#Battle of Gaza
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"At this time, as a person living in the prison that is Gaza, my prime, immediate enemy is Hamas. It is a barrier I need to remove from my life. If the Jews come and remove it, I will support them." -- "Ashraf," 28, recent evacuee from Gaza City
"Regarding humanitarian aid that arrives and is administered by Hamas, unfortunately, this aid isn't distributed fairly. It is distributed in a partisan way: only Hamas members get the aid." -- Anonymous Gaza resident
"Hamas bears responsibility for all the wars, but we're the ones who pay the price. You launched an attack and took all these hostages, but did you think about how Israel would respond? Did you think they'd simply say, 'Hey, whatever. Okay, just give us back the hostages and we'll do a prisoner exchange right away?'… Hamas doesn't bear this: we all do." -- Anonymous Gaza resident
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tangramkey · 1 month
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🍉Daily clicks: https://arab.org 🍉E-sims: https://gazaesims.com 🍉Care for Gaza: https://gofundme.com/f/careforgaza 🍉Menstrual hygiene funds: https://piousprojects.org/campaign/2712 🍉Demand cease fire: https://ceasefiretoday.com
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Just saw some truly disgusting posts pop up on my dash and my immediate instinct was to correct the misinformation. I’ve had to stop myself so many times lately because they’re getting more brazen with their lies.
So just a friendly reminder. A lot of the Zionists you see posting and commenting are bots. They’re getting paid to post. It’s been documented.
Bot or not, DO NOT ENGAGE. Don’t argue. Don’t try to make them understand. They aren’t going to listen. Block and move on. The bots will get paid to argue with you, and the others are too far brainwashed to see sense. You aren’t going to get through to them.
We’ve got to learn to pick our battles. Focus on boycotting and spreading awareness to those who are still on the fence.
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opossumanon · 3 months
Still needs a few touch-ups but my Palestine patch is pretty much done!!! Not sure where to put this on my jacket but I'll figure it out soon enough
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wielderofthechainsaw · 2 months
Todays challenge is to..
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mentheae-vine · 3 months
Do you know the difference between the posts on Israel and the posts on Palestine.
When I look at Israel posts they show soldiers injured or killed and unfortunate incidents caused by the ‘Palestinian Terror’, with gruesome injuries and hostages. I tell myself it’s war these things happen. And if this is what Israel is facing then it should be equal on the opposing side.
But then I look to Palestinian side of things. And there’s a clear difference.
They are in ruins.
Refugee camps everywhere.
Injuries widespread, cities in reduced to ashes.
And then I say to myself.
“Where are Israel’s ruins?
Where are their crowded bomb shelters?
Where are their crying orphaned children?
Where are the bodies crushed under rubble?
Where is their loss in this war?”
All Israel has are spoils of war and sprinkles of tragedy compared to the massacre that is Palestine right now.
It looks like the second coming of the holocaust in Palestine. No one is spared not even the harmless civilians.
I understand dead and injured soldiers. They fight and die for their country’s ideals.
But targeting civilians, harmless civilians, innocent children! That is a massacre. That is Genocide.
That is like saying when Germany occupied France in WWII they killed everyone in Paris and blew up the Eiffel Tower!
I want every Pro Israel person to look at the rubble that has become of Gaza and say out loud.
“This is justice. This is peace.”
I’ll wait.
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mariiobrosuy · 2 months
I like battle cats and I think palestine should be free from evil israel
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From Bisans Instagram story (feb 19th 2024)
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I ain't staying quiet, FREEEEE PALESTINEEEEE
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laconicmoon · 3 days
🇵🇸low spoons, low income ways to support a free palestine🇵🇸
For many low-income and/or disabled activists, we can't always do the obvious things to support Palestine like donating money or going to protests. I'm compiling this list to remind myself what I *can* do, and I'm hoping it might help some other people too.
Disclaimer: you might not find all of these to be low spoons for you--maybe drawing is physically difficult, or phone calls are distressing. These are just ideas! Please ignore and adapt them to suit your needs and abilities <3
🍉Get creative with stickers, posters, zines, whatever!
Adhesive shipping labels from USPS ship to your house for free (if you live in the US). You can order up to 750 at a time! Draw a Palestinian flag or "Free Gaza" on there and stick them everywhere (it's actually quite easy to vandalize without getting caught).
If you want to go bigger, try a wheatpaste, and if you have access to a printer or copier, leave some zines around (tutorial, canva template). If you are housebound, you can give them to a friend to spread around for you.
You can also make signs and have someone else take them to a protest. If you're a sewist, make a puppet or wearable patches!
🍉Display a Palestinian flag or pro-Palestine sign in your window
If you live in an area where this isn't safe, or if you don't have your own space, assess the risk before you do this. You could also put up a more subtle symbol, such as a watermelon, if you are nervous about backlash.
🍉Contact your reps!
I know people say this all the time, but for my US-based friends, some pointers to make it take as few spoons as possible--
Democracy.io makes it super easy to email both your senators and your representative at the same time.
Faxzero.com allows you to send a fax straight to your reps' printers. Not all of their offices have this enabled, but I've heard faxes are more direct than emails.
If you don't know what to say, you can adapt this template (it's a bit outdated). Or just write "Free Palestine" or "Ceasefire Now." Something is better than nothing!
🍉Participate in phone zaps
Often times, organizations like USPCN or Jewish Voice for Peace will ask for people to call a person or organization to put pressure on them, such as demanding that a university drop charges against student protestors. Monitor those accounts and, if you're up for it, call or leave a message. Or, you could even text the group chat and conduct your own phone zap!
🍉Check out library books about Palestine
You also may be able to request that your library purchase certain titles, or request titles they don't have through interlibrary loan!
🍉Write a letter to the editor
You can write either to a local paper or a school paper, if you're a student or alum. This is a great way to break out of the echo chamber--local papers often have an intergenerational audience.
🍉Send in a public comment to a city council meeting
Many cities have the option to send in a public comment electronically! So if you can't make it to an in-person meeting, this is a good option, especially if your city is trying to pass a ceasefire resolution.
🍉Attend online Jewish Voice for Peace "Power Half-Hour for Gaza"
JVP's Power Half-Hours are a wonderful space to grieve, process, and build stamina for the fight to come. Monday through Friday, 3pm ET/ 12pm PT, 30 minutes of solidarity-building and reflection facilitated by Jewish leaders but open to all. You can pre-register to join on Zoom or stream on YouTube.
🍉Support friends who go to protests/actions
That can be as simple as texting them before and after and making sure they are safe, lending them a bandana or rain gear, or providing a place to decompress afterward! If you have an animal that does well in crowds, consider allowing a trusted friend to take them to a protest or encampment for a short time. Seeing dogs in keffiyehs always makes my day <3
🍉Other Considerations and Reminders 🍉
Focus on the long haul. It's more important to create a pace of activism that's sustainable for you than it is to do everything all the time.
"Ought" implies "can." If you are unable to do something, or if it would be very difficult for you to do so, you are in no way obligated to do that thing!
Block words on social media if you need to. In a similar vein, you do not need to force yourself to constantly watch graphic videos or read upsetting posts. Yes, Gaza has asked us to bear witness to the atrocities there--"All Eyes on Gaza Now" is a common chant for a reason. But that doesn't mean you, specifically, must doomscroll forever.
Please reblog with your own favorite ways to advocate for Palestine when you're broke and spoonless 🇵🇸 🇵🇸
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gatewaytojannah · 1 month
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tangramkey · 16 days
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🍉Daily clicks: https://arab.org 🍉E-sims: https://gazaesims.com 🍉Care for Gaza: https://gofundme.com/f/CareForGaza || http://paypal.me/UsmanaliF 🍉Menstrual hygiene funds: https://piousprojects.org/campaign/2712 🍉Demand cease fire: https://ceasefiretoday.com 🍉Petition: https://t.co/ElwqNXPqRu 🍉Palestine Red Crescent Society: https://palestinercs.org/en/Article/10997/overview 🍉Boycott: https://bdsmovement.net/Act-Now-Against-These-Companies-Profiting-From-Genocide 🍉Educate yourself: https://decolonizepalestine.com 🍉PCRF: https://pcrf1.app.neoncrm.com/forms/2024-ramadan-campaign-1
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workersolidarity · 5 months
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thevampirechr0nicler · 4 months
Posting what my battle jacket currently looks like because I'm super proud!
I've made every patch bar the Black Flag one, and it's all hand stitched!
The third picture just gives you a better look at the patch on the arm of the jacket too, I hope you all enjoy it!
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Are you tired? I am. I’m fucking exhausted. I feel like giving up would be so easy. Closing my eyes and taking a nap while the world burns is so appealing. But honestly? That’s Denise talking. Fuck Denise. Denise is an old “liberal” white woman. Denise would rather be ignorant than infuriated. Denise would rather play a round of bingo than stand at a protest. She’d rather go through a Drive Thru at McDonalds than resist for the boycott. So fuck Denise. Fuck Denise and fuck being tired because it’s exhaustion or evil. Those are the only two choices, and she chose evil. I say that Denise can take herself and all colonizers straight to hell, I’ll stay right here being fucking exhausted. I’m a college student, living off of ramen, caffeine and 3 hours of sleep should be on my goddamn resume. I have a doctorate in exhaustion. And I know we’ve got more in us. Working class people who’ve been doing grunt work for pennies and having assholes build empires on our backs, young children with more rage than money, more dreams than power, academics who’ve spilled blood, sweat and tears to prove that we know our shit, and still been told to keep information hidden so no one but the powerful can benefit. We’ve got more anger and more hope than they’ve ever dreamed of. We can fucking do this. Get it together. We’ve been getting crushed by the machine day in day out, you’re telling me this squeeze means you’re done? You? You’ve survived a lot of shit, this is not gonna be your breaking point. Get the fuck up. We’ve got shit to do and empires to destroy.
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