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emiratesnews-blog · 5 years
سفير الدولة لدى سيؤول يلتقي رئيس البرلمان الكوري
سفير الدولة لدى سيؤول يلتقي رئيس البرلمان الكوري
الأربعاء، ٢٠ فبراير ٢٠١٩ – ٣:٤١ م
سفير الدولة لدى سيؤول يلتقي رئيس البرلمان الكوري
سؤول في 20 فبراير/ وام / التقى سعادة عبدالله سيف علي النعيمي سفير الدولة لدى الجمهورية الكورية الجنوبية اليوم في سيؤول…
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hxgoweasley · 8 years
@teaspoonofginger liked for a thing
“D-Da’?!” Hugo called, running through the multiple floors of their house, looking around frantically. “D-Da?! Have you seen my school supplies list for this year?!” He was starting his year soon and he had to start it out right by getting every item on the list that he needed, whether it said optional or not. Of course, he couldn’t do that if he didn’t even have the list to begin with. “I can’t find it anywhere!”
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felix-wilcott · 9 years
F2F || Dalix
*walks to Dan's dorm and knocks on the door, trying to wipe his tears*
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crcmulent · 9 years
holden would never hurt dex so this probably would be more sexual butttttt this one - "Where the fuck were you?! You know I'm going to have to punish you now, right?"
When Holden was angry, he was all hot-headed, dark eyes, rough grabs, and, at first, Dex was scared of him. Their petty arguments were always blown into something way out of proportion. There was screaming and cursing, all absolutely unnecessary and only led to one storming out of the flat, and the other storming into the bedroom. That was only until one day Dex had been backed into a corner and before one of them could yell anything else, they were sharing an all too hungry kiss. From that moment, their immediate solution to any type of impending argument was "fuck now, talk later." It saved them a lot of time and got a really hot couple hours out of it. Often Dexter would even go out of his way to make sure Holden would have a reason to manhandle him that way. That night was one of many, and it certainly wouldn't be the last. "Out," was his quick reply, putting his keys on the hook by the door and crossing over to Holden. "I know." Barely shrugging, Dex leaned in, taking advantage of the few seconds of power he'd have before Holden got his way. Anything he could do to rile Holden up, he was going for. "So punish me then...unless you're just bluffing?"
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socbastians · 10 years
Phone Call || The DA & his son
Seb: .. Dad? Why are you calling me?
Dad: Hello, to you too, son. Can't a man call his kid?
Seb: I'm not a kid anymore. But I suppose you haven't seen me since I was.
Dad: Seb.. Son... I had to do what was best for you. New York.. it isn't- isn't /good/ for you.
Seb: My coming to Lima shouldn't have been your decision. I should've sought the freedom from it all, if I wanted it.
Dad: You were too young to know what you wanted.
Seb: Well, I was also too young to be shipped away.
Dad: With your-
Seb: Mother. Yes. I know.
Dad: [a couple minutes of silence later] I'm coming to do some business, soon. I've missed your mom so much. We still talk everyday, you know? Your mother and I, we're unbreakable. And you, Sebastian, I had to fix you whilst I had the chance.
Seb: Before it damaged your career and image?
Dad: Before it.. damaged you.
Seb: ... You should come to Lima, then. Fix some of these people before they damage themselves. Some of us were born damaged, though. We're broken already.
Dad: Sebastian?
Seb: I need to go. Sleep. Let me know when you're actually coming.
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chord-monster · 10 years
Phone Call || Mrs. Overstreet and Dianna
O: *dials number and waits*
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vxsicns · 7 years
Medio equipo se burló de sus orejeras en cuanto salió del remolque pero Dawn estaba muerto de frío y no era plan coger un resfriado justo cuando andaban grabando los últimos capítulos. Faltaba muy poco para que abandonase la rutina de estar levantándose a las seis, retomar el guion cada dos por tres para que sus líneas estuvieran frescas, rememorar cada paso que el director les ofrecía con tal meter los pies en la vida del personaje… no era su primer show mas los nervios le hacían creer lo opuesto. Tanteó un cigarro en la finura de sus rosados, era absurdo pensar que fumar te restaba el frío no obstante necesitaba mantener las manos ocupadas en vez de dejarlas al raso del viento. Le pareció atender la voz de su compañera de reparto no muy lejos de su posición, y formó una corta sonrisa cuando observó su imagen aproximarse “Qué ¿cómo lo llevas? ¿Lista para tu gran escena?”
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hxgoweasley · 9 years
@vermillus   { ♥ }’d for a starter!
“Da’! Da’!” Hugo called, his small little feet running as fast  as they can as he runs to his father at the age of 5, finger  stretched outright, “R-Roschie b-bit me and now my finger hurtsch! ” He muttered with lips as tears began lining his hazel brown eyes.  “C-Can you make it better?”
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crcmulent · 10 years
so you can do these for either ship, maybe both! [text] I’ve been cheating on you… I’m so sorry. // [text] I want you and your shit out of my house by tomorrow morning // [text] Someone just said you’ve been seeing somebody behind my back?! Who is he!? // [text] God, why do I still have your fucking number in my phone?
[text] I’ve been cheating on you… I’m so sorry.
dex → holden: [text] You really aren't that sorry.dex → holden: [text] I'm starting to believe you don't even feel regret anymore. Just stop apologizing. It's done. 
[text] I want you and your shit out of my house by tomorrow morning
ryker → kian: [text] wow real mature kianryker → kian: [text] i don't care anymore i'll be back in an hour to get all my stuffryker → kian: [text] fuck you and goodnight
[text] Someone just said you’ve been seeing somebody behind my back?! Who is he!?
ryker → kian: [text] think it might be your ex actually. he's a good layryker → kian: [text] remember how you were seeing me behind his back?ryker → kian: [text] oh how the tables have turned
[text] God, why do I still have your fucking number in my phone?
dex → holden: [text] Because you like texting me when you're drunk and fucking with everything I'm feeling.dex → holden: [text] Please just delete it and delete me out of your memory, I can't deal with this anymore. 
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crcmulent · 10 years
✽ for a drabble of our characters on vacation
"Holy fuck," were the first words out of Holden’s mouth as he reached the the bottom of the canyon, adjusting his bag on his shoulders. "C’mon, babe, come look at this," he added on, blinding waving his hand behind him in search of Dex’s hand, but not bothering to turn around and actually look at him.
Along with their whole ordeal to compromise on everything, the pair had decided to balance out the vacations they took. The first of the year would be Dex's pick, the next Holden's and so on and so forth. Normally they were just little things-- neither was high maintenance, or even wanted anything extreme. Dex was content with little drives up to a cabin, and Holden was happy just being with Dex, honestly. 
With the money they'd saved collectively on the lack of extravagant vacations, Holden decided to go all out for their summer vacation. A trip across country to the Grand Canyon, all the equipment necessary for the trip down, the stay overnight, and the trip back up. It was risky as hell, considering Dex's tendency to anxiety attacks, but Dex agreed-- he trusted Holden, after all.
And looking around at the rocks, towering thousands of feet above their heads, the river beside them-- it was all worth it. '
Dropping his bag to the ground beside him, Dex quickly joined Holden, taking the spot next to him and sliding his hand into his boyfriend's. "I am so insane for agreeing to this," he breathed, eyes widened in awe of the beauty around them. "Can we do crazy vacations more?"
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crcmulent · 10 years
☺, ✌ - dex ⚔, ☌ - ryker
☺ : How often does your muse masturbate?
So Dex masturbates a lot more than he'd admit to it. Basically, he does it often because he knows it's healthy for guys so that's his main reason I'm laughing such a fucking dweeb anyway it also helps him relax so when he's all stressed (which is often) he jacks off so that's that
✌ : Is your muse good with their hands?
His perfect pretty hands that are smooth with long fingers too and um yeah he's very good with his hands. He takes pride in his ability to do good with his hands even if he only has such few reviews on his skills
⚔ : Does your muse have any specific kinks?
Ryker is very much so into dirty talk wow to the point where it's so porn-y. He just loves hearing it all, especially from Kian because he's got such a pretty voice when he's turned on. He's also into sorta rough stuff nothing too insane just like face fucking, hair pulling, and generally fast paced, rough, and needy sex
☌ : Would/does your muse have any special piercings anywhere? Would they get some?
Define special like Ryker has his eyebrow, helix, and tongue pierced (because how else would he better oral sex am I right) so ya Ryker luvs piercings but he may not get anymore probably not
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crcmulent · 10 years
kian& ryker: [Text] We need to talk. Call me. [Text] I... think you sent that to the wrong person. [Text] Report to my bedroom immediately for snuggles. [Text] Help, I'm alone in a crowd and trying to look cool by texting you. holden & dex: [Text] This is going to sound a little strange, but what's the best way to get blood stains out of clothes? [Text] Give me one more chance. [Text] Where do you hide your spare key?
[Text] We need to talk. Call me.
ryker → kian: [text] you know you can just call me instead of telling me to call youryker → kian: [text] but fine gimme a few
[Text] I… think you sent that to the wrong person.
ryker → kian: [text] you mean the picture of my dick?ryker → kian: [text] yeah no that was meant for you :)
[Text] Report to my bedroom immediately for snuggles.
ryker → kian: [text] so you texted me from your bedroomryker → kian: [text] that is less than ten feet from your couch where i am currently seatedryker → kian: [text] to tell me to go into the roomryker → kian: [text] you have a voice babe
[Text] Help, I’m alone in a crowd and trying to look cool by texting you.
ryker → kian: [text] joke's on you you probably still don't look cool ryker → kian: [text] (i'm kidding before you yell at me)
[Text] This is going to sound a little strange, but what’s the best way to get blood stains out of clothes?
dex → holden: [text] Holden, did you kill a man?dex → holden: [text] This better not have happened
[Text] Give me one more chance.
dex → holden: [text] I've given you lots of chances.dex → holden: [text] A hell of a lot more than I would've given most people.
[Text] Where do you hide your spare key?
dex → holden: [text] I don't. That's unsafe. dex → holden: [text] I'm in the shower, are you honestly trying to get into my flat right now?
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crcmulent · 10 years
[text] a guy just walked through our campsite, crouched down by the truck, screamed “ACID ONLY LASTS FOR 8 HOURS RIGHT?!”, then ran off into the bushes [text] I know how vodka works. I’m drunk, not stupid. [text] I’ll pay you back with progressively deviant sexual favors. [text] My hungover walk of shame was interrupted by a stranger on a balcony throwing me a beer to shotgun… at 10 a.m…. [text] I climaxed at the same time the bass dropped. I think it’s safe to say I’ve reached enlightenment
[text] a guy just walked through our campsite, crouched down by the truck, screamed “ACID ONLY LASTS FOR 8 HOURS RIGHT?!”, then ran off into the bushes
dex → holden: [text] ...What?dex → holden: [text] Where are you even?dex → holden: [text] This doesn't seem safe if there are people like that around oh my god
[text] I know how vodka works. I’m drunk, not stupid.
dex → holden: [text] I think you're a bit of both, actually. dex → holden: [text] Leave me alone if you actually plan on getting blackout drunk tonight. I don't wanna deal with that.
[text] I’ll pay you back with progressively deviant sexual favors.
dex → holden: [text] You know I'm not gonna ask for anything in return but... that's not a bad idea. Am I allowed to want that? Because I do.
[text] My hungover walk of shame was interrupted by a stranger on a balcony throwing me a beer to shotgun… at 10 a.m….
dex → holden: [text] It's safe to assume you didn't deny it, right? If you're getting drunk with some stranger, I swear to god.dex → holden: [text] I can't stop you from drinking but getting wasted with a stranger is never going to be a good thing.
[text] I climaxed at the same time the bass dropped. I think it’s safe to say I’ve reached enlightenment
dex → holden: [text] Can you not play that house music when we're... y'know. Otherwise I'm not going to have sex with you anymore. 
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crcmulent · 10 years
d&h - [text] Have you ever had chicken nuggets while high? Because it tastes like hearing the Beatles for the first time [text] Apparently nothing brings out sympathy in a barista like asking if they have a hangover special [text] This is a mass text to all my friends. Whoever gets this first, please find me and confiscate my phone immediately. I am far too high to have it. Even if you have to punch me in my face to get it. Otherwise, let the “High While Analyzing Disney Movies” texts begin.
[text] Have you ever had chicken nuggets while high? Because it tastes like hearing the Beatles for the first time
dex → holden: [text] Do they not taste the same all the time? I mean, they're always delicious, why does being high make a difference?
[text] Apparently nothing brings out sympathy in a barista like asking if they have a hangover special
dex → holden: [text] If you'd believe it, I've discovered quite a few hangover cures.dex → holden: [text] Just to help you whenever I can, I guess.
[text] This is a mass text to all my friends. Whoever gets this first, please find me and confiscate my phone immediately. I am far too high to have it. Even if you have to punch me in my face to get it. Otherwise, let the “High While Analyzing Disney Movies” texts begin.
dex → holden: [text] I think I'll let someone else handle this one. Night. Have fun.
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crcmulent · 10 years
d&h - [text] I’m making poor life decisions again. Tune in tomorrow to see how much I hate life. [text] Do me a favor I want you to reach down the front of your pants and underwear and just feel around for a while… if you happen to find your balls then join us [text] so I was just driving high and I stopped to let a pinecone cross the road because I thought it was a hedgehog. [text] Apparently I taped knives to my hands and made everyone call me wolverine
[text] I’m making poor life decisions again. Tune in tomorrow to see how much I hate life.
dex → holden: [text] Please come over, love. I don't want you feeling that way. I hate it, really. 
[text] Do me a favor I want you to reach down the front of your pants and underwear and just feel around for a while… if you happen to find your balls then join us
dex → holden: [text] I'm not going. Leave me alone and stop being an asshole. 
[text] so I was just driving high and I stopped to let a pinecone cross the road because I thought it was a hedgehog.
dex → holden: [text] I'm not sure if I should say that's adorable and considerate that you waited or insane and irresponsible that you were driving high?
[text] Apparently I taped knives to my hands and made everyone call me wolverine
dex → holden: [text] Holden, that is so not safe. Are you serious?
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