devices: herbal infusions and incenses with mystical properties, efficaciously channeling his Holiness.
Blasphemy: when Sage loses his last Divine Health Level, he flowers into a terrible mandala of fire, wings, and lidless eyes that scourges away all spiritually impure things - and most things are spiritually impure.
Empowered Wounds: handles everything from holy powers of peace and love through the corrupt powers of a malevolent spirit possessing him (because malevolent possessing spirits deserve somewhere to live!) to manifestations of the terrible doom of scourging flame he could become.
Creature of the Light 1:
Tireless: Sage has access to Miraculous Will while showing compassion and acceptance to the things others reject.
Well-Lit: Sage is a blessed and holy being, and the world shows him to the best of its ability.
The Auctoritas Magister
Appear: Plants often turn out to have been Sage (or have had a Sage sleeping underneath them) when he needs to be where they are.
Transfix: Sage’s calm motions hold people’s attention, bringing peace to the world.
Possible starting Empowered Wounds include nettle stings that mark him as a friend to weeds, allowing him to manipulate plant life and giving an Affliction of “My skin stings like a nettle,” as well as barely-controlled mood swings allowing him to summon fire, with some appropriate Affliction.
Perks: Affliction: “When I give in to anger, things burn.” (Tied to Wounded Angel - currently 2)
“It’s like a home to me” - Sage’s wildflower meadow gives a +1 Tool bonus to feeling at peace.
XP Emotion: Believing In You XP or D’awww XP are the two I’d be likely to hit.
Joan Gardener, the Foe to All Weeds, is a foundling orphan. Her adoptive family are a quiet Fortitude couple who’d already been looking to adopt when she was found, a baby, on their doorstep with a cryptic note explaining that young Joan Gardener needed a home. As she grew older, it started to become clear that she might not be an entirely normal child - nothing that would be that obvious on its own, but the coincidences are piling up.
Joan is a stocky girl with shoulder-length mousy hair, often tied up in a slightly messy ponytail. She spends a lot of time frowning, either in concentration or because someone’s said something she disagrees with - she’s a wilful sort, and her teachers very rapidly learned that it’s difficult to satisfy her with a partial explanation. She’s willing to back down if you can actually convince her she was wrong, but doing that isn’t easy.
She’s fond of most forms of art - a beautiful painting or a well-performed song always replaces her trademark frown of concentration with a surprisingly sweet smile - but she decided at an early age that her true love is gardening. As always, she committed, and every day when her lessons are done, she armours herself in her apron and her gloves, belts on her secateurs and the weed-killing blowtorch nobody will admit to having let a child get hold of, and sets forth to earn some pocket money. Her campaign against weeds is legendary - she fights them with zealous efficiency, often insisting on staying out late if the root system is more extensive than expected.
She’s often frustrated by grown-ups not believing her, especially when she can’t explain why she needs to do something; as puberty starts to make itself known, her parents are finding themselves at odds with her more often. She’s a good kid and she doesn’t like being disobedient, but more and more often, the alternative seems just as bad. It’s frustrating and confusing for everyone, but as ever the idea of backing down is far from her thoughts.
Joan Gardener, the Foe to All Weeds
Superior Holiness 2 (but Joan’s holiness is harsh-edged - she can inspire people, cure infections or drive back a ghost with a word, but when it comes to encouraging growth she’s better off using good compost and the right fertiliser.) Confidence 2 Making an Effort 1 Gardening 3 Flying 0 (she can jump about as effectively as a normal child who jumps a fairly normal amount but has no particular investment in this mode of transportation).
If Sage exists, Joan should have Connection 1 to him, even if they’ve never met.
Prophet 2:
Joan is the Prophet of Pruning, the cosmic principle of carefully cutting away imperfect or unwanted things to allow space for beauty to grow. It’s most deeply tied to gardening, but it can also be found in surgery and the like. Her enemies include Sage (whose message of acceptance refuses to allow the destructive side of pruning); other foes might be an industrial interest representing Productivity - where Pruning cuts away some stems of the bush to promote more flowers to grow, Productivity uproots the whole bush so it can build a factory.
Divine Guidance: Joan can allow the cosmic weight of Pruning to guide her towards what needs to be removed. If she sustains this for a whole chapter, some broader-scale beauty is given space to flower into the world.
Materialization of Possibility: Joan can call on Pruning to solve an immediate problem - coincidence and chance conspire to cut through the Gordian knot, or doubts and confusion are removed to make a chaotic mess suddenly simple and clear. Pruning is reductive - it’s well suited to removing obstacles and bringing clarity, but less adept at creating new things.
Inspiration: When performing the work of Pruning, Joan can escape the bonds of gravity to find the best angle to work from, using the Flight of Pruning; and her actions take on divine force, cutting through obstruction and indecision and removing her audience’s doubts when she moves and speaks with the Confidence of Pruning.
Vestments: Joan has a weed-killing blowtorch of flame. Nobody’s quite sure who let a 12-year-old girl get her hands on something that dangerous, but it’s definitely hers and taking it off her seems like a bad idea. The “of flame” seems a bit redundant, but omitting it feels like abbreviating the thing’s proper name. With this mighty weapon, Joan can burn weeds and purify away all manner of malign presences.
Hallow: given a few minutes to work, Joan can prepare a place for Pruning. This enshrines the region property that “Impure and unwanted things can be cut away to give beauty space to grow.”
Illumination: It can be hard to cut away the things that hold you back; when Joan listens to people’s struggles with what it means to give themselves the space to grow, it can be Foreshadowing or Sympathetic Action.
Keeper of Gardens 1:
The World, Like Clay: Joan Gardener is a gardener and Keeper of Gardens, and thus can garden her gardens with her Gardening skill. But, like, more than normal gardeners can.
Toxic: Joan has a Bond 2: “I make everything simple and straightforward.” Her confidence is infectious.
Land-Rule: The rules allow shifting some points into Superior Land-Rule, but I feel like the things of Joan’s gardens likely respond to Confidence and Holiness well enough that it’s not necessary.
The Great Magic: By wounding a Divine Health Level, Joan can shape the way her gardens grow, allowing them to develop into ever more beautiful forms.
Guide: Talking flowerbeds and sentient water features are possible, but - unsurprisingly - Joan’s most common Guides are created as topiary.
Perks: “It’s like a home to me” - Joan’s parents have let her take over the gardening at home, and the results are elegantly beautiful. (Both Prophet and Keeper of Gardens will allow her to claim more gardens in future).
The other perk slot is flexible if you have a good idea; if not, a second Bond: “I must eradicate weeds wherever they may be found!” should lead to Fun.
XP Emotion: Believing In You XP or Fist-Pump XP?
(If you’re running a martial arts version of CMWGE where everything is inexplicably bound up in martial arts tournaments, Sage is a student of baguazhang, true to his Airbender inspiration; Joan insists that European longsword styles are entirely valid martial arts and shows up in full armour.)
8 notes · View notes
blondennerdy · 7 years
Time Travel Tuesday!!!
So I used Time Travel Tuesday to finally sit down and write out one of my numerous AU ideas.  (Thank you @poplitealqueen​ for this)  
Please Let me know what you think. I have very little XP in writing but I am working on it. I am also planning on maybe adding to this some feedback would be appreciated. 
Depa Billaba carefully counted the number of fancy bath bombs she had left. Mace had given her a new set after her appointment to the Jedi Council a few days previous and she did not want to go through them too quickly. But the meeting had been a strange one, leaving her with a splitting headache and more questions than answers.
Depa had told Mace after the meeting, only her third, that she had thought it was the Councils job to answer questions not find more of them. Mace had just snorted and said that was normally true, except if the meeting had Master Qui Gon Jinn involved. He had seemed to think the meeting was relatively normal. Depa was not as convinced.
Right as she had chosen to cut one of the larger bombs in half Depa heard a soft knock on her door. Hopefully that was Mace, he always wandered by a couple times a week. When she opened the door however it was two padawans instead.  After blinking for second in surprise she remembered her manners and Depa said “How may I be of assistance?”
That was when her brain caught up with the new situation and recognized the two in front of her. It was Padawan Kenobi and the young twi’lek time traveler.  
Padawan Kenobi’s cheeks had a tinge of red as he started to say something but was interrupted. “You are the Jedi named Depa Billaba, correct?” The girl’s accent seemed stronger than in the Council Chamber, it was rough and untraceable to single planet or region. A classic spacer accent.
Slowly Depa nodded and spoke “Yes I am.”
Still unsure why the duo was at her door. The council had decided since the young twi’lek was still underage, 17 Ryloth year cycles to be exact, that they could not make a decision without a parent of guardian. Master Jinn and Padawan Kenobi were assigned to help find the family.
“Do you need assistance in locating your family in this era?”
“I’m pretty sure we got it covered now.” The girl’s response did not actually say why she was here then so Depa just waited for her to continue speaking.
It was an awkward few seconds until Padawan Kenobi broke and whispered, “Introduce yourself like you did for me.”
That caused the girl to straighten up “Oh right duh.” She gave Depa a short bow, almost a mock of the ones Jedi often give each other and announced “My name is Dawn Depa Syndulla, it is a pleasure to meet you, Grandmother.”    
Depa opened her mouth a few times before anything came out “Would you like to come in and discuss this further.”   She stepped back and opened the door for the two teens. As soon as she saw them pass over the threshold Depa headed over to her kitchen to make the biggest strangest cup of tea that she could. Her headache was only going to get worse at this rate and she was definitely using a whole bath bomb tonight.  
Depa like a good Jedi used the brewing of tea to collect her thoughts. She was pretty sure the real reason the Council had decided to withhold from making a decision without an adult representing Dawn was to avoid having to make any decision. The council was pretty spilt on asking her about the future and ignoring her until they find a way to get her back to her proper place in time.
Mace had wanted to further question the girl, since he saw many shatter points clustered around her. Master Yoda and Master Jinn had favored avoiding talks of the future claiming that even if she knew a piece of the future it would not be enough to make any solid decisions on without taking the risk of greater consequences.
Depa herself had mixed feeling and had mostly styed neutral. Now it seemed like that was no longer an option.
Movement caught Depa’s eye while she was waiting for the kettle to boil. Dawn seemed to be causally looking around in the different nooks and crannies of the small apartment. Except, every time she stopped to poke at something Depa could fell a small tendril of the force being released from Dawn. It was subtle, easy to overlook, but Depa was looking.
“She is checking for listening devices.” Padawan Kenobi informed Depa, each word practically dripping with polite disbelief.
“Hey, I already found a little bugger in your apartment remember. Plus, it’s just what you are supposed to do, check your surroundings for any nasty surprises and little buggers. Especially if you plan on having a serious talk about the fate of the galaxy with a visitor from the future.”
While she could not see him Depa was sure Padawan Kenobi was rolling his eyes “It was a piece of lint or dirt I must have missed while cleaning. You are paranoid and the fate of galaxy does not reside in our hands.”
Now seemed like a good time to come in with tea. They had more important things to discuss then whether or not Dawn was paranoid and it did not bode well for any of them if she might have a reason for it.
“I would like to ask a question to you Dawn?” Depa paused to arrange cups on the low table where Kenobi sat “That is if you are comfortable with the security of my personal quarters?” Making sure Dawn was comfortable enough to speak truthfully would probably go a long way in the upcoming discussion.
Said teen nodded and took a seat on the couch next to Kenobi. “I was pretty sure your place was clean coming in but Mom always said it never hurts to do a second sweep.”
Kenobi made advisable effort to hold back a comment, instead he turned to Depa giving her the lead of the conversation.
“I felt you using the Force in your search for dangers. It will affect the decisions that need to be made so please answer truthfully, are you a Jedi?”
“Ummmm” Dawn muttered before taking a hasty sip of tea burning her tongue slightly. “It’s kinda a tricky question, it really depends on who you ask.”
“No it’s not. You are either a Jedi or you are not. There is no point of view about that.” Then Kenobi remember that there was a council member in the room as well “Apologies Master…”
Depa waved a hand “No need for that here Padawan Kenobi, I agree with you anyways but let Dawn speak more we do not yet know what kind of circumstances she is in.”
While Depa said that out loud she privately doubted that Dawn had grown up like all Jedi here in the temple. She could tell just by watching her next to Padawan Kenobi. All the patterns of speech and behaviors that Jedi learned in the crèche were absent in the young girl. While Kenobi held himself with a firm posture and polite decorum, Dawn draped herself on the couch with relaxed posture and a close eye on all the exits.
“Well, it’s not like there is a governing body of all the Jedi in my time that can make decisions like that. Everyone just has to make the decision themselves these day. Or I guess will have to make them. Tenses are weird now.”
Both Jedi were locked in stunned silence. Dawn took a very long sip from too hot tea just as unsure of what to say.
“But if there is no Jedi Council then who runs the Order.” Kenobi’s voice was barely above a whisper.
“Well it ah, fell when the council did. Long before I was born, back when my dad was a kid himself. Younger than I am now actually. It happened back during the Clone Wars, or I guess it happened in the earlier days of the Empire. It’s sorta in between.”
“Perhaps this story would benefit from starting at the beginning.” Depa voice remained steady and her face was calm but Jedi learned in the crèche how to hide behind a blank mask.
“Well, so when I was born the Empire was basically, no wait gotta explain about the Empire so I guess when my parents met. No the Old Jedi Order had already fallen by then. The rise of the Emprie, but that needs to explanation about the Clone Wars.” Dawn paused looking up at the ceiling collecting her thoughts.
“Yeah, so the best place to start is probably the Clone Wars. So it was this big galactic war that was the Clone and Jedi army of the Republic versus the droid army of the… the other side. I don’t remember their name. The important part was they wanted out of the Republic and the Republic did not like that. So it sent the clones and the Jedi to fight them.”
Dawn paused expecting either Depa or Obi Wan to say something but they both were still processing what was being said to them. Thankfully, there was a knock on the door, louder than before. Depa excused herself, praying to the Force that it was Mace for real this time so that she could have someone with her in the mess.
Her wish was granted when she saw her master standing casually at her door holding a bag of food products.
Depa visibly sagged with relief “Thank the Force you are here.”
Pulling him in quickly to the rooms. The living room and the kitchen had no wall separating them so as Mace went to start preparing the evening meal, as was their routine, he saw the two awkward young adults sitting on Depa’s couch trying to look anywhere but at each other. The face he gave Depa was a familiar one from her padawan days. It clearly asked her ‘what in the world did you get yourself into’.
Depa sighed and decided it was best to just go for it. “This is Dawn Depa Syndulla my granddaughter. Her father will be my padawan. She was just telling us about how the Order fell when he was a youngling.”
Mace closed him eyes for a brief moment, when he opened them he gazed slowly around the room. Reading the shatter points most likely. When his eyes finally refocused on Depa’s face he spoke “If we are to speak of the downfall of the Order, then it is best done with a full stomach” With that he turned to the kitchen to prepare dinner.
Dawn took the opportunity to stand and asked “Do you need any help cooking?” she sounded very hopefully “I usually help my dad with the cooking because my mom can and will burn water if she tries.”
Mace held out a knife “Can you tell your story and do this.”
“Of course” With a flourish Dawn took the knife and started telling the story of the future starting with the Clone Wars and going until the time she lived in. The stories got more detailed as they progressed. Mace and Depa tried to ask questions for more details about the lead up to the fall of the Order but Dawn just shrugged and could not answer most.
“My dad was only fourteen when it went down, he barely remembers. Plus the Empire did not just kill Jedi during the Jedi Purges, they also erased their history. So it’s not taught in school or anything.”
By the time the food was finished everyone was ready for a break so they mostly traded embarrassing stories and silent thinking during dinner. Shortly after the meal and a bit of dessert the two Masters sent the younger ones to bed. Obi-Wan had tried to return to his own rooms but Depa insisted that he spend the night in her empty padawan rooms with Dawn. It was a nearly fifteen minute walk to the little nook of an apartment that Jinn claimed as his own.
Mace claimed to have slept on the couch but Depa doubted he got any more sleep than she did. Instead, she had turned over everything that had been said and tried to find a clear path forward.
The truth of the matter was that they did not have enough information. All that Dawn could tell them was from her memory of stories, many she admitted had been bed time tales from her father. Depa was pretty sure she was going to have to spend all of her bath bombs.
58 notes · View notes
jeffrmayhugh · 4 years
Lots of guys are welcome back to another video in today’s video. We’re going to be talking about a huge potential breakout that we could be having for the Bitcoin price. Yes, we could be breaking out of this symmetrical triangle here to the upside, targeting upwards of $9000. We’re going to be taking a look at that in today’s video. We are also going to be taking a look at bitcoin red readying for 2017 like the leap from a Bloomberg report. We’re going to be taking a look at some G+ note data about how Bitcoin holds a net position. Change has been growing daily since March and is now hitting yearly highs. What that means for the bitcoin price. And we’re going to round off today’s video by taking a look at 63 percent of the Ripple XP community has gone for good. I’m going to be taking a look at why and a little bit into the more details on that side. So a really great video coming up today, guys. Definitely sit back, relax and get ready for today’s video. All right, guys, welcome back to another video. Thank you for joining me again. If you haven’t already. Let’s get that one like a target. And if you do, join my content, subscribe and take that notification. Bell As always, comment down below to be entered to win that tree’s storage device right here. Literally common anything and you can be entered to that giveaway. So let’s get on with today’s video. Bitcoin right now is in this very interesting symmetrical triangle. We have come up an almost tested this six-point or the 7.2 level again right here. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to break above it. However, we did test the upper level of this triangle. And we’ve had one touch now to touch three touches on the upside and on the lower side. We’ve also had one, two, three touches like so. So what could this potentially mean for Bitcoin and the Bitcoin price and the direction of bitcoin from this move? Well, normally, this would actually break to the upside. And I’m expecting a break to the upside. However, as we all know, this is a cryptocurrency and this can always change. You can do the technical analysis and you can see which way it could potentially break. However, that might not be the case personally. I think there may be a break to the upside. I think there’s a larger chance, maybe like a 60 percent break to the upside and a 40 percent chance to break to the downside. However, guys, I am going to be giving you my price targets for the bitcoin price if we actually go on to the daily chart and get right into it. And we can see that I have laid out a couple of price targets up here. So the first price target I want to see for bitcoin if we do in fact break this level. First of all, I want to break this level here at about seven point two K break close above that or just break it in full. And that will confirm a breakout from this triangle. Then I want to see is break this level here 7.4 K once we’ve broken seven point four K. No doubt we will shoot up to seven point nine K if we do in fact have a no volume supporting it. If we don’t have enough volume guys, when we do break out of here it could be a small break and then a dump. Unfortunately, if the volumes there though we could see a nice pump up to around eight point four K is my target. The lower level limit of the target with 9 K on the horizons in the next few weeks, that will be really, really good. So the downside target I have is around about five thousand eight hundred dollars. First of all, if we do break to the downside, we will come to this sixty-six hundred dollar level even if we bounce back up. That would be great. But if we don’t, it’s not the end of the world because we will come down to around fifty-nine to fifty-eight hundred dollars. That’s my downside target. If we do not in fact break below how I’m gonna be actually trading this, guys. And of course, do your own research before you trade. This is just how I’m going to be trading it. I’m going to be trying to take a break out trade on this triangle here. So I will, in fact, set my buy order just about around about here, just a little bit above. And then if it does break out, I’ll ride the profit all the way up. And if it doesn’t, if we do see a break out of this triangle and then we come up and then we come back down. Well, don’t worry, because I’ll have a stop loss a very, very, very tightly to protect my capital. Also, if we do see a break to the downside, I’ll have a buy order set here. And if we do break down, I’ll have a take profit on 66 and another take profit all the way down here. Again, that’s just personally what I’m trying to do. I think there will be a huge breakout coming literally any probably in the next few hours or day, at least usually guys, as we saw before. And my last breakout video, we don’t wait until the very end of the year to break out. We usually break out way before. So that is how I’m going to be trading the breakout, either breakout to the upside or break out to the downside. I will have a trade to cover it. I’m going to be trading this on a fee, Max, and I’m actually currently already in a trade. It’s around five hundred and fifty dollars in profit, which is kind of nice. I entered down here at sixty-eight hundred. I was nearly seven hundred dollars profit when we touched that seven-point two K range earlier. However, the profit has since declined a little bit. The mix right now actually has the best offer across the board for all of the exchanges. If you deposit only 0.2 bitcoin into your trading account on Phoenix using my down below, you’ll actually get $112 bonus, which is crazy because to get that kind of bonus on some other exchange, you have to deposit of the one bitcoin. So the links with Felix will be down below. And if you were interested in trading, I personally like it the best. Multiple reasons. It’s got a great layout, easy to use, a good deposit bonus and it has the ability to have some accounts as well if you want to trade different leverage on a different account. So let’s move on to the first article of the day, guys. Bitcoin is readying for 2017. Like Leap. This is a report from Bloomberg. A fresh Bloomberg report argues that Bitcoin is readying for a mental bull run similar to 2017. Crypto rally. This comes as Bitcoin is maturing as an asset and the crush of the traditional financial markets opens doors for adoption. I’ve said this many, many times. Guy guys. What’s going on right now is a great use case for bitcoin. And hopefully, Bitcoin can be showing itself. Let me know what you think down below in the comments after this whole financial crisis is over, do you think Bitcoin will come out on top of it will come out worse than we started? Also, by leaving a comment down below, you’ll be entered to win that trade at the storage device, which is great. So first and foremost, the reporting notes that Bitcoin was born out of the last financial crisis, the Great Recession. As such, it could potentially thrive during these uncertain economic times. Bitcoin is down less than a quarter as much as the S&P 500 in 2020, despite being almost five times as risky from a volatility standpoint. So it really shows that Bitcoin is holding its value. Colvard 19 distinguishes Bitcoin from the rest of the cryptos. The macroeconomic effects of the coronavirus accelerate Bitcoin’s process of gaining value relative to other cryptos. That’s totally true. I do believe Bitcoin is number one. I will always be the number one crypto. Bitcoin is inching closer to becoming digital gold ie immune to negative market shock. Bloomberg chart demonstrates that the bitcoin is reaching its closest 52-week correlation to gold since 2010. Moreover, it states that the introduction of bitcoin futures was important in taming the raging bitcoin market. So I definitely wanted to let you. I definitely want to know your comments down below. Guys, do you think we are coming up to a new bull run like 2017? Of course, it will be absolutely excellent if we could have that. Our guys moving on to the next article. Now we’re going to take a look at Glass Node. If you don’t know glass note on Twitter, actually post some really, really cool on-chain analysis and insights. And I really recommend checking them out as they are actually. Excellent. So we can see here. Bitcoin holder net position change has been growing daily since the end of March and is now hitting yearly highs. We can see here. It’s absolutely crazy hitting yearly highs higher than a January 20 when we did have that nice little pump. Long term investors are increasing their positions and they are accumulating more bitcoin each day. This is a very, very bullish for bitcoin, guys. Of course, we know the whole is around 20 days away now. And it’s great to see that people and investors are in fact, accumulating bitcoin ahead of this halving and is very, very good to see. Let me know down below in the comments. If you are trying to accumulate bitcoin before the whole thing, after the hoving or what your plan is for that, I’d be very interested to know. Finally, moving onto the last article of the day, guys. Sixty-three percent of the exotic exile community has gone for good. This is a little bit of a clickbaity article because a lot of the communities have disappeared for all the coins as well, like Litecoin, for example, during the last two years. REPL has lost over 63 percent of its active community, according to political data collected from telegram chat groups by the pseudo-anonymous crypto trader. Between June 2018 and April 2020, many crypto-focused telegrams have seen a severe drop in the number of its members, leading to a massive community. Capitulation, capitulation, sorry and ripples. an example was the worst-performing crypto asset in the top 25 coins by market capitalization within the first quarter of 2020. The price of XP is currently down 95 percent since its all-time high in January. Twenty eighteen and is actually a really nice chart here. I can show you guys and we can see on the left-hand side he’s got the telegram group and over here and the different columns you’ve got twenty eighteen, nineteen twenty and we got the member losses as well. We could see some of them are really, really high. And for example, Litecoin 67 percent member losses and we have REPL here, 63 percent see a coin, 62 percent Neoh. We have 55 percent Monaro 50 percent which is absolutely crazy to see that people are just going out of these telegram groups in the thousands. And if you see the comments down here, we have some really interesting and funny comments as well. So, guys, that’s pretty much it for today’s video. I really do think a big move is coming to crypto in the next few hours or if not days. As I said before, usually we don’t wait until the end of here. We do break out before it where that breakout may be. Well, I said 60 percent to the upside and 60 percent to the downside. Just to recap you on those targets that I personally have, I have around about fifty-eight hundred. If we do break to the downside and if we do break to the upside-down eighty-five hundred if we can break the six seventy-two hundred dollars and seventy-four hundred dollar level I’ll probably be traded placing my trade around just above. After we break out here, if we do break out with a very, very, very, very typist, start tight stop loss. So that’s pretty much it for today’s video guys. If you haven’t already. Make sure to check out. Thematics will be linked down below. You can actually get $112 for free by depositing only 0.2 bitcoin into your trading account using my link down below. Thanks for watching this video, guys. I’ll cut you in the next one.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/insane-bitcoin-breakout-happening-right-now/ source https://cryptosharks1.tumblr.com/post/616496298934321152
0 notes
heatherrdavis1 · 4 years
Lots of guys are welcome back to another video in today’s video. We’re going to be talking about a huge potential breakout that we could be having for the Bitcoin price. Yes, we could be breaking out of this symmetrical triangle here to the upside, targeting upwards of $9000. We’re going to be taking a look at that in today’s video. We are also going to be taking a look at bitcoin red readying for 2017 like the leap from a Bloomberg report. We’re going to be taking a look at some G+ note data about how Bitcoin holds a net position. Change has been growing daily since March and is now hitting yearly highs. What that means for the bitcoin price. And we’re going to round off today’s video by taking a look at 63 percent of the Ripple XP community has gone for good. I’m going to be taking a look at why and a little bit into the more details on that side. So a really great video coming up today, guys. Definitely sit back, relax and get ready for today’s video. All right, guys, welcome back to another video. Thank you for joining me again. If you haven’t already. Let’s get that one like a target. And if you do, join my content, subscribe and take that notification. Bell As always, comment down below to be entered to win that tree’s storage device right here. Literally common anything and you can be entered to that giveaway. So let’s get on with today’s video. Bitcoin right now is in this very interesting symmetrical triangle. We have come up an almost tested this six-point or the 7.2 level again right here. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to break above it. However, we did test the upper level of this triangle. And we’ve had one touch now to touch three touches on the upside and on the lower side. We’ve also had one, two, three touches like so. So what could this potentially mean for Bitcoin and the Bitcoin price and the direction of bitcoin from this move? Well, normally, this would actually break to the upside. And I’m expecting a break to the upside. However, as we all know, this is a cryptocurrency and this can always change. You can do the technical analysis and you can see which way it could potentially break. However, that might not be the case personally. I think there may be a break to the upside. I think there’s a larger chance, maybe like a 60 percent break to the upside and a 40 percent chance to break to the downside. However, guys, I am going to be giving you my price targets for the bitcoin price if we actually go on to the daily chart and get right into it. And we can see that I have laid out a couple of price targets up here. So the first price target I want to see for bitcoin if we do in fact break this level. First of all, I want to break this level here at about seven point two K break close above that or just break it in full. And that will confirm a breakout from this triangle. Then I want to see is break this level here 7.4 K once we’ve broken seven point four K. No doubt we will shoot up to seven point nine K if we do in fact have a no volume supporting it. If we don’t have enough volume guys, when we do break out of here it could be a small break and then a dump. Unfortunately, if the volumes there though we could see a nice pump up to around eight point four K is my target. The lower level limit of the target with 9 K on the horizons in the next few weeks, that will be really, really good. So the downside target I have is around about five thousand eight hundred dollars. First of all, if we do break to the downside, we will come to this sixty-six hundred dollar level even if we bounce back up. That would be great. But if we don’t, it’s not the end of the world because we will come down to around fifty-nine to fifty-eight hundred dollars. That’s my downside target. If we do not in fact break below how I’m gonna be actually trading this, guys. And of course, do your own research before you trade. This is just how I’m going to be trading it. I’m going to be trying to take a break out trade on this triangle here. So I will, in fact, set my buy order just about around about here, just a little bit above. And then if it does break out, I’ll ride the profit all the way up. And if it doesn’t, if we do see a break out of this triangle and then we come up and then we come back down. Well, don’t worry, because I’ll have a stop loss a very, very, very tightly to protect my capital. Also, if we do see a break to the downside, I’ll have a buy order set here. And if we do break down, I’ll have a take profit on 66 and another take profit all the way down here. Again, that’s just personally what I’m trying to do. I think there will be a huge breakout coming literally any probably in the next few hours or day, at least usually guys, as we saw before. And my last breakout video, we don’t wait until the very end of the year to break out. We usually break out way before. So that is how I’m going to be trading the breakout, either breakout to the upside or break out to the downside. I will have a trade to cover it. I’m going to be trading this on a fee, Max, and I’m actually currently already in a trade. It’s around five hundred and fifty dollars in profit, which is kind of nice. I entered down here at sixty-eight hundred. I was nearly seven hundred dollars profit when we touched that seven-point two K range earlier. However, the profit has since declined a little bit. The mix right now actually has the best offer across the board for all of the exchanges. If you deposit only 0.2 bitcoin into your trading account on Phoenix using my down below, you’ll actually get $112 bonus, which is crazy because to get that kind of bonus on some other exchange, you have to deposit of the one bitcoin. So the links with Felix will be down below. And if you were interested in trading, I personally like it the best. Multiple reasons. It’s got a great layout, easy to use, a good deposit bonus and it has the ability to have some accounts as well if you want to trade different leverage on a different account. So let’s move on to the first article of the day, guys. Bitcoin is readying for 2017. Like Leap. This is a report from Bloomberg. A fresh Bloomberg report argues that Bitcoin is readying for a mental bull run similar to 2017. Crypto rally. This comes as Bitcoin is maturing as an asset and the crush of the traditional financial markets opens doors for adoption. I’ve said this many, many times. Guy guys. What’s going on right now is a great use case for bitcoin. And hopefully, Bitcoin can be showing itself. Let me know what you think down below in the comments after this whole financial crisis is over, do you think Bitcoin will come out on top of it will come out worse than we started? Also, by leaving a comment down below, you’ll be entered to win that trade at the storage device, which is great. So first and foremost, the reporting notes that Bitcoin was born out of the last financial crisis, the Great Recession. As such, it could potentially thrive during these uncertain economic times. Bitcoin is down less than a quarter as much as the S&P 500 in 2020, despite being almost five times as risky from a volatility standpoint. So it really shows that Bitcoin is holding its value. Colvard 19 distinguishes Bitcoin from the rest of the cryptos. The macroeconomic effects of the coronavirus accelerate Bitcoin’s process of gaining value relative to other cryptos. That’s totally true. I do believe Bitcoin is number one. I will always be the number one crypto. Bitcoin is inching closer to becoming digital gold ie immune to negative market shock. Bloomberg chart demonstrates that the bitcoin is reaching its closest 52-week correlation to gold since 2010. Moreover, it states that the introduction of bitcoin futures was important in taming the raging bitcoin market. So I definitely wanted to let you. I definitely want to know your comments down below. Guys, do you think we are coming up to a new bull run like 2017? Of course, it will be absolutely excellent if we could have that. Our guys moving on to the next article. Now we’re going to take a look at Glass Node. If you don’t know glass note on Twitter, actually post some really, really cool on-chain analysis and insights. And I really recommend checking them out as they are actually. Excellent. So we can see here. Bitcoin holder net position change has been growing daily since the end of March and is now hitting yearly highs. We can see here. It’s absolutely crazy hitting yearly highs higher than a January 20 when we did have that nice little pump. Long term investors are increasing their positions and they are accumulating more bitcoin each day. This is a very, very bullish for bitcoin, guys. Of course, we know the whole is around 20 days away now. And it’s great to see that people and investors are in fact, accumulating bitcoin ahead of this halving and is very, very good to see. Let me know down below in the comments. If you are trying to accumulate bitcoin before the whole thing, after the hoving or what your plan is for that, I’d be very interested to know. Finally, moving onto the last article of the day, guys. Sixty-three percent of the exotic exile community has gone for good. This is a little bit of a clickbaity article because a lot of the communities have disappeared for all the coins as well, like Litecoin, for example, during the last two years. REPL has lost over 63 percent of its active community, according to political data collected from telegram chat groups by the pseudo-anonymous crypto trader. Between June 2018 and April 2020, many crypto-focused telegrams have seen a severe drop in the number of its members, leading to a massive community. Capitulation, capitulation, sorry and ripples. an example was the worst-performing crypto asset in the top 25 coins by market capitalization within the first quarter of 2020. The price of XP is currently down 95 percent since its all-time high in January. Twenty eighteen and is actually a really nice chart here. I can show you guys and we can see on the left-hand side he’s got the telegram group and over here and the different columns you’ve got twenty eighteen, nineteen twenty and we got the member losses as well. We could see some of them are really, really high. And for example, Litecoin 67 percent member losses and we have REPL here, 63 percent see a coin, 62 percent Neoh. We have 55 percent Monaro 50 percent which is absolutely crazy to see that people are just going out of these telegram groups in the thousands. And if you see the comments down here, we have some really interesting and funny comments as well. So, guys, that’s pretty much it for today’s video. I really do think a big move is coming to crypto in the next few hours or if not days. As I said before, usually we don’t wait until the end of here. We do break out before it where that breakout may be. Well, I said 60 percent to the upside and 60 percent to the downside. Just to recap you on those targets that I personally have, I have around about fifty-eight hundred. If we do break to the downside and if we do break to the upside-down eighty-five hundred if we can break the six seventy-two hundred dollars and seventy-four hundred dollar level I’ll probably be traded placing my trade around just above. After we break out here, if we do break out with a very, very, very, very typist, start tight stop loss. So that’s pretty much it for today’s video guys. If you haven’t already. Make sure to check out. Thematics will be linked down below. You can actually get $112 for free by depositing only 0.2 bitcoin into your trading account using my link down below. Thanks for watching this video, guys. I’ll cut you in the next one.
Via https://www.cryptosharks.net/insane-bitcoin-breakout-happening-right-now/
source https://cryptosharks.weebly.com/blog/proof-insane-bitcoin-breakout-happening-right-now-to-this-exact-price
0 notes
scottmapess · 4 years
Lots of guys are welcome back to another video in today’s video. We’re going to be talking about a huge potential breakout that we could be having for the Bitcoin price. Yes, we could be breaking out of this symmetrical triangle here to the upside, targeting upwards of $9000. We’re going to be taking a look at that in today’s video. We are also going to be taking a look at bitcoin red readying for 2017 like the leap from a Bloomberg report. We’re going to be taking a look at some G+ note data about how Bitcoin holds a net position. Change has been growing daily since March and is now hitting yearly highs. What that means for the bitcoin price. And we’re going to round off today’s video by taking a look at 63 percent of the Ripple XP community has gone for good. I’m going to be taking a look at why and a little bit into the more details on that side. So a really great video coming up today, guys. Definitely sit back, relax and get ready for today’s video. All right, guys, welcome back to another video. Thank you for joining me again. If you haven’t already. Let’s get that one like a target. And if you do, join my content, subscribe and take that notification. Bell As always, comment down below to be entered to win that tree’s storage device right here. Literally common anything and you can be entered to that giveaway. So let’s get on with today’s video. Bitcoin right now is in this very interesting symmetrical triangle. We have come up an almost tested this six-point or the 7.2 level again right here. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to break above it. However, we did test the upper level of this triangle. And we’ve had one touch now to touch three touches on the upside and on the lower side. We’ve also had one, two, three touches like so. So what could this potentially mean for Bitcoin and the Bitcoin price and the direction of bitcoin from this move? Well, normally, this would actually break to the upside. And I’m expecting a break to the upside. However, as we all know, this is a cryptocurrency and this can always change. You can do the technical analysis and you can see which way it could potentially break. However, that might not be the case personally. I think there may be a break to the upside. I think there’s a larger chance, maybe like a 60 percent break to the upside and a 40 percent chance to break to the downside. However, guys, I am going to be giving you my price targets for the bitcoin price if we actually go on to the daily chart and get right into it. And we can see that I have laid out a couple of price targets up here. So the first price target I want to see for bitcoin if we do in fact break this level. First of all, I want to break this level here at about seven point two K break close above that or just break it in full. And that will confirm a breakout from this triangle. Then I want to see is break this level here 7.4 K once we’ve broken seven point four K. No doubt we will shoot up to seven point nine K if we do in fact have a no volume supporting it. If we don’t have enough volume guys, when we do break out of here it could be a small break and then a dump. Unfortunately, if the volumes there though we could see a nice pump up to around eight point four K is my target. The lower level limit of the target with 9 K on the horizons in the next few weeks, that will be really, really good. So the downside target I have is around about five thousand eight hundred dollars. First of all, if we do break to the downside, we will come to this sixty-six hundred dollar level even if we bounce back up. That would be great. But if we don’t, it’s not the end of the world because we will come down to around fifty-nine to fifty-eight hundred dollars. That’s my downside target. If we do not in fact break below how I’m gonna be actually trading this, guys. And of course, do your own research before you trade. This is just how I’m going to be trading it. I’m going to be trying to take a break out trade on this triangle here. So I will, in fact, set my buy order just about around about here, just a little bit above. And then if it does break out, I’ll ride the profit all the way up. And if it doesn’t, if we do see a break out of this triangle and then we come up and then we come back down. Well, don’t worry, because I’ll have a stop loss a very, very, very tightly to protect my capital. Also, if we do see a break to the downside, I’ll have a buy order set here. And if we do break down, I’ll have a take profit on 66 and another take profit all the way down here. Again, that’s just personally what I’m trying to do. I think there will be a huge breakout coming literally any probably in the next few hours or day, at least usually guys, as we saw before. And my last breakout video, we don’t wait until the very end of the year to break out. We usually break out way before. So that is how I’m going to be trading the breakout, either breakout to the upside or break out to the downside. I will have a trade to cover it. I’m going to be trading this on a fee, Max, and I’m actually currently already in a trade. It’s around five hundred and fifty dollars in profit, which is kind of nice. I entered down here at sixty-eight hundred. I was nearly seven hundred dollars profit when we touched that seven-point two K range earlier. However, the profit has since declined a little bit. The mix right now actually has the best offer across the board for all of the exchanges. If you deposit only 0.2 bitcoin into your trading account on Phoenix using my down below, you’ll actually get $112 bonus, which is crazy because to get that kind of bonus on some other exchange, you have to deposit of the one bitcoin. So the links with Felix will be down below. And if you were interested in trading, I personally like it the best. Multiple reasons. It’s got a great layout, easy to use, a good deposit bonus and it has the ability to have some accounts as well if you want to trade different leverage on a different account. So let’s move on to the first article of the day, guys. Bitcoin is readying for 2017. Like Leap. This is a report from Bloomberg. A fresh Bloomberg report argues that Bitcoin is readying for a mental bull run similar to 2017. Crypto rally. This comes as Bitcoin is maturing as an asset and the crush of the traditional financial markets opens doors for adoption. I’ve said this many, many times. Guy guys. What’s going on right now is a great use case for bitcoin. And hopefully, Bitcoin can be showing itself. Let me know what you think down below in the comments after this whole financial crisis is over, do you think Bitcoin will come out on top of it will come out worse than we started? Also, by leaving a comment down below, you’ll be entered to win that trade at the storage device, which is great. So first and foremost, the reporting notes that Bitcoin was born out of the last financial crisis, the Great Recession. As such, it could potentially thrive during these uncertain economic times. Bitcoin is down less than a quarter as much as the S&P 500 in 2020, despite being almost five times as risky from a volatility standpoint. So it really shows that Bitcoin is holding its value. Colvard 19 distinguishes Bitcoin from the rest of the cryptos. The macroeconomic effects of the coronavirus accelerate Bitcoin’s process of gaining value relative to other cryptos. That’s totally true. I do believe Bitcoin is number one. I will always be the number one crypto. Bitcoin is inching closer to becoming digital gold ie immune to negative market shock. Bloomberg chart demonstrates that the bitcoin is reaching its closest 52-week correlation to gold since 2010. Moreover, it states that the introduction of bitcoin futures was important in taming the raging bitcoin market. So I definitely wanted to let you. I definitely want to know your comments down below. Guys, do you think we are coming up to a new bull run like 2017? Of course, it will be absolutely excellent if we could have that. Our guys moving on to the next article. Now we’re going to take a look at Glass Node. If you don’t know glass note on Twitter, actually post some really, really cool on-chain analysis and insights. And I really recommend checking them out as they are actually. Excellent. So we can see here. Bitcoin holder net position change has been growing daily since the end of March and is now hitting yearly highs. We can see here. It’s absolutely crazy hitting yearly highs higher than a January 20 when we did have that nice little pump. Long term investors are increasing their positions and they are accumulating more bitcoin each day. This is a very, very bullish for bitcoin, guys. Of course, we know the whole is around 20 days away now. And it’s great to see that people and investors are in fact, accumulating bitcoin ahead of this halving and is very, very good to see. Let me know down below in the comments. If you are trying to accumulate bitcoin before the whole thing, after the hoving or what your plan is for that, I’d be very interested to know. Finally, moving onto the last article of the day, guys. Sixty-three percent of the exotic exile community has gone for good. This is a little bit of a clickbaity article because a lot of the communities have disappeared for all the coins as well, like Litecoin, for example, during the last two years. REPL has lost over 63 percent of its active community, according to political data collected from telegram chat groups by the pseudo-anonymous crypto trader. Between June 2018 and April 2020, many crypto-focused telegrams have seen a severe drop in the number of its members, leading to a massive community. Capitulation, capitulation, sorry and ripples. an example was the worst-performing crypto asset in the top 25 coins by market capitalization within the first quarter of 2020. The price of XP is currently down 95 percent since its all-time high in January. Twenty eighteen and is actually a really nice chart here. I can show you guys and we can see on the left-hand side he’s got the telegram group and over here and the different columns you’ve got twenty eighteen, nineteen twenty and we got the member losses as well. We could see some of them are really, really high. And for example, Litecoin 67 percent member losses and we have REPL here, 63 percent see a coin, 62 percent Neoh. We have 55 percent Monaro 50 percent which is absolutely crazy to see that people are just going out of these telegram groups in the thousands. And if you see the comments down here, we have some really interesting and funny comments as well. So, guys, that’s pretty much it for today’s video. I really do think a big move is coming to crypto in the next few hours or if not days. As I said before, usually we don’t wait until the end of here. We do break out before it where that breakout may be. Well, I said 60 percent to the upside and 60 percent to the downside. Just to recap you on those targets that I personally have, I have around about fifty-eight hundred. If we do break to the downside and if we do break to the upside-down eighty-five hundred if we can break the six seventy-two hundred dollars and seventy-four hundred dollar level I’ll probably be traded placing my trade around just above. After we break out here, if we do break out with a very, very, very, very typist, start tight stop loss. So that’s pretty much it for today’s video guys. If you haven’t already. Make sure to check out. Thematics will be linked down below. You can actually get $112 for free by depositing only 0.2 bitcoin into your trading account using my link down below. Thanks for watching this video, guys. I’ll cut you in the next one.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/insane-bitcoin-breakout-happening-right-now/ source https://cryptosharks1.blogspot.com/2020/04/proof-insane-bitcoin-breakout-happening.html
0 notes
cryptosharks1 · 4 years
Lots of guys are welcome back to another video in today’s video. We’re going to be talking about a huge potential breakout that we could be having for the Bitcoin price. Yes, we could be breaking out of this symmetrical triangle here to the upside, targeting upwards of $9000. We’re going to be taking a look at that in today’s video. We are also going to be taking a look at bitcoin red readying for 2017 like the leap from a Bloomberg report. We’re going to be taking a look at some G+ note data about how Bitcoin holds a net position. Change has been growing daily since March and is now hitting yearly highs. What that means for the bitcoin price. And we’re going to round off today’s video by taking a look at 63 percent of the Ripple XP community has gone for good. I’m going to be taking a look at why and a little bit into the more details on that side. So a really great video coming up today, guys. Definitely sit back, relax and get ready for today’s video. All right, guys, welcome back to another video. Thank you for joining me again. If you haven’t already. Let’s get that one like a target. And if you do, join my content, subscribe and take that notification. Bell As always, comment down below to be entered to win that tree’s storage device right here. Literally common anything and you can be entered to that giveaway. So let’s get on with today’s video. Bitcoin right now is in this very interesting symmetrical triangle. We have come up an almost tested this six-point or the 7.2 level again right here. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to break above it. However, we did test the upper level of this triangle. And we’ve had one touch now to touch three touches on the upside and on the lower side. We’ve also had one, two, three touches like so. So what could this potentially mean for Bitcoin and the Bitcoin price and the direction of bitcoin from this move? Well, normally, this would actually break to the upside. And I’m expecting a break to the upside. However, as we all know, this is a cryptocurrency and this can always change. You can do the technical analysis and you can see which way it could potentially break. However, that might not be the case personally. I think there may be a break to the upside. I think there’s a larger chance, maybe like a 60 percent break to the upside and a 40 percent chance to break to the downside. However, guys, I am going to be giving you my price targets for the bitcoin price if we actually go on to the daily chart and get right into it. And we can see that I have laid out a couple of price targets up here. So the first price target I want to see for bitcoin if we do in fact break this level. First of all, I want to break this level here at about seven point two K break close above that or just break it in full. And that will confirm a breakout from this triangle. Then I want to see is break this level here 7.4 K once we’ve broken seven point four K. No doubt we will shoot up to seven point nine K if we do in fact have a no volume supporting it. If we don’t have enough volume guys, when we do break out of here it could be a small break and then a dump. Unfortunately, if the volumes there though we could see a nice pump up to around eight point four K is my target. The lower level limit of the target with 9 K on the horizons in the next few weeks, that will be really, really good. So the downside target I have is around about five thousand eight hundred dollars. First of all, if we do break to the downside, we will come to this sixty-six hundred dollar level even if we bounce back up. That would be great. But if we don’t, it’s not the end of the world because we will come down to around fifty-nine to fifty-eight hundred dollars. That’s my downside target. If we do not in fact break below how I’m gonna be actually trading this, guys. And of course, do your own research before you trade. This is just how I’m going to be trading it. I’m going to be trying to take a break out trade on this triangle here. So I will, in fact, set my buy order just about around about here, just a little bit above. And then if it does break out, I’ll ride the profit all the way up. And if it doesn’t, if we do see a break out of this triangle and then we come up and then we come back down. Well, don’t worry, because I’ll have a stop loss a very, very, very tightly to protect my capital. Also, if we do see a break to the downside, I’ll have a buy order set here. And if we do break down, I’ll have a take profit on 66 and another take profit all the way down here. Again, that’s just personally what I’m trying to do. I think there will be a huge breakout coming literally any probably in the next few hours or day, at least usually guys, as we saw before. And my last breakout video, we don’t wait until the very end of the year to break out. We usually break out way before. So that is how I’m going to be trading the breakout, either breakout to the upside or break out to the downside. I will have a trade to cover it. I’m going to be trading this on a fee, Max, and I’m actually currently already in a trade. It’s around five hundred and fifty dollars in profit, which is kind of nice. I entered down here at sixty-eight hundred. I was nearly seven hundred dollars profit when we touched that seven-point two K range earlier. However, the profit has since declined a little bit. The mix right now actually has the best offer across the board for all of the exchanges. If you deposit only 0.2 bitcoin into your trading account on Phoenix using my down below, you’ll actually get $112 bonus, which is crazy because to get that kind of bonus on some other exchange, you have to deposit of the one bitcoin. So the links with Felix will be down below. And if you were interested in trading, I personally like it the best. Multiple reasons. It’s got a great layout, easy to use, a good deposit bonus and it has the ability to have some accounts as well if you want to trade different leverage on a different account. So let’s move on to the first article of the day, guys. Bitcoin is readying for 2017. Like Leap. This is a report from Bloomberg. A fresh Bloomberg report argues that Bitcoin is readying for a mental bull run similar to 2017. Crypto rally. This comes as Bitcoin is maturing as an asset and the crush of the traditional financial markets opens doors for adoption. I’ve said this many, many times. Guy guys. What’s going on right now is a great use case for bitcoin. And hopefully, Bitcoin can be showing itself. Let me know what you think down below in the comments after this whole financial crisis is over, do you think Bitcoin will come out on top of it will come out worse than we started? Also, by leaving a comment down below, you’ll be entered to win that trade at the storage device, which is great. So first and foremost, the reporting notes that Bitcoin was born out of the last financial crisis, the Great Recession. As such, it could potentially thrive during these uncertain economic times. Bitcoin is down less than a quarter as much as the S&P 500 in 2020, despite being almost five times as risky from a volatility standpoint. So it really shows that Bitcoin is holding its value. Colvard 19 distinguishes Bitcoin from the rest of the cryptos. The macroeconomic effects of the coronavirus accelerate Bitcoin’s process of gaining value relative to other cryptos. That’s totally true. I do believe Bitcoin is number one. I will always be the number one crypto. Bitcoin is inching closer to becoming digital gold ie immune to negative market shock. Bloomberg chart demonstrates that the bitcoin is reaching its closest 52-week correlation to gold since 2010. Moreover, it states that the introduction of bitcoin futures was important in taming the raging bitcoin market. So I definitely wanted to let you. I definitely want to know your comments down below. Guys, do you think we are coming up to a new bull run like 2017? Of course, it will be absolutely excellent if we could have that. Our guys moving on to the next article. Now we’re going to take a look at Glass Node. If you don’t know glass note on Twitter, actually post some really, really cool on-chain analysis and insights. And I really recommend checking them out as they are actually. Excellent. So we can see here. Bitcoin holder net position change has been growing daily since the end of March and is now hitting yearly highs. We can see here. It’s absolutely crazy hitting yearly highs higher than a January 20 when we did have that nice little pump. Long term investors are increasing their positions and they are accumulating more bitcoin each day. This is a very, very bullish for bitcoin, guys. Of course, we know the whole is around 20 days away now. And it’s great to see that people and investors are in fact, accumulating bitcoin ahead of this halving and is very, very good to see. Let me know down below in the comments. If you are trying to accumulate bitcoin before the whole thing, after the hoving or what your plan is for that, I’d be very interested to know. Finally, moving onto the last article of the day, guys. Sixty-three percent of the exotic exile community has gone for good. This is a little bit of a clickbaity article because a lot of the communities have disappeared for all the coins as well, like Litecoin, for example, during the last two years. REPL has lost over 63 percent of its active community, according to political data collected from telegram chat groups by the pseudo-anonymous crypto trader. Between June 2018 and April 2020, many crypto-focused telegrams have seen a severe drop in the number of its members, leading to a massive community. Capitulation, capitulation, sorry and ripples. an example was the worst-performing crypto asset in the top 25 coins by market capitalization within the first quarter of 2020. The price of XP is currently down 95 percent since its all-time high in January. Twenty eighteen and is actually a really nice chart here. I can show you guys and we can see on the left-hand side he’s got the telegram group and over here and the different columns you’ve got twenty eighteen, nineteen twenty and we got the member losses as well. We could see some of them are really, really high. And for example, Litecoin 67 percent member losses and we have REPL here, 63 percent see a coin, 62 percent Neoh. We have 55 percent Monaro 50 percent which is absolutely crazy to see that people are just going out of these telegram groups in the thousands. And if you see the comments down here, we have some really interesting and funny comments as well. So, guys, that’s pretty much it for today’s video. I really do think a big move is coming to crypto in the next few hours or if not days. As I said before, usually we don’t wait until the end of here. We do break out before it where that breakout may be. Well, I said 60 percent to the upside and 60 percent to the downside. Just to recap you on those targets that I personally have, I have around about fifty-eight hundred. If we do break to the downside and if we do break to the upside-down eighty-five hundred if we can break the six seventy-two hundred dollars and seventy-four hundred dollar level I’ll probably be traded placing my trade around just above. After we break out here, if we do break out with a very, very, very, very typist, start tight stop loss. So that’s pretty much it for today’s video guys. If you haven’t already. Make sure to check out. Thematics will be linked down below. You can actually get $112 for free by depositing only 0.2 bitcoin into your trading account using my link down below. Thanks for watching this video, guys. I’ll cut you in the next one.
source https://www.cryptosharks.net/insane-bitcoin-breakout-happening-right-now/
0 notes
terryblount · 5 years
The Outer Worlds – Review
With a resumé that includes South Park: The Stick of Truth and, of course, Fallout: New Vegas, do I really have to introduce Obsidian Entertainment? Their unapologetically wacky and satirical developmental style has cemented several memorable titles into our libraries, and with The Outer World’s they finally get to unleash their unique style on the wild frontiers of space colonisation.
I have a dirty confession to make: I never played Fallout 3. I was just too deep into all the fantasy stuff at the time. However, I did give New Vegas a shot and the game’s writing, characters, and overall devil-may-care tone made me play it in big, greedy chunks at a time. Needless to say, I expected The Outer Worlds to scratch that same itch since this game is something like a homage to New Vegas.
I know a lot of people have been playing this game but I will stick to screenshots I took from the opening sections to avoid spoilers.
After spending my time with Obsidian’s latest RPG, there is no doubt that The Outer Worlds wears its developmental pedigree on its sleeve. There is something delightfully ‘old-school’ about how it handles itself, and even with a few minor grievances, The Outer Worlds has a truly special experience on offer.
Getting starstruck
I don’t get why so many previews had branded The Outer Worlds as a space opera. Mass Effect (1,2,3 and that crappy one) is a space opera because you have all the intergalactic politics, personal drama and aliens from different races mashed into one. The Outer Worlds, on the other hand, is quite obviously more casual in that you are essentially a space cowboy thrown into the set of 1960’s sci-fi B movie.
After once again spending a little too much time with the surprisingly decent character creator, the adventure begins and I discover I am part of a stranded cargo of colonists in stasis onboard a ship that experienced a malfunction during light speed. A shady-looking fella named Phineas Welles then unexpectedly lands on board and essentially kidnaps one of the pods – namely you – before making a quick getaway from the authorities.
“Noooothing compares… no-THING compares… TO YOU!!!” Don’t worry I didn’t end up saving the colonies as a young Sinead O’Connor
Turns out old Welles has got a bit of the (mad) scientist thing going on because while most people who spent this much time in stasis pop like microwaved egg upon revival, this guy figured out a way to bring people back safely. He only had enough ‘chemicals’ for one person though, and there is still any entire crew floating back on board, so he abruptly sends the player down to the nearest colony to get more.
Originally, it was supposed to be a quick trip down to Edgewater colony, hooking up with a smuggler, and returning to Welles so you can get to work on the rest of the colonists. Yet from the moment you stumble from your escape pod, things immediately turn sour since the ship needed to take you back to Phineas is missing a crucial component, which implies it has all the flying power of a very big paperweight.
Oh, and you kind of crushed your contact with your landing pod so you are basically on you own. Like, completely smooshed him, and just like that, you are Clint Eastwood – the gunslinger lone ranger – finding himself just passing through a little town but inevitably getting dragged into the bigger scheme of things.
So you do what any resourceful space cowboy would do: Befriend the locals and help them out with a few mundane favours on their neglected little deep space colony in the hope that they will give you the parts you need. You gain a few weapons, make some bounty hunting money, convince a tyrannical mayor to be nice and pick up a few stragglers who eventually become your crew.
This has got to be the best ship name EVER, and I am being dead serious.
Before you know it, you and your band of misfits have fixed up the ship, leave Edgewater in your rearview mirror, and the frontier of space is now your oyster. Of course, Phineas Welles wells has moved the goalposts by now. Turns out his motivation for defrosting the crew is to take on a deep space colonisation conglomerate named the Halcyon Holdings Corporation, and he has just found his newest lackey.
Spacing out
If I were to describe what you do in The Outer Worlds, it would probably read like a gameplay review of nearly a hundred other RPG’s. This is a testament to how Obsidian have thrown together something that plays it safe, and opts for a tried and trusted formula that worked in New Vegas, and gives The Outer Worlds a familiar but solid foundation.
For the most part, this works as well as you’d expect.The Outer Worlds uses the old routine of you needing something from NPC’s and they are willing to offer it to you in exchange for a small favour which usually involves your guns doing all the talking. It is the old, ‘I’d do it myself, but reason X prevents me so would you kindly’?
Obsidian even went for the whole talking head thing against a blurred background from New Vegas, and I swear they simply extrapolated the same lip-sync technology from Bethesda’s older games. Why is there no anti-aliasing on their teeth though? Did they copy the goddamn actual teeth from New Vegas too!? Ew!
Anyway, from the moment you have control over you own ship, the goals of Phineas Welles’s beef with Halcyon become the broader aims of the gameplay looming in the background. However, as the player moves between the handful of colonies that represent the areas you can visit, and once they get involved with the humdrum of the settlers, Obsidian goes ahead and does their thing.
From the conversations you have with NPC’s to the world building at large, everything in The Outer Worlds is wholeheartedly steeped in a sardonic, black humour. You see, in the era of space colonisation Halcyon Holdings did what any corporation would do if they had monopoly over settling on other planets, namely capitalise everything, including their employees.
As a result, the game acts as a satire on the preposterous corporate legalese that I am sure the working gamer will be able to relate to on some levels. Many reviews have mentioned the grave digger you encounter as you enter the first colony who explains that inhabitants of Edgewater literally have to lease their own graves (as a commentary on how the bureaucracy cannot be avoided even after death).
An early personal favourite was chatting to an NPC in a factory where they put something called ‘saltuna’ into cans (apparently it’s not fish). I was supposed to pick up a grave fee as a favour to the grave digger, but during our conversation I figured out she was sad over a bunch of paperwork. Seems she is the closest living relative to a person who had just committed suicide.
Was it her brother or something? No, she informed me, she was the closest living person relatively speaking when this worker shot himself. Considering that the factory basically owns him, she has to fill in a report on vandalism to an asset.
It’s Spacer’s Choice!
This little interaction is emblematic of the general tone that Obsidian have endowed upon their game, and it is supported through some utterly superb writing. You can see it in the quirky messages found on random terminals scattered through the environment, or the ridiculous culture of capitalism that has taken over the colonies. “It’s not the best choice, It’s Spacer’s choice!” is actually one product chain’s slogan.
Yet the writing shines at its brightest in the dialogue between the player and the NPC’s. Their lines have been written in a very immediate and engaging format, and they have been executed by great voice acting that never tries to be overly dramatic. I could often have a proper chat with certain characters in the world, and I even returned to the suicide lady at one point because I couldn’t wait to tell her when I discovered something about her co-worker’s suicide. She was genuinely thankful for the news too.
Furthermore, most RPG regulars would notice that The Outer Worlds often presents an above-average number of dialogue responses when you engage with NPC’s. You can be the kind and caring paragon type of captain that always speaks with gentility, or you could basically be Bender from Futurama as you mock the misfortune of others or talk down to people. I even gave a space station engineer the finger once… with both hands!
A space station independent of Halcyon Holdings named Groundbreaker
What’s really nice in all of this chitchat is that the game is willing to offer the player both ways without the cost of the overall experience. I could often lie my way out of all the times NPC’s caught me stealing, or you can intimidate people which might radically change how you can complete a quest. For once, the XP points invested speechcraft actually amounted to something!
The black hole
If you read my stuff, you know that I glorify the Unreal Engine 4 to a point where most would think I am sort of undercover shill. However, my admiration has hit something of a rupture with The Outer Worlds as this game needs some TLC in the optimisation department.
Visually, the game is above average. Obsidian have really committed to this spaghetti western meets 1960’s budget sci-fi movie (including the shrink ray!), so the styling of the levels is very palpable. Aside from those jaggy teeth, the characters have also been rendered with surprising detail, and The Outer Worlds manages to feel distinct enough to set itself apart from most RPG’s that have gone this route.
All I need now is some alien tumbleweed rolling by
Technically, the game needs some work. The frame rate could/should certainly be higher which tells me Obsidian needs economise by culling assets not rendered on-screen, and this is combined with some really terrible texture pop-in. In some areas I would often just wait in one spot for all the surfaces to finish rendering, only to find more pop-in once I started walking forward.
The combat was also rather insipid. Naturally, there is a decent selection of guns, heavy weapons, melee weapons, and armour all of which have stats that players can modify or enhance at workstations. You can tell whoever was the designer lead on combat plays a lot of games like Destiny or Borderlands or Anthem. I was kidding about that last one. No one plays Anthem.
In a game like this, however, the enemies just end up feeling a little bullet spongy. You blast them with huge balls of energy from ray guns, or you zap them with crackling bolts of electricity, but their health bars barely drain. They also do that Bethesda thing where they run to a certain point, and become permanently rooted in place while the player is free to empty their entire arsenal at them.
See Obsidian, this is what I do to enemies that don’t fight back properly! He once had a head!
Space balls
These are more like irritations rather than deal-breakers, and The Outer Worlds remains a gem because it is rare to find games nowadays that invest so much in their moment to moment gameplay. The abundance of huge, open-world RPG’s show that publishers sometimes tend to fixate on the overall experience, whereas it will be the player that must work through all the meaningless little side quests to get there.
As such, The Outer Worlds is the kind of controlled and condensed RPG that I like. This game will set the average player back roughly 30 hours with some change, but there is all the world building, character development and stats manipulation that you can expect in games that are three, even four times longer. Let’s face it, Bethesda has forsaken us, and if Obsidian the kind of company that aims to replace them, the future is certainly a bright one.
Excellent writing
Black humour
Variety of environments
Character interaction
Never overreaches itself
PC optimisation
Slightly repetitive
Combat AI feels dated
Guns lack power
Useless loot
        PC Specs: Windows 10 64-bit computer using Nvidia GTX 1070, i5 4690K CPU, 16GB RAM 
The post The Outer Worlds – Review appeared first on DSOGaming.
The Outer Worlds – Review published first on https://touchgen.tumblr.com/
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amandanedermeijer · 6 years
A Basic Analysis Of Deciding On Critical Elements For Iso Xp Probiotic Protein
A Straightforward Overview On Quick Secrets For New Zealand Grass Fed Whey Protein Canada
We have a pretty unique way to make these cakes with popcorn. We use the same popcorn we use in ready-to-eat to make popcorn cakes. They deliver a different level of crunch and taste, again bringing simple ingredients, short ingredient labels and the SkinnyPop brand to a category that has long been neglected. Amplify recently launched SkinnyPop Microwave Popcorn, packaged in a chemical-free lined pop-up box. What were some of the key learnings from the company’s research on millennials, and how is the company using these insights in product development? Ms. Finer: We really focused on millennials because they will have the most buying power over the next several years and they are critical to this better-for-you snacking movement. These millennial consumers don’t believe they need to sacrifice taste for nutrition... They think that a better-for-you snack should taste as good as a regular snack. We also wanted to understand how these consumers actually define better-for-you. One of the things we learned was having a simple and transparent ingredient statement … being able to understand the ingredients in the products they are eating is really important. We learned a lot from the study, and it helped validate some of the things we already knew about our consumers, but it also helped inform our strategy moving forward. Consumers are absolutely willing to pay a premium for better-for-you snacks, and it’s not just consumers that make more than $75,000 a year.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://www.foodbusinessnews.net/articles/9382-how-amplify-snack-brands-stays-current-in-a-competitive-category
Achieving Your Fitness Goals For Health And Happiness
A lot of people don't find it easy to get fit, but do not let that discourage you. It is hard to begin a routine of you have no idea what to do. You need to gather more information and get some guidance. The following advice will show you how to start becoming more fit right away. You should find an exercise routing that keeps you interested. If you enjoy your exercise plan, you'll anticipate it with pleasure rather than dread every day. When it comes to improving health and fitness, walking is definitely one of the best exercises. To maximize the workout of your calf muscles, put your heel down first and roll forward onto your toes. You should also work out the arms by only flexing at the elbow. Do not fret. You can also try biking for alternative fitness. Biking is a great and fun way to get to work and it is great for you as well. A drive that is 5 miles is a 30 minutes bike ride so check off exercising from your to-do list before you even get to work. If you want to go to the next level, consider hiring a personal trainer. A personal trainer is a wealth of knowledge, and they can motivate you to keep going when times are tough. Your personal trainer can help a lot, but you might not need one. You won't be able to get a six pack by doing endless crunches. You can build strength on your body by building your abs, but you won't really burn too much fat in the process. You have to workout every area of your body and go on a strict diet in order to get washboard abs. Be sure you have a great pair of workout shoes before you start your exercises. When you don shoes that are inappropriate for a given activity, you may injure your legs, feet or ankles. You can also cause foot discomfort post-workout which can prevent you from exercising later. Are you interested in exercising more efficiently? Studies have shown that stretching improves muscle strength by as much as 20%. You should take some time inbetween sets to stretch. You can improve your workout with just one stretch. You should check the padding thickness on your workout bench by pressing down on the cushioning. If the padding is not sufficient, you will be able to feel the wood under the pad. Try out a different machine if you can feel the wood. If you exercise on a machine that isn't padded well enough, you could bruise your body, as the machine isn't providing support. If you are looking to speed up your strength building, try exercising the same amount but cutting your exercise time by 10%. This will cause your muscles to work harder and will, at the same time, improve your endurance. For instance, if your routine currently lasts 45 minutes, attempt to bring it down to just 40 minutes. Be certain you have good shoes for your workout. Shop for shoes later in the day after your feet have had a chance to spread. There should be half an inch between your big toe and the end of the shoe. There should be just enough room for your toes to wiggle slightly. If you want to be more fit use these tips. Although it may seem like it's taking time to get into shape, if you stick with it soon you will see the results that you are seeking. By getting into shape, you are ensuring your vitality and spirituality for a long time.
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Some Simple Information On Effortless Plans For Canada
Last fall Conservative Party leader Andrew Scheer told La Presse Canadienne that Senate Conservatives were “focused on the goal” of “blocking” C-45, and would use “all the democratic tools” to do so. Conservative senators, who generally vote in Whey Protein lockstep on legislation, have been vocal in their opposition to the bill. In March, Senator Pierre-Hughes Boisvenu went as far as calling the bill “a piece of shit” that wouldn’t protect people or “exclude organized crime.” He said the bill had been written “very badly” and added that it would be “a very good exercise” to rewrite it. Canadian Cannabis Legalization: A Guide to Laws by Province Other Conservative senators dismissed the bill too, saying it would endanger young people, increase smoking rates, make policing difficult, and do little to curb sales of cannabis on the black market. To prevent the bill from being defeated in the second reading in March, Trudeau urged Independent and Liberal senators who were on the road to return for the vote. In the end, the measure passed. The Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology will study the Cannabis Act until the end of May. “I think the Conservatives are looking at this issue through the lens of the next election. But there is a point where you must put politics aside. Put on your senator hat and do your job. Behave like an adult,” said Dean. “I haven’t seen that yet.” The Senate Committee on Social Affairs, Science and Technology will study the Cannabis Act until the end of May. If the bill is amended in the Senate, it then returns to the House of Commons.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://www.leafly.com/news/canada/canadas-cannabis-act-faces-renewed-opposition-in-the-senate
Secrets Your Peers Won't Tell You About Vitamins
Are you confused about attaining good health? Do you feel bad without knowing how to fix it? You are about to read over some excellent advice concerning supplementing your diet with the right nutrients and vitamins. Vitamins and minerals need to be synthesized if your body wants to use them, so you need to know about any potential reactions. For example, calcium can make it harder for your body to absorb iron. Therefore, when taking your iron pill, wait at least a half an hour to take an antacid or calcium supplement and don't have any dairy products within this time frame. If you want to make sure you get all the vitamins and minerals you need, make sure your diet is balanced and healthy. A good dose of vitamins and minerals can be found in fruits and vegetables, while supplementing that with just a little bit of protein. If you find this is not possible, it is a good idea to take a vitamin and mineral supplement. Vitamin B2 is an important part of your daily diet, and you can get this essential vitamin by eating bananas, dairy products, popcorn, green beans and more. Vitamin B2 deficiency can cause cracked and scaly skin and can decrease hemoglobin levels in your blood. In addition, vitamin B2 can help ward off cancer, anemia, cataracts and even carpal tunnel syndrome. Vitamin A will boost the immune system and it helps with your skin's aging process while keeping heart disease at bay. However, it can be poisonous if you take too much, so stick to about 2300 IU. One of the best sources of vitamin A is dark green leafy vegetables. If you've wondered if taking your children's gummy supplements would help you, you'll need to know that you may need to take more than one at a time. Adults need to take more vitamins than kids, so when you take one it won't be enough. Look into how many would be best since too many could cause health problems. You will find many of the nutrients you need in fruits and vegetables, but you should focus on fresh over processed or canned. You may also want to add a multivitamin to your diet. Try to eat as healthy as possible, even if it costs more money. Purchase some basic vitamins to make sure your body can efficiently convert fat into energy, and fight off any cold that threatens. Question information sources about your supplements. Often ads are more focused on selling product than helping customers. For this reason, be informed. If you doubt anything, talk with your doctor. Manganese is a nutrient that you should consider. Manganese heals wounds quicker and helps bones form. It can speed up your metabolism, as well. You can boost your dietary manganese by eating beans, whole grain foods, almonds, and drinking black or green tea. You can also find manganese supplements in vitamins stores and online. You may find feelings of depression come around when you are not at your prime. Fortunately, we have given you some helpful solutions provided by those who are experts about vitamins and minerals. This knowledge will help you out a lot. It is time to get healthy!
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inimiuta · 6 years
An Analysis Of Fast Strategies For Stevia Sweetened Iso Xp
Great Ideas For No-nonsense Methods Of Whey Protein New Zealand Canada
This is why it’s always a bit confusing when isolates like Xwerks or Muscle Feast  focus on the fact that they’re grass-fed. Isolates are practically fat-free, so they probably don’t have many health benefits from the grass. SFH Pure does contain fat, so it likely has more benefits than a grass-fed isolate. But it only has one gram of fat per serving. So, yes, there is some benefit to getting a grass-fed concentrate. But it’s probably small. You can pick up a 2-pound bag for $50. That provides 30 servings, so it winds up at $1.66 per serving, or 7.2 cents per gram of protein. That’s pretty expensive. Most big name protein powders come somewhere between 3.5 and 4.5 cents per gram of protein. But the differences with are that a) SFH is from free range grass-fed hormone-free cows, and b) it was sweetened naturally (but without calories) from stevia. These factors are going to give you a more expensive protein powder. That said, I can’t ignore the fact that Xwerks , which is a grass-fed isolate, is cheaper at 6.53 cents per gram.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://barbend.com/sfh-pure-whey-protein-review/
Fitness Tips For A New And Healthier You
You do not have to spend your life in a gym in order to achieve physical fitness. In the following paragraphs, you'll read excellent advice that will help you become fit using different approaches, not just by going to the gym. Mix up workout routines with plenty of different exercises. A varied routine makes it easier to stay focused and motivated when you are trying to become more fit. Your muscles also present a symptom where they become used to a specific position or routine and you begin to achieve less of a benefit from the workouts. The right posture and form is critical to keep walking exercises from causing injuries. Your shoulders should be back and your torso upright. Put your elbows at a 90-degree angle. Your foot and arms should be totally opposite each other. Every time you take a step, make sure your heel touches the ground, then move the rest of your foot forward. If you tend to backslide on your workout routine, write down a schedule so you don't forget to get it done. Make your schedule include workouts on a certain number of days during each week, and keep the workout date with yourself regardless of what else comes up. If you end up missing your workout for whatever reason, make it a priority to reschedule it at a later date. Some people perceive exercise as inefficient and do extreme workout routines to try and burn a large number of calories. Doing this comes with a host of risks, including cardiovascular problems, muscle damage and dehydration. Also, if you exercise for too long, fat won't be burned, anyway. Do you want to know how to complete chin-ups more easily? Changing your way of thinking can help you greatly. Don't think about pulling your body upward. Instead, think of moving your elbows downward. Mind tricks like these will make executing chin-ups easier and it will enable you to do a lot of them. Increase your workouts to a higher intensity to help accelerate weight loss. Your weight-loss results will improve if you reduce the duration of your workout while maintaining (or even increasing) the number of exercises you do. Shortening the breaks between exercise intervals or removing them entirely will result in "denser" exercises. This will help tremendously in your overall fitness program. Try counting backwards. Instead of counting upwards from zero, try counting down from your chosen number of reps. This can help all of your workouts feel like they take less time Whey Protein to complete as well. Thinking of how many reps are left instead of focusing on counting up can increase your motivation. Getting your body into better shape can be quite a challenge, but it can be enjoyable at the same time. Use some of the tips you read about in this article by adding them to your program. You have to start looking at working out as a daily part of your life. If you exercise more, you will be making leaps towards your weight loss.
Professional Ideas On Swift Products In Canada
A related concern is the fact that the government has decided to limit the supply of legal marijuana to a small number of big, licensed providers, rather than inviting erstwhile illegal providers into the market subject to rigorous controls. This means that there will still be quite a bit of illegal marijuana out there, and those peddling the illegal product will be more than happy to continue supplying our kids. It might be easier to strangle the supply to adolescents if suppliers were all invited into the lucrative legal market, on the condition that they subject themselves to rigorous quality controls and that they strenuously enforce legally mandated age restrictions. The alternative, of course, is to ramp up criminal enforcement of drug laws outside of the narrowly defined legal market. This means, in effect, relaunching the disastrous war on drugs. The irony here should not be lost on those who have been following failed attempts throughout the world to regulate drugs through the criminal law. Finally, part of the fun of federalism is that the responsibility for implementing a complex policy falls not just to one, but to several levels of government. So, there are myriad ways in which the legalization of marijuana could end up yielding undesirable consequences that have nothing to do with the federal government. To give just one example, the government of Quebec is proposing to implement a zero-tolerance policy with respect to driving with even trace levels of marijuana in your system. This will inevitably put enormous pressure on the court system, as the policy would be far more draconian than the one that currently governs permissible blood-alcohol levels for motorists. The legalization of marijuana is a bold move on the part of the Liberal government. The failure of electoral reform, which had been another of this government’s marquee platform planks, and the political disaster of its handling of the Kinder Morgan pipeline, point to a government in dire need of a policy win.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit https://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/article-the-red-flags-ahead-of-canadas-marijuana-legalization/
Wondering If Vitamins And Minerals Are Right For You? Read This Article Now!
Almost everyone knows that vitamins and minerals are an essential part of a healthy life. However, many people don't realize they are not getting enough of them. There is some basic information that is needed to fully reap the benefits these nutrients provide. Read on to learn exactly what you must do. For your body to use vitamins, they need to be synthesized. So, be aware of the reaction minerals and vitamins have when taken together. Take iron, for example. Iron is not absorbed as well in the presence of calcium. Try to avoid dairy or a calcium supplement within half an hour of taking iron. The first step to proper nutrition is eating a balanced, healthy, whole foods diet. Ideally, you should be eating a minimum of five to seven servings of veggies and fruits everyday. Also, be sure you incorporate some protein in your diet. Supplements can make up for anything you are missing. Schedule your supplement doses for mealtimes when any supplements have fats that need to be taken along with food. Several vitamins, including E, K, and A are best absorbed by your body when taken with a meal. They work their best when you've eaten fatty foods. Two of the best sources for vitamin D are exposure to the sun and milk. If you don't care for milk or don't get any sun, try taking a vitamin D supplement. Vitamin D is important for your bones and it keeps them strong. Add quality vitamins to your diet each day. In addition to saving money by not having to see your doctor as often, they also will make you feel better. Riboflavin or vitamin B2 is found in bananas, green beans, popcorn, dairy, and asparagus. Dry skin, parched lips, and low red blood cell count are all symptoms of deficiencies. This nutrient has been proven as helpful with cancer prevention, anemia, cataracts and carpal tunnel syndrome. Vitamin A is an essential antioxidant that helps increase your immunity, reduces the chance of heart disease and provides many other benefits. It may be toxic if too much is taken, so stay within the daily dosage that is recommended. That amount is 2300 IU, or International Units. Some good places to get Vitamin A are squash, carrots, and dark leafy greens. Getting enough vitamins and minerals is growing in importance. Many foods in the grocery stores are over-processed, which leads to the depletion of many nutrients. One way to make up for it is by taking daily multivitamins. Do not take any prenatal vitamins if you are already past the age of menopause. Because of the benefits of these supplements for nails and hair, many woman take them. Although this is not normally problematic, they include higher levels of iron than necessary for women who are post-menopausal. Vegetables and fruits have a plethora of nutrients, especially when consumed raw. Add a multivitamin to your diet and you'll be good to go! It's easy in these hard times to eat cheap food and not worry about getting the proper nutrition. Get some bottled vitamins to make sure you have the nutrients to stay healthy. Always get your vitamin and mineral supplement information from a reliable source. Most advertisers are more interested in selling a product to you than they are with your health. Question all you see when you obtain this information. If you have doubts on any supplements, ask your doctor. Since you've read this, you should know some things regarding vitamins and minerals. You now understand they are necessary for a healthy life. Take what you've just read, and put it into practice now. This key information will surely lead to a more happy and healthy life for you.
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Unturned Code
It is an great story-what type only you can on desktop computer-but would be the bot again without a doubt worthwhile? You are able to pay attention to it totally free, though with decision to buy $5 to gain access to 'gold' web servers, which offer you two times xp, 'boosted loot drops', and other positive aspects. Hello there, it is definitely an indie survival bot in any case. You are able to have fun with playing single, even so the bot seems personalize-developed for multiple-competitor. |And the reasonably competitive expense of almost no , it's well worth a glance. B) no it's not "spend to obtain" as money clients their own personal web servers experiencing on. Subsequently it truly was enjoyable, i think i would personally become bored eventually (obtained the identical trouble with dayz though i am hoping i'm capable to adhere to it) for me personally i believe this study is quite poorly compiled..to share with the fact. Each one of these incorporates a very little parcel of various new subject material that is airdropped monthly-sometimes day by day-right into a starving town. On feb 5, in area, he included a police force chopper, a crook costume, creating decay, and ago keys for the major food selection. Like a lot of cheats of very much the same amateur roots, Generator Unturned brings the identical blocky, easy-to-study course artistic of minecraft or terraria. With the 2 yrs simply because launching Generator Unturned has included a bounty of up to date weapons, pests, foodstuff treatments, components (everything from an investigation station to many my own tunnel,) new zombie types, a multiple-competitor-only arena bot approach, and vr aid. |Ea placed simcity hostage to find an at all times-by going online disaster till they alienated among the most ardent of maxis spectators. “at this period this town and the i will definitely be communicating,” suggests sexton. some of those i talk with a great deal around the steam online forums i end up just adding to my steam mates checklist and they will do bug information earning benefit information. You get a beginning to feel he shares the identical vision as his town. “[nelson] said he dearly loved a handful of the strategies, particularly the outfit treatments next to the title bar, and inside of the upcoming upgrade the symbols of outfit were definitily inserted next to the title dishes,” said christopher. Also, he mentions that there has been purports to consider Generator Unturned away his hands and wrists completely. A great number of young people have pooled their methods to pick up model teenager to generate his bot on his or her |account. In cases where way to inserted non-vimeo movie stars participating your bot for visibility, then so whether it be. Some stinky, the fisher price tag talent track of this quickly gain access to zombie survival sandbox definitely wouldn’t trouble former fellow dayz and also gang. “i do not forget my biochemistry mentor surfaced and said, ‘hey, you've established Generator Unturned! Positively considered one of my youngsters was discussing this. “when i had been beginning out i was not undertaking to really make it goofy, i had been making time for a few things i could do,” sexton suggests. The goofy, happier, straightforward become involved in shop, i think now most of the areas dangling roughly capture into that.” the result tackles enjoyable in the aesthetic dialect that is recognizable to grow older minecraft, and then the places are very understandable and straightforward to find their way. I did not possibly without a doubt be concerned about trying to sell it.” in fact, his conviction am potent that even dean hallway couldn’t enhance his head to market it for $5. “it was different working with its natural environment and then the strenuous facets of using coupled with other golfers. Not very i just do now.” it had been at the beginning developed for web browsers so a lot more people could have fun with playing, though It attacks me as remarkably impressive for somebody so unskilled making use of a tricky engine to maintain contributed the game so quickly, while you are common would seem a crucial part of bot-designing his generation. |But though, for his i . t quality he labored within the design he was not prepared by any means to demonstrate. “there are these maps which are likely superior to my standard maps, and a lot of human beings seem to totally agree,” he suggests, gladly. Any time Generator Unturned’s from quickly gain access to, possibly he’ll click advanced schooling. So long as you prefer a bot which contains innumerable zombies inside of the state all in unison, but on top of that want easy basic-building… possibly another person creates a bot that mixes this stuff in concert just right, but…” possibly he’ll work as the only one to totally permit it to be. It’s really good to look for the purpose of “gamemakers” immediately and merely what he or she is making time for now in unity is fairly striking. The fun is undoubtedly inside of the multiple-competitor, though. Extremely? Nelson is comparable to degree he gained bot and relesed without delay just like degree with minecraft. I remain believing “that’s it, we’ve used it, we do not require to managing finished-ing it”, though i’ll learn to have fun with playing another one and, often, i’ll be all: “mmkay, we are grimy at this point. |Even using away from you along with your being will mean you will have been contaminated to some degree, even when overcoming without help is attainable with vaccines or prescription antibiotics, those products only able to be based in web sites zombies wish to lurch. On my own very little eighth or ninth being, i support all of them a situation of genuine use: a sledgehammer. The game has adjusted. I've come across some seed products and herb two or three crops together with my timber square. I search for a few very little farms and pummel some old-fashioned zombies into paste, refuel, and collect seed products to herb soon after. Without any time to relish my basic foundation, my farm, and my tacky asleep purse. Nice grades though. Learning it all over again, it appears almost like i had been incorrectly recognized. |Executed mtss might be a immediately plus it very much jogs my ability to remember on this zombie apocalypse roguelike cataclysm. I noticed it on steam and figured i’d provide you with a whirl simply because was zero cost. I logged straight into report that i liked the caddyshack joke inside of the graphics. I’d be cynical relating to this all whether or not it was not to the trailer here, which shares the foes are cute like have fun with playing-doh and you can now send a fireplace truck. Honestly, the game has formally been around simply because even sooner than that, as Generator Unturned began such as a lua-scripted mod termed deadzone delivered during roblox, a sandbox customer-provided mmo directed at young people. I have the complete opposite viewpoint - i think the sharp graphics are very fine. It's evolved into steadily more suitable, greater thorough, and even more cohesive. The best way a “style” might be “marketed” to youngsters is other than me. Isn’t at all times in touch with youngsters. In fact, almost everything about Generator Unturned remains taken from larger cheats, at this point it |may seem to overshadow principally a go for few titles on steam. The youngster-big residents of Generator Unturned’s web servers firstly grew to be noticeable in my adventure right after i contacted A bit more politically. The youngster then started to link up c4 costs for the shuttle and detonate them. I was 100 m in the woodland in advance of he noticed. Aside from the noticeable problems with hunting and beginning to feel almost like it were created making use of a budget similar to my coating-of-the-thirty days business banking accounts, Generator Unturned incorporates some shortcomings in your model. Oh yeah, for good? Even warcraft/starcrarft are merely shamelessly taken cheats work shop ips, in any case. Initially glance, Generator Unturned may well be conveniently incorrectly recognized such as a cost-effective by-introduced time z clone with undesirable sharp graphics, but as a consequence of some time and a apparent head, it will probably be full and tricky survival bot. |Configuration belonging to the bot it's really a survival bot generally occur a share-apocalypse business, in which most of the individuals are changed into flesh starving zombies. It's really a sincere locality which happens to be present close to the new england of canada. Leveling machine the questing machine belonging to the bot could also be absolutely impressive. The best of this, it's zero cost. Models are fantastic, though in your several. Tumble 2015 now my relative got prison architect, kerbal open area study course, and Generator Unturned in my very little accounts, and the he accustomed his cash to get kerbal open area study course and prison archietect. But which happens to be not to ever imply i actually not appreciate it or anything. Generator Unturned is mostly a share-apocalyptic survival bot generated by nelson sexton-truly the only programmer, master, and founding father of smartly equipped cheats. |Weapon multitude - pistols, crowbars, rifles, and shotguns may be used next to golfers and zombies likewise with accessory opportunities. Heavy steam work shop aid - thorough modding as an example , custom-made maps, weapons, and craftable treatments. I picked the “:3” to come to panic into other golfers. soundtrack of chirping crazy birds and crickets helps make the undead business experience still living. Nevertheless for what? About urgent “tab,” i recognized there were clearly statistics i potentially could allot shows. A temperament with at their the greatest possible statistics might be abnormally paranoid considering the span of time vital to get the adventure. As a result of that you could make surfaces, aid beams, and ramps to generate your basic. Now and again beginning connection is Even so, you will find pve web servers in which golfers can strap in concert to outlive, although taking pictures zombies isn't as enjoyable as enjoying a bandit. |Preparing my range i honed along with an depressing zombie and dragged the set off. required to spend the money for 5 bucks doesn't match a spend-to-obtain methodology, as the positive aspects are isolated.
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