I just realized how funny (and crazy) it is that America mandated backup cameras in new cars before it did side airbags.
Backup cameras have been required on all new cars since model year 2015.
Side airbags are still not mandated in 2023.
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sonicjustbecause · 2 months
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Then in Japan crazier things like this happens...
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wisdomfish · 9 months
Since the Enlightenment, it has often been held that belief in God is rationally justified only if it can be supported by philosophical proofs or scientific evidences. While Romans 1:18–21 has sometimes been taken as a mandate for theistic arguments, Paul’s language in that passage suggests that our knowledge of God from natural revelation is far more immediate, intuitive, and universally accessible. ~ James N. Anderson
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cnu-newurbanism · 1 year
Pave paradise? No, ditch the parking lot
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Now that parking mandates are falling at an accelerating clip, here's a look at the fountainhead of parking reform.
Read more.
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bighermie · 1 year
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jbfly46 · 8 months
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factcheckdotorg · 2 years
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yourladyindank · 1 year
At this point if you don’t believe in masks or Covid or vaccines you’re just stupid. Like you are actually dumb. You have no idea how to discern anything. Room temperature IQ, and I’m talking C not F. You don’t understand private freedom and public health.
Like the evidence from reputable sources is just, undeniable. Historical precedent is undeniable.
You’re just fucking stupid.
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"Instead of fighting to unmask children, or debate medical rights, parents across the nation are happy to play sports with their kids in the comforts of their own space. We don’t have the time, money, or energy to deal with unnecessary restrictions and that is why youth programs are having issues finding participants now. Parents realized that we don’t need to support youth programs that didn’t support us, or our children’s rights."
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finalatomicbuster · 1 month
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Mandate Magazine (1976) Photography by Target Studios
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dirt-mccracken · 5 months
As much as I want to be a wholly joyous about the fact that Henry Kissinger is finally fucking dead, as he deserves... There's a lot of me that can't help being upset with. With the fact that he lived to 100 years old. He got better medical care, better housing, and a better, more stable life for those 100 years than billions on this planet ever going to see and he did it specifically through exploitation, state sanctioned murder, and lies. He lived to 100 years comfortably on a legacy of violence that rarely threatened his personal comfort. I want to be joyous that he's finally dead, because the world IS better with him dead, but the reality is he won a long time ago.
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anthonybialy · 9 days
Lying Down the Line
I hope they’re lying.  Anti-architects who claim their devastation will properly order civilization have lost the benefit of the doubt from their casualties.  A kind perspective is as tough as affording anything not shoplifted.  Looking at perpetually woeful results makes it tough to think perpetrators could be anything but liars.  Annotating falsehoods is the only truth about them.
Presuming our nation was founded in order to oppress some of the people in it requires ignoring that whole document dedicated to limiting government, which is also part of charmingly lunatic revisionist philosophy.  The search for oppression no matter how thoroughly it’s hidden is sadly typified by the 1619 Project, a project with 1619 lies.  Seeing racism everywhere is part of a commitment to grievances.  A problem in search of a solution offers a tidy summary of liberalism.  Like the cops they think are masochistic bigots, they’re the source of trouble.
Using science as a shield is how its biggest zealots show their love for it.  Aspiring autocrats can’t embrace anything like conclusions.  Getting every last virus assertion wrong sure doesn’t seem like a cure.  Shuttering society didn’t prevent its spread any more than breathing through cotton.  The logical feat of announcing the shot must work because vaccines do is like pretending Joe Biden must be a good president because George Washington was.
Trying to keep panic simmering is so you get used to feeling alert.  A lack of panic means the next emergency will send your adrenaline levels to uncomfortable highs.  It’s better to freak out constantly.  Controlling an illness by controlling people just happens to further their policy goals, so please ignore connections your brain makes about mocking liberties and rampaging viruses.  The only way to make exploiting misery more despicable is their proclivity for exacerbating it.  One could nearly call it a talent.
The gender shift fad works about as well as getting rich by printing money.  Indulging the confused is scientifically dismissed, which I figured would be appreciated by those who claim to believe in it.  Allegedly advanced times are alarmingly deluded and depressing.  You can be certain of having absolute truth on your side if you suddenly decided that an accommodation nobody could have even conceived of a decade ago is the moral issue of our times.
Anyone capable of experiencing reality can’t possibly see men and women dressing up as vice versa and believe telling those engaged in gender cosplay that they pulled it off deserves a pat on the head.  The gesture would be less condescending than they are to their playthings.
Absolute truth is mean.  The only change is in perception of what’s happening.  A grotesque violation of something kindergarteners don’t need explained to them infects legal adults.
Pretending to help is their brand.  Actually harming is their result.  Vilifying double takes is a violation of biology and an affront to true respect.  The woefully misguided attitude is something to actually change that would work.
Proper science offers a reflection of compassion.  Of course, it’s not in the way ironically intolerant goons figure.  Humans can’t change chromosomes, but we can offer assistance to those struggling to identify their anatomy.  Contrary to preening, willful ignorance harms both subjects and the world they inhabit.  Celebrating delusions while pretending they’re real isn’t compassionate any more than ignoring sonograms.
Legal theft helps victims, according to thieves.  Getting the government’s permission 
era where shoplifting is not merely tolerated but encouraged as a way to survive in an economy that’s grown mean for some reason.  We really do depend on each other.  Of course and as usual, it’s not in the way liberals think.  Fiends with more money would hire workers or buy stuff if only they weren’t punished for pleasing customers.
Those with misdirected imaginations can’t imagine any other way for life to occur than through their vigorous intervention.  This White House already despises the notion of compensation for provided products.  Their inherent bias leads them to presume the economy needs planning, which is the closest they come to following logic.  If true, it wouldn’t need the guidance of people so amazing at productivity that they don’t need to go out and create proof.
Keep confiscating income and watch conditions get worse.  Clearly, there’s not enough taken.  The notion of buying a house is as foreign as working in order to buy things.  Nobody can afford anything, anyway, so go ahead and take another mental health day.
They don’t truly believe these things, do they?  Determining if professional masochists inflicting the present woeful circumstances are lying to themselves or everyone else.  There’s certainly no truth involved.  Attempting to demotivate is as evident as working to berate.  You can feel the joy.
The ends justify the means except for how both blow.  Our royals must fib in order to impose decline.  Except for how they make life worse, they make life better.  We embrace the best of both worlds otherwise.  Berating dissidents who notice the results of their novel takes on life is their only option.  It’s not like they’re about to start being good at things, much less stop pretending they’re anything other than bad. 
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mercoglianotrueblog · 24 days
They censor film on climate crisis scam
#SEC couldn't slap co.s with extremist #climate mandates,#Biden must follow the law
#Maldives increased in size and not disappeared for sea level rise
#earthquakes too due to climate??
#UN #Siddaqa:#white men,#capitalism primary case of "global #boiling"
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kinialohaguy · 24 days
Keeping The Lights On
Aloha kākou. The State of Hawai’i pursuit of cheap environmentally clean electrical energy is 48¢ cents per kilowatt hour. We have the highest electrical rates in the United State. Hawaii’s insane Marxist democrat dictatorial government is killing paradise to save the planet. Imagine coming home from work and finding your power, that you pay big buck for, is shut off at your home, apartment,…
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wisdomfish · 3 months
Tolerance can only be a virtue if there are moral absolutes (which themselves mandate intolerance). A universal principle requiring tolerance is inconsistent with moral relativism. Ironically, many people pushing so-called standards of tolerance in defense of their politically correct ideology hold to moral relativism.
Samples, Kenneth Richard. ‘Without a Doubt: Answering the 20 Toughest Faith Questions. p. 224
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immaculatasknight · 2 years
The misery laid on Canadian youth
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