#Anyways my good folks that was a Seduction attempt if I ever saw one god bless old man yaoi
qkmlh · 5 months
Old man yaoi but it’s specifically whatever’s going on between Zeff & Garp the entire time at the Baratie
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iamdeadlocked · 5 years
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When I arrived at Aunt May’s funeral it was a regular, normal arrangement.
Some people chatted quietly with one another, others sat quietly in the seats provided, and a few people went up to the body for one final goodbye.
Some people I recognized as her friends would come up to me and give me the usual spew about how sorry they were and how they were going to miss her, how they haven’t seen each other in X amount of years, how much he’s grown, how she’d be so proud of him, and other things that he didn’t want to hear at that moment.
I guess they all forgot about the falling out Aunt May and I had.
I didn’t.
Neither did she. It’s the reason why we haven’t spoken in almost a decade. It’s the reason she died alone.
It was nice gesture for them to invite me to the funeral and to try to include me in the conversations but I honestly just wanted to be left alone. I wanted to say good bye to the “dearly” departed and be on my way. I had a nice fast food made burger and fries sitting at home in my refrigerator calling my name.
I suppose I should feel some type of empathy and be a little bit upset that my aunt is no longer alive. We weren’t as close as we used to be mostly because of Uncle Ben’s death but I just can’t find it in me to feel more than a spoonful of bitter sadness. I suppose when the one person you thought you could trust and love tells you that “you are nothing to me and that a robbery gone wrong is your fault and that you should have been the one to die, not my Ben.” You lose all sorts of kinship and respect for them, who knew?
Anyway... everything was fine, the last of the guests arrived and the pastor begin a slideshow of Aunt May while retelling her life beginning to end. I settled in and got comfy because the bitch -oops! I shouldn’t speak ill of the dead- the lovely lady lived a good 79 years.
As her life unfolded on the screen and through the words, a few people would laugh here and there and and an occasional person would wipe away tears every few minutes. One person blew their nose loudly into a napkin causing me to wrinkle my nose in disgust.
About halfway through the pastor’s talk, he went quiet. I didn’t notice at first to caught up in daydreaming about the food at home.
When I noticed I looked around the room to see if anyone else had notice the weird behavior.
Apparently not seeing as they all were completely still much like the pastor.
It was like they all were frozen.
Everyone but me.
I looked around trying to see what the problem was but as far as I could tell nothing in the room was causing this strange occurrence. The video on the screen goes from Aunt Mays tenth birthday party to a black screen with a man in a red and black mask sitting in a spotlight right in front of a piano. His hands carcasses the keys as if they were his lover. He softly patted the lid of the piano as if it was his pet. Even stranger than that he leaned down and kissed the piano. When he sits back up he cracks his knuckles breaking the silence with the loud painful cracks startling me a bit. I look round the room and the people are still frozen. The only difference is their eyes are on the screen with the man in the mask.
The man rolls his shoulders first the left one, then the right.
Three times.
He sets his fingers which I just noticed are covered with black gloves on the keys and begins to play.
I wish I could name the song but I’m not one for classical music. Even if I was something inside of me says that this man created this piece.
The song is beautiful.
It’s hauntingly beautiful.
I know this doesn’t make sense but I think this type of song is something you would hear only in your nightmares.
As of in a trance the people in the room all stand up simultaneously. That honestly would have been fine and I would have just accepted that everyone was a robot in this moment but there were at least three men and two ladies who were wheelchair bound that stood up and walked with the rest of them. I would call it a miracle but I’m pretty sure whatever is happening here is not a god given miracle.
The women work together to move the chairs out of the way while the men work to push the old, dull, hasn’t worked in thirty years piano to the center of the room in front of the screen.
Sweat began to form at the top of my forehead.
This is weird. I know this is weird. I should go but something keeps me rooted to my own seat in the corner.
After they finish getting everything situated the people pair up and begin to dance to the dramatic, powerful and eery melody. As they dance Pretty a strange fog started pouring in from the cracks of the windows and under the doors. It moved as if it had a mind of its own, swirling this way and that in attempts to cover the whole floor. Slowly it works it’s way to the middle of the room, covering the feet of the elders dancing around the piano.
The piano begins to play the same creepy music from the screen.
There was absolutely no one sitting on the bench, so once again that shouldn’t be possible but what do I know?
The smoke lifts up and over the seat of the piano bench and settles on top of it. A spotlight appears on the piano. (Funeral home doesn’t have a spot light but whatever.) The man from the screen slowly fades out as the fog takes shape of a man. His fingers gliding over the keys matching the same song as on the screen perfectly until the spotlight on the screen goes out and the video player shuts off. Now it’s just the man giving a live performance.
He sways with the music.
I finally find some sense and decide now would be a good time to just nope the fuck out of here and take the what the hell train to fuckthatville.
I slowly stand as to avoid any attention. I quietly and slowly make my way to the end of the aisle. I take care to look where I am going. I don’t want to be that person in the movies that trips and falls causing a loud disturbance and getting killed because of their stupidity.
The best thing I can hope for is that’s there’s nothing on the ground because this stupid fog is thick and covering everything up to my ankles.
As quiet as a mouse sneaking around a sleeping cat I tip toe my way to the end of the aisle.
I quietly walk to the back of the room praying to a god I don’t believe in that I make it to the door. I kept one on the mysterious figure and the dancing old people surrounded and the other eye on the fog. It was able to make a man appear out of thin air so I wasn’t above thinking it could make a man disappear as well. I walk backwards as I eye up the supernatural one man concert playing before me.
Not one person turned to look at me. No one even noticed I was the only one not in a trances. I guess I need to send a thank you note to Flash for helping me perfect my silent walk and being the perfect invisible man.
I only stop walking when I harshly bump into the door causing a soft thud to resonate loudly though the room.
The beautiful notes the man is hitting quickly goes sour as he slams his hands down onto the keys.
The air goes several degrees cooler causing a deep shiver to race through my body.
My blood freezes and my fear spikes.
My mind says to just quickly open the door and run. Bolt out of here and into the dying night. Everything will be fine if you run. You’ll be fine when you run.
My body will not listen to the sound advice of my brain. Instead it takes a step forward and away from the door.
I tried to fight what ever was controlling my body, since I need to blame something I blame the fog.
I fight with all my might pleading, begging, demanding and bribing my body to stop moving all in vain.
I take another step forward,
And another
And another
And another
And another.
I get closer and closer to a place I really would not like to be. Closer and closer to the man I don’t know. Closer and closer to the no longer dancing old folks.
My nose begins to bleed as I fight the otherworldly pull on my body. I bring my hand up wipe away the blood.... ain’t that a bitch. I have free lotion over my hands by not my legs. This definitely means the fog is controlling me. I should have played the floor is lava. That might have saved my life.
I lose the fight with my legs mostly because I’m not even strong physically let alone mentally.
I close my eyes as my body finally comes to a stop directly next to the piano man.
I hear shuffles as if people are moving to surround me. I hear a loud freak in the silent room as the masked man stands or at least I assume he stands. I refuse to let my curiosity get me killed.
I flinch hard to my left as I feel breathing into my right ear and a warm body standing directly behind me. A gentle hand steadies me by grabbing ahold of my hips.
The man whispers into my ear.
“Open your eyes little one.”
The voice sounded like sandpaper feels. Rough and dry as if the person hadn’t spoken in a very long time or as if they hadn’t had any water in months and their throat was dry. Yet somehow the voice sounded seductive and sweet. It was like he wanted to scare you but only a little. I don’t know how to explain it.
All I can say for sure was that it was a dark voice.
It was scary.
It was dangerous.
It was inhuman.
I didn’t hate it. Kind of want more of it.
Ignoring all red flags, flashing lights, and loud abort mission sounds my eyes open one at a time. Dirt the right one then the left.
My eyes opened and the first thing I saw was that I was in fact surrounded by my aunts friends.
The funeral guests all were standing in a half circle around me and the piano. Their eyes were black. I blinked a few times and wiped my eyes just to make sure I was actually seeing what I thought I was seeing.
I was.
There are were straight up black. I’ll admit I was extremely scared and damn near close to wetting myself from fear but nothing was worse than looking into the small crowd of wrinkled skin and liver spots to see her. By her I mean my aunt.
The same aunt who was and should be as dead as a door knob (that metaphor literally makes no sense... focus!) was standing there behind owner of the funeral home Mr. Stan Lee. She was standing and staring directly into my pure-ish soul.
How is she standing there? She’s been dead for two weeks. (No one knew she died in her home for a week and a half. How messed up is that...Peter focus!)
Was she alive again? I can’t see her chest moving but also no one else’s but mine is sooo is everyone dead like her?
Why do they all look so angry? Well I’d be angry to if my dancing music was shut off.
Despair and hopelessness take ahold of my body, pulsing through it with each beat of my heart.
I slowly decide to turn my head and look behind me at the man.
The first thing I notice is that his mask is gone. The second thing I noticed was that he wasn’t going to win any beauty contests... and omg this man is horrible to look at. I’ll be honest he’s lucky I was raised previously with live and had manners because otherwise the chances of me throwing up on this mans shirt and feet would have been a lot higher. Be that as it may I was so I swallow the bile in my throat and gulp.
Words couldn’t describe the horror of how horrific the man looked. He face was riddled with scars. The only places that didn’t have acres were completely missing. Chunks of flesh look rotted in some places, missing in others, and scarred on the rest. His eyes were pretty to look at and he smelled nice which sent me into a very conflicting state of fear and arousal.
His hands are still on my hips soothing me causing my fear to lesson just a bit. Maybe his wouldn’t be so bad? Perhaps I was just judging a book by its cover and this may not be as scary as it seems. He smiles at me as if he can hear my thoughts. It’s a gruesome and terrible sight but I find myself hesitantly smiling back. He brings up his hand, which is in the same terrible mangled mess as his face, from my hips to my face and strokes it with just a hint of pressure. It felt as if a feather was being running over my face. I place my hand on top of his and just feel his skin. Despite it being a horror fest it wasn’t that bad when you got used to it.
Suddenly he stops smiling and his eyes somewhat pretty eyes flash red. His grip on my jaw turns harsh and bruising. I can feel it begin to break as he allies more and more pressure. The hand on my hip pulls me hard into the front of his body and wraps around my mid section tightly as I begin to struggle. He pulls me tighter and tighter into him causing my bones to feel like they were point two seconds away from snapping as well.
His strength is out of this world although I already knew that. I look from him to the people in front of us. I plead with my eyes for help hoping that one of them comes to their senses and tries something.
I hear the demon laugh as if once again he can hear my thoughts... who knows maybe he does here them.
Everyone smiles at me. Ms. Al smiled so wide her dentures fell out.
The man leans down as he is quite literally breaking my bones and whispers into my ear,
”There’s a price to pay for breaking the sound of silence.”
Next thing I know my hip bones and my jaw are both shattered.
I scream the best I can with a broken jaw as the man releases me. My body drops to the ground like a broken doll. I see him place his mask back over his head and places his gloves back on his hands. He sits back down at the seat, hiding his upper body from my sight. I can see his feet and legs and I hear him begin his chilling song again.
The people around my broken body get closer and closer stooping down as the reach for my body.
I close my eyes as they draw nearer.
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