alixlives · 8 months
tickletober day 6- chase
ler!wilbur, lee!tommy (CC’S)
#augtickletober2023 :)
crimeboys my beloved
crimeboys literaly the only guys to ever exist
them and them only.
only crime
Tommy’s heart was pounding, he thought it would end up jumping right out of his chest. He ran through the different areas of his apartment, occasionally looking back a little to see if he needed to speed up and dodging any tables or furniture.
Why was he running through his apartment like a prison escapee, you may ask? Because Wilbur was currently chasing him with the threat of tickling Tommy to tears. And what did Tommy do to deserve this exactly? Nothing. Wilbur just felt like messing with him.
“Tommyyy~!” Wilbur called out, grinning widely as he was right on Tommy’s tail.
“Go awahay! I didn’t doho anythihing!” Tommy whined, picking up a little more speed.
“You can’t run forever, Tommy!” Wilbur started to run faster as well. He could tell Tommy wouldn’t be able to run much longer. Meaning he’d resort to hiding, in a really obvious and horrible spot.
“Fuck off, mahan!” Tommy felt his legs getting weaker, and so he impulsively bolted into the bedroom area of his apartment, hiding underneath the bed. Again, a really obvious and horrible spot. He had considered the closet, or behind a desk with some pillows in the corner of the room. But then he’d have less of a chance at an escape, so the bed would have to do for now.
He started thinking of places to go if he ran. Maybe he could run all the way to Tubbo’s place? Maybe Ranboo’s… Anything to get away from the “torture” his brother was going to give him.
Part of him wanted to stay, though. But he didn’t want this- right? No, why would he ever want something like that.. He definitely didn’t want it. Definitely..
While lost in thought, Tommy hadn’t noticed Wilbur entering the room, or crouching next to the bed and looking at Tommy.
“Hi Tommy.” Wilbur spoke with an evil grin once Tommy finally noticed his prescence, and he then pulled Tommy out from underneath the bed, setting him on top of it and pinning him down to lay on his back so he couldn’t run again.
“WILBUR!” Tommy shrieked, starting to kick and thrash as if trying to throw Wilbur off.
“Tommy!” Wilbur chuckled before tasering Tommy’s sides with his index fingers to get Tommy to squeal. He then started sporadically squeezing up and down Tommy’s sides, giggling at the surprised screams emitting from the blonde.
“No, WilbUR! DOHon’t!” Tommy squealed, twisting side to side to try and evade Wilbur’s hands.
“I’m only tickling you, Tommy! I just wanna spend time with my little brother, do you not like my affection?” He moved one hand to spider his fingers on Tommy’s stomach, using the other to drill his thumb into Tommy’s hip. Tommy shrieked bloody murder.
“WIHILBUHUR, NOHOHO! THAT’S SO BAHAHD!” Tommy screamed, kicking his legs out and trying to push Wilbur’s hands away.
“Is it? Really? I thought you were a big man, Tommy! Can the big man TommyInnit not handle a little tickling? Hm~?” Wilbur teased, his tone flustering Tommy to an insane extent as his ears went bright red. He couldn’t respond, only just laughing more.
“What’s the matter, Tommy? Cat got your tongue~? Or are you too embarrassed of your ticklishness? Don’t worry, I think it’s adorable.” His tone was teasing, but he did mean it. It is quite adorable how ticklish Tommy is.
“Fuck oHOHOFFF! NO WILBUR!” Tommy shrieked again, as Wilbur blew a raspberry right on the center of Tommy’s stomach. Wilbur sat back up.
“No what? Do you want me to stop? I will if you really do.” He slowed his hands, to gentle tracing on Tommy’s sides. Enough to keep him giggling, but also so he could talk.
“No- no… I- I don’t, no, you can-.. Yeah. You can keep going.” Tommy spoke rather frantically before closing his eyes and covering his face, which was turning bright red from the embarrassment. Wilbur's eyes widened before he returned to having a soft look on his face.
“Aww, Tommy! How sweet,” He cooed, giggling a little at Tommy’s embarrassing expression. He started slowly wiggling his fingers on Tommy’s sides, a wide grin on his face as the blonde below him started giggling.
Tommy’s giggling soon dissolved into shrieky, loud laughter as Wilbur suddenly drilled his thumbs into the teen’s hips. “WILBUR! NOHOHOHO!”
“Wilbur yehes!” Wilbur mimicked Tommy. “You wanted this!”
This lasted for about three minutes until Tommy tapped out, and they settled for just playing Mario Kart and whatever random games they could find to pass time until they got tired.
Tommy would forever deny how much fun he had being chased, and then absolutely wrecked.. But Wilbur still knew. How could he not know? They’re brothers, of course he’ll know.
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touch-starved-switch · 5 months
Irl tickle story P2
Electric boogaloo but this time I'm the ler 😈
Soooo my boyfriend is very ticklish down his sides like ribs,underarms hips the full shebang but not anywhere else... well actually idk that because I didn't really check
Anyway he slept over at my house and in the morning we where chilling in my room when I started poking him in the rib because I was bored. Long story short this led to me tickling him but then I got up to use the toilet
This sneeky little bitch was spread out on the bed when I got back lying on his front so I had to climb over him
But obviously I'm a very sneaky ler of course so I had the evil idea to just stradle his back. Enjoy my transcripts of events
B "what are you doing?"
M "nothing can I not sit on my own boyfriend when im bored?"
B "well yeah but it's a bit strange and I know what happens when you're bored"
M "what happens when I'm bored" *I starts poking up and down his sides* "come on hun tell me"
When I tell you this boy broke down into the cutest laugh ever I am not exadurating. His laugh changes depending on how and where you tickle him so it's very entertaining deffinatly helped my boredom
So anyway while I'm being the very mean ler that I am I start going for his hips. Spidering works great on him but if you put your fingers on the bone and squeeze he goes ballistic. So of course that's what I did.
M "where's your hip bone I can't tickle it of you're moving so much"
Well that'll have to wait so I go back to spidering his ribs and I've got the best tease for this technique
M: "why are you laughing so much I'm just stretching my fingers"
B "LEHET MEhehe dohOHO IT TOHO YOU THehehen"
Like that was going to happen (well it did but that's irrelevant cus I'm the ler and it's my story)
Fun fact about him he doesn't really squirm he kind of just tries to cover his spots but I'm a proper unit so that doesn't go too well for him. I think he enjoys it after the fact he said he didn't mind being tickled and he never told me to stop (which obviously isn't concrete but you never know)
But obviously I'm not completely evil and he goes bright red very quickly so I stop and that's the end of that story mhm nothing else happened.
But rest assured I gave him plenty of cuddles and kisses after to make up for it 😇
B "it's a good thing I love you"
M: "doesn't really matter because it still would have happened 😘"
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thatssoninja · 3 years
I’m watching Grey’s Anatomy with a friend what kinds of surgeons would the ninja and co be it’s important
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dragonleesupporter · 5 years
Anything (Sanders Sides Wings AU)
WOOOO Second fic! I wasn’t even sure anybody would even read my shiz, but since people seemed to like my first Sanders Sides fic, I’ve gone and made another! Thank you, guys!
Summary: After discovering Patton having an emotional breakdown, Virgil tries to cheer him up. (Moxiety, and some Logicality, if you squint.)
“Something’s wrong.” Virgil tensed, his sensitivities kicking in as he could tell something wasn’t quite right in the mind palace. He had been listening to music, when he got the sudden urge to check on everyone else. That normally wasn’t a good sign.
           Immediately, he flew to Roman’s room, being able to use his wings since they were no longer a secret. Reasonably, one of the main places for conflict to take place, Roman’s was the first to check. However, as he creaked the door open, all he could see was Roman playing out one of his favorite theatric numbers with…
           Remus?! Oh wait… he’s not really a threat. Never mind. Virgil rolled his eyes and left, setting out for Logan’s room, which was the closest to Roman’s.
           Logan was very sensitive to things he wouldn’t admit, so the anxious side thought it would be best to check up on him. He opened the door and saw the logical trait, sat in a Sherlock Holmes- styled environment. He even had a fake pipe in his mouth. Virgil tried to leave as quietly as he’d come, but the teacher saw him anyway, despite being absorbed into his book.
           “Virgil? Is everything okay?” He raised an eyebrow.
           “You tell me.” The purple side groaned and set off for Patton’s room, Logan shrugging and turning back to his novel. Though still ever curious of what might be wrong.
           “Pops?” He asked. Opening the third door. With the lack of results, he didn’t really expect anything.
           Which was why he was surprised when he saw the whole room as red instead of its normal gold.
           “I can’t believe that little- AAARGG!” Patton sat in the middle of the room, fingers gripping his hair as he hunched his back, facing away from the door. It was obvious that the emotional side had no clue that Virgil was there.
           “He’s our protector, but who’s protecting him?! That d-d-darn snake keeps harassing him! Why can’t he harass me instead? Tears aren’t new to me, and maybe we could have a pleasant chat… But I can’t stand that ba- bast- bad side tormenting him all the time!” The fatherly side stuttered over several bad words as Virgil gaped from the doorway.
           The red glowing of the room slowly died down, leaving a grey, unresolved color in its place as well as a heaving, sobbing Patton on the floor.
           “Please…” He breathlessly begged to what he thought was an empty room. “Just not Virgil. He’s been through enough. Deceit, if you can hear me… the next time you want to bug us for amusement… I… I open my arms up to you. Come to me instead.” Some of Patton’s feathers fell from his wings, fluttering to the ground like weighted ash clusters. After finishing his message, he got up and turned around to see a pale-faced Virgil staring at him, his eyes wider than saucers, and his lip quivering a little.
           “O-oh! Kiddo! Didn’t uh… see you there…” Patton tried to force a smile on, though it painfully showed what he was desperately trying to hide.
           Man, Virgil thought the pain caused by Deceit was bad… but watching Patton lose his mind over an event that conspired weeks ago… it was unbearable. Especially since when these things happened, after the fact, the fatherly trait normally tried to pretend everything was okay, even when it was painfully obvious, he was going to have another fit about that event again later.
           His hair was a mess, eyes glazed and slightly bloodshot, and Virgil’s heart shattered at the tear stains on Patton’s face, as his smile forcefully dug into his face.
           “I’m sorry if I startled you. I’ll be going then… dinner isn’t going to make itself!” Patton clung to his stiff smile, and walked forward to leave but the purple side blocked his path.          
           “Nuh-uh. Nobody’s having any dinner until you get cheered up.” Virgil stared hard into his unofficial dad’s eyes. “Would flying around in Roman’s room cheer you up?”
           “Oh, there’s’ no need, kiddo. They’ll be waiting for their meal. I just want to help with the food tonight. Th-that’ll make me happy!” Virgil could tell that was a lie. Patton was just trying to get out of the situation to avoid potentially making it more awkward. Plus, he always wanted to give, and had trouble receiving.
           “No, dad. You need time to heal. You can’t force yourself to get up that quickly, or you’ll just fall apart again.” He crossed his arms and furrowed his eyebrows, making sure Patton got the message that he was not leaving his room until he felt genuinely happy, and until Virgil could see that golden glow again.
           “But… but…” The light blue trait tried to argue, but his complaints dissolved into thin air when the edgy side took his hand.
           “Come on, dad. Let’s do something fun.” Virgil tried a slightly softer tone to help relax Patton. “The other two can wait, and Roman can conjure up whatever he wants for dinner! That royal pain ought to learn how to cook anyway…”
           “Wait… does this mean… you’ll spend time with me?” Patton’s eyes got a microscopic sparkle of hope in them as he realized the setting he was just put into.
           “Well, if that’ll make you happy, then yeah. Anything for you, Pop Star.” Virgil played into his favorite nickname to see the smallest hint of Patton’s real smile returning.
           “Anything…?” He asked sheepishly.
           “Anything.” The other nodded.
           “Okay!” Patton’s eyes grew stars and his brown wings flapped excitedly as he tackled Virgil to the ground, hugging him tight.
           Though startled, the purple side reciprocated the hug. He felt this strange security with the fatherly side that he didn’t with anybody else. And though he was never quite keen on hugging, he knew the poor emotional trait needed it. He wanted to do anything that would comfort him. Without realizing, he naturally started nuzzling into Patton’s neck.
           “Nnnnn… hehehehe…” The other started wriggling around, confusing Virgil. When he turned to look at him, Patton’s face was a light shade of pink with him biting his lip, accompanied by a pleasantly wide smile with his eyes closed.
           It didn’t take a genius to figure out why.
           “Aww~. No way. You’re ticklish, too?” The purple side lightly danced his figures over Patton’s shoulders and neck, causing Pat to clamp his mouth shut to stop a squeal from coming out.
           “Hmmmm… heherm…” The fatherly side let a few muffled giggles slip, and Virgil felt something stir inside him at the sight.
           He didn’t know what it was. All he knew was that he HAD to hear more of that laughter. Knowing Patton wouldn’t want to stop hugging him or shove him away, he used this advantage to reach his wiggling figures to his sides.
           “G-gah!”  Patton snorted before letting out a yelp, trying to pull his hugging arms closer to him, but failing with Virgil in the way.
           “Come on, dad. I know you want to laugh.” The darker side teased maliciously, rapidly squeezing the sides of his belly.
           “Gahahaha!” The fatherly trait finally opened his mouth to let delightful, light giggles travel to Virgil’s ears.
           The purple side grew a strange half-adoring, half-malicious smile, now knowing what it felt like to be the attacker. Now he knew why the others had that odd look while they were tickling him about his wings. It was too adorable. Virgil checked for any signs that he might be crossing a boundary, but Patton’s smile was bright, and though he was struggling, he wasn’t actually making any attempt to escape the purple side’s tickly onslaught. Plus, he could see traces of yellow and orange circling around the edges of the room. Not quite gold yet, but getting closer.
           It seemed that the farther down Virgil reached, the higher Patton’s laughter got. He immediately knew where he should attack next. He reached back and grabbed one of Patton’s ankles as he laid flat against the carpet.
           “W-WAIHIHIHIHIHIT!” The blue side’s panic spiked at the realization what Virgil was going to do. “Vihihigihihil nohohohohoho! Ihi’m rehehehally bahahd thehehehere!”
           “That’s exactly why I’m going there.” The purple one grinned evilly before raking his fingernails up and down Patton’s souls.
           “NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! IHIHIHI- IHIHIHI CAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEHAHAHAHAHA!” The poor fatherly side couldn’t even form words as full hysteria took hold of him. His face grew bright red and his eyes opened wide to show a crazed happiness deep within them.
           Virgil grew even more mischievous and pulled a feather from his wings. As he sawed the feather in between his toes, the punny side arched his back and tears filled his eyes, desperately trying to yank his foot out of his unofficial son’s grasp.
           “OHOHOHOHOHOHO GOHOHOHOHOHAHAHHA! NAHAHAHAHAHA!” His thrashing increased and his voice reached even higher in volume and pitch, screaming out incoherent gibberish trying to make a sentence.
           When Patton started wheezing and banging his fists against the floor, Virgil dropped the feather and used his hands to slowly, gently skitter up and down the foot, keeping Patton giggling but not completely losing his mind to laughter. When the anxious one looked around, the whole room was sparkly gold, even brighter than usual, it seemed. Patton was still giggling from what was now just a single finger traveling up and down his sole, his whole body shaking.
           “You’re so cute.” The darker side couldn’t help but coo as Patton flung his head back and forth, unable to stop the soft giggles from flowing from him.
           “Virgil, I do believe something is not r-” Logan’s voice was caught in his throat as he opened Patton’s door.  Virgil was towering over the trait in question, teasing him as his fingers kneaded Patton’s thighs. The other trait was chuckling and squirming, but clearly enjoying himself.
           “Man, you’re just ticklish all over! ~” He exclaimed before seeing a shape in his peripheral view.
           His head whipped toward the door and saw Logan TAKING NOTES on the scene before him.
           “Hey!” He shouted angrily, fuming as red as Patton at that moment.
           “Not to worry. I’m just making some observations on how to make Patton happier.” Logan smiled and continued writing.
           “Why would you need that data?” Virgil questioned doubtfully.
           “N-no reason…” Logan flushed slightly before flying out of the room.
           “You feeling better now?” The anxious trait looked down at Patton and saw the brightest smile adorning the light blue side as his eyes sparkled, leftover giggles poured out of him until he could finally get back up again. For real this time.
           “Never better.”
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secretblog1212 · 5 years
A New Experience
Anon: Hey can you write a fic about Vanya discovering she’s ticklish as an adult by Klaus or another family member? I saw it in one of your posts and it’s really cute. It only took me five years to post but I did a thing! Hope you like it!!!
Vanya wouldn’t say she was an outgoing person. She liked to stay in her room, minding her own business, and while her family would normally let her keep to herself it did not stop her from observing them.
She was always watching her siblings. When no one was looking, and they usually weren.t, she would pretend to have powers like theirs. The eight year old knew it was hopeless to wish for something she would never have but thoughts, if she were special than she would be allowed to play with them. They sounded like they were having fun whenever their father was nowhere to be found and they could play out in the open. She rarely joined them anymore, but today she felt lighter than usual, she allowed herself to follow the laughter that danced and bounced off the walls.
The scene she found was not unusual for the normally rowdy house. Diego had poor Five pinned to the ground with the help of Ben who was making quick work to bring their normally sarcastic and snarky brother to a giggly mess.
Vanya wasn’t sure what was so funny, but Allison and Luther seemed to be laughing as well.
The quiet girl let herself silently watch from around the corner of the door way. Five seemed to be enjoying himself even as he desperately tried to pull away from Ben's nimble fingers.
She was startled out of her observations by Klaus appearing behind her, his hand landing softly on her shoulder.
When she turned his lip was pressed against his lips in the universal sign of ‘Be quiet please’ and smiled at her. Klaus was always nice to her, some days he would sneak into her room with candies and they would talk for hours before anyone noticed either missing.
They baked into the hallway to avoid being spotted. “You weren’t in your room, I wanted to make sure you were okay.” Klaus whispered.
Number Seven nodded her head, blushing at the thought of her brother caring enough to check up on, and worry about her. She did a double take on the scene before asking if he wanted to go to her room with a promise of nail polish.
They were off just as quickly as they arrived and were soon inhaling the toxic nail polish smell. Vanya herself deciding on a light blue with sparkles while klaus had chosen his favorite, a pastel yellow.
The two talked while they waited for their nails to finish drying, eventually Vanya couldn’t hold her questions back any longer. “What was Ben doing to five? I must of been pretty funny since he was laughing so hard.”
Klaus looked at her, she couldn’t read his expression but he seemed confused.
“Well,” He bagan, unsure of how to explain. “I wouldn’t say it was funny really. They were tickling him. Five always says he doesn’t like it when people do it but I don’t think he fights back as hard as he could.”
Vanya's interest peaked, “Tickling?” She repeated, not sure how to classify the new word.
“Yeah, tickling. It, umm, well it is kind of like an itch when people touch you in a certain way, and it makes you laugh. I’m not sure hwy, five could probably give you more of the science on it if you wanted.”
She noticed that Klaus refused to meet her eyes, instead finding his newly yellow nails very interesting.
The silence lasted a few seconds longer before the curly haired boy looked up and their eyes met. Both young faces flushed a light pink. Vanya felt her hands go cold and clammy, had she said something wrong? Did she upset Klaus? What if-
“It’s pretty hard to explain, I could try- I mean if you were okay with it, I could try to tickle you. Just so you could understand?” Klaus said, his voice higher pitched than normal and words slightly pushed together.
Vanya was shocked, it wasn’t normal to see Klaus so… Flustered? Almost embarrassed, but she just smiled at him.
“Sure, that sounds like fun!”
Klaus looked at her in shock, but his shoulder lost a tension that she didn’t know formed. “Really?” he asked, “Um… okay, well scoot over here real quick.:
She complied immediately, both smiling anxiously as she shifted closer.
“Is there any place you want me to start?”
Vanya thought for a second, she had never been tickled before. What if it didn’t affect her? What if she wasn’t ticklish?
Kauas seemed to catch on to her train of thought. “It’s okay if you don’t know. You’ve never been in this situation so it was a dumb question, yeah? How about I start on your stomach, most people are ticklish there.”
He slowly brought his hand over her stomach, Vanya took a deep breath when his fingers slowly scribbled across her shirt.
She could feel laughter bouncing around in her belly, if she opened her mouth she knew she wouldn’t be able to stop it from coming out. But then she remembered Five, his head thrown back, mouth open to a happy smile and his laughter freely flowing from his lips. He looked happy.
She wanted to be happy too.
Without a second more to think Vanya let her lips split into a smile and her laughter escape into the room.
“Klahahus! Ihihi thihink it tihicklehes!”
The tickler smiled at her, she seemed much more carefree than he had ever seen her before. He brought his other hand down and Vanya's laughter doubled.
She held herself much better than she had seen Five, who was frantically pulling at his arms and kicking his legs. Vanya was proud to be able to keep her hands in her lap, although she did hunch over her legs.
Klaus’ hands moved around, exploring the different reactions he could find. Her ribs didn’t seem to be as bad as his own, much to his disappointment, but when he fluttered a few fingers next to her ears the touch starved girl practically threw herself towards himself, a high pitch squeal breaking her giggle patterns.
Of course, ever the good brother, Klaus stayed there.
“Klaus! Ihihit thihihicklehes soho bahahd!”
“Well yeah.” Klaus said, “It’s supposed to Van.”
Vanya could feel the tingles shooting through her whole body. She didn’t dislike the feeling, not once even protesting or attempting to remove klaus hands until minutes later when she felt her side pinch and her cheeks go sore.
“Tohoho muhuch! Tohohoho muchuhhuhch/”
Klaus stopped immediately and gave her time to catch her breath. She laid her head down,breathing quickly as residual giggles occasionally took over her body. Once she had calmed down enough to open her eyes and look to her brother she noticed how happy he looked as well.
She gave a small smile and a blush spread across her cheeks, “That. It was fun.”
Klaus cleared his throat,”Yeah, you seemed like you were having a good time. You looked really Happy Vanya.”
“So did you klaus. Did you say Five said he doesn’t like it? Do you know why?”
Klaus shifted his hands in his lap, his nail polish was slightly smudged on the edges. It must not of been fully dry when they had started. “It is embarrassing, he doesn’t like to admit he likes something so ‘childish’.
Vanya glanced at her door, the laughter of she siblings were gone but there was a thumping of footsteps running from room to room. “I liked it.” She decided.
“Me too. I never get to see you smile that much, it was nice.”
“Maybe we can… do it again? If that’s okay with you.”
“Of course, I think I would like that.”
She saw his eyes lights up, maybe being tickled wasn’t the only fun part of the experience. She giggled for a few seconds, “Maybe next time I can tickle you.”
Klaus blushed up to his ears and mumbled something incomprehensible, but Vanya didn’t need to know what he said. She was not the only one who enjoyed the little activity.
She grabbed her brothers hand, “Too bad it messed up the nail polish, we would of had to of taken it off before dinner anyway though.” Without any words she slowly cleaned the yellow paint from the fingers, the ghost of while still occasionally fluttered down her sides.
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secretblog1212 · 5 years
A New Experience
Anon: Hey can you write a fic about Vanya discovering she’s ticklish as an adult by Klaus or another family member? I saw it in one of your posts and it’s really cute.
Vanya wouldn’t say she was an outgoing person. She liked to stay in her room, minding her own business, and while her family would normally let her keep to herself it did not stop her from observing them.
   She was always watching her siblings. When no one was looking, and they usually weren’t, she would pretend to have powers like theirs. The eight year old knew it was hopeless to wish for something she would never have but thoughts, if she were special than she would be allowed to play with them. They sounded like they were having fun whenever their father was nowhere to be found and they could play out in the open. She rarely joined them anymore, but today she felt lighter than usual, she allowed herself to follow the laughter that danced and bounced off the walls.
   The scene she found was not unusual for the normally rowdy house. Diego had poor Five pinned to the ground with the help of Ben who was making quick work to bring their normally sarcastic and snarky brother to a giggly mess.
   Vanya wasn’t sure what was so funny, but Allison and Luther seemed to be laughing as well.
  The quiet girl let herself silently watch from around the corner of the door way. Five seemed to be enjoying himself even as he desperately tried to pull away from Ben’s nimble fingers.
   She was startled out of her observations by Klaus appearing behind her, his hand landing softly on her shoulder.
  When she turned his lip was pressed against his lips in the universal sign of ‘Be quiet please’ and smiled at her. Klaus was always nice to her, some days he would sneak into her room with candies and they would talk for hours before anyone noticed either missing.
   They baked into the hallway to avoid being spotted. “You weren’t in your room, I wanted to make sure you were okay.” Klaus whispered.
    Number Seven nodded her head, blushing at the thought of her brother caring enough to check up on, and worry about her. She did a double take on the scene before asking if he wanted to go to her room with a promise of nail polish.
   They were off just as quickly as they arrived and were soon inhaling the toxic nail polish smell. Vanya herself deciding on a light blue with sparkles while Klaus had chosen his favorite, a pastel yellow.
    The two talked while they waited for their nails to finish drying, eventually Vanya couldn’t hold her questions back any longer. “What was Ben doing to five? I must of been pretty funny since he was laughing so hard.”
   Klaus looked at her, she couldn’t read his expression but he seemed confused.
  “Well,” He began, unsure of how to explain. “I wouldn’t say it was funny really. They were tickling him. Five always says he doesn’t like it when people do it but I don’t think he fights back as hard as he could.”
   Vanya’s interest peaked, “Tickling?” She repeated, not sure how to classify the new word.
  “Yeah, tickling. It, umm, well it is kind of like an itch when people touch you in a certain way, and it makes you laugh. I’m not sure hwy, five could probably give you more of the science on it if you wanted.”
   She noticed that Klaus refused to meet her eyes, instead finding his newly yellow nails very interesting.
  The silence lasted a few seconds longer before the curly haired boy looked up and their eyes met. Both young faces flushed a light pink. Vanya felt her hands go cold and clammy, had she said something wrong? Did she upset Klaus? What if-
   “It’s pretty hard to explain, I could try- I mean if you were okay with it, I could try to tickle you. Just so you could understand?” Klaus said, his voice higher pitched than normal and words slightly pushed together.
   Vanya was shocked, it wasn’t normal to see Klaus so… Flustered? Almost embarrassed, but she just smiled at him.
   “Sure, that sounds like fun!”
  Klaus looked at her in shock, but his shoulder lost a tension that she didn’t know formed. “Really?” he asked, “Um… okay, well scoot over here real quick.:
   She complied immediately, both smiling anxiously as she shifted closer.
   “Is there any place you want me to start?”
   Vanya thought for a second, she had never been tickled before. What if it didn’t affect her? What if she wasn’t ticklish?
  Kauas seemed to catch on to her train of thought. “It’s okay if you don’t know. You’ve never been in this situation so it was a dumb question, yeah? How about I start on your stomach, most people are ticklish there.”
   He slowly brought his hand over her stomach, Vanya took a deep breath when his fingers slowly scribbled across her shirt.
  She could feel laughter bouncing around in her belly, if she opened her mouth she knew she wouldn’t be able to stop it from coming out. But then she remembered Five, his head thrown back, mouth open to a happy smile and his laughter freely flowing from his lips. He looked happy.
   She wanted to be happy too.
   Without a second more to think Vanya let her lips split into a smile and her laughter escape into the room.
   “Klahahus! Ihihi thihink it tihicklehes!”   The  tickler smiled at her, she seemed much more carefree than he had ever seen her before. He brought his other hand down and Vanya’s laughter doubled.
   She held herself much better than she had seen Five, who was frantically pulling at his arms and kicking his legs. Vanya was proud to be able to keep her hands in her lap, although she did hunch over her legs.
   Klaus’ hands moved around, exploring the different reactions he could find. Her ribs didn’t seem to be as bad as his own, much to his disappointment, but when he fluttered a few fingers next to her ears the touch starved girl practically threw herself towards himself, a high pitch squeal breaking her giggle patterns.
   Of course, ever the good brother, Klaus stayed there.
   “Klaus! Ihihit thihihicklehes soho bahahd!”
   “Well yeah.” Klaus said, “It’s supposed to Van.”
  Vanya could feel the tingles shooting through her whole body. She didn’t dislike the feeling, not once even protesting or attempting to remove klaus hands until minutes later when she felt her side pinch and her cheeks go sore.
   “Tohoho muhuch! Tohohoho muchuhhuhch/”
  Klaus stopped immediately and gave her time to catch her breath. She laid her head down,breathing quickly as residual giggles occasionally took over her body. Once she had calmed down enough to  open her eyes and look to her brother she noticed how happy he looked as well.
   She gave a small smile and a blush spread across her cheeks, “That. It was fun.”
   Klaus cleared his throat,”Yeah, you seemed like you were having a good time. You looked really Happy Vanya.”
   “So did you Klaus. Did you say Five said he doesn’t like it? Do you know why?”
  Klaus shifted his hands in his lap, his nail polish was slightly smudged on the edges. It must not of been fully dry when they had started. “It is embarrassing, he doesn’t like to admit he likes something so ‘childish’.
   Vanya glanced at her door, the laughter of she siblings were gone but there was a thumping of footsteps running from room to room.
    “I liked it.” She decided.
   “Me too. I never get to see you smile that much, it was nice.”
   “Maybe we can… do it again? If that’s okay with you.”
   “Of course, I think I would like that.”
  She saw his eyes lights up, maybe being tickled wasn’t the only fun part of the experience. She giggled for a few seconds, “Maybe next time I can tickle you.”
   Klaus blushed up to his ears and mumbled something incomprehensible, but Vanya didn’t need to know what he said. She was not the only one who enjoyed the little activity.
   She grabbed her brothers hand, “Too bad it messed up the nail polish, we would of had to of taken it off before dinner anyway though.” Without any words she slowly cleaned the yellow paint from the fingers, the ghost of while still occasionally fluttered down her sides.
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secretblog1212 · 5 years
A new Experience
Anon: Hey can you write a fic about Vanya discovering she’s ticklish as an adult by Klaus or another family member? I saw it in one of your posts and it’s really cute.
Vanya wouldn’t say she was an outgoing person. She liked to stay in her room, minding her own business, and while her family would normally let her keep to herself it did not stop her from observing them.
    She was always watching her siblings. When no one was looking, and they usually weren’t, she would pretend to have powers like theirs. The eight year old knew it was hopeless to wish for something she would never have but thoughts, if she were special than she would be allowed to play with them. They sounded like they were having fun whenever their father was nowhere to be found and they could play out in the open. She rarely joined them anymore, but today she felt lighter than usual, she allowed herself to follow the laughter that danced and bounced off the walls.
    The scene she found was not unusual for the normally rowdy house. Diego had poor Five pinned to the ground with the help of Ben who was making quick work to bring their normally sarcastic and snarky brother to a giggly mess.
    Vanya wasn’t sure what was so funny, but Allison and Luther seemed to be laughing as well.
    The quiet girl let herself silently watch from around the corner of the door way. Five seemed to be enjoying himself even as he desperately tried to pull away from Ben's nimble fingers.
    She was startled out of her observations by Klaus appearing behind her, his hand landing softly on her shoulder.
    When she turned his lip was pressed against his lips in the universal sign of ‘Be quiet please’ and smiled at her. Klaus was always nice to her, some days he would sneak into her room with candies and they would talk for hours before anyone noticed either missing.
    They baked into the hallway to avoid being spotted. “You weren’t in your room, I wanted to make sure you were okay.” Klaus whispered.
    Number Seven nodded her head, blushing at the thought of her brother caring enough to check up on, and worry about her. She did a double take on the scene before asking if he wanted to go to her room with a promise of nail polish.
    They were off just as quickly as they arrived and were soon inhaling the toxic nail polish smell. Vanya herself deciding on a light blue with sparkles while klaus had chosen his favorite, a pastel yellow.
    The two talked while they waited for their nails to finish drying, eventually Vanya couldn’t hold her questions back any longer. “What was Ben doing to five? I must of been pretty funny since he was laughing so hard.”
    Klaus looked at her, she couldn’t read his expression but he seemed confused.
    “Well,” He bagan, unsure of how to explain. “I wouldn’t say it was funny really. They were tickling him. Five always says he doesn’t like it when people do it but I don’t think he fights back as hard as he could.”
    Vanya's interest peaked, “Tickling?” She repeated, not sure how to classify the new word.
    “Yeah, tickling. It, umm, well it is kind of like an itch when people touch you in a certain way, and it makes you laugh. I’m not sure hwy, five could probably give you more of the science on it if you wanted.”
    She noticed that Klaus refused to meet her eyes, instead finding his newly yellow nails very interesting.
    The silence lasted a few seconds longer before the curly haired boy looked up and their eyes met. Both young faces flushed a light pink. Vanya felt her hands go cold and clammy, had she said something wrong? Did she upset Klaus? What if-
    “It’s pretty hard to explain, I could try- I mean if you were okay with it, I could try to tickle you. Just so you could understand?” Klaus said, his voice higher pitched than normal and words slightly pushed together.
    Vanya was shocked, it wasn’t normal to see Klaus so… Flustered? Almost embarrassed, but she just smiled at him.
    “Sure, that sounds like fun!”
    Klaus looked at her in shock, but his shoulder lost a tension that she didn’t know formed. “Really?” he asked, “Um… okay, well scoot over here real quick.:
    She complied immediately, both smiling anxiously as she shifted closer.
    “Is there any place you want me to start?”
    Vanya thought for a second, she had never been tickled before. What if it didn’t affect her? What if she wasn’t ticklish?
    Kauas seemed to catch on to her train of thought. “It’s okay if you don’t know. You’ve never been in this situation so it was a dumb question, yeah? How about I start on your stomach, most people are ticklish there.”
    He slowly brought his hand over her stomach, Vanya took a deep breath when his fingers slowly scribbled across her shirt.
    She could feel laughter bouncing around in her belly, if she opened her mouth she knew she wouldn’t be able to stop it from coming out. But then she remembered Five, his head thrown back, mouth open to a happy smile and his laughter freely flowing from his lips. He looked happy.
    She wanted to be happy too.
    Without a second more to think Vanya let her lips split into a smile and her laughter escape into the room.
    “Klahahus! Ihihi thihink it tihicklehes!”     The  tickler smiled at her, she seemed much more carefree than he had ever seen her before. He brought his other hand down and Vanya's laughter doubled.
    She held herself much better than she had seen Five, who was frantically pulling at his arms and kicking his legs. Vanya was proud to be able to keep her hands in her lap, although she did hunch over her legs.
    Klaus’ hands moved around, exploring the different reactions he could find. Her ribs didn’t seem to be as bad as his own, much to his disappointment, but when he fluttered a few fingers next to her ears the touch starved girl practically threw herself towards himself, a high pitch squeal breaking her giggle patterns.
    Of course, ever the good brother, Klaus stayed there.
    “Klaus! Ihihit thihihicklehes soho bahahd!”
    “Well yeah.” Klaus said, “It’s supposed to Van.”
    Vanya could feel the tingles shooting through her whole body. She didn’t dislike the feeling, not once even protesting or attempting to remove klaus hands until minutes later when she felt her side pinch and her cheeks go sore.
    “Tohoho muhuch! Tohohoho muchuhhuhch/”
    Klaus stopped immediately and gave her time to catch her breath. She laid her head down,breathing quickly as residual giggles occasionally took over her body. Once she had calmed down enough to  open her eyes and look to her brother she noticed how happy he looked as well.
    She gave a small smile and a blush spread across her cheeks, “That. It was fun.”
    Klaus cleared his throat,”Yeah, you seemed like you were having a good time. You looked really Happy Vanya.”
    “So did you klaus. Did you say Five said he doesn’t like it? Do you know why?”
    Klaus shifted his hands in his lap, his nail polish was slightly smudged on the edges. It must not of been fully dry when they had started. “It is embarrassing, he doesn’t like to admit he likes something so ‘childish’.
    Vanya glanced at her door, the laughter of she siblings were gone but there was a thumping of footsteps running from room to room.     “I liked it.” She decided.
    “Me too. I never get to see you smile that much, it was nice.”
    “Maybe we can… do it again? If that’s okay with you.”
    “Of course, I think I would like that.”
    She saw his eyes lights up, maybe being tickled wasn’t the only fun part of the experience. She giggled for a few seconds, “Maybe next time I can tickle you.”
    Klaus blushed up to his ears and mumbled something incomprehensible, but Vanya didn’t need to know what he said. She was not the only one who enjoyed the little activity.
    She grabbed her brothers hand, “Too bad it messed up the nail polish, we would of had to of taken it off before dinner anyway though.” Without any words she slowly cleaned the yellow paint from the fingers, the ghost of while still occasionally fluttered down her sides.
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