just-null-cult · 9 months
Noritoshi babygirled for like 2 episodes and never appeared again that is absolutely disrespectful I need more of him😭
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ONG. Noritoshi's scenes in the anime were so fucking gorgeous (i'm still not over how they animated his lips and eyelashes and eyes and hair and clothes an-) and they so DISGRACEFULLY PUNCHED HIM OUT OF THE SCREEN TO BALANCE IT OUT.
yknow what, i cherish those moments he was on screen. his constant -_- face brought me unending happiness. if we saw more of him, we would all ascend to beyond human for witnessing such beauty and coolness in one man. that or our faces would melt off bc hes so amazing ahahaha (<- copium)
dont worry though anon. im also fucking drying up from lack of Noritoshi. Noritoshi withdrawls, if you will. thats the reason why i started postin, bc i wanna see Noritoshi being babygirl more often. I'm here w you anon, i'll feed us Noritoshi content.
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nightskymd · 6 months
(Ghost, Y/n, and Soap are in the training ground both ghost and Y/n are going to have a fight and Soap is the referee)
(Note: y/n is new to their base and want to check your skills)
Y/n: you get into position, and wait for him to make a move.
Ghost: He stands still, staring at y/n with a raised eyebrow. It's like he's silently daring you to make the first move. He's not giving up his strategy easily.
Soap: makes a noise, looking bored. "Is this really happening?" He mutters to himself, rolling his eyes.
Y/n: you staring at him quietly waiting…
Ghost: he seems like he might wait for you for another half an hour, maybe more.
Soap: clears his throat. "Come on now, you can't both stare at each other all day. Do something." He prompts.
Ghost: Narrows his eyes slightly, as though considering... but he's still not budging.
Y/n wants to make Ghost the first move, and its fixed in mind, if he does not make any move I'm are not ganna too…
Ghost: Sighs and shakes his head, rolling his eyes a little."You're stubborn, I'll give you that." He says, his eyes still fixed on you. He's not going to let you win this easily. "But I have more patience than you." He added.
Y/n: “Same goes to you too!!” You waits for him to strike
Soap: Sighs, as if frustrated by the two of you. "Just *fight*..." He muttered under his breath.
Soap: Rolls his eyes, but says nothing. He was growing more and more annoyed with Ghost's stubbornness each second.
Ghost: Seems to shrug off his annoyance though. He tilts his head slightly, a hint of playful curiosity in his eyes."Are you going to be like this the entire fight? Standing still and waiting?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.
Y/n: “I'm not moving until you make a move” you call out
Ghost: "And I'm not moving until *you* make a move."
(After a moment, he glances toward Soap. "How long do you think we should wait?" He asks, still staring back at you.)
Y/n: IDK!!
Ghost: "This is getting annoying...What do you say, Soap? How long do we give them before they have an *actual fight*?"
Soap: Sighed. "I should've seen this coming." He grumbled. "I mean, you both are stubborn."
Ghost: Expression softened slightly. "Oh come now, can you blame them?" He said, turning back to Soap.
Soap: Rolled his eyes again, and Ghost grinned slightly. "It's adorable, in a way." He added.
Y/n: “Cmom ghost, are you scared you're ganna lose the advantage if you make the first move??” you murmured out loudly
Ghost: "Scared? Me? Of a little person? Never." Ghost retorted. He was starting to enjoy this game, in a way."I simply know that I'm smarter than you. I'll make you make the mistake first."
Soap: Huffed, but didn't say anything.
Y/n: “Then C’MON!! Fight me” you yelled
Ghost: Remained still, arms crossed. The corners of his mouth were twitching slightly. He seems amused by your antics."No... I don't think I will." He said, in a mocking tone that's probably a bad influence for you to learn from."You're not making this *easy* for me, either." Ghost added.
Y/n: you stayed, still being stubborn
Soap sighs and turns away, as though done with the spectacle. You glances toward Soap... and ghost then makes a move.He lunges and goes for a punch straight for you, using his momentum to try and knock you off balance. Soap's head snaps back toward you, eyes growing with surprise and interest. Ghost's smirk grows.
Y/n wiggles in his hold and kicks him on his belly causing him to growl in pain, you quickly kicks him on his knees making him tumble on the floor, you grips his arm tightly turns it back, and handcuff his hands. which you were hiding from the very first
Soap watched on in shocked disbelief. Ghost stares at him for a moment... then his head jerks toward you.
He stares with a stunned expression as the reality set it. Soap chuckled, as though amused by the situation. "I take it back," He muttered. "You're good."Ghost stares at you for a moment, his expression darkening slightly. He seems to be assessing the situation now, as he looks almost annoyed."That's quite an unexpected move." He said, his voice cold.
Y/n: I lost handcuffs, keys
Soap and ghost stare at you completely in silence. The silence is too loud for y/n….
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softprincenonu · 4 years
Hi!! Could you do Jeonghan confessing for y/n?
Hi sweetie!!! Hope you enjoy this 💕💕 ( side note: sorry if i misspelled something, english is not my first language and although im kinda good at it, sometimes i might make some mistakes. )
SOOOOOOOO, listen here... this guy... this guy really (im such a weak ass for him)... don't come at me but jeonghan might seam the type to say stuff and be straight up and be a cheater at games or be really really clingy with his members but bOY. IS. SHY. So let's say you started out as friends because you have this really cool and sweet friendship with Coups and he introduced you to him and at first, Hannie here was a little bit shy with flushed cheeks and all and everyone was making fun of him cause cMOM!!!! jeonghan???? shy???? but he just let that go cause sweet little boy here thought it was just because you were friends with his bff but... BUT!!!!! every single one of his members notice that he was always shy and thinking to much about what he was going to say when he was around you soooo, one day Coups decided to ask him what's wrong and why he didn't tell you that he liked you and jeonghan was like "whaaat??? i-i don't like her" and Coups was like "yeah right, anyways, talk to her... she might like you back but opss you didn't heard that from me" and left the room leaving a panicked and even more flustered jeonghan to process that new info. so, after a couple of days, he decided to finally confess to you and called you, asking if you wanted to take a walk at the park to just talk because "he was bored and needed some advice" and you were like "yeah, sure meet you there" and poor boy was so nervous at the point he was almost shaking when he got there and you noticed that and ask him what's wrong and he, being the shy and "im about to pass out" kinda of nervous, was like " so, i have this friend, she's really pretty and i like her but i don't know how to say that to her" and to say you were sad to hear that was a understanding cause cmom, you've liked him since that first day and he was always so cute and caring towards you, but you just smiled and pretend that didn't hurt you and answered him that he should talk to the girl and confess and oh dear god the boy just froze there for a moment and when you were about to ask him what's wrong (again lol) he was "ilikeyouandyouwerethegirliwastalkingabout" and you were confused cause yeah, you didn't understand shit and ask him to say that again and jeonghan took a deep breath and tried to calm his nerves a little bit and just go "y/n, i like you. you were the girl i was talking about" and for his surprise you gave him this really big and beautiful smile that he loved so much tell him "yeah i kinda like you too" aND BOY! he was almost jumping from excitement and happiness and smiling so so so big when he asked you "so, wanna go on a date with me like, right now?" and you just nod and take his hand "yep, we're on a date" and lets just say that when he got home and told the guys what he just did everyone almost screamed "finally" at him.
request are open, fell free to send one if you want 😳💕💕
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rosetisco · 7 years
@siriusprotectionsquad​ event: get to know the members
i like these cold, grey, winter days. days like these let you savour a bad mood
The winters were always exceptionally cold at Hogwarts. It never mattered how many blankets Sirius wrapped himself in, or if he turned the boiler in the dorm room the highest it could go, or even when he enchanted his slippers to be self-heating, he was still cold. James would tease him, suggesting he should live out the winter months in his animagus form, then Sirius would snarl back, which would’ve been menacing if he wasn’t wrapped in Lily’s Scooby Doo blanket. 
This resulted in a daily morning debate, in which Sirius would argue that it was too cold to leave the dorm dressed normally, but he wasn’t about to let everyone see him looking like a twat. James would reassure him that he in fact was a twat, while Peter giggled, and the girls left to actually get to breakfast on time for once.
“The blanket really doesn’t look that bad, Sirius.” Remus assured him, fully dressed and fully prepared to leave them all for the sake of getting something to eat.
“That’s fine for you to say, but if I got out looking like this, he,” Sirius flung an arm out of his blanket to point at James, whose eyes widened in surprise as he’d been eating a biscuit and hadn’t been paying attention, “will never let me live it down.” 
“Aw, cmom, Pagefoof. I promish I’ll ownly tease you fwor two weechs.” James tried to say around his biscuit.
“He’s asking for a maximum two weeks teasing.” Peter translated.
“Thanfs, Wormtail.”
“I’m not giving you that much fuel,” Sirius huffed, hurling his blanket off and throwing it in the direction of his bed, “I’ll just have to suffer.”
“Sirius you don’t-” Remus started.
“It’s fine.” 
Mcgonagall caught him shivering through the whole of Transfiguration, and though his teeth had rattled so much he was worried they’d fall out, he hadn’t mentioned any of it to her. She made sure to press the point that he should visit Madam Pomfrey if he was feeling unwell, but after minutes of silence let Sirius leave to find the others waiting outside. He strode straight to Remus, dropping his head onto his chest as the taller boy wrapped the shorter in his cloak. 
“I take it it went well then?” James teased, not expecting the elbow to the ribs he received from Peter. 
“What did she say?”
“She thinks I’m ill.”
“Well she’s not wrong.” Sirius lifted his head to scowl at Remus, the smirk on the other boy’s face just making him feel even worse. “C’mon, let’s go sit you in front of the Common Room fire like you’re our house cat.”
“I hate cats.”
“I know.”
“When are you going to tell me what’s really going on?” 
It had been hours since last light, and the four were still sat in front of the fire, with Sirius on the floor wrapped in as many blankets as they could scavenge and the others crammed on the sofa. Peter had tried to stay up and help keep Sirius warm, but had soon fallen asleep curled up next to Remus like a large dog who thinks they can fit in your lap. Until a few moments ago, Sirius was sure that Remus was still engrossed in his book, but as he glanced at him now he noticed the book had fallen into his lap, and his head was now gently resting atop Peter’s. Which left James, who was, as Sirius watched him now, very much awake, and staring down at him as if there was something he was supposed to say.
“I know Moony’s noticed too, but I think he feels like he hasn’t got the right to say anything to you about acting weird cause he’s-” James stopped himself and glanced around, momentarily forgetting they weren’t in the private safety of their dorm room. “Well anyway, I do. And I need you to tell me what’s going on, cause this isn’t just your average winter of being cold, mate.”
Minutes of silence passed between them, Sirius chewed his lip until he was sure he was going to get an ulcer in the morning, but said nothing. James shook his head and moved as if he was about to wake up the boys when Sirius blurted out-
“It’s my mother.” He watched as James settled back down, eager to listen, he took a deep breath. “Over the summer I spent so much time away from home, not just when I was with you, some nights I just wouldn’t go home. And when I was home Walburga wouldn’t let me breathe for two seconds without screaming at me that I wasn’t loyal to the family, that I was a traitor and all that other shit. That’s why I went dark those last two weeks of break, Prongs. She wouldn’t let me leave the house, wouldn’t even let me send an owl. And I didn’t tell you because- I didn’t tell you cause I knew you’d come up with some scheme and- and I checked and your parents can’t adopt me unless the ‘House of Black’ agrees to it.” He made the air quotations with his hands, letting the blanket fall from his shoulders and watching it settle on the floor as he made no move to pick it up.
“Sirius I- shit, mate. You- the shivering, you’re that scared to go back?” 
Sirius nodded.
“Shit, right.” James scrambled down from the sofa to wrap his arms around his friend, he would’ve toppled him over if Sirius hadn’t squeezed so hard back. “Listen, Padfoot. Nothing’s gonna happen to you, alright? Even if we have to chain ourselves to this bloody castle no one is going to make you go back there. Me, you, the boys, maybe even the girls, we’ll all stay here for Christmas, you don’t even have to think about it. Okay?”
Sirius nodded against James’ shoulder, pulling back to smile at his friend, before they both burst out laughing at how their eyes had begun to water.
“Oh, fucking hell are you still up?” Their heads whipped round as they witnessed Peter rising from the sofa, stretching out his back and yawning loud enough to wake the whole castle. 
“Bloody hell, Pete.”
“What? Just cause I don’t swear as fucking much as you two doesn’t mean I never do. Now let’s go the fuck to bed.” He glanced down at the mass still on the sofa. “Can someone help me carry Remus? He’s one heavy bugger.”
James couldn’t control his giggles as he clapped Sirius on the back, and after a few false starts helped Peter get Remus on his feet and walking. Sirius grinned as he watched them, scooping up his blanket and following close behind. He listened to Remus’ half-asleep mumbling, Peter’s near constant swearing and James’ stifled laughter as he tried to let the rest of Gryffindor house sleep. Sirius’ smile grew, and as he watched the three idiots in front of him attempt to tackle the stairs, he felt comforted by the promise that they would keep him safe, through everything, and always, the Marauders. 
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talknow · 4 years
DaTGuY StreetNOW TalkNOW Reporting: Snap Office Made-to-Wait for Plot and Amazon Prime Couriers
I have no regrets for handling this bitch SHIT.
By Terry Dwayne Ashford
The date is February 28, 2020
Click HERE for today’s DaTGuY Broadcast
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Another incident at SNAP in fixing the card manipulation
By Terry Dwayne Ashford
Click the link below
Amazon Prime Couriers Hired To Chase Whiter Men
Now she turns up her iPhone right beside a bunch Shiteater and then signaling after called OUT on her shit. The fatty cake security was placed expecting me to come back. I was waiting on it too. The placement of the one at the desk was the exact same short female employee that tried to deny the service the other day. And the follow up one named poindexrter was the one who stood behind the supervisor who overruled the short SPICK mocking in garment. So what you are seeing is the exact ones that attempted the initial deceit placed to backup themselves. With a N8GGER blabbering security with a nut sack to intimidate- and that FAILED. We know exactly the value of blubber in a rumble. We know exactly how to handle blubber in a rumble. And we are prepared - what in the fuck YOUR ass running up here for dumb ass in the middle of my business. Thank you for watching me specifically but WHY. Keep the answer - blubbler I am goddamn waiting in your overstep and your backup of your bullshit shiteaters. The short Spick female was being arranged with me or someone. And that ordeal was relying on denying me service which was denied by the supervisor and poindexter is in with the spicks and was standing behind the black supervisor trying to urge the supervisor not to override the spick arrangement. Let me repeat myself the spick arrangement relied on denying a targeted black person. Poindexter specifically said “she could not look into the system to see If a new card was added.” Poindexter denied the service of even viewing the account. And she stands there right now doing nothing. If that is not a denial then what is. N8GGERs link to anything not them. Reporting for streetNOW DaTGuY a power point for the spicks would be to have made a black person wait as the spick tried to deny services overrode by the supervisor on that day. See the fists 👊. Lol. See mine. Two of them. Signal me FUCKER and thanks for informing me of your plan. I have ONE of my own using your blubbler! The officer is another butler and we have experience in handle shitmonkey shiteaters of other race men. And now I am leaving because the SPICK won’t WIN against me. I said I wasn’t going to goddamn wait for no slick arrangements and that is what I goddamn mean. Left at 1031 am no answer as the supervisor was said to have been in a meeting. That too is a lie that I would bet and almost guarantee. “Informed the person at the counter that I was not going to wait when I have waited already for her to assure me that any additional cards added to my account be taken off because I don’t need another card.” And I am NOT going to wait to see if your staff made a deceitful change hoping it would be qualified as an error. So Delete the BITCH shit card that was added to my account on Feb 24, 2020. Account name was given. As I sat next to people in that place In what was supposed to have been a forced wait - hoes were offering while there. Called out. As I walked out the door- intimidation attempts in putting on her gloves well big bitch I am ready. Turned around and went back to give the BITCHES a chance. No bitch of any size would even beat ME - so don’t get it twisted! Foe the N8GGER I would destroy a pussy cat. I am going to go back to give a BITCH a chance to do what the bitch think she wants to do. Gloves and all. I will have my gloves on too. Watch this. We play bitch games and big boy games. See?
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The black men were swarming like bees.
Rushing intense crazed. To have seen that black men ARE GAY and RACISTs is horrifying. They are HORRIBLE and dangerous from every angle. You have to look at’em like they are monkeys in monstrosity psychotic episodal geek moment. SICKENING and that is your little straight society - GAY! And we laugh at’em. Y’all the big ole married black man with kids rushed to my vehicle in anger to attack me with a picture of him horny for white men. Only to meet my BAT waiting right there. “Cmom big ole bitch”. And the big ole bitch ass monkey turned around and threatened me with “u get my smoke!” Naw hoe the white man got you “smoking on his rod” not me. Get your N8gger ass OUT of my face before I bust your brains in the middle of this goddamn street! The big ole faggie tucked his rod between his legs and ran back to his YELLOW god damn truck. Faggie. Like we play with a Black ass FAGGIE!
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