#Angie Harmon sucks
valenshawke · 3 months
Well, since I got somebody to read Claymore, I promised I would watch the last two episodes of Law & Order.
I've been avoiding this cause I cannot accept Sam Waterston leaving. I truly believed he would die with his character. I can't tell you how stupid I've felt that this has affected me the way it has, but I was fucking 15 when I started watching the show (all because I saw Angie Harmon on the cover of the Washington Post TV Guide).
But a friend of mine told me, "No, it is not stupid. It is difficult to loose TV friends. Even though he is not exactly a friend of yours, it is still a loss."
It does sound like Sam was just ready to move on, which is fair. He's been associated with Jack McCoy for 30 years.
But still, his character was an influence on me, for good or for bad.
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So here we go.
P.S. Nolan Price sucks.
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reactivatedrockstar · 9 months
More headcanons
There is 100% art of Bonnie holding a Fizzy Faz reminding kids and employees to stay hydrated.
There's also art/cutouts of Bonnie getting flustered, embarrassed, frustrated, or angies, and he blushes purple. Obviously this can't happen to the animatronic.
Bonnie cannot play the drums! He's either too fast or too slow, and he doesn't know which drums make which sound.
In addition to Bonnie playing bass, he was also a backup vocalist- his voice is designed to harmonize with Freddy's, more specifically upper harmonies.
Bonnie loves, loves, LOVES anything multichrome.
Bonnie's favorite non-fazbear song is We Built This City by Starship.
Bonnie absolutely loves decorating for special events/holidays, such as Christmas, Halloween, etc. He just gets so excited once he's officially allowed to decorate for holidays.
Bonnie is designed to tune his bass and Chica's guitar- that's actually part of what the sensitive ears are for. Since Monty is designed for drums, he is not capable of this.
Bonnie has merchandise of all his friends just because why not. The only exception is Monty, and that is solely because he only knew Monty for a month before the attack.
Bonnie is very careful to not eat or drink with the damages- he isn't sure if it would cause complications, and he doesn't want to make things more difficult.
Bonnie's favorite flavor of Fizzy Faz is a tie between Blue Raspberry and Black Cherry. He likes things sour, but not too sour.
His favorite cake flavor is chocolate with chocolate icing. I feel like everyone has a favorite cake flavor.
Much like how Freddy can't connect to the main network at the start of SB, Bonnie can't connect to anything either. Most of the wires that were ripped out were replaced, but those ones were not.
Bonnie had two different cutouts in Monty Golf in two separate locations. One was next to Roxy, and he was backing off with a nervous chuckle. The other was him all pouty and frustrated with a purple tint across his face. Incidentally, Bonnie sucks at mini golf- he knows this and accepts this, it's still fun after all.
Incidentally, Bonnie loves Monty Golf. The music that plays there is super cool, in his opinion, and he thinks it's fitting of Monty's character, and the aesthetics are really cool as well. He considers it a very great edition to the Pizzaplex.
Bonnie is notorious for his hugs- yes he gives really great, firm hugs, but when he's excited, his strength gets away from him and he often needs to be reminded to not accidentally crush his friends.
Speaking of excited, when Bonnie is super duper excited, he tends to bounce on his heels a lot or maybe clap a little, in edition to his tail wagging. He also tends to clap when he's laughing super hard.
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maurafreakinisles · 3 years
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R&I 2x04 "Brown Eyed Girl"
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When your about to fall to sleep and your alarm goes off...
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machinecreature · 6 years
rizzoli & isles .....shouldve been gay......
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anthrofreshtodeath · 3 years
What’s your theory on the drastic chemistry and dynamic change between Sasha Alexander & Angie Harmon? I never really got into it when the show was airing, but it was definitely noticeable.
@colossalsharks The messy bitch in me wants it to be that someone caught gay feelings for someone else and awkwardness ensued. The adult in me knows that's not likely and actually thinks it's probably a mixture of:
1) Shit showrunning - Jan Nash admitted that before she signed on, she only watched the first and last episodes of previous seasons. I know showrunners are busy and all, but that seems inexcusable to me if you want to have a real good handle on what makes your show tick. Therefore, the writing and overall character arcs tanked.
2) Contract negotiations 👀 - I don't think we have all the details, but when there was that big upheaval with Janet Tamaro leaving, the lead actors were also negotiating deals. My guess is that someone got mad that someone else either got more money or asked for it. And I mean, I get it - how awkward if Rizzoli or Isles made more money than the other. This is total speculation.
3) Angie's divorce - Angie Harmon kept her divorce stuff pretty hush hush during the later seasons, of course, until she announced that she and what's-his-face were splitting up. She kind of just seemed tired and run down in a lot of the episodes around that time and I wonder if that had anything to do with Jane's overall... lack of Jane-ness in seasons 5-7. Like maybe it wasn't her and Sasha's relationship that deteriorated per se, but her relationship with everyone because of the super heavy personal shit she was going through (and seems to be going through again right now- phew sorry girl that sucks). Again, total speculation.
At then end of the day, I have no idea LOL. But those are my theories.
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storiesofsvu · 3 years
Angie Harmon has a husky voice and is hot as hell in Rizzoli and Isles. (I fucking hate the queer baiting tho 😒)
I haven’t watched any of it...yet...lol. I only know her from the first season of svu, and don’t remember much but she is a babe. I’ve heard about the queer baiting...I’ve also heard that the two of them really don’t like each other in real life, so that makes it suck even more woof.
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thelastspeecher · 4 years
I went to Culver’s for dinner last night and on the drive there and back, my brain started thinking about fic stuff and lo and behold, I got ideas for a lil ficlet that takes place in my Avatar AU.  Enjoy.
              The driving reason behind Stan’s stay with the McGuckets was to join Angie and Lute’s pro-bending team.  Despite this, he had yet to join in on a single training session with the siblings.  His burn was much better than before, but Mr. McGucket insisted he stay benched until it was fully healed.  Chin in one hand, Stan watched morosely as Lute and Angie sparred.  In theory, he was observing how they fought so as to better fit in once he was allowed to train again.
              All this does is make me wanna join in.  Lute cracked a water whip at Angie’s ankles, making her fall to the ground.  She caught herself on one hand and kicked the air.  A massive rock flew directly at Lute, hitting him soundly in the chest. He flew backwards.
              “All ya do when ya knock me off my feet is make me closer to my element,” Angie jeered.  One of the few things Stan had actually learned from watching Lute and Angie train was that their accents got much thicker in the heat of battle.  They sounded like they had been raised in the Foggy Swamp like their father, rather than on the outskirts of Republic City.
              “Shut up,” Lute grumbled as he slowly got to his feet.  Angie snickered.  Lute summoned water from the nearby pond and held it over his chest.  The water began to glow, signaling that Lute was healing the scrapes and bruises he’d gotten during the sparring session.  He looked over at Stan.  “So, what do ya think?”
              “I think Angie’s the better bender of the two of you,” Stan replied.  Lute’s jaw dropped.  Angie let out a whoop.  “Honestly, she might be a better bender than me.”
              “Don’t give her a swelled head.  She’s already got a big nose,” Lute said.  Angie stopped preening to glare at him.
              “We have the same nose, Lute.  Arguably, yours is bigger ‘n mine.”  Lute rolled his eyes.  Angie turned back to Stan.  “It makes sense that I’m a better bender.”
              “No, it don’t,” Lute said.
              “Yes, it does.  We don’t have any famous waterbendin’ relatives.  But we’ve got at least one famous earthbender in the fam’ly.” Stan sat up straighter.
              “Who?” he asked.  Angie’s eyes twinkled.
              “King Bumi of Omashu.”
              “What?  No.”
              “It’s true!”
              “He didn’t have kids,” Stan argued.  He blinked.
              How did I know that?  Maybe some of the history lessons Ford took rubbed off on me.
              “Yer right.”  Angie walked over to Stan and sat next to him.  “I ain’t a direct descendant of King Bumi.  I’m a direct descendant of his older sister.”
              “Was she an earthbender?”
              “Yes.  I don’t know if she was on the same level as her brother, but we’ve still got that earthbendin’ talent runnin’ through our veins, courtesy of Ma.”  Stan nodded.  “Ya don’t seem all that surprised we’ve got royal blood.”
              “I figured you at least had noble blood, since your mom’s a noblewoman,” Stan said.  Lute raised an eyebrow.
              “How’d ya know that?”
              “It sticks out all over her.  Also, she’s from the Middle Ring of Ba Sing Se.  That’s where snooty people come from.”  Lute snorted, amused.
              “Sounds like ya have experience with snooty people,” he said.  He sent the water back to the pond and joined Stan and Angie on the ground.
              “Well, yeah.  My twin brother’s the Avatar.  Literally the day after it was announced, snooty nobles started stopping by our home to schmooze.”  Stan grinned. “The one thing my pops was good for, though, was teaching us how to brush off schmoozers.”  He frowned.  “I wonder if any of the people that visited were relatives of yours.”
              “If they were, we’d have no way of knowin’,” Angie said.  She stretched her legs out in front of her.  “Ma was raised to be a proper lady and marry a feller with higher status. When she decided to join the White Lotus and married our pa, her folks disowned her.”  Angie shrugged.  “Technically, we’re nobility.  But we don’t have any proper claim to land or titles or what have ya.  They stripped Ma of all that.”
              “That’s shitty,” Stan said after a moment.
              “Eh.  I don’t mind not knowin’ Ma’s fam’ly,” Lute said.  “She don’t talk ‘bout ‘em much, but when she does, it paints a picture. And not a pretty one.  Not unlike when you talk ‘bout yer own fam’ly.”
              “Hmm.”  Stan leaned back, looking up at the sky.  “I mean, when we were kids, Ford didn’t suck that much, and our big brother Shermie was always a great guy.  And I’d be lying if I said I don’t like my mom.  It’s mostly just my pops who sucks.  Well, him and lately, Ford.”
              “Ooh, are ya goin’ to tell us ‘bout yer fam’ly?” Angie asked eagerly.  She leaned, pressing up against Stan.  “Spill!”
              “I’ll answer one question,” Stan said after a moment of deliberation.
              “Do ya have any famous benders in yer fam’ly?” Lute blurted out.  Stan looked at Angie.
              “What?” she asked.
              “You’re not gonna oppose him stealing the question?” Stan asked.  Angie shrugged.
              “Nah.  His question’s better ‘n the one I thought of anyways.”
              “Fine.  You wanna know if I’m related to any famous benders…”  Stan rubbed his chin.  “Well, Pops always said we were descended from the Sun Warriors, but I don’t believe that.  He only ever brought it up to sell antiques, after all.  I think I believe my mom, though.  She used to tell us that her grandma was an airbender.”
              “Whoa, really?” Angie asked, her eyes wide. Stan nodded.  “That’s amazing!  Airbending is rare even now.”
              “Yeah, apparently, she was one of those airbenders that got their bending from Harmonic Convergence.”
              Wow, I’m really nailing the history stuff today.  That might be the first time I remembered the name “Harmonic Convergence.”
              “That’s so cool!” Lute gushed.  “Man, all we’ve got are snooty nobles, King Bumi, and a bunch of swamp people.”
              “That’s not true,” Angie said.
              “Am I forgetting someone?”
              “Yeah, you’re forgetting us!”  Angie reached around Stan to punch Lute on the shoulder. “You, me, ‘n Stan.  Soon to be the best pro-bending team in history!”  Lute rubbed the spot she punched, chuckling.
              “All right, all right, you’ve got a point.” Lute got up.  “C’mon.  Ma’s workin’ late tonight, so we best get started on dinner fer her.”  He pulled Stan to his feet.  Angie jumped up.
              “You included me in your list of famous relatives,” Stan pointed out as they walked back to the house.
              “Well, sure, yer part of the fam’ly,” Angie said.
              “But I’m not famous.  Other than being the Avatar’s twin.  That’s not why you included me, right?”
              “Of course not!”  Angie looped an arm around Stan’s shoulders, an action that she had to stand on her tip toes in order to do.  “Didn’t ya hear me?  Yer famous ‘cause yer part of our pro-bending team, and we’re goin’ to take the pro-bending world by storm!”  Stan grinned, catching Angie’s enthusiasm.
              “Hell yeah.”
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riotatthemovies · 4 years
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Baywatch Nights SEASON 2 (because Season one did not count)
SO every so many years I am reminded of this bat shit crazy phenomenon of a shows existence. And now with the world in stay home crisis I guess I have some time on my hands and challenged my weak mind to a marathon.
So the infamous David Hasselhoff made Baywatch the semi action semi drama wildly popular show about good looking people running in slow motion on the California beach. Hasselhoff got a little bored that the show was not enough about him so he doubled up in a self produced spin off show Baywatch Nights were his character Mitch Buchanan got a side hussle as an investigator on the side of his lifeguard and coastguard work. The first season was a cop action romp but did badly in the ratings so in season 2 it completely rebooted its self. So you dont need to see season 1 as Season 2 exists in its own reality full of Ghosts, Demons, Aliens, Vampires, Parallel Dimensions. Yep X files was huge so Hasselhoff figured he could do it to. This 22 episode arch is so ridiculous when you keep in mind its his character from Baywatch doing this and in a Scully and Mulder way he will literally see aliens and the devil and the next episode say shit like “oh come on I don’t believe in the tooth fairy”. Everything about it watched like a passion / ego project to the level of it being brilliantly innocent and awful all at once. The rest of the cast of season one have disappeared except scientist Ryan Mcbride played by the beautiful Angie Harmon, an actress beautiful in a different way from the usual Baywatch girl so they figured you would believe this as a smarter show but she dumbs down her acting skills seen in Law and Order so she can read the cheesiest lines every typed on paper.  
I have been posting comments as I marathon through this on my Facebook but let me give you a run down of most of the impactful episodes I've been watching so far tonight.
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Episode 1 (again remember only important is season 2 so this is season 2 ep 1)
Terror of the Deep : Sounding like a classic Corman movie, Mitch Buchanan's first up close encounter with a paranormal creature.  A ship has sank off the coast and archaeologists and secret agent enlists Mitchs scuba diving skills to check if someone is still alive on the ship and warns him there may be a mystical creature loose on it as it was being smuggled . Mitch meets basically the creature from the black lagoon on the ship but shrugs it off till the end the secret agrent questons Mitch on what he saw and he saw and makes Mitch very nervous saying “I saw it ok, I just dont know what I saw”. Dun dun dunnn.
Jump to Episode 3 THE RIG: Basically Baywatch goes fully HP lovecraft as scientists disappear on a oil freighter and Mitch goes to see if anyone is still there. But the scientists has awoken a growing ameba like crreature that is growing giant and swallows the frieghter with Mitch and Ryan in it. Oozing glowing green all over the walls and growing around it the the blob but with images of a worm like body moving all around them. But Mitch goes all Die Hard on the massive monster with no shape in the sea and blows the shit out of everything.
Jump to Episode 5 Circle of Fear:Where Ryan read a book of black magic and becomes curses by the devil himself. When the devil is defeated because of course a life guard and a CSI rep could beat the devil. The msyterious secret agent friend says You know it was the devil and it will be back. Mitch responds literally with “I kicked its butt and if it shows up Ill kick its butt again”
Jump to Episode 6 THE CABIN : Ryan and Mitch go to a haunted cabin that has them stuck in a time loop as they enter different rooms, they can hear each other but they seem different time lines from when the ghost was alive. The ghost is an old 49er miner who tries to kill em with a pick axe. In the end it was all a dream but Mitch sees his wound and knows he just jumped back in time to the begining where its safe.
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Jump to Episode 9 Night Whispers: A female vampire is killing people in an old police precinct and wants to make Mitch her slave as she thinks he is really sexy , Mitch pretends he is under her spell but he tricks her because he knows he could have any woman anytime so her glam magic wont work on him and he kills the vampire. Seriously.. I wish I was making that up.
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Jump to episode Space Spores: Mitch saves the whole world with his use of diving knowledge when the world is infected by the Andromeda Syndrome. Oh yeah thats episode 10.
Episode 11 Mitch is possessed by a demon giving him red eyes and making him mean after saving a possessed girl who was drowning.
Jump to episode 13  Vincent Schiavelli is a magical Dungeon and Dragons Dungeon Master who sucks his victims into a game world where he challenges them to Dungeons and DEAAAATHHHHH  .. Yeah really.  Vincent Schiavelli was the weirdest bit part actor of 80s television, I would love to know more of his history.
This will anger Geeks everywhere as they say some hilariously odd things about D and D and have a huge 12 sided dice to play with. 
Jump to episode 15 THE MOBIUS   Mitch and his paranormal team are grabbed into a time warp by a time demon that puts them in a ghost world after a scientist friend accidentally makes a portal to the ghost world of time...yeah seriously this is happening. But wait maybe it a parallel future where the Ozone layer has caused ghoul monsters to hatch from eggs and Ryan and Mitch has an awkward close moment which is ruined by them misquoting Star Wars lines. Confused.. I guess you will have to watch it.  Mitch says at one point I dont believe that science mumbo jumbo.. so what now after 15 episodes he only believes in magic?  As Hasselhoff says at the end of every opening credits in season 2, the only season that matter.. he says.. Nights will never be the same!
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More Episodes to go Im just over half way there wish me luck folks. I wont put you through it all as I do this so you dont have to.. but hey fuck it why not its all on youtube. If you never hear from be again its because I am stuck in the mobius and David Hasselhoff chose not to save me.
Oh man these credits are so 90s a time that brought you Pamela Anderson and Mortal Kombat. Wow
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sylvianamorel · 5 years
apparently @annavega333​ tagged me to post six of my celebrity crushes and ohhhhh man please don’t judge me for these  💜
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Noomi Rapace 
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Michael C Hall
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Angie Harmon (look, you cannot tell me that you saw her in the posters for that spy movie in that skin tight red suit and did not think terrible things)
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Michael Huisman specifically as Cal Morrison in Orphan Black 
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William Petersen (the early-mid seasons of Gil Grissom HOEEE BOYYY also lets not tell ken that he looks a little like gil grissom we’re just gonna keep that to ourselves okay?)
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and last but not least... Tatiana Maslany. i mean. have you seen Oprhan Black? GO WATCH. NOW. PLEASE. she’s amazing. and can we all take a moment to appreciate my girlfriend and spirit human (although i suck at science) the one, the only: Cosima Niehuas
thanks for tagging me, darlings! this was fun!
anyone who wants to do this, please do and tag me i wanna see who you all get all hot and bothered over ;)
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lunafeather · 5 years
Top 5 ships that should have happened and Top 5 ships that should NEVER have happened
Anon, this is fucking hard and that’s why it’s taken me a week to answer. It was also a really good one. You’re gonna get descriptions for everything!
Top 5 Ships That Should Have Happened
1. Wynonna x Dolls (Wynonna Earp). For fuck’s sake, it was a perfect slow burn between two messed up, truly good people. They had chemistry, they had humor, they had each other’s backs. They are seriously one of my OTP’s of OTP’s. Xavier Dolls is one of if not my absolute favorite character of all time, and he still deserves better than what he got. He deserved to fall in love with Wynonna, he deserved to know she loved him, they deserved to find happiness with each other and their found family. I’M STILL MAD ABOUT IT.
2. Jack x Elizabeth (Pirates of the Caribbean). STILL MAD ABOUT ELIZABETH SWANN’S ENDING, GONNA DIE MAD ABOUT IT PROBS. Look, Will is nice enough and whatever, but Jack saw who she really was and stoked that fire. She’s a fucking pirate, not a little mom who sits on an island with her kids waiting for Daddy to come back from sea every 7 fucking years. Jack and Elizabeth had chemistry out the wazoo, they would have OWNED the 7 seas. Please pretend Jack isn’t played by Johnny Depp but still looks like he does.
3. Jane x Maura (Rizzoli and Isles). I was so done with this show’s shit that I almost buried all my memories of it lmao listen. LISTEN. Maybe Sasha made it gay on purpose. Maybe they had no idea what they had on their hands. I don’t know. All I know is that there is so much chemistry between Sasha Alexander and Angie Harmon that you could power the United States for 10 years. THE LOOKS. THE TOUCHES. THE FLIRTING BANTER. This show was painful to watch. This show is also one of the absolute best examples of actual queer baiting. It pains me to think about the “bound for life” promo poster. IT PHYSICALLY HURTS. These two are god damn soul mates and you can’t change my mind. Fuck JTam. They did their level best to not let it be gay, and yet they somehow failed.
4. Jackson x April (Grey’s Anatomy). Lord have mercy, I know this ship technically DID happen, but it should have fucking KEPT HAPPENING instead of all the god damn bullshit that happened instead. Slow burn, friends to lovers, perfect for each other. Ugh, I stopped watching the show because of the crap they kept putting these two through. THEY WERE SOULMATES. At least they didn’t kill April off I guess???
5. Katniss x Gale (The Hunger Games, books). I am still so god damn mad that this series ended with Katniss marrying Peeta and having his babies and settling down like a little farmer girl (this is apparently a trend in media). Katniss and Gale were best friends and should have ended up together. He understood her. I just… I really hated the second half of Mockingjay. I think the author just stopped getting her own characters?? Gale’s narrative made no fucking sense! It wasn’t who he was! She turned him into this violence, for-the-greater-good asshole just to make it easier for Katniss to end up with Peeta and I’m always gonna be mad about it.
Honorable Mentions:
Clint x Natasha (Marvel Cinematic Universe). Why have Nat wear a fucking arrow necklace? Why throw away that chemistry? Why randomly create and insert a family for Clint?? It makes no sense, Joss Whedon can go fuck a cactus.
Elliot x Olivia (Law and Order: SVU). We could have had it alllllll. And we almost did. At the end of Season 8, I really thought they were gonna do it. They didn’t. I stopped watching.
Mulan x Aurora (Once Upon a Time). STILL MAD ABOUT THIS.
Top 5 Ships That Should NEVER Have Happened
1. Lorelai x Christopher (Gilmore Girls). I literally stopped watching the show because Lorelai slept with Chris at the end of Season 6. I mean, Season 6 was just not written well AT ALL to start with, everyone was super out of character. But for Lorelai to run to Chris when Chris was such a huge sore spot between her and Luke? When her parents had been pushing Chris on her their entire relationship? When she had repeatedly hidden her conversations with Chris from him? When he (rightfully) was worried about her connection to Chris? Like, yes Luke sucked for hiding April and for delaying their wedding indefinitely, but jesus. Cheating on him with your ex and the father of your kid? Fucking low. I still can’t watch Season 7. Some people say she needed to be sure that her and Chris would never work – I say that how deeply she loved Luke should have shown her that.
2. Wynonna x Doc (Wynonna Earp). Ohhhh boy. Look, I would have been cool with them just hooking up a couple times, but the second this shit turned romantic – nah. They are too alike to EVER work as a romantic couple. He literally knew and was likely romantically and sexually involved with her great great grandfather. Doc should have been written as the father figure Wynonna so desperately needed. Barring all that, when she got pregnant, they could have gone the progressive route and been like, alright, we obviously aren’t good as partners but we can definitely coparent this baby since you are obviously in love with Dolls. BUT NO. We have to have a fucking love triangle (oh I’m sorry, a not love triangle that is oddly shaped like a fucking triangle). Ugh.
3. Rose x Finn (Star Wars). Nope, no. Uh-uh. Nopers. No chemistry, no time, no lead up. Rose hero worshipped Finn and came crashing down and suddenly loves him??? After like 2 days??????? Finn who showed no interest in her because he is clearly in love with Rey???? God, fuck this. Fuck The Last Jedi. Give Rose Tico the substance she deserves.
4. Jane x Casey (Rizzoli and Isles). If you’re gonna force Jane to be straight, at least pair her with a decent dude??? I kind of shipped her with the police guy in season 1 (can’t remember his name, Donnie Whalberg played him) because he took her sass in stride and was attracted to all her tomboyish BS. I thought they would have been good if she just HAD TO BE WITH A DUDE. But instead we’re gonna pair her with this manipulative, gross, christian-values-but-only-so-we-can-say-christian-values veteran dude? Who treated Jane like an accessory and not the badass boss detective she was??? Fuck that. It still pisses me off.
5. Rachel x Joey (Friends). Look. I shipped Ross and Rachel when this show aired. I still kind of do even though the ship is so problematic it hurts (their chemistry is insane, y’all.). But for serious? You’re gonna put JOEY and Rachel together?? Really?? I checked out during seasons 9 and 10 because of this. I mean, first of all, how gross for Joey to just go with the whole proposal snafu despite knowing how Ross felt. How fucking selfish. Second of all, Jennifer Aniston and Matt LeBlanc have literally no sexual or romantic chemistry of any kind. It was so forced, it was so awkward, I still can’t watch reruns of this time in the show because it is so painful.
Honorable Mention:
Ted x Robin (How I Met Your Mother). WHAT KIND OF MISOGYNISTIC HETERO BULLSHIT VOMITED ONTO THIS SHOW, I DON’T EVEN GO HERE AND I KNOW THIS IS WRONG. Straight white whiney Nice Guy™ Ted should have ended up alone.
Put “Top 5″ anything in my ask and I’ll answer!
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
National Enquirer, January 20
Cover: New cancer miracle drug will save Alex Trebek 
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Page 2: Mark Consuelos had a massive public meltdown at his son Joaquin’s wrestling match
Page 3: Marlo Thomas was sucked underwater after being knocked down by a rogue wave and pulled into the churning surf in Barbados, Sara Gilbert dumped wife Linda Perry after getting tired of competing with her booming music career 
Page 4: Matt Lauer dating ex-wife’s look-alike Shamin Abas 
Page 5: Taylor Swift had hoped Cats would be her star-making entree into becoming a massive Hollywood star and now she’s afraid it might ruin her and she’s looking to fire anyone who helped convince her that Cats was a great project to launch her career as an actress 
Page 6: Heather Locklear believes that joining a reboot of Melrose Place could jump-start a career comeback for the troubled actress, Ben Affleck and Matt Damon’s renewed bromance is hurting Matt’s marriage
Page 7: Spooked Zac Efron is planning to overhaul his life after a terrifying near-death experience on his show ironically called Killing Zac Efron 
Page 8: Massive weight loss and drastic plastic surgery have made singer Adele a new woman who is hardly recognizable
Page 9: Kate Middleton tried to end the bitter rift that ripped apart Prince William and Prince Harry but instead of accepting the olive branch Meghan Markle attacked Kate and warned her to butt out of their lives, Prince Harry’s Canadian getaway with wife Meghan Markle hit a snag when the pair weren’t welcome at a swanky seafood eatery 
Page 10: Hot Shots -- Mark Wahlberg, Tim Robbins, Snoop Dogg in Tampa
Page 11: Sharon Osbourne is as rude as it gets 
Page 12: Straight Shuter -- Harrison Ford, Food Network stars are cooking live on the new app and they’re terrified, Jennifer Lopez and Shakira don’t want to perform together at the Super Bowl, the fights on The View are all fake, newly buff Kumail Nanjiani has been invited to join the all-male revue at the Sapphire Gentlemen’s Club but he passed 
Page 13: Kelly Clarkson bragged about her hot-and-heavy sex life with husband Brandon Blackstock, Demi Lovato got an angel tattoo, Miley Cyrus just wants to move on from Liam Hemsworth and is relieved to put the finishing touches on their split 
Page 14: True Crime 
Page 15: Killer Phil Spector said he’s being driven insane by the idea he’ll never again be a free man, Lori Loughlin went on a shopping spree and has all but given up hope of beating the rap for her role in the college admissions scandal 
Page 16: Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston starting over -- she forgives him after heartfelt apology, train wreck Matthew Perry has been abandoned by his Friends Courteney Cox and Jennifer Aniston after they promised to look after him 
Page 17: Shock jock Don Imus went to his grave regretting the racist slur that forever tainted his legacy 
Page 18: Real Life 
Page 19: A third accuser claiming to expose Kevin Spacey as a sexual predator has died, Robert Redford has been dragged into a shocking sex scandal as his old partner Sterling Van Wagenen was recently locked up for molesting an underage girl 
Page 20: Cover Story -- Brave Alex Trebek beating the odds 
Page 28: Health Watch 
Page 37: Danica Patrick and Aaron Rodgers plunked down $28 million for a West Coast love nest as they race toward a trial marriage, Madonna told boytoy Ahlamalik Williams’ parents how much she cares about him, Hollywood Hookups -- Angie Harmon and Greg Vaughan engaged, Hilary Duff and Matthew Koma wed, Bristol Palin and Janson Moore split 
Page 42: Red Carpet Stars & Stumbles -- best looks of 2019 -- Zendaya, Jennifer Lopez, Helen Mirren, Angelina Jolie
Page 47: Odd List
0 notes
lifeofaliterarynerd · 7 years
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We Need Diverse Books: Black History Month Edition                                          *Books by black authors and/or have black protagonists
How It Went Down - Kekla Magoon //  When sixteen-year-old Tariq Johnson dies from two gunshot wounds, his community is thrown into an uproar. Tariq was black. The shooter, Jack Franklin, is white. In the aftermath of Tariq's death, everyone has something to say, but no two accounts of the events line up. Day by day, new twists further obscure the truth. Tariq's friends, family, and community struggle to make sense of the tragedy, and to cope with the hole left behind when a life is cut short. 
X - Ilyasah Shabazz & Kekla Magoon //  Cowritten by Malcolm X’s daughter, this riveting and revealing novel follows the formative years of the man whose words and actions shook the world. X follows Malcolm from his childhood to his imprisonment for theft at age twenty, when he found the faith that would lead him to forge a new path and command a voice that still resonates today.
The Hate U Give - Angie Thomas // Sixteen-year-old Starr lives in two worlds: the poor neighbourhood where she was born and raised and her posh high school in the suburbs. The uneasy balance between them is shattered when Starr is the only witness to the fatal shooting of her unarmed best friend, Khalil, by a police officer. Now what Starr says could destroy her community. It could also get her killed.  
The Women of Brewster Place - Gloria Naylor //  We follow the stories of seven women living in Brewster Place, a bleak inner-city sanctuary, creating a powerful, moving portrait of the strengths, struggles, and hopes of black women in America. Vulnerable and resilient, openhanded and open-hearted, these women forge their lives in a place that in turn threatens and protects—a common prison and a shared home. 
Piecing Me Together - Renée Watson //  Jade believes she must get out of her neighborhood if she’s ever going to succeed. Her mother says she has to take every opportunity. She has. She accepted a scholarship to a mostly-white private school and even Saturday morning test prep opportunities. But some opportunities feel more demeaning than helpful. Like an invitation to join Women to Women, a mentorship program for “at-risk” girls. Except really, it’s for black girls. From “bad” neighborhoods. 
Shadowshaper - Daniel José Older //  Sierra Santiago was looking forward to a fun summer of making art, hanging out with her friends, and skating around Brooklyn. But then a weird zombie guy crashes the first party of the season. Sierra's near-comatose abuelo begins to say "No importa" over and over. And when the graffiti murals in Bed-Stuy start to weep.... Well, something stranger than the usual New York mayhem is going on.
The Rock and The River - Kekla Magoon //  Set in 1968 Chicago, Thirteen -year-old Sam realizes it's not easy being the son of known civil rights activist Roland Childs. Especially when his older (and best friend), Stick, begins to drift away from him for no apparent reason. And then it happens: Sam finds something that changes everything forever. Sam has always had faith in his father, but when he finds literature about the Black Panthers under Stick's bed, he's not sure who to believe: his father or his best friend. Suddenly, nothing feels certain anymore. 
Monster - Walter Dean Myers //    Sixteen-year-old Steve Harmon is on trial for murder. A Harlem drugstore owner was shot and killed in his store, and the word is that Steve served as the lookout. Guilty or innocent, Steve becomes a pawn in the hands of "the system," cluttered with cynical authority figures and unscrupulous inmates, who will turn in anyone to shorten their own sentences. For the first time, Steve is forced to think about who he is as he faces prison, where he may spend all the tomorrows of his life. 
This Side of Home - Renée Watson //  Identical twins Nikki and Maya have been on the same page for everything—friends, school, boys and starting off their adult lives at a historically African-American college. But as their neighborhood goes from rough-and-tumble to up-and-coming, suddenly filled with pretty coffee shops and boutiques, Nikki is thrilled while Maya feels like their home is slipping away. Suddenly, the sisters who had always shared everything must confront their dissenting feelings on the importance of their ethnic and cultural identities and, in the process, learn to separate themselves from the long shadow of their identity as twins. 
Brown Girl Dreaming - Jacqueline Woodson //  Raised in South Carolina and New York, Woodson always felt halfway home in each place. In vivid poems, she shares what it was like to grow up as an African American in the 1960s and 1970s, living with the remnants of Jim Crow and her growing awareness of the Civil Rights movement. Touching and powerful, each poem is both accessible and emotionally charged, each line a glimpse into a child’s soul as she searches for her place in the world.  
Promise of Shadows - Justine Ireland //  Zephyr Mourning has never been very good at being a Harpy. She’d rather watch reality TV than learn forty-seven ways to kill a man, and she pretty much sucks at wielding magic. Zephyr was ready for a future pretending to be a normal human instead of a half-god assassin. But all that changes when her sister is murdered—and she uses a forbidden dark power to save herself from the same fate. 
Fake ID - Lamara Giles //   My name isn’t really Nick Pearson. I shouldn’t tell you where I’m from or why my family moved to Stepton, Virginia. I shouldn’t tell you who I really am, or my hair, eye, and skin color. And I definitely shouldn’t tell you about my friend Eli Cruz and the major conspiracy he was about to uncover when he died—right after I moved to town. About how I had to choose between solving his murder with his hot sister, Reya, and “staying low-key” like the Program has taught me. About how moving to Stepon changed my life forever. But I’m going to 
Endangered - Lamar Giles //  The one secret she cares about keeping—her identity—is about to be exposed. Unless Lauren "Panda" Daniels—an anonymous photoblogger who specializes in busting classmates and teachers in compromising positions—plays along with her blackmailer's little game of Dare or . . . Dare. But when the game turns deadly, Panda doesn't know what to do. And she may need to step out of the shadows to save herself . . . and everyone else on the Admirer's hit list. 
Don’t Fail Me Now - Una LaMarche //  Michelle and Leah only have one thing in common: Buck Devereaux, the biological father who abandoned them when they were little. After news trickles back to them that Buck is dying, they make the uneasy decision to drive across country to his hospice in California. Leah hopes for closure; Michelle just wants to give him a piece of her mind. Five people in a failing, old station wagon, living off free samples at food courts across America, and the most pressing question on Michelle’s mind is: Who will break down first--herself or the car? 
Flygirl - Sherri L Smith //  Ida Mae Jones dreams of flight. Her daddy was a pilot and being black didn't stop him from fulfilling his dreams. But her daddy's gone now, and being a woman, and being black, are two strikes against her. When America enters the war with Germany and Japan, the Army creates the WASP, the Women Airforce Service Pilots - and Ida suddenly sees a way to fly as well as do something significant to help her brother stationed in the Pacific. But even the WASP won't accept her as a black woman, forcing Ida Mae to make a difficult choice of "passing," of pretending to be white to be accepted into the program. Hiding one's racial heritage, denying one's family, denying one's self is a heavy burden. And while Ida Mae chases her dream, she must also decide who it is she really wants to be. 
Mare’s War - Tanita S Davis //  Meet Mare, a World War II veteran and a grandmother like no other. She was once a willful teenager who escaped her less than perfect life in the deep South and lied about her age to join the African American Battalion of the Women's Army Corps. Now she is driving her granddaughters—two willful teenagers in their own rite—on a cross-country road trip. The girls are initially skeptical of Mare's flippy wigs and stilletos, but they soon find themselves entranced by the story she has to tell, and readers will be too. 
Not Otherwise Specified - Hannah Mockowitz //  Etta is tired of dealing with all of the labels and categories that seem so important to everyone else in her small Nebraska hometown. Everywhere she turns, someone feels she's too fringe for the fringe. Not gay enough for the Dykes, her ex-clique, thanks to a recent relationship with a boy; not tiny and white enough for ballet, her first passion; and not sick enough to look anorexic (partially thanks to recovery). Etta doesn’t fit anywhere— until she meets Bianca, the straight, white, Christian, and seriously sick girl in Etta’s therapy group. Both girls are auditioning for Brentwood, a prestigious New York theater academy that is so not Nebraska. Bianca seems like Etta’s salvation, but how can Etta be saved by a girl who needs saving herself? 
Parable of the Sower - Octavia Butler //  When unattended environmental and economic crises lead to social chaos, not even gated communities are safe. In a night of fire and death Lauren Olamina, a minister's young daughter, loses her family and home and ventures out into the unprotected American landscape. But what begins as a flight for survival soon leads to something much more: a startling vision of human destiny... and the birth of a new faith. 
The Sun is Also a Star-Nicola Yoon //  Follow Natasha, a girl who believes in science and facts, as she meets Daniel, a dutiful son and dreamer, as they spend a single day together in New York - and try to stop Natasha’s family from being deported to Jamacia.
Everything, Everything - Nicola Yoon //  My disease is as rare as it is famous. Basically, I’m allergic to the world. I don’t leave my house, have not left my house in seventeen years. The only people I ever see are my mom and my nurse, Carla. But then one day, a moving truck arrives next door. I look out my window, and I see him. His name is Olly. Maybe we can’t predict the future, but we can predict some things. For example, I am certainly going to fall in love with Olly. It’s almost certainly going to be a disaster 
Pointe - Brandy Colbert //  Theo is better now. She's eating again, dating guys who are almost appropriate, and well on her way to becoming an elite ballet dancer. But when her oldest friend, Donovan, returns home after spending four long years with his kidnapper, Theo starts reliving memories about his abduction—and his abductor. Donovan isn't talking about what happened, and even though Theo knows she didn't do anything wrong, telling the truth would put everything she's been living for at risk. But keeping quiet might be worse. 
The Misadventures of Awkward Black Girl - Issa Rae //  Being an introvert in a world that glorifies cool isn’t easy. But  Rae covers everything from cybersexing in the early days of the Internet to deflecting unsolicited comments on weight gain, from navigating the perils of eating out alone and public displays of affection to learning to accept yourself—natural hair and all.
Tiny Pretty Things - Dhonielle Clayton & Sona Charaipotra //  Gigi, Bette, and June, three top students at an exclusive Manhattan ballet school, have seen their fair share of drama. Free-spirited new girl Gigi just wants to dance—but the very act might kill her. Privileged New Yorker Bette's desire to escape the shadow of her ballet star sister brings out a dangerous edge in her. And perfectionist June needs to land a lead role this year or her controlling mother will put an end to her dancing dreams forever. When every dancer is both friend and foe, the girls will sacrifice, manipulate, and backstab to be the best of the best. 
Liar-Justine Larbalestier //  Micah will freely admit that she’s a compulsive liar, but that may be the one honest thing she’ll ever tell you. Over the years she’s duped her classmates, her teachers, and even her parents, and she’s always managed to stay one step ahead of her lies. That is, until her boyfriend dies under brutal circumstances and her dishonesty begins to catch up with her. But is it possible to tell the truth when lying comes as naturally as breathing? 
Hidden Figures - Margot Lee Shatterly //  Before John Glenn orbited the earth or Neil Armstrong walked on the moon, a group of dedicated female mathematicians known as “human computers” used pencils, slide rules, and adding machines to calculate the numbers that would launch rockets, and astronauts, into space. This book brings to life the stories of Dorothy Vaughan, Mary Jackson, Katherine Johnson, and Christine Darden, four African-American women who lived through the Civil Rights era, the Space Race, the Cold War, and the movement for gender equality, and whose work forever changed the face of NASA and the country. 
The Color Purple - Alice Walker //  Taking place mostly in rural Georgia, the story focuses on the life of women of color in the southern United States in the 1930s, addressing numerous issues including their exceedingly low position in American social culture. The novel has been the frequent target of censors and appears on the American Library Association list of the 100 Most Frequently Challenged Books of 2000-2009 at number seventeen because of the sometimes explicit content, particularly in terms of violence. 
Sister Citizen- Melissa Harris Perry //  Not a traditional political science work concerned with office-seeking, voting, or ideology, Sister Citizen instead explores how African American women understand themselves as citizens and what they expect from political organizing. Harris-Perry shows that the shared struggle to preserve an authentic self and secure recognition as a citizen links together black women in America, from the anonymous survivors of Hurricane Katrina to the former First Lady of the United States. 
The Blossoming Universe of Violet Diamond - Brenda Woods //  Violet is a smart, funny, brown-eyed, brown-haired girl in a family of blonds. Her mom is white, and her dad, who died before she was born, was black. She attends a mostly white school where she sometimes feels like a brown leaf on a pile of snow. She’s tired of people asking if she’s adopted. Now that Violet’s eleven, she decides it’s time to learn about her African American heritage. And despite getting off to a rocky start trying to reclaim her dad’s side of the family, she can feel her confidence growing as the puzzle pieces of her life finally start coming together. 
The Summer of Chasing Mermaids - Sarah Ockler //  The youngest of six talented sisters, Elyse d'Abreau was destined for stardom - until a boating accident took everything from her. Now, the most beautiful singer in Tobago can't sing. She can't even speak. Seeking quiet solitude, Elyse accepts a friend's invitation to Atargatis Cove. Named for the mythical first mermaid, the Oregon seaside town is everything Elyse's home in the Caribbean isn't: an ocean too cold for swimming, parties too tame for singing, and people too polite to pry - except for one.
Black Boy White School - Brian F Walker  //  Anthony “Ant” Jones has never been outside his rough East Cleveland neighborhood when he’s given a scholarship to Belton Academy, an elite prep school in Maine.But at Belton things are far from perfect. Everyone calls him “Tony,” assumes he’s from Brooklyn, expects him to play basketball, and yet acts shocked when he fights back. As Anthony tries to adapt to a world that will never fully accept him, he’s in for a rude awakening: Home is becoming a place where he no longer belongs.
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