#Black clover Nacht Faust
lyranova · 11 days
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You Deserve Better (fic)
It’s You. It’s Always Been You (fic)
Nacht 600 Follower Event (fic)
Nacht 900 Follower Event (fic)
Nacht, Discordia [OC], and Morgen Incorrect Quote 1
Nacht, Morgen, Josele [ @loosesodamarble ‘s OC], and Discordia Incorrect quote 2
Nacht, Morgen, Josele [ @loosesodamarble ‘s OC], and Discordia Incorrect Quote 3
Nacht, Discordia [OC], Morgen Incorrect Quote 4
Nacht w/ Pregnant S/O (headcanon)
Nacht w/ S/O who is mute (headcanon)
Nacht 500 Follower Event (Headcanon)
With Kitsune S/O (Headcanon)
As a Lawyer (Headcanon)
As a God (Headcanon)
As Yankee Candles (Headcanon)
As a Flower (Headcanon)
Nacht Moodboard
Nacht x Reader moodboard
Nacht 900 Follower Event Moodboard
Nacht Social Media AU
Nacht Edit
Butler AU Meme
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bowandcurtsey · 1 year
Hello!Congrats on your 1.7k!♡
For the event can i request royalty/prince AU with nacht faust and f!reader?
Where nacht and the reader meet each other at a lake near the palace on the night when they were little,and because of that they became friends until adult.
Love your headcanon and scenarios you made (⁠◍⁠•⁠ᴗ⁠•⁠◍⁠)⁠❤
{1700 event}
Happy 2023, my dear followers, I've finally sit my ass down to get some works out! :3
Oh god this is sucha sweet request! thank you for sending this in. Royalty AU with Nacht aafghjlshaggf!!! He's such a prince good lord.
AU: Royalty AU Character: Nacht Faust x F! reader tw: long ass for aine's standards.
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[10 Years ago]
Your dad had a job in the Royal Realm so you tagged along, just out of boredom and to see how the royal realm looked like in compared to your common realm.
It was BORING. the people were all quiet and none of them looked sincere. They gave you and your dad weird stares. You couldn't wait to go home.
At night, you decided to walk around the quieter side of the realm, although the people were crappy, the nature was beautiful. The trees were huge and the leaves were green and healthy.
The apples that grew on them were huge and bright red. The flowers seemed more vibrant. And the lake.. The water was clear blue and a little shiny under the moonlight.
*sniff sniff*
Wait. was that sniffing? You followed the sound that you heard. And you saw a young boy. He sat under the tree right beside the lake, his head in his hands and his shoulders trembling.
"are you crying?" you crouched beside the boy, who appeared to be around your age too.
He looked up at you, red streaks in his eyes and quickly wiped his eyes, "no i wasn't!"
You sat beside him, not wanting to expose him, "why are you here alone?"
"I ran out of my home."
"... why?"
"Because they are all biased! They love Morgen more."
"Who's Morgen?"
"My twin brother. He's friendlier. Smarter. Mom and Dad loves him more. I can't do anything right. I'm too dumb."
"Don't say that. I'm sure you're good at things that he isn't good at!" you looked at him with determination in his eyes.
"You're not from around here, are you?" Nacht asked.
"Er... Yeah. I'm from the common realm" you said quietly.
"What is it like there?" he asked with curiosity in his eyes. You could felt that this stranger wasn't like the rest. He didn't look down at you like the people you met today.
And so you started to talk. About your home. About how although the rivers weren't as blue, the grass weren't that green, but the people there were all friendly and caring. Everyone had a family and sharing spirit.
Nacht listened, his sky blue eyes lighted up as his mind painted a picture of a beautiful place outside his boring castle. He wanted to visit this place called 'common realm'.
"Bring me there." he said suddenly. "I'll leave with you tomorrow."
You stared wide eyed at the boy in front of you. "Tell me where to meet you."
"Are you crazy?"
"No, my name is Nacht," he raised his hand for a handshake.
"Great. see you at 9am tomorrow at the kingdom realm gates?"
As promised, he met you at the gates on time and went with you to the common realm.
The common realm was indeed what you had described. Nacht was curious and spontaneous, which made the citizens in the common realm warm up to him really quickly.
You introduced him to the street markets, the neighbours kids who welcomed him and played with him; they taught him how to play marbles, hop scotch, police and thief and they even shared their snacks with him. Regardless of age, gender and size, they were all friends and welcoming of each other. Nacht loved the culture of the common realm, it was just so different from his royal realm.
"let's do this again. Every month! I'll come over and you can bring me to explore the whole common realm."
And that was how you and Nacht became friends for 10 years.
It has been 2 months since Nacht came to visit. He has never missed a single month for the past 10 years. Although his timings could be unpredictable at times, he would always come in the end, every single month, without fail. Even though you both had already explored every single land of the common realm AND the foresaken realm Nacht has never failed to come monthly to meet you and hang out.
He said it was a great 'breather' from the kingdom back at home. You both always exchanged stories from your own realm, Nacht's stories mostly consisted of him doing things that he hated to do; following ridiculous rules like always bowing to your elderlys even though they never acknowledged you.
3 months. And not even a letter. You started to get worried about him, did something happen? You decided to make a trip to the royal realm to check up on him. Maybe he was very sick? Or injured? He did mention that his parents always forced them to go devil hunting....
Of course you were denied entry when you tried to enter the kingdom. There were so many palace guards and with security and a nobody like you, wearing normal clothes easily got the attention of the guards. They denied you entry and didn't even pay much attention to you.
It was only when you took out a pendant that Nacht gave to you a long time ago, he said he got it for his 21st birthday but he didn't really like it. You showed one of the maids that were coming back from their errands.
"You are a friend of master Nacht..?" Even the maids were skeptical. Well, you couldn't really blame them since your clothes looked like theirs but they knew you should be someone special, seeing that you were young and polite.
Thankfully their palace maiden was smart enough to bring you through one of the back gates and brought you from the back palace, away from all the royal personnels.
"Master Nacht hangs at the back garden a lot these days.. maybe you can find him there." the maid gave you a sad smile, something that told you that something was not right.
You came into the garden from one of the side gates and you saw two Nacht. Right, he had a twin brother, Morgen. You recalled. One of them had blonde hair and the other had black hair. Did Morgen have blonde hair? The Nacht you knew always had black hair.
You slowly went closer to the both of them.
"I suggest that you don't upset mom any longer, Nacht." The black haired twin spoke to the blonde.
Wait- Nacht dyed his hair blonde??
"hah, and marry that good-for-nothing princess?" Nacht rolled his eyes at his brother.
"You know that's what mom wants and she doesn't have much longer so..."
"Why don't you marry her Morgen?" Nacht scoffed, "since you're going to be king."
"What makes you think i'm going to be king?"
"Why not? You're everything that they wanted their son to be. You're the golden kid."
Morgen Paused for a moment, before clearing his throat, "Dad wants you to be king."
There was silence between the both of them.
"I know it's hard to believe Nacht, but he says I'm a goody two shoes and i lack the guts, whereas you have keen senses..." Morgen laughed.
"And you're ok with that?"
"We're brothers Nacht, I know you'll take care of me when you're king." Morgen smiled at his brother.
"Who's there?" Nacht looked in your direction. You panicked. Keen senses indeed...
Before you knew it the Faust twins stood before you, both of them stared at you wide eyed. Nacht in surprise and Morgen in confusion.
"y/n, what are you doing here?" There was a little remorse in Nacht's voice.
"you know her?" Morgen asked Nacht.
"I- uhm.. got worried so..." your tongue stumbled to find words.
"Sorry y/n..” he pursed his lips, as if trying to find the right words to say, “I was caught up with stuffs so.."
"Yeah, caught up in getting married I guess," there was a little hurt in your voice that also made Nacht's heart wince.
"so she's the reason you don't want to get marry princess h/n?" Morgen looked at his brother.
"Morgen could you just give us a moment alone?" Nacht death stared at his twin, to which Morgen gave you a little bow and smile and left the gardens. Nacht led you to a nearby bench and both of you sat down.
"I don't want any of this arranged marriage thing." Nacht started to speak. He was like your same old Nacht, except that he looked a little different in blonde hair.
"But it's against your mom's wishes, so you have no choice?"
Nacht looked at you. You knew him the best. He didn't have to say anything and it was as though you understood him, even better than Morgen did.
"technically i have never listened to my parents since young so.." you both chuckled at his joke, until Nacht's expression got solemn again, "but she's dying, y/n. and it's her final wishes."
"why this particular lady though?"
"She's the daughter of the king of the diamond kingdom. And now I just heard from Morgen that dad wants me to take over as king so that now makes sense to me. It's just for political reasons at the end of the day."
"but you being king means that you have to attend to king duties, right? And you'll be real busy." you gave him a sad smile.
Nacht sat in silence.
"Hey, I'm still mad at you for ghosting me for 3 months. Couldn't you even write a letter?" you burst the silent bubble.
"I asked Butler Jimmy to come tell you in person!" he turned to you in surprise before he realised something, "oh..."
"what 'oh'?"
"hah he's working for my mom afterall... maybe that's why she wants me to marry so quickly." he laughed a bitter laugh.
"I asked you this question before but you couldn't really give me an answer then. So now, what is it that you really want Nacht? I'm sure you thought about it before. You can't be thinking of sneaking out monthly for your whole life to the common realm..."
"I just want to live a life without rules and boundaries and be carefree. I want to surround myself with genuine and kind people and that's impossible here in the royal realm."
"But if you marry this princess and you become king, you can do anything you wish and you can change everything."
"so i should marry this diamond princess?"
"Why not? The diamond kingdom princess is rumoured to be pretty and smart." You said to him but your heart felt like it was breaking into pieces. You couldn't deny it at this point, you have loved Nacht since you had no idea when. But thinking of him being the king and being able to make changes to this hierarchical culture of the clover kingdom, you felt that it was for the better good..
Nacht sat in silence again as though really thinking through about your idea.
"and what if, when I become king, I won't get to see you and the people back at the common realm as often anymore?" he cocked his head to the side to see your face better.
"I'm just a nobody, Nacht..." you sighed, "if you being king means that the clover kingdom will be a better place, then I guess everyone will understand and root for you..."
"do you like the garden, y/n?" he suddenly asked.
You blinked at him and then paused for a moment to have a good look at your surroundings.
It was a small garden, but it had all your favourite flowers neatly planted on one half. The other half, you both sat on a little bench and there was a little hopscotch nearby. There was a beautiful oak tree with a treehouse on top.
Below, there was a little ground where there was a white circle, just like that one in your backyard where you and the kids played marbles together. There was a little pond where there are turtles and cheap fishes like those in the common realm, where the villagers all came forth to take turns to take care of the aquatic animals.
"Nacht.. this is-"
"Where i come when I miss the common realm."
It was your turn to keep silent now.
"Every month when I go over, i bring home an idea and I replicate as much as i can here. I also bring home a pebble or a rock and it's all there." he pointed to the pond.
You stood up to get a closer look, and sure enough, surround the pond were the kinds of pebbles you would see in the common realm. In different shapes, colours and sizes they surrounded the pond.
"Do you get it now?"
"G-get what?"
"I can have my own 'common realm' right here in my garden, but it's the person that's with me that makes it different."
"Since when did you become such a sentimental person?"
"Since I dyed my hair blonde," he laughed at his own joke.
"I can be king but I know I cannot change the mindset of the rich. And i don't blame them. It's just different perspective in life. Well, I can make changes and slowly changes their perception but it would really take a long time, or even past my generation."
"well, at least you can be the start to something different." the aching in your heart wouldn't go away. You knew this wasn't what you wanted, but you knew that it would be the best decision.
"you might be right y/n. actually, most of the time, you're right. except when you said that minty raspberry ice cream flavour would taste nice..."
"It wasn't that bad!" You laughed at his joke and gave him a playful smack, " but seriously Nacht, go for it, I believe in you."
“Thanks.” he patted your head, sending tingles all the way down your spine, “I'll be real busy for the next few months, y/n. I'm sorry I won't get to visit the common relam.. but I'll definetly pay a visit when everything is settled down.”
"sure." you said with a forced smile, "I have to get back now, before my dad realises I snuck out."
"Then I shall sneak out for a bit to send you back, since you came such a long way?" he gave you a grin, but in fact, he wanted to spend more time with you.
"Sir Nacht!" a maiden called out, "The queen..! Something is wrong!"
You both looked at each other with widened eyes.
"Just go Nacht, I'll be fine, take care of yourself." you pushed him away and you started leaving the garden from where you came from.
Nacht wanted to tell you to just wait for him. To wait for him to attend to his mother so he could send you back home. To wait for him to settle his family affairs. To wait for him to be king and when the time was right, make you his queen as well.
As he looked at your retreating figure, he thought about how you said you were just a "nobody". A "nobody" that took up so much space in his mind and heart. Because of you, he wanted equal treatment across all realms. Because of you, he had to be king, so there would be change and that you'll never be a "nobody" anymore.
But he couldn't bring himself to tell you to wait. Because he himself didn't know how long it would take for him to accomplish everything. Maybe you should really find someone nice and have a happy and simple life, just like he always envisioned to have his whole life.
[half a year later]
You looked at the papers: "Nacht Faust, our new king with great visions. " you smiled to yourself. Nacht Finally became king. You were excited for the new things you believed he would achieve, excited for the changes that were about to come.
"He is rumoured to be in preparations to Marry h/n, the princess of the Diamond Kingdom" the last paragraph wrote.
Your heart sank as you read this. You knew it was inevitable, but yet the news still hit you like a train going at miles an hour.
It's been 10 years. 10 years since you first met him. You knew him like the back of your hand, or even better. But yet at this moment you found yourself guessing about what Nacht was thinking. Did he really like the princess? Was he really going to conform to the rules and marry for politics and power? That wasn't the Nacht you knew. But then again, the Nacht you knew didn't have blonde hair as well.
People change, and maybe he did too. It's time for you to move on as well. Looking at the face on the papers. It was so familiar to you yet it suddenly felt distant. Like somebody you used to know...
[another half a year later]
There was news that the king would be visiting with his royal family. You were excited to see Nacht again, but the word royal family sent your heart into a faze again. Your mind flashed images of Nacht and a pretty queen by his side.
The day came and finally, from afar you heard a commotion. The new king was here to visit his people.
It was crazy. There were animals, carriages carrying gifts, marching bands, almost like it was a parade. You stood at the top of the tree house in your garden, overlooking the entire scene.
And there he was. Nacht, surrounded by guards but looking spectacular and handsome in his royal king robe. His hair was black again, pulled up nicely in a nice pony tail. The Nacht you have always known since you were 15 was right before your eyes.
At that moment, as thought he knew where you were, he looked up at your direction. He gave you a little grin. That grin he gave whenever he met you when he came to the common realm. The grin that was ready for more adventures.
He flew away from the crowd and landed straight in front of you.
"hi." his familiar ocean blue eyes smiled at you.
"your majesty," you gave a little curtsey, which made Nacht chuckle.
"cute." his smile was soft now, "how have you been?"
"fine, I guess. been busy with the harvesting season.." you looked at him properly now, he haven't really changed, but you could see the eye bags underneath his eyes. he must have worked hard day and night since he became king. "you?"
"busy and tiring. but i'm glad to be here again after so long." he looked around.
"I... heard you were marrying the diamond kingdom princess.." you just had to ask. You had to confirm it yourself and hear it from his mouth.
"Yeah.. that's what the rumou-" the noise from the marching band drew closer and closer that Nacht couldn't really speak. You heart almost broke into pieces, you were going to meet the queen.
They finally reached your door step. "I brought some gifts for you and your family, y/n."
You were trying hard to stop the tears from welling up, you forced a smile. You didn't want any gifts. You wanted Nacht.
There was a carriage waiting. That must be her inside.
"We don't need all these gifts..." you spoke bitterly as you looked at the exquisite clothes, jewellery and many boxes in front of you.
"er.. well.. is your dad in?"
"Oi!! Nacht!!" Your dad called out to him from afar, pulling a wagon of his harvest. "Been awhile kid!"
Nacht rushed over to help your dad and the dozens of guards flocked over to help, seeing their king do so.
"so erm, Uncle L/n, I'm here to officially ask your daughter's hand for marriage and to seek your approval."
WHAT? you blinked. twice. thrice.
Nacht turned around to look at you, "I think you didn't get the memo when I spoke to you about the garden back in the royal realm, y/n."
Your dad roared with laughter seeing your dumbfounded expression. He patted Nacht on the shoulders. All the guards tensed up, and Nacht shot them a glare.
"You're a good kid Nacht. Our country is safe with you. I knew this day would come. Take your gifts back, we don't need all of these, just take good care of my precious daughter."
"What???" you finally found your voice, "I thought you married the princess or whatever!"
"as I was saying... That's what the rumours said..." he sighed and looked around at all the people that were now gathered outside your fence, "meet your new queen."
The people and your neighbours cheered loudly for you. They've seen the both of you for years and they were all happy for you.
"What happened to politics and all?!" you were still struggling to accept everything. "and excuse me, did I agree to all of this?? what if I want to stay here and help my dad and..."
"well, the king has the final word I'm afraid," he gave you his usual smirk. "your dad will move with us if he wants. He's have a mansion of his own back in the castle. if he doesn't want to, I'll have guards and maidens waiting on him."
You looked at Nacht, the tears falling off your cheeks as the stone in your heart was lifted off your chest. you couldn't believe it. everything felt like a dream.
"hey hey..." Nacht looked at you with concern as he wiped the tears away from your cheeks, "do you really not want to marry me..?"
Nacht was usually confident with what he did. He came today wit excitement and joy, being finally be able to marry the only girl of his life. but he never thought about the possibility of you not wanting to marry him.
His heart raced as he suddenly thought about the possibility of you having someone else in your heart. Afterall it's been a year since he saw you and he only met you every month.. and he was the one that ghosted you so, what if..
Nacht Faust was sweating under his tunic.
"No... I mean yes.."
Nacht's heart was almost at his throat at this point.
You took a deep breath and Nacht found himself doing the same with you.
"I just thought all along that you'll be marrying someone else and now you're saying you're marrying me and I was all sad for a year for nothing and I hate you for that and yet I love you at the same time-"
Nacht pulled you into his embrace when he heard what he needed to hear. He held onto you so tightly like he wanted to all these years. From the day you reached out to him. To a young boy crying at the river banks. Not even knowing who he was, never wanting anything from him except his company, he knew you were the one since long ago.
Marrying whoever else was never an option in his mind. And today he finally gave you what you have always deserved.
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hybridanafrost · 1 month
Happy birthday to my favorite self-made orphan in fiction! Nacht Faust! 😂...😭
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thithesandofferings · 2 years
hello! may I request either a small fic/hcs abt nacht and his fem s/o?? s/o had gone through very tough familial issues in the past but she can’t hold grudges/hate people and continues to smile and be bright and bubbly and always sees the optimistic side of things?? Thank you :,) <3
I'm very much a fan of your page. Was on there for hours lol- anyways im sorry this is so romantic but Nacht is just so- on with the headcanon lol @nachtfaustswife
Nacht realized he was in love with you a long time ago. Its overwhelming sometimes how much he aches for you. Someone who seems so different to him in the best ways. He thinks he's convinced he knew when you cried on his shoulders for the first time. Explaining your family situation and how uncomfortable it had been for you for so long. While rage stretched through his heart, you'd look up at him with shimmering eyes and kindness he had not seen in a long time. Giggling a little at him and pushing yourself closer to his chest, murmuring that "it was completely fine, cant change the people, but you can change how you perceive it." He thinks the feeling increased when you grabbed his hands and started to wiggle- some silent song going through your head and you pulled him along. And he went gladly. He realized then that he'd go anywhere you wanted to. Just as long as you kept your smile and hopefulness in your eyes.
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favficbirthdays · 1 year
Happy Birthday
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Nacht Faust (30th April)
Black Clover
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Happy birthday to my crush.
I'm sort of sad that I didn't get to see him in more than one panel in the latest chapters. I guess I'll have to wait for a few more months/years till I see the fight between him and Morgen (I'm gonna cry when I read it)
I really want his backstory to be animated because then I'm sure he'll get more attention and I'll get more content. I mean come on he is the introverted guy with black hair and blue eyes.
Anyways I don't think we'll get black clover anime anytime soon and if we get it the quality will be bad because pierrot's whole budget has gone to Bleach. So we might have to wait for at least two years.
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dumplingfaye · 2 years
Let’s be honest if they dated this would be their dynamic 
Asta: congratulations vice captain Nacht I heard you have a girlfriend so who’s the lucky girl Nacht: Who told you that? Asta: oh I heard from Yuno who heard from one of his fan girls Nacht: I wouldn’t call her exactly a girlfriend I wouldn’t even called her a friend with benefits because it was an offer I couldn’t refuse Yami: (says jokingly) Who is it Sisgoleon??? Nacht:........(turns his head to the side in silence) Yami: (says seriously) Who is it Sisgoleon???
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black-bulls-mansion · 1 month
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thank you official black clover twitter for 9 years of hard work 🖤
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tsuchaiis · 1 year
Black clover color wheel!!
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the-black-bulls · 2 months
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Nacht's going through a phase. Ignore him.
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ritterdoodles · 1 month
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Briefly had an idea for a story about Charlotte asking Nacht for help about Yami and he’s just like “no <3”
Unfortunately it’d be too hard to slot inbetween canon events with anything actually meaningful happening but the idea of it was funny :V
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lantuille · 4 months
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My top fave characters in BC!! kinda looks like them with their waifus lmao and yes Asta is Noelle's waifu
saw a base with such pose and I used that as reference cause its too cute hehhe
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bowandcurtsey · 2 years
Omg hiiiii!! ❤️❤️❤️ hope you’re doing well! I read that you’ve been swamped with work, so I was unsure to request this, but since request are still open, I thought I’d try??
Of course you are not obligated to do it though! You do this out of your free will and I appreciate everything you write, even if you can’t write my request!!
But! Whenever you find the time.. could it be possible to do a one-shot Drabble of Nacht, where his s/o does that prank on him where he’s deep asleep and the s/o suddenly wakes him up ( of course after he’s fully rested 😇 ) and they do the “ you need to hide my boyfriend is coming over! “ prank I’ve seen on tik tok 😂
I know Nacht is a smart man, but being abruptly woken up can make anyone disoriented lol
He’s one of favorite characters and there’s not much content about him to read and enjoy ( actually black clover in general doesn’t get enough love compared to these other big animes 😭 ), and I ESPECIALLY love how you write him! I feel like you just understand his character so well!!
So even if you decide to write this or not, I hope you know you’re appreciated!!!! I LOVE YOU ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🕊🕊🕊
*also sorry for the rambling 💀 )
I'm here at my final request!! Thank you for being such a sweetheart and being so appreciative! (♡˙︶˙♡)
Also thank you for the explosion of love for my Nacht works (*/ω\) I'm very honoured. AND I LOVE YOU TOO ❤ (ɔˆз(ˆ⌣ˆc)
I love this request so much, I love funny requests hehe!! Thank you for sending it in to me!
Characters: Nacht x F! reader TW: unchecked work, world with modern devices. ie tiktok and cameras.
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You looked at your boyfriend, your hot cocoa in your hand but your heart felt warmer. Watching him sleep was so therapeutic; his eyes closed and he looked so serene, it was so different from the Nacht that was awake, his blue eyes holding an ocean of mysteries.
To others, he was cold and unsympathetic, but to you he opened up and showed you that this lone ranger has a warm and fuzzy side to him. He proved to you that he was someone you could count on to hold you at your worst and likewise, you showed him that you'll accept him come whatever may.
And "come whatever may" includes watching him sleep in your shared bed, his mouth a little agape with soft snores escaping his throat. You giggled to yourself as you thought about your plan you had in mind. You had your camera set up and ready.
You slowly crept up to him, careful not to wake your light sleeper boyfriend up and put your hands on him. Then you shook him. HARD.
"Nacht! Nacht! You gotta hide!" you whisper-shouted to him.
His eye lids flashed open and his eyes showed a little panic. You went into your Oscar winning acting mode, nudging Nacht out of the bed and pulling his hand.
In a flash, Nacht sat up and threw the blanket in the other end of the bed.
"You need to hide, my boyfriend is here!" you pulled him out of the bed.
The vice captain stood up. Then he blinked twice and pulled you back into his arms. "Your boyfriend is here, who am I hiding from?"
You looked back up at him, "my REAL boyfriend! Quick, into the closet or something!" You tugged at his pants.
Nacht pulled the both of you back into bed and locked you in his strong lean arms.
"What's his name? This boyfriend of yours." he raised a brow at you.
You giggled, you knew that he was fully awake and aware of your prank right now. "Harry Styles,"
"The comedian?"
"Babe!" you smacked his bare chest playfully, "The singer!"
"The one you always scream about?"
"I do not scream," you gave him the eye, "you're no fun."
"What did you expect me to do? Run into the closet and hide?"
"That's what some of the boys in the tiktok video does!" You pried his arms open to go get your phone which was recording the entire thing, "lemme show you!"
When you turned around with your phone, Nacht was already back in the covers comfortably, leaving a gap for you to snuggle in with him.
And of course you happily jumped in and showed him all those videos you mentioned about, Nacht scoffing at all the boys' reactions when their girlfriend shakes them awake.
"some looks fake," he rolled his eyes, "besides baby, I've never done this sorta thing before, so i'll never have this reaction."
"What sorta thing?"
"I've never been a third party in any of my relationships. So I've never had to hide or run. I was always the one that made people hide," he gave you a lazy smirk.
"So you're telling me," you shifted yourself so you were slightly apart now, "that you've had many past relationships, huh, Mr Nacht Faust?"
He blinked at you again. This time you really got him. He mentally slapped himself. "em. I mean.."
He struggled to find the right words to say. But you pinched his skin from under the covers.
"Alright, how about I go hide in the closet?" he quickly pulled you back close to him and nuzzled his face into the crook of your neck.
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I love me a good fluffy Nacht. <3
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delusionalpolo · 5 months
Nacht : "So me and Y/N are dating."
Yami : "You couldn't find anything better?"
Nacht : "Did I asked your opinion? Shitty Captain!"
Yami : "Shut the fuck up, I was taking to her!"
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yoildayday · 10 months
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everth1ne · 10 months
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Black Clover - wallpapers
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