#Bliss Knapp
gettothestabbing · 5 months
Putting in another Christian Science ask: what kind of position does Mary Baker Eddy have? As in, are you required to accept all of her pronouncements, and if not, what's the criteria for what isn't and is accepted? Is she a prophet, or just the person who figured out Christian Science?
This is one of the things that people wonder most about Christian Science, and which also invites comparison to Scientology, which during its founder's lifetime was constructed around his personality. First off, no one ever prays to her. She is not an intercessory figure. We are not required to have all the opinions Mrs. Eddy had as a person, but we do follow all her writings. The only writings of hers we do not follow are her older drafts of Science and Health. While they are historically and theologically notable, Christian Scientists only follow the final, authorized 1910 edition of the book, in accordance with her wishes. She also wrote a lot of poems. 7 of them are the lyrics of some of our most beloved hymns. But we do not go to her poetry for theological instruction.
Mrs. Eddy held a few titles in her lifetime, notably Discoverer and Founder, but the ones that have officially endured past her death are Leader and Pastor Emeritus. I think the term prophet would be appropriate too; I certainly consider her such. But most CS people would stick only to the titles she allowed in her lifetime. They do this out of respect for her heightened spiritual understanding.
For those unaware, a brief explanation. [Well as brief as I, the perpetually long-winded person, can be.] Mary Baker Glover Eddy (1821-1910) was an American woman who had poor health and bad luck in marriage for the first half of her life. After a bad fall on ice in 1866, attending doctors told her that death was imminent and they could do no more for her. She asked to be given her Bible to read, and turned to the gospels. Reading a story of one of Christ Jesus' healings (which one has been long forgotten, even by Mary herself), she soon rose from the bed, and, after a short relapse later that day which she treated through the same method, she was fully healed of the injury. She spent the next three years completely focused on reading Scripture and praying to try and figure out how the healing had occurred.
The rest of her life was devoted to writing Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, a text Christian Scientists hold with the Bible as central to our faith and practice. Though first published in 1875, Mrs. Eddy continually revised and worked on this book for the rest of her life, with the final edition coming out the year she died. She always described this as being " a scribe under orders." She hoped that all Christian churches would read and accept the ideas in her book and that it would leaven the whole of Christianity and elevate worldwide Christian practice. This did not happen, and while some considered her ideas helpful to their understanding, many more clergy and Christians were openly hostile or declared it unchristian.
So eventually Mrs. Eddy founded her own church, now known as the Church of Christ, Scientist. In her lifetime, the Mother Church in Boston was built and then extended to fit the rapidly growing congregation. There was a room built in the original edifice called the Mother's Room, specifically for her to use and take rest in before or after giving a sermon. Many Christian Scientists called Mrs. Eddy "Mother" during her lifetime. She wrote against this several times, but among the people who worked in her household, she was less strict about this affectionate title. No one uses it today, and it would be weird and frowned upon if they did.
After her three years of study, Mrs. Eddy increasingly became famous as a healer. People would be healed passing her on the street, having only made eye contact with her, or while attending her lectures and sermons. But most healing accounts were the result of direct conversation with her or the patient requesting her to come. There are hundreds if not a thousand or more accounts of her healing works, and the Mother Church (the central governing body of CS) works hard to preserve, retrieve, and triple-check the authenticity of all such accounts.
Mrs. Eddy is deeply revered by Christian Scientists today as in her lifetime. I would never deny that there were personality-cult elements in the first generation of CS believers. It was easy, due to personal love for her and to her many healing works, for early students to make the mistake of focusing on her personality and imagine her as more than she said she was. Some students would lavish her with praise that made her uncomfortable and was theologically inappropriate, such as calling her Christ come again or claiming (as Bliss Knapp famously did in his 1946 book) that she was the woman crowned with stars from Revelation.
The Bliss Knapp book, The Destiny of the Mother Church, was controversially printed and briefly distributed by the Mother Church in 1990, which caused a minor schism within CS. The Church Manual has a section about Incorrect Literature, which this book clearly violated:
No Incorrect Literature. Sect. 11.  A member of this Church shall neither buy, sell, nor circulate Christian Science literature which is not correct in its statement of the divine Principle and rules and the demonstration of Christian Science. Also the spirit in which the writer has written his literature shall be definitely considered. His writings must show strict adherence to the Golden Rule, or his literature shall not be adjudged Christian Science. A departure from the spirit or letter of this By-Law involves schisms in our Church and the possible loss, for a time, of Christian Science. (Manual of The Mother Church, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 43:21)
It was done for monetary reasons, which the Directors admitted, and has only recently been removed from publication. Bliss Knapp is one of the few students who both knew Mrs. Eddy personally and who proclaimed such heretical statements about her without being rebuked by her (as she was already dead) or being excommunicated. But this is purely due to how he set up his will and this book in trust, leading to the complicated monetary/theological situation in the 1990s. Had she read the book, Mrs. Eddy would have never allowed it to be published.
There are a lot of directions this could go, but I think the best way to explain Mrs. Eddy's ongoing role in the church is to tell you about Augusta Stetson. Augusta was an immensely popular preacher of Christian Science. Trained as a professional elocutionist, she converted to CS after hearing Mrs. Eddy speak in 1884. Although Mrs. Eddy disliked Stetson's style of preaching, she still sent her in 1886 to help found a church in New York City. Stetson's personal magnetism led her to develop her own cult of personality and enormous influence within this branch church. It became the largest and richest of all the branch churches.
Even when preaching was replaced with reading the weekly Bible Lesson [explained in a later paragraph], Stetson would not stop preaching until Mrs. Eddy personally told her to, and this change did not lessen her absolute control over that church congregation. Stetson held the First Reader position for so many years that as a direct result, the Church Manual specifically includes a term of three years for readership. Mrs. Eddy cared for Stetson personally, and for twenty years she tried to alternately praise and rebuke her into correct behavior, but she was not stern enough to cause Stetson to truly repent. Stetson saw herself, and soon styled herself to others, as Mrs. Eddy's successor. Mrs. Eddy and Stetson had their final conversation in 1908. Stetson appeared repentant, but the next year, she wrote a letter to Mrs. Eddy speaking of her in deifying, heretical terms, at which point Mrs. Eddy sharply rebuked her and asked for the Board of Directors of the Mother Church to investigate her. When Stetson heard of Mrs. Eddy's death, she declared that Mrs. Eddy would rise from the grave, appear to her personally first, and then appear to the rest of the world. She repeated this claim the rest of her own life, while running an offshoot of CS centered around her 'Church Triumphant,' noted as being anti-CS, anti-Catholic, anti-Semitic, and promoting protofascist ideas and Nordic supremacy at various points in the 1920s. [None of these elements were ever present in CS theology or literature, naturally.]
I think that many people unfamiliar with Mrs. Eddy would assume that she was a person like Stetson. Mrs. Eddy never claimed to be a second Christ, the woman in Revelation prophecy, a reincarnation of any Biblical figure, or any part of the Godhead. Students who claimed this were rebuked universally. We refer to Mrs. Eddy as the Discoverer, Founder, and Leader of Christian Science. The discovery and founding are complete. They are not perpetual, as Christian Science recognizes no successor to Mrs. Eddy's work or position. She retains the titles of Leader and Pastor Emeritus.
Partly due to students like Stetson, who both wanted her position for themselves and attempted to flatter or deify her inappropriately, and partly because of the many offshoot spiritual movements that tried to appropriate her ideas without giving her credit for introducing them and tried to remove the Christian theology that gave those ideas backing, Mrs. Eddy was very firm on remaining Pastor Emeritus after her death. She often said that those who sought her [as a person] would find her in her writings. She also spoke out emphatically against Spiritualism in her writings and speeches. Our theology holds that there are no ghosts, nor can there be any communication between the dead and the living. Any Christian Scientist who claimed or claims to be in communication with Mrs. Eddy personally after her death is rebuked or excommunicated, depending on the extent of the claim made. Her leadership of the church is purely in her writings, in the ideas she gave us "as a scribe under orders."
But, to be fair, there is a lot of respect and interest in Mrs. Eddy's personality anyway. She was a warm, loving person. She was very strict about cleanliness. She loved ice cream. There are a multitude of church-sanctioned biographies about her, most of which I've read, some of which were even part of my homework for Christian Science Nursing training. Growing up, I had a children's book about her life.
Many CS churches also have one or more portraits of her, usually as an older woman with a serene expression. And because more CS churches have portraits of her than of Christ Jesus, I have been asked more than once if this means that we see her as a replacement for Jesus. To this I would say that Christ Jesus lived long enough ago that CS people are uncomfortable choosing a portrait of him, whereas Mrs. Eddy lived recently enough that we know for sure what she looked like. But I admit that it does invite suspicions of a cult of personality more than anything else.
In turning her church away from personal preaching by establishing the system of Bible Lessons and readership, Mrs. Eddy denied power to those who would seek, like Stetson, to take the theological rudder of the church away from her writings. Bible Lessons are compiled by a committee within the Mother Church three years in advance. There is one every week of the year, in a rotating system of subjects set out by Mrs. Eddy, so that we have each subject twice a year. The Sunday sermon is always a reading of this weekly Bible Lesson, with the First Reader reading the Bible citations and the Second Reader reading those from Science and Health. The books are meant to be read together, but the Bible always comes first. Wednesday sermons are compiled by the First Reader, but they must purely consist of quotations from these two books, which we collectively consider our Pastor.
Mrs. Eddy as Pastor Emeritus is similarly in a position in our church from which she cannot be removed. To pretend that CS owes her nothing would be wrong, and would inevitably lead us theologically astray. Every splinter group off of CS makes this mistake, and all of them lack the power to heal that CS demonstrates. Mrs. Eddy learned very early that the only way to heal was to understand that it was not a personal power. Only by knowing God as the only power and healer could she see others be healed while praying for them.
Sometime in the 1870s, she did take personal pride in having healed a little girl. When she reached home, a message had come saying the child had relapsed. In grief and repentance, she fell to her knees and spent the next several minutes repenting of this self-centered pride and giving the glory back to God. Soon, another message came from the family saying that the girl was perfectly well.
It was a lesson swiftly and absolutely learned, and it shows how Mrs. Eddy saw herself. She was the scribe under orders, no more and no less. To finish up, here's what she said in her Message to the Mother Church for 1901:
Finally, brethren, wait patiently on God; return blessing for cursing; be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good; be steadfast, abide and abound in faith, understanding, and good works; study the Bible and the textbook of our denomination; obey strictly the laws that be, and follow your Leader only so far as she follows Christ. Godliness or Christianity is a human necessity: man cannot live without it; he has no intelligence, health, hope, nor happiness without godliness. (Message to The Mother Church for 1901, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 34:20–28) (emphasis added)
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lalaidrisseoffiziell · 11 months
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Die letzte Bassnote verklang. Die letzte raue Stimme aus dem Publikum forderte vergeblich nach einer dritten Zugabe. Ihre glasklare Stimme lachte laut: "Boah ey, Hamburg! Ihr seid das geilste Publikum dieser Tour!" Solches Lob löste mehr Jubel aus. Mehr Stimmen fielen in den Ruf nach einer neuerlichen Zugabe ein und machten Roadie müde lächeln. Es würde keine weitere Zugabe geben, wusste er, denn sie hatte buchstäblich kein weiteres Lied mehr in petto. Sie würde wohl kaum einen fremden Song covern, nur um das sowieso viel zu knapp bemessene Zeitfenster ihres Auftritts zu sprengen und noch ein bisschen mehr Liebe aus den begeisterten Zuhörern zu saugen. Der Tourmanager der "Angels of Bliss" hatte schon in Paderborn und Berlin über den Jubel für "Kara and the Witches" gemotzt, schließlich waren sie nur die Pre-Show für die eigentlichen Stars. Roadie glaubte, der bärtige Altrocker mit seinem peinlichen Klemmbrett und dem Terminplaner war neidisch.
"Danke Leute", rief Kara in ihr Mikrofon, "aber das wars für uns heute. In ein paar Minuten stehen die Angels of Bliss hier oben und reißen das Haus zusammen mit euch ab!" Das Publikum jubelte erneut und ließ sich die Enttäuschung nicht anmerken, sondern verabschiedete die ausschließlich aus Frauen bestehende Band voller Begeisterung. Roadies Herz pochte. Der Auftritt endete. Kara nutzte ihre letzten paar Sekunden Bühnenzeit, um auf den Merchandise-Stand aufmerksam zu machen und warf ein paar kleine Gegenstände als Andenken ins Publikum: Gitarrenplektren, einen Button von ihrem freizügigen Top, einen Ohrstecker.
Das Licht erlosch und die Bühnenarbeiter rannten aus ihren Verstecken, um so schnell wie möglich umzubauen. Die Musikerinnen gingen in die Katakomben. Sie waren euphorisiert und umarmten einander, tratschen und lachten über den soeben zu Ende gebrachten Auftritt. Roadie saß in der Umkleidekabine, die Kara zugewiesen war und sortierte ihre gewagten Bühnenoutfits nach der Reihenfolge der Songs, in denen sie getragen wurden. Das rote Kleid mit dem weit ausgeschnittenen Rücken gehörte zu "When you fall". Die hohen Stiefel und das Karohemd zu "I'll do it myself". Die alberne Perücke und die senfgelben, absichtlich viel zu schrillen Hotpants zu "Paradise Road".
Die Tür öffnete sich quietschend und Roadie wandte sich um, die Hotpants noch in den Händen. Kara stand im Türrahmen, den Kopf noch in den Gang gedreht, "soooo geil, Mädels. Wir sehen uns später! Wir haben im Equinox nen Tisch, nicht vergessen! Hab' so Bock auf n' paar Cocktails. Davor checke ich aus, ob unser anderer Plan aufgeht - ich ruf dann einfach laut, ihr hört ja dann. Bis später!" Als sie sich umdrehte, fiel ihr Blick auf Roadie. Er lächelte breit: "Toller Auftritt, Herrin." Kara lächelte müde, "du hast keine Sekunde davon gesehen, Roadie." Er lächelte noch breiter, "die Wände hier sind dünner als in Paderborn - ich hab alles super gut gehört." Kara zwinkerte: "Na dann. Was machst du mit meiner Hose?" Roadie sog scharf die Luft ein. "Oh!", er hielt noch immer die Hotpants in Händen und hatte sie sogar vor Aufregung zwischen den Fingern geknetet, als seine Herrin eintraf.
"Ich hab Eure Outfits nach den Songs sortiert, Herrin", sagte er und wies auf die rollbare Garderobe, beladen mit kunterbunten Outfits, "vorne fängt es an mit dem Blazer für 'Can't touch my soul', dann kommt das Negligé für 'Unbroken', hier sind die High Heels für 'a song for no one', das hier sind die...-" Kara unterbrach ihn mit einer sanften Geste, "ich kenne meine Lieder, Roadie." Er grinste zerknirscht, "verzeiht mir, Herrin. Natürlich kennt Ihr sie. Ich dachte, es spart beim nächsten Auftritt Zeit, wenn Ihr sie in schneller Reihenfolge wechseln könnt." Kara trat näher und strich über Roadies Kinn. Sie war eine große Frau, voller bunter Tattoos und mit einem großen, breit lächelnden Mund. Ihr Haar, manchmal lockig, manchmal glatt, fiel auf ihre Schultern. Sie trug das Outfit für den traditionellen Abschluss-Song ihres Auftritts: "You're mine". Ein Outfit, das beinahe eine BDSM-Kluft war. Eine kurze Lederjacke bedeckte ihre Brüste und ein Harnisch aus Leder und delikaten Kettchen wand sich um ihren Oberkörper. Ihr Po sichtbar, nur der äußerst dünne String eines Tangas bedeckte die intimste Stelle. Roadie schauderte vor Erregung bei ihrem Anblick. Sie wusste um ihre Wirkung auf ihn und ließ ihn in der sanften Berührung an seinem Gesicht baden. Seine Hände falteten die Hotpants unwissentlich weiter und Kara lachte darüber. Roadie bemerkte seinen neuerlichen Fehler und ließ von dem Bekleidungsstück ab. Den Blick auf den Boden gesenkt. Ein Fehler.
Ihre Füße steckten in feuerroten Stiefeln, die ihre Fersen und Zehen sichtbar ließen. Eine Unzahl von kleinen Bändern, Schnallen und Ketten wanden sich um ihre Unterschenkel. Ein langer Reißverschluss von der Ferse bis oben an den Schaft schloss sie, doch wurde geschickt von den vielen kleinen Details kaschiert. Karas lange gerade Zehen schauten aus der großzügigen Öffnung hervor und tippten kurz auf, als ihre Besitzerin Roadies Blicke bemerkte. Er spürte, wie ihm die Röte in die Wangen schoss und räusperte sich beschämt. Kara nickte in Richtung der Liege, die ihr vor und nach dem Auftritt zum Entspannen diente. "Die Garderobe ist nicht vollständig, ohne das Outfit, das ich im Moment trage", sagte sie. Roadie nickt dienstbeflissen, "vollkommen richtig, Herrin. Ich werde es Euch gerne ausziehen, wenn Ihr wünscht." Kara lachte heiser, das Singen hatte ihre Stimme beansprucht, "oh, Roadie." Sie begab sich zur Liege und ließ sich in die weichen Kissen fallen. "Du bist ein Segen auf dieser anstrengenden Tour."
Roadie ging in die Knie und legte die Hände vorsichtig auf den Schaft ihrer Stiefel. "Danke, Herrin. Es ist mir eine Ehre, Euch zu dienen." Kara nickte vielsagend und erlaubte ihm, den gut versteckten Reißverschluss zu öffnen. Seine Hände glitten den Schaft entlang, fanden den Zipper und öffneten den ersten Stiefel langsam. Das Leder klappte gemächlich auf, die vielen kleinen Schnallen und dekorativen Nieten und Ringe klimperten leise. Als der Reißverschluss vollkommen geöffnet war, senkte er seinen Kopf und biss zärtlich in die kleine freie Fläche der Innensohle, die nicht von Karas Zehen berührt wurde. Sie zog ihren Fuß aus dem Stiefel, Roadies Zähne hielten ihn als Gegengewicht, damit sie hinaus schlüpfen könnte. Das Ritual wurde am anderen Fuß wiederholt.
In dem Moment, in dem sich Karas nackter Fuß von dem warmen Leder der Stiefel löste, strömte ein wahnsinnig machender Duft aus den Öffnungen hervor, in denen sich bis eben noch ihre Zehen befanden. Roadie seufzte leise. Sie duftete nach reinem Schweiß, nach einer durchtanzten Nacht, nach Applaus, dem rauen Holz der Bühne, nach ihrem persönlichen Duftöl und nach Erfolg. Gewiss, Erfolg ist mehr ein Konzept denn ein einfach zu beschreibender Duft, doch das Konglomerat aus Eindrücken, das Roadies Sinne bestürmte, ließ solche großspurigen Beschreibungen zu. Karas Augen leuchteten auf ihren Roadie hinab. "Du bist soooo devot", lobte sie ihn auf ihre mädchenhafte Art und stupste seine Nase mit der Zehenspitze an. Ihre Füße waren schlank, zart und auf - auch auf die Gefahr hin, dass diese Beschreibung erneut nur in Roadies Kopf Sinn ergab - elegante Art lang. Keine kleinen Mädchenfüße, die tapsten und beinahe kindlich wirkten - sondern die entschlossenen, von Adern durchzogenen Füße einer Frau mit aufrechtem Wesen.
"Mund auf", flüsterte Kara und Roadie entließ den zweiten Stiefel aus seinem Gebiss. Sein Mund öffnete sich weit, um ihren Zehen ein tiefes Eindringen in sein Gesicht zu erlauben. Kara nickte konzentriert, während sie ihren Fuß bis zu den Gelenken nach den Zehen in seinen Mund steckte. Roadie spürte einen wohligen Schauer durch seinen Körper ziehen. Kara reinigte ihre Zehen in seinem Mund und genoss die Wärme seines Speichels. Roadie ließ zu, dass ihre Stoßbewegungen seinen Kopf vor und zurück wippen ließen und stöhnte zu ihrem Genuss.
Nachdem Roadie beide ihrer Füße ausgiebig gekostet hatte, erhob sich Kara. "Kopf in die Kissen, Gesicht nach oben", orderte sie zärtlich. Roadie atmete schwer, krabbelte um seine Herrin herum und legte seinen Kopf auf die weiche Sitzfläche der Liege. Kara kicherte, schob den String ihres Tangas zur Seite und senkte ihr Gesäß langsam auf Roadies Gesicht. Er seufzte tief und legte Wert darauf, dass sie die Vibrationen seiner tiefen Stimme in ihrem Unterleib spürte. Kara lachte, als sie seine Nasenspitze an ihrem Poloch spürte. "Lecken", befahl sie lauter, in dem Wissen, dass er sich schlecht hörte, mit eingeklemmtem Kopf. Roadies Zunge fuhr aus seinem Mund und begann, den begrenzten Raum, den sie erreichen konnte, zu liebkosen. Abwärts, zu seinem Kinn hin, spürte er beinahe die ersten Fältchen ihrer duftenden Vagina. Kara hatte ihren langen Auftritt genossen und ausgiebig getanzt. Er befreite sie von jeglichem Schweiß, von den Resten der Anstrengung der Show.
Er spürte zwei sorgsame Hände an seinem Hosenbund und brummte dankbar. Kara öffnete seine Hose und erlaubte dem schon seit Minuten erigierten Schwanz, sich aus der Boxershorts und den Jeans zu befreien. Sie beschloss, Roadie in Zukunft häufiger nackt zu halten, das würde die Entspannung vereinfachen. Sie saß auf seinem Gesicht und blickte auf seinen Schwanz hinab.
"Du bist ein bisschen klein", sagte sie. Roadie nickte deutlich, wobei seine Nase in ihrer Arschritze bestätigend auf und ab fuhr. "Ja, Herrin. Bitte um Verzeihung, Herrin", drang seine gedämpfte Stimme zwischen Kissen und ihrem Po hervor. Kara lachte. "Die Mädels haben vorhin angedeutet, dass man deinen Arsch allmählich an Dildos gewöhnen sollte, wenn du weiter mit uns auf Tour gehen willst. Bist du okay damit?" Roadie grunzte begeistert: "Oh Gott! Ja, Herrin!" Seine Herrin lachte erneut: "Na dann... Mädels!", rief sie. "Er stimmt zu, kommt rein."
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Wie hat euch diese spontane kleine Geschichte aus unserer eigenen Feder gefallen? Wie würdet ihr sie nennen?
-> mehr Fußfetisch-Geschichten (diesmal von einer echten Autorin) 😋
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audiofuzz · 3 months
BlissBliss’s Unique & Hypnotic Sophisti-Pop ‘Horizons’
We had the pleasure of listening to BlissBliss and are blown away by their unique and hypnotic blend of pop and soul. The tracks are mellow, enthralling, and energetic. How do they do it you ask? Well it’s their knack for writing catchy songs and quite the team they put together (see below). Lang, along with his wife Renee, shares a deep passion for sophisti-pop, a passion they channel into their musical endeavor, BlissBliss. This autumn, they are set to unveil their newest work, an EP titled Horizons. Lang and Renee are established figures within Nashville's professional music community, primarily focusing on contemporary Christian music. For Horizons, they assembled a formidable team of musicians and producers to realize their sophisti-pop dream. The project features contributions from Mark Lee Townsend (producer, engineer, guitarist — known for his work with Reliant K, DC Talk, Jennifer Knapp, English Rain), Eric Bikales on keys (a multi-instrumentalist who has played with Stevie Wonder, Cher, Patti LaBelle, Tom Waits), Zane Bliss on bass (of BlissBliss and The Juke House Saints, among others), and David Davidson on string arrangements and violin (who has collaborated with Sheryl Crow, Katy Perry, Jason Mraz, Colin Hay), along with other highly skilled artists. Check Out Horizons Below: Read the full article
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chrisryanspeaks · 3 months
BlissBliss’s Unique & Hypnotic Sophisti-Pop ‘Horizons’
We had the pleasure of listening to BlissBliss and are blown away by their unique and hypnotic blend of pop and soul. The tracks are mellow, enthralling, and energetic. How do they do it you ask? Well it’s their knack for writing catchy songs and quite the team they put together (see below). Lang, along with his wife Renee, shares a deep passion for sophisti-pop, a passion they channel into their musical endeavor, BlissBliss. This autumn, they are set to unveil their newest work, an EP titled Horizons. Lang and Renee are established figures within Nashville's professional music community, primarily focusing on contemporary Christian music. For Horizons, they assembled a formidable team of musicians and producers to realize their sophisti-pop dream. The project features contributions from Mark Lee Townsend (producer, engineer, guitarist — known for his work with Reliant K, DC Talk, Jennifer Knapp, English Rain), Eric Bikales on keys (a multi-instrumentalist who has played with Stevie Wonder, Cher, Patti LaBelle, Tom Waits), Zane Bliss on bass (of BlissBliss and The Juke House Saints, among others), and David Davidson on string arrangements and violin (who has collaborated with Sheryl Crow, Katy Perry, Jason Mraz, Colin Hay), along with other highly skilled artists. Check Out Horizons Below: Read the full article
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honeyleesblog · 11 months
June 16 ZODIAC
They can't zero in on only a certain something and they generally make progress toward general training. They are strangely shrewd and delicate, with an incredible ability to adjust to individuals and everyday environments. They need to see, insight and learn everything. They can ably utilize the data gathered throughout everyday life. In any case, they ought to have the option to fulfill themselves. They are persistently at one point and afterward at another ... that is the reason they generally whine about "not having sufficient opportunity." They are uncertain individuals, with activities and cases that contrast from one another, double essentially, dependent upon consistent change. They show a specific triviality in their judgment of others. They are fairly melancholic in disposition, yet they are grasping individuals. Overall they show specific creative and strategic abilities. They are extremely gifted at copying and might want to establish the most ideal connection with everybody. Little bliss looks for them throughout everyday life. The lacking sort is mean, pompous, requests help and backing from his current circumstance. For an egomaniac like this, the main things are joy, fulfillment and solace. June 16 ZODIAC 
 Assuming your birthday is June 17, your zodiac sign is Gemini June 17 - character and character character: faultless, splendid, perfect, insane, melancholic, pernicious calling: mariner, watchmaker, craftsman tones: dark, olive, red stone: golden creature: snail plant: Periwinkle bloom fortunate numbers: 6,21,22,32,37,58 very fortunate number: 29 Occasions and observances - June 17 Argentina: Public Day of Latin American Opportunity Germany: Public Occasion of the Government Republic of Germany (celebrated somewhere in the range of 1954 and 1990). El Salvador: Father's Day Pastry specialist's Day World Day to Battle Desertification and Dry season. Peru: Commemoration of the establishing of the Manor de Valverde (current Ica). Guatemala: Father's Day. Chile: Father's Day. Iceland: Public Occasion June 17 Big name birthday events. Who was conceived that very day as you? 1900: Marდ­a Tereza Montoya, Mexican theater finance manager and entertainer (d. 1970). 1900: Martin Bormann, German legislator (d. 1945). 1900: Hugo Pesce, Peruvian doctor (d. 1969). 1901: Generoso Chapa Garza, Mexican legislator (d. 1969). 1903: Joseph Fontenrose, American researcher (d. 1986). 1904: Ralph Bellamy, American entertainer and vocalist (d. 1991). 1904: Romeo Murga, Chilean author (d. 1925). 1906: Alfonso Asenjo Gდ³mez, Chilean specialist (d. 1980). 1907: Charles Eames, American planner and originator (d. 1978). 1907: Carlos T. Gattinoni, Argentine strict (d. 1989). 1908: Evalyn Knapp, American entertainer (d. 1981). 1910: Augusto Raდºl Cortდ¡zar, Argentine intellectual (d. 1974). 1910: Red Foley, American vocalist, guitarist and entertainer (d. 1968). 1910: Diana Mitford, Nazi aggressor (f. 2003). 1912: Wessel Couzijn, Dutch stone carver (d. 1984). 1912: Wilhelm Fresenius, German researcher (d. 2004). 1914: Juliდ¡n Marდ­as, Spanish savant, humanist and writer (f. 2005). 1915: Stringbean, vocalist and American banjo player (d. 1973). 1915: Mario Echandi Jimდ©nez, Costa Rican lawmaker and president (f. 2001). 1918: Carmen Casco de Lara Castro, Paraguayan lobbyist (f. 1993). 1918: Ajahn Chah, Talean teacher (d. 1992). 1918: Juan Spirits Rojas, Spanish author (d. 1991). 1918: Raდºl Padilla, Mexican entertainer and humorist (d. 1994). 1919: Beryl Reid, English entertainer (f. 1996). 1919: Galina Ustvდ³lskaya, Russian author (d. 2006). 1920: Germდ¡n de Argumosa, Spanish parasychologist (f. 2007). 1920: Setsuko Hara, Japanese entertainer. 1920: Franდ§ois Jacob, French scholar, Nobel Prize in Medication in 1965. 1920: Gyდ¶rgy Nemes, Hungarian footballer. 1921: Efrდ©n Araya Vergara, Chilean appointed authority (f. 2006). 1921: George Luz, US military (d. 1998). 1921: Gil Parrondo, Spanish decorator. 1921: Tony Scott, American clarinetist (d. 2007). 1922: John Amis, English writer (d. 2013). 1922: Jerry Handling, American performer and author (d. 1980). 1922: Felipe Herrera, Chilean business analyst and lawmaker (f. 1996). 1922: Josდ© Martდ­n Recuerda, Spanish teacher and dramatist (f. 2007). 1922: Paul Schallდ¼ck, German author (d. 1976). 1923: Elroy "Insane Legs" Hirsch, American football player (d. 2004). 1925 - Alexander Shulgin, Russian-conceived American scientific expert and drug specialist. 1926: Manuel Enrდ­quez Salazar, Mexican violin player and author (f. 1994). 1926: Josდ© Martდ­n Recuerda, Spanish writer (d. 2007). 1927: Lucio Fulci, Italian movie producer (d. 1996). 1927: Wally Wood, American artist and marketing specialist (d. 1981). 1928: Juan Marდ­a Bordaberry, Uruguayan lawmaker, president and tyrant (d. 2011). 1928: Jacques Delahaye, French stone carver (d. 2010). 1929: Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Emir of Kuwait. 1929: Luis Calderდ³n, Peruvian soccer player. 1929: Ovidio Fuentes, Argentine entertainer (f. 1998). 1929: Tigran Petrosian, Armenian chess player (d. 1984). 1929: Pensri Poomchoosri, Thai vocalist (d. 2007). 1930: Richelieu Levoyer, Ecuadorian military and legislator. 1931: Joao Lyra, Brazilian legislator. 1933: Harry Browne, American legislator (d. 2006). 1933: Christian Ferras, French violin player (d. 1982). 1933: Maurice Stirs up, American b-ball player (d. 1970). 1935: Josდ© Marდ­a Gil-Robles y Gil-Delgado, Spanish legislator. 1936: Ken Loach, English movie producer. 1937: Cristina Bajo, Argentine author. 1937: Jorge Edgardo D'Ascenzo, Argentine footballer. 1937: Egle Martin, Argentine entertainer, star and vocalist. 1937: Ted Nelson, American humanist and rationalist. 1938: Grethe Ingmann, Danish vocalist (d. 1990). 1938: Satoshi Miyazaki, Japanese karate ace (d. 1993). 1938: Josდ© Manuel Fდ©lix Mourinho, Portuguese footballer. 1938: Darდ­o Silva, Colombian minister, essayist and columnist. 1939: Krzysztof Zanussi, Clean movie producer. 1940: George Akerlof, American financial expert, Nobel laureate in financial aspects in 2005. 1940: Marcel Aubour, French footballer. 1940: Mდ¡ximo Honorato, Chilean association pioneer. 1940: Hurl Rainey, American bassist. 1942: Mohamed el-Baradei, Egyptian lawmaker. 1942: Alberto Santofimio, Colombian lawmaker. 1943: Newt Gingrich, American lawmaker. 1943: Barry Manilow, American artist. 1943: Vicente Pelechano, Spanish clinician. 1943: Ramდ³n Pellდ­n Garcდ­a, Spanish radio personality. 1943: Burt Rutan, American architect. 1943: Luis Guillermo Vდ©lez, Colombian lawmaker and financial expert (d. 2007). 1944: Santiago Lდ³pez Castillo, Spanish columnist. 1944: Bill Rafferty, American entertainer (d. 2012). 1944: Marდ­a Teresa Ramდ­rez, Colombian essayist and antiquarian. 1945: Straight to the point Ashmore, American entertainer. 1945: Rosa Marდ­a Calaf, Spanish columnist. 1945: Tommy Franks, American general. 1945: Ken Livingstone, English government official. 1945: Swirl Merckx, Belgian cyclist. 1946: Eduardo Camano, Argentine government official. 1946: Ernie Eves, Canadian government official. 1946: Salvador Ordდ³nez, Spanish geologist. 1946: Alun Armstrong, English entertainer. 1947: Linda Chavez, American essayist. 1947: Juan Antonio Rubio, Spanish entertainer. 1947: Paul Youthful, English artist and performer, of the band Miserable Cafდ© (d. 2000). 1948: Joaquდ­n Almunia, Spanish government official. 1948: David Concepciდ³n, Venezuelan baseball player. 1948: Sho Kosugi, Japanese combative techniques warrior. 1949: Tom Corbett, American government official. 1949: Alda Lazo Rდ­os, Peruvian social scientist, minister and legislator. 1949: Snakefinger, English artist, of the band The Inhabitants. 1950: Josდ© Luis Garcდ­a Martდ­n, Spanish writer and artistic pundit. 1950: William Gდ³mez, Costa Rican columnist (d. 2012). 1950: Lee Tamahori, New Zealand movie chief. 1951: Starhawk, American essayist and extremist. 1951: Paul McGuinness, Irish German ability chief. 1952: Sergio Marchionne, Italian finance manager. 1954: Imprint Linn-Bread cook, American entertainer. 1956: Edgar Jones, American ball player. 1957: Phil Chevron, Irish guitarist (The Pogues) (d. 2013). 1957: Pedro Romo, Mexican entertainer and jokester. 1958: Jello Biafra, American artist. 1958: Bobby Farrelly, American producer. 1959: Nikos Stavropoulos, Greek ball player and mentor. 1959: Adrie van der Poel, Dutch cyclist. 1959: Kazuki Yao, Japanese entertainer. 1960: Adriდ¡n Campos, Spanish Equation 1 driver. 1960: Thomas Haden Church, American entertainer. 1960: Jan Wouters, Dutch footballer. 1961: Joaquდ­n Parra, Spanish footballer. 1961: Koichi Yamadera, Japanese entertainer. 1962: Gabriel დ?ngel Manor Vahos, Nominal Cleric of Ocana. 1962: Michael Monroe, Finnish artist, of the band Hanoi Rocks. 1963: Christophe Barratier, French producer, screenwriter and artist. 1963: Greg Kinnear, American entertainer. 1963: Joaquდ­n Otero, Spanish government official. 1964: Rinaldo Capello, Italian hustling driver. 1964: Michael Gross, German swimmer. 1964: Fabio Manes, Argentine writer and TV have (d. 2014). 1965: Josდ© დ"scar Herrera, Uruguayan soccer player. 1965: Mario Duarte, Colombian entertainer and artist. 1966: Christy Gully, American pornography entertainer. 1966: Aitor Etxaburu, Spanish handball player. 1966: El Turco Naდ­m, Argentine entert0ainer and jokester. 1966: Jason Patric, American entertainer. 1967: Javier Barrientos Grandon, Spanish legal advisor. 1967: Terry Davis, American ball player. 1967: Eric Stefani, American artist, of the band No Question. 1967: Tori Welles, American pornography entertainer. 1968: Luis Barbat, Uruguayan soccer player. 1968: Luka Paviე‡eviე‡, Serbian ball player. 1968: Mari Sano craftsman, Japanese charanguist. 1968: Minoru Suzuki, Japanese warrior. 1969: Ruth Infarinato, Argentine entertainer and moderator. 1969: Roberto Laiseka, Spanish cyclist. 1969: Claudia Pavlovich, Mexican government official. 1969: Ilia Tsimbalar, Russian footballer. 1969: Daniel Peredo, Peruvian games columnist and storyteller. (f. 2018) 1969: Paul Tergat, Kenyan long distance runner. 1969: Alberto Undurraga, Chilean government official. 1970: Will Specialty, American entertainer and screenwriter. 1970: Popeye Jones, American ball player. 1970: Sasha Sokol, Mexican artist and
0 notes
scenesandscreens · 3 years
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Project X (2012)
Director - Nima Nourizadeh, Cinematography - Ken Seng
"Wow. I don't know how to fix this. I don't know how to fix any of this shit. I'm sorry Thomas. I just wanted to get some pussy."
75 notes · View notes
joskriverdaily · 7 years
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Josephine, Alexander, Frank Walter, LOCASH, Patrick Knapp Schwarzenegger, Bliss Knapp & High Valley at the 142nd Preakness Stakes Presented by The Stronach Group on May 20, 2017 in Baltimore.
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everythingisodd · 4 years
ᴘʀᴏᴊᴇᴄᴛ x (𝟸𝟶𝟷𝟸)
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andrewsmoviereviews · 5 years
Death Wish (2018)
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Plot: Dr. Paul Kersey (Bruce Willis) is left shaken when his wife is killed and his daughter left in a coma after a burglary gone wrong. When the police seem to be paralyzed by the amount of crime they have to deal with, he decides to take matters into his own hands.
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Review: The original Death Wish was a 1970′s Charles Bronson vehicle in which an architect snapped and went full vigilante, and then got four sequels where he did exactly the same thing.
With an eye to flogging that cash cow a few more times, Bruce Willis was tapped to reboot the series, probably with several unnecessary sequels also on the table. The end result is watchable, but fails to follow through on many of its ideas, instead becoming a paint-by-numbers revenge thriller. Setting events in Chicago instead of New York is one of numerous changes between this and the original, and feels like one made by somebody with something to say; maybe about the crime rate in that city, the lack of funding for police, there are multiple angles. And we see several times how the police are struggling, pinning crimes to an ever more covered board while being unable to solve any as they are distrusted by the communities.
There are more ideas thrown into the film which seem to hint at some bigger social commentary, but in the end seem like they’re a product of darts being thrown into a board full of serious issues and then added to the script. The idea of a copycat vigilante is shown, but then never expanded upon - does this set up a sequel, is it a throwaway? There is a lack of context to these moments. What we’re left with in between is a fairly middle of the road action film where Willis doctor decides to break his Hippocratic oath numerous times to catch the people who bought him and his family so low. And in the end, we see just a grudging acceptance by a detective who is resigned to being unable to help.
Rather than the originals very overt agenda, we see a film lacking a clear direction on how to approach social issues, but still muddling through as a watchable, though not brilliant, story. Not quite a happily ever after, but we probably won’t see them again.
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badmovieihave · 6 years
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Bad movie I have Death Wish 2018
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todaysdocument · 3 years
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Roll Call Tally on the Expulsion of Preston Brooks, 7/14/1856
After Preston Brooks beat Charles Sumner nearly to death with a cane in the Senate chamber, the House voted on whether to expel him from Congress. They failed to reach the two-thirds majority needed. 
Series: General Records, 1791 - 2010
Record Group 233: Records of the U.S. House of Representatives, 1789 - 2015
July 14. 1856
On LD Campbells 1st Resn from Sel Com
[column one]
|William Aiken...S.C. | 1
1 | Charles J. Albright...Ohio. |
| James C. Allen...Ill. | 2
2| John Allison...Penn. |
3 | Edward Ball...Ohio |
4 | Lucian Barbour...Ind. |
|David Barclay [struck through] |
| William Barksdale...Miss. | 3
| P.H. Bell...Texas. | 4
5 | Henry Bennett...N.Y. |
| Hendley S. Bennett...Miss. | 5
6 | Samuel P. Benson...Me. |
7 | Charles Billinghurst...Wis |
8 | John A. Bingham...Ohio |
9 | James Bishop...N.J. |
10 | Philemon Bliss...Ohio |
| Thomas S. Bocock...Va. | 6
| Thomas F. Bowie...Md. | 7
| William W. Boyce...S.C. | 8
11 | Samuel C. Bradshaw...Penn. |
| Lawrence O'B. Braneh...N.C. | 9
12 | Samuel Brenton...Ind. |
| Preston S. Brooks [struck through]...S.C. |
13 | Jacob Broom...Penn. |
14 | James Buffinton...Mass. |
15 | Anson Burlingame...Mass. |
| Henry C. Burnett...Ky. | 10
| John Cadwalader...Penn. | 11
16 | James H. Campbell...Penn. |
|John P. Campbell [struck through]...Ky. |
17 | Lewis D. Campbell...Ohio |
| John S. Carlile...Va. | 12
| Samuel Caruthers [struck through]...Mo. |
| John S. Caskie...Va. | 13
18 | Calvin C. Chaffee...Mass. |
| Thomas Child, jr [struck through] ...N.Y. |
19 | Bayard Clarke...N.Y. |
20 | Ezra Clark, jr...Conn. |
21 | Isaiah D. Clawson...N.J. |
| Thomas L. Clingman...N.C. | 14
| Howell Cobb...Ga. | 15
| Williamson R.W. Cobb...Ala. | 16
22 | Schuyler Colfax...Ind. |
23 | Linus B. Comins...Mass. |
24 | John Covode...Penn. |
| Leander M. Cox...Ky. | 17
25 | Aaron H. Cragin...N.H. |
| Burton Craige...N.C. | 18
| Martin J. Crawford...Ga. | 19
| Elisha D. Cullen [struck through]...Del. |
26 | William Cumback...Ind. |
27 | William S. Damrell...Mass. |
| Thomas G. Davidson...La. | 20
| H. Winter Davis...Md. | 21
28 | Timothy Davis...Mass. |
29 | Timothy C. Day...Ohio. |
30 | Sidney Dean...Conn. |
| James W. Denver...Cal. | 22
31| Ale["xander" struck through] De Witt...Mass. |
[Column Two]
32 | John Dick...Penn. |
33 | Samuel Dickson...N.Y. |
34 | Edward Dodd...N.Y. |
| James F. Dowdell...Ala. | 23
35 | George G. Dunn...Ind. |
36 | Nathaniel B. Durfee...R.I. |
37 | John R. Edie...Penn. |
| Henry A. Edmundson [struck through] ...Va. | 1
38 | Francis S. Edwards...N.Y. |
| John M. Elliott...Ky. | 24
39 | J Reece Emrie...Ohio. |
| William H. English...Ind. | 25
| Emerson Etheridge...Tenn. | 26
| George Eustis, jr...La. | 27
| Lemuel D. Evans...Texas. | 28
| Charles J. Faulkner...Va. | 29
| Thomas T. Flagler [struck through]...N.Y. |
| Thomas B. Florence...Penn. | 30
| Nathaniel G. Foster...Ga. | - 31
| Henry M. Fuller [struck through] ...Penn. |
| Thomas J. D. Fuller [struck through] ...Me. |
40 | Samuel Galloway...Ohio. |
41 | Joshua R. Giddings...Ohio. |
42 | William A. Gilbert...N.Y. |
| William O. Goode...Va. | 32
43 | Amos P. Granger...N.Y. |
| Alfred B. Greenwood...Ark. | 33
44 | Galusha A. Grow...Penn. |
| Augustus Hall...Iowa. | 34
45 | Robert B. Hall...Mass |
46 | Aaron Harlan...Ohio. |
| J. Morrison Harris...Md. | 35
| Sampson W. Harris...Ala. | 36
| Thomas L. Harris...Ill. | 37
| John Scott Harrison...Ohio. | 38
47 | Solomon G. Haven...N.Y. |
| Philemon T. Herbert...Cal. |
48 | John Hickman...Penn. |
49 | Henry W. Hoffman...Md. |
50 | David P. Holloway...Ind. |
51 | Thomas R. Horton...N.Y. |
52 | Valentine B. Horton...Ohio. |
| George S. Houston...Ala. | 39
53 | William A. Howard...Mich. |
54 | Jonas A. Hughston...N.Y. |
| Joshua H. Jewett...Ky. | 40
| George W. Jones...Tenn. | 41
| J. Glancy Jones...Penn. | 42
| Lawrence M. Keitt...S.C. | 43
| John Kelly...N.Y. | 44
55 | William H. Kelsey...N.Y. |
| Luther M. Kennett...Mo. | 45
| Zedekiah Kidwell...Va. | 46
56 | Rufus H. King...N.Y. |
57 | Chauncey L. Knapp...Mass. |
58 | Jonathan Knight...Penn. |
59 | Ebenezer Knowlton...Me. |
60 | James Knox...Ill. |
61 | John C. Kunkel...Penn. |
[Column Three]
| William A. Lake...Miss. | 47
62 | Benjamin F. Leiter...Ohio. |
| John Letcher...Va. | 48
| James J. Lindley...Mo. | 49
| John H. Lumpkin...Ga. | 50
| Daniel Mace [struck through] ...Ind. |
| Alexander K. Marshall...Ky. | 51
| Humphrey Marshall...Ky. | 52
| Samuel S Marshall...Ill. | 53
63 | Orsamus B. Matteson...N.Y. |
| Augustus E. Maxwell...Fla. | 54
64 | Andrew Z. McCarty...N.Y. |
| Fayette McMullin...Va. | 55
| John McQueen...S.C. | 56
65 | James Meacham...Vt. |
66 | Killian Miller...N.Y. |
| Smith Miller...Ind. | 57
| John S. Millson...Va. | 58
67 | William Millward...Penn. |
68 | Oscar F. Moore...Ohio. |
69 | Edwin B. Morgan...N.Y. |
70 | Justin S. Morrill...Vt. |
71 | Richard Mott...i o |
72 | Ambrose S. Murray...N.Y. |
73 | Matthias H. Nichols...Ohio |
74 | Jesse O. Norton...Ill. |
75 | Andrew Oliver...N.Y. |
| Mordecai Oliver...Mo. | 59
| James L. Orr...S.C. | 60
76 | Asa Packer...Penn. |
| Robert T. Paine [struck through] ...N.C. |
77 | John M. Parker...N.Y. |
78 | John J. Pearce...Penn. |
79 | George W. Peek...Mich. |
80 | Guy R. Pelton...N.Y. |
81 | Alexander C.M. Pennington. N.J. |
82 | John J. Perry...Me. |
83 | John U. Pettit...Ind. |
| John S. Phelps...Mo. | 61
84 | James Pike...N.H. |
| Gilchrist Porter...Mo. | 62
| Paulus Powell...Va. | 63
85 | Benjamin Pringle...N.Y. |
86 | Samuel A. Purviance...Penn. |
| Richard C. Puryear...N.C. | 64
| John A. Quitman...Miss. | 65
| Edwin G. Reade...N.C. | 66
| Charles Ready...Tenn. | 67
| James B. Ricaud...Md. | 68
| William A. Richardson [struck through] ...Ill. |
87 | David Ritchie...Penn. |
| Thomas Rivers...Tenn. | 69
88 | George R. Robbins...N.J. |
89 | Anthony E. Roberts...Penn |
90 | David F. Robison...Penn. |
| Thomas Ruffin...N.C. | 70
| Albert Rust...Ark. | 71
[Column Four]
91 | Alvah Sabin...Vt. |
92 | Russell Sage...N.Y. |
| John M. Sandidge...La. | 72
93 | William R. Sapp...Ohio. |
| John H. Savage...Tenn. | 73
94 | Harvey D. Scott...Ind. |
| James L. Seward...Ga. | 74
95 | John Sherman...Ohio. |
| Eli S Shorter...Ala. | 75
96 | George A. Simmons...N.Y. |
| Samuel A. Smith...Tenn. | 76
| William Smith...Va. | 77
| William R. Smith...Ala. | 78
| William H. Sneed...Tenn. | 79
97 | Francis E. Spinner...N.Y. |
98 | Benjamin Stanton...Ohio. |
| Alexander H. Stephens...Ga. | 80
| James A. Stewart...Md. | 81
99 | James S.T. Stranahan...N.Y. |
| Samuel F. Swope...Ky. | 82
| Albert G. TAlbott...Ky. | 83
100 | Mason W. Tappan...N.H. |
| Miles Taylor...La. | 84
101 | James Thorington...Iowa. |
102 | Benjamin B. Thurston...R.I. |
103 | Lemuel Todd...Penn. |
104 | Mark Trafton...Mass |
| Robert P. Trippe...Ga. | 85
105 | Job R. Tyson...Penn. |
| Warner L. Underwood...Ky. | 86
106 | George Vail...N.J. |
| William W. Valk [struck through] ...N.Y. |
107 | Edward Wade...Ohio. |
108 | Abram Wakeman...N.Y.
109 | David S. Walbridge...Mich. |
110 | Henry Waldron...Mich |
| Percy Walker...Ala. | 87
| Hiram Warner...Ga. | 88
111 | Cadwalader C. Washburne, Wis. |
112 | Ellihu B. Washburne...Ill. |
113 | Israel Washburn, jr...Me. |
| Albert G. Watkins...Tenn. | 89
114 | Cooper K. Watson...Ohio.|
115 | William W. Welch...Conn. |
116 | Daniel Wells, jr...Wis. |
| John Wheeler...N.Y. | 90
117 | Thomas R. Whitney...N.Y. |
118 | John Williams...N.Y. |
| Warren Winslow...N.C. | 91
119 | John M. Wood...Me. |
120 | John Woodruff...Conn. |
121 | James H. Woodworth...Ill. |
| Daniel B. Wright...Miss. | 92
| John V. Wright...Tenn. | 93
| Felix K. Zollicoffer...Tenn. | 94
[end columns]
MAY 21, 1856
NATHANIEL P. BANKS, JR., of Massachusetts, Speaker.
ex [sideways]
Y 121
N 95
46 notes · View notes
databass3 · 3 years
Concept art
Tomma Abts
Lawrence Abu Hamdan
Franz Ackermann
Richard Aldrich
Brian Alfred
Francis Alys
Kai Althoff
Yoshitaka Amano
Ghada Amer
Even Amundsen
Hurvin Anderson
Richard Anderson
Wes Anderson
Tadao Ando
Ida Applebroog
Juan Araujo
Tauba Auerbach
Laurel Austin
Michael J. Austin
Andrew Baker
John Baldessari
Antonio Ballester Moreno
Matthew Barney
Darren Bartley
Georg Baselitz
James Baxter
Carole Benzaken
Cesar Biojo
Benjamin Björklund
Aaron Blaise
Rob Bliss
Michael Borremans
Lisa Brice
Cecily Brown
Glenn Brown
Borja Buces Renard
Bernard Buffet
Rafal Bujnowski
Ricardo Cabral
Varda Caivano
Francisco Calvelo
Brian Calvin
Helen Cammock
Gonzalo Cárcamo
Gillian Carnegie
Merlin Carpenter
Maurizio Cattelan
Gigi Cavenago
Vija Celmins
Zeen Chin
Chuck Close
James Coleman
Philipp Comarella
Iris Compiet
Sarah Crowner
Ángela de la Cruz
John Currin
Amy Cutler
Henry Darger
Ian Davenport
Noah Davis
Philippe Decrauzat
Benjamin Degen
Dominik Derow
Rineke Dijkstra
John Dilworth
Markus Döbeli
Peter Doig
Kaye Donachie
Pierre Dorion
Vladimir Dubossarsky
Marlene Dumas
Geirrod Van Dyke
Cecilia Edefalk
Thomas Eggerer
Tim Eitel
Franz Erhard Walther
Marco Espinosa
Helmut Federle
Roberto Ferri
Eric Fischl
Tom Fox
Moby Francke
Lucian Freud
Bernard Frize
Michael Fullerton
Julio Galan
Jorge Galindo
Ellen Gallagher
Fran Garcés
Mario García Torres
Tim Gardner
Jennifer Gennari
Nikolay Georgiev
Kim Jung Gi
Geng Gianyi
Ari Gibson
Wanjin Gim
Wayne Gonzales
Katharina Grosse
Mark Grothan
James Gurney
Wade Guyton
Peter Halley
Josephine Halvorson
James B. Ham
Peter Han
N. S. Harsha
Eberhard Havekost
Mary Heilmann
Sophie von Hellerman
Lubaina Himid
Mah Hirano
Damien Hirst
Howard Hodgkin
Gary Hume
Jackqueline Humphries
Steve Huston
Callum Innes
Toyo Ito
Eliza Ivanova
James Jean
Ruan Jia
Chantal Joffe
Chris Johanson
Jama Jurabaev
Yishai Jusidman
Johannes Kahrs
Alex Kaneuski
Jacob Kassay
Alex Katz
Kurt Kauper
Anselm Kiefer
Karen Kilimnik
Martin Kippenberger
R. B. Kitaj
Martin Kobe
Jutta Koether
Ayami Kojima
Satoshi Kon
Peter Konig
Alex Konstad
Karl Kopinski
Kekai Kotaki
Elke Krystufek
Kengo Kuma
Stefan Kürten
Studio Laika
Jim Lambie
Maria Lassnig
Sol LeWitt
Songsong Li
Wanjie Li
Fang Lijun
Michael Lin
Dela Longfish
Rael Lyra
Jorge Macchi
Marcin Maciejowski
Elizabeth Magill
Michael Majerus
Victor Man
Finnian MacManus
Margherita Manzelli
Marta Marcé
Louis de Masi
I Nyoman Masriadi
Gbariele di Matteo
Leonard McComb
Crash McCreery
Ian McKeever
Lucy McKenzie
Jonathan Meese
Julie Mehretu
Beatriz Milhazes
Yue Minjun
Steve Mitchell
Dianna Molzan
Baran Mong
Guillermo Mora
Sarah Morris
Justin Mortimer
Olivier Mosset
Hamoudi Moussa
Craig Mullins
Haruki Murakami
Oscar Murillo
Catherine Murphy
Ishbel Myerscough
Yutaka Nakamura
Yusuke Nakano
Yoshitomo Nara
Shirin Neshat
Ernesto Neto
Yasushi Nirasawa
Guillaume Normand
Kazuya Nuri
Albert Oelhen
Kazuo Oga
Julien Opie
Silke Otto-Knapp
Karla Ortiz
Blinky Palermo
Philip Pearlstein
Stuart Pearson Wright
Enoc Perez
Burno Perramant
Raymond Pettibon
Elizabeth Peyton
Richard Philipps
Lari Pitman
Sigmar Polke
Richard Powell
Richard Prince
Charlotte Prodger
Vitaly Pushnitsky
R. H. Quaytman
Joe Quesada
Neo Rauch
Blake Rayne
Paula Rego
Carol Rhodes
Daniel Richter
Gerhard Richter
Matthew Ritchie
Paul Robertson
Scott Robertson
Clare Rojas
Georges Rousse
Royal Art Lodge
Nick Runge
Robert Ryman
Vyacheslav Safronov
Andrew Salgado
David Salle
Dennis Sarazhin
Juliao Sarmento
Wilhelm Sasnal
Jenny Saville
Adrian Schiess
David Schnell
Maaike Schoorel
Max Schulz
Sean Sevestre
Tai Shani
George Shaw
Kate Shepherd
Mª José Sicilia
Shazia Sikander
Amy Sillman
Dirk Skreber
Sylvia Sleigh
Matt Smith
Glenn Sorensen
SPA Studios
Hito Steyerl
Ken Sugimori
Tatsuyuki Tanaka
Furio Tedeschi
Mark Tennant
Francisco Toledo
Robbie Trevino
James Turrell
Luc Tuymans
Nicolás Uribe
Adriana Varejao
Max Verehin
Ángel Vergara
Pieter Vermeersch
Jack Vettriano
Glenn Vilppu
Bill Viola
Takumi Wada
Kara Walker
Corinne Wasmuht
Steve Wang
Jonathan Wateridge
Alison Watt
Jeff Watts
Robert Watts
Matthias Weischer
Morgan Weistling
Wendy White
Terryl Whitlatch
Richard Williams
Sue Williams
Christopher Wool
Zhang Xiaogang
Santiago Ydañez
Lynette Yiadom-Boakye
Yoh Yoshinari
Donglu Yu
Liang Yuanwei
Lisa Yuskavage
Luiz Zerbini
Su Zhang
Feng Zhu
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micaramel · 4 years
This week’s featured exhibitions:
Silke Otto-Knapp at Galerie Buchholz
Solange Pessoa at Mendes Wood DM
Ben Echeverria at Parapet Real Humans
Isabella Ducrot at Mezzanin
Marie Angeletti at Carlos/Ishikawa
Marie Laurencin at Galerie Buchholz
Michael E. Smith at Andrew Kreps
Līva Rutmane at Kim?
Sally Späth, Hanna Hur at u’s
Kayode Ojo at Praz-Delavallade
Willa Nasatir at Chapter NY
Gerasimos Floratos at Mitchell-Innes & Nash
Barbara Kasten at Hannah Hoffman hosted by Kristina Kite
Rodney McMillian at Petzel
Barbara Bloom at Capitain Petzel
Sofu Teshigahara at Nonaka Hill
Jan Dibbets at Konrad Fischer
Nick Mauss at 303
Özgür Kar at Édouard Montassut
Have an excellent week.
Contemporary Art Daily is produced by Contemporary Art Group, a not-for-profit organization. We rely on our audience to help fund the publication of exhibitions that show up in this RSS feed. Please consider supporting us by making a donation today.
from Contemporary Art Daily https://bit.ly/2WO4UoZ
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metalindex-hu · 3 years
Rivers Ablaze – Egy új hazai progresszív death/black metal projekt
Rivers Ablaze – Egy új hazai progresszív death/black metal projekt - http://metalindex.hu/2020/11/15/rivers-ablaze-egy-uj-hazai-progressziv-death-black-metal-projekt/ -
A Rivers Ablaze egy új hazai progresszív death/black metal projekt, melyben Kertész Márton a Special Providence gitárosa, valamint a Sear Bliss frontembere és az Arkhe működtetője Nagy Andris fogtak össze, hogy megvalósítsák több rétegű, komplex zenei elképzeléseiket. Blood Canvas címet viselő kilenc dalos debütáló albumuk a napokban jelent meg, melyen Márton felelt az összes instrumentális részért (zene, gitár és basszusgitár) illetve a szövegekért, Nagy András pedig az énekért. A lemezen vendégként feltűnik Cradle of Filth soraiból ismert Marek Ashok Šmerda, Cséry Zoltán (ex-Special Providence) és Knapp Oszkár (Grizzly, Wrong Side).
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honeyleesblog · 11 months
June 17 ZODIAC
They can't zero in on only a certain something and they generally make progress toward general training. They are strangely shrewd and delicate, with an incredible ability to adjust to individuals and everyday environments. They need to see, insight and learn everything. They can ably utilize the data gathered throughout everyday life. In any case, they ought to have the option to fulfill themselves. They are persistently at one point and afterward at another ... that is the reason they generally whine about "not having sufficient opportunity." They are uncertain individuals, with activities and cases that contrast from one another, double essentially, dependent upon consistent change. They show a specific triviality in their judgment of others. They are fairly melancholic in disposition, yet they are grasping individuals. Overall they show specific creative and strategic abilities. They are extremely gifted at copying and might want to establish the most ideal connection with everybody. Little bliss looks for them throughout everyday life. The lacking sort is mean, pompous, requests help and backing from his current circumstance. For an egomaniac like this, the main things are joy, fulfillment and solace. June 17 ZODIAC 0
 Assuming your birthday is June 17, your zodiac sign is Gemini June 17 - character and character character: faultless, splendid, perfect, insane, melancholic, pernicious calling: mariner, watchmaker, craftsman tones: dark, olive, red stone: golden creature: snail plant: Periwinkle bloom fortunate numbers: 6,21,22,32,37,58 very fortunate number: 29 Occasions and observances - June 17 Argentina: Public Day of Latin American Opportunity Germany: Public Occasion of the Government Republic of Germany (celebrated somewhere in the range of 1954 and 1990). El Salvador: Father's Day Pastry specialist's Day World Day to Battle Desertification and Dry season. Peru: Commemoration of the establishing of the Manor de Valverde (current Ica). Guatemala: Father's Day. Chile: Father's Day. Iceland: Public Occasion June 17 Big name birthday events. Who was conceived that very day as you? 1900: Marდ­a Tereza Montoya, Mexican theater finance manager and entertainer (d. 1970). 1900: Martin Bormann, German legislator (d. 1945). 1900: Hugo Pesce, Peruvian doctor (d. 1969). 1901: Generoso Chapa Garza, Mexican legislator (d. 1969). 1903: Joseph Fontenrose, American researcher (d. 1986). 1904: Ralph Bellamy, American entertainer and vocalist (d. 1991). 1904: Romeo Murga, Chilean author (d. 1925). 1906: Alfonso Asenjo Gდ³mez, Chilean specialist (d. 1980). 1907: Charles Eames, American planner and originator (d. 1978). 1907: Carlos T. Gattinoni, Argentine strict (d. 1989). 1908: Evalyn Knapp, American entertainer (d. 1981). 1910: Augusto Raდºl Cortდ¡zar, Argentine intellectual (d. 1974). 1910: Red Foley, American vocalist, guitarist and entertainer (d. 1968). 1910: Diana Mitford, Nazi aggressor (f. 2003). 1912: Wessel Couzijn, Dutch stone carver (d. 1984). 1912: Wilhelm Fresenius, German researcher (d. 2004). 1914: Juliდ¡n Marდ­as, Spanish savant, humanist and writer (f. 2005). 1915: Stringbean, vocalist and American banjo player (d. 1973). 1915: Mario Echandi Jimდ©nez, Costa Rican lawmaker and president (f. 2001). 1918: Carmen Casco de Lara Castro, Paraguayan lobbyist (f. 1993). 1918: Ajahn Chah, Talean teacher (d. 1992). 1918: Juan Spirits Rojas, Spanish author (d. 1991). 1918: Raდºl Padilla, Mexican entertainer and humorist (d. 1994). 1919: Beryl Reid, English entertainer (f. 1996). 1919: Galina Ustvდ³lskaya, Russian author (d. 2006). 1920: Germდ¡n de Argumosa, Spanish parasychologist (f. 2007). 1920: Setsuko Hara, Japanese entertainer. 1920: Franდ§ois Jacob, French scholar, Nobel Prize in Medication in 1965. 1920: Gyდ¶rgy Nemes, Hungarian footballer. 1921: Efrდ©n Araya Vergara, Chilean appointed authority (f. 2006). 1921: George Luz, US military (d. 1998). 1921: Gil Parrondo, Spanish decorator. 1921: Tony Scott, American clarinetist (d. 2007). 1922: John Amis, English writer (d. 2013). 1922: Jerry Handling, American performer and author (d. 1980). 1922: Felipe Herrera, Chilean business analyst and lawmaker (f. 1996). 1922: Josდ© Martდ­n Recuerda, Spanish teacher and dramatist (f. 2007). 1922: Paul Schallდ¼ck, German author (d. 1976). 1923: Elroy "Insane Legs" Hirsch, American football player (d. 2004). 1925 - Alexander Shulgin, Russian-conceived American scientific expert and drug specialist. 1926: Manuel Enrდ­quez Salazar, Mexican violin player and author (f. 1994). 1926: Josდ© Martდ­n Recuerda, Spanish writer (d. 2007). 1927: Lucio Fulci, Italian movie producer (d. 1996). 1927: Wally Wood, American artist and marketing specialist (d. 1981). 1928: Juan Marდ­a Bordaberry, Uruguayan lawmaker, president and tyrant (d. 2011). 1928: Jacques Delahaye, French stone carver (d. 2010). 1929: Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, Emir of Kuwait. 1929: Luis Calderდ³n, Peruvian soccer player. 1929: Ovidio Fuentes, Argentine entertainer (f. 1998). 1929: Tigran Petrosian, Armenian chess player (d. 1984). 1929: Pensri Poomchoosri, Thai vocalist (d. 2007). 1930: Richelieu Levoyer, Ecuadorian military and legislator. 1931: Joao Lyra, Brazilian legislator. 1933: Harry Browne, American legislator (d. 2006). 1933: Christian Ferras, French violin player (d. 1982). 1933: Maurice Stirs up, American b-ball player (d. 1970). 1935: Josდ© Marდ­a Gil-Robles y Gil-Delgado, Spanish legislator. 1936: Ken Loach, English movie producer. 1937: Cristina Bajo, Argentine author. 1937: Jorge Edgardo D'Ascenzo, Argentine footballer. 1937: Egle Martin, Argentine entertainer, star and vocalist. 1937: Ted Nelson, American humanist and rationalist. 1938: Grethe Ingmann, Danish vocalist (d. 1990). 1938: Satoshi Miyazaki, Japanese karate ace (d. 1993). 1938: Josდ© Manuel Fდ©lix Mourinho, Portuguese footballer. 1938: Darდ­o Silva, Colombian minister, essayist and columnist. 1939: Krzysztof Zanussi, Clean movie producer. 1940: George Akerlof, American financial expert, Nobel laureate in financial aspects in 2005. 1940: Marcel Aubour, French footballer. 1940: Mდ¡ximo Honorato, Chilean association pioneer. 1940: Hurl Rainey, American bassist. 1942: Mohamed el-Baradei, Egyptian lawmaker. 1942: Alberto Santofimio, Colombian lawmaker. 1943: Newt Gingrich, American lawmaker. 1943: Barry Manilow, American artist. 1943: Vicente Pelechano, Spanish clinician. 1943: Ramდ³n Pellდ­n Garcდ­a, Spanish radio personality. 1943: Burt Rutan, American architect. 1943: Luis Guillermo Vდ©lez, Colombian lawmaker and financial expert (d. 2007). 1944: Santiago Lდ³pez Castillo, Spanish columnist. 1944: Bill Rafferty, American entertainer (d. 2012). 1944: Marდ­a Teresa Ramდ­rez, Colombian essayist and antiquarian. 1945: Straight to the point Ashmore, American entertainer. 1945: Rosa Marდ­a Calaf, Spanish columnist. 1945: Tommy Franks, American general. 1945: Ken Livingstone, English government official. 1945: Swirl Merckx, Belgian cyclist. 1946: Eduardo Camano, Argentine government official. 1946: Ernie Eves, Canadian government official. 1946: Salvador Ordდ³nez, Spanish geologist. 1946: Alun Armstrong, English entertainer. 1947: Linda Chavez, American essayist. 1947: Juan Antonio Rubio, Spanish entertainer. 1947: Paul Youthful, English artist and performer, of the band Miserable Cafდ© (d. 2000). 1948: Joaquდ­n Almunia, Spanish government official. 1948: David Concepciდ³n, Venezuelan baseball player. 1948: Sho Kosugi, Japanese combative techniques warrior. 1949: Tom Corbett, American government official. 1949: Alda Lazo Rდ­os, Peruvian social scientist, minister and legislator. 1949: Snakefinger, English artist, of the band The Inhabitants. 1950: Josდ© Luis Garcდ­a Martდ­n, Spanish writer and artistic pundit. 1950: William Gდ³mez, Costa Rican columnist (d. 2012). 1950: Lee Tamahori, New Zealand movie chief. 1951: Starhawk, American essayist and extremist. 1951: Paul McGuinness, Irish German ability chief. 1952: Sergio Marchionne, Italian finance manager. 1954: Imprint Linn-Bread cook, American entertainer. 1956: Edgar Jones, American ball player. 1957: Phil Chevron, Irish guitarist (The Pogues) (d. 2013). 1957: Pedro Romo, Mexican entertainer and jokester. 1958: Jello Biafra, American artist. 1958: Bobby Farrelly, American producer. 1959: Nikos Stavropoulos, Greek ball player and mentor. 1959: Adrie van der Poel, Dutch cyclist. 1959: Kazuki Yao, Japanese entertainer. 1960: Adriდ¡n Campos, Spanish Equation 1 driver. 1960: Thomas Haden Church, American entertainer. 1960: Jan Wouters, Dutch footballer. 1961: Joaquდ­n Parra, Spanish footballer. 1961: Koichi Yamadera, Japanese entertainer. 1962: Gabriel დ?ngel Manor Vahos, Nominal Cleric of Ocana. 1962: Michael Monroe, Finnish artist, of the band Hanoi Rocks. 1963: Christophe Barratier, French producer, screenwriter and artist. 1963: Greg Kinnear, American entertainer. 1963: Joaquდ­n Otero, Spanish government official. 1964: Rinaldo Capello, Italian hustling driver. 1964: Michael Gross, German swimmer. 1964: Fabio Manes, Argentine writer and TV have (d. 2014). 1965: Josდ© დ"scar Herrera, Uruguayan soccer player. 1965: Mario Duarte, Colombian entertainer and artist. 1966: Christy Gully, American pornography entertainer. 1966: Aitor Etxaburu, Spanish handball player. 1966: El Turco Naდ­m, Argentine entertainer and jokester. 1966: Jason Patric, American entertainer. 1967: Javier Barrientos Grandon, Spanish legal advisor. 1967: Terry Davis, American ball player. 1967: Eric Stefani, American artist, of the band No Question. 1967: Tori Welles, American pornography entertainer. 1968: Luis Barbat, Uruguayan soccer player. 1968: Luka Paviე‡eviე‡, Serbian ball player. 1968: Mari Sano craftsman, Japanese charanguist. 1968: Minoru Suzuki, Japanese warrior. 1969: Ruth Infarinato, Argentine entertainer and moderator. 1969: Roberto Laiseka, Spanish cyclist. 1969: Claudia Pavlovich, Mexican government official. 1969: Ilia Tsimbalar, Russian footballer. 1969: Daniel Peredo, Peruvian games columnist and storyteller. (f. 2018) 1969: Paul Tergat, Kenyan long distance runner. 1969: Alberto Undurraga, Chilean government official. 1970: Will Specialty, American entertainer and screenwriter. 1970: Popeye Jones, American ball player. 1970: Sasha Sokol, Mexican artist and
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jovancqyt535 · 4 years
Gerüchteküche am brodeln über Braun Lockenstab Set -- 2020
So dürfen beispielsweise bei der Lufthansa nur ein Lockenstab Elektrischer Lockenstab pro Passagier befördert werden. Lockenstab-Aufsatz. Ich habe während der Anwendung die Stäbe getauscht, dass Plastik wird nämlich nicht heiß, somit funktioniert das problemlos. Sie wünschen sich einen makellosen Lockenstab, der mit einem hochwertigen Zubehör ausgestattet ist? Dabei hätte ich doch am liebsten den angegebenen von Wella, da ich der Marke vertraue, weil mein Glätteisen davon auch schon super ist. EigenschaftenUltra dünnes 9mm Curling Wand: Geeignet für kurze / mittlere / lange Haare, einfach zu bedienen für Männer und Frauen -Heizelemente Schnelle Aufheizung und einstellbarer Temperaturmodus (120℃-210℃/250℉-410℉), LED-Anzeige Temperatur und automatische konstante Temperatur. Haben Sie dünne Haare, dann sollte der Lockenstab besonders haarschonend sein. Vom BaByliss Curl Secret Ionic bis zum Braun Satin Hair: Bei Galeria Kaufhof präsentieren namhafte Marken wie Remington , Rowenta und Severin ihre besten Lockenstäbe zum Bestellen!
Ionen Lockenstab Tv Werbung
Bester Lockenstab Für Beach Waves
By Bliss Lockenstab
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Lockenstab Petra
Das Styling mit dem Lockenstab beginnt mit dem Hochstecken des Deckhaars. Im Durchschnitt gelten 80 Euro als angemessen. Manchmal machen die kleinen Dinge das Leben groß!
Bei einigen Modellen ist er sogar bereits beim Kauf im Lieferumfang enthalten. Eine wirklich sehr interessante Seite. Damals erhitzte man Schilfrohr in einem Ofen. Die Abstriche liegen dann mehr beim Erscheinungsbild, welches nicht so speziell auf Frauen zugeschnitten ist. Und es ist immer entscheidend, welche Art von Haaren Sie haben. Hört das Temperatursymbol auf zu blinken, dann ist der Lockenstab einsatzbereit. Keramikbeschichteter Lockenstab.
Keinesfalls dürfen die Haare stark ausgebürstet werden. Musst im Internet suchen. Beim Kauf des ersten Lockenstabs ist er ein unverzichtbarer Helfer, denn so wird die Verletzungsgefahr gebannt. Kurz und knapp, er ist toll und klein sowie fein. Bei der Auswahl an Braun Lockenstäben im Handel oder im Internet wirst du herausfinden, dass es viele verschiedene Modelle zu erwählen gibt. Aber der wichtigste Punkt: Der Federklemme-Lockenstab macht keine schönen Locken. Der ausführliche Lockenstab-Test findet sich im Magazin Haus & Garten Test, Ausgabe 6.2012.
Drehender Lockenstab
Glätteisen Mit Lockenstab Testsieger
Lockenstab Günstig Kaufen
Neben dem Kauf im Einzelhandel vor Ort ist es jedoch auch machbar, einen solchen Lockenstab im Internet zu erstehen. Hitzefrei Locken ohne Hitze zauberst du dank Tutorial in nur 3 Steps von locken selber machen ohne lockenstab , Bildquelle: Ich habe da an so einen Lockenstab gedacht, der ab Anfang dicker ist und der nach oben dünner ausläuft, sodass die Locken von oben nach unten kleiner werden. Dieser heizt sich je nach Modell innerhalb von 30 bis 60 Sekunden auf und du kannst mit dem Stylen beginnen. Doch auf die Herstellerangaben einzig sollte man sich nicht verlassen. Die Warmluft-Lockenbürste besticht durch ihr ergonomisch geformtes Gehäuse. Sculpby Lockenstab - 1600 gr.
Was mir am meisten gefällt, der Stab heizt sich super schnell auf. Gut! Schnell ist es leicht, die Strandlocken den ganzen Tag lang zu tragen. Es handelt sich dabei um einen klemmenbewehrten Lockenstab mit einem 38 Millimeter starken Heizelement und technisch eher schlicht aufgestellten Funktionen. Zu den häufigsten Fehlern bei der Lockung gehört der falsche Umgang mit der frisch gedrehten Locke. Denn so erreicht der Lockenstab nicht alle Haare und die Hitze kann sich nicht gleichmäßig verteilen. Die Silk-Serie gibt sich berechtigt selbstbewusst, wie begeisterte Kundenberichte nahelegen. Durch diese natürliche Reaktion wird Ihr Haar perfekt geformt, wunderbar seidig und erstaunlich glänzend.
Das ist perfekt für Styling-Anfänger. Ein Automatischer Lockenstab kann dafür sorgen, dass die Locken wie aus dem Salon aussehen. Noch ein automatischer Lockenstab mit integriertem Motor und Keramikheizsystem - nur diesmal auch noch mit Dampf. Die Beschichtung ist außerden 8x langlebiger, da die Oberfläche 85% härter ist und weniger anfällig für Kratzer ist. ACEVIVI 5-in-1 Lockenstab Curler mit Keramikbeschichtung Haarbürste 5 Aufsätzen (kegelförmiger Lockenstab, Glättungbürste, Zylindrische Lockenwickler) Wiederaufladbar EU Stecker Schwarz, 10mm-32mm. Hierbei sind Modelle mit Keramikbeschichtung vorzuziehen, da sie Wärme besser verteilen. Eine moderne Version des Lockenstabes hat einen Motor.
Frisierstab Babyliss
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Freut sich, dass du gegenwaertig hier bist und hoffen, dass deine Suche nach dem dialogfaehigen Produkt fuer dich hier erfolgreich wird. Über eine digitale Anzeige kann bei einigen Lockenstäben die Temperatur genau eingestellt werden. Mit einer Leistung von 400 Watt bei 220 Volt Stromversorgung können Sie mit diesem Styler bequem Ihre Haare stylen. Um die Toupier-Technik anwenden zu können, müssen die Haare zunächst ausgedünnt werden.
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