#And the olympians would NOT be happy but would they solve the issue at its roots and stop having kids? Doubtful :)
phoenixcatch7 · 29 days
Okay so I saw this post about dark percy (really him reaching his Limit and fighting full strength with everything he had) and I was imagining the potential fallout of that. Pretty bad, as you can guess.
The thing is a lot of percys strongest moments happen out of view of the olympians, especially in hoo. The hurricane atop the glacier in alaska, the poison scene in tartarus, bending the depression river and the one in the palace of nyx.
Stuff like the St Helens eruption got him washed up on an inescapable island literally removed from reality until calypso gave him the OK, the achillies curse he got tricked into losing by hera. Smaller moments, the minotaur, fighting ares, the stolen pirate ship, walking on water vs hyperion, freshwater sources, him knowing both Latin and Greek, they're more easily brushed off or at least mostly due to cunning, sword skills and sheer luck and grit.
But basically the olympians don't actually know the full extent of percys strength and divine power. They have hints - percy standing on the throne, winning against ares, his many victories - but what they aren't willing to brush aside in the heat of (an important) battle there have been pretty strong consequences for.
Heck, just look at Frank, he's no prodigy with weapons, he's polite and respectful, but his distant relation to two olympians letting him inherit shapeshifting earned him direct divine meddling and his life force tied to a hunk of half toasted firewood. Man is a honey bear with lactose intolerance and he was punished with a mythical death curse for being too strong.
If Percy's true strength came out, he would risk losing everything. His freedom, most certainly. If he wasn't straight up executed he might wind up in a Greek myth style imprisonment, the way of atlas, prometheus, calypso, or something like the myriad of ways Greek heroes met their end. Good scenario he survives a dozen curses and gets on with life with a dozen new disabilities, best case scenario he's stripped of every inch of divine power and dropped back to the mortal world, not even clear sighted. Total separation from the Greeks and Romans. Oh, annabeth would marry him either way, and his friends would hardly abandon him despite the gods wishes, but they'd hardly be able to see him, and no long range contact without the ability to IM him or vice versa.
All of that to say Percy is hiding his true strength from the gods themselves - maybe not consciously, and it's not even power he particularly wants - but if they ever find out?
It's game over.
But why is he so strong? I don't know. What I do know is that the half bloods of the books are so much stronger than the ones of myth. Used to be that divine blood would get you divine favour and a great fate whether you liked it or not. Maybe some cunning and bow skills. A spot of spell casting if you were really lucky. Achillies got his curse after he was born, Perseus had a dozen magic artifacts, orpheus had something going on but hercules is to my knowledge an outlier. Now? Everyone in camp has some special power. Flight, fire, necromancy, hypnotism, dream walking etc. However it's happening, half bloods are slowly but surely getting a lot, lot stronger every century that passes. Meta? I mean I guess. But.
What no one has done before is something that their godly parent couldn't.
Except Percy.
Except Percy, in tartarus, at his mental, emotional and physical limit, controlling poison with his mind, overpowering the goddess of poison in her home, making misery choke on misery. Feeling something in his chest crack. Doing something poseidon could not, and doing it better than the person who could.
Down there, hidden away from the gods, he evolved. For that brief moment, he did something, was something new.
And that was how the gods overthrew the titans.
And that's why they must never find out.
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revivalrp · 4 years
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You’ve inherited the Olympian’s BRAVERY but also their TEMPER.
NAME: Diana Garcia Petros
AGE: Thirty-four
PLACE OF BIRTH: Larissa, Greece
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Cis Female & she/her
FACECLAIM: Erendira Ibarra
They can sense and manipulate the rage, aggression, and anger of themselves and other people, whether by increasing, decreasing, causing or otherwise channeling rage. Too much rage will enhance the power, but may also change the personality of the user and so it requires training to reduce chances of any side-effects. May be limited to certain number of targets at a time, though it doesn’t require touch.
Diana’s grandfather served in the US Navy during the years following the Second World War. It was then that the Garcia family first set down roots in Greece. After completing his tour, Stefan opted not to return to the United States. He’d fallen in love with the Greek islands and the culture that permeated every aspect of life. Without looking back, Stefan moved his family to Greece, where the Garcia’s have remained ever since.
Diana Garcia was born in the middle of a summer thunderstorm that could only be described as intense and destructive, a fitting entrance into the world for such a tumultuous child. Full of energy, Diana was often described as an overly rambunctious child. Her parents, Aaron and Emilia Garcia, were frequent faces in the principal’s office as Diana often found herself in little tiffs. She wasn’t an aggressive child, per se. She simply couldn’t stomach the sight of injustice and had become a self-appointed defender of the smaller and weaker.
As Diana grew, so did the anger she felt at injustices. She’d always been a petite person, the kind of person that would have been easily ignored had it not been for her big personality and vocal attitude. She was well liked, a serious child who applied herself and easily achieved high marks in all of her classes. Even as a child, Diana knew that she wanted to be a lawyer. She’d argue on behalf of her classmates who weren’t doing nearly as well in school, making the case that the school system should provide more assistance for children who were falling behind. She’d put herself in between bullies and mothered those who seemed to need just a little more kindness than everyone else. For many, Diana was a superhero, a modern-day Wonder Woman.
Life progressed quite nicely for young Diana. She was happy and doted on by parents who saw that flicker of righteous anger in their daughter’s eyes. She was their only child and they poured everything they were into her. Diana wanted for nothing.
Shortly after her sixteenth birthday, though, Diana’s world was irrevocably inverted. Her beloved mother, stalwart and role model in her life, was diagnosed with cancer. The disease progressed quickly and before her seventeenth birthday, Diana lost her mother. It was then that she felt that first sense of helpless, the stomach tightening, jaw clenching feeling of being unable to fix a problem. Up until this point, Diana had believed herself capable of solving any problem. Sure, some were more difficult than others, but every problem had a solution, she’d believed. Watching her beloved mother deteriorate before her very eyes changed that for Diana. Fight and rage as she did, there was nothing that anyone – not her, not her father, not even the doctors – could do to save her mother.
Following the death of her mother, Diana felt rudderless. Her mother had always been her beacon in the dark, the person who understood her feelings and championed every cause. During her childhood, her mother had worked beside her tirelessly as she drafted up posters that sported taglines like “We are the Earth’s Defenders.” During her early teenage years, her mother had accompanied her to protests on such issues as workers’ rights and had marched proudly beside her in favor of women’s rights. It was because of her mother that Diana had learned about social justice and equity. With Emilia’s death, it seemed as if a light had gone out in both the Garcia family, and in the world at large.
But Diana had made a death bed promise to her mother that she would never give up on her dreams, and so, still mourning (she felt as if she’d always mourn), she applied for and gained entry to law school. This was, after all, all she’d dreamed about as a child – a practical way of channeling her righteous anger at systems and people that continued to hurt the vulnerable.
It was in law school that Diana met her husband. Nicholas Petros seemed like out of a dream, created just for her. He was handsome and intelligent, and just as passionate as she was. He was, in all things, her partner. They were married shortly after and just days before their first anniversary, Diana discovered that she was pregnant. Life was perfect.
It seemed, though, that tragedy was sewn into her soul. One day, while driving home from a family outing, tragedy struck. Nicholas was driving. Three-year-old Emilia (named for her maternal grandmother) was fast asleep in the backseat, a pregnant Diana seated beside her. There had hardly been time for Diana to scream before she felt the impact of the car strike theirs on the driver’s side. All Diana could feel was a sharp pain, but everything in her screamed that she needed to protect her family. It was too late. Nicholas, Emilia, and their unborn child died that night.
In the years that followed her family’s death, Diana struggled once again to find purpose. All she could feel was anger at the driver who had taken her family from her, anger at the fact that he too had died leaving her without a way to avenge their deaths, anger at herself for not dying too.
The past three months have been a tumultuous time in Diana’s life. In the months that followed her mother’s death, Diana believed that she’d never feel a pain as sharp ever again, but she’d mourned and learned to cope. She’d even found love and happiness. Then she’d held her daughter in her arms and watched the life drain from her eyes and listened as her husband took his final breath unable to do anything to aid either of them and Diana had felt that pain – and rage – intensify.
The pain she feels now is magnified in its intensity. It’s almost a living, breathing thing of its own. Diana isn’t sure what has caused this change in herself, but she’s unable to stop it. To her, it is almost as if she is experiencing her emotions from a distance, unable to understand why they have gotten so much sharper recently, while simultaneously experiencing them head on. She’s constantly awash in anger and does not know how to turn it off. Even when she isn’t actively anger, there is a banked fire stirring in her stomach waiting for a trigger to reactivate it.
It is for this reason that she’s thrown herself completely into her work. She can almost feel the rage and helplessness of the victims as she listens to or reads their testimonies. Their words serve as fuel for her. She may have been unable to save her mother, husband, daughter, and unborn child, but she is determined to do everything in her power to see justice prevail for her clients.
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takaraphoenix · 7 years
OK OK OK So I really really fell in love with your Helios x Apollo story and I've been toying with asking you about writing a small thing about Helios' reaction to Zeus banishing Apollo? And what he does about it. Or just his reaction to Zeus /trying/ to banish Apollo. A sort of fix-it-so-it-never-happens type thing. Totes get you're bogged down with stuff so if you don't have time that's totally okay. If you do decide to do it, could I get it by January 4th?
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 || Part 5 || (You are here)|| The whole thing on AO3
Helios was exhausted.
His duties were straining in on themselves, but in the past years in particular. After all, his lover was very busy with Olympian duties - mainly so related to his prophetic gifts. So Helios, being the good, caring boyfriend he was, of course took over some of his lover’s duties. Mainly the sun-related ones.
Only that his duties had been very straining and distracting lately. Especially the closer the Giant War drew. Helios hated that. He wished to stand by his lover’s side, have Apollo’s back.
Apollo had smiled sweetly at him, those mismatched eyes sparkling brightly as he had leaned up on his tip-toes to kiss Helios’ cheek and then shove him hard.
His little sunshine was a fighter, not just a lover. Helios knew that. Of course did he know that. The only one matching him with a bow and arrow was his twin-sister Artemis. Apollo could hold himself in a fight if he had to.
That didn’t mean Helios wanted him in the middle of a fight though. A war no less.
Yet this one… was different.
Gods loved using demigods as pawns. But this war required the gods to also fight themselves. To slay the Giants at the demigods’ side.
Helios trusted his sunshine. He knew Apollo would be fine during the war. And now that the war was over, Helios was looking forward to embracing his lover again, just grab Apollo, take him home and live in peace for a century or two.
Maybe take some time off to spend in Alfheim? They did have this cozy little vacation home there… It would be nice. And Apollo surely would be happy to spend more time with his best friend Frey. That might sway Apollo.
And to be honest, that idea wasn’t so spontaneous. Helios had spent the past few weeks preparing said vacation home, making it as homey as possible for his love. Apollo deserved the rest.
“Helios, my dear, old friend.”
Helios paused. He didn’t turn around. That sweet voice, like poisoned honey. A scowl etched its way onto his face as he took a deep breath to turn around and give Loki Laufeyson a piece of his mind. Said piece of mind was stuck in his throat when he noticed that Loki wasn’t alone.
“Hel Lokisdatter. A rare pleasure, milady”, stated Helios, voice very soft as he bowed.
He knew to respect a king or queen when he met them, regardless what pantheon they were from. Hel offered him the smallest smile in return, a shy one. Her long hair fell into her face, covering the rotting half and only revealing the beautiful one. Her dress, long sleeves on one side, a glove that reached all the way up to her shoulder in addition to it. She half hid behind her father and Loki, as always, stood in a protective stance in front of his only daughter.
The trickster had a pleased half-smirk on his face as he regarded Helios curiously, fingers playing with his well-groomed goaty as he tilted his head. It were his eyes that had always unsettled Helios, if he was being honest. Green as poison, shimmering silver with lies and danger.
Helios stood straight, looking at the two Norse gods curiously. What were they doing in Alfheim? Loki preferred… Well, none really, he was always everywhere - wherever he could cause most mischief. But Hel? The queen of Helheim? Why would the Ice Queen seek the realm of the sun god? Helios could see how clearly uncomfortable the goddess was, looking a bit red-cheeked there.
“Listen, this isn’t a favor for you, Titan”, stated Loki, voice unusually serious.
“A favor?”, echoed Helios surprised. “What do you want, lie smith?”
Helios was startled as Loki threw a golden apple at him. Helios blinked slowly, eyes wide as he stared at the holy fruit. The immortality granting fruit, guarded by the Goddess Iduna for all the gods and pantheons (though she had gardeners assisting her from all the pantheons too. The Hesperides from the Graeco-Romans, for example). Not many knew that ambrosia, the food of the gods that granted them immortality, was actually made, among other ingredients, of the golden apples.
“Father speaks the truth”, pieped Hel up, looking displeased. “That’s why I’m here. I know how unreasonably unrealistic that statement is.”
“Hey. A bit more respect for your old man”, grunted Loki with a glare.
Hel gave him a deadpan look before returning her attention to Helios once more. “Your Olympians have decided to strip one of your own off his immortality. Your king couldn’t make that decision without Hades knowing. After all, a god now runs the danger of being killed and dying. And, well, when I was in the park with my puppy Garm last week, we walked with Hades and Zerberus for a while and he mentioned it. And when I heard who…”
Helios didn’t like where this was going. He gripped the apple tighter. Loki’s smirk grew more knowing and wicked. Helios had the urge to throw the apple into his pretty face.
“My dear daughter told me and I could not let it stand like that”, drawled Loki. “I mean, he is my best friend’s favorite brother. Hermes would be quite unbearable if something happened to precious Apollo.”
“Then why not go to Hermes?”, asked Helios, still suspicious.
“Ah”, grunted Loki with a careless shrug. “Daddy issues. You know the guy can’t go up agains Zeus. You? A Titan? This could be… entertaining.”
Helios gritted his teeth and averted his eyes to stare at the floor. Loki and Hel remained for a long stretch of silence. He really didn’t like Loki - mainly because Loki and Apollo had kind of a fling prior to Helios and Apollo getting together. Helios wasn’t a fan of how much Loki enjoyed reminding him of this.
“Thank you, Loki. You… have my grattitude”, grunted Helios out unwillingly. “You too, Queen Hel.”
The self-satisfied smile on Loki’s face made Helios really want to throw the apple. “My, it would be a shame if something so pretty would be wasted. Just… take care of this, Titan.”
“I will, Eldojotun”, replied Helios sharply, watching with satisfaction how Loki flinched.
The Aes did not like being reminded that his status as a god was an earned one and that, foremost, he was still a born Fire Giant. Loki sneered at him briefly before returning to his charming smile.
“Very well then. Come along, sweetie. Grandma invited us for tea and cake”, declared Loki, waving a dismissive hand in Helios’ general direction.
“Oh! Grandma Laufey makes the best cakes. Bye, Helios”, chimed Hel, seemingly far more motivated by that prospect.
With that, the two Norse gods disappeared. Leaving Helios with his apple.
“W–Who in the world…?”, grunted a startled teenager.
The boy, with messy black hair, stared up at Helios with surprised, sea-green eyes. Helios only spared the human one glance before turning to the one in the boy’s company. A scowl found its way onto Helios’ face as he threw the golden apple at his boyfriend. Apollo smiled brighter than the sun as he caught it.
“Oh! Wonderful. Early rescue. Just started wondering where our new little dynamic duo was going to head next to solve this little… problem of mine”, chimed Apollo happily, rubbing the apple against his robes. “Huh. Those things are not handed out easily. Iduna is possessive of them. How did you…?”
“A thief dropped it off”, growled Helios and grabbed Apollo by the arm. “Come.”
“…I don’t like it when you’re angry”, noted Apollo dubiously. “Are you… angry with me?”
“No”, replied Helios, the growl growing darker as the sky above them clouded over. “Someone else. I’m glad you’re fine, my love.” His voice grew gentler at that as he cupped Apollo’s cheek and checked him for injuries before turning toward the human. “Thank you, for protecting my sunshine. I am indebted to you. If any god gives you a hard time again, call for Helios and I will stand by your side.”
“A free favor from a god. That’s a new one. Cool.”
Apollo wrapped one arm aroung Helios’ neck, the other hand still holding the apple as he brought it up to his rosy lips and took a large bite from it. To grand immortality, one needed a whole apple. The tiny bit that was mushed into the ambrosia was enough to keep the immortality going for the gods, but it would never be enough to restore Apollo’s godhood. Apollo yelped as Helios teleported them away.
The sky around Olympus darkened as though night had come early. Zeus frowned confused. He knew Helios was taking care of the sun - it was the main reason why he had even gotten his punishment for Apollo through.
“How dare you”, roared an angry, dark voice.
Zeus sat up straighter on his throne as the Sun Titan materialized in front of him, looking like a vicious, avenging angel. There were still many Titans around and the general rule of thumb was to perhaps not anger them. They were ancient and also powerful in most cases. Zeus blinked as he spotted his son behind Helios. The son Zeus had only just banished from Olympus.
“Apollo”, growled Zeus in warning.
“No”, hollered Helios.
“You broke an Oath of Styx twice, siring two demigods.
You interfered and turned one of them into a tree to cheat Death himself.
You are the king and were responsible to keep things such as Tartarus secure yet you allowed for your Father to reform and nearly overthrow you.
You let a teenage boy steal your symbol of power.
You let your son Ares allign himself with Kronos during the Titan War without repercussions.
You let your wife make a fool out of you by playing with the memories of the heroes and having Romans and Greeks mingle, single-handedly throwing all of Olympus into an identity crisis that very well nearly cost you all your lives and this war.
And yet here you are, acting like you are the one, true king who does no wrong. Punishing Apollo for… What exactly did he do wrong? He has helped your little pawns during both wars. He has done his best to restore the Oracle after it had been lost because you had to anger Lord Hades.”
Helios had stalked up to Zeus and by now was lifting the young god up by his throat, a nasty expression on Helios’ face as he squeezed. No amount of thundering and sparks was going to get Zeus out of the supernova-hot burning fury of a Sun Titan.
“You will never lay a hand on Apollo again or you will find yourself right down there alongside your father”, growled Helios in warning. “Believe me, no one is pleased with you and Hera anymore. The past handful of years alone have proven what incapable rulers you have become. You allowed not one, not two, but four major wars to happen right under your nose within the last century alone. And so far, the only thing keeping from a revolution is that everyone is still licking their wounds. But so help me Chaos herself, if you ever lay hand on Apollo again, I will personally throw the first speer.”
Zeus looked positively mortified as Helios just dropped him. Still glowering, Helios went to his lover and picked Apollo up bridal-style before teleporting them to Alfheim. Apollo blinked dazed up at him as he slowly oriented himself.
“That was… really fucking hot”, grunted Apollo stunned. “My knight in golden-shining armor.”
Grinning and batting his eyelashes playfully, Apollo pulled Helios down into a kiss. “We’re taking a vacation. Right now.”
“No arguments from me, babe”, hummed Apollo pleased.
So you caught me on the right foot there. Because I just got back from seeing Thor: Ragnarok and I needed some comfort. Fics are comfort. And I found a nice way of including Hel and Loki in this too. Pleased by that. I hope this was the kind of comfort you were looking for too there? ;)
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What do athletes do when they have to pee for the duration of video games?
New Post has been published on https://othersportsnews.com/what-do-athletes-do-when-they-have-to-pee-for-the-duration-of-video-games/
What do athletes do when they have to pee for the duration of video games?
This story appears in ESPN The Magazine’s Entire body Difficulty 2017. Subscribe currently!
AS JORDAN GROSS jogged off the area at Lender of The usa Stadium in opposition to the Giants, Panthers supporters cheered and high-fived him without the need of recognizing exactly where by he was headed.
Gross just could not dismiss the urge any for a longer period. It’s possible it was the humidity or all that sweet tea, but in 2013, after a 10 years of enjoying tackle in Carolina, Gross experienced last but not least achieved his lavatory breaking stage. It truly is easy math, genuinely: Gamers consume gallons of water but won’t be able to depart the area for even thirty seconds for fear of a turnover going on midstream. Over the many years, Gross experienced tried each and every strategy NFL gamers and other hyper-hydrated athletes use to surreptitiously relieve by themselves for the duration of video games. He’d experimented with the time-honored slow release into his pants, but they were being white, for starters, and it just remaining Gross emotion soggy and slow. He kind of appreciated the “T-Pee curtain” process, likely inside a hut of towels or parkas. But stressing that his teammates would prank him by going for walks absent midflow occasionally gave Gross stage fright — aka paruresis, or what urologists refer to as “ballpark bladder.” His restricted pants, no-fly spandex and all the tape on his gloved arms and mangled fingers designed it cumbersome to kneel driving the bench and pee into a cup (a process that was so well known among the his teammates that rookies often experienced a tricky time differentiating which cups contained true Gatorade).
And so, in a single of the last property video games of his occupation, for the duration of a Tv set timeout with the defense on the area, the 3-time Professional Bowl blocker figured he experienced absolutely nothing to lose — he would proudly march off the area toward a small lavatory used generally by area team, where by for when he could pee in peace.
Or so he believed. Inside the lavatory, Gross was virtually straight away slip-sliding about the polished concrete floor in his cleats and struggling mightily with his gloves and pants. When his sweaty, filthy shoulder pads bumped the temple of a lover in a Cam Newton jersey next to him, Gross realized appropriate urinal etiquette necessary him to try small talk.
“Heck of a match,” Gross blurted with a nod to the dumbfounded lover.
“The man is staring at me, and I’m completely conscious of how strange this circumstance is, and now it’s all delaying the pee procedure,” states Gross, who, sources say, was in far too substantially of a hurry to clean his arms. “Bad man almost certainly paid a fortune for a area go for the reason that he preferred to know what it was like driving the scenes at a large-time sporting occasion. Nicely, now he is familiar with.”
Former Panthers tackle Jordan Gross was no lover of the slow-release process well known among the many of his brethren. Streeter Lecka/Getty Photographs
THE SHEER FREQUENCY and impressive pull of the pee break will make urine possibly the most influential and disruptive liquid in sporting activities. In simple fact, the most fundamental of bodily functions is these a strong power that it causes even the most disciplined, experienced bodies in the globe to do some wonderfully strange and occasionally revolting issues. “Each individual solitary athlete has to deal with this in a distinct way, but a single point is the same: No a single ever talks about it,” states Jocelyne Lamoureux-Davidson of the U.S. women’s nationwide hockey group. “It truly is a rather common point we all share, relative to everybody: Absolutely everyone has to go.”
In 2012, Angels pitcher Jered Weaver was just 3 outs from a no-hitter when faced with that acquainted conundrum. To everyone’s terrific shock, Weaver dismissed more than a century of baseball superstition and bolted off the bench and down into the clubhouse lavatory with his knees pinched. That’s just how ferocious nature’s simply call can be: Sports immortality suddenly pales in comparison to the sweet reduction that arrives with release. Weaver, although, returned to the mound and, unburdened, put absent 3 more batters to come to be the tenth pitcher in Angels heritage to throw a no-hitter.
By having reduction responsibilities into his possess arms, Weaver designed a decision that validated a groundbreaking paper published the same yr by Brown University. In it, neurology professor Pete Snyder found that the unpleasant need to have to urinate impairs bigger-purchase cognitive functions — issues like speedy decision-building, challenge-solving and performing memory — on a degree analogous with drunken driving.
“Consider you happen to be an athlete, you’ve just eaten a preposterous quantity of liquid on a sizzling working day, you won’t be able to get off the area and you happen to be in horrible pain,” Snyder states. “When we’re in pain, our initial reaction is to act like any other animal and reduce the pain and get out of harm’s way no make a difference what.”
Snyder clarifies that there are centers deep inside of the brain that maintain homeostasis, or normal bodily functions these as respiratory, heartbeat and urination. The pain and disruption prompted by keeping urine for far too extended essentially sets off alarms that dampen cognitive things to do in the frontal lobes — the kinds athletes in particular depend on — in purchase for the body to manage more proximal issues.
Snyder fed his subjects 250 milliliters of water (around 8.five ounces) each and every 15 minutes right until they achieved their “breaking stage.” That ingestion, although, is just a fall in a bucket compared with what most elite athletes must consume in a hardly ever-ending procedure of preserving their bodies hydrated via each day cycles of perspiration, urination and rehydration. A three hundred-pound football participant needs 192 ounces of water each day to maintain normal hydration. On match working day in sizzling climates? He’ll need to have an additional 128 ounces to exchange the gallon or so of body pounds he’ll sweat out in the trenches. That signifies his ingestion on Sundays alone should be around adequate to fill a small fish tank. And Snyder states the pain prompted by striving to maintain back again all that fluid can build the same degree of cognitive impairment as staying awake for 24 hrs straight. All of which led Snyder to a solitary, deeply scientific conclusion for athletes:
When ya gotta go?
Go for the gold.
Through his enjoying days its rumored Manny Ramirez used the Green Monster as his particular outhouse. Jim Rogash/Getty Photographs
Thanks to Snyder’s research, it now will make excellent perception why Michael Phelps, the best Olympian of all time, admits he allows unfastened in the pool. It may even provide a scientific clarification for the Pink Sox phenomenon regarded as “Manny getting Manny.” In 2005, for the duration of a pitching change in Boston, outfielder Manny Ramirez claims to have stepped into the Green Monster to relieve himself — an urge so poor he virtually skipped a pitch. (“I’m just happy he came back again,” said Sox skipper Terry Francona.) It also clarifies a single of the NFL’s filthy minor insider secrets: At any offered moment on a sideline, somebody almost certainly is relieving himself even though hiding in simple sight. Or striving to. Former Dolphins linebacker Channing Crowder’s alternative was rather easy: He states he moist his pants … in each and every a single of his eighty two video games as a professional. As the Chargers drove toward a late area objective in 2011, kicker Nick Novak got caught kneeling by the bench midact, many thanks to a CBS digital camera that lingered just extended adequate for the shot to involve a graphic that recommended Novak’s “goal” was the 34-property line. He fell a minor quick.
He also skipped a 53‑yard area objective.
In Detroit last season, a Lions lover attending the match with her two small children captured Washington specific-groups coordinator Ben Kotwica relieving himself next to an machines crate adorned with the NFL logo. Though the box unsuccessful to provide any true address, it did build an exquisite moment of brand name promoting with the resulting viral photograph, which captured Kotwica completely uncovered and in entire stream just inches from the revered NFL defend.
Public urination in Detroit anywhere other than the Lions sideline can charge you up to a yr in jail and a $1,000 great. But there are no guidelines in opposition to lavatory breaks in Roger Goodell’s NFL. And so it is that gamers celebrating far too substantially after a landing can often be expecting a hefty great, even though coaches and gamers are free to do the pee-pee dance on the AstroTurf.
“Guys are peeing all over the sideline in each and every match, into cups, on the ground, in towels, driving the bench, in their pants, everywhere,” states Panthers middle Ryan Kalil, who lined this subject and others in The Rookie Handbook, co-authored by Gross and Geoff Hangartner.
“You would be stunned, actually, how many gamers on the sidelines just go. I guess as athletes we are all desensitized by the total peeing-everywhere point.”
WHEN IT Comes to urination, elite male athletes fall sufferer to a kind of Superman complex. Traveling about in a skintight bodysuit and zipperless codpiece, what does Superman do if, god forbid, he needs to pee in the center of conserving Metropolis for the 87th time? Our minds don’t associate athletes with a little something as susceptible or mundane as needing to pee. As a end result, they often complete in billion-greenback facilities that have retractable roofs and moon-sized online video screens but lack a solitary rest room inside of arrive at of the area. “There is this degree of invincibility and super-hero-ness to what we do as athletes,” states former NFL lineman and ESPN analyst Mark Schlereth, whose notorious in-match rest room practices aided gain him the nickname Stink. “It truly is like that children’s ebook Absolutely everyone Poops. In sporting activities, everybody pees.”
The group shower is a area of celebration, fellowship and naked dance-offs. What it’s not? A area hostile to Michael Sam.
For ESPN The Magazine’s Entire body Difficulty, David Fleming writes about balls — the two the literal, testosterone-developing kinds, and the kinds it usually takes to get.
In ESPN The Magazine’s Entire body Difficulty, David Fleming completes his “Undercarriage Trilogy” with an assessment of the most essential element of an athlete’s body: the rear close.
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But the need to have to continue to be hydrated, blended with a maze of cultural cling-ups and poorly built facilities, results in a nightmare for athletes who are just hunting for a lavatory break.
So many runners in the New York Metropolis Marathon pee off the sides of the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge at Mile 1 that race veterans can only giggle when they hear initial-timers down below them on the lower deck talk about the unexpected “refreshing” rainstorm they professional. Earth-class cyclists even now talk in awe of the balletic way former Tour de France racer Dave Zabriskie was equipped to straighten his appropriate leg, stand tall in the saddle and urinate off the aspect of his bike even though whizzing via the French countryside at thirty mph. In 2005, when Zabriskie turned just the 3rd American to put on the correctly named yellow jersey, it gained him the privilege — in accordance to the Tour’s unwritten guidelines — to make a decision when, where by and for how extended the peloton was authorized to pee. “That’s when you know you’ve designed it in our activity,” states former teammate Christian Vande Velde. “It truly is like, ‘I just designed the total peloton halt and pee I’m the male.'”
Simply because of cultural and anatomical road blocks, female athletes are compelled to plan greater and maintain for a longer period than their male counterparts. Associates of the U.S. women’s hockey group have even been regarded to use the expulsion of urine to measure the power of an opponent’s checks. Soon after a large strike, states group member Monique Lamoureux-Morando, “you get to the bench and persons are joking about it, and you just go, ‘Yeah, crap, she just designed me tinkle a minor.'”
Brandi Chastain, a member of the legendary 1999 U.S. women’s nationwide soccer group, leaked into her cleats only when — for the duration of a single of her initial Earth Cup tactics in Haiti. She remembers it fondly. “Absolutely liberating,” she states. “It truly is tricky to come to feel unfastened when you have that kind of tension in your bladder.”
If a glimpse of Chastain’s sporting activities bra after her Cup-successful penalty kick in 1999 prompted these a preposterous uproar, she won’t be able to even think about what supporters would do if a participant currently copped a squat by the U.S. bench for the duration of a match, as so many of her male counterparts do. That solitary disparity can often depart female athletes at a significant downside. It truly is widespread for female athletes to consume significantly less — and as a result complete even worse — just for the reason that they’re nervous about how, or where by, they’re going to go to the lavatory. Through a current U.S. Olympic Committee golf outing in Oregon, when Chastain mentioned this predicament, a female golfer in her foursome cursed out the male-dominated globe of golf training course structure, then made a little something identified as P-Mate. The disposable cardboard system, designed by a firm in Broomfield, Colorado, enables girls to pee in public even though standing. “I was a minor humiliated at initial,” Chastain states. “Then I was like, ‘Oh my god, this is awesome!’ It truly is pretty distinct for the rest of us. You just won’t be able to squat in the center of a Women’s Earth Cup match. Male athletes can just build their possess lavatory.”
Former U.S. women’s nationwide soccer group participant Brandi Chastain states female athletes have a more durable time than their male counterparts: “You just won’t be able to squat in the center of a Women’s Earth Cup match. Male athletes can just build their possess lavatory.” David Madison/Getty Photographs
It truly is a present they don’t always use responsibly. Plagued by blisters on his pitching hand in 2016, the Dodgers’ Abundant Hill peed on his fingers. It truly is an aged-college treatment that dates back again to former important leaguers Moises Alou and Jorge Posada, who didn’t use batting gloves for the reason that they thought trace quantities of urea in their urine toughened their pores and skin. (Urea is a widespread component in commercial moisturizing lotions.) Posada used to alert, “You don’t want to shake my hand for the duration of spring education.”
Some sporting activities do acquire a more palatable and humane technique to the act of urination, but appropriate facilities and protocols are even now no match in opposition to millions of bucks in prize income. At grand slam tennis situations, men are permitted two potty breaks for the duration of five-established matches girls get two for 3-established matches. On the make a difference of urination, the guidelines browse like a junior high pupil handbook, allowing competition to “depart the court docket for a sensible time for a rest room break,” even though slipping just quick of inquiring Roger Federer to put the seat down when completed.
Due to the fact the potty provision’s inception, having said that, tennis gamers have been exploiting the pee-break rule for strategic edge, proving there is no degree elite athletes will not stoop, or squat, to in purchase to get the slightest edge. In the 2010 Australian Open, after dropping the initial established of his quarterfinal match, Federer killed time in the can even though allowing the blinding sunlight to dip down below the stands. In 2012, Andy Murray gained the initial two sets of his U.S. Open finals match, but when the next two slipped absent, he sheepishly signaled to the umpire and tiptoed off the court docket, disappearing into a a single-rest room restroom below Arthur Ashe Stadium. As the crowd and Novak Djokovic waited, Murray later on explained to The New York Moments, he stood alone in entrance of the mirror screaming at his reflection, “You are not likely to enable this a single slip.” He was speaking of the match (a single presumes), which he battled back again to get after a single of the most fortuitous pee breaks in sporting activities heritage.
Whether it’s a feint or a entire circulation, lavatory breaks these as Murray’s can make all the change in getting to be a champion.”This takes place substantially more than supporters would ever understand,” states renowned boxing coach Freddie Roach. “Figuring out how an athlete’s brain performs, if all you can imagine about is needing to acquire a piss, that’s gonna get you knocked out, or even worse. So if obtaining a way to acquire a leak signifies aiding you get, any coach or any athlete in any activity would do the same point.”
You may say Roach learned this lesson firsthand even though education James Toney for his 2003 struggle in opposition to Evander Holyfield. Boxing’s golden rule is apparent: In no way put the gloves on early right before a large struggle. Once they’re safe and the tape is initialed by a boxing fee formal, they won’t be able to appear off. Soon after that, if a fighter is get over by the combination of prefight hydration and jitters, his entourage has to engage in a high-stakes match of “not it.”
Times right before he was supposed to be in the ring, Toney turned to Roach with a appear on his deal with each and every coach dreads. (He is gotten the same appear from Manny Pacquiao a number of situations in current many years.) With Holyfield waiting around and the Mandalay Bay crowd growing louder and more restless by the 2nd, Roach, out of options, shimmied his hand up the remaining aspect of Toney’s black silk boxing trunks. (Roach went remaining for the reason that the names of Toney’s small children were being stitched on the appropriate aspect of his trunks.) Why he went up the shorts instead of down is easy: He is a damn professional. “Finest way to do it,” he states, “pull the cup out, pull the junk down, appear the other way.”
When boxer and coach sheepishly exited the lavatory, Roach figured the incident was mercifully over. Heading to the ring, although, Toney blurted out, “Oh, Fred, that was so superior you were being so light.” Unfastened, unencumbered and 14 to eighteen ounces lighter, Toney survived a sluggish begin and a brutal shot to the kidneys at the close of Round 1 right before pummeling Holyfield into submission in the ninth.
To this working day, each and every time Toney sees Roach, he reminds him, loudly, about their Mandalay moment. Roach always grumbles back again the same point he said that night as Toney leaned toward the urinal. “Damn it, James, I don’t even like keeping my possess.”
Sooner or later on, although, all people-gamers, coaches, even trainers-must appear to grips with the most unstoppable power in sporting activities. “No a single has to inform me about the great importance of pee breaks in sporting activities,” Roach states. “S—, I have not read the close of it yet.”
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