bunnions · 1 month
you've been friends with bakugo since you could crawl. you know every single thing about each other.
he knows your favorite colors. you know his ears turn red when he's lying. he can always make you laugh with that intoned snark, no matter how annoying he is.
you can easily follow the way his lip curls with a sneer, pink and plush in all the ways a childhood friend shouldn't look. he can make out the distinct smell of your perfume... vanilla.. cherries... and something else. something entirely you. he can't keep his eyes from crossing, just a little.
when he can't bear your gaze any longer, he pulls you into a firm but uncharacteristically gentle headlock. there's a spot underneath his ribs that's particularly ticklish; you only use it as a nuclear last resort when escaping his all-too-beefy chokehold - jesus when did he get so big
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