#Aranea Carnis
Aranea Carnis (my Spider Person Oc) walks out of an abandoned mall covered in blood, guts, burns, hair sticking out of a ripped mask, suit torn to bits, and is pretty sure their arm stopped working two hours ago. They’re cold as hell in the Canada snow.
All they have to replace the ripped up torso of the suit is a shitty, last second shirt that says “I survived Facility - 0 and all I got was this shirt”
The minute they get home, they don’t give a shit on what happens, collapsing into their bed. Canada could burn over and that would be a blessing to Aranea.
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Aranea Carnis, face down on their bed: “Swallowing glass just to stay pure”
Buzzard/Spider-Bird sitting next to them: “If you put my name and your name together you get mayonnaise! Also please don’t swallow glass.”
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Adding on to my horror themed Spider Oc as they now have a name!
They’re known as Aranea Carnis which roughly translates to Meat Spider
Yes there is a very good reason to why they’re called this. It is a reference to their world and I won’t say what the world is unless someone somehow guesses correctly. Hint: they do live in an existing horror series
Some lore info is that Aranea cannot die from being physically harmed. Even destroying their brain cannot kill them. No matter what is done, Aranea cannot die unless a sickness of some kind infects them. But they have an extremely good immune system so it’s not likely.
I might have already said this but they got their powers from a monster in their world. Expanding on this, they SHOULD have died from the venom the monster injected into them. They didn’t though. Just lost a leg. But what did happen was they lost their best friend at the same time.
Stricken by grief, they eventually hid away in a trailer in the middle of the woods with their pet. The trailer is sound proofed so nothing can hear them and has a steel front door so nothing can break in. They’re still paranoid though and carries a mini flamethrower to kill anything that gets in.
They don’t like to kill people though. Only the monsters that pose as them.
Eventually, they do meet Miles and the gang. This meeting unintentionally changed everything. Angered by the fact that they could have possibly saved their friend, they change. Getting more aggressive and actually hunting down people who might have answers. Sure now they know their world is on a ticking time bomb but they’re gonna stop it.
One final fun fact is that they HATE Miguel. Not for the whole manipulation thing (they hate that though). Oh no, it’s for the fact Miguel never showed up and told them. Never told them anything. Leaving them to figure it out. All their pent up anger from not being able to do anything finally bursts through. They’re mad. Let’s just say, if they and Miguel meet, pray for Miguel.
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