immaculatasknight · 1 year
Is there a functional judiciary in Canada?
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enneamage · 6 months
i know you're not super into the tubbo cinematic universe but id love to know your read on coy piso. him and tubbos connection is just lovely to see they just get each other and it would be interesting to see if their ennegrams reflect that
When I did a soul-read of Piso right out the gate I ballparked that he was also giving core Nine energy, but that's probably biased because I associated him as being compatible with Tubbo pretty fast. Maybe a 9w1? To make it more broad I'm guessing inner triangle (9 or 6 or 3) since they bleed into eachother with integration/disintegration lines.
I sometimes struggle with cultural / language / accent barriers when typing people, and I am going to be so real, this man's twink accent is present enough that it's tripping me up a little bit. It's a whole mode of being that I would have to eyeball for longer to really nail down, but for now my ballpark guess is a core Nine.
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kywim-blog · 3 months
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Colby D. West
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vomitdodger · 3 months
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Canada is lost for a generation.
CPSO is College of physicians and surgeons of Ottawa. Their medical licensing entity.
Speak out about Covid…gone. Of course these are the best and brightest. This guy is one of many.
Speak out about the wokeness…gone. Dr Jordan Petersons clinical career is all but over. Because people who heard or read his take, with zero actual contact or relationship to Peterson, got offended. It’s the same as being offended by a post here and ultimately someone’s license is revoked for it. Tell a morbidly obese couch potato person with a bad back and knees to loose weight and exercise and don’t say it ever so gently enough…gone.
But no worry…with the severe mental and physical health crisis sweeping Canada, and getting worse every day, they’ll gladly put you out of your misery no questions asked.
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a-dux · 2 months
TMAGP's classification system is definitely a bit chaotic, but frankly after using the Library of Congress Classification System while working at a library I'm just like yeah classification systems are like that. Here are real actual categories the LCC has:
misc. biographies "including adventurers, eccentrics, misers, etc."
dueling as it relates to chivalry and knighthood
the biographies of archivists
"circuses, spectacles, etc." which includes "rodeos, waxworks, amusement parks, etc."
nudism and sunbathing
These are all organized in a series of pdfs which you can find here: https://www.loc.gov/catdir/cpso/lcco/
Anyways, the LCC is a delight to look through and TMAGP's classification system reminds me of it 💗
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snapthistiger · 1 year
excitement in small town.
these people been watching too much tv 📺
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cakesexuality · 10 months
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Looking at the CPSO database and reading the names of doctors I've seen in the past
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immaculatasknight · 1 year
The jackboot hovering over our heads
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didanawisgi · 2 years
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keynewssuriname · 7 hours
Uitdagingen en kansen private sector aangekaart tijdens ACS Business Forum
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De Caricom Private Sector Organization (CPSO) heeft tijdens het 16e Business Forum of the Greater Caribbean de focus gelegd op het bespreken van zowel de uitdagingen als de kansen voor de private sector in de regio. Dit forum, dat plaatsvond als onderdeel van de ACS Ministerial Council, bracht vooraanstaande leiders en experts samen om strategieën te bespreken die de groei en ontwikkeling van bedrijven in het Caribisch gebied kunnen bevorderen. Warsha Sardjoe, vertegenwoordiger van het uitvoerend comité van de CPSO en tevens CEO van Rudisa NV, heeft in een keynote toespraak mechanismen besproken die de regionale bedrijfsontwikkeling in het Grote Caribische gebied moeten ondersteunen. CPSO is een instelling van de Caricom die tijdens de 41e Caricom-staatshoofdenvergadering in oktober 2020 formeel is aangewezen. Het mandaat van de CPSO fungeert als brug tussen de particuliere sector en de Caricom-instellingen om het ondernemingsklimaat te verbeteren. Sardjoe benadrukt de cruciale rol van het verbeteren van connectiviteit en het bevorderen van duurzame groei en productiviteit bij het zakendoen. “We moeten de private sector mobiliseren en aanmoedigen om actief bij te dragen aan de volledige implementatie van de Caricom Single Market and Economy (CSME)”, aldus de CPSO-vertegenwoordiger. Dit betekent dat zowel grote als kleine bedrijven betrokken moeten zijn bij het versterken van de economische structuur van onze regio. De CPSO pleit voor strategische partnerschapsoplossingen en innovatieve benaderingen om deze uitdagingen aan te pakken. Als het Grote Caribisch gebied een enkele economie zou zijn, zou het de achtste grootste ter wereld zijn. Hoewel er enorme mogelijkheden zijn om te benutten, is het niveau van de interne handel binnen het grotere Caribisch gebied nog steeds relatief laag. “We moeten investeren in de ontwikkeling van vaardigheden van regionale arbeiders en het verminderen van handelsbarrières om zo de groei van de private sector te stimuleren”, voegt Sardjoe toe. Ze noemt daarbij de uitdaging van complexe regels en voorschriften om binnen het Caribisch gebied te navigeren. De inconsistentie van de regels zorgt voor uitdagingen voor bedrijven. Zij zegt echter positief te blijven, omdat veel Caribische landen actief betrokken zijn bij hervormingsinspanningen om procedures en bureaucratische hindernissen te vereenvoudigen. “Door te focussen op grotere zelfvoorziening in sleutelsectoren kan de regio veerkrachtiger worden tegen externe schokken. Investeringen in de landbouw, lokale productie en hernieuwbare energie helpen.” Read the full article
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CPSO - Doctor Details
Michael Brown
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2020cookie · 3 months
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skwonkk · 6 months
Wynyard Thalycra Alicia Kravtsov Ragsdale Ducky Merman Calamine Corvid Qinling Sango Distance Singe Heorges Lembasada Penumbra Lemonhead Crisolita Wiedenheft Lifa Tabell Tranexamic Fan Rage Philomena Palmieri Rugstein Curtain Thallarcha Avery Ancestors Gentium Interpretation Sage Fuaahhh Atollo Glamping Ollivar Qumran Pickle Martin Thr Azayakana Agazzi Besproken Lymphonol Yim Leur Toilet Kaiki Microwave Decongestant Wyche Raccoon Clonorchiasis Milty Brygge Flatkey Vinefruit Tothpast Shuppo Ismoil Batton Agresto Giang Gaetano Brollio Hamolly Gerasim Hogstein Maggiore Rambaya Going Horwood Mideojunda More Complain Klath Kernel Markiki Distiller Spacious Jaegan Aurenc Fatab Gueddiq Baywindow Inthewoods Biscuit Stoplight Herzlich Asheho Lorley Hdrid Ashwani Giacinto Fashion Strungo Cpso Itacurubi Seattle Genzō Calliope Krone Scarona Slam van Ryuume Okassel Gibbonsville Ģirts Cowskull Altruisrno Komme Transit Tizic Gazelle Khalaf Bambi Gracida Jettha Ehak Piin Custard Encre Kabanda Skalkaho Ancientwarrior Entertaining Pecent Copic Ruleet Lampo Badir Gather Pupcake Datsky And Shinha Mahasena Cloris Poundit Fetran Milkoli Ooshoya Harpsichord Stek Monder Nortsa King Crisoprasa Zokai Gǎnlǎn de Adossa Nazeeh Mandala Sughd Mizoe Hoga Bernard Armando al Loratadine Phylogeny Glasswall Kilky Telecra Pretzelmaker Betet Liliko Tsorvid Kinling Strawbebbies Reach Peas Hwbie Villarp Solamin Wong Caeda Nikatury Xim Hodgkin Biolol Labf Villanueva Pepciw Omoshiro Marzoe Jace Ancientpanda Humidifier Debabrata Kosmos Eisenwurzen Regia Funskool Nazuci Stromple Feride Feuille Genyim Miogu Shoal Zoueyrat Ortonville Funiculus Tootolbay Dinham Yuzemard Atoth Lalaque Jugoya Vinter Takadanobaba Tatoe Highway Various Ramayana Breuci Shokoko Shordgin Malca Milkawo Mewon Osou Fulwar Talisov Gemeinde Clintail Thymus Imbler Gullagan Distonlan Lamp Basidiocarp Saruwa Keani Hogsana Scirtari Jaim Miraka Peach Afu Lebten Towing Falara Batabata Petrody Petro Jae Gaowen Metrorrhagia Hasselhof Rincon Molco Sogeha Haneun Andere Okpy Ruddigore Elleryana Sanofi Nidjah Platicando Banofee Vitae Gijea Woord Royaleona Eiia Lampo Lankford Rhinitis Pevana Rattrapage Riyoz Lamium Margemallow Schmilpey Clomma Zouérat Ollie Gijsbert Gerefereerd Hakala ImAwful Mulphosia Comprehensive Sassie Dolphus Saiire Tsuyoku Motorvei Habnoxious Sodappa Antlers Yonil Chaque AllTheBoys Kroceri Inesh Datakilde Dorbola Guetta Utainagara Show Mioletta Eissa Dake Brap Falemos Quinyeshinjill Kumi Henry Zoticus Jaego Kerid Harmon Shammo Umatilla Peridot Xihaigu Urigade Gmina Cosplay Mustafarrah Mistik Fashionable Ichiban Dodgson Tuesday Itstasse Millienne Trance Fantomes Nærheten Calling Vincent Sheith Lilique Kiyo Amantes Harose Luther Connections Gargoyle Nolvadex Anli Higgin Omg I Hope You Are Not Using A Screen Reader Sorry Thumbelina Pickella Shakarpara Rectus Bamba Scrollforever Yukinojo Linen Korgan Minakama Minkma Caveboy Aantal Cyathus Winckworth Nano Rer Doles Kunda Royce Rakkark Warren Pepto Tulsi Giantclaw Cahier Dawnset Social-feminist Khuzestan Distowell Mikamo Seminole Tambourine Mumusu Starvationmode Igpay Wadley Grangeville Kib Talys Sodapop Prescott Gherkin Scarab Maltic Lupin Tarawih Kurbonova Floor Lemonade Mugeort Funfetti Nenhum Chickwick Blevet Kurusu Meoshi Zulay Lilova Veludo Tatoe Bêtabloquant Clickick Mountainman Shannari Lilfi Amtliche Chinga Eiredd Filsh Jai Kabatta Haploporus Yababata Pterodactyl Wallachia Noopyon Ruccio Verity Karmabbey Hoopoe Grantsdale Schloss Huxley Nywos Eucerin Hunter-Gatherer Florfey Frumity Juglone Heffa Kababa Ripken Batpom Gralling Intelligence Vigorous Hyuga Carcinova Zorbid Corey Hadhramaut Platinum Anuradhapura Hokahoka Billyjoe Stripeyfish Autolavado Drammenshallen Laffo Musum Uatingara Gdbd Xoele Ceylon Tamoxifen Pacomo Fetai Getahun Jazzysky Pockle Mustafa Habjibidigooba Honkstein Yolpek Lamaze Noizu Verleihung Benzene-tetralin Atintani Glisten Eema H’wut Gaynor Backpain Eraldo Mimama Orthodontist Yplryr Foxglove Eikervei Lina Gianluigi Badname Bratz Hisui Doorway Lavendula Oank Professor Grapple Woja Gynger Pina Myrtle Praziquantel Laluka Papava Salted WowWow Sorao Horlath Stupit Guyu Tooloud Itswhat Whatist Shlipo Zutron Enerpak Grinkola Donruss Lindesnes Yukola Dupplin Racapi Biotène Pustard Qana Girlsdate Sorlala Hulalala Oakislandmystery Synthos Barfi Shax Tambourine Ziemowit Sendopopo Hafizullah Vimothy Minth Arcticmint Leolet Nega Julia Winterfest Lax Sirenix Rosisi Städte Mahtron Lilopo Babababa Spores Zeolite Cahill Yorpola Markham Platform Shuwa Henao Pekoko Napoli Hairdye Ayurveda Abasa Monsto Wakeman Richard Rhythm Akubi Okapia Sutton Lutidine Telekura Taxus Mithgur Minomon Güla Toluene Priah Byleth Caramelpudding Alistava Schmilp Frooties Yapiko Cosmê Cage Lurvo Pooloe Clompus Milffy Independent Tedora Rembran Going Thames Sincerity Triggerword Huwolt Oldo der Shulfush Huala Dragonhat Rapple Battaton America Margle Mountainleech Bedmonster Siguang Crinkle Wildboar Plinko Shiala Springley Kijae Wahab Videostore Justawful Clonei Jinko Wichnaight Voltron Ralfina Malicia Period Annas Nostalgia Calaraira Bushiroad Moldova Sherbet Algo Zuzana Secret Krostanovs the Weyer Willard Mariposa Stronger Candywoods Mouthwash Gandalf Mallom Chodstein Polident Tsudotte Coordmate Koe Silvie Neuhaus Howen Kowarz Saigo Worley Way
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These little gems can put just the right amount of heat right where you need it.
Every year at this time I can't help but notice the beautiful holiday lighting and adornment. It's great to see that even homes with a "For Sale" sign on the front lawn have been bedazzled with lights! But this good deed seldom goes without also decking the halls with many holiday hazards.
You may be feeling happy for the holidays, but you'll be roasting more than chestnuts if you lose respect for Electrical Cords Factory the dangers inherent in the season! It is sad to say, but more homes burn during December than any other month. And electricity is not the only hazard contributing to the risk.
Candles! Gosh they look so good and the scent can set the perfect holiday mood. But always remember this about candles - they are on fire! Seasonal candles on windowsills near your beautiful curtains and shears is a perfect blend for combustion. Please be sure candles are always attended when lighted, shielded by a glass enclosure, and located so the cat doesn't knock them over. And put out all candles before snuggling in for the night!
And what about space heaters! These little gems can put just the right amount of heat right where you need it. But, they can also burn the house down. Space heaters need to be in a clear space! That might even be why they call them "space" heaters, cause if they are too close to bedding, curtains, or clothing there is a fair chance of fire. Many a home has burned even with the heater in clear space. Please be careful about flinging a towel, shirt, or sheet as you climb under the covers. Any article landing on the heater is certain to burn.
While we are thinking about space heaters, be especially cautious about the misuse of kerosene-fired space heaters. These babies can really put out the heat! But please, read the directions and follow them like your life depended on it. Of special concern is ventilation. If your space heater's directions require outside air for ventilation, crack a window or what ever it takes to be compliant. The risk of death from carbon monoxide poisoning is far greater than fire. Carbon monoxide is colorless and odorless ensuring a sound sleep for all eternity.
Gotta love stockings hung by the fire - but gotta also be sure they are removed before the fire is a blazing! Maybe back in the day when wool stockings hung by the fire, it was not so risky, but these days those fuzzy fake flannel stockings burn better than fat lighter. So choose your effect - either stockings hung by the fireplace, or a fire in the fireplace, but certainly not both at the same time!
For some strange reason, otherwise sane and contentious homeowners decide to do their most creative electrical lighting, decorating, and wiring this time of year. Some of the more festive observations have been:
Twelve indoor extension cords lying in a garden fountain Eleven lighted candles each behind a curtain Ten cracked cords in a single outlet Nine rocking reindeer sparking on a rooftop Eight unattended potpourri pots a bubbling and a boiling Seven realtors cell phones charging near a wet counter Six spliced wires wrapped with duct tape Five frosty snowmen hanging by frayed wires Four flood lights on a single broken fixture Three space heaters blowing on a Christmas tree Two light bulbs covered with red plastic bags One extension cord draped over a chimney while the fire's a blazing Okay, I confess! I took some liberties in putting this list together. But keep in mind that electrical hazards know no season! Our friends at the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSO) estimate that about 4,000 injuries associated with electric extension cords are treated in hospital emergency rooms each year. They also estimate that each year, about 3,300 residential fires originate in extension cords, killing 50 people and injuring about 270 others. The most frequent causes of such fires are short circuits, overloading, damage, and/or misuse of extension cords.
The real point is, be it in our own homes, homes we visit, or homes we list, keep an eye out for the hazards that need to be addressed. Lives depend on it. Plus, if one of your property listings burn to the ground, it makes for some very difficult disclosures!
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kishentuches · 1 year
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#garden #flowers #sunflower #instagarden #gardenlove (em S. Francisco, Curitiba) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpso-A3OcGK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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