#Cash offers
asherbrien · 2 days
Benefits Of Using Cash To Pay For A Home
Paying for a home with cash, while not always an option for everyone, offers a range of significant benefits that can enhance financial stability and overall peace of mind. Here are the key advantages of using cash to purchase a home:
No Monthly Mortgage Payments: One of the most immediate benefits of paying cash for a home is the absence of monthly mortgage payments. This can lead to substantial savings over time since there are no interest charges, which can significantly increase the total cost of a home when financed. Without a mortgage, homeowners also avoid related costs such as origination fees, appraisal fees, and other loan-related expenses.
Lower Purchase Price: Cash buyers often have a stronger negotiating position when purchasing a home. Sellers generally prefer cash transactions because they are quicker and less likely to fall through compared to those requiring financing. This preference can result in sellers being willing to accept a lower purchase price from a cash buyer, effectively reducing the overall cost of the home.
Faster Closing Process: The closing process for a cash purchasing house is typically much faster than for a financed purchase. Since there is no need to wait for mortgage approval, the entire transaction can be completed in a matter of days or weeks, as opposed to the usual 30 to 60 days for financed purchases. This expedited process can be particularly beneficial in competitive real estate markets where properties can sell quickly.
Increased Financial Security: Owning a home outright provides a significant level of financial security. Without the burden of a mortgage, homeowners are less susceptible to economic fluctuations and personal financial hardships such as job loss. Moreover, the risk of foreclosure is eliminated, which can be a major source of stress for mortgage holders.
Investment Diversification: Real estate is often viewed as a stable investment that can be appreciated over time. Paying cash for a home can be a strategic way to diversify an investment portfolio, balancing more volatile assets like stocks with the relative stability of real estate. Over the long term, real estate tends to appreciate, offering the potential for significant returns.
No Interest Costs: A major financial benefit of buying a home with cash is avoiding interest costs. Over the life of a typical mortgage, interest payments can amount to a significant portion of the total cost of the home. By paying cash, buyers save a substantial amount of money that would otherwise go to the lender.
Potential Tax Advantages: While mortgage interest is tax-deductible, paying cash for a home doesn't eliminate other tax benefits. Property taxes and deductions for home-related expenses still apply. Additionally, the capital gains tax exemption on the sale of a primary residence applies regardless of how the home was purchased, offering potential tax savings on sale.
No Mortgage Insurance: Homeowners who pay cash avoid the need for private mortgage insurance (PMI), which is usually required when financing more than 80% of a home's value. This can save thousands of dollars annually, further reducing the overall cost of homeownership.
Greater Flexibility: Cash buyers have more flexibility regarding the use of their property. Whether they decide to rent it out, sell it quickly, or make substantial renovations, they can do so without the restrictions imposed by a mortgage lender.
Enhanced Peace of Mind: Finally, owning a home outright provides a sense of stability and peace of mind. Without the burden of debt, homeowners can enjoy their property more fully, knowing that they are not subject to the whims of lenders or interest rate fluctuations.
In conclusion, while paying cash for a home may require significant upfront capital, the long-term benefits, including financial savings, increased security, and greater flexibility, make it a highly attractive option for those who can afford it.
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hankbuyshouses · 1 year
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Choose One of These Trusted San Antonio House Buying Companies
Trusted San Antonio house purchasing firms are often real estate investors who specialise in rapidly and efficiently buying and selling houses. They provide a viable alternative to the typical real estate sales process, which can be time-consuming, costly, and unpleasant for homeowners. These organisations typically have a team of professionals who can assess the condition of a home and make a reasonable cash offer within a few days. They also handle all of the paperwork and legal procedures, making the process as simple as possible for the customer. Trusted House buying companies San Antonio firms value transparency and honesty so that homeowners can be confident that they are getting a fair offer.
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rendevok · 1 year
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twitter fluff requests! 💞
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rudeboimonster · 9 months
~help your local rat get stable housing~
dramatically sprawled out on the floor
so i gotta move for the third time in that many years. unfortunately between health problems and the General State of The Economy, I have been unable to find work to be able to save any money. i have no choice but to leave the entire state. i thankfully have somewhere to go, however I need help getting there. i've been trying to do the math to get what I need to its lowest amount possible, but even that is still at least $2.5k.
after this move, i should be able to get things more stable and I might even have a couple job prospects lined up in that area, but right now I'm really scraping the bottom of the barrel funds wise and desperately need help.
if you're able to spare anything, i've set up a goal through kofi so i can track it publicly. i have trouble asking for help but i really need what help i can get. thank you, so so so much.
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disteal · 5 months
There is an astonishingly bad habit in our online demographic for laymen to offer unsolicited, incorrect advice on how to do activism with complete confidence and authority despite it clearly being some made-up shit they thought sounded right.
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cashclawmachine · 6 months
I know Saltburn is different but have you ever considered that it’s really pretty?
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kuijoon · 2 months
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i lied here’s another one
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reread Akira and realized something. Tom is not the type to make waves (never told anyone about Escape to LA). Jake is Jake. both of them are completely out of the habit of telling their parents about things. Did Steve and Jean find out about Muffins 2: The Revenge from a tabloid news article?
This is the funniest possible way for it to go down, so. Yes. Headcanon accepted.
On second thought, Steve finds out about the events of Akira from a tabloid. Jean finds out about it in the form of Tom suddenly transferring half a million dollars into the bank account she helped him set up as a teenager, because that's even funnier.
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perkeleen-lavellan · 7 months
I can’t. Man...
There is something to the way Johnny's last moments are defined by a hand that slips, being carted away in an ambulance, and the view of Night City becoming smaller and smaller as it disappears to the horizon, juxtaposed with the way there is no way for V and Johnny live or die together, except with a bullet to the brain.
They both died alone once and I say, if they can’t live together then they should be allowed to choose to perish together, so neither of them has to die alone twice.
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666bedbugs · 7 months
I’m still working on my logo bUUUTTTT MY ETSY SHOP IS UP AND RUNNING NOW!
💓 babybugscrafts.etsy.com 💓
Prints of all 12 original digital art piece that I displayed at the NOW WHAT??? art gallery are available there :3 updated to include my new signature n everything!
Multiple sizes are available for all of them and before shipping they’re all under $20 <3
Already got a bunch of other pieces that I’m excited to finish and list too hehe c;
!!!***if you encounter any issues ordering a print PLEASE message me so I can take care of it asap!! I am using a print-on-demand service until I make enough to get a proper printer for art so I wanna make extra sure it all goes smoothly.
Also I promise I tried my best to find a site that had good shipping prices for the sizes I offer😭
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asherbrien · 4 days
Five Practical Ways You Can Buy A Home With Cash
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Buying a home with cash may seem like a daunting task, especially for those accustomed to traditional mortgage financing. However, with careful planning and strategic approaches, purchasing a home outright can be achievable. 
Here are five practical ways you can buy a home with cash:
Savings and Investments: One of the most straightforward methods of cash purchasing a house is by using your savings or investments. Start by setting a goal to accumulate the necessary funds over time through diligent saving and disciplined financial management. Consider setting up a dedicated savings account specifically for your home purchase and contribute to it regularly. 
Additionally, explore investment opportunities that offer the potential for higher returns, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or real estate investment trusts (REITs). By prioritizing saving and investing, you can gradually build up the cash reserves needed to buy your dream home.
Liquidating Assets: Another option for funding a cash home purchase is to liquidate assets, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, retirement accounts, or other investments. Evaluate your investment portfolio and identify assets that can be sold or redeemed to generate the necessary cash. 
Keep in mind any tax implications or penalties associated with liquidating certain assets, and consult with a financial advisor to develop a strategic plan for optimizing your portfolio while achieving your homebuying goals. By converting assets into cash, you can expedite the process of accumulating funds for your home purchase.
Inheritance or Windfall: If you're fortunate enough to receive an inheritance, windfall, or substantial lump sum of money, consider using a portion or all of it toward buying a home with cash. While it's essential to approach windfalls with careful consideration and planning, dedicating a portion of unexpected funds toward homeownership can provide long-term financial security and stability. 
Whether it's an inheritance from a loved one, a bonus from work, or a lottery win, leveraging windfalls can offer a unique opportunity to realize your homeownership dreams without the need for mortgage financing.
Downsize or Sell Current Property: If you already own a home or other real estate assets, consider downsizing or selling your current property to fund the purchase of a new home with cash. Evaluate your current housing situation and assess whether downsizing to a smaller, more affordable home aligns with your lifestyle and financial goals.
By selling your existing property, you can unlock the equity accumulated over time and use the proceeds to buy your next home outright. Additionally, explore the option of selling any other real estate holdings or investment properties to further bolster your cash reserves for the purchase.
Partnering with Family or Investors: Another practical way to buy a home with cash is by partnering with family members or investors who are willing to contribute funds toward the purchase. Consider forming a joint venture or partnership agreement that outlines each party's financial contribution, ownership stake, and responsibilities. 
By pooling resources with trusted partners, you can increase your purchasing power and access higher-value properties that may have been out of reach individually. Just be sure to formalize the arrangement with a legally binding agreement and clearly define the terms and conditions of the partnership to avoid misunderstandings or disputes down the road.
Buying a home with cash requires careful planning, discipline, and resourcefulness. By leveraging savings, liquidating assets, utilizing windfalls, downsizing or selling existing property, or partnering with others, you can overcome financial barriers and achieve your goal of homeownership without the need for mortgage financing. Evaluate these practical strategies based on your financial situation and objectives, and take proactive steps toward realizing your dream of owning a home outright.
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bakuraryxu · 3 months
I am buying this painting btw. it is titled Puppy and it’s $60
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yes my mothers the nicest person ever
am I still terrified to ask for stuff and always offer to buy it myself?
also yes
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thestamp3d3 · 2 months
bro im so mad about the watcher announcement bc yeah 5 bucks a month isn’t a lot but THEY ONLY MAKE LIKE 1 VIDEO A WEEK!!!
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the-kipsabian · 8 hours
okay but wholeheartedly 110% genuinely
would anyone. absolutely anyone. be interested in buying sketch commissions if i opened that option on ko-fi
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tumblhurgoyf · 1 year
Feeling super negative for a multitude of reasons, some not Magic related at all, but the recent talk on Blogatog about “microset” products just feels so out of touch. I don’t want to bring that negativity on one of Mark’s posts as I’m not sure I could be polite about it and I’ve mostly just dismissed the product as not for me already anyway. But I do want to vent.
First it’s like $1 a card for random cards? That’s nuts. Boosters are already overpriced with all the commons included. They worked some really good PR speak by explaining away cutting the commons to give you more rares and uncommons, but the reality is you’re just paying more for less. It’s not like those rare slots are actually going to ever reach an EV that makes it a good gamble.
Second let’s talk about product fatigue. Like not only is this an additional release (or four) a year, but you’re doing normal and collector’s boosters for this as well? Holy fuck.
The fact that Mark’s openly work shopping what variation of this product players might actually shell out money for tells me it’s not received well. I haven’t seen a positive video about it at all.
It’s a shame though that they can’t give their golden goose a bit of breathing room though. I shared that post the other day about... let me find it for the term... trust thermocline. The basic idea is that people who like your product will stick with you through some missteps and bad ideas. And you won’t even notice how bad all of them are because sales keep increasing and people keep paying higher prices and buying new stuff and all that.
But at some point you hit that trust thermocline. Something pushes a lot of people over the edge. You walk it back but it’s too late. Because the thing is that was just the straw that broke the camel’s back. They didn’t leave because of one bad story, or because $5 a pack was too much but $4.50 wasn’t, or because two dozen products a year was ok but thirty went to far.
They left because of all of it. The last thing is just what made them finally say “enough.” And once they say enough and leave, you don’t get them back. It’s hard to see because things keep chugging along and all your numbers and metrics look fine. But I feel like Wizards has to be approaching this. I wonder about why they stopped including space at the end of surveys for additional comments. Too much negativity they don’t want to put any effort into handling?
On a different front, I’m also not enjoying the lore changes they’ve dropped with this same product. I am willing to admit that I’m somehow still too close to the story to really take a step back and appreciate this; that could change with time. But my reaction right now is that desparking a lot of planeswalkers while opening rifts so anyone and anything can now travel the multiverse is just stupid. You’ve just eviscerated the story conceit that made planeswalkers special.
idk, I wasn’t thrilled with how they handled the team up cards anyway, and to me this feels like the next step of that. We got to see unlikely allies on cards, now what if we got stories where Thalia was on Ravnica fighting the Obzedat? It feels (I keep intentionally using the word feels to describe this--it’s my emotional reaction detached from the idea that they’re going to be able to tell cool stories they couldn’t otherwise tell), anyway, it feels like they just tossed out a core story concept and don’t even realize it.
Like as much shit they get for the world of hats approach, I think that really works for what they do and is part of what I enjoy. I’m honestly in part concerned that the recent big events that effect the entire multiverse and set up this situation where planes can blend a lot more freely could impact the distinct feel of different worlds. And while I’m sure that’s something that’s on creative’s radar, they’ve also burned enough trust in recent years that I’m doubtful they will handle it well.
Though at the same time this feels kind of par for the course. There have been so many let downs in Magic story over the years that the amazing part is that I’m still invested at all. But the story’s a slave to corporate needs and is undoubtedly more story-by-committee than ever. A left-right punch to KO any creative work for sure.
But I shouldn’t be surprised. They are not and have never really tried to say they’re anything else. They make blockbuster sets and want blockbuster stories to go along with it. Anyone who wants a fantasy card game with DC/Marvel story sensibilities to produce artistic short fiction is a damned fool.
Anyway this is just me venting. Could all be wrong. Time will tell. If you want to vent here feel free.
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