#Andrea Gutiérrez
newestcool · 1 year
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Andrea Gutiérrez Arcas for Christian Dior Photographer Sarah Moon (via book; Dior by Sarah Moon) Newest Cool on Instagram
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la-situde · 5 months
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Yuima Nakazato Couture Runway S/S ‘24
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avida-heidia-5 · 5 months
I’ve always been strangely fascinated by Sebastian Vettel’s laughter over the years, so here’s a 5-minute video compilation I’ve put together of the No. 5 F1 driver doing just that. Whether it’s from shyness or from a joke he just made or just genuine laughter, it’s all here! 🥰
I was struggling to upload the video on Tumblr, so I’ve uploaded it onto Google Drive instead. Simply click on the link for a burst of happiness: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fhiY4qHAb1bhVJtBQuEmc19qxKebkWsM/view?usp=drivesdk
For @andreagrimes. Here’s your free serotonin! 😊🫶🏻
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semnebune · 2 years
Filme experimentale la Institutul Cervantes
Filme experimentale la Institutul Cervantes
Din această toamnă, Institutul Cervantes reia seria de proiecții lunare de filme difuzate cu acces liber pe platforma Vimeo, iar primul proiect din această serie îl reprezintă suita de filme online „Abycine Lanza” – un laborator de talente spaniole în devenire, difuzată grație colaborării inedite cu Abycine, unul dintre cele mai îndrăznețe festivaluri de film din peisajul spaniol contemporan.…
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hausofmamadas · 1 year
| Our man in Mexico |
Pairing: Andrea Nuñez x Horacio Carrillo
For @narcosfandomdiscord Summer of Smut Alphabet: July 1 - [A] Angry sex
Word count: ≈ 2.5K
TWs: smut, biting, slapping, hair pulling andrea being her bestest, most cuntiest self
“Don’t ever make the mistake of thinking I need you.” After the fall of Escobar in Colombia, everyone's favorite hot-headed, helicopter-shucking Colonel Horacio Carrillo has managed to make it out with not just his life in tact, but with a clean enough reputation to make the DOJ's shortlist of military officials to head up a new military investigation of the alleged collusion between General Jesus Guttiérez Rebollo and the Juarez cartel. He's stationed in Tijuana, Rebollo's last base of operations, where he personally and professionally crosses paths with rebel-with-many-causes journalist Andrea Nuñez, still reporting for La Voz. But when he puts a gag order on all things related to the Rebollo scandal in an effort to protect her, Andrea's fed tf up. And tells him as much. right to his face. Only one question remains: what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? Carrillo fucks around and finds out.
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“Señorita! N— no puedes entrar ahí, por favor! He’s in a meeting. I can’t— If you don’t have an appointment, I can’t let you back there!”
Andrea walked over to the door of the embassy office without a word and barged through, tearing down the hall. The secretary scrambled from behind the desk like a spooked rabbit, little kitten heels click-clacking on the tiled floor as she struggled to keep up with Andrea’s long, steadfast strides. And this, ladies, is why it pays to wear sensible footwear. The poor woman was just doing her job but her frantic puttering and cries of, “Señorita! You can’t be back here!” only served to build the rage in Andrea’s chest more.
She stopped so cold and turned around so fast, the woman’s forehead nearly slammed right into her own.
Andrea crossed her arms. “Mira, vieja. You haven’t even called security, so unless you’re going to tackle me to the ground and throw me out yourself, and—“ she glanced down at the woman’s heels, eyebrow cocked smugly, “—you could try but I don’t think you’d get far in those— I’m getting into that goddamn office one way or another.”
The woman sputtered something unintelligible. Andrea couldn’t be bothered to let her piece a proper sentence together before cutting her off with a curt, “ya eso es lo que pensaba.”
She turned back and kept on tearing down the hallway, closer and closer to the door marked, ‘Colonel Horacio Carrillo’ in block letters that were just as uppity and patronizing as he was. Or maybe it was just because it was his office, the arrogant prick.
Sure, he was a legend back in Colombia. Sure, he helped take down the biggest, baddest drug trafficker the world had ever seen. But if this asshole thought a gag order was gonna fly in the wake of Rebollo’s mess — which, oh by the way, she helped to expose — he was deader than General Jesus Gutiérrez Rebollo’s reputation. She refused to be cowed by the AFO goons who followed her to her car on late nights after work. She certainly wasn’t going to be intimidated by this Colombian haircut. He wasn’t even threatening to slash her tires. So, what was a bit of healthy confrontation between friendly colleagues? Making an appointment would’ve just spoiled the mood.
As her hand landed on the door handle, she smirked at the sound of muffled voices inside. Huh. So, he really was conducting business. In Mexico, “he’s in a meeting,” was usually code for he’s actually chain smoking at his desk, on the phone chatting away with his mistress on company time. But no, it seemed Carrillo hadn’t been dodging the press. Maybe just her calls.
For a split second and against her own will, the image of him sitting at the bar flashed in her mind. The night she met him. Well, not him, him. Not as she knew him now, no more than a stranger, dressed like a dad, but in well-tailored khakis and a grey polo that fit far too smartly for him to actually be anyone’s dad. She’d come to find out he was divorced, no kids, so a dad he certainly wasn’t which, if the rumors she’d heard about Search Bloc were true, made more sense and still wasn’t comforting in the slightest. But she didn’t know about any of that yet.
Around here, strangers in dimly lit bars were seldom safe and fewer troubled themselves to even establish a pretense of safety. But he was a different, safer kind of stranger. She didn't know how she knew but she didn't. He must’ve been anyway, since she didn’t usually make it a habit of taking strangers back to her car after some pleasant, cheap conversation and a few shots of even cheaper bourbon.
And yet, that’s where he ended up. The back seat of her stationwagon, his firm lips encased against hers, breath deliciously hot and sticky on her neck, fingers ruthlessly digging into the flesh of her hips as she ground them down onto his, car windows all smudged with insistent palm prints that said something along the lines of, ‘mmm, that’s right. Yes, just a little closer.’ A couple of months later and those stupid smudges were still there. She noticed them crossly when she’d parked outside, moments before accosting the man’s poor secretary. She'd wondered aimlessly if he’d even know what they were if he saw them. Would she want him to? Maybe that’s why she was in such a foul mood. She didn’t know.
Shaking her head, the indecent image dissolved noncommittally into thick, black ink behind her eyelids, like answers disappearing in a magic eight ball. Outlook not so good, ask again later. Oh whatever, fuck off. I don’t even have enough sense to regret the whole thing. So just fuck off.
The momentum of the door swinging open fueled her ire again, and she breathed it in, soaking it up., letting it fuel her. When the handle smacked against the wall, three heads whipped around to stare at her in shock. It looked so rehearsed, she couldn’t resist the urge to crack a sly smile. Carrillo’s nostrils flared. Yeah, that’s right. Fuck off. She strode between the two suits seated at each corner of his desk, to face him across it. He barely moved an inch, elbows propped up on the armrests of that big, obnoxious executive chair he sat in behind the desk.
Leaning forward, knuckles pressed flat on the papers strewn across like all of it was hers, she said cooly, “Sorry to interrupt, Colonel. But you’ve been dodging my calls, so thought it best to pay you a visit. Call it professional due diligence.”
He was fuming, dark eyes lit with indignation and what else was it? Maybe panic. But all that Boy-Scout-School-of-the-Americas training must’ve kicked in because he didn’t miss a beat. “Mm. Due diligence? About what, exactly?
“To ask you a simple but very important question.”
He waited.
“To ask how— after only a few months, just how is it that you think you already own the journalists in this city? I thought the point of bringing in an outsider was to avoid corruption, not perpetuate it by silencing the people’s right to free press. Or is that how you rolled back in Colombia? You and your Search Bloc.”
He knit his brows and, as if he just remembered they were there, glanced at the two men still seated, who watched them with a combination of confusion and the voyeuristic enthusiasm of a housewife watching her favorite novela.
“Gentlemen,” Carrillo cleared his throat and motioned to the door, “we’ll have to pick this up later.” His jaw hardened, eyes moving from the door to Andrea, going from resigned to livid in mere seconds. “It seems, despite her due diligence, Ms. Nuñez must not be that great a journalist because she doesn’t know how to take ‘no comment’ for an answer.”
That was a low fucking blow and he knew it. Well, what the man lacked for in hospitality, he more than made up for in emotional range. One of the men tipped his hat as he stood up and gave a sheepish shrug before heading to the door. The other nearly tripped over his chair on the way out, seemingly unable resist the temptation to observe them with wonder like a couple of zoo animals. Two fingers to her forehead, Andrea gave them a tiny salute filled to the brim with disdain.
Once the door closed, she rolled her head back around to face Carrillo, who looked like he could throttle her right there.
“If I were a man, you’d hit me right now, wouldn’t you?” she said like it was a dare. Ignoring the blaze of shock all over his face, she continued to press, still leaning over the desk. “You didn’t answer my question.”
Carrillo opened a drawer and rifled around for something. He came out with a pack of cigarettes, pulled one out, lit it, and then leaned back in his chair with a heavy sigh.
He took an infuriatingly long drag, and exhaled the smoke in her face, so that an opaque cloud now filled the space between them. On purpose. Naturally. This wasn’t his first rodeo with angry reporters. But this was his first rodeo with her. She straightened upright, waiting for him to speak.
“Well, before I can answer that, I have a follow-up question.”
She crossed her arms, swinging one hip out to the side, “O, sí?” inviting him to continue treading on dangerous conversational ground.
Nodding, “Sí, sí,” he flashed a cynical smirk that dissolved into a glare as he looked up at her and gave a perfunctory tap of his cigarette into the ashtray on his desk. “Just who the fuck do you think you are, barging into my office like this?”
“Just who the fuck do you think you are, putting a gag order on all press inquiries relating to Rebollo’s trial?” she shot back.
He dragged long and deep from his cigarette again like it was an oxygen mask, then said dismissively, “It’s a big case. A lot of moving parts. You know the judge makes that call, not me.”
“Wow, you really must believe I am that bad at my job if you think I’m naive enough to buy that bullshit. As if you have no sway with Mexican judges who can be bought for less than a few pesos.” She laughed bitter as battery acid, “Venga ya pues. No me shingües con esas mamadas, cabrón.”
There was a beat of silence before he stood up, stubbing his cigarette out in the ashtray, saying through gritted teeth, “No. I don’t think you’re bad at your job.” He rolled his eyes, grumbling, “That’s the entire problem. Cierto? Sí porque eres una cachorra con un pinche hueso entre tus dientes.”
Her eyes narrowed. What the fuck was he playing at paying her a compliment like that.
“What? What am I supposed to say? Thank you?”
A tacit desperation crept under his glare now, an equal measure of anger and pleading for her to understand.
Oh, no. That’s when she put it together. Oh, hell no. Her face fell and she dropped her arms to her sides. No. No, he didn’t. He wouldn’t dare.
“No. No me digas que t—“
His glare melted, eyes full of nothing but pleading now as he stepped around the desk to join her on the other side.
“Okay, yes I talked to the judge. But Andrea, I only sugges—“
“No.” She backed away, dropping her bag on the ground. “Don’t do that. You don’t get to say my name like you know me well enough to patronize me this way.”
“You have to underst—“
“Understand?? What do I need to understand??? Hmm? What? That I might get hurt? That my job is dangerous? That journalists in this town have a short fucking shelf life? Or oh, that you what? You care now? You’re what? Trying to protect me?”
“Look, Andrea.” She wished he’d stop saying her name. “I know you're tough. You can take care of yourself. But this is bigger than you and you're not bulletproof. The pockets this Rebollo had his hands in? They’re more dangerous than some thugs following you to work or harassing you in the street. They’ll ruin your reputation, your livelihood, take anything you have, maybe even have you killed.”
“That’s never stopped me before.”
Carrillo pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. “Andrea. After you’re gone, they’ll come after your colleagues, friends, family.” She could tell he was growing more defensive by the way he strained to keep his voice level. “Corruption on this scale does more than just ruffle feathers. The more you uncover, the further you dig, the easier it is to bury you and anyone you care for. And that’d be too hard to bear for anyone who might be starting t— well, maybe— who does care for you.”
Her chest burned. She was roiling with indignant fury, practically breathing fire, nostrils flared, hands balled into fists at her side. Este pinshe pendejo. They’d been working together for weeks now, and not once did it step outside the confines of professional conduct with the exception of the— well, it was just the one time. She’d assumed they were moving on because of course they were. What was one night in the backseat of her car when they were nothing to each other? Nothing. But now this, all of a sudden, out of the blue. Why? Because. Because he cared. Well, he’d neglected to fill her in on the feelings and the caring before taking it upon himself to violate a boundary, meddling in her work ostensibly on her behalf.
Oh, she was positively— she wanted— but no, she couldn’t— oh, but she fucking could though. She would if she could— she really could actually fucking punch him.
As she stood there, vibrating, ready to go nuclear, he stepped closer. “Now who’s the one who wants to hit someone?”
Barely beyond strangers, and yet, he understood her implicitly. It only made the whole thing all the more aggravating. He stepped closer again, until they were nearly chin to chin.
“Do it.”
She looked up, stunned. “Excuse me?”
“Do it,” he said again quietly, eyes virtually unreadable. “If that’s what you really want. Hit me.”
He was inscrutable. There was no more pleading. No humor. No anger either. Something else. Something baser. She thought about those smudges on her car window.
Her hand moved so quickly, he didn’t even have time to flinch. She slapped him. Hard. Hard enough to send him back a couple of steps. The blood rushed to his cheek, angry and red, as he turned back to face her with an expression of something like dazed admiration. He began to speak but before he got a word out, she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, pulling him close to bury him in a kiss so deep, the force of it nearly hurt her teeth. She inhaled the rumble that escaped from the back of his throat like it was a breath of life, before breaking away and shoving him back to sit on the desk.
Hooking his fingers in the belt loops of her jeans, he yanked her close, positioning her between his knees. She felt a tug at her hair as he pulled out her hair band. Catching his hand on its way down her shoulder, she brought it around her waist, sinking into another brutal kiss that had them both gasping for air. As one of her hands slid up the back of his neck, fingers threading through his hair and the other traveled down to palm the bulge in his pants, his hips bucked against hers and she felt a sharp sting as he bit her bottom lip. On reflex, she scrunched her fingers in the hair at the base of his neck and pulled so hard, he hissed.
Oh yeah, that felt good. She’d liked how it sounded and how he looked, head back like that, chin up, throat exposed. Getting lost in those deep, dark brown eyes, she kept him pinned in that position, regarding him for a moment. She suddenly found herself thinking about those nature documentaries on the Discovery Channel, ones where the lions take down gazelles, sharp canines puncturing their throats right there. His skin tasted salty as she tongued his neck in that very spot. If she were a wild animal, he’d be bleeding out on the floor for what he’d done. Trying to save the poor damsel-in-distress reporter from her own recklessness because oh, she can’t possibly know what’s good for her. That wasn't what it was until he made it that way. Co;onel Horacio Carrillo, our man in Mexico, nothing but a mouse in her trap.
Then she said, sincere but grave, “Don’t ever make the mistake of thinking I need you. I’ll never need you.” To soothe the wounded expression on his face, she planted a soft kiss on his mouth and trailed a few more along his jaw, mumbling as her lips made their way back down to his throat, “And that’s exactly why you love this.”
taglist: @drabbles-mc @narcolini @ashlingnarcos @cositapreciosa @narcosfandomdiscord
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carlos-in-glasses · 4 months
I liked the way You have written the Tarlos proposal and prev Marriage part in new chapter. Andrea and Gabriel's concern about TK shows how much they love and care for him. I liked that part.
I didn't think the Marriage was a insurance fraud as that was not the reason they got married for and then they were still legally married when Iris needed the help. But after the annulment, will it be counted as a fraud? What are the laws about it in Texas? Do you think Carlos had to answer the authorities regarding this?
Hello, anon! ❤️ Thank you for reading - I'm so happy you enjoyed the new chapter.
Honestly - although I've done my best to unpick it all, the secret marriage plotline was so left-field on the show, I'm not sure what to make of it in terms of the legalese in reality - fraud, ability to actually get an annulment after ten years, etc. I'd guess because she started using his medical insurance a while after they got married, it's not fraud, because they were separated but legally still married, so she was entitled to it. But then, annulments basically state that the marriage never had any legal grounding....so idk if it then counts as fraud in retrospect? The show presents it that they did get an annulment, and I guess also that Carlos didn't have to answer to authorities regarding a fraud investigation, in the same way he didn't have to answer for threatening Gutiérrez (although I explore that a bit in chapter 13!) It's certainly a head-spinner.
So I guess not, unless they make a fraud investigation a plotline for him in season 5....but I think he'll have plenty of other drama on his plate!
If anyone knows a better answer to this, feel free to chime in!
Let's have an exhausted hug!
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marcmarcmomarc · 1 month
The current voices of my fan-made Spanish dub of RWBY
Miriam Aceves - Trifa (Emily Fajardo)
Kevin Adrián - Vale Councilman (Gray G. Haddock)
Yadira Aedo
Montserrat Aguilar
Víctor Hugo Aguilar - Jabberwalker (Richard Norman) & Blue Four (Travis Willingham)
Luis René Aguirre
Rossy Aguirre - Red Haired Woman (Jen Brown)
Leonardo Agustín
Santos Alberto
Héctor Alcaraz
María Álcazar - Mistral Woman (Lauren Aptekar)
Raúl Aldana - Drunk Mann (Joel Mann) & Floyd the Geist Grimm (Kerry Shawcross)
Diana Alonso
Gerardo Alonso
Karina Altamirano - Atlas Businesswoman (Amber Lee Conners)
Mariangny Álvarez
Lourdes Ambriz
Raúl Anaya - Clover Ebi (Christopher Wehkamp) & Cardin Winchester (Adam Ellis)
Jessica Ángeles - Dew Gayl (Paige Campbell) & Ruda Tilleroot (Judy Alice Lee)
Denisse Aragón - Shovel Mom (Jenn K. Tidwell) & Purple Paper Pleaser (Yssa Badiola)
José Arenas - Toy Soldiers (Billy B. Burson III)
Luna Arjona
Raymundo Armijo
Lourdes Arruti - Miltia & Melanie Malachite (Maggie Tominey)
Mario Arvizu - Professor Ozpin (Shannon McCormick)
Yamil Atala - Russel Thrush (Shane Newville/Bryce Papenbrook)
Laura Ayala
Jorge Badillo - Professor Theodore (Keith Silverstein)
Ángel Balam - Curious Cat (Robbie Daymond)
Liliana Barba - Coco Adel (Ashley Burns)
Oliver Díaz Barba
Alicia Barragán - Deery (Maggie Tominey) & Roane Ashwood (Laura Stahl)
Iván Bastidas - Blue Paper Pleaser (Connor Pickens)
Alfredo Gabriel Basurto - Anima Mayor (Mike McFarland)
Ricardo Bautista - Pretend God Ozma (Shannon McCormick)
Ramón Bazet - Toy Soldiers (Kdin Jenzen) & White Pawn 04 (Michael Malconian)
Tania Becerra
Carlos Becerril
Diego Becerril - Toy Soldiers (Cody Hawkins)
César Beltrán
Mauricio Bennetts
Alberto Bernal - Scarlet David (Gavin Free)
Emmanuel Bernal - Corsac Albain (Derek Mears)
Tatul Bernodat - Menagerie Guard 01 (Gio Coutinho)
Julia Bilous - Alyx (Shara Kirby)
Sergio Bonilla
Óscar Bonfiglio
Alan Bravo - Kuroyuri Blacksmith (Connor Pickens)
Hernán Bravo - Fenix Atar (Richard Norman)
Simone Brook - Tock (Ruth Urquhart)
Ricardo Brust - Saber Rodentia (William Ball)
David Bueno - V1 White Fang Goon (Chris Martin) & White Pawn 02 (Billy B. Burson III)
Nicolás Calderón
Cristina Camargo
Pepe Campa
Manuel Campuzano - Mistral Pilot (Stan Lewis)
Raúl Carballeda
Gaby Cárdenas - Rowena Sunnybrook (Lani Minella) & Red Paper Pleaser/Genial Gem (Paula Decanini)
Juan Alfonso Carralero
Luis Carreño - Yellow Paper Pleaser (Dalton Allen)
Marcel Carré
Regina Carrillo - young Nora Valkyrie (Kristen McGuire)
Roberto Carrillo - Toy Guard (Brandan Blaber)
Ernesto Casillas
Paulina García Casillas - Matte Skye (Derrick Ziegler)
Sonia Casillas - Vale Reporter 02 (Amber Lee Connors) & CCT Voice (Jackie Izawa)
Arturo Castañeda - Perry (Kyle Taylor)
Carla Castañeda - Velvet Scarlatina (Caiti Ward)
Mario Castañeda - The Hound (Jason Liebrecht)
Beto Castillo - Bartholomew Oobleck (Joel Heyman/Cam Clarke)
Arturo Cataño - Atlas Husband (Chris Kokkinos)
Rubén Cerda - Ambrosius (Valentine Stokes)
Enrique Cervantes - White Pawn 03 (Brendan Blaber)
Lileana Chacón - Sienna Khan (Monica Rial)
Agustina Cirulnik - Neopolitan (Casey Lee Williams)
Ariel Cister
Francisco Colmenero - Peter Port (Ryan Haywood/Anthony Sardinha)
Jesse Conde - Klein Sieben & Seven Butlers (J. Michael Tatum)
Armando Coria
Ivanna Corona - Small Girl (Emily Fajardo)
Bruno Coronel - Yuma (Nick Landis)
Andrea Coto - Menagerie Guard 03 (Jenn K. Tidwell)
Andrés Gutiérrez Coto
Sergio Gutiérrez Coto - Roman Torchwick (Gray G. Haddock/Billy Kametz/Christopher Wehkamp)
Elsa Covián - young Maria Calavera (Melissa Sternenberg)
Víctor Covarrubias - Just Rite Bartender (Zane Rutledge)
Irwin Daayán - Green Paper Pleaser (Dustin Matthews)
Gustavo Dardés
Ximena de Anda - Amber (Laura Bailey) & Trophy Wife (Felicia Angelle)
Edgar de Marte
Denisse de la Fuente
Óscar de la Rosa
Alejandría de los Santos
Carlos del Campo - Crow Bar Bartender (Markus Horstmeyer)
Daniel del Roble - Councilman Sleet (Chad James)
Salvador Delgado
Alejandra Delint
Esteban Desco - Shay D. Mann (Clifford Chapin)
Juan Pablo Diaz - Crimson (César Altagracia)
Manuel Díaz
Emiliano Dionisi
Idzi Dutkiewicz - Li Ren (Kaiji Tang) & Rhodes (Christian Young)
Erica Edwards - Robyn Hill (Cristina Vee)
Juan Antonio Edwards
Berenice Esquivel
Paula Arias Esquivel
Héctor Estrada - Angry Atlas Businessman (Nick Landis)
Germán Fabregat - Qrow Branwen (Vic Mignogna/Jason Liebrecht)
Karla Falcón - Harriet Bree (Anairis Quiñones) & Nebula Violette (Grace Bono)
Constanza Faraggi
Dafnis Fernández - James Ironwood (Jason Rose)
César Filio - Herbalist (Christopher Guerrero)
David Filio
Iván Filio
Mario Filio
Rona Fletcher - Madame (Linda Leonard)
Kerygma Flores - An Ren (Dawn M. Bennett) & Oscar’s Aunt (Marissa Lenti)
Óscar Flores - Jaune Arc/Rusted Knight, Dream Actor Jaune Arc, Negative Jaune, & Jaune’s Weapons (Miles Luna)
Eduardo Fonseca - Hei “Junior” Xiong (Jack Pattillo) & Vale Reporter 01 (Tyler Coe)
Enzo Fortuny - Neptune Vasilias (Kerry Shawcross)
Camila Díaz Fraga - Ciel Soleil (Yssa Badiola)
Dan Frausto
Alina Galindo
Dafne Gallardo
Diana Galván
Graciela Gámez - Councilwoman Camilla (Anairis Quiñones)
Blas García
Constanza García
Gerardo García
Ivette García - Joanna Greenleaf (Marissa Lenti)
Leonardo García
María García
René García
Saidé García
César Garduza
Óscar Garibay - Yatsuhashi Daichi (Joe MacDonald)
Fidel Garriga Jr.
Eduardo Garza - Fennec Albain (Mike McFarland)
Claudia Garzón - Higanbana Waitress (Kim Newman)
Fernanda Gastélum
Melissa “Meli G” Gedeón - Neon Katt (Meg Turney)
Eduardo Giaccardi - Vine Zeki (Todd Womack)
Leslie Gil - Olive Harper (Skye Lafontaine)
Magda Giner - Caroline Cordovin (Mela Lee)
Abril Gómez
Cecilia Gómez - Bianca Prisma (Alexis Tipton) & White Pawn 01 (Jamie Battle)
Gabriela Gómez
Héctor Emmanuel Gómez - Drinking Buddy (Dustin Matthews)
Óscar Gómez - Hanlon Fifestone (Major Attaway) & Toy Soldiers (Michael Malconian)
Sara Gómez
Dalí González
Desireé González
Geezuz González - Fox Alistair (Max Mittelman)
Nycolle González
Alfonso Grau - Amoncio Glass (Lucas Schuneman)
Alejandro Graue
Maythe Guedes - Teapot Lady (Kdin Jenzen)
María Inés Guerra
Armando Guerrero
Dulce Guerrero - Cinder Fall (Jessica Nigri)
Emilio Guerrero - Ghira Belladonna (Kent Williams)
Eduardo Gutiérrez
Melissa Gutiérrez
Roberto Gutiérrez - White Fang Lieutenant (Gray G. Haddock/Christopher Wehkamp)
Gabriela Guzmán - Elm Ederne (Dawn M. Bennett)
Jesús Guzmán
Maru Guzmán - Glynda Goodwitch (Kathleen Zuelch/Tiana Camacho)
Patricia Hannidez
Carlos Hernández
Cristina Hernández - Penny Polendina (Taylor McNee)
Jesús Hernández
Lucy Hernández
Alondra Hidalgo - Blake Belladonna (Arryn Zech), Lisa Lavender (Jen Brown), & Negative Blake (Arryn Zech)
Olga Hnidey
Danann Huicochea - Jinn (Colleen Clinkenbeard)
Irina Índigo
Betzabé Jara - Mouse Leader (Jamie Battle)
Dante Jara
Irene Jiménez - Female Mistral Pilot (Reina Scully)
Renzo Jiménez
Edurne Keel - Ivy Thickety (AmaLee)
Eder La Barrera
Daniel Lacy - Detective 01 (Burnie Burns)
Patricio Lago - Detective 02 (Joel Heyman)
Erika Langarica
Jorge Lapuente
Lupita Leal - Fiona Thyme (Michele Everheart)
Miguel Ángel Leal - Terminal Guard (Connor Pickens)
Ixchel León
Constanza Lechuga
Agustín Lezama
Sebastián Llapur - Dr. Merlot (Dave Fennoy)
Jaime López
Olivia Luna
José Antonio Macías
Nancy MacKenzie
Wendy Malvárez
Rebeca Manríquez - Kali Belladonna (Tara Platt)
Fernando Manzano
Ximena Manzano
Talía Marcela
Isabel Martiñón - Fria (Luci Christian)
Edson Matus - Nadir Shiko (Aleks Le)
Paco Mauri
Sergio Maya
Alejandro Mayén
Carla Medina - Terra Cotta-Arc (Jamie Smith)
Luis Gerardo Méndez
Ricardo Méndez
Itzel Mendoza
Jared Mendoza
Mireya Mendoza - Yang Xiao Long (Barbara Dunkelman)
Monserrat Mendoza - Ilia Amitola (Cherami Leigh)
Pamela Mendoza
Ricardo Mendoza “El Coyote” - Toy Soldiers (Nick Cramer) & Xiong Goons (William Lopez)
Rommy Mendoza - Mistral Police Captain (Jamie Smith)
Arturo Mercado - Jacques Schnee & Dream Actor Jacques Schnee (Jason Douglas)
Arturo Mercado Jr. - Taiyang Xiao Long (Burnie Burns)
Mario Díaz Mercado
Pascual Meza - Red Prince (Michael Malconian)
Gabriela Michel
José Luis Miranda - Penny’s Driver (Alan Abdine)
Verónica Montes
Moisés Iván Mora - Whitley Schnee & Dream Actor Whitley Schnee (Howard Wang)
Zoe Mora - young Lie Ren (Apphia Yu)
María Fernanda Morales
Sergio Morel
Susana Moreno
Jahel Morga
Ángel Mujica - Ramen Shop Owner (Nick Landis)
Salvador Nájar
Alexa Navarro
Luis Navarro
Sol Nieto
Víctor Noriega
Gloria Obregón - Mata’s Mother (Victoria Holden)
Vanessa Olea
Javier Olguín
Adriana Olmedo
Jorge Ornelas
Alejandro Orozco - Adam Taurus (Garrett Hunter) & Dudley (Christopher Guerrero)
José Luis Orozco - God of Light (Chase McCaskill) & Atlas Businessman (Scott Frerichs)
Luis Fernando Orozco - Mata (Scott Frerichs)
Alexis Ortega - Sun Wukong (Michael Jones)
Héctor Ortiz
Jessica Ortiz
Mariana Ortiz
Verania Ortiz
Dan Osorio - Dee (Alex Mai)
Marcela Páez - Xanthe Rumpole (Anne Yatco)
Moisés Palacios - Forest (Eric Baudour)
Patricia Palestino
Julio César Palomera
Rebeca Patiño - Vernal (Amber Lee Conners)
Fabiola Paulin
Braian Pavón
Mónica Pavón
Romina Marroquín Payró - Weiss Schnee & Negative Weiss (Kara Eberle/Casey Lee Williams)
Cecilia Pérez
Manuel Pérez
Mauricio Pérez
Walterio Pesqueira
Estefanía Piedra
José Luis Piedra
Ale Pilar - Summer Rose (Morgan Lauré)
Gabriel Pingarrón - Fiona’s Uncle (Gus Sorola)
Layda Álvarez Ponce
Alan Prieto
Mark Pokora - Dr. Arthur Watts (Christopher Sabat)
Vicha Punk
Elena Ramírez
Gisella Ramírez
Leyla Rangel - Lil’ Miss Malachite (Luci Christian)
Óscar Rangel
Armando Réndiz
Gerardo Reyero - Dr. Pietro Polendina (Dave Fennoy)
David Reyes
Salvador Reyes - God of Darkness (Bruce DuBose)
José Luis Rivera
Fernanda Robles - Raven Branwen (Anna Hullum)
Jocelyn Robles
Mariana Robles
Demián Velazco Rochwerger
Valentina Rodríguez
Jorge Roig Jr.
María Roiz
Annie Rojas - Step-Sisters (AmaLee)
Mayra Rojas
Octavio Rojas - Hazel Rainart (William Orendorff) & Tukson (Adam Ellis)
Polo Rojas
Tommy Rojas
Marisol Romero
Alfredo Ruiz
Miguel Ángel Ruiz - Tyrian Callows (Jessie James Grelle/Robbie Daymond)
Pedro Ruiz
Víctor Ruiz
Álvaro Salarich
María Santander
Diana Santos - Disgruntled Grandmother (Christine Stuckart)
Roberto Salguero - Ozma (Aaron Dismuke)
Erick Salinas - Mercury Black (J.J. Castillo/Yuri Lowenthal)
Analiz Sánchez - Nora Valkyrie & Dream Actor Nora Valkyrie (Samantha Ireland)
Carlos Sánchez
Georgina Sánchez
Laura Sánchez
Carlos Segundo - Mike the Beowolf (William Ball)
Erick Selim - Hawker (César Altagracia)
Gaby Servín
Carlos Siller
Esteban Silva
Xavier Sol
Raúl Solo - Nubuck Guards (Kyle Phillips)
Humberto Solórzano - Leonardo Lionheart (Daman Mills)
Braulio Sosa
Natalia Sosa
Rosalba Sotelo
Alfonso Soto
César Soto
Valentina Souza - Ruby Rose (Lindsay Jones)
Christian Strempler
Luis Leonardo Suárez - Oscar Pine (Aaron Dismuke)
Noriko Takaya
Fernanda Tapia
Eduardo Tejedo - Shopkeep (Patrick Rodriguez)
Ricardo Tejedo - Marrow Amin (Mick Lauer)
Irasema Terrazas - Salem (Jen Taylor)
Juan Carlos Tinoco
Regina Tiscareño
José Antonio Toledano
José Ángel Torres - Flynt Coal (Flynt Flossy)
Laura Torres
Ruth Toscano - May Marigold (Kdin Jenzen/Sena Bryer)
Emilio Treviño - Henry Marigold (Alejandro Saab)
Verónica López Treviño
Erik Trujillo
Rubén “Trujo” Trujillo - Bram Thornmane (Yong Yea)
Víctor Trujillo - Captain (Bruce Carey)
Erika Ugalde - Saphron Cotta-Arc (Lindsay Sheppard)
Emiliano Ugarte
Gaby Ugarte
Víctor Ugarte - Cyril Ian (Patrick Rodriguez)
Xóchitl Ugarte - Winter Schnee & Dream Actor Winter Schnee (Elizabeth Maxwell)
Azul Valadez
Andrea Valeria
Karen Vallejo
Francisco Vargas
Héctor Lee Vargas
Tenyo Vargas
Genaro Vásquez
Gerardo Vásquez
Carlo Vázquez - Marty the Beowolf (Joe Nicolosi) & Xiong Goon 02 (Isaiah Torres)
Carola Vázquez
Jerry Velázquez
Noé Velázquez - Sailor 02 (Daniel Fabelo)
Alan Fernando Velázquez - Lie Ren & Dream Actor Lie Ren (Monty Oum/Neath Oum)
Abraham Vega - Sage Ayana (Josh Ornelas) & Brawnz Ni (Blaine Gibson)
Berenice Vega - Pyrrha Nikos & Dream Actor Pyrrha Nikos (Jen Brown)
Jaime Vega
Alicia Vélez - Emerald Sustrai (Katie Newville)
Humberto Vélez
Maggie Vera
Yolanda Vidal - Willow Schnee & Dream Actor Willow Schnee (Caitlin Glass)
Pepe Vilchis - Nolan Porfirio (Aaron Marquis)
Ángela Villanueva - Maria Calavera (Maria Calavera)
Angélica Villa - Little/Somewhat (Luci Christian)
Alejandro Villeli
Gabriela Willer
Alma Wilheleme
Marc Winslow - Sailor 01 (Isaiah Torres)
Héctor Lama Yazbek
Sergio Zaldívar
Luis Antonio Sala Águila
Adolfo Aguilar
Damián Alcázar
Anahí Allué
Sofía Álvarez
Mike Amigorena
Elena Poniatowska Amor
Ángelica Aragón
Alfonso Arau
Roy Ochoa Avilés
J Balvin
Antonio Banderas
Darío Barassi
Bazooka Joe
Mario Bautista
Kuno Becker
Gael García Bernal
Demián Bichir
Regina Blandón - Medium Boy (Amber Lee Connors)
Gonzalo Bonadeo
César Bono
María Cecilia Botero
Andrés Bustamante
Jaime Camil
Martín Campilongo
Itatí Cantoral - Atlas Huntress (Zoe Terhune/Kate Daigler)
Roxana Castellanos
Mauricio Castillo
Mauro Castillo
Irán Castillo
Angie Cepeda
Francisco Céspedes
Omar Chaparro
Cassandra Ciangherotti
Luistio Comunica - Tall Boy (Scott Frerichs)
Joaquín Cosio
César Costa - Vale Reporter 03 (Jason Douglas)
Dama G
Jay de la Cueva
Cristián de la Fuente
Ana de la Reguera
Erika de la Vega
Leonardo de Lozanne
Kate del Castillo - Ever After Townsperson (Jamie Battle)
Eugenio Derbez
Vadhir Derbez
Juanse Diaz
Karla Díaz
Gustavo Dudamel
Consuelo Duval
Camilo Echeverri
Sandra Echeverría
Erick Elías
Sofía Espinosa
Gloria Estefan
Nando Estevané - Dying Huntsman (Alejandro Saab)
René Franco
Alejandro Fernández
Juan Frese
Lorenzo Gael
Carolina Gaitán
Rocío Garcel
Isabel Garcés
Antonio Garci
Carlos Girón
Luis Ángel Gómez
Eleazar Gómez
Roger González
Ashley Grace
Maribel Guardia
Juan S. Guarnizo
Salma Hayek
Martín Hernández
Alfonso Herrera
Mónica Huarte
Vanessa Huppenkothen
Benny Ibarra
Javier Ibarreche
Violeta Isfel
Verónica Jaspeado
María José
Carolina Kopelioff
Axel Kuschevatzky
Ana Layevska - Short Boy (Marissa Lenti)
Andrea Legarreta
Rubén León
Claudia Lizaldi
Rick Loera
Andrés López
Alex Lora
Daniela Luján
Laura Luz
Gian Marco
Criss Martell
Mick Marcy
Ricardo Margaleff
Angélica María
Ricky Martin
Sebastián Martínez
Ofelia Medina
Luis Gerardo Méndez
Gaby Meza
Ariel Miramontes
Diana Monster
Alex Montiel
Galilea Montijo
Silvia Navarro
Andrés Navy
Hanna Nicole
Gerardo “Rojstar” Nuño
Jesús Ochoa - Anima Blacksmith (Christopher Guerrero)
Cristóbal Orellana
Regina Orozco
Lidwika Paleta
Danna Paola
Mane de la Parra
Mariel Percossi
Maite Perroni
Darío T. Pie
Bruno Pinasco
Carlos Ponce
Favio Posca
Pipe Punk
Adal Ramones
Humberto Ramos
Marco Antonio Regil
Greeicy Rendón
Luisito Rey
Alejandro Riaño
Melissa Robles
Ami Rodriguez
Génesis Rodriguez
Michelle Rodríguez
Memo Rojas Jr.
Yordi Rosado
Cecilia Roth
Erik Rubín
Paco Rueda
Diego Sanardi
Ivete Sangalo
Loretta Santini
Carmen Sarahí - Ever After Blacksmith (Kimlinh Tran)
Leonardo Sbaraglia
Jessica Segura
Sergio Sendel
Ana Serradilla
Hugo Serrano
Edith Serrano
Diego Schoening
Daniela Sierra
Ana María Simon
Pedro Sola
Marco Antonio Solís
Cecilia Suárez
María Eugenia “China” Suárez
Aleks Syntek
Alan Tacher
Marco Tolama
Paula “Paulettee” Torres
Sugey Torres
Cecilia Toussaint
Adrián Uribe
Luiz Valdez
Angélica Vale
Rodolfo Neri Vela
Ana Karen Velásquez
Édgar Vivar
Olga Lucía Vives
Yaneth Waldman
Claudio Yarto
Susana Zabaleta
Luz María Zetina
Sergio Zurita
Livier Zúñiga
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remixinc · 8 months
directed by dayday
cast Charlotte Hazzard cast Carlee Elston cast Chakya Williams cast Ivana Lysette Fischer cast Gloria Banguera cast Tanisha Tovar
client Procter & Gamble vpta na hair care portfolio Lela Coffey sr. director of production Renato Ibarra
agency Cartwright cco & founder Keith Cartwright integrated producer Paige Bryant art director Chelsea Ceasor copywriter Taylor Whitelow
production company Biscuit executive producer Jordana Fredyberg producer Willa Goldfeder
production services company Habitant managing director Arturo Arroyo operations manager Montserrat Becerril head of production Elizabeth Tapia executive producer Matías Godoy line producer Levi Negretti
1st ad usa Paul Chaput 1st ad mex Tito Salomé 2nd ad Fernando Garzafox script supervisor Eduardina Casar
production manager Erick Tamayo unit Jesús Álvarez key pa Benjamín Victoria production coordinator Andrea Guillemot executive assistant Nathalie Rodríguez apoc Rodrigo Puente production assistant Sebastián Tamayo production assistant Hanna Katori
locations manager Franco de la Lanza locations manager assistant Emanuel López
director of photography Ayinde Anderson 1st ac Eleazar Vilo 2nd ac Ingrid Lima steadycam Juan Martín Deza Amorena steadycam assistant Fernando Schmidt making of María Julia E. Matrtinez
gaffer Lucio Gutiérrez gaffer staff Oscar Franco gaffer staff Alejandro Diaz gaffer staff Oscar Diaz gaffer staff Alfredo Ramirez gaffer staff Antonio Ramirez gaffer staff Regino Corona gaffer staff Pedro Iturriaga gaffer staff Adrian Macias gaffer staff Guillermo Salvador gaffer staff Santiago Gutierrez
dit Ludmila Bollati video assistant Gerardo Gómez data Anahí Rangel
wardrobe stylist Young-Ah Kim wardrobe assistant Sedrina Bloome wardrobe assistant mex Priscila Cano makeup artist Georgina Prieto makeup artist asstiant Liliana Monroy hair stylist Tiffany Dougherty hair stylist assistant Reyna Varela
production designer Rochelle Bennett art director Pastora Orozco art department coordinator Ale Melby set decorator Lorena Rodriguez art assistant Fernanda Guillen art assistant Miriam Solis swing on set Julio Sanchez swing Hugo Flores swing Walter Romano swing Zahid Perales swing Edgar Lopez swing Juan Cruz swing Marco Mora swing Luis Perez swing Alexis Romero swing Jorge Guardian express 1 Miguel Garcia express 2 Enrique Martinez vanet 1 Adrian Valenzuela vanet 2 Jose Luis Ortega prop master Fidel Castañeda
casting coordinator Nico Barmat extras coordinator Jorge Guerrero
camera José Antonio Torres alpha Nelson Rodríguez alpha assistant Alexis Trejo planta Roberto Zarate lights Leonardo Barrera asteras Rogelio Samayoa dolly/sliders Alfredo Ortega equipo lucio Silvia GB equipo lucio Fernanda GB equipo lucio Cristian Br
efd Gabriela Fonseca fx Luis Ambriz hardrives Habitant wifi Verde Neón walkie talkies Rogelio Rul security halcones films Félix Guerrero on set cleaning Francisca Estrada hecho en casa Cecilia Estrop amt ambulances Héctor Tovar Moyo amt ambulances Zuleyma Hernández transportation Transpoelite picture car Tamayo
editorial Arcade Edit editor Matt Laroche color Visual Creatures colorist Josh Bohoskey composer & sound mix Robert Ouyang Rusli
film processing Metropolis Post
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xian-moriarty · 1 year
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El Zorro, la espada y la rosa. 2007 1 saison 122 épisodes.
Synopsis : Don Diego de la Vega s'oppose aux tyrans corrompus de la Californie espagnole en tant qu'épéiste masqué, Zorro.
Casting : Christian Meier, Marlene Favela, Arturo Peniche, Osvaldo Ríos, Héctor Suárez Gomís, Andrea López, Harry Geithner, Jorge Cao, Adriana Campos, Raúl Gutiérrez, Andrea Montenegro
Plaisir de visionnage : Une télénovela très axée sur les relations inter-personnages. Des rebondissements scénaristiques à foison, parfois WTF. Mais ensemble très appréciable. Pitié, changez le générique ! Note : 4 chats.
Historicité : Si on accepte que la Californie c'est la Colombie (lieu de tournage), avec des amazones et des cannibales (oui, des cannibales), ca peut passer… ou pas… Note : 1 chat.
Disponibilité : Existe en DVD, mais en import uniquement. A été disponible sur PlutoTV (avec VPN).
Point Bonus Chat : Y a pas de chat. Snif.
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masnoticiacl · 1 year
Valparaíso: Trabajadores del Ministerio de las Culturas se mantienen en paro de 48 horas
Movilización es a nivel nacional y en la sede de Valparaíso funcionarios y funcionarias realizaron manifestaciones en el frontis del edificio. Las organizaciones sindicales AFUCAP, ANFUCULTURA y Sindicatos de Honorarios de Valparaíso y Santiago, informamos que luego de tres meses de conversaciones y negociaciones con la subsecretaria de las Culturas y las Artes, Andrea Gutiérrez, y el ministro…
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rozieramati · 1 year
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Andrea Gutiérrez Arcas | Christian Dior
© Sarah Moon
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Miss Universe Colombia NatCos 🇨🇴
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Look how Stunning & Colorful this Colombian Queens are Wearing 🌸
Colombia's Representatives at Miss Universe 2014-2021
'14- Paulina Vega
'15- Ariadna Gutiérrez
'16- Andrea Tovar
'17- Laura Gonzalez
'18- Valeria Morales
'19- Gabriela Tafur
'20- Laura Olascuaga
'21- Valeria Ayos
#jasperorteza #jasper_sendou
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charrovirtual · 2 months
Realizarán Feria de Escaramuzas Charras en Degollado
Harán la presentación de la Escaramuza Charra de Degollado Por Andrea M. Gutiérrez – 18 abril, 2024 Ocotlán, Jalisco. El próximo sábado 20 de abril será la Feria de Escaramuzas Charras en el municipio de Degollado, en esta, harán la presentación de la Escaramuza Charra de Degollado, misma que fue agrupada para rehabilitar el lienzo charro del municipio y así fomentar este deporte.  Emmanuel…
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agendaculturaldelima · 3 months
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💥 Proyecto que busca recuperar las obras de teatro en formato corto, con funciones en simultáneo, de quince minutos en horarios de noche y trasnoche.❤️🌚
© Producción: Piso 1 Producciones
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📝 Programación:
🕗 8:00pm. a 10:00pm.
🎭 Sala 1: «Los Irresponsables» de Luca Reátegui, a cargo de Augusto Gutiérrez y Andrea Brissolese, Dirección: Luca Reátegui / Sala 2: «GJ1214b» de Matías Gallo, a cargo de Jhader Fuentes, Alexandro Rodríguez y Matías Gallo, Dirección: Matías Gallo / Sala 3: «Rosa de Guadalupe» de Daniel Suárez Lezama, a cargo de Rocío Olivera y Daniela Sosa, Dirección: Daniel Suárez Lezama / Sala 5: «Las Nadadoras» de Laura Eva Avelluto, a cargo de Rocío Montesinos y Rosilú Osorio, Dirección: Gabriela Gallegos.
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🕙 10:30pm.  a 🕛 12:15am.
🎭 Sala 1: «Manual para la primera Muerte» de Christian Ávalos, a cargo de Roy Zevallos y Yamil Sacin, Dirección: Christian Ávalos / Sala 2: «Maracuyá» de Federico Abrill, a cargo de Brianna Campos y Camila Vinatea, Dirección: Bhrayann André / Sala 3: «Inhalo, Exhalo» de Nicolás Teté, a cargo de Andrea Brissolese y Sergio Armasgo, Dirección: Sebastián Valdez Genit / Sala 5: «Loco por Sharon» de Herbert Corimanya, a cargo de Lía Camilo y Claudio Calmet, Dirección: Herbert Corimanya.
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📌 TEMPORADA: Del 21 de Marzo al 20 de Abril
📆 Jueves a Sábado
🕗 8:00pm. a 🕙 10:00pm.
🕙 10:30pm.  a 🕛 12:15am.
🏘 Piso 1 Teatro (jr. Leoncio Prado 150 - Miraflores)
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🎫 Entrada: S/.15
🖱 Reservas: https://www.joinnus.com/organizer/Piso1Teatro
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movienized-com · 4 months
El amor de Andrea (2023)
El amor de Andrea (2023) #ManuelMartinCuenca #LupeMateoBarredo #FidelSierra #CayetanoRodriguezAnglada #JavierGutierrez #MariaLeon Mehr auf:
Jahr: 2023 (September) Genre: Abenteuer / Comedy / Drama Regie: Manuel Martín Cuenca Hauptrollen: Lupe Mateo Barredo, Fidel Sierra, Cayetano Rodríguez Anglada, Javier Gutiérrez, María León, Antonio de la Torre, Irene Virgüez, Juan Carlos Villanueva, Rafael Téllez, Inés Amueva, Jose M. Verdulla Otero, Jesús Ortiz, Irka Lugo, Agustín Domínguez … Filmbeschreibung: Andrea ist ein fünfzehnjähriges…
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tonin-terets · 4 months
Somos Pajaritos from Hola Combo on Vimeo.
Al igual que las aves migratorias, estos menores de edad cruzan fronteras enfrentando situaciones adversas en busca de mejores condiciones para vivir. Desde un albergue en el norte de México, las voces de niños y niñas muestran que los sueños sobreviven a pesar del desarraigo y la hostilidad del viaje.
Un documental de Médicos Sin Fronteras y ¡Hola! Combo Dirección: Gabriela Badillo Producción: Esteban Montaño Vásquez
¡Hola! Combo Dirección de arte y de animación: Gabriela Badillo, Tamara Cruz Gutiérrez Arte: Tamara Cruz, Enrique Sañudo Paredes Storyboard: Gabriela Badillo Animación: Tamara Cruz Gutiérrez, Cristina Lugo Pérez, Montserrat Vázquez Prendes, Andrea Esponda Abarca, Valeria Anaya Jijon, Jorge Aguilar Rojo Compuesto: Gabriela Badillo Grabación y Diseño de Audio: Igor Figueroa Coordinación de producción: Adriana Arvizu Taller y entrevistas en terreno: Gabriela Badillo, Enrique Sañudo con apoyo del equipo de 
Médicos Sin Fronteras Equipo de comunicaciones MSF México y América Central Directora: Laura Panqueva Gestor de comunicación de terreno: Esteban Montaño Vásquez Oficial de comunicación de terreno: Laura Aceituno Oficial de prensa: Sergio Pérez Diseñadora: Ana Villanueva Oficial digital: Alejandra Tapia Asistente digital: Angélica Pérez Oficial audiovisual: Maria Chavarria Oficial de eventos: Emmanuel Quezada Servicio social: Lucía Carapia y Hannia García
Equipo de MSF en Reynosa: Responsable de asuntos humanitarios: Anayeli Flores Supervisor de salud mental: Alejandro Alvarado Psicóloga de terreno: Daniela Castañeda Educadora comunitaria: Keren de la Rosa
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